1 minute read
Domestic and Sexual Violence
WINNER provides information, support, and advice to women in Hull – including those experiencing and escaping domestic and sexual violence and abuse – and their children. It is a multi-purpose organisation run by women, for women. It offers a range of services under one roof including: safe accommodation, registered nursery provision, sexual health information and advice, complementary therapies, accredited training opportunities, affordable legal advice, and a drop-in facility to meet other women in a safe environment.
WINNER’s current premises – converted post war prefab residential properties – were no longer fit for purpose. Our £100,000 grant was towards the construction of a new centre, which will better meet the charity’s needs whilst continuing to offer a safe and appropriate space for vulnerable women and children.
13 grants - £262,650 total
≥ £25,000 = 3 grants (£173,100 total)
> £10,000 < £25,000 = 3 grants (£43,500 total)
≤ £10,000 = 7 grants (£46,050 total)