Vol. 6 Issue 2 No. 44
Oct. 31, 2018
A Publishing Maverick
Ryan Perkins Editor-In-Chief
This month for our front page highlight, the Purple Press interviewed Mr. Rob Langrell, the publisher of the Eastern New Mexico News Journal. Rob Langrell is a very interesting man with a very interesting story. We hope you like his answers as much as we do. Tell me about yourself? “I am the publisher of Clovis Media Inc., which includes overseeing the operations of the Eastern New Mexico News, Cannon Connections, My Eastern New Mexico PLUS and the Quay County Sun. I have been involved with newspapers since I was 15 years old. My job has taken me to Delaware, New York, North Carolina, Las Vegas, Nebraska and now to Clovis. It’s a great career and always full of different adventures every day.”
they offered me the opportunity to take over and guide their New Mexico newspaper operation.”
serving the information needs of all of the communities in eastern New Mexico. We’ve made the commitment to an all-local approach, and with Have you always been the size of our staff, it would interested in the news/mebe impossible to do that six dia? days per week. We no longer “Honestly, newspapers is the run Associated Press stories only career I’ve ever been of national and international involved with. It’s a passion magnitude. Instead, we’re of mine, and has been for solely covering the local a very long time. I was forevents, happenings and tunate enough to get hired news right here in our backas a part-timer in the sports yard. These are the stories department of my homethat local readers can’t get town newspaper in Dover, anywhere else. With a twoDelaware, when I was 15 and day-per-week frequency, our starting my junior year of high writers also have the opportuschool. I worked there my nity to go more in-depth with last two years of high school, their stories. That’s a big win over the summers, and holifor the readers -- informing day breaks when I was home them what happened but also from college. It was an amaz- telling them why and how it
What brought your to this parMr. Rob Langrell, Publisher of The ticular job/ place? “Clovis Media is owned by ing opportunity for me and the Stevenson Newspaper put me directly on the path to Group, which is based in a life in journalism.” Sheridan, Wyoming. I started with the company in August What factors went into you 2014 when I accepted a deciding to go down to publisher’s position with a publishing two days per group of papers they own week? in Nebraska. I worked there “It was an extremely tough until November 2015 when decision. We’re committed to
It had an impact on newspapers small and large across the U.S. Newspaper industry groups lobbied Congress and the administration and got the tariff reduced considerably in August. We probably won’t see any kind of reduction in cost until at least early next year though.”
Do you plan to stay with the newspaper, or are you going to try to switch to a more digital/21st century approach? “A few markets across the United States have gone to a digital-only newspaper, meaning they don’t actually print a tangible paper. It’s viewed online only. I don’t see that being very viable in this market though. There are so many people who enjoy sitting down with their newspaper -- in their hands -- and reading it, solving the puzzles or cutting out articles or photos to keep. There are also many of our readers who don’t have Internet access and we don’t want to lose them as readers. Besides our printed News, Photographs taken by Ryan Perkins edition, we do put a affects them.” .PDF of the full edition on our website for our subscribers. What new tariffs have been Readers who have home imposed on the media? delivery receive a digital “The newspaper industry got subscription at no additional hit with a tariff on newsprint charge so they can choose to -- the paper it’s printed on read the content either way, -- back in January. It was an or on their phone or laptop increase of 32 percent on when they’re traveling or on paper imported from Canada. vacation. We also offer a dig-
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ital-only subscription, which works great for people who only want to read the news on their respective electronic devices.” What new things do you have in mind for the future of Clovis’ newspaper? “I think we’re done with “new” things for a while. This transition to a twice-weekly paper and a solely communityminded-coverage approach are very big things for us. This comes on the heels of combining the Clovis News Journal and the Portales News-Tribune into the Eastern New Mexico News two years ago. That was a great move for us because both of those communities lie just 19 miles apart. It also gave us a chance to take a more regional approach to the news and the events we cover.” How is a newspaper actually made? From start-tofinish? “To kick things off, our editor and writers collaborate on story ideas all of the time. When the writer goes out on his assignment, he interviews people and takes photos many times at the event. The writer will also gather facts and other “color” that might make their story more complete or informative. They’ll return to the office to write their article. From there, it’s passed along to an editor to read it, make corrections,
