A Mark Book As part of the Mark Master degree, each initiate selected a personally meaningful emblem that the lodge or chapter secretary then recorded. This book contains members' marks from the King Hiram Royal Arch Chapter in Greenwich Village, Massachusetts. Martha S. Harding, the daughter of chapter member Alpheus Harding (17801869), illustrated most of the marks in pen-
cil, ink and watercolour, lending colour and polish to the chapter’s records. Martha Harding likely honed her painting skills while a student at New Salem Academy from 1822 to 1829.
The Isaac Rich The painting shows the three-masted barkentine "Isaac Rich" entering Livorno, Italy in 1876 under full sail; flags on mast include the ship's swallowtail flag or pennant, which is red and reads, "Isaac Rich," flying from the mainmast, an American flag from the gaff, a Jack from the foremast, and a blue flag with Masonic square and compasses flying from the mizzenmast; in varying shades of blues, greens, reds. A port and other ships are visible in the background. Inscribed along the bottom, "Bark Isaac Rich of New York, W.B. Sheldon Master entering Leghorn Febry. 19th 1876." The dark blue banner let others know that the captain or owner of the ship was a proud Freemason. This painting descended in the family of the ship’s master, William Bartlett Sheldon (ca. 1826 –1903). At the time Renault painted this scene, Bro. Sheldon of Beverly, New Jersey, was Master of the Issac Rich. A professional ship master, Sheldon served as an Acting Volunteer Lieutenant in the U.S. Navy during the Civil War. While Acting Master of the gunboat steamer U.S.S. Flambeau, operating in South Carolina waters, he was captured in May 1863 while hunting on Bull's Island, and confined in the Confederate military prison at Columbia. Exchanged, he returned home to be raised a Master Mason in Burlington Lodge No. 32 in June 1863. Lt. Sheldon served in the navy until honourably discharged in 1865. Cross Keys May 2022
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