Conscious Living Magazine Digi-Mag#89

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Established since 1989


Issue 89 Autumn 2013



Voice for the Emerging Wave of Feminine Power

Personal Nutritional Genomics Your DNA blueprint for health

Head + Heart + Gut

New Paradigm for Wise Leadership

Clairvoyance & Earth Energies Can Motoring be Green? Depression

Not all in the Mind

How to Use Divination Tools

Dr Sandra Cabot’s Guide to Anti-Ageing NATURALLY 89

w w w . c o n s c i o u s l i v i n g . n e t . a u


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Latest neuroscience research shows you have 3 brains! The implications are profound…

Based on the breakthrough new book


• Do you sometimes suffer from conflict between your thoughts, feelings and actions? • Find yourself not acting upon or sabotaging your dreams, goals or plans? • Do you have trouble making decisions or stopping unwanted behaviours or habits and don’t know why? • Or sometimes feel like something is missing and you’re not fully connected with your deepest inner self? Learn to tap into the power of your head, heart and gut intelligences and wisdom… • Learn how you have complex and adaptive neural networks or ‘brains’ in your heart and gut. • Based on 3 years of NLP behavioral modeling research, these leading edge workshops and mBraining book bring deep insights into how your multiple brains produce internal conflict and what you can do about it. • Neurogenesis—Your gut and heart brains are able to learn and grow new neural pathways and you can actively educate them for greater intuition and better decisions. • How to balance the autonomic nervous system through the mBIT (multiple Brain Integration Techniques) Balanced Breathing method to quickly relieve stress. • There is a way to use your neural networks in their ‘highest expression’ and the implications of this are profound! Aligning your multiple brains We have 3 separate intelligences operating in our bodies and these have habits and learned patterns and can be aligned or not aligned. How our multiple brains communicate and operate with each other is vital for congruence, success and happiness. WORKSHOPS AND TRAININGS IN THIS GROUNDBREAKING NEW TECHNOLOGY ARE NOW AVAILABLE


Get your copy now. Available at or Amazon.

• Become an mBIT Certified Coach and learn how to coach not only to the head brain, but to harness the deep intuitive wisdom of all three brains. • Come on a 2-day Personal Evolution workshop and transform your relationship with all your brains to evolve greater success in life. • Read the book and get in on the ground floor of this exciting new field of personal evolution that takes NLP to new levels.

Trainings coming up in Melbourne, Sydney and Perth. Check out for details


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Editor From the

Co-Creating a New Reality Healthy Sustainable Lifestyle Issue 89 autumn 2013

Dear Readers

Autumn Colours Create Flow Publisher and Editor Patricia Hamilton T: 08 98 482748 Assistant Editor Colleen Clay Client Services Jacqueline Walker Advertising Sales Tonia Ricciardi Subscriptions & Memberships Contributing Writers: Colleen Clay, Dr Sandra Cabot, Billie Dean, Rev. Bente Hansen, Vanita Dahia, Pauline Hall, Paulina Howfield, Matthew James, Janet Mawdesley, Stuart Morick, Marvin Oka – Grant Soosalu, Martin Oliver, Sherrill Sellman, Jacquie Walker, Kay Watts, Lisa Phillips Graphic Design Ronald Abella Publisher Conscious Living Co-Creations Pty Ltd ATF the PH Trust PO Box 527 Denmark WA 6333 Tel 61 8 9848 2748 Fax 61 8 9848 1198 Disclaimer The publisher and editor do not necessarily endorse the opinions expressed by individual writers or advertisers. Editorial advice is nonspecific and readers are advised to seek professional advice for individual issues.

Conscious Living Purpose To facilitate the expansion of consciousness to co-create a world of harmony, love and wellbeing Copyright Conscious Living Magazine 2013 All rights reserved ISSN 10336826

It is autumn and we have just picked the last of the blueberries and satsuma plums revelling in their rich purple array. The early Royal Gala apples have already coloured up a radiant red and we have been enjoying juicing them with deep purple beetroots. In the veggie garden our tomato plants have been producing a riot of sunny little yellow tomatoes. They spill out over the bed and are already into their third batch of fruit. We have discovered they are delicious cooked with eggs or any other vegetable and make yummy chutney. The other morning I created a breakfast dish of eggs, goat’s cheese, tomatoes and basil on bread and realized that all the ingredients we had either grown ourselves or sourced a few kilometres down the road. The lush lime green grass of the orchard is exuding a spring like growth spurt in the late summery weather and at the front gate the bees are swarming once again after an absence of 12 months. For the first time I have experienced their sting. This land is abundantly productive and self sustaining without requiring much input from us. Compared with the effort it takes to run a business, Mother Nature is a showcase of productivity flowing in harmony with the changing seasons. I ask myself how we can apply nature’s abundant flow of creativity to living more effortlessly in our technologically driven world? In this issue we have some exceptional articles which get to the heart of living sustainably. Marvin Oka and Grant Soosalu have researched the evidence that we have 3 brains – the head, the heart and the gut. By harnessing the power of these neural networks they say it is possible to access the highest expressions of our intelligence i.e. Creativity, Compassion and Courage – and enter a state of flow! Dr Cabot has put together a comprehensive guide to anti-ageing – distilling what actually works from all the hype. I know I will be implementing her suggestions. This edition of Conscious Living is being released in a brand new DigiMag format and we are thrilled to include our filmed inteview with KatieJ White see the article on page 4 . KatieJ is a talented musician and a potent voice for the emerging wave of feminine power. I hope to see you at our Expos coming up in Melbourne , Sydney and Perth. If not in person I hope to hear from you on facebook or on email. We are keen to receive your stories and news to publish in our new DigiMag ! Wishing you ease joy and flow

Patricia Hamilton Editor and Publisher



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CONTENTS Issue 89 Autumn 2013 FEATURES 26

Dr Sandra Cabot’s Guide to Anti-Ageing


Palm Oil – Can it ever be sustainable? Martin Oliver investigates

Community 4

KatieJ – A Voice for the Emerging Wave of Feminine Power


Conscious Choices Conference and Expo


The Wolf Drum and Flute Maker‘s Journey

Food & Nutrition 12

Organic Consumer: Wine Making and Sustainability


A Recipe for Wellness – The Gawler Foundation Retreat Centre


Why Alkalise?

Health & Wellbeing 20

Healthy Consumer Reviews


Can Diet Reverse Diabetes?


The Age of Personal Nutritional Genomics – Your DNA Health Blueprint by Dr Sherrill Sellman


Dr Sandra Cabot’s Guide to Reducing your Biological Age


The Sad Mood Epidemic – Vanita Dahia reports on the neuro-biochemistry of depression and medicine for the mind

34 Are You Ready for the Cold and Flu Season? Homeopath Kay Watts defines the differences and what can help to prevent or minimize the effects. 36 Cancer – Defeating the Fear. Naturopath Stuart Morick discusses health strategies from Raw Vegan diets to boosting vitamin D intake.



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Eco Living 38

Eco Consumer

39 Is Going Green Going Far Enough? Creating a Home that Heals by Pauline Hall 40

Urban Gleaning – Is your lunch hanging from a tree.


Can Motoring be Green? From electric cars, bio diesel and LPG to car pooling. Martin Oliver reports


Wisdom from the Paddock – Billie Dean’s latest animal film series


Palm Oil – Can it ever be sustainable? Martin Oliver

Travel and Retreats 48 Indigenous Eco Adventures in Monkey Mia by Jacquie Walker

Growth and Awareness 50

Multiple Brain Intelligence of the Head, Heart and Gut – A new paradigm for wise leadership by Marvin Oka and Grant Soosalu

Psychic and Spiritual 52

Clairvoyance and Earth Energy Work by Paulina Howfield


Psychic Divinations by Matthew James


A Life of Ease and Grace – Rev. Bente Hansen


Set Yourself Up for a Positive Day – Lisa Phillips

Read more online at

60 Book Reviews 61

Music Reviews

62 Books DVDs 63

Resource Guide



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KatieJ White Photos by Nic Duncan

A Voice for the Emerging Wave of Feminine Power


ld soul KatieJ White is a nineteen year old Australian singer, bass player, song writer with a fire in her belly. She is a woman who knows what her purpose is – to be a leader of a new movement, to encourage people to keep on evolving beyond their limitations. KatieJ is the leader and front woman of her band who play her original rock based, folk funk and reggae music. As a bass player, all Katie’s songs are heavily rhythm driven, and being a singer, sore with powerful melodies. Full of strength and wisdom, her songs convey and encapsulate the essence of the earth, and the eternal feminine power. She has just released her debut music album on a carbon neutral bamboo USB. Being a Leo, Katie’s live performances are epic and dynamic. No audience member leaves her show without feeling wowed, inspired and exhausted from moving and dancing so hard. She truly is a queen of earthy rock and a goddess of fiery passion. Katie was born and bred in Denmark WA. At 15 she left school to follow her dream to be a musician and to

prove that it is possible to make a fulfilling life out of what you love. She enrolled in the local TAFE music course and almost immediately started playing in a band and making a living albeit a small one. While studying nutritional medicine she continued to develop her musical career. KatieJ feels strongly that her purpose in being here on the planet at this time is to be a leader of a new movement, to encourage people to keep on evolving beyond their limitations and step outside of preconceived mindsets. Her songs are all about reconnecting with and looking to the Earth for inspiration. She is truly a voice for women’s wisdom. “ I like to let my music and lyrics do the talking about my general and underlying messages and voice, but being a passionate, authentic and up to front person there are some things that I feel need to be talked about “ KatieJ has two missions for which she is determined to be an ambassador: 1. Women’s Wisdom “ Women wisdom is something that is majorly overlooked in our society. A lot of men do not acknowledge it, and some women are not aware that it exists within themselves. Unfortunately, this powerful knowledge has been



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For KatieJ everything she does has to be down to earth album review by

Zoe Car

KatieJ White

repressed by a highly masculine driven society for a very very long time. NOW is the time to reclaim that power and use it to heal ourselves, our family and our Earth. I would love to see the day when women all over the world are fully expressed, living there dreams, and letting their instinctual womanly wisdom do the talking. All my songs come from a place where this knowledge swims like a serpent in an underground pool; therefore this is threaded through the lyrics in subtle and bold ways. I see my music being highly inspirational for woman of all walks of life, and I want to spread this empowerment as far and wide as I can. For the sake of all of us individually and for the healing of the Earth. “ 2. Animal Rights “As a child I grew up in the Australian bush with a father who would bring home injured animals from the side of the road, and my own zoo of pets including bottle fed orphaned lambs, horses, chooks, lizards, budgies, dogs, even goldfish! This fostered a deep love and affinity for animals of all kinds and it was at a very young age that I started questioning the consumption of animals which I soon found wasn’t even necessary for most people. When a little older I found out about how animals where treated in the wider world and how corrupt the farming system is and straight away started preaching it to my school friends and bringing my beliefs into news talks and projects and presentations. 10 years later I am still extremely passionate about this issue and feel quite desperate that something needs to be done about what to her at least, is the greatest injustice in our world today. My mission is to bring about more conscious decisions in people on the meat eating subject and really make people look the issue in the eye.” KatieJ is now taking her music to the world! She is embarking on her first European Tour and will be based in Germany. Stay tuned to the next digi edition of Conscious Living Magazine for KatieJ’s column and video interview. You can go to her website to find ways you too can be part of this movement and join her in riding this new wave. To hear for yourself KatieJ’s music or to order a copy of her album on a bamboo USB, go to her website at and if you’re on facebook, shoot her a like to stay in the loop at

This is a fantastic debut album by a young and exquisitely talented woman, Katie J White. There is a wide variety of musical journeys here, all richly developed with a funky edge to the interplay between guitar, bass, trumpet violin and Katie’s beautifully earthy voice. Lyrically these songs shine with maturity despite her years, giving us insight into complex human emotion and relationships. Like any album, there are a few stand out tracks which I really resonated with:

Fire in My Belly

Led by Katie’s Funky bass playing and earthy soul mama voice, you will be sure to get your dancing shoes on for this rocking track.

Lavender Cupcake

I love this song with its quirky bittersweet commentary on what it is to be a woman in a world obsessed with the superficial. This song has a reggae feel, and a playful interplay between the bass guitar and Katie’s vocals spiralling us further in.

Bow of the Rain

This track is my personal favourite as it resonates deeply with my own experiences as a mother and woman. The lyrics explore the road not travelled, encompassing loss and letting go of pain. This edgy dance on a knife’s edge between grief and relief captures the complexity of the transition between maiden and mother, girl and woman. Musically there is a beautiful contrast between cranking guitar riffs and the trumpet solo, with Katie’s soaring voice tying it all together.

World and Sun

Mature and heartfelt, this track shows the amazing range of Katie’s vocal abilities.

Women of the World

A new funk driven anthem for the strong women of today, reminiscent of Aretha Franklin at her best. Guaranteed to get the audience singing along! CONSCIOUS LIVING MAGAZINE ISSUE 89 5


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Branching Out by Jacquie Walker


ince its inception in 1988 the Conscious Living Expo has been a Perth based phenomenon but from 2013 we are branching out to other states and becoming a national event. Melbourne is the first city to be launched April 19-21 followed by Sydney September 20-22 and Perth October 17-20. Our first Expo for Melbourne is a boutique show of quality exhibitors who are committed to providing healthy and sustainable lifestyle choices alongside a conference program with leading health and wellbeing authors and experts. Our Exhibitor Partners We would like to acknowledge and thank all our wonderful exhibitors who have supported our Conscious Living Expo in Perth for many years and who are now partnering with us in our expo showcase . Pauline Hall and Essential Oils Online is our premier Gold Sponsor Partner. Together with her husband Robin, she founded her business to provide people with knowledge about the finest therapeutic grade essential oils. Their mission is to help empower people to improve their health, wellness and abundance in every aspect of their lives. Pauline will be presenting talks at all three Expos demonstrating how Essential Oils can be applied in so many ways from therapeutic massage to replacing chemical cleaning products for a healthier cleaner and greener home. Visitors can get a free sample pack of Young Living Oils when they visit their booth. Gerard Bini from Orgone Effects has his finger on the pulse of energetic changes being experienced around the

planet. He is presenting a new seminar: Beyond 2013 – The Energetic Changes on the Planet and High Vibrational Zones. Gerard was our most successful exhibitor at the Perth Expo in 2012. His company Orgone Effects Australasia (OEA) researches and manufactures an extensive range of Orgonium based Ionic Harmonization tools and systems which cover all aspects of Building Energetics. Their range of harmonizing tools has been field tested and approved worldwide by GP’s, Naturopaths, Bioresonance, Practitioners, and Kinesiologists. Vicki Lou Delpero of Casa Del Sole is a midwife, naturopath and author based in Tasmania who is now teaching courses in Psychosomatic Therapy around Australia. At the Expos Vicki Lou and her team provide fun hands on treatments including Face Readings. In her presentations Vicki Lou speaks about clearing cellular memories and gives fun exercises and tools to achieve balance in mind body and spirit. Chai’s Ganovital range of organic green teas and coffees include the delicious Ganoderma Lucidum or Reishi Tea and a range of other blends. Ganoderma Lucidum in Chinese medicine is revered as the King of Herbs because it helps to boost the immune system and helps to strengthen the body. Visitors can sample these invigorating and cleansing beverages.



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Making Conscious Choices for a New Era The world is changing and we are living in a new era in which our intentions, attitudes and choices will determine whether we thrive or simply survive. To solve the problems and challenges our planet is facing requires vastly wiser, more conscious, intuitive, compassionate and sustainable approaches. The Australia Wide Conscious Choices Conference being launched in Melbourne explores some exciting new paradigms for consciously creating a sustainable future.

7 Inspirational Speakers Marvin Oka, co-author of mBraining, discusses the new paradigm of wise leadership by aligning the Head Heart and Gut intelligences. Dr Sandra Cabot talks on natural antiageing, hormone balancing and weight loss. Dr Sandra Cabot is a world renowned author and Director of the Australian National Health Advisory Service Dr Peter Dingle exposes the health lies and medical myths surrounding cholesterol, salt and the dangers of chemicals in beauty products.

Antonia Ruhl taps into shamanic realms through her Soul Retrieval workshop and empowers people to awaken to their true life potential. Billie Dean, author of Secret Animal business, explores Faerie and animal wisdom through the ancient gift of telepathy. She is a regular contributor to Conscious Living magazine and is the founder of the Deep Peace Organisation Scott Alexander King - Animal Dreaming is an author and animal psychic who reads animal totems and interprets animal spirit medicine.

Paul Fenton-Smith is the founder of the Academy of Psychic Sciences and a bestselling metaphysical author. His seminars are practical and fun and effective in teaching people skills to improve their intuitive abiltities.



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Angel and Guide Portraits, Aura Photos and Wax Art. Creating personalized portraits of spirit guides and angels is the forte of the talented artistic duo Wendy and Lynn from Angel and Guide Artistry. These beautiful colourful drawings are treasured by visitors of all ages. Tony Marsh has his Aura Photo Camera in action at every Expo capturing the changing colours of people’s energy fields. Each person receives a detailed an interpretation of what their colours represents. John Paul Sutton is a Medium with a difference. He creates beautiful unique wax paintings using an iron and interprets what the colours and the movements in the wax mean to each person. Graeme Hadfield of Wolf Drums is a unique artist who is keeping alive the tradition of drum making. He hand crafts each drum that he brings to the Expos and he speaks on the healing power of the drum. You can read his story on page 9 in this current issue of the magazine. Psychics and Mediums One of the main reasons for visiting a Conscious Living Expo is to have a psychic reading and people are fascinated to hear messages from those who have passed over so the Medium

Shows are a highlight attraction at each Expo At the Mediumship event in Melbourne Val Hood from the UK, Dawn Collins, Kerry Sees and Brian Dale join Scott Alexander King to give visitors a unique and memorable experience. Matthew James will also be presenting on Stage during the Expo. Selecting the best psychic readers is a talent and Cherry Fowler from Anamchara Psychic Dinners has the experience and knowledge which makes her well qualified to be managing the Psychic Reading Room. She has selected the leading Australian psychics for each Expo whose skills range from tarot and clairvoyant readings and Mediumship to Mayan astrological readings. Cherry will soon be launching her “psychic dinners” in Melbourne, which is all about people coming together for spiritual support and guidance. Thank you to our Media Partners We appreciate the support we have received in Melbourne from Maureen Barrass owner of The Sacred Mist and An Alternative Voice for helping us with the distribution of the programs and tickets. And to Elizabeth Jewell of Living Now Magazine for her editorial and advertising support. We hope that the people of Melbourne will enjoy all we have to offer and we look forward to being in Sydney at the Rosehill Gardens’ September 20-22 and in Perth at the Claremont Showgrounds October 17-20.