fine tune it, ask for more details to be added, or other things along those lines. Once the story is ready, the page designer will receive it along with any photos that will accompany it. The page designer builds the page to include the story and relevant artwork. Once the entire paper is designed, it is sent electronically to the Santa Fe New Mexican’s press facilities, where all of our production is handled. After the newspaper is printed, the sales inserts are placed inside it and the paper is bundled in packs of 25’s. When our “job” is completed, the workers in Santa Fe load our papers into a delivery truck and it is driven to our delivery dock in Clovis. We have a circulation employee who helps unload the delivery. He’s responsible for getting the correct numbers of papers to each carrier when they make their pick up at our offices. He also delivers our mail subscription papers to the post office and fills the newspaper boxes around the area with papers. The carriers deliver to the home subscribers, who then get to find that day’s news on their doorstep or driveway.” Anything else you would like the Purple Press to know? “I am married to Tina Langrell, and we celebrated our 20-year wedding anniversary
over the summer. She is a second-grade teacher at Mesa Elementary School. We have a son, Garrett, who is a senior at Clovis High. Our other son, Connor, graduated from CHS last May and is attending Newman University in Wichita, Kansas. We also have two daughters -- Megan is married and lives in Southern California and Caitlin lives in South Carolina. Also at home, we have three “furry kids”, labrador retrievers, named Jake, Bailey and Royal. I am so blessed to have a supportive family who have made some moves to help me advance my career. It’s never easy to uproot your kids from a school and friends whom they are close with and drop them into a new community where they have to start from scratch. I started out my full-time career as a sports writer at the Delaware State News. I then landed my first job as a sports editor at age 21 at the Corning (N.Y.) Leader. From there, I took jobs as the sports editor of the Burlington (N.C.) Times-News and the Gaston (N.C.) Gazette. I then had the opportunity to return to the Delaware State News as the managing editor. In 1996, I moved to Las Vegas, Nevada, where I worked for the Las Vegas Sun and the Greenspun Media Group
as the assistant sports editor and then as the editor of special/custom publications. I stayed there until 2014 when I took the publisher’s job at the Sidney (Neb.) Sun-Telegraph and two other weekly papers before moving to Clovis in my current role three years ago.” Anything else you would like the readers to know? “A big chunk of the future lies with our most recent changes to become a true community newspaper. We had to admit to ourselves that readers were getting their national news and sports in other ways. We’re in a society today where people want things immediately. For instance, sports is a great example. Years or even decades ago, readers would pick up their Sunday paper to catch up on the college football scores from the previous day. Nowadays, most fans won’t go to bed before knowing all of the results from that day’s action.” We thank Mr. Langrell for his time and hope that we can meet with him again soon. Rob had a plethora of information for us to gather and distribute to our readers. After all, this is the man who publishes the Purple Press! We wish Rob well and cannot wait to read the many papers published, including this one.
Politics is Primary
Nicole Neyra Aimee Roberts Staff Writers
( Note: All statistics were obtained from the Website FiveThirtyEight.com) Historically, the party not in power in the White House wins the midterms, specifically speaking, in the House. This will make this Primary Election a wellfought battle between the Democrats and Republicans, one to be remember for gen-
erations to come. In the years that have passed, Democrats and Republicans have been fighting to control the majority of seats of the House and Senate in the Primary Elections. So far in our current government, both the House and the Senate are controlled by the Republicans. With the 2018 Primary Elections coming up, 35 seats of the Senate and 435 seats in the House are up for election. The Democrats are trying to take back control of Congress.
