Our APs Are VIPs Dec. 2 , 2014
Christa Lemmons Kyle Dunning Staff Writers
On November 18th, Purple Press had the privilege to interview the Assistant Principals of Clovis High School, Gloria Mendoza, the Sophomore AP, Michael Rutledge, the Senior AP, and Kevin Wiseman, the Junior AP. Questions were asked about their individual jobs, how they enjoy them, where they came from, and Mr. Rutledge’s mustache… or lack thereof. Kyle – I usually start interviews off with the same simple question: how is the year going so far? Mr. Rutledge – I would say it is going pretty good. It is going about as expected this time of year. Mrs. Mendoza – I would have to agree, everything is pretty normal. Right now it is pretty crazy, but that’s nothing new. This year is pretty similar to last year. Mr. Wiseman – So far it’s pretty typical, it’s going well. Kyle – Does that mean that kids are settling in and getting better or that the kids are getting worse? Mrs. Mendoza – In the beginning they’re doing great with good grades and then in the middle of September it starts to get worse. That might have to do with the holiday stress at home; everyone is getting anxious. But we’re prepared for it because it is the same every year. Kyle – What exactly do Assistant Principals do? Mr. Rutledge – All of us deal with student issues, but each one of us has specific jobs. For
Left to Right: Kevin Wiseman, Gloria Mendoza, and Michael Rutledge
example: I do nothing and they do all the work (chuckles). No, I handle all of the teacher’s leave requests when they ask for time off. Mrs. Mendoza handles inventory and textbooks [curriculum].
administration, because I love this kind of job. Every day is different (I could never have a factory job). I really look forward to comimg to school every day not really knowing what will happen.
Mrs. Mendoza – Exactly, curriculum inventory and data and stuff like that. Mr. Wiseman is the activity coordinator.
Mrs. Mendoza – I would not do this if I did not like it. My job is very spontaneous. The idea, the framework, behind how a high school is structured, to me, is the best part of administration: how everything and everyone falls into place. I enjoy that very much.
Mr. Rutledge – I also do some parking stuff as well, tickets and such. When you’re the Senior AP, you handle all of the parking issues because he or she usually doesn’t have to deal with as much as the other APs, so that frees the Senior AP up to deal with the parking situations. Mrs. Mendoza – We also do supervision and evaluations of teachers and other staff employees. Mr. Wiseman – That takes quite a large chunk of our time for about a six-eight week window. Mr. Rutledge – That [staff evaluations] is the biggest thing this time of year.
Mr. Wiseman – You have to be able to get along with kids and even the staff and make a difference. Mr. Rutledge – We are pretty lucky here in Clovis. There are great kids here, especially when compared to other schools of our size. Clovis has nowhere near as many issues as some of these larger schools. Most of the stuff we deal with is basic classroom disruption, so most of our kids are really good kids. It really helps.
Kyle – Do you guys like your jobs?
Kyle – How and why did you decided to work in educational administration?
Mr. Rutledge – That is exactly why I got a degree in educational
Mr. Rutledge – I taught for seven years over at Yucca and while I was
teaching I started working on my masters degree and what I wanted to do later on. Other teachers made the comment that if I was going to get my masters then I should get it in something other than what I was teaching because then I would only have a masters in one single subject. However, if I got it in administration then I would have many opportunities to something later on if I decided to. Sure enough, the opportunity presented itself and I took it and I have loved it (my job) ever since. I got to go to Yucca, to the Freshman Academy for two years, and then I came here. I saw a variety of kids and schools. Mrs. Mendoza – I did not want to be an administrator: that was not my plan. I did however want to work on my masters degree and that masters program focused on administration with border issues. In other words, I lived in Las Cruises and we had a lot of kids that came from Mexico and the program really focused on social equality and justice. My world changed. I totally saw a bigger impact as an administrator than as a teacher with only one-hundred or so kids. As an administrator… I can help all of the kids. I thought that was definitely more exciting and it changed my view on things. I don’t know where else to go but I know Mr. Wiseman has a HUGE career.
