Purple press dec 16 working

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Santa Claus: Behind the Suit

Count Down To Graduation:


Dec. 16, 2014

Christa Lemmons Kyle Dunning Staff Writers Kyle: So Mr. Claus, Purple Press and I were wondering if you could spare some of your time to talk about yourself and what it's like to be Santa Claus. Santa: Well, Kyle, I think I can do just that. Kyle: Great! Let's start with how your summer vacation was? Santa: It was great! The Mrs. and I went up to Canada this year. Did you know they have maple syrup snow cones? Those were jolly good. Kyle: I've always wanted to try one...so how busy has this year been so far for you and your assistants? Santa: Crazy as usual. Except there are about 46% more requests for smart phones this year...which is an all time high. Footballs and b-b-guns aren't as popular as they used to be. Other than that, it's just as insane a season as any other. Kyle: I guess too many kids are shooting their eyes out nowadays. This has been a very popular question since I was little...how do you get to so many houses in such a little time on Christmas Eve? Santa: Well, I cannot give you all of the details. Some of my competitors might try to steal my method... Mr. Frost just keeps trying. I can, however, explain some of the complicated process. My Naughty or Nice

(NON) algorithm is the key. NON is an invention that I created myself and it basically tells me what houses to deliver presents to and what houses to beam coal to. (that's right....I just beam the coal in. I do not even go down the chimney for these houses.) After NON does it's magic, I link it to my GPS system that is attached to my sleigh. Rudolph syncs that information to his nose and he leads the way to each and every house. On average, we hit approximately 823 houses a second. How I hit that many houses at once...is the secretive part. Trans-warp beaming, wormholes, and particle accelerators are part of it. But that's all I can really say. Kyle: That's... impressive. What's your average speed? Santa: 650 miles per second. Like I said... wormholes.

Rick Richardson: AKA, Santa Claus

Kyle: Oh. That means that you have 1/1000th of a second to hit one house including eating the snacks. Santa: My process was a little rough for some time. Albert Einstein, you might know him, helped me out a lot. Relativity. Speed of Light: All of that is part of my super-quick process.

Kyle: Let's move on to something more... easy to wrap our heads around. Milk and cookies, do you really eat all of those that you receive at Christmas? Santa: Oh...of course not. The reindeers help. Cookies and milk are their fuel. And yes...I do dip the cookies into the milk...everyone asks me that. Note: many other questions were asked but could not be displayed to the public. Santa and Purple Press apologizes.

Kyle: To wrap up...why should kids believe in you? Because I know a lot do not.

Santa: Kyle, that is completely up to them. Whether or not they are raised with me in their lives is really up to their parents. But let ME ask YOU something...would you have enjoyed Christmas as much without Santa? Kyle: I totally wouldn't have. Santa: Exactly. I make kids smile by bringing them gifts. I bring joy to the world and I could not do this without the parents. (Hint to parents...don't ruin the idea of Santa for your kids...that's just not cool.) To conclude, if kids choose to believe in me then I can assure loot for them all (if they are nice) and if the kids do not believe...well... let's not go there. Kyle: I will keep that in mind. Thank you

for your time, Mr. Claus. I'll see you on Christmas Eve! Santa: I'd hope not.... Merry Christmas everyone! A few days after the interview with Santa, I ran into someone who reminded me very much of Mr. Claus himself. (maybe that's because he is...) His name is Rick, and he is a custodian that works at Bella Vista Arts Academy. I asked him for some time to talk to him only to discover that he makes wooden toys for the kids at BVAA and the rest of his community...and that he has a naturally white beard. I was moved by his incentive for creating these toys. He didn't make toys for the money, or for the attention, or for any other purpose. The only reason he does what he does is to see the joy that his toys brings to the students at BVAA.

