WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 2022 Vol. 13, No. 9 OWNED & OPERATED IN CLOVIS, CA www.ClovisRoundup.comPublished Every Other Wednesday LOCAL NEWS, SPORTS, & ENTERTAINMENT

Working with federal, state and local law enforcement, the Clovis Police Department helped the FBI arrest a parent and one time dean of a boarding school for troubled youth. The charges stemmed from a scheme that took a teen against his will and transported him from California to Missouri.
Adam Ricardo Solis @Adamsoliss
attended.Hundreds of people arrived for Saturday’s ceremony to honor and remember those who lost their lives during the tragic event at the World Trade Center. In an effort to educate those
Magic Bob has been a hot-air balloon pilot since 1997.
WHAT’S UP CLOVIS? Check out the Buzz Around Town PAGE 3 FEATURED Sapling of Survivor Tree Planted at 9/11 Memorial in Time for Ceremony PAGE 5 FEATURED 9/11 BlendsWorkoutFitness with Remembrance PAGECONNECT6 WITH US @ClovisRoundup
Adam Ricardo Solis @Adamsoliss
J.T. undup

Photo contributed by Bob “Magic” Locklin
In the release, it said a federal indictment was unsealed Tues day charging Shana Gaviola, 35, formerly of Clovis, and Julio San doval, 41, of Piedmont, Missouri, with violating a protective order that had been issued at the request
At this portion of the celebration, balloon fanatics and families alike will have the opportunity to watch how Hot Air Balloons are inflated, as well as be given the possibility for a tethered ride in which the balloon itself will go up as high as one hundred feet while being tied in place.During the Clovis Chamber of Commerce’s “Wake Up Clo vis” zoom call, Balloon Meister “Magic” Bob was asked questions
A community comes together to HONOR. EDUCATE”
Clovis investigationassistsDepartmentPoliceFBIin
In a press release announcing the arrest on Wednesday August 31, U.S. Attorney Phillip A. Talbert shared the information on the col laboration between departments on the“Thisinvestigation.caseisthe product of an investigation by the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Fresno Police Department, and the Clovis Police Department,” the release read.
Hot Air Balloon Pilots Ready for Action

Adam Ricardo Solis/Clovis Roundup Clovis Chief of Police Curt Fleming accepted a folded American flag on behalf of first responders and citizens who lost their lives on 9-11.
The CENTRAL VALLEY’S #1 COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER What’s Up, Clovis? 3 Old Town Clovis Guide 8-9 Recipe 10 Let’s Talk Clovis 11 Log of Shame 12 Clovis Happenings 13 WHAT’S INSIDE

at the California 9/11 Memorial, which remains open year round for the Thispublic.year’s ceremony kicked off with a performance from the Clovis High School Choir, of “Good Night, Dear Heart” and “Requiem” for those who

See CA 9/11 CEREMONY, Pg. 5 See CLOVIS PD, Pg. 4 See HOT AIR BALLOON, Pg. 4 Any and every Hot Air Balloon Pilot seems to have not only the passion to fly, but also the passion to please others as was made evi dent by Hot Air Balloon Pilot, Bob “Magic”LocklinLocklin.willserve as Balloon Meister for the Clovis Fest Hot Air Balloon celebration both Saturday and Sunday of Clovis Fest, Septem ber 24th and 25th.
On the 21st anniversary of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, the Cal ifornia 9/11 Memorial Ceremony held great significance. The event was held in Clovis Clovis R

2 Clovis Roundup Community Newspaper Wednesday, September 14, 2022Connect with us @ClovisRoundup

Tom: The wide variety of hand crafts!
Barbara: “I love seeing the Hot Air Balloons”. Joey: “It is about friends getting together and the amazing Hot Air Balloons.”
Troy: This will be my first time!

Sophia celebrates her 15th birthday or”Quinceana ta”, the celebration of her passage from girlhood to womanhood. To celebrate She came to Scoops with her group, escorted by Eduardo.

