& Holiday Traditions 2014
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Holiday Gift Guide 2014
Holiday Gift Guide 2014
The Dog Lover
f your friend or family member spends more time speaking puppy than English, then it’s official – you know a dog lover. This also means that you should probably consider giving this person at least one dog-related gift this Christmas.
Your friend will light up at your thoughtfulness, and their dog will thank you, too.
If a survey could be conducted asking dogs their favorite holiday gift, food would undoubtedly top the list. From the chewy shop-bought nuggets to the larger-than-life rawhide bones, there is a seemingly unlimited variety of special snacks for the pooch in your life. For a more unique option, your area is probably home to a chef who has perfected the art of the homemade, all-natural dog treat. These masters of canine culinary creations are pumping out special bacon, peanut butter and even vegetable snacks for all doggie tastes.
What’s cuter than seeing a dog dressed up in a turtleneck? How about a dog dressed up in pajamas. Many specialty shops and local pet stores will have these options and more for styling your puppy in an adorable ensemble. Fleece sleepers, fashionable sweaters and plush throws for comfortable couch lounging are also available at many stores. Go with a holiday theme on the pajamas so Fido can be dressed up like the family on Christmas morning.
Trips to the veterinarian can add up in a hurry, so why not surprise the dog-lover in your life with a voucher for a free flea bath or grooming service for their pet? Most veterinarian clinics offer gift cards or coupons for their services, helping save your friend or family member some serious money for their dog’s care. For a little extra, you could even set up the appointment and offer to take the pup in for its treatment. This will save your friend both money and time – a double gift.
Holiday Gift Guide 2014
Holiday Gift Guide 2014
The Aspiring Photographer
oes your grandpa spend every family get-together with a camera around his neck? Is your sister constantly sending out e-mails full of great photos of her children?
This Christmas, give that amateur photographer in your life a gift they will put to great use as they snap away those lasting family memories. From extra gear to helpful accessories, the field of photography is an exciting one with many options for enhancing skills and furthering love of the art.
What’s worse than snapping some shots of a memorable moment when the “out of storage space” message appears on your camera? Photographers of all skill sets are always in need of extra space for photos, which you can give them with a high-storage memory card. For an extra touch, load up the memory card with special photographs that your recipient can transfer to another device. This meaningful gift can serve as a great add-on to a new camera or as a perfect stocking stuffer. market, and most are easy to use and result in a polished, If you’re thinking of giving professional finished product. your photographer friend a You can also give a gift card gift card this Christmas, get to the mobile application creative, Put some money store of their choice. Both the toward a photo book that they Apple and Google app marcould fill with their best shots. kets feature a wide array of An assortment of online photography-related apps for portfolio-builders are on the purchase. From convenient
editing tools to how-to guides, your recipient will surely find something of high value through the use of your card.
If your photo-snapping pal has turned from novice to
serious, maybe it’s time they start editing and enhancing their own work. Many programs allow for just that, offering tips, tricks and tutorials for turning the standard photograph into a work of art. You can start with basic packages within the Adobe
Creative Cloud – such as Photoshop or Illustrator – and let them build their skill levels. These programs have many add-on features available for advanced users that can absolutely transform the photography experience.
Holiday Gift Guide 2014
The Golfer
olf is a sport that many take very seriously. Others not so much. No matter the skill level of that special someone on your Christmas list this year, plenty of options for gifts are available. New balls, golf bags and clubs will be flying off the shelves this holiday season. Why not set your gift apart from the rest?
Sometimes even the most high-level golfers need a hand. If they don’t have a caddy to help them measure distance or identify course challenges, the next best thing may be a portable GPS unit that gives them laser-accurate information on these factors. These units provide accurate yardages to both the green and layup locations. They display information on high-resolution screens and function similarly to a GPS device you may rely on in your car.