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The Wolf Drum and Flute Maker’s journey From painful past to success by COLLEEEN CLAY


aking drums has taken Graeme “Wolfy” from a tortured childhood and years of addiction to success.

Emotionally abandoned by his father, from early childhood Graeme was physically, emotionally, spiritually and sexually abused. After leaving school, he turned to alcohol, drugs and gambling to medicate the pain of his past. When his lifestyle caught up with him, he was introduced to a recovery program. The male mentor who took him under his wing asked a second male mentor to assist, because

he felt Graeme needed more than one person’s dedicated support. Graeme credits these two men with “getting him sober and saving his life”. Graeme remained within the recovery program and was able to move on from his first two mentors to a third mentor who he says taught him “how to be a human being”. Ten years after becoming clean and sober, Graeme regained full memory of

the horrific events in his childhood. Until then he had little recall of his childhood before the age of 14, at best his recall had been patchy. He was referred to a psychiatrist who stated that the type of abuse he’d endured when he was a child would require five to ten years of therapy. After three months of therapy his psychiatrist told him if at his next visit he had not improved, she would prescribe medication.

Drum therapy had cleared his mind and he became open to a new future for himself.

From darkness to light The ugly incidents he remembered from childhood sent him spiralling down into depression during which he became isolated and reclusive. Wanting him to

Graeme of Wolf Drums and Flutes.

y Photography Photo courtesy Peter Timaff



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get out and about, one of his daughters invited him to go with her to a drum circle. Graeme picked up a drum and his life changed. Two weeks later Graeme made his first drum with the woman who had facilitated the drum circle. Graeme assisted her in drum making workshops for about a year all the while working on his own unique style of drum making. It wasn’t long before he realised that the wood working skills his grandfather had introduced him to at the age of 8 would become valuable. The drums Graeme made in his own time at home were often given to friends as gifts while others he kept for himself. Graeme was also keeping up his regular consultations with his psychiatrist. Graeme would drum every day to reveal past issues to discuss with his psychiatrist. After 18 months his therapy was officially complete. Drum therapy had cleared his mind and he became open to a new future for himself. The power of dreams During his first year of drum making, Graeme recalled a dream

he’d had many years earlier. In the dream he was surrounded by drums and he was told to: “Take the drum to the people because they need it.” At the time of the dream, Graeme had never picked up a drum. Graeme’s first drum making experience was a turning point in his life. When Graeme next met with his psychiatrist, his improved mental state meant he was not prescribed medication. A few years after Graeme started making Native American style drums he bought many books on the Native American style flute. Long hours of research, trial and error went into the development process of his flute making to once again formulate his own unique style in crafting beautiful instruments. During this time Graeme had another dream in which he was shown many beautiful flutes yet to be made. In this dream he was told: “The thunder from your drums has been heard in many countries. The songs from your flutes will be heard around the world.” Graeme will quite often be shown a drum or a flute in a dream that needs to be made. He has no idea who it is for. Invariably, within a few weeks or months of the drum or flute being finished the “owner” turns up to buy it. Sustainability and development Graeme uses sustainable materials for his drums, flutes and

Graeme loves working with beautiful Australian timbers and burl, crafting them into flutes that bring people so much joy.

craftwork. All the cedar used for his drum hoops comes from sustainable harvest or recycled sources while all skins used as rawhide are by-products from the meat industry. Timber for his flutes comes from recycled, or legal forest or urban salvaged sources. To progress in his craft, Graeme decided he would learn to process his own rawhide for his drums. For tuition, he turned to a highly skilled taxidermy tanner to learn the various ways of processing hides. Over the years he has developed his own technique to process hides without the use of harsh chemicals. About 11 years ago Graeme wanted to learn how to bend his own drum hoops. He sought out a master wood bender who taught him the basics of wood bending which he has gone on to develop further. Materials affect sound The cedar Graeme uses for his drum hoops is a highly resonant timber and combined with the naturally processed rawhide it gives his drums a spiritual and moving sound. Graeme believes that Australia has some of the best acoustic timbers in the world, which he searches out for his flutes from a variety of contacts. Graeme says that one of his “passions in life ever since a young age was to work with timber as a hobbyist and professional wood worker.” Graeme loves working with beautiful Australian timbers and burl, crafting them into flutes that bring people so much joy. “I favour making flutes from burl timber. So if anybody out there is in possession of a burl they don’t need, I hope they’ll contact me,” he said. The density of the timber will affect the sound of the flute. As well as being a dedicated craftsman and a master of his craft, Graeme is a qualified addictions counselor, with further qualifications in co-dependency, self-esteem and anger management.

For further information:



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Turn back the CLOCK rejuvenate your Body, rebalance your hormones and release Weight naturally ConsCious Living Magazine is proud to present in perth Best-selling Author and Internationally acclaimed holistic Women’s Health Expert, Dr Sherrill Sellman direct from the USA. Dr. Sherrill Sellman is the author of the best-selling book Hormone Heresy: What Every Woman MUST Know About Their Hormones. Her latest book is The Promise of hCG How to banish fat, resculpt your body & rebalance your metabolism.

Friday 3rd August

June 14 Friday 7pm-9.30pm June 15 Saturday 12.30pm-6.30pm Mt Claremont Community Centre 107 Montgomery Ave, Mt Claremont WA

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For decades, women have been denied truthful information and safe, and effective, natural ways to resolve their many hormonal health issues.

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dr. sellman’s seminar and workshop are enlightening and empowering for women of all ages! Learn how your hormones really work, the root cause issues that contribute to a variety of hormonal imbalances and the best hormone balancing foods, nutrients and life style choices. dr sellman is a living testimony of everything that she teaches having healed all her chronic health issues naturally.

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infertility, fibroids, endometriosis Be free from depression, anxiety and mood swings Renew your libido Lose FAT and RESCULPT your body Release excess weight permanently Create strong, flexible bones Have a symptom-free menopause Create an optimally strong immune system and pain free body Build healthy skin and hair CONSCIOUS LIVING MAGAZINE ISSUE 89 11


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Food & Nutrition

Organic Wine,Winemaking and Sustainability


rom humble beginnings in Tea Tree Gully, Angove Family Winemakers have grown to become one of Australia’s oldest family owned and operated wine companies and producers of organic wine using organic winemaking methods.

Angove Organic Sauvignon Blanc 2013 is produced from ripe flavoursome fruit that has clean crisp flavours of tropical fruits of gooseberry with herbaceous notes and a long full clean finish. This elegant wine makes a perfect partner to a variety of dishes such as paella or salmon potpie as well as roast chicken or creamy pasta dishes.

Temple Bruer Eden Valley Riesling 2012 is sourced from a very light crop ripened early in ideal conditions. The result is a very pale straw wine with a tinge of green. It has intense Riesling citrus flavours that combine with floral notes in the back ground. To read more and order visit

Thistle Hill was founded back in 1975 making it one of Australia’s longest operating organic wineries in the central ranges region, Mudgee NSW. Great wine starts with great vines and a connection, and true commitment to the earth that sustains them. In the mid to late 90’s, Thistle Hill’s Cabernet Sauvignon was rated as one of the ‘continent’s best’ by reviewer Robin Bradley and was awarded a coveted five-star rating, five years in a row. Thistle Hill 2011 Organic Sparkling Rose is made from Organic Mourvedre grapes from the cabernet family. The base wine is made using the traditional saignee method and after being warmed and allowed to ferment with natural yeasts it is made into a sparkling wine using the charmat method. It is a beautiful salmon pink with cherry, strawberry and spicy aromas that fill the senses and excite the palate with a lingering dry finish. For information and orders visit 12 CONSCIOUS LIVING MAGAZINE ISSUE 89


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Rosnay Winner of the Organic Pioneers Award in NSW in 2012 Rosnay has been a pioneer of organic sparkling wine since 2008 when it produced its first sparkling chardonnay. Following the sell out success of that wine, in 2009 Rosnay made its first sparkling Rose. Organic sparkling wine is made from certified organic grapes, and then vinified into a low alcohol base wine, before fermenting again with certified organic raw sugar in a pressure tank to produce the elegant bubbles. Sparkling wines made in this way preserve more overt fruit characters than bottle fermented wines, and the 2011 Sparkling Rose is now one of the winery’s most popular wines. Rosnay was created by the Statham family in 1997 in the Cowra Wine Region, and they have been certified organic and biodynamic since the vines were first planted. The Stathams also produce Rosnay organic kalamata olives and figs. At Rosnay they believe it’s important to celebrate life, and this wine, in moderation of course, is perhaps the best way to do it. You can find the stockists of the Rosnay on their website,

MOMO A fresh and uplifting wine from New Zealand. MOMO wines are made using grapes from Seresin’s three biodynamic vineyards and, for some wines; grapes are also selected from a dedicated grower’s vineyard which is in conversion to organics. From these roots, MOMO has developed its own identity, embracing traditional winemaking to produce wines which are true to variety and reflect the essence of their fruit characters. MOMO, `Offspring’ in Maori, reflects its heritage as part of the Seresin Estate family - wines grown naturally to express the season and land from which they come.

2011 Sauvignon Blanc Wine maker Clive Dougall has produced a wine that is textural and rich with subtle notes of lemon zest and passionfruit. The finish is crisp and dry with aromas of tropical fruit and ripe pear that deliciously complements all types of seafood and summer salads. For more information and to order visit



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Alkalising Greens A Spoon-Full of Goodness

Super Food Cereal As more and more research reveals, Australia is on the brink of a diabetes epidemic. Consumers are becoming increasingly health conscious.Goodness Superfoods has a range of products featuring BARLEYmax™, a super grain developed by the CSIRO, which can help reduce the risk factors for diabetes, heart disease, cancer and other life threatening illnesses. Renowned nutritionist and dietitian, Dr. Joanna McMillan believes eating natural unprocessed foods, such as fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains and CSIRO developed BARLEYmax™, will ensure you lead a healthier lifestyle. “This natural, non-genetically modified wholegrain contains twice the dietary fibre of regular grains and has a low GI. It has been through a rigorous set of animal and human trials to substantiate what we say about its benefits.” The Goodness Superfoods range of cereals is available at Coles, Woolworths and leading Independents.

Morlife have created a delicious and healthy product that aims to increase alkalinity and rebalance diets that so often are heavy in acidic foods. Balancing the body’s pH level helps to improve the immune system and digestion as well as increasing energy levels. And research has shown that one of the keys to having beautiful skin lies in eating more fruits and vegetables. Alkalising Greens pH7.3 is a delicious easy to use powder with a lemon/lime flavour that contains 13 vegetables, 5 fruits, 4 certified organic green superfoods, prebiotics and probiotics, 3 alkalising minerals and 5 energising herbs and all it takes is one tablespoon per serve. It can be added to juices or smoothies and can be incorporated into everyday meals. You can find recipes and tips on Morlife’s dedicated website

“BeNew Body” beat the belly fat Lifeforce International has developed a new dietary product called BeNew Body to help beat the problem of unwanted body fat. Obesity is on the rise and is one of the leading health issues of our time. Storing food as fat in the body is a problem that leads to excess visceral fat (aka belly fat) which can lead to heart disease, cancer, stroke, arthritis, type 2 diabetes, and even sexual dysfunction. After much research Life Force has formulated a three stage Simple Slimming System called Be New Body! 1. A metabolism booster 2. A one week cleanse 3. A protein plus a meal replacement BeNew Body is endorsed by America’s Nutrition Expert™, Mitzi Dulan, RD who has created customized meal guidelines, recipes and a fitness program to support the program. See for all the details and stories to read.



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Food & Nutrition

Funky and Fruity Herbal Teaz and Coffeez With a variety of blends from fruity to medicinal, relaxing, taste bud tantalizing and soulfully invigorating Loose Lips sell not only herbal teas but an experience of the senses. Combining natural fragrant herbs and spices with no artificial flavours or colours, no two blends are the same. The highest quality raw ingredients are sourced then blended and hand packed by the business brainchild Cherri, who also taste tests and quality tests every blend and batch that enters the market place. Their range of coffees include a choice of organic and Robusta Beans prepared for plunger, dripper, cafe style and percolator. For more information and stockists visit

Green Wheat Juice Drinking wheatgrass juice is a fast and highly effective way to eliminate internal wastes and toxins from the body while adding valuable nutrients. On an empty stomach wheatgrass juice is assimilated in about 20 minutes and the vitality lasts throughout the day. Many fruits and veggies we buy today are nutrient deficient .30 mls of freshly squeezed wheatgrass juice contains as much nutrient value as 1 kilo of fresh green veggies in vitamin mineral and amino acid content. Wheatgrass can strengthen the cells, detoxify the liver and bloodstream and chemically neutralize polluting elements in the environment. Grow your Own 1. Soak organic seeds in cold water for 12 hours overnight. 2. Rest seeds for 12 hours drain in suitable

container, large jar perhaps with open mesh lid or in a sprouting bag. 3. Give a 5-minute drink before sowing. 4. Sow in organic soil, press seeds down firmly so they can make contact with mother earth (organic soil) and form a thick carpet. 5. Cover with 4-8 layers of soaking wet newspaper or wet cheese cloth. 6. To prevent seeds coming in contact with newspaper use a thin layer of wet paper towels. 7. In 4 days the wheat sprouts will lift the top cover. 8. Remove the cover, wet thoroughly but allow to drain and relocate somewhere warm and sunny (only morning sun). 9. 7-10 days the grass will be 12-15 cm high and ready to be harvested. 10. Cut as close to the base as possible. 11. Juice using the Ceramic Pro Multi-function Living Juicer, drink and enjoy feeling very alive. For more information visit



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Food & Nutrition

a recipe for

Wellness I

n the Yarra Valley set on 40 beautiful acres of bushland the Gawler Foundation offers positive health and wellbeing retreats for people with cancer and other serious illnesses. The Foundation has now released a cook book filled with healthy and delicious recipes. In 1975 when Dr Ian Gawler developed bone cancer, he followed an intensive health regime including good food, positive attitudes, meditation and loving support to beat his prognosis. Based on Ian’s experience Australia’s first active Cancer Support Group was established in 1981 to teach people how to increase their chances of survival from cancer and in 1983 The Gawler Foundation was established as a non-profit, non-denominational organisation to continue this important work. For over 30 years the Gawler Foundation has been advocating positive lifestyle changes to help people improve their health and wellbeing. They advocate a lifestyle approach including regular meditation, good nutrition, effective support and the quest for meaning; in essence helping people improve their health and wellbeing by making positive changes to the way they live. Live Well Retreats The Live Well retreats and programs help busy people relax, examine their lives, find ways to reconnect with family and plan to live a more fulfilling life. The programs are based on seven essential principles to activate the body’s potential

for healing, to restore natural balance and rejuvenate. Participants learn how mindfulness meditation can bring balance to everyday life and help calm the mind. All the retreats are run at The Yarra Valley Living Centre, in Victoria, set on 40 acres of beautiful bushland. While on retreat participants enjoy a diet of organically grown, alive food to boost energy and immunity, all prepared by trained chefs. The Eat Well: Be Well Healthy recipes from The Gawler Foundation kitchen is a collection of healthy wholefood plant-based recipes. Here are some mouth watering recipes to try.



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Quinoa tabouli Serves 4 1 cup quinoa 2 tomatoes 1 lebanese cucumber or ½ continental cucumber 6 olives ¼ bunch chives ½ bunch parsley 2 sprigs mint 1 sprig marjoram 3 tbs lemon juice 1 tbs tamari • Wash and rinse quinoa and cover with water and allow to soak for 30 minutes before cooking. • Rinse the quinoa again and cook in 1 ½ cups of water. Bring to the boil, reduce to a low simmer, cover and cook gently for 15 minutes. • Remove from heat, keep covered and allow to sit for 10 minutes. Use a fork to lift and separate the grains and allow the quinoa to cool. • Dice the tomatoes into small cubes. • Dice the cucumber into small cubes. • Remove the pips from the olives and roughly chop. • Remove woody stems from the herbs. Wash and dry in a salad spinner or use a clean tea towel. Finely chop the fresh herbs. • Once the Quinoa is cool, place all ingredients in a large bowl and gently toss together before serving. Almond & Fruit Truffles Makes 24 - gluten free 1 ¾ cups whole raw almonds with skin on 2 cups dates, pitted and roughly chopped (or any combination of sultanas, currants, prunes, dried apricots or dried figs in place of 2 cups of dates) 2 tsp pure vanilla essence ¼ cup cocoa (optional) • Place all almonds into a food processor and roughly chop. • Remove 1 ½ cups of the roughly chopped almonds and set aside. Continue to process the remaining almonds until they are a fine meal. • Remove the almond meal from food processor and add cocoa. Set aside for rolling stage to coat the balls. • Chop dates by hand into quarters making sure all the pips are removed. • Return the 1 ½ cups of chopped almonds and the chopped dates into the food processor. Add vanilla essence and process until mixture is well combined.

• Take a heaped teaspoon of mixture, form the paste into a ball and roll to coat in the reserved almond meal and cocoa mixture. Repeat this until you have used all the mixture. • Almond and fruit truffles should be kept small as this mixture is very rich. Almond and fruit truffles can be stored for up to three days in the refrigerator. Ideal for schools lunches or at suppertime. Delicious and healthy. For more information visit or call 1300 651 211 CONSCIOUS LIVING MAGAZINE ISSUE 89 17


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Food & Nutrition


Why Alkalise? The art of using Alkala N

By David Woolcott MCMA


ach system of the body has its own physiological pH value and when the tissue or organ varies too far from that pH range, it becomes susceptible to disease.

Humans live in an acidic environment eating poor quality, highly processed foods as well as consuming acidifying prescription medications. We are being exposed to polluted water and air, environmental toxins, and have poor breathing techniques which all add to the acidic burden of the body. Most diseases arise from an acidic milieu. An acidic body is a reactive body, thus by reducing acidity, one can also reduce allergic symptoms, tendency towards inflammation, and reverse the trend toward chronic conditions. An alkaliser will aid in reducing tissue acidosis and will shift the acid-base balance to a normal range, promoting good health and well-being. If an alkalising diet is embraced and an alkaliser (such as Alkala N form Sanum) is used to shift the acidic pH during the initial period of therapy, then the pH balance will often normalise within a few months. Alkalising the body can be explained with basic chemistry and physiology. (NaCl + H2O + CO2 = HCl + NaHCO3). To begin, the border cells of the stomach produce hydrochloric acid (HCl) and sodium hydrogen carbonate (NaHCO3) from salt (NaCl) in the blood, water (H2O) and carbon dioxide (CO2). The HCl leaves the border cells of the stomach wall and enter the lumen, where the stomach prevails over acidic reactions to break down the proteins into polypeptides. Once the polypeptides enter the duodenum, they will be further broken down into amino acids by trypsin from the pancreas. The base mixture of NaHCO3 proceeds through the blood via the ‘alkalophilic’ organs and into the intestines. Incomplete Digestion These alkalophilic organs need bases (large amounts of NaHCO3) in order to produce their digestive secretions. This includes the liver, gall bladder, pancreas, and Brunner’s gland of the small intestine. If the alkaline reaction in the duodenum is insufficient, the digestion of fats, carbohydrates, and proteins remain incomplete and decomposition or fermentation sets in. In addition, the acids including phosphoric acid, sulphuric acid and uric acid are not neutralised and further accumulate in the connective tissues.

