The Cross Keys The Monthly Newsletter of Lodge Houstoun St. Johnstone
January 2014
Walking the Road / Seeking the Light
In this issue: Minority Views—Responses How to make your lodge attractive Parachute Regiment Degree Masonic Fishing Charity Colours of Scottish Aprons View from Floroda Volcano Masonic Lodge Colourful Lodge in Texas
Cross Keys Jan 2014
Number 172
Are my Views in the Minority? As expected, a number of brethren have replied to the letter in the December edition. It is hoped that more will be in the February edition. Dear Brother, I read with interest your article published in the Cross Keys this month and I do agree with some aspects but not entirely with others. I have been a Freemason since 1974 and I too can see considerable changes in the Craft and its place in society in the last 40 years. You are right when you say that in general Lodges are struggling with regard to attendances, recruitment and retention. When it comes to prospective candidates some are sadly lacking in the qualities that we should be looking for and in some cases, suspect in their reasons for joining. In my own Lodge a candidate is informed from the East that he can now join the social club, as if that was some ‚reward‛ for becoming a Freemason, a practice to which I strongly object. Even in these times of greatly reduced numbers (attendances at my Lodge have fallen from an average of 101 in 2000 to 63 last year) we must seek out suitable new members, people who we think will put as much into Freemasonry as they get out of it and who will be regular attenders at our meetings. All too often we see newly made masons for a few months or a couple of years at most and then they seem to fade from the scene. We need to ask ourselves why this is happening; are they not being made welcome; are there cliques in the Lodge that make them feel excluded; or are they just bored with watching EA, FC, MM repetitively month after month? Freemasonry we are told is a progressive science, but all too many masons remain solely within their Craft Lodge without any thought of progressing to other Orders where more of our enthralling story and greater masonic knowledge is revealed. Some PMs think that Lodge members should not be encouraged to join other Orders as this will in some way preclude them from supporting their Lodge. I look around my own Lodge and see many Brethren I recognise from the Arch, Preceptory, Conclave, the A. & A.S Rite and the Royal Order, their membership of these orders obviously not stopping them from attending their Mother Lodge. These are the really committed Freemasons who want to increase their masonic knowledge and who, through their membership of a variety of Orders, are never bored with Masonry as they can witness different degrees every night they are out. Lodges should be prepared to look beyond a constant repetition of the three craft degrees and be supported to carry out discussion forums, lectures or presentations that will be of interest to the Brethren. It is in this regard that I beg to differ, based on my own experience, with your comments on PGLs. In Renfrewshire East the current PGM and his Office Bearers have delivered lectures in many of the daughter lodges on a variety of subjects and themes that relate to Freema-
Cross Keys Jan 2014
Are my Views in the Minority? (ctd) sonry and these have been well received by the Brethren. On the initiative of PGL a masonic library has been created and properly collated by a librarian with the books being available for any Brother to borrow, read and comment on. Meetings have been organised to which newly raised masons (over the previous 12 months) have been invited and encouraged to share their experiences. They can discuss the degrees and what lessons they convey, how they have been received and supported by the Brethren of their Mother Lodge and what they hope to be able to give to and get from Freemasonry in the years ahead. The PGM has initiated an ‚intender‛ programme where Lodges can nominate a Brother to be a point of contact or mentor for new members and who can answer their questions, to some of which their proposer or seconder might not feel knowledgeable enough to respond. I know that some Brethren are not enamoured by their PGL (you can’t please all of the people all of the time) but I fail to see that the above initiatives could in any way be carried out by ‚buffoons‛, jewel hunters or those in office only looking for a ‚free meal and a drink‛. Returning to my point on the membership of other Orders, many OBs of the PGL of Renfrewshire East are also active members of other Orders and in my opinion that expands and improves their masonic knowledge and helps them to be better PGL Office Bearers. From your letter it would appear that your own PGL does not come up to the standards required and that being the case it is up to the Brethren in the Daughter Lodges to see that the right type of Mason is put forward from their Lodge to be a PGL member and for Grand Lodge to look more carefully at the members of a PGL and how these Brethren represent the Craft. In closing I would thank you for writing the article as published as I am sure it will cause mush discussion and debate with the readership and that is to be encouraged over apathy. Freemasonry is at a difficult time in its history, however I am convinced that it will survive as a viable institution and find its true position in society. To do so however we must ensure that the right sort of person is encouraged to join from the outside world and that the right sort of Mason is encouraged to lead us. Yours fraternally Bro. Ken Blackie Lodge Houstoun St. Johnstone No. 242
