Wednesday Feb. 27, 2019 An advertising supplement
3 tips to make your bathroom more inviting affect your experience. Consider improving your We tend to think of the daily ritual with these three bathroom strictly as a utilitar- upgrading tips. ian space, and therefore not worthy of the same energy Design with and expense put into design- ergonomics in mind ing spaces like the living Ergonomics is the process room or kitchen. We spend a of designing and arranging lot of time in the bathroom, spaces so that they fit with however. It's the room where the people who use them. we start and set intentions for When making upgrades to our day. In the evening, the your bathroom, it's important bathroom is where we go to to think through how you use unwind - some people prefer the space each day. What a soaking in a bubble bath functional design might look while others take a hot show- like to someone else could be er to relax after a long day. inconvenient for you. How a bathroom is Bathroom storage tends to designed can dramatically be treated as one-size-fits-all. BPT
Many bathrooms have a vanity that contains deep cabinets. People with this basic storage solution are forced to use small containers to organize their products and often have to rummage through belongings to get what they need. An ergonomic bathroom considers what items you use most frequently, and is designed to keep those items accessible. Consider adding a medicine cabinet to your bathroom to keep smaller products that get easily misplaced on hand. A vanity that offers a top drawer allows you to store everyday items,
like a hair brush or toothpaste, up higher than a storage cabinet would, meaning you wouldn't have to bend down as often.
space constraints, modular designs help ensure you are able to meet your storage needs.
Bring technology Find solutions with into the bathroom personalized designs The way that your bathroom is set up and how you use your bathroom are unique. It's often difficult to find an off-the-shelf solution that gives you exactly what you want from this space. Consider a solution instead that is customizable to your needs. Whether you're working with a difficult bathroom layout or you feel limited by
Technology plays a big role in most people's lives, so it's no surprise that it has started to pop up in bathroom designs, too. Consider how technology can simplify your daily routine. For example, defogging technology can be built into the vanity mirror to allow one person to shower while another is using the mirror. If you have products that need to be charged, like an electric toothbrush or razor, consider installing USB ports inside the medicine cabinet to ensure your go-to items are always ready to use. Technology can bring entertainment into the bathroom as well. If you like to start off the day with some energetic music or unwind in the bath listening to your favorite podcast, Bluetooth technology can be the perfect way to add entertainment without sacrificing counter space. The bathroom plays an important role in your day-today life. Use these tips to design a functional space that best fits your needs and find more ideas for bathroom upgrades at
PAGE 2B ✦ WEDNESDAY, FEB. 27, 2019
When saying 'I do' means a move be loaded in the back of the truck, while lighter items should be placed in front and on top. When in doubt, follow the helpful tips offered by Penske's Truck Wizard.
Getting married means a whole lot of changes, not the least of which could be moving to a new house or apartment. Whether you're getting a brand-new place for the both of you or one of you is shifting all your earthly possessions to join your spouse, it's a good idea to take proactive steps to make crossing that new threshold a little easier. Here are a few tips for taking some of the stress out of moving day — for both of you.
Share the burden ■ Invite friends, family and members of your wedding party to help you move - but be sure to make it a party! Ordering plenty of pizza and drinks for the post-move party will be a big hit. Perhaps you could pick out special items or photos as mementos of your friendships or family events during your decluttering to gift your moving helpers.
Declutter ■ Before moving, go through your possessions, as individuals and then as a team. Even if you're moving to a larger space, it's better to start fresh with items you know you like or need, and it will save you moving things you don't really want to keep. After you've each discarded old, unused or disliked items, take inventory of common household items to see if you have duplicates. Do you both have toasters, blenders, a full set of silverware? Decide as a team which of them you prefer. If the other is still in good
shape, donate, recycle, or if too Plan ahead by reserving your old and damaged, discard. truck at least two weeks in advance.
Plan ahead to save ■ Whether one of you is moving or you both are, you can save a lot of money by doing the move yourself. It's remarkably easy to rent a truck, and you don't need a commercial license. Driving a moving truck isn't difficult, but it is different from driving a car. Be careful to use your mirrors to navigate turns, avoid sudden lane changes or stops and make sure to allow extra time.
