The Advanced Guide to Comparison between Cloud Computing Platforms (AWS, Azure, GCP)

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The Advanced Guide to Comparison between Cloud Computing Platforms (AWS, AZURE, GCP) The three main technological giants of today, that is, Amazon, Microsoft and Google have their own cloud platforms and their names are Amazon web services, Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud Platform.

Orientation of Clouds Computing (AWS, AZURE, GCP) Amazon Web Services (AWS) is the oldest and most experienced player in the market, since it was established in early 2006. AWS has an extensive list of computer services with deployment functions, mobile networks, databases, storage, security and much more. While Microsoft Azure was introduced in February 2010, and since then, it has shown great promise among its rivals. This platform can be easily associated with AWS and both provide their customers with a complete set of services in the domains of computation, storage, database, networks and many more, just like AWS.

Click on this website for more details On the other hand, Google Cloud Platform (GCP) began its journey on October 6, 2011 and by this time, they have managed to create a good presence in the industry. Initially, the impulse was to strengthen their own services, such as Google or YouTube. But now, they have made more progress, and they have also created business services, so now anyone can use their cloud platform that shares the same infrastructure as Google Search and You Tube.

Clouds Computing Platforms Services But still, the question remains, how are these 3 cloud services different and what are the factors we should focus on when comparing Amazon, Azure and Google Cloud Platform web services? Well, we are about to discuss that, as we move forward. Let's start with the first factor that are the availability zones. Before discussing this factor, let me give you a brief introduction to the Availability Zones. Accessibility areas are isolated locations within the data center regions from where public cloud services originate and operate and areas are geographic locations in the data centers of public cloud service providers. Basically, companies that use the cloud choose one or more areas of global availability for their services, depending on their business needs. Therefore, they select availability zones for a variety of reasons, including compliance and providing proximity to end customers. Cloud administrators can also choose to replicate services in multiple availability zones to decrease latency and protect their resources. Administrators can move resources to another availability zone in case of a blackout. Certain cloud services may also be limited to particular regions or availability zones. So now, we are all aware of their establishments, we all know that AWS was the first of its kind. Right? Which means AWS is staying in multiple locations around the world and, of course, it's true for Azure, as well as Google. But here too, the difference occurs in the number of regions and availability zones. Speaking of numbers,

AWS has 55 availability zones worldwide with 8 more on the way. And azure has 44 availability zones with a number of 12 more on the way. While Google has 18 availability zones with 3 more on the way. Which is without a doubt, is quite smaller than AWS and Azure.

Market Share (AWS, AZURE, GCP) Now let's move on and talk about the next factor, which is the market share. If we review this chart here, it clearly shows how AWS leads with 40% of the public cloud market share worldwide in its name, while Azure ranks second with 30% of the market share and Google's cloud, which is not that behind, is in third place with 10% of the market share and other cloud providers combined with 20% of it. Let me tell you an interesting fact here, that according to a recent KeyBanc report, Amazon lost almost 6% stake, while Microsoft Azure went from 26% to 30% and Google successfully skipped its share of 8% to 10% in the cloud business. Also, if you review the Google trend chart and compare its popularity, these are the statistics, where you can easily discover how interest in AWS has been beating Azure in second place and Google Cloud in third place, worldwide in the past 12 months. Even if we check your search results and trends according to the US. The same case is here too, where there is more interest for AWS than the blue cloud and Google.

Click on this website for more details These are the results of the last 12 months and have been variable and relatively growing with AWS in the first and blue in the second Google cloud in the third of the past decade. We are all aware of the establishment of AWS as the first cloud provider. And with the most experience and implementation in the cloud domain, you obviously have greater support and trust from the community among your customers. And with Azure and Google Cloud, well, they have been able to deal with trust among their multiple clients successfully.

Clouds Computing Platforms used by different Companies So, let's verify what kind of companies are using them. AWS has more high profile clients such as Netflix, Airbnb, Unilever, BMW, Samsung, MI, Zynga, etc. And, Azure is not far behind as almost 80% of Fortune 500 companies have recently put their faith in blue. Some of its main clients are Johnson Controls, Polycom, Fujifilm, HP, Honeywell, Apple, etc. Because Google shares the same infrastructure as the Google and You Tube search engine, that is why many large companies have faith in them and some of their main customers are HSBC, PayPal, 20th Century Fox, Bloomberg, Target, Dominos, etc. Undoubtedly, AWS is dominating the public cloud over Microsoft Azure and Google in this race, but both are continuously growing to be on top.

Cloud computing database service Let's talk about what each provider has to offer in terms of services. The services, which are compared here, are very primary and are in the following domains: Troubleshooting and

monitoring of computer database storage So, AWS covers more than 200 services and Azure covers more than 100, while Google's cloud has been updated with a number of more than 60 services. Now let's compare your main services in each of these domains. We are not covering all services since there are so many services in each of these domains. So, in the computing domain, the main service offered by AWS is EC2, in Azure, it is Virtual Machine and Cloud Engine for google. Basically, these three services help you start the instance in the cloud, as if you want to run a virtual machine or an operating system without a local infrastructure, you can do it with any of these services, everyone has the same idea, the same work with the same functionality, only the names are different.

