Cross Keys September 2018 (Freemasonry)

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The Cross Keys September 2018

Cross Keys September 2018

Number 211

The Monthly Newsletter of Lodge Houstoun St. Johnstone No.242

From the Editor The Russian series of articles concludes this month with an update on the Craft in Russia in the 21st Century. It’s expanding and is becoming more and more popular with young Russians. Despite political unrest with countries, the Craft provides a place of meeting for all religions and all countries where the bond of brotherly love will prevail between men.

“Masonry, successor of the Mysteries, still follows the ancient manner of teaching. Her ceremonies are like the ancient mystic shows, not the reading of an essay, but the opening of a problem, requiring research, and constituting philosophy the arch- expounder. Her symbols are the instruction she gives. The lectures are endeavours, often partial and one-sided, to interpret these symbols. He who would become an accomplished Mason must not be content merely to hear, or even to understand, the lectures; he must, aided by them, and they having, as it were, marked out the way for him, study, interpret, and develop these symbols for himself.” Albert Pike, Morals and Dogma

In this issue: 3

Observant Lodges

4 5 7 9 10 12 15 16 17 18 19 21

5005 90th Anniversary Lodge St. David No.36 Aegean Lodge (EC) 242 @ 1167 Russian FM Today Monuments in Brazil 242’s Charity Cycle Buffalo Bill’s Grave Lecture Advert Masonic Headline GL of the Philippines Obituary

September Meetings Thursday 13th

The Cross Keys is a free magazine distributed across the many countries in order to spread the good (and sometimes not so good) qualities of the Craft. All views are of individual brothers and not any organised body. Editor: Bro. N. Grant Macleod PM of Lodge Houstoun St. Johnstone No. 242 PM of The Anchor Lodge of Research No.1814 Past Provincial Grand Secretary of the Province of Renfrewshire East. Proof Reader: Bro. Allan Stobo PM of Lodge Houstoun St. Johnstone No. 242 Treasurer 242

All Scottish Constitution.

Cross Keys September 2018

EA by OBs Thursday 27th FC by 205 LECTURE (see Page 17) 7.30pm start

8 Steps to an Observant Lodge The growing popularity of the idea of "observant" Masonry has found brethren in all corners of the Craft asking the question of what exactly an observant Lodge is, and how they might go about increasing Masonic observance in their own Lodges.


Guarding the west gate—being careful with who become a mason. 2. Be proficient in ritual—speaks for itself! 3. Advancement is earned—brethren try to present papers to show they know about the Craft, learn questions and First, however, it might be helpful to offer answers properly. an answer to the primary question: what 4. OBs should advance by merit—the Exactly does one mean by "observant"? days of progressing through office or reaching positions by time served do Simply put, observant Masonry means obnot impress people. Progression must serving the intent of the founders of Specube similar to a promotion and on merit lative Masonry. That intent was not to build only. a mere social club or service organisation. 5. Dressing your best—again selfWhile the Craft—like any other human orexplanatory. ganisation—has always been burdened by 6. Offer quality meetings—masonry men in its ranks who subverted the purposshould be valued and be worth paying es of the fraternity to a more mundane or for. Cheap meals in abysmal surroundprofane enterprise, that was never the inings do not help. tent of the institution. 7. Have a sense of ‘awe’ in the degrees— good music, use of lights, the chamber That intent was to build an institution that of reflection prior to the EAD and the calls men to their highest level of social bechain of union at the end. ing, in a state of dignity Masonic education at and decorum, which meeting—The The use of lights, chamber of every could serve as a place very origin of Freemafor serious, mindful reflection and the chain of un- sonry itself is in educadiscourse on the lestion. Whether it be the ion is essential sons and meaning of practical education in life, and search for the better development stone-cutting found in the operative craft of of oneself. That intent means building a masonry, or the search for inner knowledge space where such an experience can be cre- and science presented to us by the speculaated, and carrying ourselves in a manner tive Craft, the foundation of the art is inexothat is consistent with our highest ideals rably based in teaching and learning. Withand noblest behaviours. out it, there is simply no Freemasonry taking place in a Lodge. Observant Masons believe that by observing what the history of our Craft tells us in re- Therefore, every meeting of the Lodge gard to that intent, we will find the optimal should offer some amount of Masonic educamasonic experience. We say observant, and tion, be it through the degrees, or through speak of observance, because we seek to ob- presentations on the various lessons of the serve the blueprints of that intent to the Craft. Even a ten minute talk focused on the best of our knowledge and ability. Even symbolic meaning of a single working tool is more simply, we want to do things right, far better than a meeting where nothing but and we don’t want to settle for less. We donations, dinners, and dues are on the agenda. want to pursue excellence in all aspects of W B Andrew Hammer, PM our Masonic labour. Alexandria-Washington Lodge No 22

