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"Make Great Choices"

Feb. 10, 2015

Count Down To Graduation:


Christa Lemmons Kyle Dunning Staff Writers Kyle – Thanks for meeting with us. I usually start by asking how the year is going so far. Todd Morris – The year is going very well. It's like we’re in two different years because we run from August to December and then we gain some kids in January to May. The year is going very smooth so far .*knocks on wood.* We’ve had good transitions with our new kids coming in from CHS, and I’m glad we have the opportunity to have Choices. If we didn’t, what would happen to those two hundred kids? In Clovis, we have to have a place for kids who don’t fit the traditional high school mold. And that’s my joy, I’m glad to be there and make this opportunity happen.' Kyle – All I really know about Choices is that it’s based on credit recovery. Mr. Morris – Exactly; credit recovery. All students have a semester, or even a year, where their grades slip a little bit. They start driving sophomore year and I know that because I see the grades go from As, Bs, and Cs, to Bs, Cs, and Ds. Sophomore year is when it goes in the tank, so then you start off with night school and then you go to day school at Choices. Sometimes kids just

Denicia Aragon Editor We are already on the second semester of out senior year. Less than 100 days and we will be walking on that stage, taking the paper we have been working for almost our entire life. The day will come a lot faster than we think, and we need to be ready for it. Ordering your cap and gown isn't the only thing you need to do to ensure you walk across the stage ready to leave. (If you haven't

Todd Morris, Principle of Choices Alternative School have to pick up a couple of credits while others have the whole thing and have to go to full day school. So yes we help kids recover their credits and we also help accelerate kids through our E2020 classes. So its recovery and acceleration as our mix. Kyle – Is it a normal classroom setting or do teachers focus on smaller groups of students? Mr. Morris – It’s a classroom setting. Our classes have around twenty kids in each class. We have two hundred students at one time and we know all of their names and grades. We remember all of this because the school is no bigger than G-Building’s hallway at CHS with ten classrooms and one portable. It’s a pretty cozy environment. We all eat in our classrooms during second period and we all eat breakfast during first period. So everyone knows everyone by the end of the year. It is really a neat environment and you see students who don’t seem like they belong but they might have just messed up during a credit class or two. Choices isn’t

the bad boy school that everyone perceives it as. We have some great kids that are college bound and are legitimately going to college after graduation. Some to New Mexico State and some to Eastern and they just need a couple credits. For the most part these kids just didn’t fit the mold and they weren’t all about extra-curricular activities. They just wanted to go to school and get it over with. And we hope that we can help these kids get back on track and become academically successful. Kyle – How did you get to be principal at Choices? Mr. Morris – *Chuckles*. God placed me here, let me tell you. I was an elementary principal forever. I started off teaching elementary kids at Parkview and I did that for five years. I taught two years at Marshall as a science teacher. I then got my first principal-ship in Portales and did that for six years. I moved over here, in Clovis, after my daughter became more active in her high school academics and sports. I was at James Bickley for two years and I absolutely loved it. It turned

out that God had another plan for me so I went over to Texas and ran what they called the "DAEP" (District Alternate Educational Placement) program, which is kind of like a credit recovery and disciplinary program for students. The job at Choices opened up and I prayed that I could get it, especially with my DEAP experience. I hoped that they would buy into my craziness; it takes someone who is a little off to do what I do. The bottom line is that I just love kids and I want to make an impact on their lives. When I was at Bickley I never saw the end result of my work and now on May 22nd I get to see that end result. I tell all of my kids “on May 22nd I have a date; don’t stand me up.” I wait for them to come across, give them a big hug, and wish them the best what they want to do and that is phenomenal. I just love this job. I love kids and I really enjoy giving them pats on the back and words of encouragement because high school kids are just like elementary kids; they still want that “atta boy” and a pat on the back. And that’s what I do and I thoroughly enjoy it." Kyle – When did you decide that you wanted to work in education? Mr. Morris – I NEVER wanted to be a principal. Kyle – That’s what they all say! Mr. Morris – I really don’t know. People in my life helped me to mentor others around me. I really enjoyed it. To say why I became a principal; I don’t know. I think it’s in our system that people gravitate towards certain people and ask them to be a leader. Eventually