The four buffering minerals used in the body include sodium, potassium, calcium and magnesium. The key ingredients in a good alkalising agent are sodium bicarbonate and potassium bicarbonate. The sodium and potassium help bring the bicarbonate component into the cells via the sodium-potassium pumps. The bicarbonate then becomes raw material to support the digestive and alkalophilic organs including: the pancreas to form enzymes; the stomach to form hydrochloric acid; and the liver to form bile. In this process, the excess hydrogen ions are being used up in the chemical reactions, thus decreasing the acidic burden of the milieu and restoring the normal acid-base balance. The pH levels for blood, urine and saliva The blood will remain within its narrow pH range of 7.35 to 7.45. When excess acid (or hydrogen ions) enters the blood during assimilation, the body buffers the blood by dumping the excess hydrogen ions into the connective tissue (milieu, interstitial space or extracellular matrix). In normal circumstances during the night, the body detoxifies and transports the excess acid to the kidneys where the acid is filtered out of the



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blood and into the urine. However, as the milieu becomes overburdened with acid, the detoxification process will not be as efficient and an accumulation of acid will build up in the connective tissues. Over time, this leads or lays the foundation for chronic degenerative conditions. Through the detoxification process, the first morning urine is naturally more acidic (6.0 - 6.4). The normal urinary pH value range during the day should be between 6.8 and 7.4. When measuring the pH values, if the values are below either of these ranges, then this is an indicator for tissue acidosis. Salivary pH is generally more alkaline than urinary pH and is ideally between 7.0 - 7.5. This is an indicator of how the digestive processes are functioning. How to take an AlkalA N The ideal times to take an alkaliser are 10:00 am and 4:00 pm. This is the low energetic time for the pancreas according to Traditional Chinese Medicine. Taking an alkaliser during these times supports and boosts the activity of the pancreas in addition to aiding digestion. If one is not able to take an alkaliser during these times, then it may be taken twice daily in the morning and before bedtime. Alkala N should be taken on an empty stomach to avoid interference with the hydrochloric acid production needed for digestion of food. It can be taken 20 minutes before or two hours after eating. An Alkala N should be taken with warm water, as this allows the alkaliser to bypass the stomach through the pyloric sphincter and go directly into the duodenum to be absorbed. It is important to monitor the levels of the pH during the time of using Alkala N and the pH values should remain between 7.0 and 8.0 while alkalising, as this alkaline state helps use up the excess hydrogen ions. Dosage of Alkala N is generally between ½ Scoop to 1 scoop two to three times daily, depending on how acidic the body is. The length of time to take Alkala N depends on the pH values. Generally, Alkala N is taken for approximately five to six months and should be combined with an alkaline diet. However, in some case with extreme acidosis of the tissue, Alkala N may be taken up to two years. Naturally, if one is going to take Alkala

Alkalising Therapy Product



Alkala N

Alkalising formula

½ to 1 scoop in a glass of warm filtered water; drink down one to three times a day before food, about 20 minutes before food.


Reduces lactic acid build up in the tissues. Removes excess acid out of the tissues. It increases the cell respiration by 340%.

½ to 1 full cap in a glass of water. May be mixed with the Alkala N. taken one to three times.



Regulates cellular metabolism. Gastrointestinal dysfunction.

½ to 1 full cap in a glass of water. May be mixed with the Alkala N. taken one to three times.

Reduces inflammation, decreases inflammation of joints, arthritis, rheumatism, muscles soreness, and allergies.

N for two years it is best to take a one month break from the Alkala N each year and the dose lowered after eight months. It is best at one scoop per day. In taking Alkala N it is recommended that it is initially taken for two months, and then stopped for a few days, and then the pH levels are measured again. If these values are still on the acidic side, then alkalising may be continued for another month each time, stopping for a few days and retesting, continuing until the desired pH is reached. In using Alkala N, the aim is to mechanically shift the acid out of the body. It has been said that what Alkala N can do in three to four months, may take more than two to three years to accomplish the same results eating a vegetarian diet alone. Other considerations Bacterial infections of the urinary tract and many prescription medications can create alkaline urine. In addition, an acid block may also show ‘normal’ pH values for the urine. An acid block occurs when the body is unable to eliminate the acid waste properly from the body overnight, thus (it) accumulates in the milieu at a faster rate. This is may be caused by the kidneys and characterised by an alkaline urinary pH for the first morning void, while chronic symptoms indicate an acidic terrain. For cases of acid block, it is advised to look deeper into the health of the kidneys and the possible heavy metal burden.

½ to 1 full cap in a glass of water. May be mixed with the Alkala N. taken one to three times.

Symptoms of Acid Stress • Heartburn, indigestion, flatulence. • Irritable Bowel syndrome (IBS). • Colitis. • Constipation, Diverticulum and Diverticulitis. • Joint Pain, aching muscles, stiffness, lactic acid build-up. • Sandy joints / grinding joints. • Arthritis, Osteoporosis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Ankyosing Spondylitis. • Fibromyalgia. • Immune deficiency, Recurring viruses. • Low energy and Chronic fatigue. • Blood sugar problems, Insulin resistances syndrome. • Weight gain, Obesity, Diabetes. • Cardiovascular Diseases. • Free radical damage possibly links to cancer. • Being acidic increases the risk of cancer. • Premature aging. • Bladder infection. • Respiratory tract diseases. • Skin problems. • Liver and Gallbladder problems. • Gout. • Sugar craving • Heavy metal toxicity (Like Mercury, lead, cadmium). • Allergies. For more information, visit: Phone 08 93856066 Email: CONSCIOUS LIVING MAGAZINE ISSUE 89 19


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Health & Wellbeing

reviews by Janet Walker


What is a TENS Machine? In simple terms it is a Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation device. Transcutaneous means “across the skin” so it stimulates your nerves via an electrical current through your skin. It is an easy to use electronic method of pain relief. Modified electrical pulses are passed from the TENS unit, via the lead wires and electrodes, to the nerves which lie underneath the skin’s surface. The experience you normally feel is a comfortable tingle. It can be used to relieve neck and back pain, and other pain such as restless leg syndrome. For more information and stockists visit

Music to recharge your Brain This unique sound therapy program created by Patricia and Rafaele Joudry plays specially recorded analogue tapes of highly filtered classical music designed to rehabilitate the ear and stimulate the brain. The music stimulates the ear by presenting it with constantly alternating sounds of high and low tone. This exercises the middle ear muscles and stimulates the receptor cells in the ear. It is a small device that hooks up to a set of headphones which is light and portable. By listening to the specially recorded music tapes while you go about your daily routine it is a simple and effective way to enhance your quality of life. Distributed around the world by Sound Therapy International, the program has proven to be beneficial in alleviating tinnitus and learning difficulties amongst its many health benefits. I found it very simple to use and I have enjoyed the relaxing experience of the music and improved cognitive function. For more information and stockists visit

Nature’s Best Kept Rejuvenating Secret

Lose Pain and Weight while you Rest

Lariese Moroccan Argan Oil 25 million years ago Mother Nature created the Argan tree which now grows only in a small region in Southwest Morocco. For centuries it’s been known to the Berber women of Morocco for its healing and rejuvenating qualities. Argania spinosa is a 100% pure, certified organic, cold pressed oil (ECO Certified & Fair trade) containing no additives, chemical ingredients, artificial colouring, perfumes, preservatives or irritants. This luxurious oil is rich in Vitamin E and essential fatty acids. Renowned for its nourishing and anti-aging qualities, it is beneficial in preventing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, as well as treating dry skin, stretch marks, scars, blemishes, psoriasis, eczema, dry brittle nails and hair repair. I have been using Lariese Moroccan Argan oil for the last 5 months have noticed a remarkable difference in the health and feel of my skin. It does live up to its reputation. For information and stockists visit

The Vibrosaun Machine simulates the effect of exercise in a reclining position. Developed by a medical practitioner, a chiropractor, an osteopath, a physiotherapist and a design engineer, their intent was to create a simple, economical and universal machine that would, as near as possible, simulate exercise without putting stress on the body. A therapeutic dry sauna, it consists of a padded vibrating bed and dry heat which circulates through the unit over and under the bed. While cold air keeps your head and face cool, the rest of your body is inside the machine. This combination stimulates the circulation of blood and oxygen enhancing the ability of the body‘s cells to burn carbohydrates such as starch, etc. It also accelerates kidney function through removal of lactic acid and body wastes. Vibrosaun Australia produces two models. The Remedial model is being acclaimed worldwide as an invaluable assistance in the treatment of back problems, arthritis and sports injuries. The Therapeutic model is ideal for sports professionals looking for that little bit more in the recovery from sports injuries. For information and wholesale enquiries visit



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Health & Wellbeing

Annasha Day Spa Retreat Review by Colleen Clay


f you love yourself, give yourself time at Annasha Day Spa Retreat.

Overlooking the city of Perth, at Gooseberry Hill, you will re-connect with your higher self within the cocoon of tranquility designed to amplify every experience there, whether it be a Swedish relaxation massage or a full day of therapeutic treatments. The effect of slowing down enough to visit Annasha Day Spa and place myself in the hands of a skilled therapist can only be described as profound. Sublime and seamless were two words that arose in my mind as my set of therapies progressed. Best of all, my stress levels dipped to the point of feeling “blissful”. I felt as if I’d been on a week-long retreat. The exclusive package put together for me included salt exfoliation; full body Swedish relaxation massage; Sodashi Stop and Relax Facial; soothing hot toweling to hands and feet; a deeply meditative sound therapy with crystal bowl and Tibetan singing bowls; and Indian head massage. Therapist Anna Murphy is one half of a team of two who founded Annasha; the other is Sharon Williams. Together, they

have created a healing sanctuary, the outcome of Anna’s long held dream to provide top quality therapies in a setting that would amplify their effects through influencing mind, body and spirit. Therapies and packages at Annasha have been carefully selected to encourage the wellbeing of the whole person. While scientific research into Psychoneuroimmunology (PNI) and

Epigenics has recently proved that the mind-body connection can work for or against our health, Anna, Sharon and the Annasha team of therapists have for years intuitively been using the mindbody- spirit approach.

For more information: CONSCIOUS LIVING MAGAZINE ISSUE 89 21


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Health & Wellbeing


Diabetes be reversed ? by Martin Oliver


ritish researcher Professor Roy Taylor’s nutritional trial offers a dietary breakthrough and new help for millions of people living with Type 2 diabetes.

This metabolic disorder associated with high blood sugar is usually caused by factors including obesity, a lack of physical activity, an intake of less healthy fats (saturated and trans-fats), sugary drinks, and refined foods such as white rice and white bread. In 2011, at Britain’s Newcastle University Prof. Taylor ran a scientific trial involving eleven volunteers, all of whom had recently been diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes. Prof. Taylor arranged for them all to go on a crash course diet of 600 calories (2510 kilojoules) a day (in contrast to the normal recommended range of 2,000-2,500calories (8368-10460 kilojoules) for eight weeks. This involved a mixture of a specially formulated drink (510 calories/2134 kilojoules) of Optifast, made by Nestlé Nutrition) and 90 calories/377 kilojoules of non-starchy vegetables. Prof. Taylor’s inspiration for the trial came from his observation that gastric bypass surgery patients with diabetes

often overcame the condition following surgery. Although conventional wisdom held that this was probably caused by a change in gut hormones, Prof. Taylor suspected the result was probably caused by the far smaller amount food that they ate following the surgery. FAT IN THE PANCREAS The diabetes diet works through reducing the fat level in the pancreas, bringing it down to normal levels, a finding that was independently verified through MRI scans of the eleven Type 2 Diabetics in the trial. Too much fat in the pancreas clogs up its healthy operation, preventing the normal secretion of insulin that regulates blood sugar. After the trial, the fasting blood sugar levels of those taking part in the trial were found to have also returned to normal. The results were remarkable; after eight weeks, all eleven volunteers were free of diabetes, and three months on, seven were still without the disease. However, a lack of long-term data

implied some uncertainty regarding outcomes. Until that point, mainstream thinking held that Type 2 diabetes was incurable. The Newcastle study generated some media coverage overseas, but none in Australia. Other diets that claim to reverse diabetes, such as those devised by Dr. Gabriel Cousens and Dr. Neal Barnard also tend to run over a few weeks. The Cousens diet in particular focuses on green juices and raw foods. Those with Type 2 diabetes manage the condition with lifestyle interventions, pharmaceuticals, and sometimes insulin injections. In the UK, one tenth of the total annual National Health Service budget is directed towards managing diabetes and its complications. The global diabetes industry is estimated to be worth about $40 billion. With an estimated 350 million people worldwide now living with diabetes and the number rising exponentially, it seems that these findings may have come at just the right time. Martin Oliver is a writer and researcher based in Lismore (Northern NSW.)



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Health & Wellbeing

The Age of

Personal Nutritional Genomics Rewriting Your Genetic Expression by Dr Sherrill Sellman

Blame it on the genes! For the past 50 years we’ve been told our inherited genetic blueprint is like the ultimate dice game that Life has rolled out for us – for better or worse. We have all heard people say of cancer, diabetes, depression, heart disease and other illnesses: “It’s in my family genes.” Our genetic inheritance seems to put the final stamp on our height, eye color, disposition, habits, weight, predisposed illnesses and even the length of our life. The gene theory has taught us that organisms are hardwired in their genetic makeup, and environment has little if any influence on the structure and function of the genes. OUTDATED THEORY It’s a revered scientific theory. Fortunately for us, it is wrong. More precisely, it is an outdated theory. The new revelations in science reveal we influence and alter the expression of many of our genes in profound ways. Rather than being hostage to our gene pool inheritance, we have the power

to alter our genetic destiny. The new buzzword in science is “epigenetics” which has proven that genes and DNA are not the final arbiters of our biology. The big message of epigenetics is that our DNA is controlled by signals from outside the cell. New discoveries have found a major flaw in what was once considered an immutable scientific truth. A world-renowned leader in cellular biology and quantum physics research, Dr Bruce Lipton, proved that our environment – and not our DNA – shapes the development of our cells. And when it comes to our genes, each of us is unique. The Human Genome Project tells us we are 99 per cent different because of a number of different gene variations. Simple genetic variations in humans account for three million changes alone. Some of these simple gene variations, or SNP’s (pronounced snips), produce enzymes and receptor proteins, which affect metabolic pathways governing the way we absorb and metabolise nutrients and bioactive food constituents. What kind of signals can impact our gene expression? They include

influences such as dietary choices, life style factors, and environmental exposures, and even our thoughts and feelings. EPIGENETICS EMPOWERS US An example would be obesity. Although the common observation is that obesity runs in families, genetic research shows the habits we inherit from our families are more important than the genes we inherit. Obesity genes account for only 5 per cent of all weight problems. So what causes the other 95 per cent of weight problems? This is just one important question. The world of epigenetics empowers us with answers to many health puzzles that will allow us to profoundly alter our lives and our world. As it turns out, not all the genes we were dealt are the genes we’re stuck with. In San Francisco, Dean Ornish, MD and Clinical Professor of Medicine at the University of California has, with his colleagues, recently published two landmark studies showing that changing lifestyles change our genes. CONSCIOUS LIVING MAGAZINE ISSUE 89 23


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In the first study, a combination of improved nutrition, moderate exercise, stress management techniques and increased social support caused the expression of more than 500 genes to be changed in only three months; in effect, up-regulating or “turning on” disease-preventing genes and down-regulating, or “turning off” genes that promote heart disease, cancer, inflammation, and oxidative stress. Another impressive study assigned two groups of adults. One group ate a low Glycaemic Index diet and the other ate a high Glycaemic Index diet. (Carbohydrates that break down quickly during digestion and release glucose rapidly into the bloodstream have a high Glycaemic Index; carbohydrates that break down more slowly, releasing glucose more gradually into the bloodstream, have a low Glycaemic Index). STRESS RESPONSE In only 12 weeks, the high GI diet increased the activity of 62 genes that lead to disease. These genes activate our stress response, which lowers our immunity and causes damage to our cells. What was really stunning was that the low GI diet decreased the activity of 71 disease-causing genes! It turns out that every forkful of healthy food, every step on the treadmill and even every positive emotion will optimise our gene expression: turning up the good genes and turning down the bad ones! How can each of us learn about our unique genetic expression to reduce our risk of the most common health issues?

Gene variations affect metabolic pathways governing the way we absorb and metabolise nutrients and bioactive food constituents.

GENOMIC TESTING The future of healthcare will be determined by personalised medicine. In light of epigenetics, a one-size-fits-all diet or lifestyle no longer makes sense. As it turns out, we can now learn to talk to our unique genes through the language of diet, nutrition, exercise and other life style factors. This 21st century personalised medicine has arrived in the form of Nutritional Genomics. Australian molecular geneticist, Margie Smith PhD, is creating the future of personalised medicine right now. As a brilliant scientist with more than 20 years of experience in Neurogenetics and Cancer genetics, she has been pioneering such work as diagnostic screening for inheritable breast and breast-ovarian cancer. Recently she has turned her attention to nutritional genomics and co-founded a nutritional genomic testing company called SMART DNA, which offers its testing services worldwide. This company has a mission to offer affordable, predictive and preventative nutrition-based genetic testing for practitioners and their clients. The test is incredibly simple. It requires only a saliva sample, and the test kit provides for its collection. Using our saliva as the medium to enter into our unique DNA world, the test looks at 70 different gene variations that impact our health profile, including cholesterol, blood pressure, inflammation, oxidative stress, diabetes, bone health, lactose intolerance, DNA repair, genetic risk factors for insulin resistance, binding heavy metals and even the liver’s ability to detoxify chemicals efficiently. Curious about Nutritional genomics, I decided to do the test. And, am I glad I did! The test showed me how to incorporate specific nutrition to up-regulate my specific genes in need of some nutritional fine-tuning. For example, one of my gene variations impacts the production of an enzyme that plays a role in my body’s ability to do DNA repair. I learned that I was 70 per cent deficient in the important enzyme. Without proper DNA repair, I would be at risk for numerous diseases, particularly heart disease and cancer. With this information, I now take an increased amount of folic acid, the appropriate vitamin to address this problem. I also learned that my body requires a low carbohydrate diet to maintain my ideal weight. Too much pasta and with my variant gene I would be piling on the pounds in no time. So following a low carbohydrate diet is essential if I want to keep my girlish figure and steer clear of metabolic syndrome and diabetes. One of the most important pieces of critical information I received concerned my glutathione genes: they were totally deleted! Glutathione genes determine my ability to produce glutathione.