But, there is an important difference, which is the launch speed of an instance, well, if you try to launch an instance in 3 of them, AWS will take about a minute to launch an instance, in case of blue, more time is needed To do so, but guys, in the case of the Google cloud platform, it takes a few seconds to launch an instance, this is where the computing engine turns out to be a preferable option. Now another service comes under database domain. The main database service provided by AWS is RDS, which is the relational database service where RDS automatically performs databases such as MySQL, MariaDb, Oracle, such as backups, security patches and updates. In the case of Azure, there is a primary service called as an SQL database service, well in this service, you cannot choose any MariaDB or Oracle or MySQL database, you can only choose the SQL database and you need to change the code of your application to be compatible with SQL Database if you are using Azure. Even if you have to configure everything on your own, there are no automatic update facilities here. Now, in the case of Google, we have the service called as an SQL database, where you don't have the possibility to choose any other database apart from the MySQL database.

Cloud storage (AWS, AZURE and GCP) Let's analyze the following domain that is the storage domain. The main service in AWS storage is S3, which is a simple storage service, which is an object-based file system. Therefore, whenever you store files on these systems, these files can be treated as an object and s3 consists of cubes that also consist of a root folder and one can store your objects within these root folders. And azure implemented the similar idea, its primary storage service called Blob Storage, which is an object-based file system, where files are stored as an object. In the case of Google, cloud storage is the service and, again, provides you with the similar type of object-based storage system. Let's move on to another domain, which is the resolution of problems. The main service provided by AWS is Cloud Trail. Cloud Trail is a registration service, any application implemented in aws with the API calls, those API calls are registered in the aws logs and can be tracked and then help you solve your application problems, suppose that if there is an error, You can easily solve the problems of the specific part of that failure in your application. Such operations can be performed using the records that are stored in your AWS. And in the case of Azure, it has Azure operational information that provides the service similar to AWS, if you have your application implemented in Azure with API calls. In

the same way, in the case of GCP, we have the register of the battery controller, which again provides the same functionalities. Our next and last domain is monitoring. Well, in case of monitoring, the only service offered by AWS is the Cloud Watch service, by using this service, you can easily monitor each and every one of the resources or services running in your AWS account. It provides you with all the basic information, such as the amount of traffic that reaches your instance, what type of traffic connects to your instance, the performance of your instance, etc. You can manage, control and monitor them all with AWS Cloud Watch. And Azure provides you with a similar service called Azure application information that performs exactly the same operation. In addition, Google provides you with the Stack controller monitoring service that again performs the same exact operation as AWS Cloud Watch. Now another factor is your idle time and speed. With a mature infrastructure, the maximum downtime that AWS faced in 2014 was 2 hours and 69 minutes. While, blue even after having a good infrastructure, it faced a great downtime of 39.77 hours. And, Google faced a downtime of 14 minutes and resumed its services in a short time. What is really impressive for a newcomer like Google Cloud Platform?

Pricing and Billing models (AWS, AZURE and GCP) Now let's move on and verify your pricing and billing models. In the case of AWS, a very basic instance that includes 2 virtual CPUs and 8 GB of RAM will cost around $ 69 per month, in the case of Azure, it will cost around $ 70 per month and compared to GCP with 25 % cheaper, it will cost around $ 52 per month. Now, the largest instance offered by AWS is 3.84 TB of RAM along with 128 virtual CPUs that cost around 3.97 dollars / hour. Azure offers 3.89 TB along with 128 virtual CPUs that cost around $ 6.79 / hour. And in the case of Google, this is where Google takes the lead with a large number of 160 virtual CPUs with a RAM of 3.75 TB that will cost around $ 5.32 / hour. What I believe is much cheaper in terms of virtual CPU provisioning compared to AWS and Azure. In addition, in case of billing, AWS provides reserved instances, for example, companies buy the instances at contract prices, plus every hour. Instances are available in various levels of computing power. If a company buys instances of Aws for a particular year, this could be a 1 to 3 year contract, then they will get a 70% discount. Previously, AWS used to charge per hour, but recently they also launched billing per minute. Because during the hourly billing it made no sense to the people who used the instances for a few minutes and were charged by the hour. Right? Now, in the case of Azure, the same idea is implemented and it is called as Microsoft Enterprise Agreements, just reserve your instances using the Microsoft Enterprise Agreements and, in addition, Azure has followed the billing per minute from the beginning. In Google Cloud, they have compromised the use, where if you reserve your instances for a 1 or 3-year contract, it offers you better discount rates than AWS and another billing model provided by GCP is sustained use. Discounts automatically, if you continue using the same instance most of the time. In addition, GCP has been following the billing per minute since the beginning. About Cloudologic About Cloudologic provide cloud consulting and online learning that is most popular form of education today. Plus Cloud is the new kid on the block. We

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