The Democrats are favored to gain the majority of the seats in the House. Through research, we have discovered that the
reason for the people’s support is due to scandals and improper use of House funds. Based on our research from Oct. 3, through Oct. 23, the odds for Democrats taking control of the House is 83% and the odds for Republicans keeping control of the Senate is 80%. That being said, the race isn’t over quite yet and could still turn itself around. While looking at why the Senate and House are moving in different directions, we discovered that a big part in politics revolves around the areas in which the voters live. Though most voters on the Democrats’ side are more randomly scattered, our research shows Republican masses lean more towards rural areas. We also found that another deciding factor to take into account is the number of people allowed into either the House or Senate for that election. Depending on the number of politicians each side has in the party,
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the controlling majority could shift to the other side based on how many seats are up for grabs in one, of the two political parties. “One obvious but overlooked difference between the House and the Senate is that Democratic incumbents have very little exposure in the House but a ton of it in the Senate. For instance, there’s a 46 percent chance that the tipping-point
race in the Senate will be one featuring a Democratic incumbent, but only a 6 percent chance for the House. Just the reverse is true for Republicans; they have tons of vulnerable incumbents in the House but few in the Senate. What this means is that other factors held equal, things that reduce the incumbency advantage will tend to hurt Democrats in the Senate
but help them in the House.” In order for the Democrats to turn the race around in the Senate: North Dakota, Tennessee, and Texas need to favor with the Democrat’s party. Due to the recent revelation of the Kavanaugh case, some suburban women are either not too happy with the Republican party, or joyous that he was allowed to go on. The vote was a very narrow 51 to 48 in his favor to be selected for the Supreme Court. The Democrats also have the advantage of being ahead 12% in terms of voter registration, and have 40% of registered voters on their side. While the Republicans only have 28% registered voters with them and a possible advantage of the 32% registered Independent voters. All of this makes the Primary Election more dependent on their crucial votes. This will be a very close, but historic Primary Election. More to come in the next issue, when we shall present our analysis of the results.
The History In Halloween
Billie Robinson Staff Writer
Celts, early inhabitants of Great Britain, thought that the barrier between the spirit Readers note: All information world and the human world was getting quite thin. They was obtained from the webwere afraid that strange sites “bbc.co.uk” and “mencreatures were wandering on talfloss.com” . Earth. To solve this issue, the Celts hosted a party that was For as long as we can reall about scaring the ghosts member, October 31st has been dedicated to Halloween. and spirits away. This day bePreparing for this holiday, we came known as All Hallows’ carve pumpkins, put up scary Eve, which is associated with the Christian religion because decorations, tell ghost stories, etc. This one night of the it is the eve of All Saints Day. year is just about having fun and gathering as much candy Now that you know a little bit as possible, but how did Hal- more about Halloween, let’s loween begin and what is the get on into the Halloween traditions and how they started. importance of it? We are going to be sharing five Halloween traditions and Halloween began as a Samtheir spooky origins. hain festival which is a precursor of All Saints . At the ending of the summer, the
Everyone loves carving silly or scary faces into pumpkins, and it is a fun activity for friends and family. Jack-OLanterns originated in Ireland, but instead of pumpkins they would use turnips. The legend is based on Stingy Jack, a man who would trap the devil repeatedly and only free him on one condition, that Jack will never go to hell. When Jack died, he realized that heaven did not want his soul either, especially after all his devilish dealings. Therefore, Jack had to wander the earth for all eternity as a ghost. The devil had gifted Jack with a lump of burning coal, which Jack carried around in a carved turnip. To scare off evil spirits, such as Jack Of The Lanterns, locals started carving scary faces
into their own gourds.
Costumes Costumes, in my opinion, are the most enjoyable part of Halloween. During Samhain, with all the ghosts wandering around the world, the Celts had to get creative so they would not get terrorized by wandering spirits. People would disguise themselves so they would be mistaken for other spirits and be left alone. Although this tradition has changed over time, it can still be fun and festive. Trick-or-Treat To most children, candy is amazing, and hopefully everyone can agree that it tastes better free. There have been many debates on the origin of trick-or-treating.
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candy. The candy did not become a widespread treat until 1898 when another company produced the candy in large amounts. The original name for Candy Corn was “Chicken Feed”. Candy Corn became Halloween specific when Trick-Or-Treat rose to prominence in the 1950's.
Although no one is sure of the origin, there is one story in particular I find fascinating. The Celtic people would put food out to please the souls and spirits traveling the world at night, during Samhain. Hoping to receive some of the offerings, people began to dress up as ghostly creatures. Bobbing for Apples Bobbing for apples is where you dunk your own head into a bucket of water and apples and using only your mouth you try to get an apple out of the bucket. This was a courting ritual that appeared part of a Roman festival honoring Pomona. Pomona was the goddess of abundance and agriculture. The basic
gist was that the young boy would be able to tell others’ future relationships based on the game. When the British Isles were conquered by the Romans, the Pomona festival was blended with similarly timed Samhain, the precursor to Halloween.