Roger: “I love the focus on music!”
John: Meeting old friends and a root beer float at Miss Coras’.

Morning run for our Old Town Clovis Fire Station No. 1 Firefighters during Labor Day weekend.

Arpi: “The beautiful hot air balloons bring friends together”
Kris and Bill: we love the corn dogs!”Richard: “I love the variety of entertainment!”

What are you looking forward to the most at ClovisFest?
What’s Up, Clovis?

Chief of Clovis since 2016, also mentioned the surrounding Loma Vista community and the Village Green park that he anticipates will begin to be worked on as soon as the week of September 11th-17th. He then went on to mention other features that have been added to the Loma Vista commu nity including the El Mercado commercial development.
According to the City of Clovis’ website, Fire Station 6 is expected to house one fire engine, one reserve fire engine, and a staff of nine firefighters. Serving mainly the Loma Vista Community, Fire Station 6 is the newest public safety vessel to come to the City of Clovis.
4 Clovis Roundup Community Newspaper Wednesday, September 14, 2022Connect with us @ClovisRoundup
The station, Clovis Fire Station 6, located just South of Shaw and Leonard streets in Clovis, opened near the Loma Vista commu nity, and much was said about how this new station affects the livelihoods of this part of the Clovis Community.
A magician for 20 plus years, Lock lin was once brought out to stage as “Magic” Bob, and the name stuck.
“We believe in public safety. We believe as a community we can come together and build something for the future, something for ourselves, something to protect our children and our elderly, all of us. What better place to build it than in our newer community…We overcome our challenges because we work together, and that’s what this building’s all about.”This was a quote from Mayor Jose Flores’ address to the public who gathered inside the fire station to watch the ribbon cutting and of ficial opening of the building. The station has been in full service for a number of weeks by now.Clovis Fire Chief John Binaski also ad dressed the public with some statistics about the new station.
He then mentioned that it cost around $8 million and was paid for mainly through developer impact fees as the City of Clovis grew in Binaski,size.Fire
“I think this fire station and Village Green are symptomatic of that dream and it’s start

Mayor Jose Flores stands ready to cut the ribbon officially opening Fire Station 6. Fire Station 6 is the newest public safety building opened in the City of Clovis. (Left to Right; Councilman Drew Bessinger, City Manager John Holt, Mayor Pro-Tem Lynne Ashbeck, Mayor Jose Flores, Councilman Vong Mouanoutoua, Fire Chief John Binaski)
The note was made several times that Kro ll initiated the original plans for the station on a napkin, to which when questioned about, he chuckled and simply replied, “Yes… We knew that we needed a fire station from Loma Vista, and I think that what we learned from the fire station in downtown Clovis was that it is a civic building and it really has a civic function to it, even beyond providing safetyLikeservices.”Kroll,Councilman Drew Bessinger also mentioned that having the Fire Station not only provides safety services, but also stands as an example of a center for a com
Clovis Fire Station 6 Opens For Added Public Safety

Photo courtesy of Bob “Magic” Locklin Hot air balloon meister, Bob Locklin, flying the skies over Clovis.

ing to come true.”
Sandoval was formerly the dean of stu dents at a boarding school in Missouri and was also the founder of an agency that trans ported minors to boarding school.
JT Gomez/Clovis Roundup
“You get a good chance to feel it, and the kids love it.”
Despite the protection order, Gaviola and Sandoval made plans for Gaviola’s son to be forcibly transported from California to Missouri and on Aug. 21, 2021 authorities said “individuals acting on behalf of Gaviola and Sandval found the minor at a business in Fresno, handcuffed him and forced him into a car,” where he remained handcuffed for over 24 hours while they drove to Stockton, Missouri where he was held at the boarding school until his father was able to free him.
munity like Loma Vista to gather around.
And that seems to be the more im portant side to getting people out to support the ballooning aspect of Clo visFest. For $10-15, spectators are al
On a humid Saturday morning, September 10th, Clovis added its most recent public safety building, a new fire station.
CONTINUED FROM FRONT PAGE of Gaviola’s son in July of 2021.
If convicted, each defendant could face a maximum statutory penalty of five years in prison and a $250,000 fine.