Make This Last

ordered them yet, just go to jostens.com, select our school, and choose your correct height and weight and you're done. Sooner is better than later.) Your senior year of high school is all about being ready to live in the adult world and you can't do that if you haven't fully completed your high school experience. This includes making your last memories as a high school student. Your senior quote, leavebehinds, prom, your very important last high school yearbook, your

last 5 months of memories to last a lifetime. This is the last semester you have with the people you've been with since the beginning. Make it count. All Senior quotes and leave behinds will be put in the yearbook, all you have to do is give them to the yearbook editors, Elizabeth Martinez, Luis Badillo, Dannelle Kirvin, and Denicia Aragon, or drop them by room F=9. Same with yearbook purchases, right now they are $85, however they will soon

raise the price ten dollars, so get them soon. Also, prom is now in April, a month earlier if you haven't heard already. April 18th to be exact. As for upcoming seniors; senior year basically starts the second semester of your junior year. This is the best time to take your ACT/ SAT is during your junior year. Don't miss out on it trust me. For the ACT, the next testing dates are April 18th with the registration date of March 13th and the last

I was one of those people who were being asked to be a leader. When I got out of high school I wanted to be in business administration and then once I started that I realized that…I didn’t want to wear a tie. (He says as he’s wearing a tie.) I didn’t think it was very fun. I took a child development class and that caught my fever and inspired me to teach at an elementary school setting. I then decided to get my masters in educational administration. The rest is just history, I guess, and it’s been a great ride. Kyle – To wrap up is there anything that you would want to say to students here at CHS or to your kids at Choices? Mr. Morris – You have one chance to do something in your lifetime. What you do now you do once and for all. That is kind of my mantra. If I’m going to do something now then I’m going to do it with the best that I can and if I can’t then I’ll find something else and keep going. I also want to thank Mr. Marshall, Rutledge, Mendoza, Wiseman, and the Guidance Councilors at CHS for helping me to be successful with the kids at Choices. We all have the same goals and we all want to see our kids on that stage on May 22nd; don’t stand us up. “Hash-tag Finish Strong!” *Laughs.* Be the senior and have fun. You don’t have to be the adult yet, but you do have to be ready for that when it comes. Go out and have fun. Don’t do something you aren’t having fun with! Kyle – I will take that into consideration! Thank you very much for your time, Mr. Morris.

one of this semester is June 13th with the registration date May 8th. Also, looking at which colleges you'll soon apply to now will help you out in the future. Finding out deadlines and requirements to get accepted now will help you out when the time comes. Getting community service hours, taking an AP/Dual Credit class next year, getting a job, and getting good grades your junior year is important to any and every college out there. Getting a head start is al-

ways a good idea. Take notes sophomores, your junior year is coming up soon as well. Make your high school years count and make some memories that will last a lifetime. Don't miss out at the chance to take your memories with you. Don't wait until it’s too late. Be prepared for all that is ahead of you. Don't let senior year be your most stressful one. This is the year you'll remember most seniors : make it count.

2 Purple Press, Feb. 10, 2015

Let's Talk-

Love at First Sight ?

sight does not exist. People fall in love with someone because of who they are, their personality, their sense of humor. You cannot decide that you want to spend the rest of your life with someone just by looking at them, love takes time. Trust has to be built, bonds have to form, conversations have to happen in order for such a strong emotion to be felt, or even occur. It is possible to feel an attraction towards someone else, that could be what you are mistaking for love. I am attracted to Leonardo Decaprio but I do