Mr. Wiseman – I started working on my masters in educational administration. I knew that when I got older I could use that degree. I got my first principals job and I found out that I really liked it. So it has been twenty-five years as a principal or assistant principal. That’s pretty much it. I am the “old guy” on the block. I have been in a lot of different schools, made a lot of friends, and I have really enjoyed it: it’s been fun. Kyle – So I have some personal questions for you...I was told to ask about your mustache, Mr. Rutledge… Everyone – Laughs Mr. Rutledge – Well…I had a brown mustache all of my life: since I was sixteen years old. It just kept getting lighter…and lighter… and greyer…and then one day I looked in the mirror and decided that it was enough. That’s the story. Mrs. Mendoza – Please don’t ask about my mustache! Kyle – Oh no, (chuckles) but I have heard you have recently been married. What is your new last name? Mrs. Mendoza (Christianson) – I was just recently married in April. It is going great, and that is why I am down here in Clovis. I’ve only been here since
August of last year. Kyle – Well, Mr. Wiseman, I was going to ask about your principalship but you kind of already touched on that. Is there anything you would like to add on to that? Mr. Wiseman – It’s been good. I was principal for twenty years and then I started here as assistant principal. This school is bigger than the ones I was the principal for. When I was principal, I dealt with everything. I did all of the things that all of us here at Clovis do. These guys here have been great to work with and I have really enjoyed my career. Kyle – To conclude, is there anything that you would like to say to the student body? Mr. Rutledge – I just would like to say, to the seniors, to finish strong and keep your eyes on the prize. That is the most important thing. Trying hard…is very important. I don’t want them to forget that. Mrs. Mendoza – I am proud to be a Clovis Wildcat and I hope that the students are as proud as I am. Mr. Wiseman – My advice: you must be present to win. You can quote me on that. Kyle – I will. That’s all I have for you, thank you guys for your time.
Count Down To Graduation:
172 Days
Let's Talk : Our View 2 Purple Press, Dec. 2, 2014
Talent VS. Hard Work individual.
I consider myself the type to focus more on my own form of talent than just hard work. Although I do consider hard work important also, talent has taken me much farther than hard work alone. It has led me to opportunities that have aloud me to show what I can do. The splash of color I can add to world, but it isn’t just about my opinion.
Christa Lemmons
Talent is an important quality to have, without it the world would not have music, books, literature, art or poetry. Having talent is like adding color to the rainbow, adding lyrics to a rhythm, and adding cold to the winter. Talent is what brings out your best abilities and helps create the future. The question is; Is talent more important than hard work? I would say it is. Did you know that it is usually the most talented of sorts that make it BIG? Become famous and make history? Most colleges give scholarships to students who are the most talented: For instance the star quarter back will be recognized for his love of the game and his skill, so college scouts will notice him and will want him to play for their team. They are willing to pay for his schooling, just for his talent. It isn’t just colleges
who will notice your talents and recognize what you have to offer, it will be your future bosses as well. If you want a well paying job a career, your boss will look at your records to see what kind of things you have accomplished in your life, in the arts, or extracurricular activities, not only your academics. Having talent is also a lot more exciting, only working hard is dull and a very plain way to live life. Having talent is an adventure because you never know where this quality will take you where you can end up because of your ambitions, the life you can live for writing something on a blank piece of paper, strumming a few strings on your guitar, or just splashing some paint on a canvas. Having talent is living a life of the unexpected. This is talent, don’t tune it down: allow it to consume you. It is not something to be afraid of it is a life of happiness that shows how unique and amazing you are as an
I have met many people who have worked themselves to the bone in school and it hasn’t done them that much of good in real life when they are on their own. Talent can get you really far in life, wouldn’t you rather live a life doing nothing but what you love instead of wasting away your life doing something you hate, or that bores you? No I am not saying to drop out of Highschool and forget about your grades, I am saying that it is possible to go to school and excel and to also follow your dreams. This is not only the better road to take, it will make your life worth living and have you achieve more than you every thought possible.
Hard Work
There is the age old question, which is more important, talent or hard work? Obviously hard work is more important. Many attributes go into hard work that don’t go into talent, such as practice, work ethic, initiative, perseverance and an inner strive for
A Fresh Take
success. Even if these traits are in talented people, they are extremely prominent in hardworking people. But why should you take my word for it? This is why hard work makes sense, and talent doesn’t add up. Hard work involves a special kind of practice. This kind of practice is called involved practice, and crucial to success. A talented person can let their ability get to their heads. “If I’m so talented, why do I need practice?” Everyone has to have hard work to make a talent go somewhere. Just like in physics, it doesn't move unless a force acts on it! Not only do you need to have this special practice, but you also need to put effort into it. If you are mindlessly doing something, odds are you will not benefit from it.
