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SINGIN IN THE RAIN Location: Mercedes Edwards Theatre 902 5th St., Clovis, CA Nov. 10, 11, 12 and Nov. 17, 18, 19

VETERANS DAY CELEBRATION Location: Clovis Veterans Memorial District Friday, Nov. 11 Event starts at 7 a.m.

CENTERSTAGE CLOVIS PRESENTS “ALL IS CALM” The Christmas Truce of 1914 Location: Clovis Veterans Memorial District Auditorium 808 4th St., Clovis, CA www.centerstageclovis.com Saturday, Nov. 12, Thursday, Nov. 17 and Saturday, Nov. 19

NOVEMBER PICTURE BOOK FESTIVAL Location: A Book Barn 640 Clovis Ave., Clovis, CA Chrys Wimer; Gayle Taylor Davis; Jeanine Cronin and Karen Moore Saturday, Nov. 12 11 a.m. – 1 p.m.

BED DELIVERY DAY Location: Derrel’s Mini Storage 955 N. Willow Ave., Clovis, CA Saturday, Nov. 12 8 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.

CHRISTMAS VENDOR POP-UP Location: 3317 Purdue Ave., Clovis, CA Saturday, Nov. 12 9 a.m. – 2 p.m.

CLOVIS TAILGATE BBQ THROWDOWN Location: Elks Lodge 535 Woodworth Ave., Clovis, CA Saturday, Nov. 12 10 a.m. – 3 p.m.

THANKSGIVING FOR VETERANS DINNER Location: American Legion Post 147 508 4th St., Clovis, CA Wednesday, Nov. 16 at 5:30 p.m.

LET’S TALK CLOVIS “HONORING OUR CLOVIS GOLD STAR HEROES” Location: Clovis Veterans Memorial District 808 4th St., Clovis, CA Tuesday, Nov. 16 at 6:30 p.m.

ONE ENCHANTED EVENING Location: Old Town Clovis Pollasky Ave. and 5th St. Thursday, Nov. 17 CLOVIS STREET FAIR Location: Dry Creek Park 855 Clovis Ave, Clovis, CA Friday, Nov. 18 5 p.m. – 10 p.m.

SHREDFEST – CLOVIS POLICE DEPARTMENT Location: Clovis Rodeo 748 Rodeo Dr., Clovis, CA Saturday, Nov. 19 9 a.m. – 1 p.m.

FOSSIL SATURDAY WITH STEVE HAMMOND Location: A Book Barn 640 Clovis Ave., Clovis, CA Saturday, Nov. 19 11 a.m. – 1 p.m.

911 PARANORMAL RESCUE FRESNO Introduction to Paranormal Investigations and Ethics Location: A Book Barn 640 Clovis Ave., Clovis, CA Saturday, November 19 2 p.m. – 4 p.m.

HORSE DRAWN CARRIAGE RIDES Location: Old Town Clovis Saturday and Sunday, Nov. 26 and 27 1 p.m. – 4 p.m. Every weekend thru Dec. 18

WIND SYMPHONY OF CLOVIS CONCERT Location: Paul Shaghoian Memorial Concert Hall 2770 E. International Ave., Fresno, CA Sunday, Nov. 27 at 2 p.m.

FRESNO STREET EATS Location: Sierra Vista Mall Every Saturday, 11 a.m.- 8 p.m. Sunday Market, 11 a.m. – 4 p.m. VIRTUAL JOB FAIRS Check online at HireX for dates and times of Virtual Job Fairs throughout the Month of November *Entry-Level *Healthcare *Diversity *Veterans


HORSE DRAWN CARRIAGE RIDES Location: Old Town Clovis Friday, Saturday and Sunday Dec. 2 – 4; Dec. 9 – 11; Dec. 16 – 18 1 p.m. – 4 p.m.

CHILDREN’S ELECTRIC LIGHT PARADE Location: Old Town Clovis Saturday, Dec. 3 6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.

STORYTIME AT ‘A BOOK BARN’ Location: 640 Clovis Ave., Clovis, CA Tuesdays: Dec. 6th, 13th, 20th Saturdays: Dec. 10th, 17th At 10 a.m.

ALISA ANN RUCH BURN FOUNDATION FUNDRAISER DINNER Location: Clovis Rodeo Grounds 748 Rodeo Dr., Clovis, CA Saturday, Dec. 10 at 5 p.m.

LET’S TALK CLOVIS “A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS” Location: Clovis Veterans Memorial District 808 4th St., Clovis, CA Tuesday, Dec. 13 at 6:30 p.m.

CLOVIS STREET FAIR Location: Dry Creek Park 855 Clovis Ave, Clovis, CA Friday, Dec. 16 5 p.m. – 10 p.m. CALIFORNIA 911 MEMORIAL Location: 3485 Never Forget Ln., Clovis, CA Open 365 days a year

COMMUNITY HERITAGE CENTER Location: 3rd and Veterans Parkway OPEN Tuesday thru Saturday 10 a.m. – 5 p.m.

CLOVIS MUSEUM Location: 4th & Pollasky, Clovis, CA Open Tuesday thru Saturday 10 a.m. – 2 p.m.


CLOVIS OLD TOWN FARMERS’ MARKET Location: Old Town Clovis Every Saturday YearRound 9 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. (weather permitting)

HARLAN RANCH FARMERS’ MARKET Location: 1620 N. Leonard Ave., Clovis, CA Every Wednesday YearRound 5 p.m. – 9 p.m. (weather permitting)

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Clovis East visits Clovis High School for Peer Teaching Experience

J.T. Gomez


On Thursday October 27th, students from the Clovis East Patient Care Pathway visited Clovis High School students of the Construction Pathway in order to demonstrate first aid techniques. The students in the Construction Pathway program will eventually need some sort of first aid training, as the construction industry continues to require employees to be updated on such instruction.

The cross training also allows the students from Clovis East in the Patient Care Pathway to practice their demonstration and teaching skills. First aid instruction that took place included “Stop the Bleed” training for victims with severe cuts, Minor Amputation training, Objects in Eye, Immobilization after a Fall, Basic Resuscitation, as well as other crucial response procedures.

In addition to the hands-on training between high schools, there were visual aids that allowed students to better prepare and fully understand the training in which they underwent.

Taking place in the Construction Lab on Clovis High School’s campus, the mix of students met for two hours under the supervision of Clovis High School CTE Construction Teacher John (Jay) Eichmann, and Clovis East High School CTE Patient Care teacher Kelly Eichmann.

Jay Eichmann believed that his students were up to the challenge of learning about the new safety techniques and stated, “They gained not only practical experience, but also some confidence,” as he explained that in emergency situations plenty of people may freeze instead of acting.

Jay then mentioned that the Clovis High and Clovis East students worked well together, stating his thoughts that the students believed they were paying closer attention to the lesson now that it was their peers teaching them. “They seemed to be quite attentive.”

Kelly Eichmann, the second half of the “dynamic duo” as Jay calls it, deduced that her students, from the Clovis East Patient Care Pathway, enjoyed the opportunity to teach outside of their classroom. “They [blossomed] when they had the opportunity to teach students outside of their own class.”

Eichmann affirmed that students would get further options to teach, six more occasions in fact, in a chance to “grow their confidence, and public speaking confidence.”

She explained that through real life scenarios such as if someone was impaled by a nail, or underwent cardiac arrest on site, students were able to “conduct skills demonstrations on how to perform CPR, how to

Courtesy of CUSD

Students from Clovis East Patient Care Pathway visited Clovis High School students of the Construction Pathway in order to demonstrate first aid techniques.

use an AED (automated external defibrillator), or how to respond to common injuries on a construction site.”

Through these demonstrations the students on both sides received experience whether it be in learning life saving techniques in quick thinking situations or simply learning how to become better teachers to a vast variety of a population.

“My students of course are super excited to share what they’ve been learning in the classroom.”

8 Tips to Reduce Your Food Bill

Noble Credit Union

@NobleCUFresno | Sponsor

Buying food is essential, but if you’re not careful, it can also eat into your budget. We’ve all given into the temptation of dinner at an expensive restaurant or a thoughtless trip to the grocery store where you throw anything and everything into the cart. Unfortunately, these expenses add up quickly and can cause your food budget to balloon into something unsustainable. If you’ve been wondering how to reduce your food bill, consider these eight strategies. 1. Limit Eating Out

It’s probably obvious, but takeout, that delicious ramen place, and even quick “cheap” burgers add up quickly. That’s why hitting up your go-to restaurant less often is one of the most effective ways to lower your food budget. Of course, this doesn’t mean stopping eating out entirely. Restaurants are cultural, they’re social—they’re not the enemy. But, when it comes to your budget, they can turn into a bit of a black hole.

So how often should you eat out? It’s up to you. The key is moderation and balance. If you can’t stomach the idea of eating out less, know that you’ll have to cut your budget in other categories. Just remember that eating out truly is one of the largest chunks of your food budget, so think critically and carefully about how much you’re currently spending at restaurants and how much you want to be spending. 2. Plan Your Grocery Shopping

We’ve all been advised to create a grocery list and stick to it, but that’s only one way to save money at the store. Coupons, even if the savings seem small ($0.50 here, $1 there), make a difference in the long run. Also, grocery stores often send out a weekly ad; take notice and plan your meals for the weak around discounts. Finally, try buying staples that are affordable and versatile, things like bread, pasta, beans, and rice. You can use those things for a whole bunch of different

CR File Photo

The Noble Credit Union Clovis branch is located on 175 N Clovis Ave. between Sierra and Herndon Ave.

meals and tailor them to your tastes. 3. Reduce Food Waste

Is another full vegetable drawer ready for the garbage can? Wasting food is wasting money. Try canned or frozen produce instead! It lasts much longer and is just as good for you. Do your best to avoid spending money on food you won’t eat, and remember those good intentions can often pave a road to rotten zucchini...and lettuce...and grapes. 4. Buy in Bulk

You can save money per package or ounce when you buy in bulk. It’s a great strategy for foods you buy and eat often. Keep in mind, though, that buying more than you’ll actually eat isn’t saving you any money. Do you really need 15 pounds of onions? Plan how you’ll use something you buy in bulk before taking it to the register. 5. Set a Food Budget

Buying food without a budget is like forgetting your umbrella in a downpour—a recipe for disaster. In order to create a budget, though, you’ll need to know what’s reasonable. To figure that out, track your spending. After a month or two, assess how much you’re actually spending on food each week and then make a plan. Can you cut back? By how much? Create a spending limit and stick to it! 6. Plan for Leftovers

Try making big meals a few times a week—meals that you couldn’t possibly eat at once! Why? Leftovers! Leftovers are a great way to have ready-to-go meals and snacks that you don’t have to spend a lot for. Of course, try not to waste food! But if you’ll eat the leftovers, making them can stretch ingredients longer and get you more bang for your buck. 7. Meal Prep

Meal prep isn’t just for the organized ones among us—no seriously, everyone can meal prep. If you plan your meals ahead of time (or better yet, prepare them), you’ll be less likely to eat out when you’re in a bind or pressed for time. If this seems overwhelming, start small. Try making lunch the night before or putting together a dedicated drawer for go-to snacks (ooh and new picks each week?). You can also go big and create “freezer meals” that you can pop into a slow cooker or oven. Whatever works for you is the perfect place to begin, and every bit of planning matters. 8. Brew Your Own Coffee

A lot of Americans need that little bit of a pick-me-up each morning—that’s fine! But recurring costs, like a daily latte, cause your money to disappear exponentially. Limit recurring costs. Simple right? Take coffee, for example. An average cup of coffee costs around $3; a full month of 31 cups will cost you roughly $93. Meanwhile, a 12oz bag of coffee beans costs about $10 and gets you around 12 cups of coffee. That would mean you’re spending about $0.83 per cup, or just under $26 for a whole month. If you need it, buy the extra cream or fancy toppings, too. It’ll still save you money in the long run.