not love the guy. This is why marriages fail, also why divorce is so common today; people mistake for love. They rush it, love should never be rushed. Love is worth it when you know deep down that it's what you are really feeling, instead of going off attraction or just simply liking someone. You need to know who you are falling for, otherwise you find yourself in a relationship you do not want to be the other part of. Love is complicated and hard and for the most part, scary. It isn’t as simple as looking into someone’s eyes when you are helping them pick up a book they dropped and you just suddenly know. Do not fall for attraction, fall for the crazy, stupid, stay awake for hours just thinking about them kind of love. The love when you hate them so much but you still want to spend your forever with them. Now that is the kind of love worth dying for. It is worth it. You want them to light your fire, mend your hurt, laugh with you, cry with you, you want to become one. Do not be the idiot who falls for the color of

their eyes, but the idiot who falls for the kindness of their heart, and even the cruel parts. That is what love is about, loving someone for everything that they are. Even the things that are hard to love, like their crazy hormones and their dirty socks, and their bad moods. You accept them for all that they are, you understand that they cannot be perfect and you respect them for that. You are there through the dark just as much as you are there for them through the light. Love is a wonderful emotion, and it is possible that it could be just a blink away, but you cannot fall hard just by a glance. It takes many glances, many words, and many dates, but you have to give it time. Infatuation is just the beginning of what could have the potential for something great, but love is what you will find later on down the road. When you are both ready and you both feel it in your hearts.

Before questioning the existence of black history month we must first understand what black history month represents. According to CNN.com Dr. Carter G. Woodson (18751950) is accredited for Black History Month. Woodson studied at the University of Chicago and Harvard; where he discovered that the African American population of the United States was absent in his textbooks. After this discovery Woodson decided to write the history of black’s into the nation’s history himself. In 1926 Woodson established Negro History Week this later evolved to Black History Month. Back then Woodson’s goal was to recognize the African American culture as

part of history. He succeeded, but is it time for the role of the African American history to be seen as regular American history? Some people may wonder what the purpose black history month is. The purpose is to shine a light on the African American people who have done so many amazing things, but aren’t included in everyday American history. To take time out of the year to recognize some of the greatest African Americans in the history of the United States. Such as Fredrick McKinley Jones who invented the first automatic refrigerator system of trucks. Or, Dr. Patricia Bath who invented Lasik eye surgery. These people are equally as important as

Gerald Ford or Amelia Earhart, yet we don’t learn about them on the same basis as we do other great Americans. Now in 2015, some people still don’t think that Martin Luther King Jr. did anything to change the history of America although Dannelle and I being able to write for the Clovis High School paper is a direct affect of the great change he fought and died for. The Civil Rights Movement took place in the 1960’s many Americans are still alive who remember Jim Crow and the Civil Rights Movement. The Civil Rights Movement was a historic landmark for the African American culture and many other ethnicities in America. This movement gave

use the right to fair and equal treatment. Until we recognize that Black history, Hispanic history, Asian-American history, etc. is all American history then we will have to stop saying things such as, “Black history month is February and so on.” America has a complicated history of racism. We think that we are a melting pot of “give me your tired, your poor, your humble masses, yearning, to breathe free, but that only applied breathe free but to some Americans that only apply to white people.” (A quote found on the Statue of Liberty). Until we as a nation decide that this applies to all races, we are still chained to the ideas of racism.

Tennis @ Roswell Goddard: Feb 16: School Holiday Feb 17: All Choral Night @ Rock 7:00 Feb 18: PLC- PD Training Feb 19: JV/V G BB vs. Carlsbad 5:30/7 C/JV/V B BB @ Carlsbad 5:30/7 Feb 20: Tennis @ Carlsbad

State Swim meet @ Albq. Feb 21: JROTC Drill Meet Rio Rancho Tennis @ Carlsbad State Swim meet @ Albq. Wildcadettes @ Roswell Feb 23: Basketball District Playoffs Feb 24: Exams 2-4-6-7 Band clinic 5:00 CHS

Feb 25: 7:45 staff meeting. Exams 1-3-5 CPI Training Band Clinic 7:30 CHS Feb 26: MIOSW Concert 7:00 MJHS Basketball district playoffs Wildcadettes Depart to Orlando Feb 27: Shattered dreams Assembly

