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ISSUE 93.18




PC: Levi Ventura



hen you start to feel like all you’re doing is studying your textbooks, the last thing you want to do is add to your assigned reading. There’s no doubt you can remember the last book you read for class, but remembering the last book you read for pleasure may be more difficult. Reading for pleasure can help you destress and give you the opportunity to more learn more about topics you’re interested in. By taking the time to read recreational books, you’ll enjoy reading while developing better reading skills you can apply to your textbook reading.

Here are a few tips to incorporate leisure reading into your life: Don’t limit yourself to physical books. Audiobooks are a great way to relax and unwind before bed or catch up on listening while on the move. Audio books are also easier to fit into a busy schedule because you can listen while you get ready in the morning or complete other tasks such as cleaning and laundry. Take advantage of digital library resources and youtube.com to find an audiobook that interests you. Set aside time in your schedule for reading. This doesn’t have to be a long period; even just five or 10 minutes works. Continued on page 2.




Maegan Luckiesh

Assistant Editor

Danica Eylenstein

Layout Editor Jovan Cross

Web Content Manager Cameron Cizek

Section Editors Juliet Bromme Katie Turk Max Bromme

Photographers Esther Pervis (Lead) Britni Conrad Kayla Potts Levi Ventura


Advice: Hannah Armstrong Arts: Cameron Cizek Entertainment: Nicholas Morrison How-to: Alaysha Harris Lifestyle: Amanda McCarter Lena Wilkie News: Maegan Luckiesh Political Opinion: Ashley Bower

Jonathan Deemer

Religion: Kasondra Reel Sports: Tyler Dean

Social Media

Instagram - @clocktowerasb Twitter - @ClocktowerASB Facebook - The Clocktower




Continued from page 1.

If scheduled at night, this can be a great way to relax and lessen your screen time before bed. The few minutes you spend reading can help you destress for a more restful night’s sleep. Ease yourself into it. While it’s good to branch out into new topics and read books that challenge you, it can be best to start off with something that you simply enjoy. You want to keep your leisure reading fun so you continue the habit and it doesn’t feel like another assignment to complete. Once you’ve developed a routine that fits reading time for lighter topics into your schedule, you can branch out into other topics. Find a reading buddy. Choosing a friend to go through a book with you can keep you motivated and result in some great discussions. You can join a book club or just keep it simple and pair up with one friend. This can also introduce you to new books that you may not have considered reading before. Although it takes time, incorporating a little more leisure reading into your day can make a big difference in your life.

Amanda McCarter is a senior studying biomedical science.

WHAT’S NEXT? Wednesday April 10 •

6 - 8:30 p.m. Humanities Division Global Affairs Banquet

Wednesday April 10 •

6:45 - 8 p.m. Business Awareness Series

Friday April 12 •

7:30 - 8:30 p.m. The Ghosting of Dismal Creek—Woods

Saturday April 13 •

11 a.m. - 12 p.m. The Ghosting of Dismal Creek—Woods

Saturday April 13 •

1:30 - 3:30 p.m. uPicnic—Holmes Lake Park Shelter 1

Saturday April 13 •

8:30 - 10 p.m. Gymnaires Homeshow—Thunderdome

Sunday April 14 •

2 - 3 p.m. The Ghosting of Dismal Creek—Woods

Sunday April 14 •

7:30 - 8:30 p.m. The Ghosting of Dismal Creek—Woods




PC: Levi Ventura


oundaries are hard to set and even more difficult to stick to. They help us determine when and to whom we say yes and no. They also determine the amount of respect we get from both ourselves and others. They’re the tool we use to put limits on the people around us so we don’t become drained physically and mentally. Good boundaries involve two aspects: knowing our personal limits and respecting the limits of others. This can be a tricky balance, however, it can be done. Healthy boundaries can make both our lives and the lives of those around us happier.

How do you set limits with those you’re closest with? I think good communication is the key. Make your wants and needs clear and stick to those lines. It might be hard in the beginning but your true friends will respect your boundaries. Another important aspect of having boundaries is learning to respect others as well. Learning to recognize when someone has had enough isn’t always easy. When it’s someone we don’t know very well, it can be much simpler to take no for an answer. However, when we get a no from our friends and family, we oftentimes overstep our boundaries. We think we’re entitled to certain things. In the end, no means no.