Bring it all Together

Reducing your food bill is something most of us could really use, and yet, it’s one of the toughest expenses to cut down. It requires a complete shift in your mindset and a lot more awareness. But, with a little bit of effort, your changes can make a big difference.

Noble Credit Union has been treating each member with kindness, dignity, and honor while helping members make sound financial decisions for 81 years. The Credit Union offers members full access to a wide range of financial education and services, including savings and money market accounts, share certificates of deposits, low-rate loans including auto, VISA, mortgage and equity loans, online and mobile banking, and more. For more information about membership at Noble Credit Union, call (559) 252-5000 or visit NobleCU. com.

Clovis North Hosts CUSD’s Athletic Hall of Fame Ceremony

J.T. Gomez


After events that spanned the length of the weekend, Clovis Unified School District held their 6th annual Athletic Hall of Fame Ceremony, in which they elected ten new members.

These new members included two teams and one “Doc” Buchanan Award winner, given to a member of Clovis Unified who best exemplified the teachings of “competition, athletically or academically” preached by Buchanan.

The representatives elected to the Hall of Fame include: • Dr. Roger Oraze - Doc Buchanan Award • Paige Bowie • Tom Deel • Matt Giordano • George Petersen • Keith Poole • Jaime Ramirez • Dr. Torrey Schroeder • 1974 Clovis High School Football Team • 1997-2019 Clovis West High School Girls Swim and Dive Teams

Each representative, after being introduced to the large crowd of family, spectators and at one time fans, were then treated to a two hour long ceremony celebrating each individual inductee and the teams represented as well.

Kicked off by a celebration and mention of the 2021-2022 Clovis Unified Athletic Champions, a long list that included 2021-2022 Supremacy Award Winner Buchanan High School, the Hall of Fame Inductees were then illustrated through videos created by CUSD.

In these videos, each individual was given a few minutes of testimonial from those closest to them as well as a listing of each of their prior accolades, awards, and overall accomplishments.

The Hall of Fame inductees were then escorted out to the stage by current Clovis Unified award winning athletes and invited to speak in a conversation style interview held with KMJ Morning Sports Anchor and prior TV Sports Anchor, George Takata.

In these interviews, details about the inductees were embellished upon and highlighted as they were in the videos.

First, Roger Oraze, given the “Doc” Buchanan Award was recognized for his contributions in bringing an “academic and athletic legacy of excellence” to Clovis Unified.

Inductee Jaime Ramirez was honored

Courtesy of Clovis Community College

The entire Clovis Unified Athletic Hall of Fame Class of 2022 stands atop the stage in the Paul Shaghoian Concert Hall on Saturday. Each member was spoken to in a interview like setting earlier in the presentation.

for his efforts as both a Varsity Soccer and Football Star, including his time on the 1974 Championship winning Clovis High Football team, making him a double honoree.

Ramirez played professionally for the 1982 Los Angeles Aztecs and is currently the Head Soccer Coach for Fresno Pacific University.

Tom Deel’s accomplishments included much of his time as a coach and teacher in Clovis Unified in which he coached Football, Golf and Softball at Clovis West, Buchanan, and his roots at Clark Intermediate in 1974. Deel is twice named All-Valley Coach of the Year.

George Petersen was a 1980 All-NYL Defensive Back and City/County All-Star for Clovis West Football, and in 1981 he was a League and Valley Champion in Wrestling coming in 2nd in the state that year.

After playing football with Fresno State, he was signed by the Kansas City Chiefs in 1986.

Paige Bowie participated and stood out in both Softball and Basketball during her time at Clovis Unified, being named All-League in Softball for 1993-1996 and having All-Valley Honors for Basketball in 1994 and 1996.

She was then named Cal-Hi Sports AllState in Softball in 1996 before being a four year starter for Cal Basketball and helping the Bears come in Third Place in the 1999 Softball College World Series.

Keith Poole, a football Wide Receiver at Clovis High School, who did not attend the ceremony, was All-State and an All-American in 1991 leading the Cougars to a 1991 CIF Central Section Championship.