"It isn't about me, " Rick reminded me as he was showing a wooden toy semi-truck, "it's all about the kids. The smiles on their faces bring me a greater joy than money could ever bring. That is what makes what I do worth it." As I was walking away, I decided that I indeed believed in Santa Claus, and while I might not believe in the magical man that has flying reindeer as pets, I do believe in individual people around the country who are Claus at heart. Those people make the holiday season, and every other time of the year, magical and joyful. So I ask you, the reader, to take a page from Rick the Custodian's book and give to those who aren't as fortunate and to do so in a caring and selfless way. Because that is what Santa is, and where would the holidays be without Santa?

2 Purple Press, Dec. 16, 2014

Let's Talk-

Santa Claus: A Magical Belief

Point: Christa's Point We all know the story, a big fat man in a red suite sneaks down our chimneys and leaves us presents while his nine reindeer wait on the roof for his return. I believed this story until I was about seven or eight years old. I can honestly say that believing this story is what shaped my imagination. The cons of telling your children he is NOT real can be risky. Children grow up with so much excitement at the thought of a man bringing them their favorite toys on the night of December 25th, kids develop a sort of attachment to the idea of it. So if your kids do not believe in the unthinkable, we are not helping them create their own opinions on the matter. Believing in Santa is a mental test, it may not start out that way but eventually kids will start asking themselves, “ Is this even possible?” which if you don’t put the idea of Santa in their minds they will not learn how to decipher the difference between real and unreal. Also kids are told that, “ If you are Naughty you will not receive presents, you will have coal under that tree.” Which helps with behavior which if children are not told this at all they will more than likely end up being the naughty

and receiving coal; which no child wants that. You want them to grow up believing in magic and the unreal to help them create an imagination, more imagination leads to creativity which leads to talent which I obviously favor due to my last article. So if you don’t give your child something to ponder and play with you are not helping them in the long run, you want them to have all of those things, you want them to develop these traits. I am not saying that your kids will not learn how to do these things if they don’t believe but I would think you would not want to chance it, because you could be messing with the development of your childs mind.

Left to Right: Christa Lemmons and Mackenzie Credle.

Counter Point: Mackenzie's Point * The jolly old man who brings holiday cheer is a well known figure during Christmas. From the traditions that come with Santa Claus to the amazement on Christmas morning, Santa is the best idea you can give to your kids. Almost everyone remembers the feeling of trying to fall asleep on Christmas Eve but feeling too excited to rest for a wink. Now, would you want to take this excitement and joy away from your kids? Some may say that Santa is just you lying to your children, but you are not lying. You are giving them something to believe in. Studies show that Santa is helpful in several ways in developing youths’ minds. Marjorie Taylor’s study showed that imaginary figures like this help kids with understanding others feelings and can shape

their personalities. Basically, if you don’t want boring robot children, give them Santa Claus. Besides developing your kids’ minds, it adds fun to a gloomy month. Don’t get me wrong, I love winter as much as the next girl, but something about December is more exciting with the fun of Saint Nick. Since I was old enough to, my mom, brother and I bake cookies for Santa on Christmas Eve. Everyone has rituals for getting ready for

the arrival of Santa on December 24th. Just some suggestions for you to enjoy with your family are seeing the lights put up around town, going to watch a christmasy play, or writing letters to the big guy up North. Imagining these cold months without the holiday cheer that echos through the malls and through all the street corners now that would be depressing. Francis Pharcellus Church said in response to young Virginia O’Hanlon’s letter asking if Santa

is real. “Alas! How dreary would be the world if there were no Santa Claus! It would be as dreary as if there were no Virginias. There would be no childlike faith then, no poetry, no romance to make tolerable this existence. We should have no enjoyment, except in sense and sight. The eternal light with which childhood fills the world would be extinguished” Keep in mind, that it will be okay if they don’t believe forever, because it would be weird to have someone who looks like Santa Claus believe he is real. But does it mean that Santa’s spirit doesn’t need to live on? Your kids will end up passing on this wonderful idea of someone who spreads happiness to all the children of the world no matter where they live, all in one night. Keeping the idea of Santa alive will be one of the best gifts you can give them.

