Sunday Independent I February 12 2017
Your new home awaits All the paperwork has been processed and you’ve set a date for closing the deal and picking up the keys to your new home. So, what’s next? There are many things people tend to leave until the last minute that should really be done in advance of moving house. Follow these steps to ensure your big move is as stressfree as possible
The excitement of owning your own home comes with a desire to buy new furniture and décor to create the dream house you’ve always wanted. Make an interior design wish list, taking inspiration from online sites such as Pinterest, to help you decide how you would like your home to look and what items of furniture you can buy with your savings. If you have furniture in your current residence and are considering hiring a removals company, reach out a few weeks in advance. You can never be prepared too early. At least six weeks in advance, gather any boxes or containers you could use on moving day, and set a weekly goal of when you want to clear out certain areas of a room.
Change your address as early as possible so you don’t have to rely on the new tenants of your old home to forward your mail. Notify the post office and any other relevant businesses. Don’t forget to also give your new address to the important people in your life, your friends and family – they’ll need it for the house-warming party! And, if you’re renting, make sure you’ve informed your gas, electricity, broadband and oil suppliers.
Whether you’re a first time buyer, switcher or mover, you are required to arrange home insurance so that you can pay to repair or
replace buildings, contents and valuables if there is a burglary, fire or other damage. Speak to your provider about the options that are available to you. You can also check out KBC’s current offering opposite.
As soon as you have the keys to your new home, get them cut. Moving days can be very busy and it’s easy to misplace keys when there’s a lot of unpacking going on – and especially when you won’t have an established routine to your new home yet. Have a set cut for each family member. It’s also a perfect excuse for you to start getting to know the new neighbours – once you’re comfortable with them, you can provide them with a spare key in case you need to leave town for a bit and something needs checking in the house.
The ‘first night’ box is essential for all moves. Naturally, you’re not going to unpack every single box on your first day in the house – the moving itself will have taken enough of a toll! Pack a box with a change of clothing, toiletries, toilet paper, pyjamas, towels and any other essentials you feel are necessary for your first night (such as tea bags and some chocolates). This way, when the clock strikes midnight, you don’t have to go searching through boxes trying to find your PJs or toothbrush. Finally, don’t forget to get a good night’s sleep the night before moving – you have a big day ahead of you!
Your home is often your most valuable possession and along with the building itself, the contents are usually of great personal value. Without adequate protection, one simple incident can have a devastating impact. Home insurance can’t stop the incident taking place, but it provides peace of mind that things can be put back the way they were, quickly and with minimum fuss. If you have ever been in the position of needing to make an insurance claim when you have suffered a loss, you will know how important it is to have the right amount of coverage so that you are not left counting the cost through your own pocket. If you’re a new residential mortgage customer with KBC, you can get 50% off your KBC home insurance for a year! Offers apply to first time buyers, movers and switchers until 31st March 2017*. Terms and conditions *Available for New Home Insurance policies for First Time Buyers, Movers and Switchers on Residential Mortgages. Offer ends 31st March 2017. Excludes Buy to Let properties. 50% off only applies in the first year. If the KBC Home Insurance policy is cancelled before the first 12 months have expired, KBC reserves the right to request the customer to refund the balance of the premium. KBC Home Insurance products are exclusively underwritten, administered and provided by Zurich Insurance plc, subject to Zurich Insurance underwriting terms and conditions. Zurich Insurance plc is regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland. KBC Bank Ireland plc is regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland.
If you would like to know more about this offer, including the conditions, drop into a KBC Hub or speak to a Financial Advisor.
February 12 2017 I Sunday Independent
First time buyers’ one-stop mortgage shop!
After the success of last year’s mortgage event, KBC will host its second KBC Mortgage Lounge this Thursday 16th February in the Mansion House, Dublin from 6pm-8pm. Here’s what you can look forward to at this year’s exciting event
hile last year’s KBC Mortgage Lounge saw over 300 first time buyers (FTBs) exit the Mansion House in Dublin with invaluable information on how to
Solicitors will share information on how to get your legal affairs in order.
From getting your savings together to finding your dream home, it can all be stressful and time-consuming. This is the reason the KBC Mortgage Lounge acts as your one-stop shop for getting all your affairs in order at once. KBC will be there to help get your finances in shape and get you mortgage ready.
purchase their first home, this year’s event looks set to attract many more. Hosted by TV3’s ‘Ireland AM’ star, Ciara Doherty, the event will include a convenient step-by-step guide through the mortgage process, as well as helpful question-and-answer sessions with industry experts. Plus, one lucky guest will leave with a prize of a €1,000 IKEA Voucher. So, if the amazing competition is not reason enough for you to come along, here are five other reasons why you should attend.
If you are confident about your financial situation and current employment status, you will probably already have considered moving into your own place. However, getting a mortgage and buying your first home is a long-term commitment and one you need to be 100% certain about. You wouldn’t get into a relationship with somebody you weren’t sure about, so why treat a mortgage any differently? If you are having any doubts about buying your first home, KBC mortgage
consultants, Sherry FitzGerald’s estate agents and McDowell Purcell Solicitors will be on hand to help you overcome these doubts and help you make a decision. By listening to the industry experts, you can weigh up the pros and cons about buying your first home in order to make a more informed decision – or to give you that extra push to take the leap if you are ready to!
Sometimes the paperwork and jargon involved with applying for a mortgage are enough to throw you off the idea of buying your first home. Conor McGowan, Head of Mortgages and Insurance at KBC, explains how the Mortgage Lounge can help: “The KBC Mortgage Lounge is a great way for first time buyers to get clarity on each step that is required to take out a mortgage and purchase your first home.” But it doesn’t stop there. Sherry FitzGerald’s estate agents will also help guide you through the property process – from searching for your house to putting down the deposit – while McDowell Purcell
Who says you can’t make a new friend at the KBC Mortgage Lounge? If you’re waiting to speak to an industry expert, speak to a fellow first time buyer behind you in the line. Determine their current position in the home-buying process – they may be able to share information with you about potential areas where you may be interested in living. Just be wary in case they try to turn you away from a house they may also have an eye on!
Talk to a mortgage consultant who can give you an idea of the types of mortgage and insurance products available to you. Speak to the real estate agent about how to make an offer on a home and the specifics involved in between making your initial offer and final acceptance of the offer from a seller. Have your questions prepared in advance – happy house hunting! For more information on mortgages, visit www.kbc.ie. For information on the first time buying process, you can call 1800 51 52 53. The KBC Mortgage Lounge will take place in the Mansion House, Dublin at 6pm on Thursday 16th February. To register, email mortgagelounge@kbc.ie Lending criteria, terms and conditions apply. Security and insurance are required. The maximum mortgage is 90% of the property value. KBC Bank Ireland plc is regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland.