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What’s Up, Clovis?


Photos by Ron Sundquist

Trunk or Treat at Friday Night Farmers Market

Hundreds of children were dressed up in their Halloween outfits for a night of Trunk or Treating at the Old Town Clovis Friday Night Farmers Market on Friday, October 28.

The Clovis Senior Activity Center held their annual rummage sale on November 3, 2022.

Old Town Flea Market Clovis Senior Activity Center’s Rummage Center

Clovis Senior Activity Center hosts annual Rummage Sale

Jesus Cano


There are many things to look forward to at the Clovis Senior Center, but the rummage sale might be one of the most exciting events of the year.

It’s a way for members of the Senior Center to work in a collaborative environment while also bringing the community together.

The event, which took place on Thursday, Nov. 3, ran from 7 a.m. to 1 p.m., had plenty of patrons ready to find hidden treasures for a bargain of a price.

Clothes, books and electronics were just some of the stuff available to purchase. There was also a silent auction with items such as an electronic roomba and gift baskets. In addition, some seniors were managing the food cart, which sold hot dogs, donuts and drinks.

The rummage sale runs twice a year, early spring and early fall. Donations are given to the Clovis Senior Center, where members then sort through different items and categorize them before getting them ready for the big day.

It’s one of the most fun events of the year according to recertification specialist Mai Kou Yang.

“It really gets them involved and engaged,” Yang said. “This also gives them a reason to come out, check out the facility, check out what different programs we have, and also meet some new friends.”

Seniors like Bonnie Audas, who is an active member in the community, really enjoy seeing the community come out and embrace the “Clovis Way of Life.”

“There people are so proud of being in Clovis,” Audas said. “You get to meet and interact with so many new people. This is always an amazing place to spend your time around.”

Along with donations provided from the community, the Senior Center also allowed people to set up their own shop. Mary Adams set up her own shop that consisted of handmade novelty items. With the holidays around the corner, she spent the past couple of weeks making Christmas themed items.

“It’s nice to just be able to come out

Photo courtesy of Clovis Senior Activity Center

The annual rummage sale hosted by the Clovis Senior Activity Center was held on Thursday, November 3.

and share my creations,” she said. “I do it for fun, but it’s so satisfying when people decide to buy my work.”

The Clovis Senior Center is always looking for volunteers to help, Yang said.

“Our doors are always open, we always need volunteers,” she said.

CVMD hosts Vet Biz Rally Point Summit

Jesus Cano


Start Up, Scale Up and Succeed.

That’s the motto used during the Vet Biz Rally Point Summit, which was held on Tuesday, Nov. 2 at the Clovis Veterans Memorial District in Old Town.

The purpose was to help veterans and the spouses of veterans who want to start or grow their current business.

“We hope that today’s not the end,” Dawn Golik, District Director at U.S. Small Business Administration said. “Today was the first step and what we hope will be more steps that you’ll take to either start-up or scale up your business if you’re a veteran.”

“No man left behind, no woman left behind and no business left on their own to figure anything out,” she added.

Panelists were invited to the event to discuss counseling, training and technical assistance, along with local business lenders regarding funding and loan government contracting.

Derrick Smith comes from a family of veterans and has hopes of one day opening a small business. He found out about the event through a social media advertisement and immediately thought it would be a great way to take the first step in planning for the future.

“I left with a lot more knowledge than

Photo by Jesus Cano, Clovis Roundup

Lorenzo Rios speaks during the Vet Biz Rally Point Summit.

when I entered the room,” he said.

“I think it’s amazing that the Clovis Veterans Memorial District puts on events like this not just for veterans, but for the family of veterans themselves,” Smith said. “They basically are setting us up and providing an amazing support system.”

The event also featured a speech from Lorenzo Rios, CEO of The Clovis Veterans Memorial District, and Civilian Aide to the Secretary of the Army.

As a veteran, he wants to set up those who have served for success, especially somewhere like the Central Valley.

“The Central Valley needs a new message. This Central Valley is not the valley of the broken and those who couldn’t make it,” Rios said. “We realize the opportunity that we have today to build on tradition of excellence and look to the future with a smile saying, ‘Bring it’.”

This was the first event they had but hope to see a much bigger crowd at the next one.

“The next rally point will be bigger. I won’t call it better because I thought it was fantastic today,” Rios said. “Now that you no longer wear the uniform. I need you to serve by serving as a great role model in your community.”



Clint Olivier appears to be 2,000 votes ahead of Samantha Bauer who sits in second place as of 10:42 p.m. of November 8th. Deena Combs-Flores appears to be in the lead for District Area 6.

Measure B, the Transient Occupancy Tax proposed by City Council to help further fund the police department is predicted to have a 69% approval, only needing a 50% +1 majority to pass.

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy won the newly appointed 20th Congressional District that represents the City of Clovis. He defeated Democrat and teacher Marisa Wood by about 30%.

Preliminary results for Measure C are also on the Fresno County website.

Results that follow are preliminary numbers affirmed by Fresno County as of November 8th, 2022.

CLOVIS CITY COUNCIL- TOP THREE ELECTED TO OFFICE • Drew Bessinger- 11,230 votes; 21.74% • Diane Pearce- 10,920 votes; 21.14% • Matt Basgall- 10,196 votes; 19.74% • Joshua Phanco- 4014 votes; 7.77% • Martin Salas- 3956 votes; 7.66% • Des Haus- 3335 votes; 6.46% • Joseph Hebert- 3292 votes; 6.37% • Kyle T. Chaney- 2362 votes; 4.57% • Mark Kazanjian- 1772 votes;

3.43% • Guy Redner- 497 votes; 0.96%

CLOVIS UNIFIED GOVERNING SCHOOL BOARD- DISTRICT 1 • Clint Olivier - 14,530 votes; 38.16% • Samantha Bauer- 12,233 votes; 32.13% • Chuck Der Manouel- 9324 votes; 24.49% • Joanne Burton- 1776 votes; 4.66%

CLOVIS UNIFIED GOVERNING SCHOOL BOARD - DISTRICT 6 • Deena Combs-Flores- 21,420 votes; 59.57% • Bill Whitmore- 14,323 votes; 39.83%

MEASURE B-TRANSIENT OCCUPANCY TAX (50%+1 TO PASS) • Yes votes- 15,022; 69.90% • No votes- 6469; 30.10%

MEASURE C- ORDINANCE TO EXTEND MEASURE C (2/3RD’S ‘YES’ NEEDED TO PASS) • Yes – 71,448; 58.19% • No – 51,331; 41.81% 20TH CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT • Kevin McCarthy - 24,148 votes; 65.03% • Marisa Wood - 12,988 votes; 34.97%

Full results for the elections are on the Fresno County website, https:// www.co.fresno.ca.us/departments/county-clerk-registrar-of-voters/election-information/election-results/results-for-november-8-2022-statewide-general-election.

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