Candy Corn Candy Corn is definitely not liked by a majority of people, and some would even say that it is one of the worsttasting candies made. In the 1880's, a candymaker at the Wunderlee Candy Company invented the tri-colored
Although some of these stories may seem a little strange, they certainly are fascinating to read and learn about. I hope this helped with some of your curiosity regarding Halloween and the origins or the traditions we have today. Have a great Halloween and make sure to be safe!
Spooky Season In Clovis
Ryan Perkins Editor-in-Chief
Many things have changed since the Pagans celebrated Halloween. There is no fear of actual goblins and ghouls and monsters, just the fear of running out of candy to give to them. As kids get excited and parents start buying costumes and candy, Clovis becomes a busy place. Since July 5th, there have been Halloween decorations up in big department stores starting to get ready for the big holiday. In this article, the Purple Press will discuss what Clovis, New Mexico does to celebrate. St. Bernard Farms This seasonal amusement park is a fun way to spend a night with family or friends. Groups can do many things together to create memories that last forever. From the corn maze to the zipline, the haunted house to the giant slide, you can do it all this fall. The corn maze is open to the public and features many great opportunities for photos and memories alike. Boo in the Zoo This event held at Clovis’ zoo is a fun, candy-filled event for the little ones. This walk around the park features many fun areas for facepainting, bouncy castles,
photo ops, and more! Not to mention that there are candy and toys being given out to the children. A perfect night that the City of Clovis puts on every year makes a night for parents/toddlers to enjoy together. Trunk-Or-Treat Many places around town do this event for the kiddos to go get their candy stash for the year. These close-knit community events put on by many churches and other organizations are usually based in the trunks of cars. These trunks are filled with candy for any little ‘trick-ortreaters’ who stop by, looking for treats to eat and tricks to show.
Halloween Howwwl Softball Tournament This softball tournament is a Clovis tradition like no other. Every year, there is a softball tournament at Guy Leeder Park. This tournament features many teams and players and the work they put in. Over 100 teams gather in Clovis to participate in this two day extravaganza. This is a great opportunity to get out of the house and bond as a family. Though many of these events have come and gone for the year, all of these are annual. Even if you did miss many of these, tonight is Halloween and there is still time to have fun, whether it is roaming through the neighborhoods
with your little ones collecting candy or making caramel apples, remember to be safe tonight and have fun while doing so!
Horror, Halloween, & Hulu Purple Press, Oct. 31, 2018
Rose Bradley Co-Editor Candice Millow Staff Writer
With fall beginning and Halloween near, our Halloween fears are also here. We see a lot of our greatest fears in the horror series that we watch, but that is the point of the Halloween spirit. There are many spooky movies provided by cable and streaming sources to entertain you for the holiday, which are full of excitement and thrills. When you sit and watch your favorite Halloween classic, don’t be surprised when you get spooked out when the scariest part is on. There are many classic and newly released movies to watch, on both cable and streaming that we will introduce you to. There are many streaming companies that we come and refer to on a daily basis. There is Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime, and Youtube. Hulu came out this year by producing a company promotion called Huluween. Huluween is up-and-coming films that are made by up-andcoming filmmakers. Hulu has entertainment to watch such as: Nightmare Before Christmas, Sabrina: The Teenage Witch, American Horror Story, and Ghost Whisperer. You don’t even need to own Hulu. “Hulu is unleashing a monthlong bingefest of the spookiest and scariest shows and
tacular shows and movies to watch. This is an amazing channel to put on if you are babysitting or just want to sit and watch TV with your little brothers and sisters. If you can’t watch it on TV or don’t want to watch the shows they are watching then you can access the Disney Channel app and watch your favorite Halloween Disney shows on your phone, computer, or tablet. You can never go wrong when watching Disney Channel.
movies for all ages. Streaming now, with plans starting at $5.99/month,” quoted from hulu.com/huluween.