Cross Keys September 2018

5005 90th Year Last May, Bros. Graham Scott PM and Grant Macleod PM visited Seldson Park Lodge No.5005 (EC) in Croydon. The lodge is celebrating 90 years and the brethren decided to elect the oldest PM into the Chair of KS—a very good friend of 242, Bro. Tony Campbell. On the day, there was no degree, but Bro. Forbes Culter presented a very interesting lecture on Bro. John Harris, the designer of the tracing boards seen in most lodges across the country. Bro. Forbes mentioned his ‘quest’ to find his grave which he has done in Croydon after a long search and the lair has now been purchased to save it from imminent destruction. On 18th September, a special meeting will take place in the Croydon Masonic Centre run by the PGM of Surrey to celebrate the life of Bro. John Harris while the PGM of Surrey will erect a gravestone.

Glasgow Star No.2019

Last May a reigning Master's degree took place at The Glasgow Star Lodge No. 219 where there were 25 reigning master's and 90 brethren in attendance.

Cross Keys September 2018

Lodge St. David No.36 founded in 1738 (although chartered in 1739) in Edinburgh is better known as the lodge of Bro. Sir Walter Scott who was initiated in 1801 aged 30 (see excerpt below). However, since 2013 it has become a university lodge. As a member of the Scottish University Lodge Scheme of the Grand Lodge of Scotland and welcomes applications from present and past students and staff of any Scottish university or college, and from gentlemen who might otherwise be precluded from making application to a Scottish Lodge.

Lodge Canongate No.2 (originally charted from Mother Kilwinning) consecrated a new lodge called Leith Kilwinning No.5 (now extinct) and from it two years later arose Canongate Kilwinning from Leith Lodge which changed its name to St. David in 1756. No reason is given, but perhaps as the first King of Scotland. The first master was Bro. Archibald Smart and was then numbered 37 until Grand Cross Keys September 2018

Lodge had various renumbering exercises with No. 32 in 1816 before its present number. The original colour was scarlet then blue in 1757 then finally dark green in 1800. in typical fashion then, fines were given for swearing and being absent (common within operative lodges). Of several distinguished members may be cited the Rt. Hon. the Earl of Leven and Melville, Grand Master of Scotland 1759-60, master in 1758; the Rt. Hon. Lord Forbes, master in 1778 and Grand Master 1754; Sir James Stirling Bart., Lord Provost of Edinburgh, Grand Master 1798-9; the Rt. Hon. Earl of Dalkeith (afterwards Duke of Buccleuch), master 1800-01; the Rt. Hon. the Earl of Strathmore and others. Lord Frederick Fitz Clarence, Grand Master 1841 -2, was elected an honorary member on 30th November 1841. On the 9th January 1760, the Rt. Hon. Lord Aberdour who was then the Grand Master of England was present as a visitor. His lordship occupied the thrones of the Grand Lodges of England and Scotland 1757 - 61 and 1755-6 respectively and later on became the Earl of Morton. In 1819, the Earl of Elgin & Kincardine Tomas Bruce was initiated , the first Lord Polkemmet, Sir Patrick Walker , Usher of the First Rod of Scotland, Erasmus Darwin (Charles’s grandfather) and various other dignitaries in Edinburgh. Very likely to be a who’s who of the times. 2 years after Scott’s initiation, Alexander Deuchar joined and became the first Grand Master of the Scottish Templars in 1811 →

Lodge St. David No.36 (ctd) after receiving a charter from the Duke of Kent.

newer seal showing the Scott Monument in the centre.