Another very important part to hard work is work ethic. Work ethic is the belief that you work for what you get, or how you work. This is normally associated with actual jobs, but you have a work ethic with everything you do. Like with sports, if you have a good work ethic you practice a lot, put in your effort, and believe what you are doing is important. You need this because hard work is having a good work ethic, they go hand in hand. Talented people can have a work ethic, but they will not understand working diligently on something because it is simple and easy for them to accomplish the task. Taking initiative is something everyone can do, but hard working people to do it better. They can take initiative with all
Mackenzie Credle types of situations. In a setting where there is group work, they will be taking charge. Studies show talented people tend to close up in group settings, making them look unhelpful and like they can't think for themselves. Talented people also tend to be bossy, making them appear and pushy. Hardworking people understand others and make good leaders. Something hard working people do is persevere. As the famous saying goes, when the going gets tough, the tough get going! Hard work is exactly what it says, hard. if it were easy, everyone would do hard work. The talented tend to give up if something stumps them, because they can just move on to a new project if they want. Hard work is keeping with something, even when it becomes trying. The most important part to hard work is internal striving for success. You really have to want something to work hard for it. Speaking as a person in a gifted and talented program, talented
people set goals for everything, because they don't to hunger for success like hard workers do. All in all, hard work can be sumed up into one quote by Calvin Coolidge, which is “Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not: nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not: the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and Determination alone are omnipotent.”
Conclusion : Your Turn to Choose So now it is your turn to decide which you feel is more important to you, Hard work or Talent? It is an interesting debate that helps your better understand your way of producing the work you do. Do you appreciate the Appeal of talent, or the Structure of hard work? It is up to you to decide.
Hear Ye, Hear Ye!
Ariel Moisant Austin Hodges Freshman Writers Wildcats, Oh Wildcats, where for art thou Wildcats? (Credit to Shakespeare)
We are Here! The yearbook! Now some may ask, why do we need a yearbook when we have Facebook, Instagram, Kik, Snapchat and many more social networks, but it’s a place for your closest of closest friends to write heartfelt sentiments about friendships and years worth of memories! A yearbook should allow
any reader to do the same when it is visited years later. The yearbook is about: What we’ve done, Where we’ve been, What we were involved in, Where we’re going, Who our friends are, Who our favorite teachers are, What our dreams are, What we believed in,
What we learned and last but not least, Who we are! The Clovis High School Freshman Academy’s first yearbook is dated back to 2007-2008. The Journalism Staff of Clovis High School Freshman Academy, Class of 2018 has started a trend this year by naming our yearbook. This will be Volume 8 and the staff
is excited to finally have an identity. Each year our wish is that the journalism staff will leave their mark and by naming our book we will be remembered by the future classes. We want the future Cats to know that it’s not just a school but also a second home and that our teachers and peers are family. At CHSFA, the PawPrint
will live on for years it’s not just a book, it’s the start to a generation of Clovis Wildcats! Be on the lookout for The PawPrint Volume 8, coming to a campus near you in May 2015! Once a Wildcat, Always a Wildcat! *Special Notice – Prom will be held a month earlier this year, and will now be on April 18th.