Cross Keys Jan 2014
Are my Views in the Minority? (ctd) In this latest version of the ‘Cross Keys’, I cannot decide whether the article by the anonymous brother is a swipe at his mother lodge, at a Provincial Grand Lodge, or the Craft generally. He describes members of PGL (I am not sure what PGL he refers to) as ranging between very competent to buffoons, and later in the article as being a haven for mediocrity. I am not sure where I am on this sliding scale, but I do not recognise mediocrity in anything I am involved with. The anonymous brother mentions that PGL has become a place for people to massage their egos. To be fair, the Craft gives one many opportunities for that to occur, should that be a motivation for any brother. I have a very accomplished career, and I am well respected in my field and I hope within the Craft I have given the impression that I am willing to work to forward a Craft that I enjoy. Mediocrity is not something that I recognise in the PGL of Renfrewshire East commission. There seems to be a pertinent point made about a lodge often being a drinking club, which inevitably must impact on the quality of men who want to join. A lodge is more than that, so we agree on this point. The opinion from the brother is that PGL are free loaders, this is a common misconception, and one that I am truly offended by. Few realise that at each 'free' meal, we contribute at least £10 to the raffle, put money in every collection, and most of us are willing to purchase alcohol. It is a mistake to label all PGL OB’s negatively due to the actions of one or two brethren. As one of the few Scottish masons who attended and presented at the ICHF, there are a few points made that I agree with. The ICHF was freemasonry at its best, open, honest and critical, but fair. Grant (Cross Keys editor) and I are very proud to have taken part, where we delivered a paper on British freemasonry and the military. I too wish that more people could have read our paper, and listened to comments from world class masonic historians and academics on our presentation. We have 37 lodges in the province, and hence we must have OB's to cover 37 installations, 37 annual visits, and other education activity. PGL can only function if each lodge gives us their best. The truth is, some do while others do not; it is far easier to snipe and moan than take a risk, or take part and find out that while it is hard work, being a part of PGL can be extremely satisfying and rewarding. There is a reverse snobbery at work here. Those who snipe wish to be part of PGL, but are unwilling to admit this, it being far easier to justify why one is not a part of something, than defend it from within. That is a greater risk to one’s sense of superiority, and hence is rejected to preserve self-esteem. Our PGL in Renfrewshire East are leading by example in Scotland at the moment, and our PGM John S. Miller has a vision of the future of the province that will attempt to change the role and function of PGL to address the very real issues of retention of new members, and progression of suitable men into positions of leadership and authority. We have a long way to go, and institutional change cannot happen overnight. However we also require closed minds to be open to the possibility that PGL members love the Craft, not just the gongs, and that do this role because they enjoy it. Being a PM, this mason is entitled to his opinion, some of which I share - most of which I reject; however he and others like him must be able to voice their frustrations at every opportunity. Bro. Iain McPhee SPGMRE PM 1566
Cross Keys Jan 2014
How to make your lodge attractive!
The following was scanned from The Masonic News (1872) from an article about things to do to make brethren want to come to the lodge. Number 3 is one which is often broken! Too many lodges have too much backbiting and usually by a small number of brethren. I’m sure every lodge could name them. Number 7 is interesting—variation including brief essays or addresses. How many lodges do these already? Successful ones perhaps. What other ponts could be added to the list? Loads I would imagine. March will have a full article about boring its members.
Cross Keys Jan 2014
Parachute Regiment Degree, Glasgow On 29th November, 2013 The Parachute Regiment Degree Team Lodge Alexandra No.1282 hosted the degree team composed of ex members of The Parachute Regiment. The degree team was supported by many ex members in the lodge including some from Edinburgh as part of The PRA (Parachute Reg Assn). The degree team entered the lodge and in typical Army fashion, were uniformly dressed in Para t-shirts (crest below) and MM working aprons led by the master of 1282 Bro. Peter Morrison PM in the centre. This was an excellent night with a great degree, superb hospitality and a few beers. The degree was conferred on an ex Para member in order to raise funds for the Mark Wright Project. During the summer the travelling mallet was given up by Bro. Stevie Allen of Lodge Union & Crown No.307 to the Edinburgh lodge which then handed the mallet to Lodge 1282. On the night £690 was raised for the charity and given to Bro. Bob Wright (Marks father).
This was a rather strange night—the Police helicopter crashed into the Clutha Vaults in Glasgow (see P.11 for PGL’s response to the tragedy). Also on the same night the brethren of 242 were well represented out and about: a group from the lodge headed by the new master went to the installation of St. Andrew No.1443 in Annan, Bro. Garry Forbes PM visited Lodge St. John’s Operative No.347 and Bro. John Flannagan PM visited Lodge Govandale No. 437.