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Accessible now, 21st century personalised medicine has arrived in the form of Nutritional Genomics.’ Why is this important? Because glutathione is a molecule made by the cells and is the body’s most powerful anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant and liver detoxifier. RISK FACTOR FOR CANCERS It has now been discovered that more than 50 per cent of Caucasians have deleted glutathione genes. Without the gene being present, it seriously compromises my body’s ability to protect against inflammation conditions, as well as clearing chemicals. Low glutathione levels are a risk factor for cancers, diabetes, cardio vascular disease, Parkinson’s disease and Alzheimer’s. With this information, I have added a glutathione supplement to my daily regime. Vitamin D is a super star nutrient these days. The genomic test revealed I have

several genes that make it more difficult for me to synthesise Vitamin D. With this knowledge, I now test my vitamin D levels regularly and ensure I am taking adequate Vitamin D to stay in optimal range. Low Vitamin D levels have been associated with many types of cancer, low bone density, weakened immunity, depression and insulin resistance. When it comes to the best exercise for me, my genomic test clearly showed that my body does best with resistance training, not aerobic exercise such as running, which would exacerbate free radical production. Marathons are not in my future!

achieve my goal of getting younger and healthier as I get older. There is no doubt that personalised nutritional genomic testing allows each of us to hit the bulls eye when it comes to designing our unique dietary and nutritional program. It removes the guesswork of how to best fuel our bodies. When we live in harmony with our genetic potential, we can optimise our health and longevity and minimise our risk of disease. This 21st century technology is an important tool for a healthy future.

NUTRITIONAL ROAD MAP Through the genomic testing, I have found the specific nutritional and lifestyle road map to guide me along my highway of good health. It has taken all the guesswork out of designing the best nutritional program for myself. Rather than being confused with the latest diet or workout fad, I now know exactly the types of foods, supplements and even exercise that will support me to

Sherrill Sellman, N.D., Naturopathic Doctor (Board Certified in Integrative Medicine), is a best selling author. Her books include Hormone Heresy: What Women MUST Know, and The Promise of hCG: How to Banish Fat, Resculpt Your Body and Rebalance Your Metabolism ( For further information, visit www.

DNA Testing Specialists DNA testing is at the cutting-edge of personalised, preventative + predictive medicine. We are the leaders in DNA testing and look after patients all over Australia and internationally.

You can now discover your DNA blueprint and learn how you can optimise your own genetic makeup by using specific nutrients, foods and exercise that suits your own personal blueprint to unlock your full health potential and reduce the risk of chronic disease and health problems. Using a simple once-only test, we can identify your genetic strengths and weaknesses and advise you on gene-specific strategies to address any current health issues, as well take a preventative approach to improve your long-term health and reduce the risk of genetically-susceptible illness occurring. Our specialised genetic profiling can help you to: • Lose Weight by knowing what diet suits your genes • Know what exercise will work best for you • Help you to better manage your cholesterol • Improve cardiovascular health & blood pressure • Increase your body’s ability to detoxify • Know your diabetes risk and how to prevent it

• Age better – the ultimate solution for anti-ageing • Reduce inflammatory problems • Know what nutrients+diet will optimise your health • Reduce chronic health problems • Help children with developmental/learning issues Gene testing is preventative and proactive medicine at its best! DNA testing is easy, simply call or email us to book your DNA Package, with one of our DNA specialist practitioners. The package includes: • Comprehensive Pre-Test Consultation (in person, phone or via Skype) to assess your current health status and discuss your health goals. • Test collection (a simple saliva collection) • Comprehensive Report of Findings Consultation plus full DNA report • Implementation Plan Consultation with your gene-specific food plan, gene-specific supplementation advice and lifestyle plan - your gene-specific individualised “book of life” for wellness!

Family packages are available. Suitable for all ages, including children.

08 9286 1166



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Health & Wellbeing

Dr Cabot’s Guide to Anti-Ageing World Renowned author of many groundbreaking books about the holistic prevention of disease including the bestseller, The Liver Cleansing Diet, Dr Sandra Cabot is the Medical and Executive Director of the Australian National Health Advisory Service. Dr. Cabot shares her comprehensive health tips to reduce your biological age.


our chronological age is your age in years, whereas your “real age” is how old your body cells are in terms of their physical and functional state. Your real age is also known as your “biological age”. In some people, the biological age can be as much as 30 years less or “younger” than the chronological age. Yes, it would be great to function like a 50 year old when you are chronologically 80 years old! Of course the vanity aspect is important too. We all want to look young and many people spend a fortune on plastic surgery. But if we feel ancient on the inside or cannot remember who we are, what’s the point of looking gorgeous! This is why it is so very important to for all of us to be proactive and begin our own age-reversal program:. We can control the rate at which we age to a significant degree, if we adopt some strategic anti-ageing habits as early as possible before the hands of the clock have ticked too far down our genetic telomeres and shortened our life span. Take care of your brain Your brain cells are somewhat fragile because the brain is 60 per cent by weight made up of fat, and fat is easily damaged (oxidised) by free radicals. The fats that comprise your brain consist of essential fatty acids (mostly omega3), phospholipids and cholesterol and you need to get these essential fatty acids in your diet. Your body cannot make its own essential fatty acids and it is easy to become deficient in these essential fats. If you are deficient in these fats your brain will age more rapidly and you will experience such things as cognitive decline and perhaps depression and anxiety. Many people do not realise just how vital it is to get these fats in their diet and this is something you really need to address.

• Eat a can of oily fish everyday such as tuna, salmon, trout, sardines or mackerel • Take supplements of a good quality fish oil and krill oil • Include walnuts, chia seeds and ground flaxseeds in your diet • Increase your intake of vitamin E as this protects your brain cells from free radical damage – you can Take a supplement of natural vitamin E and eat avocados as these contain more vitamin E than any other foods • Eat plenty of eggs as these contain natural cholesterol and phospholipids which your brain requires • Control your blood sugar levels as diabetes is associated with a much higher risk of dementia. Even if you have a family history of dementia you can prevent various forms of dementia such as vascular, alcoholic or Alzheimer’s disease from damaging your brain by following these strategies.

Eating for brain health So how can you slow the ageing of your brain? I recommend the following:

Nurture and protect your immune system Your immune system protects you against inflammatory and degenerative diseases, and cancer. For this reason your



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Adopt anti-ageing habits before the hands of the clock have ticked too far down your genetic telomeres.

immune system is your greatest health asset. You can strengthen your immune system with anti-oxidants such as vitamins C, E, D, and the minerals iodine, zinc and selenium. Raw juicing can boost your intake of antioxidants and helps improve skin health. Quit smoking and avoid passive smoking, as this will severely damage the immune system. Super foods for your immune system: • Garlic raw and cooked • Turmeric and curry powder • Foods high in vitamin C such as citrus fruits, berries, capsicums, tomatoes, rosehips and kiwi fruits • Broccoli sprouts powder available from super sprouts company • Acai berries • Goji berries • Coconut • Cacao bean - found in chocolate – you beauty!!! Take care of your thyroid gland Your thyroid gland produces thyroid hormone which controls your metabolic rate by stimulating your cells to turn food into physical energy. As we get older we can become more fatigued so we need to check our thyroid function annually with a blood test as thyroid problems are very common. It is well known that an underactive thyroid gland will increase the rate of ageing and cause dry skin and hair, hair loss, high cholesterol, weight gain and slow thinking – indeed all the things we put down to “normal ageing”. This is wrong – ageing is not a disease! To optimise the function of your thyroid gland you need to take selenium, iodine and zinc supplements unless you have a perfect diet. Even so the soils are often deficient in these anti-ageing minerals so you do not want to be complacent.

Your blood tests should show a TSH level of under 3; if your TSH is higher than this, you are not firing on all cylinders and will be prone to more rapid ageing of all your cells. You may need a small dose of natural thyroid hormone as well, if your thyroid function does not respond to these supplements. I recommend the porcine thyroid extract which requires a doctor’s prescription. Balance your hormones Women who take natural bio-identical hormone replacement, given in tailormade doses to match their individual needs, can have a biological age as much as 10 years younger than their chronological age. As we get older various glands such as the pituitary, ovaries, testicles and adrenals slow down and do not produce the abundant hormone levels of youth. This can accelerate physical and mental ageing and cause us to slow down in many ways, including sexually. Thankfully all the bodily hormones can now be replaced with natural replicas of themselves. These are known as “bio-identical hormones” and the body cannot tell the difference between them and its own natural hormones. Replacement with natural hormones can slow ageing of the skin, hair and sexual organs. It can also reduce the risk of osteoporosis. Natural hormone replacement can also improve the mental state and restore youthful libido and energy levels. Vitamin D is really a hormone, because like all sex hormones and steroid hormones, it is made from cholesterol. Vitamin D maintains strong youthful bones, nails and connective tissues and prevents osteoporosis. Most Australians are lacking in this important anti-ageing hormone and studies put 70 per cent of us at risk. Do you know your blood vitamin D levels? They should be more than 100

to prevent the ageing disease of osteoporosis, which will cause poor posture, especially the ageing stooping thoracic hump and bone fractures. You can take all the calcium in the world and it will be useless, perhaps even dangerous, if you are low in vitamin D, because when vitamin D is lacking the calcium cannot get into your bones. Luckily supplements of vitamin D 3 are inexpensive and many people need to take 5000 iu daily during the winter months and-or if they avoid the sun. Take care of your liver The liver is a large filter that is continually cleansing your blood stream by removing dead cells, cancer cells, toxic chemicals, drugs, and micro-organisms from your blood. This is a vitally important function because it prevents these dangerous substances from returning to our heart and then circulating throughout the body. Many forms of pollution have become part of our everyday environment, making the liver is work harder than ever before in the history of planet earth. A healthy liver is also vital for controlling fat metabolism and is a fat burning organ. If it fails to control fat metabolism, problems such as fatty liver, weight excess and high blood cholesterol can easily occur. These are common symptoms we often attribute to ageing. If you keep your liver healthy you can prevent these problems from occurring. This is why the state of your liver has a lot to do with how long you will live and how well you will live. Indeed that is why we call it the liver! The use of a liver tonic is very effective in supporting the cleansing and liver’s fat burning functions. Effective ingredients for a liver tonic are Milk Thistle, Turmeric, B group vitamins, the amino acid taurine, and selenium. These ingredients will help the liver to manufacture its own powerful anti-ageing antioxidant called glutathione. Remain positive, reduce stress No matter how difficult problems may seem, try to trust in the process of life, and love and approve of yourself. You can love yourself back to health. Do not live with depression, because modern medicine has effective treatments for this common malady. Chronic CONSCIOUS LIVING MAGAZINE ISSUE 89 27


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stress will cause exhaustion of the adrenal glands and this may manifest as post traumatic stress disorder. Taking extra magnesium and tyrosine can reduce the physically damaging effects of chronic stress. The herb Kava can help to reduce anxiety. To reduce stress cultivate good social and family relationships, and use stressreduction techniques such as hobbies, meditation, yoga or tai chi. Become a lifelong learner, because those who remain intellectually active throughout their lives have a younger biological brain age. Exercise regularly This is one of the best ways to reduce your biological age. Even a small amount of exercise – for example a 30-minute walk every day – can reduce your biological age by as much as five years. It is ideal to have an exercise program which uses all muscle groups such as some aerobics, swimming, weight lifting, some recreational sport and yoga. Exercise will reduce cardiovascular disease, weight excess and osteoporosis. Regular exercise will also stimulate the production of growth hormone from

Smoking and passive smoking severely damage the immune system. the pituitary gland, which will increase muscle bulk, reduce body fat and exert anti-ageing benefits. Ensure adequate sleep During deep sleep the immune system, the pituitary gland and the pineal gland are reprogrammed to produce different hormones needed for the repair and regeneration of body cells. To enhance deep and restful sleep: • Make sure your bedroom is well ventilated and keep an in-door green and healthy plant in the bedroom, or nearby. This plant will make fresh oxygen from the carbon dioxide that you exhale all night, and will help keep your blood oxygen levels high.

• Use natural sleep enhancers such as the sleep hormone Melatonin (3 to 6mg at sunset) or a magnesium supplement on retiring – magnesium powders work quicker than tablets. Herbal teas such as chamomile, sage or hops sweetened with a little honey on retiring can be relaxing and reduce hot flushes. • Do not watch violent or action packed movies just before retiring, and avoid eating large amounts of food within 3 hours of retiring. Avoid stimulants such as sugary foods and coffee just before retiring. Take charge of your own health People who are pro-active about seeking good quality medical care can


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have a real age many years less than their chronological age. Have a thorough annual medical check up to detect functional problems before they manifest as diseases. You should do this even if you feel extremely well. For example a slightly high fasting blood sugar level can detect the very early stages of diabetes, before fullblown diabetes with all its complications sets in. Similarly slightly elevated blood pressure can be intercepted before your blood pressure becomes permanently elevated and causes hardening of the arteries, or a stroke. This enables you to change your diet and lifestyle before permanent damage to the blood vessels and bodily organs has been sustained. Know your blood pressure: a person with low blood pressure (around 120/70 mm Hg) is as much as 25 years younger than a person with high blood pressure (over 160/95 mm Hg). Knowing your blood pressure is more important than knowing the amount of money in your bank account, because it buys you time in the investment of life on this planet. Always get several expert opinions before committing yourself to major

surgery or long-term drug use. Do not panic: do your research and get several expert opinions. Keep in mind that many people age prematurely from the use of excessive medications known as poly-pharmacy. Consult a doctor who practises holistic medicine and you may find that nutritional medicine can solve your problems. Ask your doctor plenty of questions about alternative treatments. If your doctor is not open to this, see a naturopath as well. In summary By adopting these general habits you can make your biological or real age more than 20 years younger than your chronological age. This will give you more years to live and a better quality of life to enjoy. In this 21st century, we have achieved large increases in the average human life span. It is incredible to think that at the beginning of the 20th century the average life span of a woman was only 48 years – it is now more than 80 years. Despite the gift of extra years of life, when we examine the health of our older

population, we find that degenerative disease such as diabetes, cancer and dementia has increased. We must ask ourselves is it worth having these extra years for people who are institutionalised or disabled by these degenerative diseases? This is a very hard question to answer because people will usually hang on to life even under great hardship and suffering. But it does not have to be this way if we apply the knowledge we have and use anti-ageing tools. I anticipate that this century will be better and give us health gains, because genetic engineering and genetic testing will help us prevent many diseases. In addition, health care professionals will adopt the principles of nutritional and epigenetic medicine to stave off the diseases we once accepted as a normal part of ageing.

Dr Sandra Cabot is a keynote speaker at the Conscious Choices Conference at Conscious Living Expo, Melbourne April 19-21 and Perth Oct 17-20. For further information:



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Health & Wellbeing


Sad Mood Epidemic Vanita Dahia is a pharmacist, naturopath, clinical nutritionist, and board-certified fellow in anti-ageing medicine specialises in neuro-biochemistry, hormonal health and chronic conditions. Here she looks at depression and its treatment.


re feelings of happiness and sadness a psychosocial phenomenon? And is this phenomenon triggered by events in our lives or by neurotransmitter (brain chemicals) imbalance. Or does neurotransmitter imbalance trigger the happiness or sadness? Therein lies the dilemma! Left untreated, chronic stress, depression and-or anxiety can become very debilitating, often leading to further degenerative mental health and cognitive decline. Like many other disease processes, there can be multiple underlying factors involved in the development of mood disorders. Some of these include:

Do any one or more of the following statements describe you? • I feel irritable, nauseous, isolated or depressed • I have tried anti-depressants and they are not working or not working well • The anti-depressants I’m on are causing bad side effects • My depression/anxiety is affecting my relationships and/or work • I no longer take pleasure in activities I once enjoyed • My libido, appetite and sleep patterns are disrupted • I worry excessively and have problems concentrating or staying focused • I am gaining/losing weight faster than usual If your answer is yes to any combination of these, you may be suffering from one or a combination of mood disorders, including depression and-or anxiety. Depression and anxiety have tripled in the past 10 years. Poor mental health is recognised as a disability and is upheld legally under the mental health Act.

• Hormonal imbalances • Metabolic Neurochemistry • Nutrition • Environment • Genetic Factors

Left untreated, chronic stress, depression andor anxiety can lead to further degenerative mental health and cognitive decline.

Typically, the sad mood syndrome can be identified by a medical practitioner who will use an accredited diagnostic tool called the DSM or ICD: questionnaires that can define the type of mental health illness and differentiate between types of depression, as an example. Anti-depressant treatment is considered a convenient conventional approach based on the diagnosis. Allopathic medicines are prescribed, ranging from benzodiazepines, tricyclics antidepressants, SSRI’s and SSNRI’s. Response can vary considerably.