The Best Gift

This time of year is spent by almost all of us in about the same way. You are buying toys and gifts for everyone you care about. But in the hustle and bustle of the season we can forget about a certain group, and that is the charities. They give to whomever needs help, no matter who they are. If you are ready to give the best gift this year, this is who and how to do it. The Salvation Army does plenty on a global scale yearly, but they do something special this time of year. Everyone has walked by the people ringing bells outside the stores around Christmas with a red kettle hanging up

taking donations. but what you may not know that there is more than one way to give back with this charity. The Salvation Army is teamed up with the Clovis News Journal in a big way. In what they are calling The Empty Stocking Fund, different families that need help this holiday season are being profiled in the newspaper. With a new one every day, there is plenty of families to help give Christmas to! The Ronald McDonald House Charities of the Southwest is the “home away from home” for many families with sick or injured kids. Located in Lubbock Texas, many of us in Clovis feel like it is too far away, but that is where we are wrong.

In 2011, Curry County was one of the top two counties served by House. So what does this cool charity do? They provide beds and hot meals for the families of sick kids. They also offer a place for families to retreat to in the hospital through the Ronald McDonald Family Room inside several hospitals in the Lubbock Area. During Christmas they still have families that cannot go home for the holidays, so they need plenty to keep the House up and running! Donating anything from their wishlist found online can help anytime of the year. Especially during the holiday season, they need toys for the children staying in the House and in the hospital. Knowing Lubbock is almost two

Kaitlyn Proffitt Staff Writer

things can get pretty expensive.

Having Christmas on a budget isn't always easy but there are things you can do to ease the financial burden and still enjoy Christmas without cutting down on quality.Whether it is a family of six or an extended family including grandparents and grandchildren, feeding and buying gifts for many people can break a budget.

There are a few ways to make sure you have that expensive looking quality of christmas and not having the expensive quality price.

be to have or how much so-and-so would love that.

Mackenzie Credle Staff Writer

hours away from Clovis makes it hard to go and volunteer time, or even take your donations of toys or household items. You can give a monetary donation online at their website anytime! The Food Bank of Eastern New Mexico is a very important charity to Clovis all year long. Supplying the area with good food yearround is the best gift to families in need. Their numerous programs can always use help. The Food for Kids Weekend Backpack Program gives food packages to kids who might not be able to get enough to eat outside of school. A cool program they have is The Emergency Food Information Line, where you can call it and it will give

Purple Press, Dec. 16, 2014



you the name of a shelter serving food on any day. These can be helped through you! Volunteering to have a food drive at your work/school/ organization helps get food to the people who need it. You can also volunteer at the food bank, by going online to their website, you can fill out the

Volunteer Form. These charities, plus many more, absolutely can use your help this year. Whether donating online to volunteering in person, know you are giving the best gift!

The weeks after Christmas are the best time to stock up on things like wrapping paper, tableware and decorations, as many retailers trying sell off their holiday stocks will often offer big discounts on holiday trimmings.

enough if you have the money to buy new and want to spend in that manner but, if you don't, there is no shame in secondhand.

12 Tips for a Christmas Budget

Buying Christmas to make it special isn’t something awfully cheap. Between the toys for the little children,the presents for the much older family and your christmas dinner cook off,

Make a list- And check it twice! First thing first you need to find out who all is coming and then you need to find out how much can you spend for christmas Become a Lone-Wolf ShopperShopping by yourself proves to be a lot less expensive than shopping with another person because you aren’t trying to shop with someone saying how good that would

Get CreativeIt’s Christmas. The time to be jolly and creative so intead of buying Christmas gifts for the 30 people you have coming to your party make a few gifts for your Christmas guests. A gift from the heart is always thean a gift bought. Make Christmas more about familyArrange other activities for Christmas Day, so that it's not all just about opening and then playing with presents. We like to go to the beach. It means that if you aren't buying them that much, they quite likely won't notice

