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The Clocktower October 14, 2020 Issue 6, Volume 95

Annual library fair is a fun and friendly success Writing the villain’s story


he library fair this year was a blast! COVID-19 friendly and self-led, it allowed each individual to make it their own. I went to get the full experience. Initially upon walking in, it was not apparent that a library fair was going on, besides the pink and red decorations sprinkled tastefully throughout the area. The front desk worker directed me to the story booklets which were the central feature of the fair. Using the book, each participant was directed through writing their own villain’s, named Queen of Hearts, story. Each page had a station at which there was information that helped prompt you to write that part of the story. The prompts were as follows: What do you think went wrong in the Queen of Hearts’ ordinary world? Basically, what is the backstory to your villain? Then, the call to the unknown, what

is the Queen of Hearts’ call to go on? How does tragedy affect her mental state as she made this decision? Next, the refusal of the call, what is holding the Queen of Hearts back from doing something evil and following the call? What risks are becoming apparent? Next, the participant is prompted to create a mentor for the villain to meet with. Finally, the villain answers the call. The author is

Micah Redlich at the Library Fair @Max Lassel








Pop Culture

4 The official





Lincoln News



10 Outlook

11 Love

12 Faculty

Editor – in – Chief Jovan Cross Assistant Editor Juliet Bromme Distributor Marvin Velasquez Media Manager Francisco Campos Photography Editor Joseph Lee Layout Editor Chrisheline Kalawo Assistant Layout Editor Justin Anderson

NEWS Editor Olivia Jacobs Photographer Max Lassel Adventist News Hannah Olin

asked to contemplate how anger plays into villainy. This leads up to the final battle, which ultimately leads to defeat and good winning. Each prompt had a table with writing help. I followed the path through an exquisitely decorated stairwell filled with drawings of fictitious villains, then proceeded through a confusing maze while being given directions via call numbers. Thankfully, there were some very helpful staff around to help out those who struggle with the dewey decimal system! Then there was a game of croquet, in which the person with the lowest score of the day won a prize. There was also a prize drawing for attendees and a prize for the best story written. Overall, the library fair was fun even for those like myself who don’t typically enjoy creative writing. Jade Covel is a senior Religion major from Topeka, Kansas.

Union News Jade Covel Lincoln News TJ Pittenger

ENTERTAINMENT Editor Hannah Drewieck Photographer Andrew Schwartz Sports Joel Shetler Pop Culture Drew Hickman Comedy Sam Ortiz

LIFESTYLE Editor Maria Kercher Photographer Annabelle Harper Outlook Lacey Stecker Politics Alex Nesmith Love Kaitlynn Toay

Joel Shetler at the Library Fair ©Max Lassel

The North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists prepares to hold virtual Enditnow Summit on Abuse


n Nov. 13-14, 2020, the North American Division (NAD) will be virtually holding their annual Enditnow Summit on Abuse and it couldn’t come at a better time. Domestic abuse and violence are a huge and growing concern in America today, now more than ever. With COVID-19 causing stress, uncertainty and fear, more than ever women, children and minors are at risk of being the victims of abuse and violence. In fact, the National Abuse Hotline has received a nine percent increase in calls over the past spring and summer. This year’s summit is focused on equipping pastors, teachers, church leaders and school administrators with the tools to both recognize and help those who are the victims of domestic abuse. The main goal of the summit is to raise awareness to the negative action that is taking place, helping these leaders in ensuring that our churches and schools are a safe place for those who need it most. Erica Jones, assistant director of NAD women’s ministries, said, “We’ve built an awareness and engagement campaign over the years that has worked well. More


and more people have expressed interest in our summit and resources, but now it’s time to put more tools in people’s hands. Many ministry leaders are grasping that this is not just a women’s ministries issue – it’s a human rights’ issue.” The keynote speaker for the summit is Mary DeMuth, the author of “We Too: How the Church Can Respond Redemptively to the Sexual Abuse Crisis.” Her presentation will specifically be addressing the issue of abuse in faith communities. Other speakers include Rene Drumm, Ingrid Slikkers, and Doug Tilstra. They will be addressing other important topics such as how to better protect children and youth, how to help those who have experienced spiritual abuse and tools and resources to help create safer churches and schools. Registration for the 2020 Enditnow Summit is open to anyone who is interested. If you would like to join the summit or would like more information, please visit the Enditnow website and click on “Summit on Abuse.” Recordings of the event will be available on the website after the summit. Also, feel free to take advantage of the other valuable resources and information provided on the Enditnow website. Hannah Olin is a sophomore History Education Major from Princeton, Illinois.