“The station is approximately 8900 square feet and will serve a population of 25,000 citizens and approximately five square miles of the city.”
With 25 years of balloon flying ex perience, it was a “lock” that “Magic” would be asked to be Balloon Meister, not only does he have the experience, he has been in charge of the Balloon events in Clovis for 20 years.
and contacting her son among other things.
Locklin does warn however for the younger children that the burners that fill the balloon may be a bit loud when doing their work.
regarding everything from balloons to how he got that nickname.
balloon experience is a fun experience, especially the opportunity for the teth eredAndride.with the addition of the “breakfast of balloonists” - champagne - “Magic” Bob relayed the informa tion that champagne is merely a long standing form of tradition on Hot Air Balloons.
lowed to ride in balloons to “get a feel” for what it’s like to be in the balloon.
President of the Clovis Chamber of Commerce Greg Newman, acting as moderator between “Magic” Bob and the zoom spectators noted that the
“We’re looking at what Clovis needs in twenty years, and having these things ready to go puts us in a position where we’re gonna be able to keep the community safe….It’s a good thing for Clovis, it’s a good thing for Eastern Fresno County.”
“We like to get people involved and show off and show them how it works.
Before Binaski left the podium, he thanked a number of people, including re tired city employee and former Director of Planning and Development Services, Dwight Kroll.Kroll, original architect of Clovis Fire Station 6, recognized that the vision being re alized was an opportunity to see “community character evolve.”
According to court documents, in 2020 Gaviola’s son began living apart from Gaviola with another family member and petitioned for emancipation from Gaviola and obtained a domestic violence protec tion order against Gaviola from the Fresno County Superior Court. The order prohibited Gaviola from harassing, striking, following,
At ClovisFest we invite people over to look at the basket, let them get pictures, things like that….For many people, the first time they see it, they can’t believe how big these balloons are.”
Photo courtesy of Clovis PD Clovis Police Department assisted the FBI on an investigation that involved a parent charged with taking their teenage son against his will and transporting him from California to Missouri.
“It started in 1783 when the first few guys to fly Hot Air Balloons came down to land, people didn’t know what these things were. So they started at tacking.”Inorder to calm the would-be at tackers, Hot Air Balloonists would tie bottles of champagne to the bottom of their wicker baskets in order to keep theIfpeace.youwould like to see Hot Air Balloonists at work first hand, you can have a front row seat at this year’s Clo visFest. You can embark in all there is to offer from a Hot Air Balloon at the celebration this September 24th-25th.
He mentioned that the community had a prospective dream of what the Loma Vista community could look like “a hundred years from now”.
Locklin then made sure to let it be known that each Hot Air Balloonist’s aircraft must be built each and every time it is to be put to use. This calls for the help of multiple hands, at least three per balloon, and preferably five to six.“Anybody who’s interested in [bal looning] at all, tell them to come out and volunteer. We’ll have them come to the pilot’s meeting, because we can always use the help. We’ll teach you right on the spot,” said Locklin.
Wednesday, September 14, 2022 Clovis Roundup Community Newspaper 5Connect with us @ClovisRoundup
At the end of the ceremony attendees were able to admire the work and crafts manship of Parsons’ statues along with other areas of the memorial.
For some the emotional impact of hear ing the radio dispatch calls from 8:46 am 21 years ago to the day, was an emotional strain that brought them to tears.
XIONG Operations ads@clovisroundup.comManager STAFF REPORTERS: Adam Ricardo Solis Alex J.T.CaroleScottGroschGomez 55 Shaw Avenue #106, Clovis, CA 93612 Ph:

Clovis residents and all spectators alike were then afforded the opportunity to not only visit the sapling, but also visit the 9/11 Memorial itself as well as the annual ceremony that the California 9/11 Memorial holds.

