The Cross Keys The Monthly Newsletter of Lodge Houstoun St. Johnstone Walking the Road / Seeking the Light January 2012
In this issue: 18th Century GL of Scotland Part 2 Masonry as an Investment New Exhibition in GLoNY Crest of Lodge King’s Park No.1386 Universal Temple of Freemasonry What is our Purpose? The Lodge of Melrose Studying Masonic Philosophy William St. Clair’s Picture Masonry—Make it a Passion The Grand Mystery of Freemasons Discovered The Statue of Liberty Anniversary A Modern Tracing Board Old Scottish Records
Cross Keys January. 2012
Number 154
The 18th Grand Lodge of Scotland Part 2 In 1736, four lodges talked about a great loss due to not having a Grand Lodge (England having been formed in 1717 and Ireland’s in 1735?). Only four years later, the GL minutes on 21st May, 1740 mention the ‚revival of the Grand Lodge‛ and this was evident with the increasing number of lodges being formed. By 1800, more than 300 lodges worked and with this came a desire to have private premises partly because of increasing attendances and partly because of more formal regulations about rules from GL. Strangely enough, many of these lodges were operative: construction of new buildings were all operative: No. 13Aberdeen, No. 3 Scoon & Perth, No. 6 Inverness, No. 8 Journeymen, and No. 30 Stirling during the period 1750 and 1765. The proximity of the dates is similar to recent times—many lodges, in particular Renfrewshire, built their own premises around the early 20th century. These were not drab interiors that tends to be associated with many buildings at that time. In 1773, No. 13Aberdeen listed re-decorations: It was Unanimously Agreed to Paint the Chair…of a Stone Colour in Oil with Chacilite Base, to paint the Plaster of the Walls a Light bleu in Size, To paint the Architrave of a Syrean or Redish Marble Colour, The Frize a plain white, of the Cornish a Dove Colour all three in Oil, The East Window Pelasters Architrave of a white veined Marble, The Gal lery of the Cartuses Mahogany Colour Architrave Frise and Cornish of Different Colours as the Painter thinks Neatest, The Doors Mahogany Colours. Unlike England, the GL chartered the majority of lodges outside its capitol:
Blue: Edinburgh Red: rest of Scotland Yellow: oversees Light Blue: military
There was also a correlation with other cities having a large population and low lodge representation—Glasgow, Aberdeen and Dundee only made 17% of the total of Scottish lodges.
An Informed Mason is an Involved Mason Cross Keys January. 2012
Masonry As An Investment By the most of us, investment has to do with money or its equivalent, but a Mason writes in an English magazine about "Masonry as an Investment." You cannot buy Masonry, no man ever did or ever will. You do not buy it when you pay your fees or dues, you simply gain by these opportunities to get Masonry. Where is your investment then, you ask. Let me tell you. If you become a Mason you put into Masonry more than money, more than anything you have or possess, that you measure by pounds or shillings, you put your life into it. Unless you can and do put your life into it, unless you let Masonry direct your life, you have no investment, you get little or nothing from Masonry. "Life is in constant conflict between good and evil. Masonry aids the Mason to choose the good rather than the evil. Dominating the Mason's life Masonry creates the habit of choosing the good, with the result that it helps him to develop character. You may have wealth and put your money in to paying propositions but you can make no investment that will pay you greater dividends than Masonry will if you make Masonic effort to build character. Words to Live By: I hope I shall possess firmness and virtue enough to maintain what I consider the most enviable of all titles, the character of an honest man. ~George Washington Questions and ideas for Masonic discussions and programs can be found at - just click on the Masonic Monday Question.
Ed Halpaus 32° K.C.C.H., FPS Grand Lodge Officer Grand Lodge A.F. & A.M. of MN
Scottish Intrants Excluding the period following the world wars and the end of the 19th century which were boom times and unrepresentative of the Craft, it could be argued that the Scottish average is about 2000. Despite the talk about a fall in numbers, perhaps we are returning to ‘normal’ levels.