Pack smart ■ Nothing hurts more than moving your prized possessions, only to find them damaged when you arrive at your new digs. Your best bet is to pick up sturdy boxes, strong tape and bubble wrap at your truck rental store so that you know everything you pack will arrive at your new home in the same condition as when you
packed it. You can also get labels to use on your boxes so you know which items belong in the kitchen, the bathroom or the bedroom.
Be space conscious ■ You'll need about 150 cubic feet of space for the furnishings of each room in your current home. In other words, a 12- or 16-foot Penske rental truck should accommodate the contents of most small apartments or condos. When loading a moving truck, do what the pros do. Heavier items should
These tips will help you and your new spouse handle the big move-in gracefully, economically and efficiently, so you can start your life together with as little stress as possible. Congratulations on the big day and the big move! To learn more about renting your own moving truck, check out for details. You can save even more on the move if you qualify for AAA or military discounts at Penske, so be sure to ask.
Connectivity is king this home-buying season BPT
The spring home-buying season is just around the corner and that means people are busy making improvements to get their homes ready to sell. These days, home upgrades are increasingly focused on one key feature: connectivity. In 2019, buyers want smart homes they can easily control from anywhere. From smart HVAC and sprinkler systems to connected garage door openers, it's all about creating convenience and comfort.
Security gets connected Security systems are nothing new, but the technology used to arm those systems is changing rapidly. More and more home security companies now offer fully connected systems that allow users to protect and monitor their homes from any smart device. Whether it's a live video feed, the ability to lock and unlock doors remotely or just checking that all sensors are working properly, integrated security systems offer peace of mind. Having the infrastructure in place can be a selling point for buyers who want to make sure their new home is as safe as possible, given they'll only have to set up the monitoring
subscription upon move-in.
Updated garages add value According to Remodeling Magazine's 2019 Cost vs. Value survey, a garage door replacement is the number one home improvement project in terms of return on investment. But these days, more homeowners are taking it a step further and installing new technology to make the garage more user friendly. For example, the SilentMax Connect garage door opener from The Genie Company comes with Aladdin Connect technology built-in to improve convenience and functionality. Not only is the opener super quiet - ideal for attached garages - but the connectivity features allow you to check whether your garage door is open or closed, grant individual access with virtual keys, instantly know when someone is operating your garage door (authorized or not), and provide a log of when each opener was used — all from your phone or smart device. Thanks to this technology, you can open the garage door remotely for delivery people, a housekeeper or for your child coming home from school. Considering your garage is one of the most accessed points in your home, this functionality is a great security feature and proves that
garages offer more than just storage space. With the right connectivity tools and features, they can provide convenience that will be attractive to future owners.
Save energy, increase comfort As home improvement trends go, increased connectivity is rivaled only by the desire for more energy-efficient homes. Smart thermostats accomplish both these aims and can increase the value of your home in the process. Smart thermostats let you easily control the temperature in your home from any connected
device. You can set a daily schedule for your heater, adjust the temperature in individual rooms or let the system program itself based on your usage history. For energy-conscious buyers, this kind of technology provides a way of living that's as aspirational as it is attainable.
Lighting the way Smart lighting has turned from a novelty to a practical tool as products have gotten more advanced. Programmable lighting allows you to schedule when your lights will come on, turn on and off lights remotely or change the lighting to
improve aesthetics. With a smart lighting system, you'll never have to get out of bed to turn the lights off downstairs, and you can always come home to a fully lit house, boosting your sense of security. With these kinds of applications, your home's lighting can go from a 'given' to a must-have, attracting buyers like a moth to a flame. New, smart products are hitting the market every day. For homeowners savvy enough to incorporate this new technology into their homes, they'll not only be more connected, but they'll likely see more offers rolling in when it comes time to sell.
