15jul15 melodias

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CESGA Porriño, Spain 15/07/2015

Participative Innovation for Collaborative Society

“Open Service Innovation”

Albertina Dias Independent Expert of the European Commission Contributors: OISPG – Open Innovation Strategy and Policy Group B. Salmelin, Adviser, Innovation Systems, European Commission

Source: Henry Chesbrough, 2008.

1. Where we come from...

What has changed and drives Open innovation?

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Transition from goods to service based economy Globalization and regionalism Erosion of oligopoly market positions Deepening of the completion of the Single European Market ‘Europe 2020’ Environmental/energy constraints More industry aligned relevant university departments (qualifications apply) 8. Increasingly mobile trained workers 9. Reconfiguration of the R&D global topology: ‘R’ coming closer to ‘D’? 10.Financial crisis… 11.…

2. Transformative tendencies leading to Open Innovation

VUCATIONAL society • • • •

Volatile Uncertain Complex Ambiguous

Still linear innovation model!


• Make things happen! Sustainable innovation is full of disruptions! Science based linear innovation is NOT mainstream anymore! HOW TO CREATE NEW???

• • • •

User-centric innovation Open innovation Systemic innovation Experimental mash-up

• Innovation Union pursues a broad concept of innovation that encompasses not only new or improved products and processes, but also services, new business models, marketing, branding and design methods and new forms of business organization and collaborative arrangements. • The concept engages all actors and all regions in the innovation cycle: not only large enterprises but also SMEs in all sectors, the social economy and citizens themselves (‘social innovation’), not only in specially concentrated high-tech areas, but across all sectors and regions in the EU and Member States, each focusing on its own strengths (‘smart specialization’), acting in partnership. • The process of innovation is increasingly driven by open-source networks of cooperation and involves dynamic interrelationships between technological transformations, organizational capabilities of firms, social structures, and properly calibrated public institutional and regulatory structures

3. Where we are going: the Innovation Union context

• • • •

connectivity open interaction “organic”

• NON-controllable, only catalyzing possible

Essential drivers

Diversity matters (MIT 2002)! high


Value of innovation



insignificant Low High

Alignment of team members’ disciplines


Talent attracts talent!

Open Innovation encompasses three sets of dimensions: • There is the inside-out movement, or technology exploitation, in which existing technological capabilities are leveraged outside the boundaries of the firm; • There is an outside-in movement, also referred to as technology exploration, in which external sources of innovation are used to enhance current technological developments; • In a fully open setting, companies combine both technology exploitation and technology exploration in order to create maximum value from their technological capabilities or other competencies.

Concept of Open Innovation

Knowledge Triangle + Quadruple Helix Research, Education and Innovation + Government, Industry, Academia and Civil Participants work together

4. Anatomy of Open Innovation 2.0

New Business Structures collaboration process

Value Chain


Value Network


Value Chain Value Network

Dynamic Value Constellation

Maslow 2.0 for organisations

Why Quadruple Helix • To create new markets • Co-creation • To see what scales and what fails • To create commons to build on • To facilitate proper experimentation and prototyping • To cross borders (disciplinary, demographic, stakeholder)

Innovating together! Open Innovation Citizens and users


Application Environments

Organisation and methods Technology and Infrastructure

Creative Commons; tools, IPR, practise, experience ••• 16

Creating Innovation Platforms Engagement platforms “Assemblages of persons, interfaces, processes, and artifacts, purposefully designed to intensify engagements to co-create value�

from Prof V Ramaswami

Bridger as new profession B A C

“I am“I am going to use g my id oing to us emy a ideaein my field of use in my fie ld , and you a and you are welco of use, re m it in y e to use ourwelcome to use o wn f ield” it in your own field”

Extraordinary: Large Deviations Make the Difference In experiments events supposed not happening, happen

“normal” is not the focus “extremes” are the focus You don’t tame uncertainty looking at extraordinary events

We reward acts of prevention rather than treatment

Feedback loops Cumulative, snowballs, arbitrary and unpredictable effects

“extremes” are the focus

• New professions: Curators and Bridgers • New types of ecosystems: • • • • •

Self directed Real world prototyping and experimentation Common interest Open platforms Recognition beyond ordinary means

• Brings fast scale-ups • Flagships (?)

New innovation space

Drive Intersectional Innovation • The breakthroughs happen at the boundaries of culture, domains, nations and technologies • Prioritize support for innovation which target intersectional, disruptive and architectural innovation • Create a de Medici effect to enable a new European Innovation renaissance

Paradigm change is REAL! • • • • • • • • • • • •

Closed innovation Open innovation Open innovation 2.0 Dependency Indepencency Interdependency Subcontracting Cross-licensing Cross-fertilisation Solo Cluster Ecosystem Linear Linear, leaking Mash-up Linear subcontractsTriple Helix Quadruple Helix Planning Validation, pilots Experimentation Control Management Orchestration Win-lose game Win-win game Win more-Win more Box thinking Out of the Box No Boxes! Single entity Single Discipline Interdisciplinary Value chain Value network Value constellation

Wisdom Innovation Model (WIN MODEL) Dias, A. (2011)

 Thank you  Gracias  Obrigada  Albertina Dias tina.melo.dias@gmail.com

More information www.ec.europa.eu/research/horizon2020 http://ec.europa.eu/digital-agenda http://ec.europa.eu/digital-agenda/en/open-innovation

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