Being comfortable around friends and family can make it easy for them to cross our boundaries without our protest.

Healthy relationships will always involve some form of sacrifice, but they also benefit from us being self-aware and knowing what our limits are. We have to take care ourselves before we can take care of others. Make time for your friends and family but also learn how to set your boundaries and make time for yourself.

Instead of saying no to loaning someone your car or cutting into your study time to take them to Walmart, we’re more likely to say yes to the people we care strongly for.

Lena Wilkie is a sophomore studying international rescue and relief.





’m sure you’ve experienced this before—you watch a trailer for a movie and the plot looks SO cool and it has amazing actors and you get so excited that you share it with all your friends then, months of anticipation. Later, you finally sit down to watch it (possibly even spending your hard-earned MONEY) only to realize the movie is nothing like what you expected. That’s when you find yourself frozen, staring helplessly at the TV screen for two hours because you think maybe it’ll get better, when you know deep down it never will. Me too, pal. Me too. But don’t worry! I’ve taken it upon myself to endure the sting of such complete and utter betrayal so you might not have to. Generally, I like to write positive and upbeat articles with glowing reviews, but they can’t all be winners, can they? And that’s fine. I don’t expect them to be, but what really gets me is when trailers and ads have me so hyped for something only for it to be a total let down. I guess the marketers are doing their jobs well, I just wish the producers and script-writers could match that enthusiasm. All this to say: DO NOT WATCH “Triple Frontier!” “Triple Frontier” is one of Netflix’s newest original movies and if you haven’t heard of it, you might want to go watch the trailer. It looks like a pretty typical, action-packed heist movie with a team of big-name actors like Ben Affleck, Oscar Isaac, Charlie Hunnam, Garrett Hedlund and Pedro Pascal and while I was expecting a dope-as-flip “A-Team” esque plot, I was left disappointed with little-to-no character development to the point where I really didn’t care who lived or died. I’ve truly been impressed with Netflix’s originals over the last couple years. Even when it was pretty obvious they were recycling from

PC: imdb.com

their limited pool of actors, they’ve done a really good job with the budgets and resources they were given. “Triple Frontier” looked like a step into something bigger for Netflix, but in my opinion they might’ve jumped the gun a little bit. I don’t know whose fault it is—the scriptwriters for just throwing together a subpar story with little substance or consistency, the directors and producers for not making the effort to utilize every minute of screen time, or the actors who I’d assume can tell the difference between a good and bad script and maybe should’ve tried a little harder to lend a helping hand—but whoever dropped the ball with “Triple Frontier,” dropped it HARD. —Your Friendly Neighborhood Movie Guy Nicholas Morrison is a senior studying graphic design and business administration.





t some point, you may have encountered the fantastical portraits of people made up of random items like fruits and vegetables. Believe it or not, these aren’t the bizarre and illogical pieces of a 20th century Surrealist artist. Rather, it’s the artwork of the Renaissance artist Giuseppe Arcimboldo who inspired the pieces of Surrealists almost 500 years later. Arcimboldo was born in the major artistic and cultural center of Milan, Italy in 1526. His father, Biagio Arcimboldo, was a painter who trained Giuseppe in his early childhood. However in 1563, when Giuseppe was 36-years-old, he left Italy and began to work as a court artist for the Habsburg Emperors Maximilian II in Vienna and, later, Rudolf II in Prague. During this time, he created his unique composites of human figures and inanimate objects, animals, and produce. After arriving in the court of Maximilian II, Arcimboldo noticed the emperor’s fascination with biological sciences like botany and zoology. Expeditions to undiscovered locations brought exotic plants and animals back to Habsburg. This resulted in the transformation of the imperial court into a hub of scientific study with botanical gardens and zoological parks. Arcimboldo took advantage of these extensive resources and created study illustrations which he would later include in his unusual portraits with extreme lifelike accuracy. One group of portraits Arcimboldo created was in celebration of the reign of Emperor Maximilian II, entitled “The Seasons.” In this set, Arcimboldo used plants associated with each season of the year composited with human figures. The paintings were such a hit, the emperor displayed them in his Kunstkammer

