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Lodge 205 in 1870
The following is from The Freemason newspaper dated February 1870:
“The brethren of the Lodge Garthland St. Winnoch No. 205 met on Friday evening last week, in the hall of the Eagle Inn (Bro. Robertson's), Lochwinnoch to celebrate their annual festival. The above lodge received its charter of erection from the Grand Lodge of Scotland upwards of seventy years ago (the date being 6th August, 1799) and is now in good health and working order, although previous to about four years ago no meetings for election of office-bearers or initiation of candidates had been held for a good many years.
The lodge is now revived by the exertions of some of the old members, assisted by brethren of other lodges residing in the village; and their labours have been well rewarded by the admission of a good many entrants who will be a credit and honour to the Craft. The following lodges were represented by deputations, along with the brethren accompanying them:
Bros. Wallace, R.W.M. St. Mirren's 129, Paisley; Oliver M'Gregor, R.W.M. 156, St. Barchan's, Kilbarchan; W. Craig R.W.M. 157 St. John’s, Beith; William Guy R.W.M. 242 Houstoun St. Johnstone; John Orr R.W.M. 399, Royal Blues, Kilbirnie; C. M'Donald 175 St. Johns’, Greenock. In the absence of Bro. W. C. Patrick R. W. M. of Woodside, whose health did not permit him to be present, the duties of the chair were ably discharged by Bro. R. Wylie DM, supported by Bro. Ledgerwood SM on the right, and on the left by Bro. Gemmell SW.
After the loyal and patriotic toasts were disposed of, the various lodges represented were given from the chair, according to seniority on Grand Lodge Roll and replied to by their respective Masters. The Beith Instrumental Band, most of whom are brethren, was in attendance, and paraded the village during the evening, to the delight of the inhabitants.
The following brethren contributed much during the evening to the harmony of the meeting by song and sentiment: Bros. Robertson, Guy, Henderson, Wallace, members of the band and others. The lodge having been closed in due and ancient form, the brethren departed to their respective homes highly satisfied with the evening's entertainment.”
The lodge continues to meet in their hall in the High Street on the 1st and 3rd Monday–September to April, at 7.30 p.m.