Give the gift of charityConsider donating $25, $50 or $75 to a charity in someone else’s name. It’s a great way to do something selfless this holiday season while avoiding all the temptations that come with perusing the mall. Eliminate superfluous expenses. Does every gift really need a bow or expensive wrapping? Do gift bags have to have bells on them? Ditch the embellishments and streamline your gift wrapping. Really, most of it ends up in the trash, anyway. Plan for next year by taking advantage of post-holiday sales.

Secrets are best kept as thatDo a secret santa for the adults with a price limit. Second hand isn’t as bad as it soundsEveryone is obsessed with buying named stuff/game consoles/ brand new this and brand new that. Children do not notice things like that unless you are obsessive about it yourself. Fair

Shop local businessSmaller stores usually have the same gifts for cheaper prices. Always check with flea marketsThere are always unique things for gift ideas. Dont forget garage salesUnique gifts on the downlow price. *Special Notice – Prom will be held a month earlier this year, and will now be on April 18th.

Merry Christmas from the Purple Press @ CHS Purple Press is a Publication Vehicle for Student Expression The School Board encourages students to express their views in school-sponsored publications and to observe rules for responsible journalism. This means, expression that falls into any of the following categories shall not be permitted: any expression which is false or obscene, libelous, slanderous, or defamatory under state law; which presents a clear and present danger of the commission of unlawful acts, violation of school rules or materials and substantial disruption of the orderly operation of the school, or which violates the privacy rights of others. Student editors of school-sponsored publications are responsible for determining the news, opinion and advertising content of the publication. The publication’s adviser is responsible for supervising the production of the publication and for teaching and encouraging free and responsible expression and professional standards of journalism. The views expressed in The Purple Press are not necessarily those of Clovis High School or the Clovis Municipal School Board of Education. Advisor: Augustine Martinez Editor-In- Chief: Denicia Aragon Co-Editor: Jerrika Lopez-Wilson Staff Writers: Christa Lemmons, Mackenzie Credle, Kyle Dunning, and Michael Lynch Publisher: Clovis News Journal • 521 Pile St PO Box 1689 Clovis, New Mexico 88102 (575) 763-3431

Top Row: Augustine Martinez(Advisor) Denicia Aragon, Kyle Dunning, Christa Lemmons, and Mackenzie Credle. Bottom Row: Kaitlyn Proffitt, Jerrika Lopez-Wilson, and Michael Lynch.

Splash: The Legendary Suit

4 Purple Press, Dec. 16, 2014

Jerrika Lopez-Wilson Michael Lynch Co-Editor Staff Writer

Have you ever wondered why Santa Claus wears all of the accessories he does? Or why you never see him with just certain accessories. He always has all of his clothing. That is what makes him unique, different, and just so lovable. Each of his accessories/clothing is what makes him Santa Clause. His boots represent trustworthiness. His boots are sturdy enough to face the piercing

Denicia Aragon Editor In Chief The end of this year is coming faster than any of us planned, Especially for us seniors. Deadlines are approching quickly and some of us don't even know half of them. The stress of being a senior knowing your life is about to completely change in five months is a little over whelming. Here are some of the dates and deadlines to help you to ensure the long road ahead is a little less frightning.

snow, they also help him get around the North Pole and check on the elves in the workshop. The boots need to be tough enough not only for the weather, but also to help contain his joyfulness. His belt, that is located over his robe, helps hold the joy he cannot contain when he sees little kids faces light up when they get presents on Christmas morning. His belt is an important feature to his Santa suit because he has so much joy it has to be contained. His belt Buckle represents world unity because the people