The Nebraska Casino Dilemma Now you don’t have to go to Missouri for all your gambling needs


n case you don’t keep up with state law, gambling in Neb. has been illegal since the birth of the state. That may be changing soon as Republican legislative candidate, Janet Palmtag, is endorsing in-state casinos in her bid for a seat. Nebraska has restricted most forms of gambling, including commercial casinos, racinos and poker. Proposals have been made to bring commercial casinos to the Cornhusker State, but none have been approved yet. This is very exciting as most, but not all, gambling has been illegal. The legal forms of gambling are raffles and lotteries, while the illegal forms of gambling are literally anything else -participating in sports betting, casinos and racinos could catch you a felony. Palmtag may not be a gambler herself, but she has a lot of passion for the subject. “Only Janet Palmtag supports real property tax relief through casino gambling,” her new campaign mailer proclaims. “It is time we take bold action for real tax relief. Let’s keep the money in Nebraska!” But honestly, this course of action may be the way to go. A huge amount of state revenue comes from the lottery. They sell nearly $180 million in tickets, and over $40 million of this goes directly into state programs. Opening up other channels of taxable gambling revenue could lead to millions for state programs. Funneling gambling taxes into public education, medical programs and financial aid could lift lower income communities en masse into higher income communities.

That is if that is the course of action that happens. Palmtag’s opposition, Slama, who was appointed to Southeast Nebraska’s District 1 seat in the nonpartisan Legislature by Gov. Pete Ricketts in 2019, held a commanding lead over Palmtag in results from last May’s primary election. Palmtag was endorsed by former Gov. Dave Heineman, Rep. Jeff Fortenberry, former congressman and former Omaha Mayor Hal Daub and former Secretary of State John Gale. But Slama has support from current Gov.


ON THE RADAR SAT. 10/17/20 Game Night

SAT. 10/24/20 Dash for Cash

THURS. 10/29/20 Career Fair

SAT. 10/31/20 Preview Days

Ricketts and the Nebraska Republican Party. Not to mention the Democratic opposition, who is trying to beat her out for a seat as well. Basically, Palmtag has a fun gambling idea that she wants to get through. But she faces opposition from her own party as well as the opposing party. She has support from several power players in Nebraska politics, but that’s about it. Alexander Nesmith is a junior Communication Major from Calhoun, Georgia.

@uc_confessions__ How do we balance anonymity and accountability?


f you’re a Union College student looking for juicy secrets and lurid gossip, then chances are you’re one of the over 600 followers of @ uc_confessions__ on Instagram. Since Jan. 7, @uc_confessions__ has posted over 900 times. Every post is submitted by a student here at Union College, and the content ranges from compliments to complaints, with the occasional meme. So what’s the catch? Every post on @uc_ confessions__ is completely anonymous. As you scroll through the @uc_ confessions__ post history, you begin to notice an alarming trend. Scattered among the secrets and the grievances are callout posts directly aimed at specific members of the Union College community. These anonymous allegations typically refer to their targets by their initials or position, but occasionally by their full name. Accusations made during the 10 months that @uc_confessions__ has been active include alcoholism, lying to contact tracers, misogyny and sexual misconduct. Some effort is usually made to conceal

the identity of the person whose character is in question, but on a campus as small as ours, it is pretty easy to tell who is being discussed. Apparently, students aren’t the only ones paying attention to what happens on @uc_confessions__, because according to Dr. Rose’s Sept. 11 email, “Recent anonymous accusations posted [on social media] prompted Union College to investigate claims that proved to be without merit and caused the subject of the post to suffer harm to their professional reputation.” Of course, this is not to say there is no place for anonymity in our community. There is a certain catharsis in confession, especially when nobody can trace what was said back to you. However, the problem with anonymous accusations is that they can’t be proved. No proof means no action can be taken to make right any wrongs that may have been committed. Without a source to provide evidence, what was undoubtedly meant to hold an individual accountable becomes nothing more than a rumor. Rumors, especially the kind that can’t be proved or disproved, eat away at reputations and destroy careers; it doesn’t matter whether or not the individual is guilty. I believe wholeheartedly that people must be held accountable for their actions. But we cannot hold others accountable for what they say or do without holding ourselves to the same standards. As the adage says, justice for some is justice for none. Anonymity protects the speaker from the consequences of their actions, but it does not protect others. If we want real change in our community, we must be brave enough to step out from behind the shield of anonymity and speak up. Annika Cambigue is a freshman English Major from Dayton, Ohio.