Parsons, who had a career as a firefight er, was credited for his contributions to the memorial during Saturday’s ceremony, where it was shared that he passed away after a battle with cancer.
For others it was an emotional experi ence because 8:46 am 21 years ago was the same time the first plane hit the first
Laurann calendar@clovisroundup.comKanamu
Spread throughout the ceremony were informational plaques which share the sto ry of each statue and the history behind it.
Sapling of Survivor Tree Planted at 9/11 Memorial in Time for Ceremony
Although initially severely damaged with snapped roots, burned and broken branches, the tree was saved. Once recovered fully, it made its way back to the now standing Memorial at Ground Zero in According2010. to the 9/11 Memorial & Museum, the tree today “stands as a living reminder of resilience, survival, andTherebirth.”9/11Memorial & Museum holds a “Survivor Tree Seedling Program”, a program in which the Memorial gives seedlings away from the original Survivor Tree to “three communities that have endured tragedy in recent years.”This year, Clovis’ California 9/11 Memorial, one of the largest memorials across the nation, was awarded the opportunity of receiving a sapling from the Survivor Tree.
Commissioned to create the first statute “Answering the Call” in 2019, Parsons started off the first phase of the memori al expansion. After which he designed 3 more statues; one of Officer Moyra Smith with a civilian at Ground Zero, and the wounded warrior, and a military officer holding a flag.
“Really, I’m kind of speechless that I was selected to take on the outcome of the military, police, and civilians that lost their lives. It’s a huge honor, and I’m speechless like I said.”
time and effort they put into both the service presented for free to the public on September 11th, as well as the Memorial itself illustrates just how important a phenomenon like the 9/11 attacks and remembering those who lost their lives really means to the American public.Even an example as small as a sapling of a pear tree can come to have huge implications for a nation in grieving, as well as a community in mourning.
CONTRIBUTING WRITERS: Peg Bos - Let’s Talk Clovis ACCOUNTING SERVICES: Teresa Stevens, CPA (559) teresa@tmstevenscpa.com326-7072
The Callery Pear Tree Sapling is propped up straight by a length of wood as the Clovis High Choir looks on. The sapling, a part of the Callery Pear Tree found at Ground Zero after the September 11th, 2001 terrorist attacks, was delivered to the California 9/11 Memorial.
At the California 9/11 Memorial in Clovis, a ceremony was held to commemorate and to remember those who lost their lives in the 9/11 terrorist attacks.Butdays before the ceremony commenced, a sapling from the original “Survivor Tree” was planted at the site for all to see.
The Clovis Roundup is a custom publication. Reproduction by any means of the entire contents or any portion of this publication without written permission is prohibited. The appearance of any advertisements in this publication does not constitute support or endorsement for any product, person, cause, business or organization named therein, unless specifically noted otherwise in the advertisement. All costs associated with producing, printing and mailing Clovis Roundup are entirely funded by our advertisers. To show your appreciation of their support, we ask you to consider patronizing these businesses and services as the need arise.

Chief Fleming then went on to comment on the overall ceremony held at the 9/11 Memorial. “I’d just like to thank the 9/11 Memorial Board, Cook Land Development for really continuing
MELCHOR dmelchor@clovisroundup.comOwner/Publisher
this and hopefully, kids fifty, sixty years from now continue to understand what 9/11 was about.”
Chief Fleming mentioned “an education” and how this manages how future generations will come to understand the 9/11 attacks and what those attacks and the departed truly mean to both the community of Clovis as well as countless other communities across the nation.
expressed his joy in having the opportu nity to contribute in a way that gives back to those who gave so much in the service of others.
was given to Clovis Police Chief Curt Fleming, a distinction bestowed upon the chief that he called, “a true honor.”
The California 9/11 Memorial Board, as evident by the amount of
Photo by JT Gomez/Clovis Roundup
Attendees from all ages were able to share in the experience of the memorial as well as educate those who may have been too young to remember what happened 21 yearsTheago.California 9-11 Memorial is lo cated at 3485 Never Forget Lane, Clovis, CA 93720. It is open all day, everyday, year-round and is free for the public to experience. Follow us on social media,
Email: @ClovisRoundup
The “Survivor Tree”, a Callery pear tree that survived the attacks at Ground Zero, was saved from the rubble and placed in the care of the New York City Department of Parks and Recreation.