Cross Keys January. 2012
New Exhibition in the Grand Lodge of New York The Chancellor Robert R Livingston Masonic Library of Grand Lodge announces the opening of an exhibition of seven water-coloured engravings dating from the early 19th century, used as illustrations in Masonic exposures published in France and other parts of Europe. These engravings were acquired by the Library in late 2011, and will be on display in our Manhattan site in Masonic Hall, 71 West 23rd Street, beginning in January 2012. Since its beginnings, Freemasonry has been unfairly labelled by its detractors as a ‘secret society.’ While some of that accusation focuses on the use of modes of recognition, most of the opponents of Freemasonry also raise questions about what might be happening behind the closed lodge doors during degree ceremonies. For the past three hundred years, foes of the Craft have speculated far and wide about the nature of the ritual that has meant so much and continues to mean so much to Masons around the world. We, as Freemasons living in a free society, know that the privacy we maintain around our work exists for a number of very important but relatively harmless reasons. First, we use the degrees to set a state of mind in the candidate that is conducive to the learning of lessons not just on a level of logic, but at a level of emotion. By clouding the degrees in mystery, the candidate approaches the ceremony with a pre-existing state of wonder, which intensifies the overall experience, and hopefully establishes the lessons firmly on his conscience. Second, our reason for maintaining privacy relates to tradition, and frankly, Freemasonry values tradition sometimes for the sake of tradition. In the case of the ritual, the tradition had long been that the ritual was taught mouth to ear, and not written down, not even (as in times past) in cipher or code. This practice existed to a large extent to maintain the privacy of the ritual. But from early on, probably from the morning after the first Masonic lodge meeting, people have been writing accounts of what they suspected took place during Masonic degree ceremonies. This practice of ‘exposing’ Masonic ritual developed into a genre of Masonic literature called ‘exposures.’ Masonic exposures gained popularity in the mid 18th century, featuring the full text of lectures, recounted by ‚genuine and authentic past members of…‛ some Masonic lodge or side order. The engravings on display at the Livingston Library represent a series of seven illustrations by French artist Louis Travenol under his alias Leonard Gabanon. The original illustrations were created by Gabanon in the 1740s: our engravings date from 1809-1812, and feature illustrations meant to accompany exposed accounts of Masonic degrees and ceremonies. If you watch cable television, you will be familiar with the style of Gabanon’s illustrations, since they are often used in documentaries exploring the history and symbolism of Freemasonry. The illustrations are provocative, in the sense that they cause Masons to reflect on what degrees might have entailed in Europe more than two hundred years ago. They may cause the general public to be curious and interested about the nature of Masonic ceremonies, just as the same images caused curiosity and interest when published throughout the 18th and 19th centuries.
By RW THOMAS M. SAVINI , Director of the GL of New York Library
Cross Keys January. 2012
Freemason Flames Logo on an Android
Freemason Logo Interactive Flames Live Wallpaper Touch to make flames! Click on either image to go to the website.
Archiving Lodge Records Many PGLs and lodges have been involved recently through the Scottish Masonic Materials Group with preserving their records. Although it is not a cheap option, it is one that is worthy of consideration. However, not only in Scotland has this been taking place, but in various parts of the US and possibly further afield. For example, in Virginia, The Library of Virginia is undertaking a project to microfilm volumes of minute books belonging to the Fairfax Masons Lodge No. 43 of Culpeper. The work will begin with the most ancient of the records, a minutes book documenting meetings from 1794, when the group got its charter, through 1801. Recently, the master noticed the same book sitting in a box in a closet in the current lodge. Concerned with preserving it, and other volumes, he contacted the Culpeper County Librarian, who contacted the Library of Virginia for help. The director of the LoV Descriptions Services Branch, is heading up the microfilm project. He said it would take a couple months to film each volume, send the film for duplication and do quality control. The original volumes will then be returned to the Masons, and copies of the volumes, on microfilm, maintained by the Library of Virginia as well as the Culpeper County Library and Fairfax Lodge No. 43. The preservation work is made possible in part through donations. ‚Providing research access is our goal,‛ he said. Perhaps there are ways of working with local libraries to preserve local history. If the library is getting something in return then this is more likely to become a reality.
Cross Keys January. 2012
The Universal Temple of Freemasonry
The Grand Lodge of the State of Israel had plans a few years ago about an exciting new building project. Unfortunately, the plans were shelved, but from the architect’s designs this would have been an outstanding place where masons from all over the world would have visited. The top left shows the building with the Dome of the Rock in the background and on the right is Freemasonry Plaza. It would have a purpose built library, museum, Symbolism Hall (bottom left), blue lodge room (bottom right) and various others. The GL on the 4th floor in Tel Aviv is rented and becoming less fit for purpose. Perhaps now is the time to re-visit these remarkable plans.
