1 minute read


At the March Board meeting the club officers voted to become a Kiwanis Doernbecher Children’s Cancer Program “Sustaining Sponsor”. This means that the club is pledging to donate to the KDCCP cause at least $1000 yearly. It was felt that since we already do more, year after year, we can easily take on this challenge. The benefit to KDCCP is a guaranteed income. The benefit to the club is that we will be recognized on their website and at their events!

It’s Key Club Scholarship Season!


Applications are available at the school and submissions are due on Monday, May 1st. The criteria for receiving a scholarship include: number of years in Key Club; general participation in the club, (service record); leadership in the club on committees and activities; offices held; and a description of their favorite 3 projects. They are also asked to write an essay on their “personal responsibility to the community”.

Officer Elections are Coming Soon!

The month of April is when our club creates the officer slate of candidates for the coming Kiwanis year. The positions are: President, President-Elect, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and four Directors. Typically, the PresidentElect automatically moves into the President’s position, and the Vice President moves into the President-Elect position. However, our club tried a 3-way joint Presidency this year… so we have yet to explore how that might pan out for the coming term! The Board meets once a month to determine the upcoming club calendar and to address issues that affect the club. Please consider the possibility of taking on a club leadership role for the 2023-24 year! Say, “YES” if approached to be on the Board. Elections must take place by mid-May, so expect to vote at one of our club meetings in May.

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