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Cardboard Citizens production. Pamela Raith Photography.
Cardboard Citizens has been making life-changing theatre with and for homeless people for more than 25 years – theatre that makes a real and positive difference to society and those living on its margins. Performances encourage communities to come together, telling stories, raising awareness, and finding solutions to the changes we face in our lives through theatre performed on the stage, in the street, in hostels, centres, and prisons.
The Cardboard Citizens programme of workshops, training, and performance helps to develop the skills, qualifications, and confidence of hundreds of homeless people every year.
At a national level, in partnership with leading homelessness agencies and theatre companies, Cardboard Citizens shows a hidden Britain to all who care to look.
Our £30,000 grant was towards refurbishing the charity’s building in East London.

Frankie, a Depaul service user.
Depaul UK was set up in 1989 to provide emergency accommodation in response to the growing number of young homeless people in London. Today, the charity works across the country in some of the most disadvantaged communities, and supports more than 3,000 youthsevery year by offering them a safe place to stay in a crisis, helping them to take the step from homelessness into stable housing, and providing specialist long-term support to help them get their lives back on track.
Depaul also campaigns to raise awareness of homelessness and to change perceptions of homeless people.
Our £55,000 grant went towards the charity’s building refurbishments.
20 grants - £432,500 total
£25,000 = 8 grants (£268,000 total)
> £10,000 < £25,000 = 7 grants (£125,000 total)
≤ £10,000 = 5 grants (£39,500 total)