Symphony recording 4:00 MJHS Feb 28: Symphony recording MJHS JROTC meet at Texas Tech Basketball District playoffs Wildcadettes @ Orlando

ma and Grandpa’s 50th wedding anniversary last year, they still are. Some interesting research showed that people decide how they want their relationship to turn out in as fast as three minutes after meeting, and this can be with out realizing you are doing it. Basically that means that you will probably know if you guys are meant to be together in a short amount of time. The study said that this is with friendships, and relationships. Plus, you remember being told to think positively? It also shows if you predict a happy future with someone, you probably will be that way in the future. In many books and movies, it starts with a glimpse of the person, just one conversation, and they are bound together in a weird and special way. In one of my favorite books, they lock eyes and they live happily ever after. That is a beautiful truth, in a recent study subjects look at a picture of a couple and are told to make a split second decision about if the couple is in love. More often than not, if the couple had locked eyes, the subject said they

were in love. If any parents are reading this, they know what love at first sight is. After doing some research, many parents feel true love for their kids upon first meeting them. And on top of

that, they have unconditional love, because no matter how much their kids put them through, parents will still love them and are there for them. Sure, there is plenty of reasons to be a pessimistic person when it comes to love, especially love at first sight, but don’t we like to believe otherwise? We always have believed in love at first sight, ever since we were little and not knowing any better. If there is any doubt in your mind about love at first sight, remember the stories! The Little Mermaid,

during Black History Month were American. The events occurred in America, the people are In 2005 actor Morgan a part of the history are Freeman told 60 minAmerican so why do utes host Mike Wallace we not celebrate them “I don’t want a black as American history? history month.” Also For example we celstating that “there is not ebrate our country’s a white history month.” independence July “I don’t want a black 4th of every year, the history month. Black actual day our country history is American his- declared independence tory.” Freeman’s words from Great Britain. But sparked a question the celebration of freein our minds: Should dom and equality for there be a Black Hisblacks is regulated to tory Month? How do February when in fact we represent an entire many of the important cultures history in one mile stones in “black month? Not to mention history” occurred in the the shortest month of months of September, the year. Many of the October, and Decemevents being recognized ber. Why do we not during black history celebrate these milemonth, took place here, stones on the date they in the United States of occurred as we do for America, and many of our country’s indepenthe people celebrated dence.

Feb 10: Spring pictures- Lifetouch NHS Sr.s Cap & Gown pictures JV/V G BB vs. Hobbs 5:30/7 C/JV/V B BB @ Hobbs 5:30/7

Christa Lemmons Mackenzie Credle Staff Writers

Mackenzie's Claim-

What is it you feel when you get a look at a certain special someone? Especially around Valentine's Day, we are seeing love everywhere we go, but is there really love at first sight? I want to point out now, we are talking about real love, not lust. Lust is just a reaction to the person’s outward look, and love is the reaction to the person’s heart and soul. Now that the tricky concept is out of the way, this is why love at first sight is real. My Grandma and Grandpa met and actually experienced love at first sight. My Grandma and her little sister were cruising Main Street, and saw my Grandpa and his buddy from the air force cruising too. They pulled over at a drive in, went to my Grandma’s house, ate cake, and the rest was history. Not to mention that Grandma’s little sister got married to one of Grandpa’s friends. They all were meant to be together, and judging by Grand-

Cinderella, and plenty of other stories have it, so why can’t real life? Just keep believing in love at first sight, and you may meet the one!

Christa's ClaimNo, no, no love at first

Library of Congress

Black History Is American History

Dannelle Kirven Maya Mack Staff Writer

Feb 11: PLC 7:45 Feb 12: DECA State competition Albq. Feb 13: DECA State

Upcoming Events

competition Albq. C/JV/V G @ Alamogordo 5:30/7 C/JV/V BB vs. Alamogordo 5:30/7 Tennis @ Roswell Goddard Feb 14: Valentines Day DECA State comp. Albq. JH Choir Solo & Ensemble Contests CHS

Michael Lynch Jerrika Lopez-Wilsob Staff Writer Co-Editor Q: Dear Splash, I am a freshman, I was wondering is High School really as scary as everyone says it is? As this year ends, I’m getting nervous as my sophomore year approaches. Can you sum up the year at the main campus? Sincerely. Fearful Freshman. A: Dear Freshman, I wont lie to you, but high school can be a really scary place, and its what you make up of it. Get yourself involved in groups such as Student Council and Journalism, maybe even Sports, band or even the anime club. It’s all on you, make high school your zone!