Cross Keys Jan 2014
Catching the Smile “The Masonic Fishing Charity’s aim is to bring an interactive fishing and countryside experience to people with Special Needs”. The English charity achieves this by running fishing events, both coarse and fly, at various fisheries and inviting participants from special needs schools and centres and people who have suffered trauma to come and join in. This is far more than just a days fishing though! It enables mentally disabled people to gain in confidence, meet new challenges and achieve tangible results to take away; it helps disadvantaged people and those from harsh backgrounds to renew their confidence in meeting people and interacting with adults from outside their spheres; it helps physically disabled people (including war heroes and stroke victims) to participate and experience something that may otherwise be unavailable to them and it enables our volunteers to give back to the community and have some fun along the way. The Charity is completely run by volunteers and is a non profit making enterprise. Click on the header above to go to their website.
In 2004 a Lodge under UGLE was formed by some of the Charity volunteers and you can see more information here. In the centre is the logo of the Charity, showing a leaping fish against a blue sky and a sun indicating that the Charity brings happier times to those less fortunate than ourselves by introducing them to the sport of fishing. The initials of the club ‘MTSFC’ emphasizes the Lodge’s connection with the Charity, where the founders of the Lodge came from and the intention of the lodge to promote the work of the Charity in Masonic circles.
Cross Keys Jan 2014
Colours of Scottish Aprons Colour is a fundamental element of masonic symbolism. It appears in the descriptions of aprons, sashes and other items of regalia, in the furnishings and wall-hangings of the lodge room for each degree or ceremony, in the robes worn in certain degrees, and in many other masonic accoutrements. The colours specified in each case appear to have no rational justification. As A.E. Waite wrote: "There is no recognised scheme or science of colours in Masonry. Blue, then, is the Craft colour par excellence, used in aprons, collars, and elsewhere. Let us quote Bro. Chetwode Crawley. "The ordinary prosaic enquirer will see in the selection of blue as the distinctive colour of Freemasonry only the natural sequence of the legend of King Solomon's Temple. For the Jews had been Divinely commanded to wear...a 'riband of blue' (Numbers 15:38).' A modern translation of that verse in Numbers is: 'You are to take tassels on the comers of your garments with a blue cord on each tassel.' The biblical text, then, refers to blue cords to be incorporated in the tassels worn by pious Jews, while Bro. Chetwode Crawley is speaking of blue ribbons which somehow became the embellishments of aprons, sashes and collars. Another suggested source of the colour mentioned by Bro. Chetwode Crawley could be its association with St. Mary, mother of Jesus, 'so prominent a figure in the preReformation invocations of the Old Charges, drawing in her train the red ensign of St. George of Cappadocia, her steward and our Patron Saint.' Blue and red, the heraldic azure and gules are sometimes associated with the chevron of the Arms of the Masons' Company.
Typical Scottish apron with many colours and semi-circular flap
Apron from Lodge Nanyang No.1828 in Malaysia
Cross Keys Jan 2014
Colouring of Grand & Provincial Grand Lodges
An early apron from Lodge Dunbar Castle No.75
Lodge Easterhouse is fully tartan All very different from the apron of Robert Burns
Did you know? Angelo Soliman, was born in Africa in 1721 and brought to Europe as a slave at the age of ten. He was educated, married, and became a favourite in the royal court in Vienna. Somewhere before 1771 he became a mason. When he died 1776, the Emperor had his body stuffed and mounted in the Natural History Museum, becoming not only the first black of African birth to become a mason, but the also the first mason to be stuffed, mounted, and displayed. There are one or two other brethren that spring to mind that would delight many by being considered for this treatment!!!
Cross Keys Jan 2014
From the Columns On 12th December, the brethren of Lodge Thistle & Crown No.1167 conferred the FCD on Bro. Alistair Morrison which was witnessed by 85 brethren—a great turnout in the lodge. Perhaps attendances are on the up? To the right is a photo of Bro. Alistair Dowie with his Dad, Bro. Arthur, who died last month.
Grand Lodge Poppy Appeal
Unfortunately this appeared too late for December’s edition, but definitely worthy of inclusion. Last November Grand Lodge asked the lodges to donate towards Poppy Scotland with the result of over 1000 poppy crosses placed in the Poppy Garden next to the Scott Monument in Princes Street, Edinburgh. The crosses were placed by brethren from various lodges. The Grand Lodge presented £21,000 to the appeal—a fantastic effort for a charity close to many brethren’s hearts.
Cross Keys Jan 2014
GL News It may seem trivial, but I think it is a great idea and one that promotes the great history of the Scottish Craft. Pictures of past GMMs will be placed in GL at the E and W corridors leading into Grand Hall. Currently, about 51 images are available leaving 58 to be sourced. £6000 has been allocated to complete the task.