At this time, the lodge met in Hyndford’s Close off the Royal Mile as shown:

The Lodge meets at 10.30am on the third Saturday of each month from September to November and January to April (inclusive) at the lodge at 19 Hill Street. The Scott Night Dinner is held at 5.30pm on the first Thursday in March. The dress code is lounge suit (black or dark blue/grey suit, white shirt, and tie). Officebearers wear black tie (dinner jacket and black bow tie). Meetings are followed by a three-course white-table lunch for a dining fee of £10 for both members and visitors. Alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks can be purchased from the subsidized bar. The final (Tyler's) toast is typically around 2:30pm with the day finished by 3pm.

This also became the home for the Royal Order and Edinburgh RAC No.1 and was the lodge’s home for over 100 years. Unfortunately, the area became less salubrious and in 1860 it moved, but lost many invaluable possessions. However, its mallet remained.

The old seal of the lodge from its certificates shows King David has been replaced by the

Cross Keys September 2018

To contact the lodge secretary click on the link:

Aegean Lodge No.1978 of MMM Aegean Lodge is the first Greek Mark lodge, but what of its beginnings? Bro. Costa Trizis, a good friend of many brethren in 242, will be installed into the Mark Chair. When the Provincial Grand Master of the Mark Province of London, R.W. Bro. David Ashbolt, requested Bro. Marios Stylianides to form a new Mark Lodge for the Greek Community in London to compliment the Italia Lodge No 1467 (formed in 1976), it was vital to select a name that would clearly encapsulate the Greek history, culture, tradition, and heritage. The name really chose itself, for one name stood out alone above all others‌

AEGEAN . . . for it is well known that the Aegean Sea is regarded as the cradle of Western Civilization, dating back to 4000BC. The Aegean Sea was later invaded by the Persians and, subsequently, the Romans, and inhabited by the Byzantine Empire, the Bulgarians, the Venetians, the Genoese, Seljuq Turks, and Ottomans. The Aegean was the site of the original democracies and its seaways were the means of contact among several diverse civilizations of the Mediterranean area. The Acts of the Apostles reports the journey of the apostle Paul and his companions southwards in around 57 AD from Assos in modern Turkey through the Aegean islands to Rhodes and onwards to Jerusalem. When one thinks of the name of Aegean, one’s thoughts immediately embark upon such names as Socrates. Plato, Hector, Heracles, Spartacus, Homer, Iceni, Apollo, Trojan and Aristotle and many more, of the Orders of Architecture such as Ionic, Doric and Corinthian which we use every day in Freemasonry, of Pheidon of Argos who established an orderly system of weights and measures, of Pythagoras for his famous theorem, and Archimedes the mathematician and philosopher.

Cross Keys September 2018

Aegean Lodge No.1978 of MMM (ctd)