One thing every student stiving for the college life is scholarships. There are so many out there, but they are still so hard to find. Some scholarships opportunity that are still availible are the Global Lift Equipment Scholarship : $500. Submit a short stort on to www. scholarshipguidance. com/scholarship. The deadline for this one is June 15th, 2015 so there is still plenty of time to apply. Also, there is the WACE Partner Institiutions Scholarship : 160

CHS Teen of the Week Week of September 8-12

Ashley Denyse Gallagher Daughter Dennis Gallagher and Patricia Gallagher

of the world come together in unity like his belt does on his big jolly stomach. His red pants represent warmth, when you approach him and think about him, you just get this warm feeling inside. The feeling reminds you of your childhood when your life was easy and simple, and your only job was to be happy. His red robe represents comfort. The comfort that his robe gives him, is as soft as a warm hug from your mother. So when you approach him, he gives off the motherly love vibe.

The Rosy Cheeks he possesses represents laughter. Santa Clause is never sad, he is always laughing and having a jolly good time. The red of his cheeks help cover up all those laugh lines! His beard makes you think of your grandfather, a very approachable old folk, he is as sweet as a cake! So, if you ever got to see him, you wouldn’t be nervous to go up to him! His hat represents intelligence. His hat helps him think of all the deadlines he has to meet, all the toys he has to tell his

elf’s to make, and to help remember where everybody lives. Without his hat, he couldn’t remember a thing. If you notice, when he has his hat on he calls you by your name and he does that because all of his knowledge is located in that hat. That hat has a very important job because Santa Claus knows a lot. The Gloves represent peace. Santa Claus is always trying to keep peace within the world. Santa Clause never has any problems. His gloves help unite us hand by hand, like his hands do with his

gloves. In conclusion all of his accessories make up one great man. One accessory is not more important than the other; you can’t have one without the other. His entire outfit is what makes Santa Clause who he is, and without one little part of his suit, it won’t not be magical. Magic is what Santa is; it is what he is about. Never forget to believe! Never forget to make a… SPLASH!

Merit Scholarship totaling $4.1 million. Go to www.waceinc. org to apply. The deadline is Feburary 15, 2015. To find more scholarships or ones that fit more towards you there are websites with many scholarship opportunities such as: www.scholarships.com www.finaid.com www.fastweb.com www.collegeboard.com www.gocollege.com For any more advice for scholarships, Mrs. Winn in guidance will answer any questions or concerns. Applications

for college come faster than you think. Some deadlines have already past and students are recieving their acceptence letters. However, many schools are still accepting applications around this area. Universtiy of New Mexico's deadline is May 1st, 2015, Texas Tech University's application deadline is March 1st, 2015, West Texas A&M's deadline is June 1st, 2015, and New Mexico State University's deadline is March 15th ,2015. Many universties also have

a deadline for FASFA (Student Federal Aid) and other scholarship programs as well so make sure to have those done by the due date your school requires. Also, book your housing right after you recieve your acceptance letter. That way you ensure that you get what you want because a lot of students are applying for the same place as you are, so getting a head start never hurts. You can do that by going on the college's website and applying or contacting by phone

the school if anything is unclear. All schools are different, so make sure you know all your schools requirments that involve housing . Apply to as many scholarships as possible and most people apply to their top 3 colleges at minimum because applications can get pretty pricey when each one is more than $40 a application. The end of your high school years is approching, be ready for it.

Senior Alert

CHS Teen of the Week Week of September 15-19

Landon Williams Son of Darren & Jan Williams

Photo courtesy of Bob Morgan

What is your idea of a perfect day? My idea of a perfect day would be when it’s cloudy and rainy outside. I enjoy the gloomy atmosphere.