WEDNESDAY, FEB. 27, 2019 âœŚ PAGE 3B
Top home improvement projects for older homes BPT
Do you own an older home, and are you looking to make upgrades that matter? Strategic enhancements not only increase a property's resale value, but also its functionality. This is particularly important among young homebuyers. Sixty-eight percent of millennial homebuyers reported buyer's remorse, according to a Bank of the West survey. Today's high home prices in cities across the country mean that many millennials are buying older homes rather than newly built ones. Shortly after the purchase, these homebuyers feel disappointed with the dated features of their homes, unsure what and where to renovate.If you feel you've settled for your home, or perhaps you love the older property but want to give it a face-lift, here are some leading homeimprovement projects for older homes: Technology additions: Smart-home features are frequently requested in new construction. Fortunately, your older home can become a smart home too when you implement technology, such as home automation. Thanks to WiFi, there's no need for clumsy and costly rewiring. Smart thermostats, smart music and programmable lighting are prime exam-
ples.Tankless water heaters: Tankless water heaters are ideal for older homes because they are easy to install, take up much less space and can reduce energy costs by as much as 60 percent. Because they heat water on demand, you never have to worry about running out of hot water. What's more, longer warranties than what can be found with traditional storage-tank water heaters are now available. Check out the new 25-year warranty from Noritz on select tankless water heaters. Wall removal: Removing a wall between the kitchen and living room can enhance the functionality of the area and provide a modern open concept design. Cutouts in walls are another option if the wall cannot be
completely removed. Remember to ensure any wall is not load-bearing before removal, so you don't impact the structural integrity of the home. Popcorn ceilings: Once upon a time, popcorn ceilings were the top trend installed in every house. Today, they distract the eye and make a home look old. Consider hiring someone to redo your ceilings or research how to scrape it yourself. Leave flat or add a knock-down texture, which is a popular modern drywall finishing technique. New paint/wallpaper: That '70s pea-green paint in the bathroom and the '80s floral wallpaper in the bedroom instantly date your home. By updating the walls, your house will feel more modern and you can
customize to your personal tastes. Dedicate a weekend to painting the walls in your favorite spaces and you'll be amazed at the transformation.Painting old grout: After years and sometimes decades, grout in bathrooms and kitchen spaces really takes a beating and turns a dirty color that's impossible to clean. It can be time-consuming and tedious to replace grout, so to get a fresh look consider painting it instead. Specialty grout paint makes the process simple with easy application features that simply roll on. Update hardware: Hardware throughout a home gets dingy and dated. To update a space without an overhaul, simply change out the hardware. Cabinet knobs, drawer handles,
towel racks and more in a modern metallic hue can make a space feel fresh again without much investment. Don't forget about air registers, which can also impact the visual appeal of a space. Energy-efficient insulation: There are many modern insulation options available today that weren't around when older homes were built, and many of those homes have little to no insulation at all. In addition to insulation, remember to seal spaces for air loss, such as air ducts, doors, windows, pipe inlets and the attic. Embrace the history: Be sure to research the history of the home and neighborhood. Would pulling out that original wood built-in be a detriment to the home's authenticity and value? Perhaps you can hire someone to update the original wood flooring, so it has the modern stain tone you like, but the planks still maintain the home's original luster. Light fixtures: Light-fixture styles change through the years and can make your home appear older than necessary. Replacements can make a world of difference. For example, replace an old brass chandelier with a modern pendant design. Not only will it be a style update, but the light output can make the space more usable.
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Are your home and wallet prepared for the inevitable? BPT
Nobody bats an eyelash when it comes to buying homeowner's insurance, but many homeowners don't apply that same logic to planning for home repairs - not what might happen, but what will happen. Only a fraction of the 120 million U.S. house-
holds today are protected by a home services plan, also known as a home warranty. That number is growing, as homeowners recognize the value of coverage when appliances go on the fritz, hot water heaters run cold in the middle of winter or a leaky faucet drives up their water bill. Perhaps one reason
more homeowners don't have home service plans is because they think they are covered through their homeowner's insurance policy. Homeowner's insurance doesn't protect you from the natural home aging process. Insurance kicks in when damage occurs from an outside force, like a busted sewer line
or roof damage due to a major storm. While insurance covers you when Mother Nature strikes, it doesn't protect you from the natural wear and tear that your home's major systems and appliances go through during the aging process. Understanding how home service plans work and how they fit into your financial and risk-planning strategy allows you to be prepared for covered breakdowns, without breaking the bank. Let's start at the beginning. What is a home service plan? Home service plans typically cover the repair or replacement of major home appliances, including refrigerators, washers, dryers, ovens or cooktops, and components of major systems like plumbing, HVAC and electrical. When your air conditioning system breaks, or your washer or dryer stops spinning, you want the confidence of having a home services plan in place that will
help protect your budget. This is where the true value of a home service plan comes in. Home service providers such as American Home Shield accept service requests and assign professionals to diagnose the problem and offer a solution through its vast network of skilled and trusted contractors, which includes more than 15,000 licensed and qualified pros throughout all 50 states. What's the bottom line? With a home service plan, you won't pay the full cost of repairing or replacing items covered by your plan. Regardless of age, make or model, your contract helps cover the repair or replacement of items covered in your plan. For example, if your refrigerator malfunctions, your service provider will connect you to a quality contractor to diagnose and repair the problem. This can help reduce the hassle of repairing it yourself and help protect
your budget. Think about your home's future (and yours). Service plans can come in handy when selling a home. The appeal speaks for itself: When buyers are making that final decision around one of the biggest investments in their lives, having a home service plan in place gives the new homeowner confidence that the home's systems and appliances are protected, and they won't bear the entire financial impact of repairing or replacing it if it breaks down. The choice seems obvious: Don't fall victim to the financial risks and mental stresses associated with owning a home. Appliances have set lifespans, breakdowns are inevitable and repairs and replacements are costly. Make sure your home is covered, so you and your wallet can rest assured that your home is taken care of.