The message of the crest to be of great importance not only to represent the Greek culture but at the same time embracing Mark Masonic Symbolism. Therefore the Stone Arch, Keystone and Working Tools being an integral part of the Mark Degree are as one would expect to be shown, the Arch being supported by two pillars of the Corinthian order, meaning beauty , within the Keystone of the arch are shown the working tools of a Mark Mason the Mallet and the Chisel, The Pillars being supported on a beam, with the Lodge name AEGEAN inserted within the beam and written in Aegean blue colour. Alongside each of the columns is placed an ancient Greek symbol which represents Strength. Between the Columns is a Greek olive wreath, also known as “kotinos� made from wild olive tree and was the most unique and prestigious prize could ever be given to humans, not only in the ancient Olympics but also during poetic meetings. Within the wreath centre are the National Flags of Greece and Cyprus in a fine Aegean blue boarder uniting the two countries and their respective cultures within the Mark Degree. Having decided on the symbols, these must be united within a ringed circle depicting the Mark Master Masons colour and to give light and instruction to all within the circle. The Logo is meant to portray Honour, Strength and Friendship, which is what the new Aegean Lodge is all about. Bro Marios Stylianides

To the right, Bros. Fraser and Costa have a wine in Aegean.

Cross Keys September 2018

242 Presentation to 1167 On Thursday 3rd May, 2018, Lodge Houstoun St. Johnstone No.242 made the annual visit to Lodge Thistle & Crown No.1167 in Neilston. The master Bro. Brian Smolarek made a presentation (see the plaque below) to the master of 1167 Bro. Ian Brenchley to commemorate the 100th Anniversary of the lodge. The deputation of 21 brethren from 242 then carried out the demonstration of the EA Walk Through Degree. Although originally chartered in 1817, the lodge fell into darkness and was received a new charter in 1918 with funding master Bro. David Pride, the local GP. Fittingly, the lodge now meets in his old residence. We wish 1167 another successful 100 years.

Cross Keys September 2018

Freemasonry in Russia Today Telepneff gives a very good synopsis of Russian Freemasonry in the first quarter of this century from information provided from the Russian Assistant Consul-General in Paris in 1922. I quote for its succinctness: "At the beginning of 1906 about fifteen Russian, well-known for their social and political activities, mostly members of the constitutional-democratic party, joined French Lodges; some became members of the Grand Orient, but the majority entered two Lodges under the Supreme Council of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite - Kosmos and MountSinai. On returning to Russian, they formed two provisional lodges, The Polar Star in Petersburg and Regeneration in Moscow. In May 1908, both Lodges were solemnly opened by two members of the High Council of the Grand Orient, specially sent for that purpose from Paris. At the same time the Grand Lodge of France established two Lodges one in Petersburg (Phoenix) and one in Moscow. Russian Lodges obtained the right to establish further lodges without interference from Paris, and accordingly in 1908 and 1909 two more lodges were opened - The Iron Ring in Nijni-Novgorod and one in Kiev. The existence of Masonic Lodges was discovered by the Russian Government in 1909; it also became known to the authorities that they were of French origin. It was then decided by the Russian Lodges to suspend work, and this was accordingly done till 1911, when some of their members decided to re-

Cross Keys September 2018

new with due prudence their activities. One would not call these activities Masonic in any sense, as their chief aim was purely political - the abolishment of autocracy, and a democratic regime in Russia; they acknowledged allegiance to the Grand Orient of France. This political organization comprised in 1913-1914 about forty lodges. In 1915-1916 disagreements arose between their members who belonged to two political parties (the constitutional democrats and the progressives) and could not agree on a common policy; ten lodges became dormant. The remaining thirty Lodges continued to work, and took part in the organization of the 1917 March revolution and in the establishment of the Provisional Government. Their political aim being attained, the organization began to decay; twenty-eight Lodges existed on the eve of the Bolshevik revolution, and since then most of their members have left Russia.� Writing in the fall of 1922, Telepneff reported that two Russian lodges had been formed in Paris under the auspices of the Grand Lodge of France while a Russian lodge existed in Berlin, The Northern Star Lodge, under a warrant of the Grand Lodge of the Three Globes. Futile attempts to re-establish Russian Freemasonry met with the mandate of the 4th Congress of the Communist International in Moscow which required all Com-