Honors Received: Member of National Honor Society, 4.0 Grade Point Average, All District Academic Team Girls Basketball 2013-2014. School Activities: Soccer & Softball Hobbies: Sports & Drawing

Kristine David Daughter of Michael and Mercy David

Tell us about a happy time. Anytime I’m back home in Hawaii with family, I am happy. If you could choose anyone to speak to the public, who would it be and why? If I had the chance to choose anyone to speak, I would choose myself. If I had the chance to make the difference and possibly use my words to change even just one person’s life, I wouldn’t hesitate to take it. Who is your hero and why? I don’t have just one hero. I have learned from every person that has ever touched my life, from teachers to friends and of course Family. What is your greatest hope? I hope to travel the world, one adventure at a time, and make a difference along the way. What’s your idea of a perfect day? April 25th because it’s not too hot and not too cold, all you need is a light jacket.

What do you envision your life being like in 10 years? In 10 years I see myself living in Oklahoma, in a house on the lake, and a good paying job.

Church/Community Activities: Tutor Hobbies: Dance Hula Future Plans: College in California for either nursing or athletic training & travel the word.

Tell us about your greatest individual accomplishment. My greatest individual accomplishment was winning state in track for girl’s shot put

What is my favorite smell? My favorite smell is the smell of a new baseball glove. Brand new leather, there’s nothing better that. A time I was afraid… One night I walked out into my garage to get something, and as I was bending down to get it I heard a “hiss” and a “buzz”. I jumped back because I knew what it was. It was a little rattlesnake and it was about two feet away from me. I don’t know if I’ve ever been that afraid of something, I hate snakes. Honors Received: Student Rotarian, 2nd Team All-District-Baseball, National Honor Society, and National Society of High School Scholars.

What’s your most prized possession? My most prized possession is my phone. What is your favorite part about school? My favorite part about school is getting to see all my friends and socialize.

School Activities: Varsity Baseball, Sports-Med Program, GT

Honors Received: Member of National Honor Society, 2013 Basketball Sate Champions, and Full Ride Basketball Scholarship from Abilene Christian.

Church/Community Activities: Member Central Baptist Youth Group

School Activities: Soccer, Basketball, and Track.

Hobbies: Baseball, Basketball, and Hunting

Hobbies: Sports & Drawing

Future Plans: Attend College and Play College Baseball

Future Plans: Graduate from High School and go to play college basketball.

CHS Teen of the Week Week of October 6 - 10

Levi Reid Son of Bryan & Laura Reid

Photo courtesy of Bob Morgan

What is your favorite TV show, past or present? My all time favorite TV show and movie is Scooby-Doo.

CHS Teen of the Week Week of October 13-17

Aarica Winn Aaron & Melissa Winn

Photo courtesy of Bob Morgan

What do you envision your life being like in ten years? I envision my life in 10 years to be completing college with a doctorates degree in Forensic Psychology. Who is your favorite entertainer? My favorite entertainer is Grace Helbig. If I could do anything, I would… If I could do anything I would travel around the world.

What’s your idea of a perfect day? A perfect day to me would be to wake up around nine, eat a waffle with fresh strawberries, then spend the day at the beach sunning, snorkeling and scuba diving. Tell us about your greatest individual accomplishment. When I was named a UCA All American Cheerleader and asked to join UCA staff at cheer camp this summer. If I could do anything, I would… I would keep my family and friends healthy for the rest of our lives. What is your favorite part about school? Mr.Armstrongs’ AP Chemistry Class

Who’s invited to your fantasy dinner party, and why? If I could invite anyone to a fantasy dinner party I would invite Batman, Katniss Everdeen, and Scooby-Doo, because these characters are some of my favorite fictional characters.

What is your favorite taste? Leal’s fresh chips and salsa.

Honors Received: Student Rotarian, Teen of the Week, UCA All American Cheerleader

Honors Received: Rotarian, Honor Roll through out High School School Activities: NHS, Athletic Trainer, S2S

What’s so great about your favorite sport? What’s great about my sport is the feeling you get when you’re playing at home in front of a crowd What do you envision your life being like in ten years? I see myself in ten years graduated from college and starting my life.

What is your favorite part about school? My favorite part about school is being a senior and being part of the Class of 2015

Future Plans: Graduate from High School and go to College.