Cross Keys January. 2012
What is our Purpose? Recently, lodges have had to re-think some strategies due to a lack of candidates. This is not problem exclusively in Scotland, but in most English speaking lodges. Why English speaking lodges—quite simply many European lodges have continued to ‘teach’ the Craft of Freemasonry, demand high standard of knowledge before being passed or raised and encouraging further study of our noble science. The following article is from Bro. Leigh MacConnell, Grand Lecturer under the GL of Nova Scotia. ‚On the one hand, ‘they’ tell us the purpose of Freemasonry is to make Masons. On the other hand, making Masons seems to be the initiation of as many members as a Lodge can induct. The degrees of Masonry are only the beginning of a man’s journey to be come a Mason. Whether operative or speculative, it is the goal of the fraternity to do more than initiate, pass and raise its candidates. Today, the infusion of Masonic principles is left entirely to the member. In claiming to make men better little is done to assist the new member besides offering a stated meeting and another degree night. Where is the benefit? If a new Mason is not self-motivated, his education stops when he completes his degrees. The greatest majority of the time a Mason gets into a leadership position in his Lodge and does not understand what the work of Freemasonry is, or what its purpose is. The purpose of speculative Masonry is not to get more men into Masonry but rather to get more Masonry into men. Our work as Freemasons is to work on ourselves.” The current trend in Masonry is to make the Lodge more visible—more open to the community. That is, to publicly display the wonders and benefits of Freemasonry to the world, enhance its image and restore its past glory. Slick advertising campaigns do not fool the young men. They come to the fraternity seeking what we do not give—purpose and meaning to life. I believe that for so long we have not pursued Freemasonry in the Lodge that we have forgotten what to do and how to go about it. We need to be learning its history and engaging in discussion to explain its philosophy, symbolism and esoteric (hidden) meanings. And that is where the work begins. Lodges need to appoint mentors for each man brought into the Lodge (the old Scottish term is Intendors so this is not a new concept). Mentoring, another word for training, is the establishment of a personal relationship between the candidate and an established Mason (one who has at least a fair working knowledge of the Craft). The mentor does not have to be a college professor skilled in the art of the Craft.” Without asking lodges to re-invent the wheel, this is where PGL could assist by outlining some possible programmes to use that might retain some of our members. PGL will need to work closely with lodges. It is not an easy task, but it is one that could prove worthwhile to lodges both in interest and economically.
Cross Keys January. 2012
The Lodge of Melrose St. John No.12 (bis) The lodge is one of the oldest in Scotland and indeed, the world and has one of these curious numbers shared with Mary’s Chapel in Edinburgh and The Lodge of Aberdeen. Why is it shared? Melrose, in a similar way to Mother Kilwinning, used to grant charters to form other lodges. The lodge continued to work independently of Grand Lodge after its formation in 1736. the last set of charters were issued to lodges in Glasgow, Giffnock, Lenzie and Shettleston, with names of Melrose St. John’s, Glasgow and Melrose St. Mungo. The members of the lodge discussed a union with the Grand Lodge in 1787, 1812 and it was not until 1891 that she decided to join the roll of the Grand Lodge. Since other lodges existed with the number 1, then 12 (No. 1 bis) was accepted.
A Unique Building
The lodge in Arecibo, Puerto Rico. Not a place that one would think about in masonic terms, but a superb building that is clearly well looked after.
Cross Keys January. 2012
Masons Christmas Treat The brethren of Hiram Abiff Lodge No. 16 (Prince Hall) in Pleasantville, New Jersey held their annual Christmas party and gave away 72 bicycles and hundreds of toys. New Jersey's Prince Hall Grand Master Robert Oglesby, Sr. said between $8,000 and $10,000 worth of bicycles, toys, food and candy canes were given away on Saturday.
