BK Booster Club Treasurer Report for June, 2011

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Treasurer’s Report June 30, 2011

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Funds on deposit as of June 1, 2011 totaled $94,475.63: o Money Market Account: $93,477.83 o Checking Account: $997.80 Income for June totaled $11,352.24 consisting of: o $11,282.50 deposit from the tuition raffle. o $30.00 from Merchandise petty cash returned by Wayne Sapp. o $39.74 in interest on the Money Market account. Expenses for June totaled $90.00 and consisted of: o $90.00 – Check #8408 to Signs-N-Motion for auction signage. Distributions for June totaled $4,984.38 and consisted of: o $2,234.38 – Check #8405 to BK Athletic Department for Spring postseason transportation. o $2,300.00 – Check #8406 to BKHS for the Botball Team transportation expense to California. o $450.00 – Check #8408 to AAA Trophy Mart for post-season trophies and awards. Funds on deposit as of June 30, 2011 totaled $100,753.49. o Money Market Account: $99,830.07 o Checking Account: $923.42 Encumbrances as of June 30, 2011 totaled $41,890.00 and consisted of: o $1,000.00 deposit to Jacksonville Golf and Country Club for 2011 Tournament. o $5,000.00 for the Logan Scholarship for the 2011-2012 School Year. o $90.00 for membership designated dollars. o $7,800.00 for white game uniforms for the football team. o $25,000 annual action proceeds for the athletic department. o $3,000 for new cheerleading uniforms. Total unencumbered balance as of June 30, 2011 was $58,863.49.

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