CHS Teen of the Week Week of Sept. 29 – Oct. 3

Shelby Jones Daughter of Mitch and Shawnna Jones

My Hero is my grandpa. He is the best man I know. He is such a Godly man, and so patient and wise. If I ever have a question or need help with something, he is always there with an answer. I hope I can grow up and be like him one day.

What is so great about your favorite sport? What is so great about my favorite sport is that I can get away from reality for a little while and not have to think about any problems that are going on. I’m focused on the game and nothing else.

What is your favorite part about school? My favorite part about school is being in an athlete. As an athlete you’re a leader of your school, you get to represent.

Who is your hero and why?

Who is your favorite entertainer? My favorite entertainer is Eminem.

If I could do anything I would…. Travel the world and explore the great places on Earth.

CHS Teen of the Week Week of Sept. 22- 26

Honors Received: State FFA Degree, Student Rotarian School Activities: Student Council, National Honor Society & FFA Church/Community Activities: Member of the Clovis Evening Lions Club Future Plans: To receive my Doctorates degree in Forensic Psychology

School Activities: NHS, Cheerleading, Student Council Church/Community Activities: Upward Cheer Coach, West 21st Church of Christ Hobbies: Cooking, Scuba Diving, Traveling Future Plans: Attend WTAMU

Purple Press, Dec. 16, 2014

CHS Teen of the Week Week of October 27-31

Danni Williams Regan & Michelle Williams

Photo courtesy of Bob Morgan

What is your favorite TV show past or present?

CHS Teen of the Week Week of November 3-7

Rylle Lee Tim & Leah Lee

Photo courtesy of Bob Morgan

What is your favorite smell?

Robyn Howe Lorrie Howe & Robin Howe

What’s your idea of a perfect day?

What was your most embarrassing moment?

My most embarrassing moment was the night I fell off my podium. The marching band was all set to perform at a halftime performance, and as I got on my podium it broke and I fell in front of an entire audience!

If money were no object, what would you do to make the world a better place?

My favorite smell is probably the smell of rain and/or gas.

If money were no object, I would travel the entire world and share the love of Christ with as many people as possible.

What is your most prized possession? My most prized possessions are definitely my shoes.

What do you envision our life being like in ten years? In ten years I see myself married and in medical school on my way to becoming a doctor!

Tell us about your greatest individual accomplishment.

What is so great about your favorite sport?

My greatest individual accomplishment would be going to state in tennis with my doubles partner, Meera, and taking 4th place, which hasn’t happened in a long time.

Do you have a favorite joke?

The greatest thing about basketball is that no matter how bad my day can get, I can always rely on basketball to relax and calm me.

If I could do anything, I would…

If I could do anything, I would…

My most prized possession is my instrument, because it costs more than my car did.

What is your greatest hope?

Honors Received: Honor Roll, District 4-5A Newcomer of the year, District 4-5A MVP, New Mexico Preps- Mrs. Basketball, Gatorade Player of the Year School Activities: Volleyball, Basketball, and NHS

Church/Community Activities: Nazareth Youth Group Hobbies: Basketball, hanging out with family, volleyball and buying shoes and socks. Future Plans: Hopefully play in the WNBA, become a college basketball coach.

My favorite joke is “How many tickles does it take to make an octopus laugh?” “TEN TICKLES!”

What is your most prized possession?

If I could do anything, I would complete my entire bucket list with my friends and family.

If I could do anything in the world I would take cancer away

What is your favorite taste?

My favorite taste is the taste of Kraft Macaroni and Cheese it brings me happiness.

My greatest hope is that when I die and go up to heaven I hear, “Well done my good and faithful servant.”

Offices Held at CHS: Vice President of NHS Honors Received: Danforth Award at CHSFA School Activities: NHS, Volleyball, and Tennis Church/Community Activities: Member of Central Baptist Church Hobbies: Sports, Working at Sierra Pet Hotel and hanging out with friends and family. Future Plans: I plan to attend ENMU in the fall and one day become an occupational therapist.