WEDNESDAY, FEB. 27, 2019 âœŚ PAGE 5B
Top 2019 outdoor living trends BPT
With busy schedules and on-the-go lifestyles, outdoor living spaces offer a chance to decompress, enjoy nature and connect with friends and family. Thanks to the impressive design and quality of today's outdoor products, these spaces often rival the convenience, comfort and design of the indoors. As the heart of the home shifts outdoors, following are some of the top trends that will dominate the outdoor living landscape.
Sustainable solutions There is a growing interest in sustainable alternatives to wood products, which contribute to deforestation and can leave a heavy carbon footprint. Composite decking offers an appealing option that outperforms wood, with greater durability, less ongoing maintenance and fewer harmful environmental impacts. Trex decking, for example, is made from 95 percent recycled and reclaimed
materials, diverting more than 250 million pounds of plastic film and bags from landfills each year. Beyond decking, composite materials also can be found in today's hottest outdoor f u r n i s h i n g s . Manufactured from recycled milk jugs and other polyethylene plastics, these highperformance, on-trend designs offer environmentally responsible
options for comfort- point out that "cozy" able, stylish outdoor doesn't equal "clutter." living. Clean, minimalist looks are growing in Cozy and clean popularity, as homeemphasize As homeowners owners spend more time quality over quantity. enjoying their outdoor In outdoor spaces, this living spaces, comfort trend is manifesting in is key. From plush sleek lines, simple cushions and throws to styles and a preference cozy pergolas, today's for long-lasting prodoutdoor spaces are ucts. On decks, this minidesigned to evoke malist trend can be serenity and peace. However, trend seen in the popularity experts are quick to of streamlined, alu-
minum railings. Another must-have is outdoor cabinetry such as built-in trash bins and ice chests that can be color-coordinated to integrate seamlessly into a deck design.
Illuminated spaces From candles and tiki torches to fireplaces and integrated fixtures, outdoor lighting is another "bright" idea that is in high demand. The right lighting can take any outdoor space from invisible to inviting — especially when it's integrated in innovative ways to accentuate key features. Spotlights highlighting an accent wall or tread lights incorporated into a bar top are both popular options. Adding dimmable LED lighting to the railing and stairs not only adds ambiance but also enhances safety. By choosing which outdoor elements to highlight, it's easy to change the
look of an outdoor living space without moving any furniture.
Decidedly DIY More homeowners than ever are feeling confident about building their own outdoor living spaces. Lighter weight deck boards such as Trex Enhance, as well as innovative, easy-to-install railing panels, have made creating a dream deck on your own easier than ever. If you are comfortable using a hammer, a power saw and a drill, you can build your own deck. Or, if you have a deck but it is showing signs of wear, you can easily resurface it in just one weekend, so long as the substructure is intact. For those ready to DIY, expert help is never more than a click away. Installation guides, instructional videos and detailed plans are readily available online.
5 ways to help prevent pests BPT
sary water on your property.
From healthy lifestyle changes to productive habits, there are plenty Be mindful when away from home of New Year's resolutions that can start your 2019 off on the right foot. Unfortunately, places like hotel rooms can be bed bug hot spots, and Homeowners can extend those resolutions to include keeping the house in tiptop shape - and keeping out unwanted visitors. The pest manage- these pests can be tough to guard against and easy to bring home. Be ment experts at Terminix have a few New Year's resolution recommen- sure to do a thorough sweep of hotel rooms - along mattresses, furniture and headboards - checking for signs of an infestation such as blood dations that can help make your 2019 pest-free. spots or shed skins.