After four years at Arizona State University, Poole was drafted by the New Orleans Saints and last played in the NFL in 2001.

Matt Giordano, another football inductee and Buchanan High School Head Football Coach was named All-Valley in 1999 and 2000 while leading Buchanan High School as a player to a 2000 CIF Central Section Championship.

Playing in the NFL for eight years, Giordano won a Superbowl Championship with the Indianapolis Colts in 2007.

Dr. Torrey Schroeder once pitched an incredible 24 innings in one Valley playoff game, with 7 perfect innings and 9 no-hit innings during her senior year.

For her efforts, one of her proudest accomplishments was being named 2006 Central Valley ESPY High School Female Athlete of the Year and Valley Athlete of the Year for both Softball and Volleyball.

Schroeder was also named All-Valley Pitcher of the year twice in 2005 and 2006 and played for the University of Texas from 20072009.

The 1974 Clovis High School Football Team was then honored. Head Coach Dr. James Fugman revealed that the players didn’t like each other too much when the season first started.

However, after channeling their animosity towards each other and placing it onto their opponents, the team went on to become NYL League and CIF Section Champions of 1974.

Finally, each team from the 1997-2019 Clovis West High School Girls Swim and Dive Teams were honored as they won a dominant twenty-three consecutive CIF Central Section Championships during that time.

They also had 77 Individual CIF Central Section Champions, 85 All-Americans, and 53 CIF Central Section Relay Championships in the course of the marvelous run for the Golden Eagles.

Steve France, Assistant Superintendent for Educational Services, and overseer of the Clovis Unified Athletic Hall of Fame, spoke about the Hall of Fame class of 2022, calling them “well-rounded” to start.

“You’re just talking about classy people that really mean a lot to this community and our district. They’ve done so much….The level of the quality of people that have continued to give back, it’s an amazing group of people.”

The night ended with a presentation of awards to each individual by Superintendent Dr. Eimear O’Brien and Board President Tiffany Stoker-Madsen.

The awards given were glass bowl like awards commemorating both the date and year in which the inductees were memorialized.

Posing for a group photo atop the Paul Shaghoian Concert Hall then became quite the task for the formidably large assemblage of now, and forever historicized, Clovis Unified Athletic Hall of Famers.

Clovis West Secures 18th-straight TRAC Championship

Jesus Cano


The Clovis West girl’s golf team won five of the league’s six tournaments and was 5-0 in its one-to-one matches with the other TRAC schools. This was Clovis West’s 18th-straight TRAC championship.

Clovis West clinched the Fall 2022 TRAC championship Thursday, Oct. 20, at Belmont Country Club. The results of the final 18-hole tournament yesterday were: 1. Clovis West—400 2. Clovis East—403 3. Buchanan—421 4. Clovis North—494 5. Clovis—515 6. Central—No score

The top finishers in the 18-hole tournament (par 72) were: 1. Lisa Shimmon, CW, 71 2. Ethel Asequia, CE, 73 3. Torrie Bowman, CE, 74 4-7. Four girls tied at 75—Sydney Dick (Buchanan), Olivia Lew (CW), Mia Solano (CE), Madison Dick (Buchanan)

The final league standings and points (52 points possible) for fall 2022 were: 1. Clovis West—51 2. Buchanan—40 3. Clovis East—38 4. Clovis North—25 5. Clovis—14 6. Central—2

The league awarded its individual awards at the conclusion of the tournament.

The TRAC Player of the Year is Lisa Shimmon, Clovis West

The All-League players are: • Torrie Bowman, Clovis East • Sydney Dick, Buchanan • Olivia Lew, Clovis West • Mia Solano, Clovis East • Madison Dick, Buchanan • Ethyl Asequia, Clovis East

Three TRAC teams—Clovis West, Clovis East, and Buchanan—qualified to move on to the Valley Championship that will be held at San Luis Obispo Country Club on October 31.

Denim & Diamonds: A Soroptimist Tradition Returns

Carole Grosch


Soroptimist International of Clovis celebrated another fun - and successful - Denim & Diamonds fundraiser on October 21, 2022, at the Clovis Veterans Memorial District.

