The Earliest “Tracing Board” ?
This drawing dates from c.1727 and was included in a handwritten copy of the “Old Charges” known as the Carmick MS, rediscovered in the early 1900s with the title “Constitutions of St. John’s Lodge” and signed by Bro. Thomas Carmick. Unfortunately we know little of Bro. Carmick, however it is likely that he copied it from older source, possibly belonging to his lodge and probably for the purpose of study or education.
this form’s use in Europe, the Sloane MS for example talks of a “three cornered pavement” however it’s far from being as clear as the diagram above. Other examples from exposures such as “Three Distinct Knocks” or “Jachin and Boaz” in the 1760s show an oblong square and in many ways much simpler than the design we find from Bro. Carmick.
The overall design is based on that of an old level, with the plum line hanging down the The caption that accompanies the drawing at centre from the top point of the triangle. At the top of the page is “This figure represents the end of the plum line is a disc which could the Lodge”. represent the blazing star, surrounded by the points of the compass orientated as found in In the early 18th Century and prior, it was a Lodge and on a tracing board today. common place for “The Lodge” to be drawn upon the floor usually in chalk or charcoal by Below this and at the bottom of the level is the Tyler of the Lodge. Brethren and Office two rows of mosaic pavement. I’m yet to find Bearers would assemble around the floor dia- any explanation for the change in pattern and gram, and within it symbols of the Craft therefore put it down to nothing more than a would be either drawn or placed with thin mistake on the part of Bro. Carmick as he silver or tin reproductions. drew it. He probably wasn’t expecting anyone to be critiquing his work 300 years on. What is unusual about the form of the Lodge in the Carmick MS however is it’s triangular Picking up on the fact that there are two in shape. There is some evidence to support rows, this probably represents two steps. In
Cross Keys Dece,ber 2021
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