Artists make plans to perform despite pandemic

Lincoln prepares for live performances in 2021 as the music scene adjusts to COVID-19 precautions


oncerts are usually fun experiences. People love them. The experience of seeing an artist you enjoy listening to live is exciting. I remember the first time I was at a live performance. I even wrote about it last year for the Clocktower. But unfortunately, concerts do not really happen right now aside from watching live streams on YouTube. There were a lot of concerts planned to come to our town before the pandemic, from Elton John to The E Street Band. They were all canceled due to…the obvious. That being said, from now until the end of the year, there are bands and artists that span all genres of music that are braving the pandemic and still coming to Lincoln. Next year, concerts are coming back in a big way. Tom Lorenz, the manager for the Pinnacle Bank Arena, a large venue for artists where many artists have performed in the past, said that a lot of artists saved dates for the arena. “I think there’s a lot of pent-up demand, and everybody wants to get back on the road,” said Lorenz. The variation of artists coming to our town next year is filled with every possible genre of music. But what about right now? What is happening in concerts with COVID-19? Well, oddly enough, smaller festivals are happening but with predetermined areas for each group of people. They are able to place blankets down and stay within that space. They

©Joseph Lee

are social distancing, but something is missing. Doing things like this removes something special from the experience of a festival. There are also live-streamed concerts. A lot of artists have done this on YouTube recently. If they release an album, they might go on with their band or whoever is usually with them and perform for a while. But the downside to this is the same as recent festivals. There is something big missing from the experience. You cannot get the same energy as a real live concert. I think we are all missing the experience of going to a concert and feeling the energy from the crowd and the audience. We miss seeing artists that make the songs we love to sing in the car, in the shower or just in our rooms studying. Maybe we just miss people. TJ Pittinger is a sophomore Theology major from Gilson, Illinois.


It’s Punkin’ Chunkin’ Time

A new sport for you to try this fall


unkin’ Chunkin’ season: a time dedicated to hillbillies trying to figure out how to chuck a pumpkin farther than their neighbor. In all seriousness, however, punkin’ chunkin’ is a very real and competitive sport held each year where contestants battle it out to see who can throw a pumpkin the farthest. This event is centered around having a good time, good food, good company and good chuckin’. Strangely enough, there is more than one way to chuck a pumpkin. Some of the strategies include air-powered cannons, trebuchet, catapult, human powered and centrifugal. Air-powered cannons are long metal tubes filled with high amounts of compressed air that release all at once, causing an enormous amount of pressure to shoot the pumpkin up to distances of 4,600 feet. A trebuchet chucker uses a massive counterweight to launch the pumpkin as if it were a boulder in medieval times. Catapults, similar to trebuchets, use springs or bands and a swinging arm to launch the pumpkin . Torsion is another strategy for chuckin’ a punkin’. Torsion uses a twisted rope to create torque to hurl the pumpkin.


Centrifugal chuckers spin the pumpkin around and around until it reaches an optimal trajectory before releasing the pumpkin. With the exception of the air cannon, all of these approaches can be human-powered, and depend only on one person and their ability to sling the pumpkin. This fall event is popular enough that there is even a youth category. Although the championship this year was officially cancelled due to coronavirus concerns, the board of directors is working on an alternative individual championship. This would involve sending out officials to gauge distances and record attempts from participants, rather than everyone communing in one place. Although it may not be the most recognized championship, Punkin’ Chunkin’ is a fall classic in the world of sports. Joel Shetler is a junior Science Education major from Ruckersville, Virginia.