If you’ve watched any professional golf, you know that many of the sport’s superstars cover their club heads with stuffed animal heads like lions, Koala bears and tigers. The fluffy features may seem a bit zany, but they actually do serve a purpose – protecting the club heads from the elements while also giving many otherwise serious golfers a reason to relax and smile every once in a while. Some online companies have every breed of dog, farm animal and even sea creature imaginable on their head cover line. From monkeys to wild boars, you can find a product that fits the personality of the golfer in your life.
You’re in the middle of walking a long hole with minimum tree cover, and the skies open up. Rain showers down on you and you have no choice but to laugh it off and walk a little faster. If you play golf regularly, this has likely happened to you. Rain gear can be an invaluable tool to golfers who choose to play through inclement weather – even in downpour conditions. Many companies make waterproof rain hoods that snap on a golf bag, allowing for easy access to clubs in adverse conditions. You could also check your recipient’s bag sometime to see if the golfer is properly prepared for the rain. A golf umbrella and rain slicker can go a long way in the wet weather.
Holiday Gift Guide 2014
The Homeless
he homeless are often overlooked around the holidays as we gather with friends and family. People who are down on their luck and out of their homes this Christmas are likely scrounging for food and shelter, let alone gifts under the tree.
They are in great need this season and can use a helping hand to boost their spirits.
Do you save bottles, cans and newspapers for recycling? Why not donate them to a homeless shelter in your area? The shelter can use the cash collected from the recycling process for more services, food or blankets for its inventories. It may also choose to give the recyclable materials to a local homeless person for their uses. Many homeless people rely on collecting and converting recyclable materials into income. You can do your part by giving up a bit of extra pocket change every month.
Think of someone who is homeless. What vision pops up in your mind? The type we see in the movies, bearded with a gravelly voice? What about a sweet young girl whose parents recently lost their jobs and home? That is the face of many homeless people in the United States who will not have the luxury of receiving Christmas presents this year. That is, unless you step up. Contact your local shelters to see if they have children among their populations and donate anything you can to help them, including food, toys and clothing.
Volunteer your time around the holidays at a local homeless shelter, and you will understand the true meaning of “It is better to give than receive.” Do you have an extra couple of hours during the weekends this December? Shelter staff need help in preparing meals and cleaning facilities. Your voluntary contribution will cost you nothing financially, and you will gain a new appreciation for your home and life. Your time is one of the greatest gifts you can give a local shelter this holiday season.
Holiday Gift Guide 2014
The Hostess
oes your shopping list include someone who loves to throw a great party? Odds are you have enjoyed many a meal and drink at their home. It’s time to give back.
Luckily, buying gifts for the perfect hostess is a rather painless process. They generally throw parties throughout the year, meaning you aren’t limited to only choosing gifts for specific seasons. Think practical with a creative twist – just like your hostess does when throwing a great shindig.
Even the hostess with an overstocked cabinet of tableware could use more. Plates, glasses, serving spoons or condiment containers are great gifts that will add extra options for the perpetual party planner. Stick with a specific design theme or color across all of the items and you may see your items incorporated into the next big party. And it’s OK to go with a summer or springtime assortment in the dead of winter – your hostess-minded friend or family member is probably already setting her sights on the 2015 season.
Homemade pizza can be a bit of a messy endeavor, but is usually worth the effort. Many kitchen stores sell a variety of pizza stones that will help guarantee an easy cooking experience and the perfectly crispy crust. You can also find stones in various colors and shapes that will fit your recipient’s personality or kitchen scheme. Complement the stone with a basket of homemade pizza ingredients like fresh vegetables, dry yeast, flour and pepperoni for an all-in-one gift that will be put to good use.
A scented candle is a good gift, but a candleholder is a perfect one! Why? Because your idea of a great-smelling candle may not mesh with that of your hostess. Going with a decorative candleholder will give your recipient free reign over what to fill it with, ensuring your gift gets put to good use. Do a little scouting before settling on that holder, though. Check out your friend’s home décor and which candleholders are already in use. Choose a set that would fit well in a specific nook or on a certain table. Be sure to match your gift with the size, color and design theme appropriate for your hostess’ needs.