only places you get spooky entertainment. Freeform prepared a lineup of movies to look forward to this October called ‘31 nights of HallowNetflix is also making their een’. This program began on mark this Halloween by givOctober 1st, and will continue ing us movies in many difthroughout the month. They ferent categories. You can present many movies such choose different types of hor- as: Hocus Pocus, Willy Wonror such as: family-friendly, ka & the Chocolate Factory, romance, and comedy. Netflix and The Addams Family. presents horror in many difMany of the movies repeat ferent ways and gives every- throughout the month so you one the best entertainment of will never miss your favorite the season. Netflix has mov- movie or you can watch them ies such as: The Sixth Sense, again and again. This is a TV 47 Meters Down, and The program so grab your remote Lazarus Effect. “Take advan- and head over to the Freetage of your Netflix member- form channel to start your ship and skip the expensive binge of scary movies. (This theater tickets,” quoted by channel does vary with difcountryliving.com. You can ferent cable companies you either buy a membership carry). that is $10.99/month or you can have a free trial month Why not bring out your into binge your favorite shows/ ner child and watch Disney movies of the season. channel? Disney has Halloween specials on different Netflix and Hulu aren’t the days and gives us spook-
If you don’t want to watch the kid shows then you could always go to the ABC channel. They have multiple shows showing in their 31 nights of Halloween premiere. ABC will show shows like Hocus Pocus, The Nightmare Before Christmas, and The Lost World: Jurassic Park. They show many movies that get your Halloween spirit moving and grooving. ABC and Disney Channel show so many amazing Halloween movies that you could watch with your family and friends. There are a variety of movies and shows at your fingertips this season for your family and friends. Streaming and cable have their differences, which we will cover in the next paper. However, it is up to you to choose what to watch during this thrilling holiday using what we provided in our paper. We hope you have a safe and entertainment-filled Halloween.
Paper Binding Spells
Chloe Espinoza Staff Writer
Colorado, fighting his writer’s block. He settles in along with his wife, Wendy, and his son, Danny, who is plagued Stephen King, one of the best by psychic premonitions. As horror story writers, creates Jack’s writing goes nowhere novels that would give you and Danny’s visions become the best, and worst, nightmore disturbing, Jack discovmares of your night. These ers the hotel’s dark secrets novels turning into classic and begins to become a horror movies we still watch homicidal maniac bent on tertoday. rorizing his family. The Shining, published in 1997, is about Jack Torrance, who becomes a caretaker at the isolated Overlook Hotel in
It, published on September 15, 1986, is a story about an evil supernatural being who
manifests itself as a clown named Pennywise and victimizes Maine’s town of Derry every twenty-seven years.
the pet cemetery. The boy returned as an evil creature.
Cujo, published on September 8, 1981, explorers the life of Cujo, the Chambers’ large, Pet Cemetery, published in 1983, is about the time young good-natured St. Bernard, Gage is killed by a truck on that chases a wild rabbit in the fields around their house the road one day. Louis, Gage’s father, decides to and inserts his head in the entrance to a small cave, make another trip to the Indian burial ground. Jud Louwhere a rabid bat bites him ise’s friend implores him not on the nose and infects him with the virus, terrorizing anyto and tells him the story of another grieving father who one who comes near. once buried his son beyond
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The Green Mile, published on August 29, 1996, is about Paul Edgecomb, who walked the mile with a variety of cons. He had never encountered someone like John Coffey, a massive black man convicted of brutally killing a pair of young sisters. Coffey had the size and strength to kill anyone, but not the demeanor. Beyond his simple, naive nature, and a deathly fear of the dark, Coffey seemed to possess a prodigious, supernatural gift. Paul began to question whether Coffey was truly guilty of murdering the two girls. Mr. Mercedes, published on June 3, 2014, shows us a story about a retired police
Chloe Espinoza Staff Writer
The Dark Tower, published in 2007, is about Roland Deschain, the last Gunslinger, who is locked in an eternal battle with Walter O’Dim, also known as the Man in Black. The Gunslinger must prevent the Man in Black from toppling the Dark Tower, the key that holds the universe together. With the fate of worlds at stake, two men collide in the ultimate battle between good and evil.