The final folded flag, folded thirteen times, each for significant reasons,
J.T. Gomez
The Clovis Roundup spoke with Par sons earlier in 2022, during which time he
Office: 559-324-8757
ceremony was centered around statues created by John Parsons.
After an opening choir performance by Clovis High School, dispatch calls from the actual 9/11 events were heard followed by the lowering of the flag, a National Anthem, wreath procession, and Ceremony of Retreat.
in attendance, radio dispatch calls were played at 8:46 am from the tragic events of Sept. 11.
BILLY 559-324-8757
CUSTOMER SERVICE Catherine info@clovisroundup.comKenney
Each year at Doc’s Gym in Clovis, a rather large group gathers for a community workout in memory of the tragic 9/11 terrorist attacks. This group of extraordinary individuals don’t just use the event as an excuse to lift weights or even lift up each other, but rather as a way of showing their respects for those who were killed and those who sacrificed their lives trying to save others.General Manager and Head Trainer of Doc’s Gym, Victor Avila, made it known that Doc’s Gym welcomes everyone in the community to workout at their gym during this time. “We don’t expect perfection, we know nobody’s perfect. We just ask that if you wanna come in to give it your all…. main thing is everyone is welcome, there’s no Hejudgment.”thenwent on to speak about their community workout remembering those who died during 9/11.
“Today we’re commemorating, even though tomorrow is 9/11, it’s an event where we combine not only members and just regular members, but also we get police officers, firefighters, veterans - we just come together to celebrate and honor those who passed away during 9/11.”
J.T. Gomez
JT Gomez/Clovis Roundup
Tribute Workout lasted from Friday September 9th to Sunday September 11th.
Avila then went on to state that he and Doc’s Gym recognized the differing schedules for the weekend, and cited this as the reason for the three day weekend workout.“Traditionally, the workout in most gyms is tomorrow, [on the actual 9/11 date] but we kinda realized that everyone has a
those who lost their lives.”
6 Clovis Roundup Community Newspaper Wednesday, September 14, 2022Connect with us @ClovisRoundup

9/11 Workout Blends Fitness with Remembrance

Doc’s Gym, located at 263 N. Minnewawa, offers assistance in meeting fitness goals. Their website states, “Our great trainers and programs will ensure to take you to the next level in your fitness journey.”Their9/11