Holiday Gift Guide 2014
Holiday Gift Guide 2014
Holiday Gift Guide 2014
The Super-Mom
or every diaper change or grocery list that goes unnoticed, the super-mom behind it deserves more than your standard Christmas gift.
She deserves to be pampered, treated or blown away by this year’s gift – no pressure. Luckily, it usually doesn’t take much for the selfless moms in our lives to feel loved. A hug from a child or thank-you from a spouse will get the job done. But this year, kick your giftgiving efforts up a notch by finding that perfect gift that rewards her daily efforts that keep the household running.
What is a better gift than some “me time?” Send your sweetie away for a day to the spa center and let her soak in the massages, pedicures and facials. A little pampering can easily wipe away the stress that comes with housework and children, helping rejuvenate and re-energize Mom. If you think she’d enjoy a night away, choose a center that has lodging and put her up for a night. Doing so will ensure she gets a solid night’s sleep without the potential of being awakened by a crying baby or a midnight request from an older child.
Is there a specific room in your home that drives the super-mom in your life crazy? Maybe it is cluttered or just plain unappealing to look at?
Put your handy skills – or those of a trained professional – to good use and renovate the problem area for her gift. You can either offer her the gift as an IOU, telling her you have successfully saved money for the project and are ready to start. Or, have it completed while she is away one weekend with her friends. The
latter will take some assurance that you know exactly what color, layout and design scheme she will enjoy to make sure your gift doesn’t fall flat.
Diamond rings and silver pendants will surely do the
trick here, but personalize a piece of jewelry to really speak to Mom’s heart. Most jewelers will engrave short messages or phrases on a piece of jewelry, whether it be a child’s name, a special quote or maybe a saying that epitomizes your life together.
Charm bracelets also fall under this category and allow for the super-mom to customize it for years to come. You can choose the bracelet and a few personalized charms now and watch her fill it up with relics symbolizing her children, hobbies and passions.
Holiday Gift Guide 2014
Holiday Gift Guide 2014
Holiday Gift Guide 2014
Holiday Gift Guide 2014
Holiday Gift Guide 2014
Holiday Gift Guide 2014
Choose the Perfect Tree
f the nearly 35 million new Christmas trees purchased every year, 13 million are artificial and 22 million are real, according to the American Christmas Tree Association.
And while the convenience of a sapless, needle-less tree that stores easily for perennial use is alluring to many, it’s hard to build a tradition around an artificial tree. But taking a family trip to the local tree farm to select that perfect symbol of the holidays? Now, that’s a tradition. Real trees become an extended family member for a month or so. We choose them, bring them home, set them up, decorate them and spend hours in front of them. They cover our gifts for safekeeping. They stimulate all of our senses – from the piney smell to the bright lights. That’s why choosing the perfect tree for your family is a vital part of the holiday season. Tree height, width and overall health are important factors to consider when you and your family go on your tree-picking excursion. Here’s what to look for in that perfect tree – and how to make it a special, enjoyable experience this winter:
If you’re bringing along your children, nieces or nephews, make sure to ask their opinion about the different trees. Give them options while you’re walking around the tree farm, being sure to check out trees of varying heights, prices and colors. Listening to their thoughts will make them feel like part of the decision-making process instead of simply being along for the ride.
You can also use the experience to teach children what to look for in a tree. The American Christmas Tree Association says to avoid trees with these features: • Broken branches. • Obvious wear and tear from rough transport. • Dirty or insect-filled trees. Consider these factors when you’re deciding which tree to buy. Also be sure to premeasure your doorways and ceiling height to make sure your new tree will fit nicely in your home.