Summer, 1572, Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna PC: Wikimedia Commons

(a special chamber where he kept art and other relics from around the world.) It’s amazing what these portraits do to the imagination. Between the clothing made of grain and the body of glistening, vibrant and fresh produce, it feels as if you could have a full conversation with the personifications of each season. What do you think they’d they say? What would their personalities be like? Perhaps this is the engagement Arcimboldo wanted us to have. With a dash of humor, a pinch of fantastical whimsy and a lot of creativity, he created portraits that make impactful engagements that are not only in the Habsburg courts of the 16th century, but with us today. Cameron Cizek is a senior studying computing.




PC: si.com



hat classifies a sports season as a success or failure? Stephen A. Smith recently said he believed the Duke basketball season was a failure because while they may have won their conference championship, they failed to even make the final four, let alone win the tournament.

a failure; they failed to capitalize on a once-in-alifetime talent and a very solid supporting cast and now their window (at least with this group of players) is closed. But I don’t think that makes the season a failure. Duke won a lot of games. They put together a fantastic season. They beat their rival UNC in the conference championship after losing the first two meetings during the regular season.

I personally disagree with this sentiment, but it got me thinking. In the years when the Broncos had Peyton Manning, this was the mentality that permeated throughout the organization and the fanbase. We didn’t win the Super Bowl in any of his first three years and each year seemed like a failure because of it.

They also managed to promote the Duke brand through great players, coaching, and ultimately, by winning. This will help them to recruit more high-quality prospects and continue to be a perennially dominant force in college basketball.

We were spoiled, and seemed to entirely ignore the records broken, division titles and rapid accumulation of wins unseen by the franchise since the days of John Elway. When we finally did win it all, it seemed more like a logical conclusion than anything else. But the team immediately fell off and it seems like the fanbase (myself included) would consider a trip to the playoffs a successful season at this point. In college basketball, though, with the oneand-done players cycling through every year, championship windows are a lot smaller. That is why it could be easy to class the Duke season as

However, it’s difficult to classify Duke’s season as a success. The ultimate goal is—after all—to win the big dance and they fell significantly short. But that doesn’t make it a failure. I think the season should be classified somewhere in the middle, perhaps as merely disappointingly average. But I’d bet that’s a much tougher assessment to make for a player or a coach than it is for someone on the outside looking in.

Tyler Dean is a senior studying finance and math.



PC: Levi Ventura



ey Hannah,

How do I find the support I need during a difficult time? —Gloomy Girl Hello Gloomy Girl,

products that are unscented because some scented skin care products are too harsh for dry or sensitive skin. Avoid taking showers that are too hot because hot water strips away the body’s natural oils. Moisturize your skin right after you take a shower: the thicker the moisturizer the better.

Talk to someone you’re comfortable with. This can be a friend, a family member or even a peer. There are people who care about you and are more than willing to support you. Don’t hesitate to reach out for the help you’re looking for.

Many people also use a humidifier to create more moisture in their living space. Hopefully some of these tips can help you. If it’s a serious problem, your doctor can recommend something for you.

Hey Hannah,

How do I let people know I just need some time to myself? I’m more introverted than most of my friends and they think I’m upset with them when I try to spend time alone.

My skin is as dry as the desert. Do you have any skin care tips for me? —Sahara Hey Sahara, Many dermatologists recommend ointments or creams instead of lotions. Try using

Hey Hannah,

—Loner Continued on page 8.



HEY HANNAH Hey Loner, Tell them what’s up. If they’re your friends, they’ll understand. Your friends would much rather know what’s really going on than believe you’re upset with them. If you need more space than your friends they should be cool with it.