More Masonic Murals
The 40th piece of art spawned by Naperville’s Century Walk is full of history, symbolism, tools and famous men from the old to the new.. It’s a mural sponsored by Euclid Lodge on the west side of Russell’s Dry Cleaners building at Jefferson Avenue and Main Street, and it portrays Freemasonry in Illinois and the U.S. A brave gesture taking the Craft to street life. Another superb mural, this time inside the Grand Lodge of Virginia can be viewed in the Allen E. Roberts Library in Richmond. This features Past GMs, KST and the old/new theme (the new being Bro. Ken Roberts, son of Allan) and also a friend of the late Bro Dougie McIntyre PM 306, HM 242 and Grand Macleod PM 242. Cross Keys January. 2012
GL News Freemasons' Hall will not reopen until 08.45 on Wednesday, 5th January, 2012. Please also note that the Museum and Library will be closed for most of January (reopening on Monday, 30th January) to allow for annual cleaning.
PGL News Monday 9h January, 2012—PG Committee at 7pm in Barrhead Saturday, 21st January, 2012—Installation briefing for PGOBs at 10.30am in POW, Renfrew. Saturday, 28th January, 2012—Installation of OBs in POW, Renfrew at 2.30pm Common Good Fund PGL has the Common Good Fund which contains some money for lodges to borrow at 0% interest. It is used for lodges if they suddenly require financial assistance. Applications should be made by the lodge secretary to the PG Secretary.
Bro. Richard Dreyfuss Last month, it was mentioned that the actor, Richard Dreyfuss, has joined the Craft. One of the CK readers, Bro. Keith Millar PM was actually at the meeting in Washington and can be see to the right of Bro. Dreyfuss who was made a ‚Mason at Sight‛ at the Scottish Rite Temple. Bro. Millar continues: ‚This presented me with a dilemma! I had the choice of a tour of the White House, or going to this ceremony. I was advised that the White House would be available at another time, but these ceremonies were very rare so I should take advantage of what might, for me, be a unique opportunity. The "Mason on Sight" ceremony is performed only rarely, and for special reasons. I witnessed the ceremony from the 1st to the 3rd Degree, then retired with many other Brethren while Bro. Dreyfuss was given other degrees up to, and including the 32nd.‛ Cross Keys January. 2012
Studying Masonic Philosophy The study of Masonic philosophy through our ritual is a comprehensive quest for a better understanding of God, the nature of our world, human existence, and the relationship between those things. As such, the objective of our rituals is to reinforce ancient wisdom that centers around the fatherhood of God, the brotherhood of man, and the search for truth. Our fraternity has for centuries provided Freemasons with a set of values, morals, and ethics contributing to a unique mindset that has shaped our world view and brought about significant changes in the world we live in. There are several reasons why memorization and performance of our rituals are important but we will focus on three. 1. Provides opportunities for growth and self-actualisation. Our rituals were not developed merely to elaborate on ancient legends but rather to teach our philosophy and to transform the character of those practicing them. While the ritual communicates spiritual principles and ideals consistent with the major religions, it also requires our members to go beyond mere philosophical response to active integration of those principles before they can have an impact on one’s life. Thus, the rituals worth does not just rest on reading and understanding the written word; it must move from the head to the heart to accomplish the purpose for which it was truly intended. 2. Reinforces our beliefs and the value of our institution. Our ritual provides a balance for the Freemason and gives insight into the challenges, setbacks, and trials that every man must face as a byproduct of the human condition. The answers provided from study typically draw from the spiritual teachings of past religious leaders and philosophers. The integration of the concepts teach one to think analytically and, it is hoped, to better understand the relation of the creature to his creator. ‚As every part of the circumference of a circle is equally near and equally distant from the center so is every creature God hath made equally near and equally distant from him.‛ 3. Provides understanding of the impact of our philosophy. The ritual tries to provide us an understanding of the person, character, mind, and will of the Supreme Architect of the Universe. Through self examination we can cut below the facade of appearances and provide ourselves insight into some of man’s inner motivations and plans through its study. As we read, memorize, and understand, it becomes a mirror that exhibits our true character, exposes areas of self-delusion, and exhorts us to change. A working knowledge of our degrees, teachings, and the basic tenets of our fraternity provide us wisdom and guidance in the decisions that shape the course of our very existence and a philosophical perspective that will enable us to respond in a correct manner to our circumstances and rise above them. Our ritual was always intended to teach our philosophy. It is best understood as a worthwhile endeavor designed to shake us free from the world’s force-fed assumptions and preconceived ideas and to teach us to think analytically and independently. For those who become truly involved with ritual, its memorization and practice is more than a mere hobby or pastime, it enters into every aspect of one’s life. Socrates said, ‚The unexamined life is not worth living.‛ To some, that might sound really arrogant. But please remember that in making that claim he was speaking as a philosopher, expressing a discovery that each person makes for himself once they have begun seriously to embrace the study of any philosophy. If life seems more problematic for the philosopher, then life without philosophy becomes simply unthinkable.