Splash: Space,
Purple Press, Dec. 2, 2014
Something To Embrace
Jerrika Lopez-Wilson Michael Lynch Co-Editor Staff Writer
Space, the physical universe beyond the earth's atmosphere. Space is such a diverse subject, we know facts about, but just not enough to know how to understand it better as an object, I guess you would say? To us, we really don’t know what to think of space itself, we honestly don’t know if it could be a positive or a negative thing. We think we know so much about it, but in reality we only know a part of a whole. We always think of what could lie farther than our galaxy! As in recent news, Rosetta, a European space agency that NASA is also working with was able to land a probe named "Philae" was the first probe to every land on a moving comet! The comet is named "CG" which is short for "ChuryumovGerasimenko". This took place on the 12th of November. This was such an amazing milestone in history! Which if you did not know it did take us about 10 years to
actually get this far. When we see experiences like these happen on the news, Jerrika and I start to think about what these awesome things could venture off to? Today a comet tomorrow Neptune! Honestly who knows? Anything could happen just put your imagination to it! Jerrika and I love to think on what could possibly happen in the near-distant future! Like maybe soon we will be able to travel to a plant such as Mars! After that a distant planet like Neptune. It's a galaxy of possibilities. We also think to ourselves "What else could be out there outside our solar system?" I think space is such a weird to talk about, because Jerrika and I don’t really know that much information about it. We only see thing like nebulas, stars, and black holes that may be dangerous or not! We hardly know anything about it and some may find it kind of scary, You would think we would know more about, but we don’t which just makes it absolutely terrifying, well to us at least! We
also think "Are we alone?" We still have not figured that out yet, but both are equally terrifying if we are alone or not in the huge mass that we call space. Most of us still don’t know what space is and what it holds, but we do know for sure that we will figure it out some day! Everyday we have amazing technology being created day by day making it more and more likely to happen! We are extremely proud of our, and when I mean "our" I mean planet Earths accomplishments and can not wait to see what's next! Now back to "CG", the robot that landed on the comet was planed to get actual samples of its surface. Certainly materials and possibly valuable resources that no longer exist on the earth, but can be used for the cure for Cancer, the common cold, or possibly the Ebola virus, exist on this comet, How is that for looking at space in a new way? Not something to be terrified of, but something to embrace.
Spanish Articles: 2 of 3 Sets Hispanic Statistics
Spanish Version
Al presente, Sotomayor es la Jueza Asociada de la Corte Suprema. Fue nominada por el President Barack Obama y ha servido como tal desde agosto del 2009. Aunque ella fue Hay muchos hispanos que merecen ser recon- la menos conocida al ocidos por sus contribu- presidente, su voluntad y experiencia llamaciones a la historia de los Estados Unidos. So- ron su atención. Ella nia Sotomayor es una. es una mujer exitosa, Por Lorenzo José (Clay) Enderez, Camila Jimena (Lola) Beltrán Natalia Valeria (Wendy) Beltrán
English Version Por Lorenzo José (Clay) Enderez, Camila Jimena (Lola) Beltrán y Natalia Valeria (Wendy) Beltrán Among the many Hispanics to recognize for their contributions to the history of our country is Puerto Rican Sonia Sotomayor.
Sotomayor is currently an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court. She was nominated to this role by President Barack Obama. She has been serving as a justice since August of 2009. Although she was the least familiar to the president, he noticed that her will
de verdad. Inspira a todos de ser lo mejor posible sin importar de donde viene la persona, especialmente a las mujeres Latinas. En cada etapa de su vida ha sido testiga a a realidad y las necesidades de la comunidad Latina y siempre ha hecho su parte en llamar la atención y ha servido
como portavoz a esas causas. Mientras estudiaba en Princeton ella perteneció a la Acción Puertorriqueña sirviendo como activista social y política. También trabajó en la oficina de admisiones donde viajaba a escuelas secundarias y trabajó para encontrarles oportunidades a estudiantes
puertorriqueños. Sotomayor se crió en los Bronx, Nueva York por una madre soltera. Los ingresos de su hogar no eran los más altos y la probabildad de que Sotomayor obtuviera una buena educación era escasa. Los obstáculos y experiencias de niña la animaron a trabajar más y convertirse en
and experiences were strong. She is a very successful woman indeed. She inspires all to be successful no matter where we come from, especially Latina women. Through each phase of her life as she witnessed the reality of Latino issues and needs she was
quick to do her part to bring attention to those issues and be a voice for change. While a student at Princeton Sotomayor belonged to Acción Puertorriqueña and served as a social and political activist. She worked in the admissions office and traveled to high schools
working hard to help find opportunities for Puerto Rican students. Sonia Sotomayor grew up in the Bronx, New York and was raised by a single mother. Since the income of her household wasn’t the highest, the chances of her obtaining a good education were slim.
la mujer de éxito que ella es hoy. Dice ella, “Esperaría que una mujer sabia llegaría, más a menudo que no, a una conclusión mejor.” Concluímos con esta referencia: “Yo sé una cosa sobre mí: Yo no me mido a mí misma por otras expectativas ni dejo que otros pueden definir mi valor.”
