The Table Lodge
The opening of the Table Lodge:
S.W.: To see if the lodge is tiled. WM.: Satisfy yourself. (* * *) Master calls up the lodge for invocation S.W.: It is Chaplain: Supreme Ruler of the Universe, we W.M.: What is the second? would reverently invoke Thy blessing at this S.W.: To see if the brethren are in order. time. Wilt Thou be pleased to grant that this (After looking about), They are, WM. meeting, thus begun in order, may be conWM.: Why are we met together? ducted in peace and closed in harmony. S.W.: To erect a temple of virtue. Amen. W.M.: How long must we work? Response: So mote it be. S.W.: From midday to midnight. (*) W.M.: Brothers Senior and Junior Warden, W.M.: How long a time is required to make an invite our brethren to assist us in opening a Entered Apprentice? Lodge of Entered Apprentices and one of ta- S.W.: Three years. ble instruction. W.M.: What is the hour? S.W.: Brethren, assist us in opening a Lodge S.W.: Almost midday. of Entered Apprentices and one of table inW.M.: In consideration of the hour and age, struction. inform our brethren that a Lodge of Entered W.M.: Brother Senior Warden, are you a Ma- Apprentices and one of table instruction is son? open and we are about to begin our works in S.W.: All my brethren know me as such. the usual manner. Cross Keys March 2021
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