Freemasonry in Russia Today (ctd) munist Masons to sever their lodge membership. They could not be considered for important posts in the new regime until two years after their severance. In 1925, Telepneff wrote that "regular Masonic activities of every description have ceased in Russia proper, due to the severe restrictions imposed by Bolshevist authorities." Shortly after the downfall of the Communist Government in 1991, lodges began to reappear with the assistance of the National Grand Lodge of France (GLNF). Why France? Many Russian emigres left Russia for Paris and continued to practise Freemasonry there in Russian speaking lodges. The initial four lodges went on to found the new Grand Lodge of Russia in June 1995 under the first Grand Master Bro. Georgy Borisovich Dergachyov. These lodges are Harmony No. 1 (numbered 698 under the GLNF with 28 brethren), Lotus No. 2 (original No.802), Astrea No.3 (original No.803) and Gamayun No.4 (original No.801) - 1, 2 in Moscow and 3,4 in St. Petersburg. In 2007 Bro. Andrei Bogdanov took over as Grand Master and remains in that office today guiding Russian freemasonry into a bright future. Currently there are 34 lodges with over 1000 brethren under the Grand Lodge with 39 languages and no doubt this will increase in the next few years.

Cross Keys September 2018

Masonic Monuments in Brazil Porto Alegro in Brazil has a superb monument in public view to the right. Below is another monument in Manhuaรงu. Below right is a 5m column in Juru, Paraiba built to celebrate the town becoming a municipality. Bottom, to mark 50 years for Maranhao as a municipality, the masonic pyramid is placed at the entrance to the city.

Cross Keys September 2018

Masonic Monuments in Brazil (ctd) To the right, the 3m monument was erected again at the entrance to Artur Nogueira. This was only passed by the Council by 6 votes to 5 as the Craft was viewed as a religion and the town is secular. However, lodges did try to explain that it s not a religion, but many locals were uncertain!

To the left, the monument in Rio de Janeiro was unveiled in 2016 by 6 lodges in Rio. Again, the prominent position is very clear and there is no hiding what it is.

To the right, is the obelisk from the top of the page from Artur Nogueira which was inaugurated in 2017, but with Liberty, Fraternity and Equality forming a triangle around its base. The base was an addition after the prevailing anti-masonic arguments had died down.

Cross Keys September 2018

Masonic Monuments in Brazil (ctd) The Monument to Freemasonry, implanted in Fraternity Square, at the confluence of Av. Paulo Fontes in Florianopolis had as principle the representation of the main symbols of Freemasonry, was inaugurated in 2006. Below the monument is a plaque explaining the significance for the general public: The base of the monument is formed by a granite floor in the shape of a pentagon with three levels represented by three steps. One of the vertices of the pentagon points to the North while the opposite face is oriented to the South and so the vertex of the right side points to the East and the opposite vertex to the West. The pentagon is inserted in an equilateral triangle with a vertex also pointing towards the North, the other two vertices point towards the East and to the West, while the base opposite the North vertex faces towards the South. One of the traditional symbols of Freemasonry was obtained, that is, the interlacing between the Compass and the Square starting from a triangular base Pyramid where its three vertices were replaced by the "legs" of a compass becoming thus three-dimensional, in the same way the Square was inserted in the set so that from any position that we observe the set we will always have the classic composition of the interweaving between a Compass and a Square in the three Symbolic Degrees of Universal Freemasonry. The height of the Compass was determined by the opening of the compass legs based on the length of one side of a pentagon, so the centre of the "all seeing eye" lies at the apex of the pentagon. In the centre of the Monument a pyramid of polished granite triangular base has the lines of the bases parallel to the plane formed by the "legs" of the Compasses and when visualized in conjunction with the Square and Compasses is seen as an Equal Triangle as in the trilogy: Liberty, Equality and Fraternity. The Compasses are surmounted by three half-arcs, forming a globe in whose interior other three diametrically opposed half-ellipses house a sphere in the centre, together representing the "all-seeing eye," another symbol of Freemasonry.