Holiday Gift Guide 2014
Go Caroling
s one of the most timeless, unique ways to celebrate the Christmas season, caroling offers a great tradition for spreading holiday cheer. Singing door to door helps you build relationships with your neighbors and fellow carolers, alike. It also helps you slow down during the hustle and bustle of the Christmas shopping season, allowing you to reconnect with the most important people around you.
Through caroling, you will create a group dynamic and camaraderie that will only add to your love for the holidays. If you haven’t caroled before, quiz your friends, family members and acquaintances to see if they know of any such One of the main benefits to Christmas caroling is groups. You can also check in with your local the joy you can bring to others with your exuberant cultural and civic centers, since they are often linked up with singing and acting display of holiday spirit. Caroling has become a organizations. rarity of sorts during the holiday season, giving it If you can’t find any such groups, start your own. even more meaning to people of all ages. Invite your favorite people to join you – even if they Besides the great feeling you’ll receive from aren’t the most talented singers. Choose a couple of caroling, you may also find yourself offered hot songs and set up a few practice sessions before chocolate or cookies at the end of your carols. Other hitting the town. You can color-coordinate your thankful neighbors and community members may outfits and wear Santa hats to give your show their appreciation simply by telling you how performance a little creative cohesion. much hearing your Christmas songs meant to them.
When choosing a list of carols to perform, go with the traditional Christmas songs that everyone knows. The main draw to caroling is its ability to bring back nostalgia and goodwill to those around you. So choose like-spirited carols that will leave your audience members smiling. You might even add a Hanukkah song such as “Hanukkah, Oh Hanukkah” or “The Dreidel Song” to lift the spirits of those in the neighborhood who celebrate that holiday. If your group is dynamic enough, choose songs with multiple parts that can be mixed together for a memorable carol. You can also incorporate solos, clapping and a few simple dance moves to spice things up.
Holiday Gift Guide 2014
Cook Together
hristmas cookies baking in the oven. A juicy turkey smoking on the grill. An apple pie cooling on the table. The sights and smells of a kitchen around Christmas time are enough to excite the chef – and eater – in us all. Equally as fun as the actual cooking is the research that goes into finding the perfect recipe. Sit down together at a computer to look up variations for all types of meals ranging from traditional holiday roasts to vegan options. Find one recipe that everyone agrees on, print it out and get to shopping!
What better tradition to start than sharing time doing what we love in the kitchen? Cooking gives us the chance to be creative, hone our craft and enjoy spending quality time together.
Whether you’re a child who has limited experience in the kitchen or a high-level chef with years in the restaurant industry, cooking during the holidays is a great equalizer.
involved in planning the You don’t have to limit your menu and buying the ingredients. Mix things up cooking tradition to simply from year to year by working together in the incorporating new recipes or kitchen. Get your friends, unique twists on family children and loved ones favorites.
Cooking can be a great way to incorporate lessons on following directions. From gathering ingredients for the recipe to following the list of baking requirements, children can put together great-tasting dishes while learning about the importance of instructions. Another benefit of spending time together in the kitchen is the opportunity to teach your children about healthy eating. Use unique ways to incorporate fruits and vegetables into your holiday recipes to promote the benefits of fresh produce. These lessons can be translated into everyday life and school performance, making your holiday cooking tradition as educational as it is fun.
Holiday Gift Guide 2014
Handmade Arts and Crafts
andmade holiday gifts or decorations around the house are a guaranteed hit. Too often, we are consumed in gifting the latest video game, device or expensive electronic. Sometimes ‘de-digitizing’ our Christmas gifts can be a great way to reclaim the true spirit of the holidays.
Giving from the heart – and the hands – brings great joy to both the giver and receiver of special holiday gifts. And creating a tradition out of making handmade gifts and decorations will surely put children and adults in the holiday mindset. Some projects can be a bit timeconsuming, especially considering busy school and work schedules. So start your handmade efforts in late November or early December to make sure they’re ready to be enjoyed in time.