detective, a teenage black boy, and a neurotic woman who team up to form an unlikely group of heroes who
stop a killer known as Mr. Mercedes from detonating a bomb during a sold-out pop concert.
would like to do for your party. Having areas for apple bobbing,cookie decorating, or carving pumpkins can be fun Planning a Halloween party for those who want to particican be a bit stressful. Havpate. ing an organized plan can What’s a party without be really helpful, and make your tunes? Having a variety this fun task less stressful. of music that everyone would Starting with decorating first like, or switching on a station on your list, it can be easy. Gathering a few supplies you can really make things fun. like at Dollar Tree or Walmart In the spirit of All Hallows’ can get you started. At home Eve, turning on your spooky tunes will bring your fellow decorating can seem a little monsters to want to do their hectic, but focusing on one room at a time can really help Monster Mash. Having foods that look in assembling it all. spooky but taste good is also Making games or aca plus. Side dishes and finger tivities for the little monsters (children) can be overwhelm- foods are easy to accoming with how much you could plish. For quick, easy, sweet treats, making popcorn balls do. Creating a little station with the simple ingredients can help with the ideas you
of: popcorn, marshmallows, butter and food coloring. Making this is really simple. First, pop your popcorn, then once finished, place it in a paper bag. After melting your marshmallows in a pot at a low temperature, add one or two drops of food coloring to your melted marshmallows, (if you want a darker color add another drop or as many to meet your desired color). Placing your popcorn on a cookie sheet, pour your melted marshmallows on your popcorn, (make sure it’s all covered). Add butter to your clean hands and grab some popcorn, pack it into a ball, (be careful may be hot so let it cool for two or three minutes before packing, and
These classic books inspire directors to have these stories come to the big screen, diving into the world of horror. So snuggle up with your favorite book and enjoy your haunted night.
if packing gets hard add more butter to your hands). To preserve your popcorn balls, you can wrap them in Saran Wrap, and hand them to your Trick-or-Treaters or as cute party favor. Mummy dogs are a great and spooky finger food. In the tradition of making pigs in a blanket, here is your own spooky twist. You’ll need: one or two packs of hot dogs, one pack or two packs of crescent roll dough, and to preheat your oven at 375°. Unwrapping your crescent rolls and joining them together, cut them into ten or fifteen strips lengthwise. Wrapping your hot dogs in strips of dough to resemble bandages place them on a cookie sheet and then bake in your oven for thirteen to fifteen minutes or until golden brown. Finding other great food ideas can be found through the Internet or Pinterest as well. As much fun as food is, your ghosts are sure to be thirsty as well, making a Swamp drink is a simple mix of: lime sherbet ice cream, ginger ale, and frozen limeade. Putting this in a decorative bowl with dry ice (be careful with the dry ice! It can burn) can turn this sweet drink into a spooky treat. Prepping your food a few hours before your party can help with freshness, and better tasting treats. What is halloween without your Trick-or-Treat-
er’s? Always having candy on to brighten up their night. hand for the little monsters Leaving a bowl of sugary outside would be a sure way sweets and occasionally re-
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filling the bowl would be easy to enjoy your party as well. Have a blast and do your
best Monster Mash. Happy Hallows' Eve.
jacket “S.W.A.T”. 14. Cowboy: blue jeans, flannel shirt, cowboy boots, belt, and a cowboy hat. 15. Pirate: Black pants, white shirt, brown belt, and a beard/ mustache (optional). 16. F. B. I: black shirt/ pants/ boots/ jacket, letter on the back of the shirt with “F.B.I” 17. Lumberjack: red flannel button-up shirt, blue bootscut jeans, suspenders, boots, and a beard (optional). 18. Nerd: Glasses, blue jeans, black bow tie, sneakers or converse, white dressup shirt, and suspenders. 19.Spy: all black clothing (shirt, hat, shoes, pants) and spy gear (walkie talkie, rope, handcuffs). 19. Bumblebee: black and yellow striped shirt, black bottoms, black shoes, wings, and a crown (optional, turn yourself into queen bee.