However, that reality further encouraged her to work harder and be the successful woman she is today. “I do know one thing about me: I don’t measure myself by others’ expectations or let others define my worth.” – Sonia Sotomayor
Purple Press is a Publication Vehicle for Student Expression The School Board encourages students to express their views in school-sponsored publications and to observe rules for responsible journalism. This means, expression that falls into any of the following categories shall not be permitted: any expression which is false or obscene, libelous, slanderous, or defamatory under state law; which presents a clear and present danger of the commission of unlawful acts, violation of school rules or materials and substantial disruption of the orderly operation of the school, or which violates the privacy rights of others. Student editors of school-sponsored publications are responsible for determining the news, opinion and advertising content of the publication. The publication’s adviser is responsible for supervising the production of the publication and for teaching and encouraging free and responsible expression and professional standards of journalism. The views expressed in The Purple Press are not necessarily those of Clovis High School or the Clovis Municipal School Board of Education. Advisor: Augustine Martinez Editor-In- Chief: Denicia Aragon Co-Editor: Jerrika Lopez-Wilson Staff Writers: Christa Lemmons, Mackenzie Credle, Kyle Dunning, and Michael Lynch Publisher: Clovis News Journal • 521 Pile St PO Box 1689 Clovis, New Mexico 88102 (575) 763-3431
Left to Right: Michael Lynch, Jerrika Lopez-Wilson, Denicia Aragon, Mackenzie Credle, Christa Lemmons. Kyle Dunning, and Mr. Augustine Martinez Advisor/Teacher.
CHS Reading Reviews
4 Purple Press, Dec. 2, 2014
Cryptic Cravings
by Ellen Scheiber Genre(s): Horror Book Reviewer: Topix Hinu This is the eighth book in the Vampire Kisses Series. This book is of course about Vampires but this is a rather gothic twist of Twilight. It is about a girl named
Denicia Aragon Editor In Chief This has been an incredible year for the Wildcats. So many victories in such a short amout of time, and for all seniors that wanted to go out with a bang, they got their wish. Every team should be proud of their accomplishments and be able to walk with pride through the school hallways. The Varsity soccer girls won district for the first time in 16 years and advanced to state. Same for our Varsity Football team after beating Hobbs at the last home game of the season, making them District Champions! Also, the Girls’ Cross
Raven and her life as a goth girl in a preppy town with a vampire boyfriend. What I like about the book is the suspense, but what I don’t like is how the story lingers.
Wizard's First Rule
by Terry Goodkind Genre(s): Fantasy Book Reviewer: Franciso J. Chavez A man named Richard Cypher is our in the woods when he finds a woman being chased by four soldiers he intercepted her and helps fight the soldiers,
but finds that his life is about to change drasti cally. My favorite part of this book is this is this quote; "People are stupid, people will believe anything if it scares them enough."
The Beginning of Everything by Robyn Schneider
Genre(s): Young Adult Book Reviewer: Angie Pastirchak I personally thought this was avery good book, but honestly if you are looking for a happy story, this is probably isn't your best bet. It has a good over
all message, however most of it has a gloomy tone. This book tells the story of a high school athlete who is severly injured and loses his dreams and tennis career, untill the new girl helps turn everything around for him.
We Deserve To Celebrate
Varsity Football, Fall 2014 Country team including 3 boys from the Boys Cross Country team: Jose Salgado, Harrison Rikel, Braydon Sowell, continued their season
to the State Competition after concurring their District race against Hobbs, Carlsbad, and Alamogordo. To add to all the victories, the
Varsity Wildcadettes won first in Pom in the Cleveland Challenge. Congratulations are also in order for all four of our seniors
that signed contracts accepting their offers to play for college teams. Danni Williams signed for Texas A&M, Shelby Jones for Abeline
Christian, Nichele Hyman commited to University of Texas Pan American and Dlanor Briggins for Eastern New Mexico University. This goes to show the dedication and hard work all these athletes have come with results! This year has so far been an exciting one, and we hope for more to come with basketball and baseball starting and track and softball soon to come Congratulations to all of our winning athletes and good luck to out up and coming teams. A word of advice from a senior ending their term as a Clovis High School athlete to all those continuing next year,