Cross Keys April 2020 (Freemasonry)

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Gleanings—Symbolism Masonry is based on this fact. The people of ancient times were taught that the earth was the centre of the Universal system, that the sun and the planets revolved around the Earth. Learned men, among them operative masons, knew that the sun was the centre of the Universal system, that the Earth and the planets revolved around the Sun, but they dare not teach that knowledge openly. Symbolism and Cryptic Writing were a living language. Scholars concealed their knowledge that the Sun was the center of the Universal system in cryptic writings. According to the record of St. Mark, the Great Teacher knew that the Sun was the centre of the Universal system and concealed his knowledge of that fact when He fed the multitude. (St. Mark’s gospel 9th chapter 16 to 20th verses.) St. John the Evangelist, who wrote the Book of Revelation, reveals that he also knew that fact, although he tried to conceal the same by writing the Book in cryptic language. (Book of Revelation chapter 13, verse 18.) Operative masons concealed their knowledge of the secrets of the universe in stone, by planning, cutting and building stone so that the edifice, when completed conformed to the Solar system. The length, breadth and height of a building, how it was situated, the number of steps leading up to the main entrance, the height of each step, the total height of the stairway, the number of pillars supporting the building, two or more, in Grecian architecture, eight pillars stood out prominently, the height of each prominent pillar, diameter, circumference and ornamentation, such as lilies and pomegranates, interior decorations, chiefly made of gold and silver, gold denoting the Sun, silver the moon, the cutting of the sides of a keystone at an angle of 23½ degrees and so on, all alluded to some part of the Solar system, each to its own part, so that the entire structure, when completed contained within itself, in one form or another all the

Cross Keys April 2020

then known secrets of the Universe. The structures stood, some still stand, for all men to behold, but only those who planned and built them knew what they truly represented. Both methods used to carry the secrets of the Universe down through the centuries-cryptic writing and building with stone--can be traced from the present day, through the different eras, to the dawn of civilization by the number thirty-six, which was, and is yet, to an oriental the number denoting the Sun. The invention of the printing press ushered in a new era. That invention enabled man to print the secrets of the Universe in book form, so that all men who were able to read acquired the knowledge. The membership of the operative guilds or lodges then changed. They admitted men to membership who were not operative masons--men who had acquired the knowledge of the secrets of the Universe by means of the printed word, and when the operative masons membership was opened to such men, speculative masonry was instituted to be developed down through the years until we have the speculative Masonic Lodges today. The name Solomon is cryptic and is an obstacle which turns many a Masonic student from the right track. The Greek name for the Sun is Sol. The Hindu name is Aum, pronounced Om and the Egyptian name Aun, pronounced On. English speaking people combine the three and coined the name Solomon, signifying the Sun in its three aspects, rising, meridian and setting, symbolized in a Masonic Lodge by the Master, Senior and Junior Wardens. Continuing the series by Brother Craighead from Aberdeen who joined Thistle Lodge No.900 in NY.

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