Looking for a unique way to recycle smaller, unused toys? Transforming them into ornaments will help declutter your home while also creating a meaningful tree decoration. Simply use a needle and thread to stitch through and hang a soft toy. Insert small eyehooks into the top of your wooden toys for easy hanging. Keep these special ornaments in a safe place every year and plan to give them to your children when they are old enough to move out and buy their own Christmas trees. You will create a lifetime of memories that can carry on for another generation to come.
This Christmas season, choose to spend a bit more time than money on the cards you send out. Find a ream of
high-quality paper (which you can purchase for the price of one card) and pick up some inexpensive felt, yarn, buttons and glue. Then get creative. Fold a sheet of the paper in half and affix some buttons to the front in the
shape of a snowman. Add a handwritten note to the inside of the card and glue some felt, cutout decorations, as well. Before you know it, you’ll have store-quality card at a fraction of the cost.
Holiday Gift Guide 2014
The Youngsters
hildren can actually be one of the easiest groups to please because they will often tell you exactly what they hope to receive on Christmas morning.
Whether it’s the next big video game or the new talking animal fad, you have likely been given an extensive list of potential presents this holiday season. But how do you filter through it to make sure every gift returns a smile for your investment?
For 2- to 3-year-olds, it is often quantity over quality when it comes to Christmas gifts. These are the years you don’t necessarily have to break the bank for your holiday spending. A puzzle set with blocks or new toy instruments can be relatively inexpensive gifts that keep your toddler busy and entertained. Consider your child’s walking stage when choosing a gift. If they are able to sit upright with no problem, then a collection of toy zoo animals may
be the perfect gift. Toddlers who have discovered recipients, you can find exploration or nature kits the art of walking will enjoy a drag-along toy animal that will put their natural curiosity to good use. or vehicle. If you’re buying for another family, be sure to check with the parents first to avoid unwanted or Hopefully the teenager in your life has discovered duplicate toys. a hobby or sport about which they are passionate. Whether it be piano, football or model-making, there is a gift out there to match their creative Finding the perfect gift for children between the skills. toddler and teenage years requires knowledge of If they’ve just started picking up a new endeavor, what they’re interested in. This can be the most dif- maybe professional lessons or a digital how-to book ficult age group to please. Generally, an outdoor may be the perfect gift to sharpen their skill set. activity of some type – water guns or yard games – The teenage years are also about curiosity, so can be a hit for those in this age group. finding a coffee-table photo book on their favorite For the tweens in your life, a paid ticket to the recording artist or history subject will help them science center or children’s museum in your closest learn more while also enjoying bright, vibrant city may fit the bill. For the more outdoorsy photos.
Holiday Gift Guide 2014
Support the Military
ne way to start a tradition while also supporting those who protect our freedom is to donate your time or funds to military families. Many members of the military will be away from their loved ones this holiday season, making it a particularly difficult time for their husbands, wives and children.
Luckily, you can help. Many local and national organizations have developed special Christmas programs that make huge differences in the lives of military families. You could also go directly to the member of a military family who you know personally and give them a special gift.
Your local United States Marine Corps reserve unit collects new, unwrapped toys during October, November and December each year. The toys are distributed as Christmas gifts to less fortunate children in your community. The program became an official military activity in 1995 and can be found at www.toysfortots.org.
There are many military-focused groups and organizations looking for volunteers this time of year. Check in with your local veterans’ hospital, which may have the need for gifts or visitors during the holiday season. Many veterans’ associations host dinners or special events for their members and could use helping hands for preparing and serving food.
One ultra-popular military program is Adopt-a-Family, which coordinates wish lists from military families to citizens interested in helping fulfill them. Simply collect your “adopted” families list, purchase the items and hand them over to your partner military organizations. They then deliver your gifts – and holiday generosity – to the family in need. Partaking in this program and others like it can teach your children the value of giving to those less fortunate – a tradition worth carrying on for years to come.
Holiday Gift Guide 2014
Holiday Gift Guide 2014