Fortnite characters are what most kids want their costumes to be, the reason being the most popular game on Earth at the moment. Here are some common Fortnite characters you can dress up as: 1.Skull Trooper: Bones on your clothes with a scary face 2.Nutcracker: Christmas outfit 3.Wildcard: All white clothes with a mask
All Hallow's Eve Attire
Chloe Espinoza Blake Muscato Staff Writers
movie Snow White,1928: Yellow skirt, blue top, curled hair, red lipstick/blush, and red bow. 5. Devil: Red skirt, black From a time not long ago, tights, red shirt, black/ red we remember figuring out gloves, black boots, black what we wanted to be for wings, red horns, and lipHalloween. Ranging from: stick. princesses, monsters, cops, 6. Angel: White dress, white firemen, to animals. Dressing shoes, white wings, halo, up as whoever or whatever and light blush. we wanted to be was always 7. Vampire: Black shirt/ part of the fun. Whoever said shoes/ pants, fangs, and they were too old to dress black smokey eye. up is clearly mistaken. Hal8. Cat: Black dress/nails/ loween is always the time of flats, tail, ears, and a black year to show off your talent, nose. and acting skills, and maybe 9. Minnie Mouse: by Walt scoring some free candy. Disney, 1928: Round black Having an idea is always ears, polka dot dress (red great, but if you are in a bind dress with white dots), pink and can’t think of what to bow, black shoes , and black do, here are twenty costume gloves. ideas that can be easy, fun, 10. Matilda: Matilda, 1996, and affordable: blue dress white collar, white 1. Wendy Addams: from The tights, red bow, and black Addams Family,1938: Braid- flats. ed pigtails, black dress with 11. Mario: created in Novemwhite collar, black tights or ber 17, 2003, from Mario knee high socks, and black Bros, blue overalls, red long shoes. sleeve shirt, black shoes, red 2. Holly Golightly: from hat with a capital “M’’, and Breakfast at Tiffany’s,1958: bushy mustache (optional). Black dress, pearl necklace/ 12. Luigi: created in Novemearrings, tiara, slick back ber 17, 2003, from Mario bun, black gloves, simple cat Bros, blue overalls, green eyes, and black sunglasses. long sleeve shirt, green 3. Rosie the Riveter: from hat with a capital “L”, black Norman Rockwell’s,1938: shoes, and a bushy musOveralls, denim button uptache (optional). shirt, black boots, messy bun, 13. S.W.A.T: black shirt/ red bandana, red or orange shoes/ pants/ with hat capilipstick, and settle blush. tal letters on the back of the 4. Snow White: from the
All of these ideas are affordable and fun. The best part of Halloween is you can be whatever you want to be. Whoever or whatever you go as, have a safe, fun time. Happy Halloween!
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Advisor: Mr. Augustine Martinez Editor-In-Chief: Ryan Perkins Co-Editor: Rose Bradley Staff Writers: Chloe Espinoza, Billie Robinson, Aimee Roberts, Nicole Neyra, Blake Muscato, and Candice Millow Purple Press is a Publication Vehicle for Student Expression The School Board encourages students to express their views in school-sponsored publications and to observe rules for responsible journalism. This means, expression that falls into any of the following categories shall not be permitted: any expression which is false or obscene, libelous, slanderous, or defamatory under state law; which presents a clear and present danger of the commission of unlawful acts, violation of school rules or materials and substantial disruption of the orderly operation of the school, or which violates the privacy rights of others. Student editors of school-sponsored publications are responsible for determining the news, opinion and advertising content of the publication. The publication’s adviser is responsible for supervising the production of the publication and for teaching and encouraging free and responsible expression and professional standards of journalism. The views expressed in The Purple Press are not necessarily those of Clovis High School or the Clovis Municipal School Board of Education.
Advisor: Augustine Martinez Grammarian: John Rollinson Laid Out by: Ryan Perkins
Editor-In-Chief: Ryan Perkins Co-Editor: Rose Bradley
Staff Writers: Chloe Espinoza, Billie Robinson, Aimee Roberts, Nicole Neyra, and Candice Millow. Publisher: The Eastern New Mexico News • 521 Pile St PO Box 1689 Clovis, New Mexico 88102, (575) 763-3431