A few who gathered Saturday morning, September 10th to workout at Doc’s Gym. Each year, around the September 11th, Doc’s Gym is open to all of those who would like to workout in memory who lost their lives in the September 11th, 2001 terrorist attacks.
events such as Breast Cancer Awareness or Marine Corps Birthdays.
different schedule, so we literally just ran it the whole weekend.”
“Before it was kind of a closer group, but now we open it up to the public.”
He recognized that prior to the past four years he’s been there, Doc’s Gym had run the community workout for multiple years, although it was initially a smaller group.
“For me, being a veteran, I joined the Marine Corps because of 9/11. So, to me, it has a special meaning. But even to the people that are not law enforcement, it’s important for them to know it’s not about political beliefs, not about religious beliefs…At the end of the day, we as a country were attacked and we [feel] we need to come together and pay our respects for
As a group together, workouts were completed individually, and Doc’s Gym also does events for certain specific dates and
According to Pelayo Palmer, who was born in Acapulco, Mexico she was part of the first group of Deferred Action for Child hood Arrivals (DACA) recipients and when it came time to navigate the financial aid and other programs it was difficult because she couldn’t qualify for any aid.
As Pelayo Palmer’s educational journey is almost finished, she encourages others who may be on the same path as her to not become discouraged and to utilize resources offered by universities and counselors that weren’t available when she first started her journey.
Photo contributed by Karen Pelayo Palmer Karen Pelayo Palmer, graduating with her master’s degree in nursing.
ly hispanic.“Alotof [patients] are primarily hispan ic, and they do speak Spanish. So it was im portant for me to continue my education so that they have someone that they can speak to in their native language and just bridge that gap of misunderstandings or of cultural traditions that are different,” Pelayo Palmer said.Pelayo Palmer said that having the cultur al background helps her communicate with patients in a way that they understand. She is also able to get the point across quicker to patients who are hispanic and may not speak english as their first language.
Being the first in her family to go to college meant Pelayo Palmer did not have many people to turn to for advice on college admissions essays or for advice on navigat ing financial aid program websites. But for Pelayo Palmer who was a Spanish speaking native, she also faced other barriers that re quired her to go the extra mile to ensure she maintained her grades in college.
“There’s a little bit more trust [from pa tients]” Pelayo Palmer said.
Pelayoschedule.Palmer said having a great sup port system at home helped her be able to focus on school and work while she was pursuing her passion of helping others in her
Pelayo Palmer, who is now being rec ognized by the National Honor Society for First-Generation College Students is a local who graduated from Fresno City Col lege and transferred to Fresno State for her bachelor’s before she made the decision to pursue her education further and obtain her master’s from CSU Stanislaus.
For most students, going to college full time can prove challenging, but Pelayo Palmer was working full time as a nurse during the pandemic while managing a full class
Karen Pelayo Palmer, is now in her last semester at California State University (CSU) Stanislaus, where she will be grad uating with her master’s degree in nursing and she credits her father’s decision to send her to school in Clovis Unified as to why she was able to navigate the educational sys tem as a first generation college student.
The significance of being a first genera tion student was impactful on Pelayo Palm er’s family, but Pelayo Palmer said it was a difficult path to navigate.
“I didn’t qualify for financial aid or anything like that in the beginning but now there’s more programs. But financially it was a struggle and then I didn’t have any guidance as far as any family members could teach me how to apply for college,” Pelayo Palmer said.
“You should find someone that you can talk to and the just start looking up resources online and start applying to financial aid, apply to scholarships, and just know that if you have to take out a loan that when you’re done with school you will be making more income than if you didn’t have that college degree.” Pelayo Palmer said.
“I scheduled a lot of meetings with the graduate writing center and they helped me a lot. That kind of helped me as far as main taining my grades for writing any papers,” Pelayo Palmer said.
Eligibility requirements for individuals to be invited for membership are a minimum 3.0 GPA for graduates and that they are first generation students who have completed at least one term of study.

community as a nurse practitioner through her education.

Pelayo Palmer said she credits her ac ademic success to her family, who when faced with the decision of where to send her to school, made the decision to send her to Clovis Unified. While in Clovis Unified Pe layo Palmer attended elementary school at Lincoln and Valley Oak elementary school, after which she attended middle school at KastnerPelayoIntermediate.Palmersaid her father made a big decision that has since impacted her view on education. While she attended high school in Fresno Unified, Pelayo Palmer recognized the significance her father placed on her ed ucation when he made the decision early in her educational career to send her to Clovis Unified.“Idefinitely felt like the teachers and par ents [at Clovis Unified] were really involved in school and checking on the students. I remember they would always talk to us in a way that felt like they were kind of really on top of things and they just cared,” Pelayo Palmer said.
The National Honor Society for First-Generation College Students stated that Pelayo Palmer has been invited to be a member of the national honor society Tri-Alpha, whose purpose is to recognize academic excellence and provide opportu nities for personal growth, leadership devel opment and campus and community service for first generation college students.
Wednesday, September 14, 2022 Clovis Roundup Community Newspaper 7Connect with us @ClovisRoundup