CHS Teen of the Week Week of November 10-14

Nichele Hyman Monique & Milton Hyman

CHS Teen of the Week Week of November 17-21

Luis Badillo Irma Montano & Jose Badillo

Tell us about your greatest individual accomplishment.

What is so great about your favorite sport?

My greatest individual is scoring 42 points in basketball game.

My favorite sport is cross-country, why? Because there is no sideline or benches. Everyone on the team gets to participate. It’s both an individual and team sport. When you have a lot on going on running can help clear our mind.

What do you not like about school?

I don’t like the fact that we do not have a long lunch.

What is your favorite TV show past or present?

Picture Not Available


What do you envision your life being like in ten years? In ten years I will be rich with a husband and two kids.

What would you like printed on your gravestone?

“Free Wifi” People are more likely to visit right?

What is your theme song?

Na, Na, Na, Na, Na, Na, Na, Na, Na, Na, Na, Na, Na, Na, Na, Na, Na, Na, Na, Na, Na, Na, Na, Na, Na, Batman!

What’s your idea of a perfect day?

What was your most embarrassing moment?

Laying down in a field of grass all day starring at the sky and listening to music.

My most embarrassing moment was wearing a yellow skirt and going down a waterslide. My skirt became see-through.

What is your favorite smell? I love the smell of Cilantro!

School Activities: Basketball Hobbies: Basketball Future Plans: Become a Dentist

CHS Teen of the Week Week of November 10-14

My idea of a perfect day is when it’s raining and I’m inside watching a movie while snuggled up with a blanket.

The old Disney TV Show PB & J Otter.

Honors Received: The American Legion Certificate, Academic Excellence, and Student Rotarian

School Activities: NHS, DECA, Student Council, Cross Country, Track, and Yearbook Hobbies: Drawing, Designing, 8-Bit Videogames, Relaxing, and Listening to music. Future Plans: Become a Video Game Designer and/or be a CEO of my Own Business.


Honors Received: Kiwanis Outstanding Student of the month, Academic Excellence Award, Multiple Band Awards. School Activities: Cross Country, Track, Journalism, Tennis, Band, Student Council, and NJHS Church/Community Activities: Give private lessons to middle school kids, babysits, attends church at Scared Heart. Hobbies: Playing my instrument, reading, running, and playing tennis. Future Plans: Attend college, continue on to medical school, and study to become a neurologist.

CHS Teen of the Week Week of November 24-­‐28

Price Drake Tom & Christina Drake

Photo courtesy of Bob Morgan

What is your idea of a perfect day?

My idea of a perfect day would be getting up on a cold fall morning to go out hunting with my family and friends, to me there is nothing better than to spend time outdoors.

What would you like printed on your gravestone?

On my gravestone I would not want something sad or depressing written on it. I would want it to reflect on my life and be joyful. As some people may know I love to laugh and have a good time. That would be what I would want the message on my gravestone to convey.

What do you envision your life being like in ten years? In ten years I have to have graduated with my finance degree, and hopefully making lots of money. Also, if I find the right girl maybe married with a little one running around.

If I could do anything I would…

If I could do anything I would go on a month long tour of Europe. I’ve always thought it would be really cool to see the history, and beautiful sights that it has to offer.

What is your favorite part about school?

I’d have to say that my favorite part of school is seeing everyone. There are lots of people that I am friends with but don’t hang out with on the weekends. Just the social aspect of school makes it worth coming! (Oh and the teachers are pretty cool to I guess!)

School Activities: Golf, Ag, NHS Church/Community Activities: I attend Kingswood United Methodist Hobbies: Hunting, Hiking, and hanging out with friends. Future Plans: I plan on attending West Texas A&M University.

Purple Press, Dec. 16, 2014


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