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According to J Nerv Ment Dis. 2003 Apr;191(4):211-8, only 21.1 per cent of antidepressants were more effective than placebo. Depression Depression is ranked among the top five diseases for men and women in Australia. While many different pharmaceutical antidepressant medicines have established evidence for efficacy in adults in major depression, such as SSRIs and tricyclic antidepressants, they also have efficacy limitations and may not be suitable or well tolerated in mild to moderate depression. This is because of their treatment burden, which includes side effects, toxicity, and drug-food interactions. Typically, depression is characterised by a chronic low mood over several months or more. Common symptoms include lack of motivation, low selfesteem, feeling blue, guilt, shame, worthlessness, hopelessness and pointlessness. Physical symptoms can include loss of appetite, poor sleep, decreased libido, low energy and tiredness. While genetic, biological, psychological, environmental and social factors are all believed to play a role in depression, the weight applied to each factor varies with the individual sufferer. Depression - not all in the mind Depression does not have one cause, nor does it have one treatment. For some, the problem may be purely psychological, for others purely biochemical. Common biochemical imbalances that can induce depression include: • Deficiencies of nutrients (vitamin B3, B6, folate, B12, C, zinc, magnesium, essential fatty acids) • Neurotransmitter imbalances (serotonin, dopamine, adrenalin, histamine) • Blood sugar imbalances (often associated with excessive sugar and stimulants) • Allergies and sensitivities The presence of one or more of these factors may worsen a person’s ability to cope with stress and thus be an underlying contributor to what might otherwise be considered depression of a psychological origin. Conversely, many

depressed people fail to adequately nourish themselves. What are Neuro-transmitters? Neuro-transmitters are our brain chemicals and they make our brains tick. Without them, we cannot move, feel, reason, eat, breathe or even live. They are both excitatory and inhibitory and are normally kept in balance. But multiple active components may act in concert to affect multiple neural, metabolic, and hormonal systems. The determinants of mood are many and varied, ranging from biomedical to personal behaviours and socio-environmental. Constituents of neuro-biology remain static. Variation in neuro-transmitters and neuro-biochemistry modulators act as a continuum and have the capacity to present as happiness or sadness; clinically as stress and anxiety, depression, OCD, manic episodes to progressive neuro-degenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinsonism. The increasing use of conventional anti-depressants has proven to be relatively well tolerated, safe and effective. The unique challenges for psychopharmacology of non-compliance, unresponsiveness, need for polypharmacy (increasing doses or additional psychoactive agents) and sexual side effects open the critical need for novel approaches. Not all anti-depressant medications are the same. Some have a greater specificity for certain neuro-transmitters. For example, studies have shown that

Citalopram is most effective for serotonin deficiency, whereas Venlafaxine more specific for Dopamine support. Our Happy and Sad brain Chemicals Our brain functions by excitation (the get up and go – or adrenalin rush) or inhibitory (relax, calm and sleep) neurotransmitters, commonly known as the “happy and sad brain chemicals”. These chemicals are made from the protein and nutrients we consume in our diet, or from a supplement. For example, tryptophan comes from eating turkey, egg white, spirulina, Atlantic cod, parmesan cheese and other food sources. Trytophan is used in the manufacture of a happy neurotransmitter, serotonin. Without sufficient serotonin, you can feel sad, depressed, have mood swings, experience sugar cravings, worry excessively and have negative thoughts. Low serotonin can deplete a sleep hormone, melatonin, leading to a cascading hormonal imbalance. Considering that up to 90 per cent of serotonin is manufactured in the lower gut, a depressed person will undoubtedly have impaired gastrointestinal function leading to symptoms of indigestion, IBS and impaired immune function. Serotonin, GABA, dopamine, noradrenalin, adrenaline, and glutamate are the most researched neurotransmitters affecting mood disorders, hormones, sleep, glucose-insulin balance, pain perception, appetite, and cognitive function. Low serotonin is associated with depression, low mood, aggression, insomnia and weight gain. Low dopamine is associated with lack of interest, inability to feel pleasure, no get up and go, fatigue and addictions. Neurotransmitters need to be available in adequate levels to provide a balance of excitatory and inhibitory physiological function. They are made from specific amino acids nutrients. Measure your neurotransmitters Neurotransmitter evaluation is a simple urine test. The inhibitory neurotransmitters, serotonin and GABA help to maintain calm and mood in the body, while the excitatory system, the dopamine, noradrenalin (NA), adrenaline CONSCIOUS LIVING MAGAZINE ISSUE 89 31


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(A) and glutamate, influence energy, focus, and memory. You can alleviate the symptoms of depression, stress and anxiety by assessing your brain chemical levels. A tailored natural treatment approach can be set up for you. Treatment will enhance the effectiveness of current therapy and reduce the need for prescription medication, if monitored professionally. How does the Brain affect Hormones? Most women think of “hormones” as oestrogen, progesterone and sometimes testosterone. Throughout a woman’s lifetime they experience the fluctuating hormones and attribute mood swings, hot flashes, cravings, anxiety, depression, fatigue, joint pain, weight gain, low libido, mental confusion or memory loss and insomnia to the imbalance of female hormones. Frequently, this is only one piece of the puzzle. Balancing of these brain and hormone levels is a delicate dance, requiring a great deal of experience and information. These fluctuating levels in hormones such as oestrogen, progesterone, testosterone, cortisol and thyroid, interact with brain neurotransmitters that affect our emotional and physical responses to life, stressors in our environment, insults, and even infections. High stress can elevate the stress hormone cortisol, which blocks serotonin, your happy brain chemical. This leads to an increase in insulin resistance, further aggravating depression and weight management. What about Mind medicine? Rapid growth of research into human Bio-behavioural effects of nutritional input interventions and herbal interventions depend upon complex interactions within and between physiological system. Conventionally, ACT and CBT is used extensively in therapy today. ACT: Acceptance and Commitment Therapy is to create a rich and meaningful life, while accepting the pain that inevitably goes with it. CBT: Cognitive Behaviour Therapy aims to help the client become aware of thought distortions and behavioural patterns that cause psychological distress, and to correct them.

Balancing of these brain and hormone levels is a delicate dance, requiring a great deal of experience and information.

A plethora of mind-body medicine tools such as meditation, NLP and activity based therapies are useful and valuable if used with good intent and consistency. The evidence that achievement of energy balance through mind-body medicine modalities such as physical activity, breathing, neuro-feedback and counselling can decrease the burden of dementia and depression, and evolution from precursor states. Breathing techniques transform consciousness, alter states of awareness and have the capacity to heal, supporting neural pathways through profound chemical reactions. Aspire to be happy, positive and live with health and vitality. Ensure that you are well informed about the modalities available to help you feel happy. Prescription and natural medicine is best complimented with a balanced lifestyle, diet and exercise regime for optimal mental health. DIY test to measure brain and hormone chemistry It is possible to measure the brain and hormone chemistry with simple DIY tests and treat with targeted and tailored natural treatment approaches. Deciphering and prioritising assessments of these mental health disorders can be challenging. Keep in mind that one approach never fits all cases. The following recommendations are not meant to take the place of sound medical advice. The process is simple. Start with assessment of your neurotransmitter and adrenal hormone levels with a non invasive urine test. This first step is necessary to begin to fully understand your neuro-hormonal status and helps reveal underlying imbalances that may contribute to feeling wired and tired. At the heart of this comprehensive model, is a detailed analysis report to provide an insight to underlying factors contributing to the patient’s current condition and guides interpretation of your risk factors and treatment options. The

flow of clinical intelligence derived from the results provides the practitioner with actionable information to encompass a multidisciplinary treatment approach. Focused clinical treatment plans extends to understanding connections and interrelationships between neuro-hormonal nutraceutical treatments and all other variables of treatment, controlled and uncontrolled, medical and non-medical. Abnormal production of pyrroles Often clients with depression and other mental health disorders demonstrate an abnormal production of a group of chemicals called pyrroles (pyroluria). The pyrroles rob the body of certain nutrients which need to be supplemented. The symptoms of excess urinary kryptopyrroles first manifest themselves as behavioural abnormalities. Although children tend to be more easily diagnosed than adults, the spots are consistent: poor tolerance of physical and emotional stress, mood swings, depression, sensitivity to light, noise and other tactile sensitivities. Later symptoms can range from severe depression to chronic schizophrenia. Accompanying physical symptoms can include pain, seizures, even complete physical debilitation. Histamine levels Histamine is not solely involved in allergic inflammation responses. It also has aneurotransmitter-like action affecting brain chemistry. Serum levels can reflect low levels (histapenia) or high levels (histadelia) of which either can be associated with neurological problems/ behaviour and can be treated. Amino acid levels Amino acids are the building blocks of all metabolic functions, and precursors of neurotransmitters which account for mental health disturbances. This test is helpful in assessing causes and treatments for lethargy, mood disorders, muscle weakness, vitamin deficiency, protein intolerance, inborn errors of metabolism and seizures. Further information contact Vanita Dahia: Tel: 1300 775 048, or email: or visit



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4/15/13 8:35 AM

Health & Wellbeing

Are you ready for the cold and flu season? Homeopath KAY WATTS defines the differences between these two illnesses, and offers strategies to prevent them or shorten their duration.


inter is on its way and it’s good to embrace all the wonderful things that come with it: roaring fires, good walks, comforting food and even Aussie Rules Football. But depending on where you live, winter is cold and rainy, and when the temperature drops children succumb more easily to coughs, colds, ear infections and the Flu.

Flu or Influenza is a highly contagious infection that does not spare any age group. It can be extremely debilitating and you will normally know your child has it because they will be too sick to move from their bed. Flu is spread from the sputum of an infected person and the virus is inhaled. This is why we are urged to cover our mouths, preferably with a tissue or hanky, when we sneeze! Every year the influenza virus mutates and changes its inner structure which is why each year the picture of Flu

symptoms will look completely different. (See below for the different symptoms). Many people say they have flu when they are actually suffering from the common cold. Below is the information you need to help differentiate between the two and make a definite diagnosis. DOES YOUR CHILD HAVE A COLD OR FLU? Clinical definition of Flu • Onset within 12 hours • Cough • Chills

• Fever • Prostration or weakness • Myalgia – widespread aches and pains • No significant respiratory signs apart from redness of throat and nasal mucous membranes • Influenza in close contacts FEVER AND THE HEALING PROCESS Fever is a distinguishing feature of Flu. It is common to suppress the fever with paracetamol, but it is important to understand that fever is part of the



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Common Cold & Influenza Comparison Key Feature




Over 100 viral strains, commonly rhinovirus

3 strains of influenza – A,B and C

Infection Site

Upper respiratory tract

Entire respiratory tract

Onset of symptoms

Gradual onset 1-3 days

Sudden within a few hours

Fevers and chills

Occasionally usually less than 39c Definite characteristic, more than 39c


Frequently usually mild

Aches and pains

Definite characteristic can be quite severe

Mild if at all

Definite characteristic, often severe and effecting the entire body

Cough, chest congestion Mild to moderate with hacking cough

Quite common, may become quite severe

Sore throat

Very common usually mild

May be present

Runny stuffy nose

Very common with bouts of sneezing

May be present

Fatigue, weakness

Mild, if at all

May be quite severe and last 2-3 weeks

Extreme exhaustion


Frequent especially in early stages of illness


All year round, peaks in winter

Mostly autumn and winter

Are antibiotics any use

No, unless secondary bacterial infection develops

No, unless secondary bacterial infection develops

Common Cold Rhinoviruses which infect the cooler upper respiratory airway and sinuses, grow best between 33c and 35c, so inhaling air at about 45c for 20 minutes will improve the symptoms of a common cold.

Influenza Influenza viruses, which infect the whole body, grow best at temperatures slightly below body temperature. At 40c they will die off after 12-24 hours.

body’s defense system. Low-grade fever helps facilitate the healing process and when managed appropriately can help shorten the duration of the illness. Tepid baths and sponging can be used to manage fever, as can some complimentary medicine approaches.

drops below normal that we become sitting ducks to cold and Flu viruses. Scandinavians know exactly what they are doing by having regular saunas to prevent respiratory illnesses while living in a very cold country.

KEEP CHILDREN WARM AND CARE FOR THEIR GUTS It is not an old wives tale; viruses cannot survive if we keep ourselves warm. It is when the body temperature

SOME SELF HELP SUGGESTIONS • Keep your child wrapped up warm in bed • Give hot drinks and broths to maintain body temperature – all patients’ benefit from extra fluids.

• Steam inhalants for older children with eucalyptus oil, pine, thyme etc. • Immune boosting herbs and vitamins- Echinacea • Olive leaf extract (anti viral) • Vitamin C – lots of it. Most importantly, ensure an adequate recovery period. It is important not to rush a child back to school or an adult back to work before they are fully recovered from the flu. You may know some people who claim they have never been well since contracting the flu. Good Guts for Good Immunity Seventy per cent of our immune system can be found in the gut, so supplements to enhance the health of the gut are especially needed during times of illness. Viruses are inhibited by heat and an acid environment. It is therefore a good idea to boost stomach acid during infection. For older members of the family, a digestive supplement will do the job, but good old fashion cider vinegar can also be useful and can be given to younger children in juice. There is some evidence to show that when stomach acid is suppressed the influenza infection can persist. Probiotics taken daily can be a very safe and effective way of reducing the onset and severity of infections, including colds and flu. How to prevent getting the Flu Oscillococcinum 200c is the world’s biggest selling homeopathic remedy. It has been scientifically shown to hasten recovery in people with influenza when compared with placebo. It is most effective when taken at the first sign of flu. This general remedy for flu symptoms is widely available in health food stores and supermarkets. Many people take this remedy to prevent the flu, taking an extra dose when they have been exposed to someone showing signs of having the Flu. For instance, a person sneezing nearby may be suffering from the Flu, or about to fall ill with it. Being diligent pays off. Look for natural ways to avoid colds and Flu, and bolster your own and your children’s immune system. For further information email Kay Watts at or visit CONSCIOUS LIVING MAGAZINE ISSUE 89 35


4/15/13 8:35 AM

Health & Wellbeing

Cancer Defeating the Fear

by Stuart Morick,

Bachelor Health Science (Naturopathy), Member ANTA & AHA


ou have cancer.” These three words can strike

If you have ever consulted a naturopath, you will likely have heard about the impact the quality of your diet may have on your health, particularly the benefits of an organic or biodynamic diet versus foods grown using herbicides, pesticides and fertilisers. Sufficient scientific literature exists to suggest that many pesticides can either induce or promote cancer formation. Some are known to be carcinogenic and others are tumour promoters. For example, organochloride insecticides are suspected of being linked with soft tissue sarcoma, non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, leukaemia and cancers of the lung and breast. Organo-phosphorous insecticides have been linked with non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma and triazine herbicides with ovarian cancer.

fear, apprehension and uncertainty into even the bravest of souls. For many, the phrase

is synonymous with a death sentence. So what is it about cancer that seems to grip our population with a sense of helplessness? The answer probably is because it appears to be occurring at an ever-increasing rate. The Cancer Council (of) Australia publishes many of the latest statistics on its website, including that almost 30 per cent of all deaths in Australia are from cancer, making it one of the leading causes. About 15 years ago we were told that about 1 in 6 men (17 per cent) and 1 in 8 women (12 per cent) would be diagnosed with cancer. Today, it’s one in two men (50 per cent) and one in three women (30 per cent). With cancer diagnosis rates climbing, what can be done to help reduce the likelihood of hearing: “You have cancer?” SOME GOOD NEWS Although most researchers seem to concede we are losing the battle with cancer, there is some good news. Many common and non-aggressive types of cancer now have a much better prognosis when compared with 20 years ago. But it is always best to prevent the disease, rather than need to fight it. To help keep those dreaded words from ever ringing in your ears there are a number of strategies that may be useful. And they may indirectly address some of the suspected underlying causes of cancer.

Many pesticides can either induce or promote cancer formation.

AVOID CHEMICALS The first strategy to help reduce the likelihood of cancer is to avoid nasty non-natural chemicals by choosing an organic diet, and biodynamic is even better. Many people promote a 100 per cent raw food vegan diet in cases of cancer. In some cases, this can be a good idea, but may not be the best option for everyone because those who are very young, very old, or already are very ill and weak, may not have the digestive power to extract enough nutrients from raw food. Cooking, par cooking or slow cooking (never overcooking) can help the digestive process and nutrient absorption in these situations. The raw vegan diet is beneficial because it has an extremely low glycaemic index (GI). Put simply, it is a ketogenic diet and uses the body’s fat stores for



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(substances capable of causing cancer). Carcinogens produce oxygen free radicals and peroxides that contribute to the initiation of cancer. Antioxidants help counter the bad effects produced by these free radicals and peroxides. Nutrients such as vitamins A, C and E have great antioxidant effects, which are even more enhanced in the presence of bioflavonoid such as quercetin, rutin and hesperidin, all of which may be found in a well-balanced diet consisting of fresh, unprocessed foods. Higher doses can be obtained from good antioxidant supplements, which can be prescribed by your health care professional. Vitamin D is another nutrient to keep track of, because research is now linking it with many chronic diseases including cancer, diabetes, dementia and osteoporosis.

energy, instead of carbohydrates. In addition, glucose (sugar) levels are reduced in the blood. Research shows that many cancer cell types depend on a steady supply of glucose, so a low GI diet will make it more difficult for the cancer to continue growing. As such, keeping your blood sugar levels under control is another cancer-fighting strategy. Much research has been conducted into the health benefits of exercise and more information is emerging about its specific benefits in relation to cancer. SEDENTARY LIFESTYLE Research presented and published at the European Cancer Conference in 2007 showed that cancer patients who got the equivalent of three hours of brisk walking each week were 31 per cent less likely to die of the disease than those who were leading a sedentary lifestyle before their diagnosis. This indicates that brisk exercise for about half an hour six days a week would be a simple cancer prevention strategy. Most importantly, the combination of diet and exercise really has the biggest impact in reducing the risk of dying of cancer. Research indicates that if you are eating correctly (neither overeating nor undernourished and on a wellbalanced, low GI diet) and exercising well before a cancer diagnosis is made you will have a much better chance of survival. ANTIOXIDANT LEVELS Another strategy is to ensure your antioxidant levels are high, because evidence suggests they offer a great deal of protection against carcinogens

Brisk exercise for about half an hour six days a week would be a simple cancer prevention strategy.

VITAMIN D TEST This indicates that checking your vitamin D level and returning it to the correct level is another anticancer strategy that may be of benefit. Your vitamin D levels can be measured by a blood test, and if it’s low it can be raised to healthy levels by appropriate supplementation. These useful yet simple strategies can be employed to help minimise cancer risk. However, the five strategic actions described here are just some of the options available. Stay tuned to the Conscious Living Magazine and website for more naturopathic strategies for healthy living. For further information: CONSCIOUS LIVING MAGAZINE ISSUE 89 37


4/15/13 8:36 AM

Eco Living

EcoConsumer Native Box Vote with your dollar Native Box is an Australian business with a conscience created by husband and wife team, Mick and Sarah. They represent a growing a community of eco conscious people who make conscious choices about the products they buy and consume through the power of their dollar. Mick and Sarah started Native Box as a way to introduce all Australians country-wide to planet positive businesses and to help more health-minded shoppers make responsible buying decisions. They believe that each dollar spent is a vote cast for a better world and consumers have the power to tell the market what they want produced and how they want it manufactured. Mick and Sarah advocate and strive towards creating a world where we use safe and natural products on our bodies, in our food and around our home. Native Box is a monthly subscription which provides eco-friendly, natural and organic products that are Australian owned and made. This is the power of choice and it feels good! You can read more on the website -

Clean Purified Water A portable system The Mineral Water Pot Filter turns lifeless, contaminated tap water into purified, alkaline mineral water that is healthy and tastes great. Waters Co. Mineral Pot Water Filters have been at the forefront of Water filtration in Australia since 1984. They have been supplying Australia wide, direct to the public and to the wholesale health food industry for nearly 30 years. Their range of water filters suit most requirements from portable 600ml bottle filters to 1.5 litre jugs, bench top systems, hot and cold floor standing units, plumbed in systems and shower filters. Water Co filters eliminate chlorine, fluoride, heavy metals, chemicals, bad taste and odour. To find out more visit www. waterscoaustralia.



4/15/13 8:36 AM

Eco Living


‘Going Green’

Going Far Enough?