Taken from The Scottish Rite Journal (October 2011)
Cross Keys January. 2012
William St. Clair’s Picture
It is included since the jewel worn is considered the ‘Badge of the Order’ and indicates the two degree nature of the Craft generally across Scotland.
January’s Events in 242
Thursday 12th January —EAD by 1042 at 7.30pm Thursday 26th—EA by OBs at 7.30pm VISIT to St. Barchan No.156 to confer MMD
Sir William Wallace RAC 19th January—EMD at 7.30pm
Cross Keys January. 2012
Masonry—Make it a Passion Many of the Companions of our Grand Jurisdiction have been Masons for more than a few years, and over those years, many changes to our Rituals have occurred in both our Chapters and our Lodges. I recently received my 35 year pin and certificate as a Mason, and therefore I remember when the Master Mason degree underwent major renovations, especially in the area of the Ritual of Raising and the Hiramic Legend. I expect there are many Companions who did as I did when they received their 3rd degree; that is, they participated as the Brother who was raised last. Being raised last caused us to have a bit more involved role than those who might have been raised earlier in the ceremony. I also recall that there was a great deal of consternation at the time with what the Grand Lodge Custodians of the Work proposed to change in the Legend. Imagine actually adding the character of GMHA to the cast of the allegory! I remember hearing many of the older Brothers ask "just what did they expect to accomplish with all of these changes?" This was without realizing that changes to our Masonic ritual have been the norm throughout the very existence of Freemasonry. For example, today we use Table Lodges and Table Chapters as special occasions; centuries ago such practices were the status quo. The changes made at that time to the Master Mason Degree were meant to increase the value of the allegory to the candidates as a "teachable moment", to use one of today's educational cliches. Masonic ritual was enhanced to further fulfill its mission as a tool within Masonry's overall role in the lives of its members, as one of human history's most vital and valuable educational institutions. Royal Arch Masonry occupies a special place within Masonry itself. Recently M.·.E.·. Ted Harrison, Grand High Priest 2002, was asked about how sister jurisdictions, especially those overseas, view Royal Arch Masonry. His reply was that those who are admitted to this degree express a special passion for Masonry because of their view of the value of the institution of the Royal Craft, and their attitude of humility for being admitted to this elite body within the Craft.
Cross Keys January. 2012
Masonry—Make it a Passion (ctd) I wish for all of us the ability to experience that kind of passion, not only for our special branch of the Fraternity, but for the overall family of Masonry. And as such, I ask all of you to assist me in extending Masonry's role as an educational institution of the highest order through the means available to us, our special degrees and ceremonies. Take every opportunity you can to express to our Brethren of the Symbolic Lodge the value of Royal Arch Masonry within the Masonic system. I especially urge use of the Fervency and Zeal Program, either through its new electronic form or staged the traditional way. In the many times I have either witnessed or participated in this program, it has never failed to produce candidates for our Chapters. Finally, I ask that we continue to be the Masons that our younger members come to for knowledge. Let's truly take on the burden that the obligation of the Most Excellent Master Degree enjoins upon us, to be sources of Masonic light and knowledge for those who are lesser informed. If we passionately take on that role and keep it foremost in our minds as our individual Masonic mission, we can't help but to extend the usefulness of the Royal Craft and of the whole of Masonry itself. So mote it be! An article by Comp. G. Irwin Grand Lecturer , Grand Chapter State of New York
Swiss Theory of Knights Templar? Another haven for fleeing Templars could have been provided by the then emerging country of Switzerland. One theory has been put forward65 that a group of Templars became involved with the struggle for Swiss independence some time after the first three Cantons — Uri, Schwyz and Unterwalden — signed a pact of mutual assistance in 1291. Swiss folk tales tell of white-clad knights appearing to assist the Cantons in the struggle against the Holy Roman Empire; the date is also significant, as, after 1291, the Templars were seemingly without a raison d'etre for their continued existence. Whether or not these knights — assuming they were Templars — saw the emerging Swiss confederacy as a potential Ordensland of their own is impossible now to determine, but two factors lend credibility to this thesis: firstly, the Swiss, once established, suddenly acquired, as if from nowhere, the best army in Europe. Their military prowess would remain unchallenged until the Battle of Marignano in 1515, when they were comprehensively defeated by the French. Secondly, Switzerland is famous (or infamous, depending upon one's point of view) for its banks. The Templars were the true originators of the international banking system that is still in use today, predating the great Italian houses by more than a century.