PGL News Monday 13th January, 2014—PGC in Lodge 307, Barrhead at 7pm. Saturday 25th January, 2014—Tri-Annual Communication and Annual Meeting of the PGL in Barrhead: brethren to be seated by 2.15pm Auction: Registration Plate— The plate below is being auctioned to raise funds for PGL. All bids can be done through the PGL Webmaster at
Just shortly after the Clutha Bar incident, the PGM Bro. John Miller called a Christmas Carol Service held in Paisley on behalf of the Emergency Services. Over 80 brethren attended the service conducted by Bro. Rev. Robert Craig PG Chaplain—on the night the fantastic amount of £540 was raised which was later augmented to £700. Unfortunately, Bro. Gary Arthur of Lodge POW No.426 lost his life in the accident while a brother from Lodge T & C No.1167 lost a stepson.
On Sunday 15th, the brethren of PGL formed a well-drilled band to put 500 Christmas parcels together for the 37 lodges within half an hour. This tradition has been going on for the last 30 years and again this year, we must thank Morrisons in Johnstone for supplying the food.
Cross Keys Jan 2014
Lodge POW No.426
Lodge Prince of Wales No.426 in Renfrew celebrated their 150th Anniversary last November. The whole day was a great success with the PGM and PGL conducting the ceremony and Bro. John Dallas RWM conducting the post ceremony and dinner in an exemplary manner. Some photos below from the day.
Cross Keys Jan 2014
A View from Florida The following has been taken from the trestle board of Cypress Lodge No.292 in Naples, Florida which I had the pleasure of visiting last year. It was written by Bro. Ben Nelson SW who makes some interesting points: It has been a great honour to serve as Senior Warden this year and I am excited about the journey ahead and the opportunity to improve ourselves and our beloved lodge. Masonry still stands supreme among all fraternal organizations of men, but the stress of modern life stimulates us to search for ways to improve our lodge’s performance as a growing, living organization. The Craft’s fundamental teachings are sound, but the “organizational culture” that 21st century Freemasonry has inherited was formed some 50 to 75 years ago. Together we must find ways to get our brothers back involved in the lodge. The following are some suggestions.
We should utilize and respect the skills of our brothers ... Young and old! They need to become interested, involved, empowered and their abilities and opinions respected! Cypress Lodge must be made as attractive as possible, inside and out. We are still the largest and most respected fraternal organization in the world. Let's make certain that visitors and guests are impressed by our surroundings. Make our meetings fun, educational, efficient and interesting! We must be respectful of everyone's time. Prospective and existing members have to want to be there... Or they will simply spend their precious time elsewhere. We have to become a visible, active part of the community and participants in the organized celebrations and activities that already exist. We should proudly announce our upcoming programs, charitable events and contributions to the greater community and invite other worthy organizations to our events and meetings.
January Events in 242
Thursday 9th—MM by OBs Thursday 23rd—EA by Craigends No.1042 Visit: Tuesday 7th January, 2014 to Lodge St. Barchan to confer the MMD.
Cross Keys Jan 2014
Volcano Masonic Lodge A rather unique lodge exists in the gold rush area of California: Volcano Lodge No. 156 .
Cross Keys Jan 2014
Colourful Lodge in Texas Grapevine Lodge in Texas has a fantastic mural on the side of the building:
Closer inspections shows:
Cross Keys Jan 2014
Maxwelton Road Overhaul The refurbished Maxwelton Road Masonic Hall looks fantastic and will be a very welcome alteration to the lodges who use the premises. The uncomfortable wooden seats have gone and I believe sold to cover some costs. Definitely worth a visit.
CBS News CBS News had an online article last month about explaining Freemasonry to its readers— the full article can be viewed by clicking on the image below which also shows a short video filmed in lodges. The Square and Compasses are among the traditional tools of stonemasons. They also form the symbol of a group that has been misunderstood and even maligned for many centuries. And so it goes on . . .
Cross Keys Jan 2014
Strange Title An advert from the 1915 Tucson, Arizona newspaper advertising ‘secret societies‛!!! Why would a secret society advertise? Very similar to the Evening Times masonic column, but certainly not termed the same.
Thought of the Month ‚Be always at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbours, and let each New Year find you a better man.‛ Brother Benjamin Franklin
Cross Keys Jan 2014
Masonic Notices
From Sept. 1872 Notice the meeting on a Monday night. Would this be more convenient to brethren?
In Memoriam The dead are like the stars by day … withdrawn from mortal eye… yet not extinct that hold their way In glory through the sky… .Spirits of bondage thus set free… .Vanish amidst immensity… While human thought… .Like human sight… .Fail to pursue…. Their trackless flight.
It is with deep sadness and much regret that we have to inform you of a loss sustained to the craft in Renfrewshire in the passing to the Grand Lodge above of the following Brother: Bro. Arthur Dowie
Cross Keys Jan 2014
To submit an article, contact the Editor: Grant Macleod E-Mail:
Lodge Website (to be updated)
Thanks to Bro. Allan Stobo RWM for proof reading.
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Cross Keys Jan 2014