Pauline Hall reveals how to create a Home that Heals


here’s a lot said these days about going green. The media discuss it, our politicians debate it and activist groups sell it. Many of us are choosing to go green our homes, workplaces and lifestyle choices. But are we going far enough? Is it only half the solution? “Greening your environment” removes hidden toxins and avoids introducing a host of synthetic chemicals. It gives us peace of mind and a sense that we are doing the best we can for ourselves, our loved ones and the environment. Many of us have stocked our shelves with vinegar and baking soda, and this is admirable. But another approach to reducing our use of chemicals has been staring us in the face. Nature has provided the complete solution: Essential Oils. Essential Oils not only assist us in going green, they take us beyond green to a “home that heals”. For 5000 years, Essential Oils were used as our main healing tool. After being disregarded for far too long, the powers of Essential Oils are again being recognised.

Numerous Essential Oils may be used to “green” the home more safely, while simultaneously providing that something extra.

Numerous studies demonstrate the health benefits of incorporating Essential Oils into our daily lives. It has been found that using pure, therapeutic grade Essential Oils may counter pathogens, boost the immune system, aid tissue repair and improve the mood. For disinfecting, vinegar doesn’t compare. Using vinegar, with its acidic pH of 5, will disinfectant and kill some but not all pathogens, and leave our homes with a less than pleasant odour. Refreshing aroma There are alternative all-natural household cleaners. Using Thieves® Cleaner and Thieves® Essential Oil Blend, both formulated by Young Living, will distribute the power of therapeutic grade Essential Oils throughout your home, adding a refreshing aroma. The Essential Oils of Cinnamon, Clove, Rosemary, Eucalyptus Radiata and Lemon that make up the Thieves® Cleaner and Blends, will counter pathogens. In addition, these two products have been anecdotally reported by many users to have health benefits, in the form of improved respiratory function, improved resistance to viruses as well as increased resistance to bacterial infection. Numerous Essential Oils may be used to “green” the home more safely, while simultaneously providing that something extra.

for anxiety, reducing stress, lifting energy and promoting a sense of wellbeing. A spray of Lavender Essential Oil on the pillow before bed is helpful when feeling under the weather. It is anti-microbial and anti-infectious. Simultaneously it will decrease stress and promote sleep. Purification Blend diffused through the house is useful for killing odours and their bacteria, moulds and fungus. Concurrently, it may lift the spirit, reduce mental fatigue and stimulate the immune system. Although going green is admirable, we should perhaps consider doing more. Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils can help us go further than creating a green household. They are the tools that can turn our homes, workplaces and living spaces into pleasant, healing environments. For more information on creating a “home that heals” please contact

Sense of wellbeing Lemon Essential Oil will disinfect your benches with its antiseptic properties. At the same time the aroma is beneficial CONSCIOUS LIVING MAGAZINE ISSUE 89 39


4/15/13 8:36 AM

Eco Living

URBAN GLEANING by Martin Oliver

RESOURCES Feral Fruit Melbourne Edible Brisbane

Is your lunch hanging from a tree?


he practice of gleaning goes as far back as biblical times, when the Bible and the Jewish Torah requested cultivators to leave some of their crops around the margins of their land unharvested for the poor and strangers.

Ruth, a widow mentioned in the Old Testament, gleaned in order to support herself and another widow named Naomi. In our modern industrialised world people have become increasingly disconnected from where food comes from, and its associated environmental impacts. With more that half of the world’s population living in cities, a growing urban gleaning movement is targeting free food sources that might otherwise go to waste. Benefits include saving money, achieving greater selfreliance, and learning to identify and use unusual foods. Mark of respect Scrumping is a word that originated in England, referring to apple stealing. Today it is another term for the gleaning of usually unsprayed, unharvested fruit or nuts that grow in profusion in some suburbs. With nature providing gifts in such abundance, it is a mark of respect

not to leave them to fall to the ground and rot. This type of gleaning is fun, and much of the enjoyment lies in exploring the local neighbourhood to see what can be found in hidden corners. As a rule, if it is hanging over the fence into the street, or is growing on public land, it is reasonable for anyone to take it. New social connections Despite this, urban gleaning groups often recommend knocking on doors and asking permission first, which has the added benefit of making new social connections within the neighbourhood, while building an atmosphere of trust and generosity. People sometimes find themselves being invited into back garden to pick other fruit trees. Experienced gleaners recommend the following tips: • Don’t pick more than you can carry away and use. Avoid being greedy, and leave some for other people.

• If your backyard trees are yielding profusely, trade or give away the surplus. • Make sure you know it’s edible, and be cautious of plants growing close to the ground that might have been sprayed or exposed to various other toxins in the urban environment. Where the trees are More recently, gleaning has gone high-tech, and free food sources now are being mapped using adapted Google Maps, on a wiki basis where anyone can upload entries, and find out where the trees are. This idea first started with Urban Edibles, a group in Portland, Oregon. Recently, this group went one step further and produced an “augmented foraging” app for Android phones. A couple of Australian cities have their own gleaning maps too. Feral Fruit Trees Melbourne has put one together that is brimming with landmarks, and a similar effort in Queensland is the Edible Brisbane project.

Martin Oliver is a writer and researcher currently living in Lismore (Northern NSW).



4/15/13 8:36 AM

Eco Living

Can Motoring Be Green?

Martin Oliver looks at ways drivers in big cities are reducing their environmental impact, including car sharing.


rom an ecological perspective, one decision that has a huge environmental impact is which car to buy or, more fundamentally, whether to buy one. Other travel options are walking, cycling, electric scooters, lift-sharing and public transport.

For occasional drivers, car sharing can be an ideal solution, especially in high-density urban areas lacking parking space. Available in Australia’s largest cities and expanding into regional centres, it enables members to hire a car by the hour for a more economical ongoing cost than being an owner. The companies active in Australia include GoGet, Flexicar, and GreenShareCar. Owners rent out their cars Since 2010, a similar “peer-to-peer” car-sharing model has been taking off, where car owners rent out their vehicles when they are unused. DriveMyCar Rentals has a minimum rental period of a week, ideal for a car owner going on holiday, or one with a vehicle that is rarely driven. Car Next Door offers shorter timeframes ranging from one hour to one day. A Duke University study has found

that the manufacture of an average car creates 6.7 tonnes of carbon emissions, representing about 20 per cent of its total lifetime energy use. Generally, it is probably best to stick with an existing vehicle rather than buy something new and more efficient, unless you have a guzzler or drive a large number of kilometres. Buying second-hand has environmental advantages for the same reason. Opting for a new vehicle



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does offer unique opportunities to maximise fuel economy. Check out the stickers in car showrooms that provide fuel figures in the form of litres per hundred km. Another useful resource is the Green Vehicle Guide, a government initiative that rates vehicles based on fuel economy and air pollution, and offers general advice on more sustainable motoring. Best performers in the Green Vehicle Guide are electric cars such as the Mitsubishi iMiEV, Nissan Leaf, and Tesla Roadster and Holden Volt. Unlike regular vehicles, these have a limited range of about 150 to 340 kilometres before they need recharging. Charging stations are found in large cities, and are slowly appearing moving into regional areas. Battery disposal issues In lifecycle terms, the manufacture of electric cars has a heavier environmental impact because of the manufacture and battery disposal issues. But carbon emissions are much lower, especially if solar power is used for charging. For a net environmental benefit to be experienced during its lifetime, the vehicle would need to be driven regularly. Also close to the top of the list are petrol-electric hybrids such as the Toyota Prius and Honda Insight. They are very economical, ideal for urban driving and can largely run on electric power in heavy traffic. There are downsides: battery replacement is required after about 10 years and is expensive. In addition, hybrid and electric cars are key markets for rare earth metals, which are an environmental headache, resulting in radioactive thorium waste large quantities of low-level radioactive by-product. The Australian company Lynas has faced angry local protests in Malaysia over its planned rare earth plant there. Diesel vehicles are about 40 per cent more efficient than their petrol equivalents, and new models tend to emit very low levels of pollutants. These RESOURCES GoGet – Flexicar – GreenShareCar – DriveMyCar Rentals – Car Next Door – Green Vehicle Guide – LPG Vehicle Scheme – programs/energy-fuels/lpgvs/Pages/default.aspx

The manufacture of an average car creates 6.7 tonnes of carbon emissions. can include nitrous oxides, and diesel smoke, which has recently been confirmed as carcinogenic by World Health Organization. It is worth asking whether the vehicle meets the strict new Euro 5 standards. Diesels also offer the opportunity to use biodiesel, or a biodiesel blend, where this falls within the manufacturer’s recommendations. When made from waste oil such as tallow and cooking oil, biodiesel offers genuine environmental benefits. But home biodiesel producers must meet the stringent relevant Australian Standard, pay 38 cents per litre excise and keep five years’ worth of records. Where biodiesel and other biofuels come from food sources however, they become far more controversial and the environmental benefits tend to go out of the window. With a growing world population and a finite amount of agriculture land, should food be eaten, or processed for use in fuel tanks?

Imported biodiesel is exempt from excise and linked to tropical deforestation.

OrangUtan’s lose habitat Imported biodiesel, which is exempted from excise, often comes from palm oil, linked to tropical deforestation in Indonesia and Malaysia, and habitat destruction affecting the dwindling orang-utan population and other wild-life species. Residents of the areas of Argentina and Paraguay devoted to Roundup Ready soya monocultures are reporting high levels of miscarriages and birth defects, while soya cultivation is also encroaching on the Amazon rainforest in Brazil. Grant for LPG conversion A final option is Liquid Petroleum Gas (LPG), which reduces CO2 emissions by about 15 per cent when compared to petrol. New LPG-fuel vehicles are made by Ford, Holden and Toyota, and are subsidised by a $2000 Federal government grant. Conversion is expensive. Varying according to vehicle type, it may be as low as $2500 or as high as $4500, but there is a $1000 Federal Government rebate. Some gas converters may discount, if you ask. LPG results in a 30 to 40 per cent drop in fuel economy, but its average cost is about 50 per cent cheaper than unleaded. If the vehicle lasts for a few years this upfront cost will be made back in savings at the bowser, with the average cost of LPG being more than 50 per cent cheaper than unleaded. Adopt economical driving strategies to save a lot of fuel. Beyond removing excess weight from the car, driving style makes a big difference. Accelerate slowly, keep a distance from the vehicle in front and look ahead for traffic queues. Change up the gears to keep revs between 1300–2000 for diesels and 1500–2500 for petrol cars. Fuel economy drops substantially above 90 km per hour. Use cruise control to maintain a steady speed. Remove the roof rack to minimise aerodynamic drag and avoid using the air conditioner, except when driving at speed. Turn off the engine when waiting at lights. Lastly, maintenance is important: get the engine tuned, change the oil regularly, and replace the air filter when it is dirty.

Martin Oliver is a writer and researcher based in Lismore (Northern NSW.)



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Eco Living

wisdom from the Paddock by Billie Dean


he author of Secret Animal Business and Filmmaker writes about the reincarnated monks in cow bodies who have inspired her to create a new web film series.

I woke up one morning to find a large red steer sleeping outside my bedroom window. I’d had a solid night’s sleep and the steer’s presence somehow made me feel safe. In a time of turbulent cosmic energies, he was like a rock. He was the earth. He made a world of illusion solid. He had come over from next door, disrespecting every fence we had. But somehow there was a bond between me and him. Unhandled, wild and destined for the slaughterhouse, he welcomed me like an old friend. I squatted on my haunches at a respectful distance. In 15 years of living next door to a “meat” farm, I had never had a visitor. Although I had been cruelty free in my diet for decades, and had been around cattle from childhood, it was quite an experience to meet a huge wild steer outside my bedroom window. He stared at me, and when I offered my hand, he licked it with compassion. He was hoping we could be friends. The steer told me he wished to explore my place, that he felt the peace. He had no wish to die. He had a different destiny. Like all the animals I had ever met on the etheric or in person, he had no wish to suffer. He wanted to help me make a difference. “We bring peace,” he said. “And what people also don’t know is that we bring humour and joy to this planet.” Over the coming weeks, the steer brought his friends to visit. I was always delighted when they came - nine of them lumbering down the drive to graze in our vegetable garden and around the house. They gambolled and played, head butted and bellowed and had a joyous cheekiness about them. They always made me feel safe. They always made me feel grounded. I felt like they were protecting us.

film which resulted from that initiative, The Farmer, was inspired by our recent acquisition of the cattle. It is filled with humour and wisdom and was chosen to be in the top ten to be nurtured and made, including a subsidy to go to the Cannes Film Market.

Of course we bought them and their families. I couldn’t let them suffer the ignobility of a savage death in the slaughterhouse. And simply, I loved them. The nine, according to the red steer we named Buddha, were returned monks. They had much wisdom to impart and were delighted to find safe refuge. But then, they knew all along that I would respond to their call for help, so they weren’t fussed. They took their very large herd exploring all our land and finally settled on the richest paddocks across the creek.

Buddha Friends and Family At the same time, we won a grant for a web series called Wisdom from the Paddock, also inspired by and starring Buddha and his friends and family. When it was Buddha’s turn to be filmed, he tried to lick the camera. He wanted to speak to the audience. He stared down the lens and communicated with all his might. I sat in the paddock with our cinematographer and realised the perfectness of following your heart. Saving the cattle wasn’t easy. It stretched our finances and our paddocks. But it was the right thing to do, because, as I’m constantly saying, “All life is precious”. To keep living in synchronicity and harmony there is always an energetic balance. The cattle had become our muse. They knew the joy we got from our creative work and this is their payback. Joy is a vital part of living in the grace of the fifth dimension. As I thought of all that had transpired since I found Buddha sleeping outside my bedroom window, I could have sworn I saw the big steer wink. I quickly pulled my hands together in a bow. Well met Buddha. Namaste.

Smart Film Making In the meantime, my husband Andrew and I, decided to attend a low budget screen initiative with an international script developer. It was our 25th wedding anniversary gift to ourselves. I remember thinking I didn’t need to learn more about low budget because all our renegade films to date were micro budget. But I like to follow the song of my heart, and my heart was singing. The

Billie Dean is a screenwriter/director for Wild Pure Heart Productions. She is an internationally recognised animal shaman, the author of Secret Animal Business, the founder of the Deep Peace Trust and won 2012 Vegan of the Year Award for Outstanding Animal Rights and Rescue. She loves to write about animals and share their humour and wisdom. and

The steer told me he wished to explore my place, that he felt the peace. He had no wish to die.



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Eco Living

PALM OIL can it ever be sustainable?

Martin Oliver uncovers how greenwash helps many food processors get away with hogwash on their food labels, and offers some actions consumers can take.


alm oil has a bad reputation among environmentally aware consumers. But because it is the cheapest vegetable oil on the world market, it is widely used in many products on our supermarket shelves.

Increasingly we are hearing claims about sustainable palm oil”. Do they stack up, or are they greenwash? The oil palm produces an orange-red fruit, which grows in massive clusters. When pressed, it yields edible oil that usually goes through several further processing steps before being used in consumer products. Growing only in tropical climates, Indonesia and Malaysia together represent about 80 per cent of world production, with lesser quantities produced in several other countries including Nigeria and Colombia.

Forest and peatland destruction causes carbon and methane emissions, and represents the loss of an important carbon sink.

DEFORESTATION AND BIODIVERSITY Controversy surrounding palm oil is largely tied to the clearance of high-biodiversity rainforests and peat-lands to make way for vast new plantations. During the 2000s, this occurred at a dizzying pace, and has more recently slowed down following Indonesia’s decision to apply a two-year moratorium on clearing primary forests and peat-lands for palm oil, starting in May 2011. Particularly threatened are the iconic orang utan, as well as tigers, rhinos and elephants. Indigenous Dayaks from the Indonesian province of West Kalimantan have been under siege too. In addition to eroding biodiversity, this forest and peat-land destruction causes carbon and methane emissions, and represents the loss of an important carbon sink.

THE BOYCOTT RESPONSE Palm oil and its derivatives are frequently found in a wide range of foods on supermarket shelves, including baking products, biscuits, margarine, chocolate and ice cream. Elsewhere, they are commonly used in soap, cosmetics and personal care items. An increasing proportion is being diverted for use as biodiesel fuel, mainly in Malaysia and Indonesia, where it receives government subsidies. In 2012, the US Environmental Protection Agency ruled that biodiesel from palm oil would fail to meet greenhouse emissions standards under America’s Renewable Fuel Standard, which are measured on a lifecycle basis. Given its track record, it is unsurprising that a large number of concerned consumers around the world are boycotting products containing palm oil. In Australia, it is rarely listed by name in the ingredients and is instead disguised under the generic term “vegetable oil”. In 2011, when Australia’s major two political parties blocked the passage of a bill that would require palm oil to be specifically labelled, the government argued that such a move would violate our obligations under the World Trade Organisation (WTO.) The simplest response to this opaque labelling is to assume that all foods with “vegetable oil” in the ingredients contain palm oil, unless shown otherwise. For those with the time to check, a saturated fat content of more than 40



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per cent of the total fat content nearly always indicates palm. A boycott strategy has been adopted by the cosmetics company Lush, and in Australia and New Zealand Cadbury was persuaded in 2009 to remove the palm oil from its chocolate in favour of cocoa butter, a more expensive but authentic choice. Sometimes this boycott stance is challenged, based on the following arguments: Small farmers: Boycotting palm oil will hurt the many small farmers who grow it. In reality, smallholders only manage about 20 per cent of palm oil land in Indonesia and Malaysia. Production is growing fast, and it can be argued that a partial boycott will do no more than slow down its expansion. Yield: Palm oil is the world’s highest-yielding oil per hectare, several times greater than oils such as soya, sunflower, and canola. Making the switch to other oils could lead to perverse outcomes. If everybody moved to palm oil’s obvious substitute, coconut oil, twice as much land would be required, potentially leading to double the rate of tropical deforestation. European forests: Europe chopped down much of its forest cover centuries ago, and is being hypocritical telling the Malaysians and Indonesians what to do. This ignores the modern reality of environmental awareness, the enormous biodiversity of tropical forests, and the fact that today – as always - everything is interconnected at a global level, especially greenhouse emissions. REFORMING THE INDUSTRY Another direction involves sticking with palm oil but reining in the industry’s worst excesses. For this purpose, the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) was established in 2003 by a group of food companies, palm oil producers and the World Wildlife Fund (WWF.) Other environment groups are less impressed; Friends of the Earth International believes that the RSPO’s goals are fundamentally flawed, while Greenpeace is critical but still broadly supportive. The RSPO’s own sustainability criteria has been criticised for allowing the clearing of disturbed and secondary forests, which can be highly biodiverse, and permitting the establishment of plantations on peatlands. Other areas of concern that fall outside the RSPO’s rules include greenhouse emissions and the use of dangerous pesticides such as the toxic herbicide paraquat. Tim Cronin from WWF in Australia, who is actively working on the palm oil issue, supports a strengthening of RSPO standards in these key areas. Very recently, RSPO Principles and Criteria underwent a fiveyear review, the outcome of which has not yet been decided. RSPO membership extends to 40 per cent of total world production, and members are expected to demonstrate a continuous improvement in shifting towards sustainable practices. In the past, there has been a pattern where some producers have become RSPO members and have then sat on their hands; in response the executive has adopted stronger powers to sanction these companies. Two members, PT SMART and IOI Group, have been censured by the RSPO for violating its rules. IOI was found by a court to have established two plantations on indigenous lands in the Malaysian state of Sarawak,

