2 minute read
Degrees Galore
The following from the History of Edinburgh RAC No.1 exemplifies the link between Lodge St. Stephen’s No. 145 in Edinburgh and the Royal Arch.
The book is not in a regular sense a Minute Book of the Chapter, but a written transcript from the original Minute Book of the Knights Templars, that Order having been conferred by the Perth and Scoon Lodge upon the same Office-Bearers who received that of Royal Arch. The Volume closes with the following: “The foregoing Minutes were copied from the original Minute Book of the Grand Assembly of Knights Templars in Edinburgh, No. 1, holding of the Royal Grand Conclave of Scotland, by W. H. Blackie, Acting Scribe of the Edinburgh Royal Arch Chapter, No. I, Pursuant to an order of the Committee of that Chapter, bearing date 28th February 1818, and of the order of the Chapter, 16th August 1818. Signed W. H. Blackie, Scribe E., R.A.C."
The first entry, dated 2nd December 1778, reads: "This day the compliment of six sundry steps in Masonry was offered to the OfficeBearers of St Stephen's Lodge by sundry of the Brethren from the Ancient Lodge of Perth and Scoon. Accordingly, there was a Committee called, so there was then present: the Right Worshipful Master Br. David M'Laren; Br. Wm. Lyon, Junior Warden; Br. John Dick, Secretary; Br. George Miller, Senior HouseSteward; Br. Robert Stewart, Grocer; Br. Wm. Mackenzie; Br. John Moodie; and Br. John Reid, Tyler, who all of one voice accepted of the compliment of that degree of Masonry, viz., the 4th called Past the Chair."
Two days thereafter there is recorded : "This night (4th Dec. 1778) being set apart by the Brethren of Perth and Scoon Lodge in order to confer upon the Office-Bearers of St Stephen's Lodge the following Degrees of Masonry, viz.: Excellent and Super-Excellent Masons, Arch and Royal Arch Masons, and lastly Knights of Malta, there was then at that time admitted into that excellent order, Br. David M'Laren, Master; Br. Wm. Lyon, Junior Warden; Br. John Dick, Secretary; Br. James Shaw, Treasurer; Br. John Notman, Grand Steward; Br. George Miller, Senior Lodge Steward; Br. Wm. Gow, Watchmaker; Br. John Moodie, Clerk ; and Br. John Reid, Tyler, after which the Right Worshipful Master, Worshipful Junior Warden, and Office-Bearers then present ordered the same to be minuted in order to show to the worthy brethren of St Stephen's Lodge what honour the brethren of Perth and Scoon Lodge had conferred on us."
The next minute of 10th December records that "a Committee belonging to St Stephen's met and entered Donald M'Donald, an apprentice in the Mystery of Free Masonry, in our Lodge here in Canongate, and at the same time conferred the 4th degree of Masonry upon Br. James Robertson, viz., that of Master past the Chair." [Ed: Interesting to note the PM ‘degree’ was deemed the 4th whereas later the RA took that title.]
The 1783 minute is as follows: "This night, at a meeting of the Society of Royal Arch Masons of St Stephen's Lodge, Edinburgh, the following persons were admitted members thereof, they having gone through the several steps necessary thereto, viz.: Brs. James Ramsay (afterwards the Governor), (Sir) James Kegie, Wm. Scott, George Anderson, John Cowan, Thomas Drummond, and made Knights of the Royal Order of St John, after which the Lodge was closed in due and regular form.''