Cross Keys January. 2012
Largs Kilwinning No.173 on 6th December, 2012. RWM Bro. Alan Buntain is seen with Bros. David Bloomfield PGM Kilwinning, Drew Rankin Sub PGL, Alan Galt, Willie Kilpatrick & David Caldwell (Installing Masters), Archie Chalmers PGM Ayrshire and John Miller PGM Designate Renfrewshire East.
Mother Kilwinning No.0 installation on 17th December was followed by a superb harmony (in regalia) before finally closing the lodge. The new master, Bro. David A. Kirk is seen with Bros David Bloomfield PGM of Kilwinning, David Wilson PPGM Kilwinning (& No.) Sec), Wilson Aitken GBB, William Steele Sub PGM Ayrshire, Robert MacRae and Tom Wood (Installing Masters).
Lodge Kelvin Partick No.1207 on 6th December, 2012. RWM Bro. Bill Rennie is seen with Bros. Ross Mennie & Gordon Stewart (Installing Masters) with Bros. Duncan McIntosh Sub PGM of Glasgow and Alastair Hill PGLOB. Cross Keys January. 2012
The Grand Mystery of Freemasons Discovered
During the 18th Century, many publications were printed which ‘revealed’ the secrets of Masonic lodges. One such document was the Grand Secret of Freemasons Discovered in 1724 and Pages 11 & 12 are shown above. Most of these documents were in the forma of a question and answer and some were used as aide memoirs by brethren of lodges. Other, however, were probably published to make money and the truth was irrelevant as we still see in some publications today. I’ll let you decide which category the above lies in.
1950 Addresses Did you know? Supreme Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Scotland met at 75 Queen Street, Edinburgh Supreme Council for Scotland met at 16 Queen Street, Edinburgh The Great Priory in Scotland met at 3 Howe Street, Edinburgh The Grand Imperial Council of Scotland met at 18 Heugh Street, Falkirk. Can any brother add some details to what these buildings were? Or even make it into an article? Cross Keys January. 2012
The Statute of Liberty Anniversary On August 6, 2011 Most Worshipful Vincent Libone, Grand Master, accompanied by the Grand Line Officers and Past Grand Masters travelled to the Statue of Liberty to rededicate the cornerstone, in honour of its 125th Anniversary. Most Worshipful William A. Brodie (from Kilbarchan and affiliate to Lodge St. Barchan No.156) originally dedicated the cornerstone on August 5, 1884. RW Federico Larrinaga, Grand Chaplain, delivered the Benediction at the recent reenactment of the laying of the cornerstone of the Statue of Liberty. 127 years ago. RW C. F. William Maurer said, ‚Today marks the 127th anniversary of the cornerstone laying ceremony of the Statue of Liberty enlightening the world conducted by the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of the State of New York. The photo is a display in the lobby across from the original torch of the Statue of Liberty. The Grand Master at the time, MW William A. Brodie said in his brief message, ‚Why call upon the Masonic Fraternity to lay the cornerstone of such a structure as is here to be erected?‛ He answered this question by stating ‚No institution has done more to promote liberty and to free trammel and chains of ignorance and tyranny that has Freemasonry‛. No institution has done more to promote liberty and to free men form the trammels and chains of ignorance and tyranny than has Freemasonry‛.
Cross Keys January. 2012
1850 Certificate Master Mason certificate issued to John L. Carter for admittance in Oxford Lodge No. 33 of the Grand Lodge of Mississippi. It shows quite an array of symbols, many unfamiliar to Scottish masons.