Cross Keys September 2018

242’s Charity Cycle SSAFA, the Armed Forces charity and Poppy Scotland have benefitted from a recent fundraiser by the brethren, family and friends of the lodge. On Saturday 14th July, 35 gallant volunteers of all ages each played their part in cycling bikes connected to turbo trainers loaned from the Johnstone Wheelers. Over 100 years ago, 27 local brethren answered Bro. Lord Kitchener’s call with 7 brethren paying the ultimate sacrifice across the famous battles of Ypres, Mons and the Somme. When war broke out

Cross Keys September 2018

242’s Charity Cycle (ctd) Colonel Paton, Chairman of Paton’s Mills, was the Master of 242 with his son immediately signing up to the 1/6th Battalion of the Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders alongside 6 office bearers and 20 others. Today several of the brethren continue to serve in the Armed Forces and the lodge felt it fitting to attempt the virtual cycle of 242 miles, the lodge number, and a distance which would have taken in the main battles of The Western Front in this the Centenary year of the end of World War 1. In 1914 the lodge donated £20, over £1000’s in today’s money, to the National Relief Fund which was administered by SSAFA or SSFA (Soldiers and Sailors Families Association) as it was known then, on account of the RAF still to be formed. In Johnstone and 1914 alone 289 wives, 653 children and 241 other relatives required £1,385 7s 5d (over £80k in today’s money) of support from the National Relief Fund when their family members went off to defend the country. The Renfrewshire Branch of SSAFA continues to play a similar role and works alongside charities like Poppy Scotland to ensure veterans and their families have support when they need it. Bro. Brian Smolarek, master said: “The Lodge is proud of the achievements and sacrifice of the brethren from Colonel Paton right through to those serving today in Iraq and Afghanistan. We hope our virtual cycle is a fitting tribute which also recognises the important part Armed Forces charities continue to play in supporting veterans and their families. They have sacrificed a great deal for us, so now it’s our turn to support them.” If you would like to support the fundraiser please visit

Bro. Buffalo Bill’s Grave My thanks to Bro. Ronnie Hassan for sending these on a recent holiday to Colorado. The grave is situated in Lookout Mountain in Golden and he is buried with his wife next to him.

Cross Keys September 2018

Thursday 27th September Bro. Phil Carmen PM will deliver the James Donald Memorial Lecture entitled Possibly the Largest Masonic Burial Ever

Cross Keys September 2018

Masonic Headline The Call newspaper published in San Francisco, Thursday, October 13, 1898 Volume LXXXIV No. 135. "But the Greatest of these is Charity" Article about the dedication of the Masonic Homes for Adults in Union City, CA. Full page article with illustrations around a square and compass depicting the Homes, the parade through Union Square, Rabbi Vorsanger's address to the visitors, lunch and departure. Probably unlikely to have such a ‘masonic’ front page in a Scottish newspaper!

Bro. Buffalo Bill How many young brethren have heard about him? Probably not a lot, but to a certain generation is well known to all. Therefore, it’s worth remembering a well known brother from a past age. Bro. William F. Cody, or ‘Buffalo Bill’ visited Scotland twice with his Wild West show. During his first visit to Scotland, they performed in Glasgow 1891-2 at the East End Exhibition Buildings at Dennistoun. Some of the troop attended Lodge St Mark's No. 102. The image is taken from the St Mark's records held in Glasgow City Archives.

Cross Keys September 2018

Grand Lodge News •

Freemasonry in Brazil is a complicated topic particularly since so many Grand Bodies exist. However, at the Tri-Annual Communication of GL, the following recommendation was passed to extend recognition to the following Brazilian Grand Lodges: i) Grand Lodge Masonic de Estados de Espirito Santos. ii) Grand Lodge of Federal District of Brasilia iii) Grande Loja Maconica de Estado de Rio de Janerio

Scottish Freemasonry has now donated in excess of £420,000 to Prostate Scotland since it became the nominated charity in 2012. A magnificent achievement and still active.