Karen Pelayo Palmer, First-Generation College Student to receive master’s degree
Pelayo Palmer will graduate in Dec. of this year with a master of science in nursing, as a family practitioner. Pelayo Palmer has been awarded multiple scholarships for her academic achievements, including maintain ing a 3.95 GPA.
The impact of Clovis Unified’s education resonated with Pelayo Palmer so much that it inspired her to relocate so that her own children can now go to school in Clovis Unified.Pelayo Palmer, who is the first in her family to graduate from college, described the path she took as a difficult one but one she encourages others to pursue.
Pelayo Palmer said she prioritized what she needed to get done to ensure she suc ceeded in school and led a healthy lifestyle. Going on walks throughout the week to decompress helped keep the stress down so that she could succeed in school and ac complish her goal of helping others in her community.Astrength that Pelayo Palmer said she found while working as a nurse during the pandemic is being able to be a provider that speaks Spanish in a community that is large
Adam Ricardo Solis @Adamsoliss
8 Clovis Roundup Community Newspaper P P P P PBP F A Q H Q.P.0.N.M.L.K.J.I.H.G.F.E.D.C.B.A. American Legion Post 147 Centennial Plaza Clovis Chamber of Commerce Clovis Civic Center Clovis Fire & Police Station Clovis Fire Station No. 1 Clovis Library Clovis Museum Clovis Rodeo Grounds Clovis Senior Activity Center Clovis Veterans Memorial District Community Heritage Center Mercedes Theater/Clark Intermediate Old Town Trail Old Town Water Tower San Joaquin College of Law Tarpey Depot - Visitor’s Center Old Town Service District 1. A1 Lock & Key 2. ABC Pack & Print 3. All American Smog 4. B and H Tire Automotive Shop 5. Boice Funeral, 308 Pollasky Ave, (559) 299-4372 6. Central Valley Community Bank 7. Classic Catering 8. Clovis Boot & Shoe Repair 9. Clovis Garage 10. Clovis Smogs 11. EECU 12. Finest Sewing Services 13. Halfcocked Gunsmithing 14. Mac’s Tire Pros 15. NAPA Auto Parts 16. Rodeo Car Wash, 409 Bullard Ave, 322-1380 17. Sam’s TV Repair 18. Shell Gas Station 19. Speedee Oil Change Antique and Gift Shops 1. 4th Street Antique Mall 402 Pollasky, (559) 4thStreetAntiques.com323-1636 2. A Secret Garden 3. Avon 4. Bears, Dolls, and More 5. Cigars Limited 6. Clovis Antique Mall 7. Clovis Floral 8. Clovis Sports Cards & Collectibles 9. Country Rose Antiques 10. Cozy Cottage 11. Fifth Street Antiques 12. Frost Oak Creek Creations 13. Goode Ol’ Days Antiques 14. Maxwell House Antiques 15. Once Upon a Time 16. Rosenbery’s Old Town Trading Co., 5th and Pollasky, (559) 498-9935 17. Suquie’s Treasures Miscellaneous 1. 3 Oaks Studio 2. A Book Barn, 640 Clovis Ave., 297-9052 3. Brick and Morter 4. Clovis Appliance, 602 5th St., 299-6806 5. Clovis Coin Shop, 442 Pollasky Ave, 326-8464 6. Comfort Suites 7. Foxtail Gallery 8. Gottschalk Music Center 9. JT’s Music Store 10. Realty Concepts 11. The Perfect Pillow 11 11 10 20 10 1 16 7 124 C 1 19 16 Points of Interest 6 Remember to Shop Local, Shop Small, Shop Clovis 5 5 18 15 P 1016 L Old Town Clovis The OLD TOWN TRADING COMPANY is looking flair to the store. The store management accepts Comemore! support our veterans for MILITARY APPRECIATION event will be hosted during the Old Town Farmers GLORIOUS JUNK DAYS is coming to Old Town Clovis repurposed items, DIY projects, handcrafted artisan CLOVISFEST AND HOT AIR BALLOON FUN FLY end, the streets of Old Town Clovis will be filled with booths, music, entertainment, and more! The rodeo morning with tethered rides.