Continued from page 7.

tion, that just means you get to look for an even better opportunity. Hey Hannah, How much time is too much time on Instagram? —Selfie addict What’s up Selfie addict,

Hey Hannah, I’m nervous about a job interview. What should I do to make sure I nail it? —Anxious Applicant Hello Anxious Applicant, Just be yourself. Channel your nervousness into confidence to let them know you’re the right person for the job. Hopefully you’ll get the job, but if you don’t, remember there’s something better suited for you out there! If they decide they want to go a different direc-

That’s really up to you. If you’re able to complete all your daily tasks and decide to spend your free time on Instagram, it’s not a problem. It’s okay to want a little downtime. Just make sure you don’t forget the difference between reality and the reality of the internet. Make healthy choices for your body and mind. Hannah Armstrong is a junior studying health and human performance.


Seriously, that’s it,

Clocktower is looking for an

learned on the job.

everything else can be

Editor-in-Chief for the 2019-2020 school year.

Benefits: Amazing resume experience,

If you want to make a difference at Union, this is your chance to get involved!

running your own small company, being a part of an incredible team, your own office—oh yeah


and it pays!

Manage a team to produce 14 + issues of Clocktower

For more information email me at

throughout the year.



To apply talk to:

Detail-oriented with a passion for

Kim Daniel in Student Life.

The Clocktower.





pril 2, Daniel Dawes, an attorney who worked on the creation of the Affordable Care Act, spoke to the Lincoln community about healthcare in America. Where has it come from? What is it now? And what does it need to be? Dawes first had his audience take a look at health in America and how to change it. He stated that America spends more on health care than any other country, yet it’s disproportionately low on the list of healthiest countries. Why? America’s social discrepancies keep the low low and the high high. Dawes broke the problem down into three major issues affecting healthcare: social, environmental and behavioral determinants can change health outcomes. For example, Dawes cited research compiled on black women who lived through the Jim Crow era. The findings presented how these women had a higher prevalence of an aggressive form of breast cancer, one that was rarely detected on cancer screening machines. These women endured segregation and suffered the byproduct of aggressive, undetectable breast cancer. Another major issue with health in America stems from the effects of poverty tax. President Franklin D. Roosevelt came up with a law that allowed a corporation to give a grade to each zip code ranging from A-D with A being the best and D being the worst. The zipcodes with C’s and D’s could be denied loans by the government. To add salt to the wound, those zip codes had higher tax rates on mortgage, gas and auto insurance. It was (and is) a neverending cycle of poverty that’s difficult to escape. Dawes spent most of his talk addressing social aspects, including poverty tax and the effects of the Jim Crow era on black women. He spent some time on behavior, focusing on epigenetics and the rest on environmental factors such as relying on faulty public transportation or a lack of good

PC: Elena Cornwell

employment opportunities. Dawes was able to drive his point home by addressing the security issue healthcare presents to the nation. He stated that in 2009, 75 percent of adults aging 17-24 were unfit for military service.

That’s over half the eligible population. If threefourths of America’s young adults aren’t fit for military service because they have to treat their illnesses, how is America going to defend itself? That was the key to passing the Affordable Care Act in Congress, and Dawes noted this act was the most comprehensive healthcare act ever passed, and arguably the most inclusive advocacy law. He stressed the importance of keeping people healthy and summed the issue up by saying both parties are striving to improve the quality of care available to all Americans and reform mental health programs. Once the parties realize they’re all on the same page, they can strive together to achieve that goal. Ashley Bower is a junior studying English language arts education.

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f the Democrats want to have a shot in 2020, their course of action is becoming ever clearer— nominate Pete Buttigieg.

If you haven’t heard of him, you’re not alone. The 37-year-old mayor of South Bend, Indiana was relatively unknown before the election season began. Among his many accomplishments, Mayor Pete—as he’s known around town—attended Harvard and later O xford on a Rhodes Scholarship. He’s a veteran of the War in Afghanistan, and he worked at McKinsey as a consultant before being elected to public office. But since he kicked off his campaign, he’s risen in the polls from receiving less than one percentage point to third place behind Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders, respectively. Aside from Buttigieg’s stunning intellect—he speaks eight languages in total—he has thus far demonstrated an uncanny ability to captivate the attention of popular culture a la New York Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. At the same time, his policies are mostly moderate, boding well for his ability to win a general election. For me, Buttigeg is stunningly reminiscent of a former relatively unknown presidential candidate with a funny-sounding surname, namely one Barack Obama. Both possess off-the-charts charisma, are relatively young and able to connect with an ever-more engaged youth, and both represent historical firsts. If nominated, Buttigieg would be the first openly-gay nominee of a major party. In my opinion, for Democrats, the choice should be clear. Outside the hyperactive Democratic political bubble, candidates like O’Rourke, Warren, Booker and Sanders lack the legitimacy to perform well in a general election. Biden could probably produce for the Democrats, but when compared to the vibrant and young Mayor Pete, the former Vice President’s age and intertwined legacy with President Obama become issues.

