2 minute read
Grand Lodge News
The Grand Master Mason, Bro. Ramsey McGhee has been visiting Jamaica for the Re-Dedication Ceremony of the District Grand Lodge of Jamaica and to install the new District Grand Master, Bro. Courtney King Palmer, in addition to celebrating anniversaries of the lodges in Jamaica missed by the Pandemic.
Early start to business on Friday 25 March with the first live TV interview of the day at 6.30am. The Grand Master Mason and District Grand Secretary Brother Warren Sookdar spoke openly and transparently about Freemasonry in general and activities in Trinidad & Tobago & Grenada in particular.
PGM’s Update
PG Lodge Annual Visitations continue, and 21 have now been completed. I’d like to thank the PGL Office Bearers for the support they've given the Commission as we progress through the visitations. I’d also like to thank the lodges form the very warm welcome that has been extended to us at every visitation.
Lodge Paisley St Mirrins’ No 129 will cerebrate their 250th Anniversary with a rededication ceremony by Grand Lodge on 2nd April. 129 are only the second lodge in the Province the celebrate 250 years of Freemasonry, and I’m looking forward to heading the PGL Deputation on their very special day.
15 March 2022
TO: Provincial Grand Secretaries District Grand Secretaries Grand Superintendents Secretaries of daughter Lodges Secretaries of Lodges which are under the direct supervision of Grand Lodge
Dear Sir and Brother,
Due to the escalating humanitarian crisis in Ukraine, millions of people require urgent assistance and, in response to messages from our membership asking for information on how they can help, The Grand Lodge of Scotland is co-ordinating a fund raising initiative on behalf of the Scottish Craft to support the vital relief efforts being undertaken by the British Red Cross in Ukraine and the surrounding countries which are providing invaluable support to refugees.
Should you wish to donate, please do so by following the Just Giving link below: https://www.justgiving.com/crowdfunding/glos?utm_id=1&utm_term=GZKeDRvMv Alternatively, donations may be made directly to the Grand Lodge of Scotland using the following account details –
Name - Grand Lodge of Scotland Ukraine Appeal Sort Code – 80-31-20 Account number – 00399524
Should you have any queries, please do not hesitate to email Dawn Oliff, the Homes and Charities Manager, at dawn@grandlodgescotland.org Yours faithfully and fraternally,