Many thanks to Brother Ivor Lopez, District Grand Secretary, for sharing the following news … The donation mentioned below is as a result of a local family who are very grateful to Great Ormond Street Hospital for the treatment given to their son. A group of Gibraltarians took part in a marathon in London at the weekend and have collected nearly £30000. A last minute request was made by one the members of Lodge Al Moghreb Al Aksa, No. 670, in the District of Gibraltar, resulting in the Lodge also donating £100 to Great Ormond Street Hospital Charity. New Office-Bearers Congratulations to Bros. Bud Gauld as GDoC, David Reid PPGM RE as GJD, John Miller PPGM RE as GSwB, Andy Mushet PGM of Glasgow on being installed as Grand Treasurer and also to Alistair Henderson PPGM of Glasgow as Grand Architect. And also to (shown) Bros. Jim Bell DGM, Ramsay McGhee GMM and Jim Peddie SGM.
PGL Renfrewshire East Installations & Events
The Province is almost up to date with the rearranged Lodge Anniversary Re-dedication Ceremonies that are being carried out by Grand Lodge. The most recent being the centenary celebration at Lodge Eaglesham No 1265, which was completed on Saturday 27th November. Everyone in attendance witnessed an excellent ceremony by a deputation from Grand Lodge, headed by the newly installed Substitute Grand Master, Bro James Campbell Peddie. Invitations to the Installation of the Provincial Grand Master and his Commission will be sent out at the beginning of December, an early reply would be much appreciated. Provincial Grand Lodge will be visiting the St John’s Operative Lodge No 347 on Saturday 11th Dec, to rededicate the Lodge on the occasion of their 175th Anniversary. PGL Christmas vouchers will be distributed to Lodges in mid December. Cross Keys Dece,ber 2021
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