Cross Keys January. 2012
A Modern Tracing Board The work above is a modern representation of the second degree tracing boards of old. It is filled with metaphor and symbolism, fluent to all Fellowcraft Masons. A sub title for the piece is: “evolution of man is the alchemy of the spirit.”“evolution of man is the alchemy of the spirit.” The First Tracing boards were created as visual aids used to illustrate the meanings and principals of Freemasonry as taught within the degrees. Much of the symbolism is from the Western tradition, and has been adapted here for the modern mason. In the image there are many symbolic and esoteric interpretations. With adapting this work, the most significant change is the positional change of the viewer, moving from an external passive position looking in upon a pastoral scene to a participatory one with the viewer actively engaged in the activity. This changing position positions the initiated as if within mirror from the reflector to the reflection. This movement inward becomes the focus of the degree, passive to active moving the self towards the divine
Finnish Masonic Conference "Edges of Freemasonry – Western Esotericism and the Enlightenment" is a two-day conference and an international and academic event organized by the University of Tampere School of Social Sciences and Humanities in association with The Research Lodge Minerva No.27 of the Grand Lodge of F. & A. M. of Finland. Edges of Freemasonry – Western Esotericism and the Enlightenment aims to investigate exceptional but prominent new currents in human sciences. The conference focuses on modern Freemasonry as a cultural and historically constituted phenomenon but also seeks to create a dialogue with wider contexts like the Enlightenment and especially the history of western esotericism, which has increasingly attracted the attention of academic research. Cross Keys January. 2012
Old Scottish Records In Scotland, from 1598 onwards, we have the minutes of several operative lodges in whose history we can trace the reasons that led to the decline of their trade-controlling powers. There followed the gradual admission of non-operatives, doubtless to swell the funds, and an increase in the social, convivial and benevolent functions of the lodge. There are no comparable minutes for England and for the whole of the 1600s the records relating to English lodges can be summarized in a few lines: 1.
An entry in the Treasurer's accounts for 1631 of the London Masons' Company showing that it was operating a mixed lodge of masons and 'accepted masons'. There are a few later entries in the same vein.
Ashmole's diary entry recording his initiation as an occasional lodge at Warrington in 1646.
A sheet recording members' votes to decide how much William Wade should pay for his admission into the Lodge at Chester, c. 1675.
Anderson's hearsay record in his 1738 Constitutions of several lodges in London in 1693; unreliable because these details were reported to him some forty years after that date.
A Grand Lodge minute dated 2 March 1732 relating to Richard Hall, a petitioner and member of the Lodge at the Swan, Chichester, who claimed that he had been initiated there in 1693. Grand Lodge granted him 'Six Guineas'.
Crests of the Province Lodge The King’s Park No.1386 was chartered in 1934, the sponsor Lodges being Rutherglen RA, No 116 and Sir George Cathcart No 617. The Founder Master was Bro. Jack MacTaggart, a PM of the Trades House of Glasgow Lodge No 1241, and son of Sir John MacTaggart of MacTaggart & Mickel, himself a Founder Member of the Lodge. The original meeting place was the King's Park Hall in Kingsbridge Drive, owned by the Tenants Association, but built by MacTaggart & Mickel and suitably adapted by them in construction to serve as a Lodge Room. The crest depicts the standard masonic arms on the right with King’s Park (top left) and (bottom left). Cross Keys January. 2012
PGLRE Education Dinner The Provincial Grand Lodge of Renfrewshire East will hold another Education Dinner which will take place on 18th May, 2012. Although slightly early, please note the date in your diary. The first dinner a couple of years ago with the Grand Master Mason as the only speaker was a great success and it is hoped to continue this format. The only speaker is WBro. Dunlop, Grand Master of Ireland. The event will take place in the premises of our lodge and we are honoured to host this popular event.
Discovered at a country auction, Bro. Brother’s Journal contains the personal reminiscences, the earliest dating from 1893, of Hiram H. Brother (1872 – 1970), a prominent Freemason from the US. Click on image.
In Memoriam The dead are like the stars by day … withdrawn from mortal eye… yet not extinct that hold their way In glory through the sky… .Spirits of bondage thus set free… .Vanish amidst immensity… While human thought… .Like human sight… .Fail to pursue…. Their trackless flight.
It is with deep sadness and much regret that we have to inform you of a loss sustained to the craft in Renfrewshire in the passing to the Grand Lodge above of the following Brother: George Dickson PM 1042
Cross Keys January. 2012
The Cross Keys is Edited and Researched by Brothers - Grant Macleod & Brian Kerr E-Mail:
Lodge Websites Thanks to Bro. Allan Stobo WJW for proof reading.
Don’t forget to support The Ashlar magazine— Scotland’s only Masonic magazine.. Just click on the magazine to find out more.
Cross Keys January. 2012