Everything is interconnected at a global level, especially greenhouse emissions. CONSCIOUS LIVING MAGAZINE ISSUE 89 45


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cases they are first told that the oil supply is from a sustainable source, despite the RSPO GreenPalm rules. This claim is likely to fall apart when more questions are asked. If you are planning to make some calls to find out about which company’s are using sustainable oil and who are not, be specific: ask what percentage of the oil being used is covered by third-party certification.

while PT was clearing high conservation value rainforests and peat-lands. LOOKING OUT FOR CERTIFICATION A British third party certifier with links to the RSPO called GreenPalm covers most of the world’s palm oil grown under RSPO criteria. One GreenPalm certificate is issued for every tonne of the more sustainable oil produced, in an arrangement that is similar to carbon offsets. Because of the added expense of a second parallel supply chain, the sustainable oil is mixed in with the regular supply, certificates are tradable, and consequently a food product offset by GreenPalm is unlikely to actually contain much in the way of sustainable oil. As a result, RSPO rules prohibit companies from stating directly that their GreenPalm-offset oil is from a sustainable source. In recent years, the proportion of global production covered by GreenPalm certification has risen exponentially and now stands at 15 per cent. The market value of a certificate is currently US $2.90 (AUD $2.80) a tonne for palm oil and US $6.50 (AUS $6.30) a tonne for palm kernel oil, with the extra revenue going to the producer. This financial disincentive against buying the more sustainable product is one reason why consumer demand is a pivotal factor in shifting company behaviour. When scouring the supermarkets, three different certifications can be found: • The distinctive GreenPalm palm leaf logo. • Good Environmental Choice Australia accreditation, which has slightly stricter standards. At least 20 per cent of the oil must be covered by RSPO supply chain certification, with the remainder offset under GreenPalm. • Rainforest Alliance Certified is by far the strictest, but may refer to only one among a list of ingredients. It is important to check whether the certification refers to the palm oil component. Of the palm oil entering Australia, about 20 to 25 per cent is GreenPalmoffset. Encouragingly, Cronin considers that many companies operating in Australia are moving in the right

Swathes of the tropics are still being trashed for the sake of a processed food ingredient. direction. But progress is not as swift as it could be. Part of the issue is that aside from a vocal activist minority, consumer pressure in Australia has been relatively weak compared to some other parts of the world. Awareness needs to be spread via a range of avenues, ideally including mainstream media coverage. Australian leaders include Kellogg’s and Goodman Fielder, both of which are buying 100 per cent GreenPalm oil for their Australian operations. Many other processors are buying in some of their palm oil using GreenPalm offsets, and have a 2015 goal for shifting to a fully offset supply. Beyond offsetting, Cronin sees a future strategy for Australia where the larger producers obtain a partsustainable mixed oil supply via their physical supply chains. Then the ideal would be for the whole industry to jump at once into sustainable oil procurement as a means of bypassing the onerous costs of segregation altogether. Such a plan would require a high level of cooperation. When consumers take things a step further and phone Australian companies about their palm oil policies, in most RESOURCES Say No to Palm Oil Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil GreenPalm Good Environmental Choice Australia Rainforest Alliance Certified

THE CONSUMER DECIDES At the end of the day, the decision comes down to the consumer. Soya oil is little better, requiring far more land, and being notorious for deforestation in South America, genetic modification and profligate chemical use. As much as anything else, the palm oil issue, and the associated painful tradeoffs that are made, brings home the importance of frugality and avoiding waste. When it comes to vehicles, biofuels made from food sources are not the solution, but going electric and improving fuel economy probably is. From a health perspective, most people would benefit from a lower-fat diet and one richer in Omega-3 oil sources, including flaxseed oil, pumpkin seeds, hemp seeds, oily fish, walnuts and avocados. TOO MANY UGLY TRUTHS The ingredient that makes its way into the food supply is usually refined, bleached and deodorised, and bears little resemblance to the reddish oil freshly crushed from the palm fruit. Swathes of the tropics are still being trashed for the sake of a processed food ingredient and to achieve cleanliness. Surely we can do better without having to starve in an unwashed state. This is just one of too many ugly truths to consider when you look at labels on packaging. In early 2013 in the Malaysian state of Sabah, it is believed that palm oil workers poisoned fourteen pygmy elephants to prevent them from eating the palm fruit in a plantation, making scrutiny of this controversial industry more important than ever.

Martin Oliver is a writer and researcher based in Lismore (Northern NSW.)



4/15/13 8:36 AM

Own Your Own

Eco Forest Retreat Bimbimbi Tree House

Denmark WA

There are few places where the sound of the ocean mingles with towering trees and tranquillity. This magnificent 3x 3 home is located on 5 acres of beautiful Karri and Marri forested land and backs onto a Nature Reserve. A three level pole house built from Spotted Gum, a beautiful high fire retardant timber, it is an absolute classic of thoughtful design, built around a theme of natural timber, light and space. With three bedrooms, study and a spacious lounge opening onto a deck, it has a superb kitchen on one level with marri bench tops, a Miele oven, dishwasher, stovetop and microwave. The cupboards and slide out pantry are made from local jarrah and marri. The main bathroom features a spa with views of magnificent ancient trees. On the third level is a spacious loft and the master bedroom with private deck and ensuite overlooking the forest canopy. A third shower and toilet are in the ground floor laundry. There is undercover parking for four cars and two sheds close to the house. Just a short drive from Ocean Beach and 9 km from the community spirited town of Denmark with a dam and a winter creek, this property has the advantage of being close to town with the added luxury and feel of living in a beautiful wilderness. This is a great buy for only $850,000. For more information phone Jacquie 0427277803 or Ian 0402725866.



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Travel & Retreats

stargazing and kayaking on the

BIG Lagoon by Jacquie Walker

Wula Guda Nyinda Eco Adventure Tours with Capes at Monkey Mia


hen I was travelling through the North West of WA with Dr Sherrill Sellman and Patricia Hamilton we visited Monkey Mia and had a most wonderful cultural experience with Capes that left us all with a deeper connection to the land”

Monkey Mia is a popular holiday destination, 820 kilometres north of Perth – the most westerly point in Australia . It is world renown for the dolphins that visit the resort daily. Some visitors are lucky enough to be selected to feed the dolphins when they come in. The catamaran is a popular cruise which takes people out to view the vast sea grass beds - a chance to see the dugongs and dolphins. But there is so much more to engage visitors.

The land is rich and holds many wonders when you take the opportunity to take a tour and experience first hand the local indigenous culture and learn some of the local history of the Shark Bay region. Indigenous Stories and Sharing Wisdom Wula Guda Nyinda translates as ‘you come this way’ a traditional term for intergenerational sharing, which is a means of passing on wisdom and is a pivotal element of the Aboriginal way of life. Sharing culture and encouraging respect for Aboriginal customs and traditions is the key motivation of the tours, which operate under the philosophy of education, understanding and respect (EUR). From the Red Sand Country’ to ‘White Sand Country’ to the beautiful and pristine ‘Blue Waters’, each tour is its own unique adventure where no stone is left unturned in exploring the remarkable Shark Bay region known as Gutharraguda (two



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waters), and uncovering its secrets, stories and traditions. Join Darren Capewell ( AKA Capes) for an amazing night time adventure under a sky of magnificent stars on the Didgeridoo Dreaming Night Tour and sit around a warm campfire as you soak in the indigenous stories of the land. You can try playing the didgeridoo and eat freshly caught mullet, cooked on an open fire (indigenous style) while savouring the aroma of native sandalwood that grows locally. Capes also runs kayak safari tours from the Big Lagoon. You meet him in the car park where he gives you brief instructions for paddling the kayak. Once you are kitted up with your safety vest and been allocated a partner you are ready for an adventure. Capes has an expansive knowledge of the land and as you paddle he shares the stories and knowledge of local healing plants and bush foods. If you are fortunate you might find some seasonal bush tucker and see native sandalwood growing in the wild.

As you paddle the kayak across the lagoon you become more attuned to the land and the immediate environment. You meet the bird life and creatures of the estuary in a new way. Time seems to stand still and you slip into another realm. There is a sense of becoming one with the landscape and the natural cyclical flow of life. Capes is a charismatic storyteller who generously shares his traditional cultural heritage and experiences with his tour groups. You can find out more about the local indigenous history and the story of the Shark Bay at the museum in Denham. Shark Bay is the traditional country of three Aboriginal language groups the Malgana, Nhanda and Yingkarta. It is well worth a stop. Denham is primarily a fishing town and has a lovely beach front. Take time to visit the local shops and meet the friendly town folk. To find out more go to



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Conscious Business and Career

mBraining Aligning the intelligence of our multiple brains

by Marvin Oka and Grant Soosalu


o you sometimes suffer from conflict between your thoughts, feelings and actions? Find yourself not acting upon or sabotaging your dreams, goals or plans?

Do you have trouble making decisions or stopping unwanted behaviours or habits and don’t know why? Or sometimes feel like something is missing and you’re not fully connected with your deepest inner self? Then chances are you’re not aligned and using the power and innate wisdom of your multiple brains – the brains in your head, heart and gut. You see, when

coherently aligned, your head, heart and gut produce an incredible emergent wisdom that allows you to deeply tap into intuitions and competencies you can’t get from your head brain alone. When you learn to connect your three amazing brains you’ll experience a sense of consciousness that creates a oneness at the level of core self, deep values and your wisest and most authentic self.

We don’t just have one brain! During the past decade, Neuroscience researchers have uncovered that we have complex and functional neural networks in our heart and gut. Called the cardiac and enteric nervous systems respectively, they have been shown to exhibit all the hallmarks of a “brain”. These complex adaptive neural networks display amazing levels of memory and “intelligence,” and there’s a growing array of evidence that these “brains” are deeply involved in the control and processing of numerous functions and core behavioural competencies.



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The heart and gut brains are also primal in an evolutionary and developmental sense. The gut brain evolved long before the head brain, and can be found in organisms such as sea slugs, sea cucumbers and spineless helminthes (a type of parasitic worm). It is fascinating to know, the development of our brains during gestation mirrors evolutionary sequencing. When the foetus starts to grow the gut brain forms first, followed by the heart brain and finally the head brain. Behavioural modelling research During the past three years, informed by these Neuroscience findings, we’ve been performing behavioural modelling research on how the heart and gut brains function in the practical areas of decision-making, action taking, intuition, relationships, health and wellbeing, and personal fulfilment. Along with this action-research, analysis of evidence from a wide body of divergent sources has shown that the heart and gut brains are involved in representing and processing specific forms of intelligence

During the past decade, Neuroscience researchers have uncovered that we have complex and functional neural networks in our heart and gut. Called the cardiac and enteric nervous systems respectively, they have been shown to exhibit all the hallmarks of a “brain”.

and intuitive functions. For instance, the heart is optimised for processing emotions such as love, joy and connection, while the gut handles protection, self-preservation, core identity and mobilisation. Each of the brains has a fundamentally different way of communicating and different concerns and domains of competence. These findings support commonly held notions such as trusting one’s “gut instinct” and being “true to your heart”, and they back up the assertion that whole leaders need to use their heads as well as the innate intelligence and wisdoms of their hearts and guts. Neuroscience meets ancient wisdom What’s also fascinating about these new findings is that current scientific knowledge is catching up with deep insights from esoteric and spiritual traditions informing us for thousands of years about three powerful intelligences found in the head, heart and gut. So we’ve known at intuitive level, across the ages and within our own lives, that intelligence, wisdom and core life competencies are not only embodied in the head. Consciousness of highest expression One of the many powerful models emerging from our research work suggests that each of our brains has what is known as a “Highest Expression”. This is an emergent competency that expresses what it means to be truly and deeply human. It represents the highest, most optimised and adaptive class of intelligence or competency of each brain. The Highest Expressions of each brain are: Head brain – Creativity Heart brain – Compassion Enteric brain – Courage

What’s crucially important is that these Highest Expressions are only accessed and activated when we are in an optimal state of neurological balance, or what is defined as ‘autonomic coherence’. This is when we’re neither too stressed nor too relaxed, but are in a “flow state”. And it makes sense that unless we’re in a neurological flow state, our perceptions of any particular issue or situation along with our subsequent decision-making will be impaired by contrast. Multiple brain integration Aligning the multiple brains and living life from the highest expressions of Creativity, Compassion and Courage requires a real and pragmatic “how”. That “how” is mBIT (multiple Brain Integration Techniques), a suite of simple yet powerful techniques for use in all contexts of life. As detailed in our book mBraining – Using your multiple brains to do cool stuff, the process for mBraining your life is to get into communication with your three brains, get them aligned around any particular issue and then get your brains functioning at their highest expression, so that your innate intuitive wisdom can emerge. Evolving our world During the past few hundred years, the world has had a fascination with science, technology and head based rational thinking. The power of science and its benefits to our lives have driven ongoing and accelerating change throughout our society. But it can be argued that to our detriment we’ve largely focused on and elevated head based rational cognition over more traditional heart focused and intuitive gut based ways of knowing. Through an over-use and over-focus on our head based ways of living, our world and lives have become dangerously out of balance. By using mBIT and tapping into an integrated way of using all of your powerful neural networks, we can bring intuitive wisdom to our lives, and access new levels of generative consciousness to evolve our world.

For more information, please visit CONSCIOUS LIVING MAGAZINE ISSUE 89 51


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Psychic and Spiritual

Clairvoyance and Earth Energy Work by Paulina Howfield, light and energy worker, and clairvoyant.


orking with light, infusing it, re-arranging it, holding its frequencies and vibrations, and aligning it in places and things is what I do

every day.

Sometimes I interact with and fuse light into the frequencies of the mind, body, spirit and soul of humanity – collectively and individually. Sometimes I interact with the subtle bodies and energy frequencies of animals, plants and buildings. I am frequently asked to clear imprints and help release the dead, or interact with the devic and angelic realms, and multi-dimensional beings. However, I am most often called to channel and use light to help clear, balance and align the third

dimensional and multi-dimensional fields of this glorious planet Earth. To do this I use psychic vision-clairvoyance, clairaudience and clairsentience. Although energy, intention, heart and compassion can have amazing results, when I incorporate my clairvoyant vision I am able to interact more fully with the visionary geography of the Earth. Of particular interest are Earth’s energy centres. Many have become famous for their beauty, energy and their history, but most visitors interact with them only in third dimension (3D) reality. Ancient stone circle Avebury in Wiltshire, for example, is one of Europe’s most profound, important and significant energy centres, and when



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We are nothing without all that there is. We are a part of everything, and nothing stands in isolation. experienced in 3D reality it is a beautiful, ancient circle of stones. The stones are huge, most of them taller than the average human. Some appear to have been placed there. They are standing on end and the bigger stones each weigh tonnes. Others seem to have oozed themselves into a shape or melted into their location. In 3D, the stones can be seen to have faces. They are set in green fields that run through a small village, which was built “through” the circles of stones. Near the stones are kennets, hills and mounds that lead off in various directions. These seem to be burial mounds and other ceremonial chambers. In the third dimension we can appreciate the magnificence, presence and

splendour of the stones. We may wish to paint or photograph them, hug them and interact with them in some profound and meaningful way. We are compelled to ponder how they got there, who put them in place and for what purpose. However, when we use clairvoyant vision we see and experience so much more. We see lines and columns of “light” that shine within these stones and emanate from their edges. The “crystals” in their structure sing and each stone gives off a different harmonic or note, creating a sound sequence that hits particular harmonic keys and frequencies. And as well as a note or a sound, they each have individual voices with which they communicate, using different

timbres of sound that resonate at a cellular and soul level. We also “see” stones that breathe and change shape. We watch them rise and fall with each breath. With clairvoyant vision we see and interact with the entities, beings, the various consciousnesses and cultures that created the circles. Encoded information We see how the circles were built, how the stones were placed, and who put them there. We watch the “beings” and some of the stones moving around of their own accord, the sounds and keys helping them to move. We see angelic beings and devic presences and, if invited, we interact with the divine



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beings and master frequencies that share encoded wisdoms and information. Then in another layer of vision we can also see the circles of stone in their time of glory, when they were fully functioning. We see our ancestors using them, transporting themselves via the energy portals and travelling in processions and at processional times. In yet another vision, the stones and the Earth show us how they interconnect with the past and the present, with the crop circles, the angelic beings and the Pleiadians. We see lines of energy that rise up from the stones reaching into the Cosmos out into Sirius, out into Canopus, to the cosmic places that connect back to the visionary geography in this particular place. Then we see the energy lines that reach out across the planet, to ancient cultures in Egypt and the Mediterranean Goddess temples. We see how they align with their planetary and cosmic frequencies and how we can interact with and participate in the repairing, enlightening and flourishing of the visionary templates that make up Earth’s energy body. All of this information is possible via the layers, upon layers, of clairvoyant vision – in different dimensions, different time frames and different spatial orientations. Teaching us, showing us, helping us to understand and to know

what the truth is, what is really going on and who we really are. Experiencing a place on Earth via clairvoyant vision is profound and life- changing. When we see and interact with the Earth and all her species and energies from at least the fourth dimension (4D) and beyond, we begin to understand Earth is more than planet and a living breathing entity: she is also a cosmic entity embodied within a universe of galaxies, whose beings have visited and interacted with her energy template from the beginnings of her blue prints. They have left messages, imprints, wisdoms and star gates all over her. Humanity was placed here as a sentient species to interact with her in a symbiotic, multi-dimensional way. Multi-dimensional journey This interaction was designed to lead the sentient species (humanity) on an intense spiritual, galactic and multi-dimensional journey. A journey of deep remembering and profound connection with its cosmic ancestry, that leads beyond the illusion of time and space, back to the beginnings, the star seedings, and the nothingness of all that is and all that will be. The learning we receive, offers the deep knowing that all ancient spiritual teachings discuss, which is

the understanding that we are nothing without all that there is. We are a part of everything, and nothing stands in isolation. Yet we also realise our insignificance in the greater plan; our presence on this plane is less than a nano-second in the plan of the Cosmos. This new awareness helps to move us beyond our desires for our children, our grandchildren and ourselves. We go beyond the seven generations of the Cherokee, and we move into the grace and beauty of true loving interconnection. The Earth around and within us thrives and glows with vibrant energy. The mythologies that we have carried in our DNA and collective consciousness are dissolved into the light. We are re-born and our bodies are the light. We are the light bodies. And the light is all there is. Lightworkers know this to be true – no matter how it manifests. If you are a Lightworker, or wish to be one, I suggest that if you feel you want to increase your abilities, consider developing or amplifying your clairvoyant-psychic skills, and connecting more deeply with the Earth. The Universe is awaits you!