Epic Major Battles of Union Round two: Business versus IRR!


t is with disbelief and a saddened heart that I announce the results of the nursing versus communication battle: communication, 54% to nursing, 46%. How it happened, I have no clue. As with most PR things, there was probably a cover-up...but it is what it is. Congratulations to our communication majors; I’ll just be here, pulling up that one “trusted profession” Gallup poll to make myself feel better. Now, on to our next battle! In today’s metaphorical ring we have business versus IRR. What makes this battle even more special is that two of the respondents on opposing sides are roommates. And they were roommates? Well, we’ll see about that. So, without further ado, let’s swing right in! Question 1: What are ___ majors like? “IRR majors are so intense. One small cut and they all pull [up] with gauze, and even some rope...don’t know what for. They stay twinning; cargo pants, hiking boots, pocket knife and a Nalgene water bottle.” Moises Claros, Business “It seems like they picked the boring major.” Anonymous, IRR Question 2: What are some stereotypes about ____ majors? “They like to act tough. They rarely cry, and when they do they only do so in the shower where no one can hear or see them.” Hannah Drewieck, Business

Hannah Drewieck (Business) and Jordyn Hammond (IRR) ©Andrew Schwartz

“Daddy’s money sent them to school. [Also] you always switch to business if you can’t make it anywhere else.” Anonymous, IRR Question 3: What is the first thing ____ majors think when they wake up? “What building they can rappel off of.” Max Lassel, Business “‘I can’t wait to be all these people’s boss.’” Jordyn Hammond, IRR Question 4: If there was a national holiday for ____ majors, what would it be? “The national day of climbing anything.” Sydney Ramsay, Business “IBSD: International BS Day.” Anonymous, IRR

Dad Joke of the Week How do French cows say “love”? A-moo-r.

Well, there you have it. Now it’s up to you to decide the winning major; go vote on the Clocktower’s Instagram for which major you think is the best (business/IRR majors excluded from voting). And for the finale article of our Epic Major Battles of Union series, we will have the two winning majors go against each other, and then we will see who the true victor is! Until next time. Samuel Ortiz is a sophomore Nursing major from Orlando, Florida.

“Clone High:” A Very Absurd, yet Relatable Cartoon

TikTok has given an old show a new chance


can’t believe I’m saying this, but a recent TikTok trend may be giving way for the resurgence of a very shoved-under-the-bus show. “Clone High” was an early cartoon produced for MTV, and its version of John F. Kennedy has been making the rounds on TikTok, garnering popularity with his picassoesque appearance and goofy voice. But is there anything more to the show? YES. “Clone High” is one of the best animated comedy series ever made, and it holds up quite well even almost 20 years later. It takes place in a high school full of clones of historical figures. The show mainly focuses on the hopeless love triangle between the overly honest and dumb Abe Lincoln, the infatuated goth Joan of Arc and the vapid Cleopatra (who cheats on Abe with JFK at least once a



week). I can’t forget Gandhi, who is the comic relief in the show, and Principal Skudworth and his robot Mr. Butlertron who get into wacky B-plot hijinks. Despite a swift cancellation due to low ratings and a hunger strike over the show’s portrayal of Gandhi (no, that isn’t a joke), this show covers a surprising amount of concepts in just 13 episodes. If I were to recommend one specifically you should check out, I would go after episode two. In this one, Abe and JFK are pitted against each other in a race for student body president. However, JFK just uses the debates to detail his workout routine, and Abe gets a dubious energy food sponsor to boost his ratings. Although completely absurd, it touches on ideas of shallowness and corporate meddling that tend to come up during real elections, which makes its satire genius. The show has a brilliant premise, quick pacing that suits the bananas dialogue and fun characters that won’t get out of your head. It even ends on a cliffhanger that kind of hits really hard. Despite the satirical nature of the show, the characters are relatable in their own sort of way. Like the angsty theme song says, “Boy can it get engaging.” Drew Hickman is a junior Communication major from Shawnee, Kansas.


Adventist slang: food edition You want me to eat WHAT?!


nce again, I’ve decided to impart a selection of knowledge everyone who interacts with the Adventist community needs to know. This time, we enter the scrumptious world of food. Now, I know you think there couldn’t possibly be any Adventistspecific foods, and you’re right. What we do have are special words for food groups that belong to such a select group of people of which Adventists make up the majority of consumers. So, without further ado, let’s learn some foodish terms. Haystacks: Don’t worry, we aren’t preparing to burn you at the steak… I mean stake (calm down, we’re vegetarians). Nor is this some obscure country cookout. A haystack is merely a disassembled taco salad you stack on a plate. Be warned, there are many strong opinions as to the “right” way to build one. Be smart, and only whisper to one person if you need help putting it together. If you aren’t careful, you may start the second Great Controversy. Roma: No self-propelled vacuuming robots here! Roma is the “healthy” alternative to coffee. It tastes fairly similar to a dark roast, but has none of the “evil” caffeine we all secretly crave. You can’t buy this at Starbucks as they know better than to hand that stuff out. Carob: It’s devil’s chocolate. DO NOT TRY. Only the most vegan, healthcrazed Adventists believe in using carob as a substitute for chocolate. They’re crazy, and make up about 2% of the church (pretty much the population