PC: peteforamerica.com

One also has to consider the Democrats’ opponent. President Trump’s aggressive and confrontational nature would be a stark contrast to Buttigieg’s measured and composed manner, especially so to those Americans who’ve grown tired of the president’s character.

Also, there’s something to be said for the excitement surrounding an unknown element— just ask President Trump. Conversely, though generally popular and respected, we all know Biden. I’m still undecided about who to vote for in 2020. But given that Democrats will likely get the entirety of the Democratic vote regardless of who they nominate, if they seek a candidate who could steal some Republican and Independent votes, it seems clear to me that Pete Buttigieg is their best hope of doing so. Jonathan Deemer is a senior studying business administration and international relations.



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nion College is instituting a change in worship services for the 2019-2020 school year.

One program, uGather, will be a different form of what was chapel, and will be on Thursdays during the 10:30 - 11:30 a.m. time slot. There are hopes of changing the entire Tuesday/Thursday schedule by second semester as an 11 a.m. to 12 a.m. slot will work better for uGather and the student population. The move to Thursday was mostly inspired by the hope of bringing speakers in for a PowerPac weekend and having them talk at uGather.

Programming is meant to go for around 35 minutes. Announcements will not be made up front but will insteadbe on the screens in the sanctuary. As the program starts, the first 10 minutes will be dedicated to community building which will be a time to discuss what’s happening on campus. “We don’t currently have a platform where people can get up and talk about what’s going on at our school,” stated Kim Canine.

Frustrations were voiced by many Union students on Twitter following the announcement of uGather. Most were concerned about the mandatory aspect of these meetings. Everyone on Union’s campus will be obligated to be at uGather. “We’re exploring what the outcomes will be for not meeting the requirements. If anyone has suggestions I’d love them to email me,” Canine remarked. Both Canine and Carlson have said there will have to be exceptions to that rule, but it will be on a case to case basis. Out of the 15 weeks per semester students will have a few “freebies” they won’t have to attend. When reflecting on the program Carlson said, “I believe so much in the “Spirit of Union” but have been struggling with how to keep that “spirit” alive and well as we all seem pulled in so many directions. Just 40 minutes a week we can come together and connect as a family.”

Programming is meant to go for around 35 minutes.

Next there will be 20 minutes of praise and worship. “We need a time where our campus comes together to connect,” commented Canine when asked what inspired the change. Pastor Rich Carlson added, “It started two years ago with the realization that we have no community venue. There’s no time when the whole school family can get together.” The school has gone through multiple rounds of approvals including: student senate, presidents council, academic council, faculty senate, multiple student focus groups and the campus ministries team all of which voted to move forward with the program.

The school is also in talks about instituting a second program which will be called uWorship. Current talks have this program requiring all students to get one worship credit a week which will be self-guided and more open than the current program. “We want you to connect with God your way,” commented Canine. While there will be forms online for people to fill out each week for their self-guided worships, students will still be encouraged to participate in programs on campus and scanners will be available at those events for the people who don’t want to remember to fill out the form every week. Heart Scan will be counted as credits with the uWorship program, which is planned to begin Fall 2019. Maegan Luckiesh is a senior studying graphic design.

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The Clocktower encourages reader feedback and strives to maintain accuracy. If you have comments, please email us at cltower@gmail.com. The Clocktower, established in 1927 and sponsored by the Associated Student Body of Union College, is published semi-weekly during the fall and spring semesters. The opinions expressed are the opinions of the writers and are not to be construed as the opinion of the editors, Associated Student Body, Union College, or the Seventh-day Adventist Church.

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