1 minute read
under the Grand Lodge of Bulgaria. See
not be feasible and so a system of tapes tacked into position on the floor was used.
This would be less trouble and less likely to leave traces whereby the ‘form of the Lodge’ might be discovered and as not all Tyler’s would be Artists -it was therefore inevitable as the elaboration increased that some form of ready-made permanent representation came into use, originally as floor-cloths then to the elaborately painted and framed pictures of the 1800’s we still use to-day.
We have to remember that in the 18th Century, much more instruction was imparted to the Candidate than to-day, not so much in the ceremony, but afterwards in the form of education, fitting the candidate for the subsequent degree. Such instruction seems to have fallen by the wayside as the Candidate in the 1st Degree is not instructed that the three great principles on which the order is founded are brotherly love, relief and truth. He only discovers this important information when he learns the questions leading to the 2nd Degree. Similarly, although the peculiar objects of the 2nd Degree are the hidden mysteries of nature and science, the Fellow-Craft has to wait for this revelation until he studies the questions leading to the 3rd Degree.
Thanks to the PGL Warwickshire.
Bulgarian Presentation
The master of Road to Light Lodge was presented with the certificate and jewel by the oldest member of the lodge while an Honorary Member was obligated and given the plate on the front cover. It’s fascinating seeing similar items to our own but in another language. Definitely a great demonstration of Masonry Universal.