Michael Lynch Staff Writer February is one of the greatest months to be involved in the fashion realm! As you may know Valentine's day is just around the corner now, and there is your reason to go out and buy you some high end clothing that is currently discounted. Since Valentine's day is soon, why not go out and buy something nice that will impress your significant other. Go out and have a fabulous date, wherever it may be, you will be looking

Ask Splash

Xoxo Splash Q: Dear Splash, I have a problem, I think I have been a bully to one of my friends, but it was not intentional. We all thought we were joking, but she started crying out of nowhere! How do I apologize to her, I am honestly deeply sorry, she is one of my closest friends, I can’t lose her. Please help Splash! Sincerely A Student with a Sinking friendship A: Hey there student! Honestly, just tell her what you just told us! You literally just apologized to us, so now all you got to do is just say it to her. Now if she does not accept it, and does not see how much emotion you are putting into this, then

super stylish.

she is not a real friend at all. Goodluck! Xoxo Splash Q: Hey there Splash! I am currently a senior here, and I severely wanting to graduate in May with the rest of my class, but the way it is looking, it may not happen at all! Do you have any suggestions that may help me get to where I want to be. Sincerely Stressed Senior

A: Okay stressed, we know exactly what to do. The student success center is open from after school, 3:30 pm to 5:00 pm located in the library on campus. The teachers in the success center are more than willing to help you with what ever you need help on and achieving

Purple Press, Feb. 10, 2015

Jerrika Lopez-Wilson and Michael Lynch your goal. Or even talk to your counselor. Just tell them exactly what you need done and she will do anything and everything in her power to help you. Xoxo Splash Q: Dear Splash I am an observing student and in one

of my classes I have noticed that the students walk all over the teacher like a doormat, but the teacher doesn’t see it. It’s not right for the students to treat the teacher the way that they are. What do I do? Sincerely, Observing Student

Stay Gorgeous

Since major fashion designers are currently getting ready for spring fashion shows and lines, everything from their past lines such as spring 2014 is discounted extremely, you could now buy you a "lbd" from Chanel that used to be 5,000 dollars for only 500 dollars now! Some of you may still think 500 dollars is way to expensive still, but you have to have a positive mindset, you have to think about it as an investment, because high-end clothing last

literally forever. If you think about as an investment, you will have no problems with regretting on what you bought.

With this festive holiday upon us, the only color that comes to mind, is the vibrant color red. Red is a very flirtatious color, which is associated with the heart, which is connected to love. Red is just the it color for February, all around town everywhere you look will either be filled with the colors red or pink, which both are very loveable colors.


You know what's even better? Those colors on clothing, such as beautiful elegant dresses for a ball, or maybe something short and simple. You do whatever your little heart pleases. You can never forget about accessories, they are such a major part on your outfit, they can make or break your outfit, but don’t over do it! The last thing you ever want the fashion realm to call you is gaudy, and what gaudy means is extravagantly bright or

showy, typically so as to be tasteless. Which is a major no-no! What you want to be is tasteful, tasteful is you goal on you date on Valentine's day! As Coco Chanel said "When accessorizing, always take off the last thing you put on..." That is pretty much all for the fashion realm for this month, make sure to check out a lot of high end fashion lines, like Chanel, Gucci, Louboutin (Which is an amazing place to get high quality shoes, for special events, or for everyday

A: Dear observing, here is what you do. You simply go up to the teacher and ask if they feel the same way. Or you can go up to the students and just say, “hey that’s not cool, why are you doing that? He is an adult he automatically deserves respect.

use!) As I said before Valentine's is getting closer and closer, you better hurry and get something before all the discounts are gone! Impress your boyfriend or girlfriend this holiday, wine and dine them at some fancy restaurant, be classy with all you high end finds! Until next time, Stay Gorgeous.

