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Meeting in a Cavern, not a Tavern
Last September 2022, Miles Coverdale Lodge No. 5069 held their regular meeting in the caves at Kents Cavern. Miles Coverdale Lodge previously celebrated its 700th meeting in the spectacular underground setting of Torquay’s prehistoric caves at Kents Cavern on 20 October 2016. The cavern is owned by Bro. Nick Powe, Secretary of Miles Coverdale Lodge. His family have been custodians of the prehistoric cavern for five generations since 1880.
This was a regular Lodge meeting of Miles Coverdale with a focus on promoting the benefits of Freemasonry in general and Miles Coverdale Lodge in particular. Members are encouraged to invite prospective candidates (£25 per person). Dining will be an informal BBQ in the gardens following the ceremony. Members of the Lodge, representatives from the Provincial Membership and Mentoring Teams, and Masonic Charity Foundation provided a parallel social event to entertain potential candidates during the ceremony.
New War Memorial, Linwood
Bro. Robert Boyd, master 1042, and Bro. Willie Fleming PM 1042 HM 242 laying a wreath at the proposed war memorial Linwood. This should be placed across from Tesco next to Candren Road. Hopefully, further news about this to follow.