Inspect your home
Keep firewood at a safe distance As you start the new year, it's a good time to check if your home is Before you light those cozy winter fires, be sure you're storing firefully sealed from more than just the elements. Even an opening as small as a dime is big enough for a mouse to squeeze through. Take a walk wood piles away from your home. The wood could be an inviting home around your entire house exterior, looking for any cracks or holes, and for termites and can provide an easy bridge to your home's foundation if you don't properly guard against these pests. be sure to seal any gaps you find. Eliminate standing water
Call in the professionals
If you're dealing with a pest problem too big to handle alone, know While a water feature makes for a perfect landscaping piece, be sure to be diligent about changing out water and reducing other sources of when it's time to call in the professionals. Terminix's trained technicians standing water. Refresh the water in bird baths, fountains and other can help you protect your home from winter pests, leaving you free to water features at least once a week, and dump out any other unneces- focus your sights on other goals.
PAGE 6B âœŚ WEDNESDAY, FEB. 27, 2019
5 ways to create an inviting room using tile BPT
Today's tile trends extend so far beyond their traditional use as a staple of bathroom design that you may not recognize them. While once the most attractive and innovative tiles had to be imported, contemporary handcrafted tile and stone products for home design are now being made right here in the United States. Homeowners and interior designers alike are always seeking distinctive visual touches to make each home special. Here are five ways tile design can enhance a room. Elevate small spaces. Use tiles interchangeably to create a unique design. The Ann Sacks Radius Collection by designer Barbara Barry has five distinct modular designs that can be used independently, or combined to create patterns to delight the eye. Creative use of a variety of tile shapes like these can easily elevate small spaces such as baseboards, fireplace surrounds or backsplash areas in a kitchen. Make a color statement. Whether you choose a single color or mix colors to create a pattern, the choices can overwhelm. "I enjoy the soft juxtaposition of watery blue tones, soft green tones and the neutral colors of gravel," explained Barry. While Barry is known for her love of soft colors, you may choose colors that best complement elements already in the room. If you're not working with a designer, consider traditional complementary color pairs when making decor choices, such as red-green, blueorange or yellow-purple. Create a calm mood. The latest trends in interior design reflect the desire for homes to be sanctuaries. Inspired by the clean lines, appropriate scale and exacting proportion prevalent in Midcentury Modern architectural design, Barry describes her collection as "soft modern, defined by a curved edge for a sensual feel." Barry adds, "In this busy world, I want to come home to calm rooms and quiet spaces." Choosing colors, lines, shapes and scale with simplicity in mind
can help contribute to a feeling of calm. Personalize your space. Find what appeals to you, and work with a designer or manufacturer who can meet your requests. In her collection, Barry provides tools for consumers or designers to customize patterns. Designed to spark the imagination, five distinct patterns in varying scales punctuate interiors with personality. Smaller manufacturers can personalize your project with their flexibility, customizing color choices and resurrecting a retired pattern or color, or even by recreating tiles present in a home refurbishing or renovating project. Make your space your own. Create visual interest. Choose different textures through materials like wood, glass or tile to break up an otherwise ordinary surface in a room. Radius is available in all Made by Ann Sacks matte and gloss colorways, which can be installed as a singular color statement or mixed to evoke a unique, personalized design, whether to create a captivating statement-making wall or to cover an entire floor. The choice of tile adds a textural element to a room that can't be duplicated by any other material. Ann Sacks fell in love with tile while on a family vacation to Mexico when she was 13, and later used that passion to create a business inspired by those Mexican tiles. She hired gifted artisans to grow her business into a true American success story. Ann Sacks, founded in 1981 in Portland, Oregon, draws talented craftspeople to create inspiring designs in tile, stone, plumbing, lighting and accessories. These creations are traditional in terms of craft, but aligned with contemporary design trends. Today, the company includes the work of 15 designers. Whether you choose to use tile in a more traditional way in your bath or kitchen, or to elevate another space inside a home with a more innovative style, use a customized design and select colors to create a unique environment anyone would want to call home.