of Adventists in Berrien Springs). Something convinced them that it tastes like chocolate and they couldn’t be more wrong. Although it’s unlikely you’ll come across it in Lincoln, question chocolate chip cookies. If they say it has carob, run far and fast. Do not go near it! Stripples: *Sigh* get your mind out of the gutter! Stripples are the old term for “Breakfast Strips.” At this point, you really only hear the old Adventists and their kids use this term…so pretty much everyone uses it. I know, it’s an awkward phrase and I’m sorry. If we convert enough people, maybe it will go away. Like I said, we have some weird food terms. Now that you know what they mean, you should be a-okay to go over to an Adventist’s house for Sabbath lunch. Although most of these terms get used outside our community (though, to my knowledge stripples are Adventist specific), they aren’t often used outside of their demographic. Go out and have a good meal; don’t forget to bless the food! Lacey Stecker is a sophomore Communication major from Noblesville, Indiana

Ex-cited about love

Getting back out there after a tough break-up


ating after a break-up is tough. From trust issues to insecurities, many of us come with a lot of baggage. Letting someone new in can be a daunting task and previous hurts can deter you from fully committing. There are a few things you can do, however, to make sure that your new relationship isn’t sabotaged by your past. 1. Make sure that you are completely done with your past relationship. If you are considering a new relationship, it is important that your ex is not a part of the picture anymore. Talking every day, spending time together regularly and going out together are not in your best interests if you are trying to move on. This can be extremely difficult if you are still close friends with your ex. This close relationship may cause jealousy and resentment in a new relationship. Make sure that you set boundaries to protect you and your new partner from emotional turmoil.


2. Leave your past in the past. Your new partner is not your ex. They will most likely not have the same flaws and quirks that your previous partner did. Leave the problems that you and your ex had in the past and don’t continually bring them up in the new relationship. You can express your concern and discuss what has hurt you in previous relationships, but do not look for problems where there are none. New relationships come with new problems. Work on those as you go, but leave the past where it is. 3. Don’t continually discuss your past relationship with your new partner. It is one thing to discuss past relationships or the problems that came with them, but do not dwell on these issues. Even if the conversation is positive, discussing a previous partner excessively can cause your new partner to feel jealous or inferior. This can lead to resentment and your new partner may feel like they can never live up to your ex. New relationships can be complicated. Leaving your ex out of it can make it easier. Remember to always listen to and respect your partner, communicating openly and honestly about any issues that you may have. A new relationship is a new start and an opportunity to get things right. Even if past relationships failed. Leave that baggage at the door and start fresh! Kaitlynn Toay is a senior English major from Edgeley, North Dakota



Designed to Protect

anything, whether it’s true or not, and trash a student’s reputation in one post, with no consequences or accountability. What can one do? I sought the advice of my pastor and his guidance was simple. Ignore uc_confessions. Fundamentally, that extends the protection of anonymity to everyone. Just like wearing masks, 80% participation is required for it to work. Therefore, if you currently follow uc_confessions, consider reporting it under “bullying or harassment” and then tap “unfollow/block,” and as my pastor said, “if you don’t follow uc_confessions, don’t.”


nonymity is designed to protect, but what happens when anonymity is used to protect a select group, but not others? What can be done? @uc_confessions is a private, social account that invites Union College student confessions. The profile claims: “Everything is Anonymous” and “get anything off your chest,” sounds promising, however the profile continues, “or dm us the tea.” The tea. This is an online gossip account, without a face, anonymity protects the individual running the account and the “confessor” but no-one else. That’s weighted. I’ve witnessed students, primarily my female students, infuriated over the damage it can cause; essentially, anyone can dm

The Clocktower email: cltower@gmail.com social media: @clocktower_uc

Written by an anonymous faculty member

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the official



The Clocktower encourages reader feedback and strives to maintain accuracy. If you have comments, please email us at cltower@gma ltower@gmaiil. com. com The Clocktower, established in 1927 and sponsored by the Associated Student Body

of Union College, is published semi-weekly during the fall and spring semesters. The opinions expressed are the opinions of the writers and are not to be construed as the opinion of the editors, Associated Student Body, Union College, or the Seventh-day Adventist Church.






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