“We were delighted with the turnout and generosity of attendees!” reported Linda Gillis, an event organizer.

Armstrong Urgent Care and the State Center Community College District were recognized as the evening’s “Diamond” sponsors. Each hosted a premium table.

“Denim” table sponsors included the James and Rachel Bennett Family, Selah Rejuvenation, Clovis Gunite-Materials, Inc., and El Rio Reyes Construction Trust.

A wide variety of silent and live auction items caught the attention of bidders, many of whom looked forward to finding the perfect holiday gift. Over fifty businesses in the community donated everything from services, gift cards, jewelry, gift baskets, wine, home items, art, books, and savory treats. Delicious desserts on display tempted anyone with a sweet tooth.

Auctioneer Steve San Sebastian led the live auction, showcasing vacation getaways and unique services.

The Clovis Kiwanis prepared a delicious tri-tip dinner. Throughout the evening, guests enjoyed line dancing to the live music by the band Country Rewind.

Lilly Kier, a candidate for the 2023 Rodeo Queen, was presented as representing Soroptimist International of Clovis. Kier is 19 years old and a junior at Fresno State majoring in agriculture business.

The volunteer global Soroptimist

Photo by Brendan Gillis

Denim & Diamonds is an annual fundraiser hosted by Soroptimist International of Clovis. This year’s event was held on October 21 at the Clovis Veterans Memorial District.

organization provides girls and women access to the training and education they need to reach their full potential and live their dreams.

Proceeds from the fundraiser will benefit the Soroptimist Dream programs: Dream It Be It: Career Support for Girls and Live Your Dream: Education and Training Awards for Women. In addition, the Clovis chapter works with the Marjoree Mason Center, Evangel Home, Family Healing Center, CUSD Kids in Transition, and San Joaquin College of Law Scholarship, among others.

The 2023 Denim & Diamonds is planned for Saturday, October 21, 2023, at the Clovis Veterans’ Memorial District Liberty Ballroom.

If you are interested in learning more about the Clovis branch of Soroptimist International, please visit siclovis.org.

Household Hazardous Waste Residuos peligrosos domésticos

Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) is any product that is harmful, toxic, or flammable. This includes many items we use everyday such as chemicals for cleaning, batteries, fluorescent lights, pesticides, and paint. Despite how commonly used these items are, they cannot be thrown away in the normal waste container and must be disposed of properly.

The Fresno County Regional Household Hazardous Waste Facility is able to accept residential HHW at no cost and is open on Saturdays from 9 a.m. to 1 pm. It is located at 18950 W. American Ave., Kerman, CA.

There are also many locations across Fresno County that can accept certain types of HHW. Information on where to take different types of HHW can be found at the Fresno County Household Hazardous Waste website.

For more information on HHW, call the Fresno County Regional Household Hazardous Waste Facility at (559) 600-4259 or Republic Services at (559) 275-1551. Un Residuo Peligroso Doméstico (RPD) es cualquier producto dañino, tóxico o inflamable. Esto incluye muchos de los artículos que utilizamos todos los días como químicos para limpieza, baterías, luces fluorescentes, pesticidas y pintura. A pesar del uso común de estos artículos, no se pueden desechar en los contenedores regulares de basura y se debe hacer de la forma adecuada.

El servicio regional del condado de Fresno para residuos peligrosos domésticos puede aceptar RPD residencial sin costo alguno y se encuentra abierto los sábados de 9 a.m. a 1 p.m. Está ubicado en 18950 W. American Ave., Kerman, CA.

También existen muchos lugares en el condado de Fresno donde aceptan ciertos tipos de RPD. En el sitio web del servicio regional del condado de Fresno para residuos peligrosos domésticos, podrá encontrar información sobre dónde llevar los distintos tipos de RPD. Para más información sobre RPD, llame al servicio regional del condado de Fresno para residuos peligrosos domésticos al (559) 600-4259, o a Republic Services al (559) 275-1551.

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