Congratulations Congratulations to Bro. Brian OJ Kerr PM. He has just passed the tests and has become a damn Yankie! The ceremony was held last month in Cincinnati and OJ now has dual citizenship. We have had a few brethren who left 242 to live in the States, but I believe OJ is the first to take out nationality. Clearly, they did not ask for photographic evidence from installations…… A very warm congratulations from all the brethren of 242 and beyond and we hope you have many years to be a Yank!

Cross Keys September 2018

Grand Lodge of the Philippines Annual Convention

Just before the recess, the 102nd Annual Communication of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of the Free and Accepted Mason in the Philippines took place in Davao City. President Rodrigo Duterte (centre) is accompanied by Defence Secretary Delfin Lorenzana, Bureau of Customs Commissioner Isidro Lapena and House Speaker Pantaleon Alvarez ( wearing Scottish Constitution apron) upon his arrival at the SMX Convention Centre in Davao City for his attendance at the Annual Communication and for delivering an address to the brethren. It is great to see that the Philippines does not hold any animosity to the Craft. Quite a refreshing approach when today’s media in the UK are not as open minded.

Congratulations Congratulations to Bro. Joe Morrow on being made a Commander of the British Empire (CBE). Bro. Joe is also the First Grand

Principal of the Supreme Royal Arch Chapter of Scotland since his appointment in March.

Cross Keys September 2018

Bro The Rt Hon the Earl of Eglinton and Winton 1939-2018

Archibald George Montgomerie, 18th Earl of Eglinton and 6th Earl of Winton, Past Assistant Grand Master of the United Grand Lodge of England, died on Thursday 14 June 2018, aged 78. Born on 27 August 1939, he was the son of Archibald William Alexander Montgomerie, 17th Earl of Eglinton and 5th Earl of Winton, who served as Grand Master Mason of Scotland from 1957 to 1961, and his wife Ursula (nÊe Watson). Educated at Eton, he married Marion Carolina Dunn-Yarker on 7 February 1964, with whom he had four sons. On the death of his father on 21 April 1966, he succeeded as 18th Earl of Eglinton, 6th Earl of Winton, 7th Baron Ardrossan, 19th Lord Montgomerie and Chief of Clan Montgomerie. He was a member of the London Stock Exchange, Managing Director of Gerrard Holdings from 1972 to 1992 and subsequently, Chairman of Gerrard Vivian Gray from 1992 to 1994 and the Edinburgh Investment Trust in 1994. Lord Eglinton was initiated in Mother Kilwinning Lodge No. 0, under the Grand Lodge of Scotland, before joining United Lodge of Prudence No. 83 in 1961 and serving as their Worshipful Master in 1968. He was also a member of Royal Alpha Lodge No. 16, Bard of Avon Lodge No. 778, Christ’s Hospital Lodge No. 2650, Old Etonian Lodge No. 4500 and Methuen Lodge No. 631. He served as Chairman of the Board of Management of the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys and also the General Committee of the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls, and later served as the first President of the Masonic Trust for Girls and Boys (subsequently, the Royal Masonic Trust for Girls and Boys) from 1982 until 1988. He also served as a Trustee of the Prestonian Fund and the Grand Lodge 250th Anniversary Fund. In the United Grand Lodge of England (UGLE), Lord Eglinton was appointed Senior Grand Warden in 1971 and was appointed Assistant Grand Master in 1989, serving until 1995. He was also the representative of the Grand Lodge of Scotland in UGLE. He was exalted in Westminster and Keystone Chapter No. 10 in 1981 serving as MEZ in 1990. He was appointed Grand Scribe N in 1991 and promoted to Past Third Grand Principal in 1992.

Cross Keys September 2018

To submit an article or want added to the mail list or Facebook group, contact the Editor, Grant Macleod: E-Mail:


Cross Keys September 2018

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