A Romantic Valentines Day in a Small Town like Clovis is Possible

Holli Robinson Staff Writer

Valentine’s Day puts an unnecessary amount of pressure on couples to find their sweethearts the perfect kind of gift. Getting a fancy new present is always nice, but this year, take the inexpensive way out. Rather than spending money to find something your sweethearts will make use of, spend those hours planning out the perfect date. Here are some things you can do on Valentine’s Day. Send them a love note. Write a meaningful message, memory or an inside joke both of you can laugh at.

Hit up an old date spot. If you want to avoid spending money, avoid restaurants and go to parks instead.

Have quite time.

Spend time one-on-one lend your sweetheart an ear and talk about goals, wishes, and feelings.

Go for a stroll.

Even though it doesn’t seem like the best time of year, bundle up

with your hat and your gloves, and venture outside for a walk. Clean the slate. Let go of any grudges you may be holding onto and accept your sweetheart for who they are.

Make a play list.

Set their play list with songs that have an inside meaning and will make them think of you.

Have a Netflix marathon.

Use the Netflix queue to create a list of some of your favorite romantic comedies. For the single people out there, don’t treat Valentine’s Day as a day to glorify romance, instead use it to celebrate love in general – love yourself, your friends, your community and the world. The ideas still work for singles wishing for a life of couplehood. So go forth and revel – no matter what your relationship status is.

Indulge yourself.

Since Valentine’s Day is all about love, spend the day loving you. Play that song you love so much, or sit

down with your favorite candy and a bowl of popcorn, and watch your favorite movie on Netflix. After all, you have no one to please but yourself.

Fall in love with something new.

Challenge yourself to do something you haven’t done before, or seldom get to do because of your schedule.

Send love someone else’s way.

Studies show that kindness spreads, so start an epidemic. Give Valentine’s Day cards to those close

to you, like your friends and family.

Throw a party.

If gift giving won’t go over with your group, invite your friends over to celebrate being fabulous. Remember that Valentine’s Day is about celebrating love. There are tons of sweet things to do for your loved ones, or even for yourself. You don’t have to spend a lot of money to let someone know that you care for him or her.

4 Purple Press, Feb. 10, 2015

Happy Valentines Day from Purple Press @ CHS *Special Notice – Prom will be held a month earlier this year, and will now be on April 18th.

Top Row: Kyle Dunning, Christa Lemmons, Kenzie Credle, Dannelle Kirven, Augustine Martinez (Advisor) Bottom Row: Holi Robinson, Michael Lynch, Maya Mack, Jerrika LopezWilson, Denicia Aragon Purple Press is a Publication Vehicle for Student Expression The School Board encourages students to express their views in school-sponsored publications and to observe rules for responsible journalism. This means, expression that falls into any of the following categories shall not be permitted: any expression which is false or obscene, libelous, slanderous, or defamatory under state law; which presents a clear and present danger of the commission of unlawful acts, violation of school rules or materials and substantial disruption of the orderly operation of the school, or which violates the privacy rights of others. Student editors of school-sponsored publications are responsible for determining the news, opinion and advertising content of the publication. The publication’s adviser is responsible for supervising the production of the publication and for teaching and encouraging free and responsible expression and professional standards of journalism. The views expressed in The Purple Press are not necessarily those of Clovis High School or the Clovis Municipal School Board of Education. Advisor: Augustine Martinez Editor-In- Chief: Denicia Aragon Co-Editor: Jerrika Lopez-Wilson Staff Writers: Christa Lemmons, Mackenzie Credle, Kyle Dunning, Michael Lynch, Dannelle Kirven, Maya Mack, and Holi Robinson Publisher: Clovis News Journal • 521 Pile St PO Box 1689 Clovis, New Mexico 88102 (575) 763-3431

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