Further information:



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Anamchara Pathways Presents

Psychic Dinners & High Teas * 3 Psychic Readings per Person plus bonus Mediums & Healers * 3 Course Dinners * Delicious High Teas Held at Quality Restaurants in Perth Bookings Essential! No Door Sales! For Details and Dates: ph: 0412 436 320 email: coming soon to Melbourne and Sydney



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Psychic and Spiritual

How to use divination tools

Medium Matthew James gives instructions for beginners on how to effectively use divination tools, such as Tarot and Oracle cards, Runes and the like.


n this introduction to the use of divination tools, the Tarot cards, Oracle cards, the Rune stones, the I Ching, and others, we are going to practice making connections.

Consider this to be a first training session on how to make an initial connection with the divination tool you have chosen. You need to have them in front of you. For the purpose of this session, we will describe the tools as cards. By becoming intuitively linked with the cards themselves, it becomes relatively easy to interpret the universal symbol behind the images and create your own meaning of the cards. Disregard the “book meanings” in order to create your own: “personalities” for each card. A brief understanding of the basic card meanings is a bonus, but is not essential. Here are the steps to follow: Start by working your way through the deck taking note of the feel and the appearance of the cards. When you feel you have attuned yourself to the energy of the cards, choose FOUR cards that you are especially drawn to.


2 3

Remove these cards from the deck and place them on the table before you.

Study these cards as if they are people, each with their own personalities. Look closely at the images, and begin to formulate a sense of meaning of each of these cards.


How does each card make you feel? What do you understand them to represent in your life at this time, and do you understand why you chose these cards?


Spend a few quiet moments to study all the thoughts, images and emotions surfacing in your mind at this time.

Are these responses a result of the images before you? If so, can you discriminate which card has generated which response within you? Study each card in turn to uncover their effect on you. In these quiet moments you are actually programming your thoughts and feelings into the responses required to work with your cards. It is important to remember these responses because they represent your own “meanings” for your divination cards. In



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your own time, analyse each and every one of the card images to determine their responses and meaning to you. Make notes in a personal journal, so you have a permanent record of these meanings. When this process has been concluded, you are ready to make connections on other people’s behalf with your own divination cards. Practice makes perfect, so under no pressure or obligation, ask friends and family members to volunteer for readings from you. This will test your own meanings you have evoked from cards. Patience will be needed: it takes countless hours of practice to become competent with any form of divination cards. For those interested in receiving some guidance in their life situation, Matthew James is planning a regular Ask MJ column in Conscious Living. Send an e-mail to Matthew at including your birth date and a brief question outlining what you are interesting in knowing, and he will feature your question and his answer in the next issue of Conscious Living.

Aside from the basic training and practice, the biggest hurdle to overcome is that hyper-critical voice in your mind, which is “The Inner Critic”. This voice is a part of ourselves that always seems to be having a go at the decisions we make. The Inner Critic will try to convince you that the information you are sensing from your cards is wrong. It will sap your confidence and overwhelm you with self-doubt. The procedure to follow is to speak up and say anything and everything you have received from the cards. In your early days of working with others this may happen often. But it matters not if some of your information from the cards is seemingly wrong. The more you give and the more you gain validation from people, the more you can successfully suppress The Inner Critic. Also, remember, these are your OWN meanings which are very personal to you. They may differ from the assigned meanings in the book. It matters not.

Matthew James is renowned UK Medium & Clairvoyant and Radio Host at who regularly appears on UK and US radio and on Psychic TV OZ. He is a facilitator of Intensive Mediumship Training (IMT) workshops and Self Development Workshops For more info



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Psychic and Spiritual

A Life of Ease and Grace Possibility or Illusion? Rev. Bente Hansen was privileged to channel the energy of Edgar Cayce to audiences in the Northeast of the US for three years. Here, she gives recommendations for breaking the chains holding us back from making real changes, leading to happier lives.


he thought of a life of ease and grace holds great appeal, especially when stress, conflict and challenges continually surface.

New Age and spiritual teachings have taught us it is possible to live in a state of bliss, and this is certainly worth aspiring to. Yet, given the nature of the reality we have co-created within our communities, nationally and globally, would it be possible to attain even a state of ease, much less inner peace? A common theme I hear from my clients is the desire to live with less stress, more freedom and greater joy. But when it comes to seriously giving consideration to basic lifestyle needs it becomes challenging to contemplate making the changes that will enhance the quality of life. From my observations, it seems that countless individuals have now reached “crunch” time in their lives. Employment, finances, relationships, friendships and family issues are in some way impeding their free will and creating significant stress. Their desire for change is great, but may seem to them impossible to create. This would be adding further fuel to their feelings of frustration and dissatisfaction. POSITIVE CHANGE The conundrum is self-evident. The yearning for improvement in lifestyle and relationships intensifies while the feeling of being caught up in a never-ending cycle of life circumstances prevents real and positive change from occurring. How is it possible to begin the change process? What is needed to begin the

journey into living with greater ease and grace? There are a number of recommendations I suggest as being worthwhile. They are: • Stop the pattern of continual thinking. This, while it sounds impossible, is actually the first step to creating a new, improved reality. While channeling Edgar Cayce he strongly recommended using breath work as a mechanism for bringing attention into the now moment. When doing this the constant mental gymnastics that create inner conflict cease. There is a feeling of distance from the challenges, resulting in increased clarity around concerns and issues; • Ensure that daily gratitude practice is undertaken. This practice is expressed in the present tense, never as a future outcome. Gratitude practice is a powerful tool for manifesting change; • Spend time in nature and sunshine. Taking time out from the demands of life offers an opportunity to shift perspective, clear the mind and refresh the spirit; • Let go of the need to be responsible for everyone else. Allow others the opportunity to grow and learn as they take on the reins of responsibility for their life. This allows you to enjoy the beauty that exists in your

reality and which you may have lost sight of; • Meditate daily. There are many forms of meditation; find one that resonates with you and use this time to rejuvenate yourself; • Believe in your ability to create the desired changes; and • Take regular small steps in making change. As you change your thinking everything changes. As you let go of attachments you free yourself to experience greater joy. As you engage in creative pursuits you find creative solutions to life’s concerns. THERE IS ONLY NOW Over time there have been many profound teachings and words of wisdom to provide guidance. I feel this statement, by the famous “Unknown” provides a sound basis for reflection: “If you are depressed you are living in the past; if you are anxious you are living in the future; if you are at peace you are living in the moment.” There is only the now moment. It is yours to use wisely or to squander. Start now and you will find that many small changes add up. Over time you will feel improvement in thinking and feelings, ultimately resulting in a life of greater ease and grace.

Rev. Bente Hansen is a medical intuitive, author, radio host and teacher. For more information visit and

‘Stop the pattern of continual thinking… using breath work as a mechanism for bringing attention into the now moment the constant mental gymnastics cease resulting in increased clarity around concerns and issues’ 58 CONSCIOUS LIVING MAGAZINE ISSUE 89


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had you believed the day was going to be great, and you jumped out of bed filled with excitement, you would have used the power of your own thought to make it a great day!

Lisa Phillips

Set Yourself up for a Positive Day


onscious Living welcomes our new columnist, Life and Business coach, Lisa Phillips. Lisa appears regularly on Australian TV Channels, on radio and in print. Originally from the UK, Lisa has been living in Australia for the past twelve years. In addition to being a coach, she also has her own ‘Spiritual and Irritable’ radio show and is a qualified angel intuitive. For many of us, the colder days will soon be upon us so I thought I would begin my column journey with a few tips on how to have a great day, whatever the weather may be! Think back to this morning - How did you feel when your alarm went off? Did you drag yourself out of bed mumbling about your day at work or what you needed to get done that day? Or did you jump out of bed with excitement wondering what wonderful things the day has in store for you? How we feel and what we think about our day ahead can really affect how in fact the day will actually turn out. If we begin each morning dreading what the day will hold, we will unconsciously be creating an affirmation or a statement of what we want. Those affirmations then become our reality. For example, if you get up in the morning and the first thing you do is trip over your slippers or poke your mascara wand in your eye, you will probably start to think ‘this is going to be a rotten day’. This starts to create a negative pattern of thought. The more you then focus on how ‘bad’ your day is going, the chances are, more things will probably go wrong and you may lose any opportunity to

experience any positives in your day. Then, you may actually make your day worse and by the end of it, you may end up affirming, ‘this was a horrible day and everything I did just went wrong!’ Then, if this wasn’t bad enough, if you continue to bombard yourself with negative ways of thinking, you will begin to believe negative things about yourself and your behaviour will follow accordingly. Negative thoughts, lead to negative expectations, lead to negative outcomes! However, had you believed the day was going to be great, and you jumped out of bed filled with excitement, you would have used the power of your own thought to make it a great day! You will then feel more positive and attract more positive experiences into your life. Whether you believe in the power of affirmations or not, they are already operating in your life. That is why it is so important to understand and use them to your advantage. The process of consciously transforming your thoughts, through the use of positive affirmations is the first step in changing your external world. Positive thoughts, lead to positive expectation, lead to positive outcomes!

Try these affirmations to start your day with a bang! • This is going to be a great day • Everything in my day goes wonderfully • I have a fabulous day at work and complete all my tasks easily • My day is filled with love and happiness • Everyone I meet today is happy and loving Another useful trick to start your day on a positive note is to take 2-3 minutes each morning, visualizing the ideal outcome of your day. Don’t worry if you feel this is too difficult, just try and relax into it and run a little movie in your mind of how you wish you day to be. If you have a difficult meeting or task to do, imagine the perfect outcome to your situation and also how you will look and feel after you have completed the task. Visualization is very powerful and you can really make a difference to your day by taking a few minutes each morning to complete this task. Have a great month! Lisa x As a special gift to readers of Conscious Living, Lisa is giving away a FREE copy of her Action Steps E-book which contains great tips for get you moving in your life. You can download a free copy here http://www.amazingcoaching. To find out more about Lisa and her work, please see CONSCIOUS LIVING MAGAZINE ISSUE 89 59


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Chasing Spirits

Author: Nick Groff and Jeff Belanger Publisher: Allen & Unwin ISBN : 978-1-742379-48-7 Nick Groff captures your attention and fascination on page one of his insightful stories into ghost hunting as he describes his first confrontation with a spirit and the pathway he took, and is still taking; documenting and researching the essence of those who have gone before. Join Nick and his friends as they introduce us, step by step into the challenges and eventual success of being able to capture the para-normal and pioneer the industry of filming the paranormal; all the while learning about his craft, himself and the continually unfolding depths of the universe in which we all live.

by Janet Mawdesley

Moon Surfing - a lunar astrology for teens

Ten Eternal Questions

Author: Nikki Harper Publisher: Dodona Books ISBN: 978-1-78099-326-3 When a normal sort of kid morphs into a teenager wouldn’t it would be great to have some sort of guidance or even reassurance that this hormonal, temperamental creature that lives in your skin is still you? Wouldn’t it be fantastic to have an insight into how to go through the ensuing years; how best to cope with the pressures of school, love, friends, or not friends, as the case may be? In Moon Surfing you will find many answers, but more importantly begin to understand who you are and how to make the best out of the Teen years.

Author: Joe Sallis Publisher: Watkins Publishing ISBN: 978-1-78028-393-7 Zoe Sallis set out on a quest in a moment of inspiration, completely unsure as to whether she would be successful in her endeavours, but determined to try anyway. The quest was to find a suitable number of famous people who would be happy to answer the ten eternal questions of life such as What is your concept of God, Is there an afterlife, What is your moral code to right and wrong. Fascinating, insightful reading, answers from the famous give thought for reflection, all the while allowing us to ponder the imponderable in many of life’s tricky questions.

Something to Bear In Mind

Magic Crystals Sacred Stone

Author: Michelle Corrigan Publisher: O Books ISBN: 978-1-84694-819-0 Michelle Corrigan has created a lovely inspirational text in Something to Bear in Mind as she combines many of the wisdoms of the East into a very handy little book. Use this book either as a daily meditation or guide or simply as a pick up when you need a little reassurance. As with many daily meditations it is up to you to find the strength and or message inside the text and make of it what you will. Filled with warmth, understanding, a helping hand, or rather word, and much wisdom designed to encourage fresh thought, it makes very interesting reading.

Author: Melusine Draco Publisher: Axis Mundi Books ISBN: 978-1-78099-137-5 Since time immemorial stones of all shapes and sizes have held a revered and sacred place in all cultures and religions. In this book we are introduced to the magical properties of rocks and crystals and taken on a guided tour of the formation (geological) of the elements giving a fuller understanding of the minerals as they evolve into a vast array of sacred stones. In some ways it is a crash course in geology but is also a comprehensive guide to the use and maintenance of sacred stones making it a great reference book for those who work with or would like to learn to work with the sacred elements.



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Scorpion Moon

Artist: Sora Publisher: CD From the first exquisite note in Scorpion Moon, Sora takes us into a world of fairy tales, hero’s and villain’s, all with an overriding pulse encompassing so many differing genres of music in that it cannot be attributed to one particular style; perhaps a unique style of her own with the rhythms of so many styles melding to produce a blend with an almost hypnotic seduction of sound. A beautiful mesmeric album created from ancient and modern influences woven into a unique musical tapestry which reaches deep within to times before memory and perhaps times still yet unknown.

A Coalescence of Dreams

Artist: Timothy Wenzel Publisher: CD Timothy Wenzel’s latest album blends many of his life philosophies with his dream state to create music which gently woos you into borderless time and space . The melodies are haunting yet structured as in the dream state, tantalising and evocative and as subtle as half formed thought or emotion. Relaxing, peaceful and as with many creative albums Coalescence of Dreams improves with the listening . Each piece becomes a collection of textures and layers relative unto each composition, creating a unique listening sensation every time.

Tales of A Gypsy

Artist: Johannes Linstead Publisher: www.johanneslinstead. com Spiritualism, gypsies, rain forests, beaches, violins, contemporary beat, classical, infusion, foot stomping, hand clapping rhythms, rhumba, flamenco, Italy, Europe and just about every other influence in fusion guitarist Linstead’s

by Janet Mawdesley

arsenal, has been melded together to create a representation of sound that brings together the many rhythms of the world, firmly placing them in one place – that of “no borders”. Talented and acclaimed Linstead is well known for his ability to draw passion from his instrument all the while paying homage to the genre he is working in at that particular time, whether it be blues, jazz, flamenco or classical.


Artist: Uwe Gronau Publisher: Drawing on the peace, tranquillity and transient nature of the Parisienne night, Gronau gets down to business on his latest album Visions, creating in a soundscape the mellow, yet vibrant sounds of a city resting and readying for the new day . Drawing on dreamscapes or visions Gronau often woke in the night in order to write the scores as he dreamed them which allow a softer, gentler feel to the music than the usual edginess which is often a synonymous component of his albums. Close your eyes, find your favourite place in Paris, tune into the music then join the essence that is Paris in all her moods courtesy of Uwe Gronau: You will love it.

Eleven Drops

Artist: Paz del Castillo Publisher: Each note in this offering from Paz del Castillo is played with tribute to the many emotions which colour her life –love of nature, love of the elements and love of one another. If symbolism is a key which opens a door to connectivity she has managed to achieve this by using an original painting by artist Michael Huygen on the cover of the album to symbolise the beat, the pulse, the drop, which

ultimately becomes a universal language understood by all – that of music. Taking the listener on a journey of pure sound that brings with it a deep sense of peace, del Castillo has given us the sounds of nature, intertwined with love to create a paradise within.

Longo -A Celebration of Diz and Miles

Artist: Mike Longo Trio with Paul West and Ray Mosca Publisher: CD Baby Recorded live at the John Birks Gillespie Auditorium, Longo gave West and Mosca a list of the pieces to be played for the duration of the concert, just before they went on stage and ergo - three masters of their craft have delivered an album which is a totally unique tribute to Miles and Gillespie. Deep and introspective as only Jazz can be, especially when the musicians have been performing in one medium or another in the genre for decades, they each develop that subtle smoothness which rather than played, almost oozes with a deep rich texture underlying the incredibly fine art of improvisational jazz at its finest.



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two and a half minutes would have effects forRESOURCE two and a GUIDE half years.

Taurus also humans.

eCLIpSe INterpretatIONS What are the meanings for eclipses? How do you interpret them? They bring sudden or unexpected events. They expose problems you knew nothing about. The planet under stress in your chart is literally “eclipsed” by the Sun or Moon. The astrological House in which the eclipse falls is a key to your changes. They can make big changes in the areas of life shown by the House position. If you have a planet in your chart that is being touched by this eclipse in November you will experience changes that relate to the placement House of that planet. If you know the meaning of Houses you can work out some ideas as to its effects. If you don’t, WIN a Sacred Valley Retreat youEco need to consult an astrologer about the placement and its Every Digital Subscriber who joins before June 30th goes into the draw! Enjoy a 2 meaning. night stay in the Sanctuary Suite 2 people with a gourmet continental breakfast Thefor November eclipse takes place at 22 degrees Scorpio. If you and a relaxation treatmenthave of your anychoice. planets close to that degree in Taurus, Leo, Scorpio or Aquarius, you will be directly affected by it. If your birthday is midKEEP UP TO DATE with Community News,months Expos, Conferences, month inEvents, those birth then you are Festivals, a candidate for being changed the events Novemberand 2012. Webinars and Seminars and KeynotebySpeakers plusofGiveaways Discount Offers. interesting observation that to comes With a simple click of a buttonThe youother can have a magazine downloaded your out of the date is that the birth chart for Australia has our national computer to read at your leisure. A link will be emailed to you every time we Moon’s have position (our collective emotions) being directly triggered the eclipse. a new magazine ready for you to read. All you will need to do is click on it andby you Australia was born on 1st January 1901: we have a Capricorn will have all our great articles at your fingertips. Sun, the Moon in our chart is on Taurus, another Earth sign, and our Ascendant is in Aries, the ram. Because this eclipse happens right opposite our earthy Taurus Moon (our emotional identity with the land and our collective sentiments about ourselves as a nation), then we can expect it to Order Now trigger our feelings about our national identity in a big way.

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