Clovis Roundup Community Newspaper 9Connect with us @ClovisRoundup P P P P F D E I K M G N O P Food and Drink 1. 356 Tavern 2. 500 Club 3. Blast & Brew 4. Bobby Salazar’s 5. Kuppa Joy 6. DiCicco’s Italian, 408 Clovis Ave, 299-3711, 7. Full O Bull 8. House of Juju 9. Le Parisien Cafe 10. Luna Pizzeria, 349 Pollasky Ave, 299-4141, 11. Michaelangelo’s Pizzeria 12. Old Town Saloon 13. On the Edge Coffee Shop 14. Outlaw Tavern 15. Rodeo Coffee Shop, 535 Fifth St, 299-3750, 16. Roll Me Some - Handcrafted Roll Ice Cream, 530 Pollasky, 825-7204, 17. Salsa’s Cantina 18. Soups and Scoops, 433 Pollasky, 299-9606 19. The Local, 401 Clovis Ave #102, 900-4253 20. Two Cities Coffee Roasters Organic coffee and tea - Rolled Ice Creamery, 608 4th St., 765-4652 Hair Salon and Spas 1. A Little Indulgence Salon and Day Spa 2. Elle Style Bar 3. Fifth Street Salon 4. Hairology 5. Head to Toe Beauty Salon 6. Moxie Salon 7. Re:Treat Color and Hair Design Studio 8. Salon Innovation Boutique, AccessoriesClothing, 1. Autumn Psalm 2. D A Designs Dancewear 3. Heart’s Delight 4. Ivy and Lace 5. Jackson Jewelry 6. Lulu’s Boutqiue 7. Madeleine’s Bridal Boutique 8. Nonnie’s House 9. Revival 23 10. Sassano’s Mens Wear, 448 Pollasky Ave, 299.4430, 11. The Foundry Collective 12. Urban Ornaments H J 2 CLOVIS ACTIVITYSENIORCENTER(559)324-2750850FourthStreetClovis,CA93612419J (559) 299-0471 808 4th www.cvmdistrict.orgStreet K Are you a business owner in Old Town Clovis? Advertise with us and have your business listed! For more info, please email or call 559-324-8757. Visit our website at or follow us on social media, @ClovisRoundup 16Clovis Announcements for dealers and renters that will bring their own accepts eclectic items, bar signs, Clovis memorabilia, and APPRECIATION NIGHT on Friday, September 16! The FarmersClovisMarket.onSeptember 18! The event will include artisan items, and architectural finds! FLY is almost here! On the September 24-25 week with hundreds of food vendors, handcrafted rodeo grounds will feature Hot Air Balloons each

1/2 clove garlic
1 tablespoon Mexican meat seasoning
Servings: 4
Recipe courtesy of Chef Evan Robinson
8 ounces ground beef salt, to taste pizza or marinara sauce shredded mozzarella cheese hamburger buns
Cheese Sauce:
Pizza Burgers
1 tablespoon butter
Grilled Shrimp Tostadas with Guacamole and Pico de Gallo
5 white button mushrooms
1 clove garlic
Recipe courtesy of Chef Evan Robinson
Another fan of blending is MasterChef Junior finalist and teen chef, Evan Robinson. Robinson likes to blend with multiple varieties of mushrooms in family favorites such as tacos, burgers and stuffed peppers.

1 1/4 cups Mexican blend shredded
To make cheese sauce: In medium saucepan over medium-high heat, melt butter then add flour and whisk constantly, breaking up lumps. Stir 2 minutes then add milk and continuously whisk. Stir in cheese and mix with wooden spoon.
Rock. “Mushrooms add delicious umami flavor, reduce fat and sodium in many popular dishes and kids love them.”
2 teaspoons Italian-style herb seasoning
In large pan over medium-high heat, saute extravirgin olive oil, mushrooms, onions, garlic and herb seasoning approximately 5 minutes until vegetables are soft. Set aside and let cool to room temperature.
1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil 1 medium portabella mushroom, finely chopped 2-3 white button mushrooms, finely chopped1/2 small onion

1/4 cup chopped onions
5 shiitake mushrooms
If you’re ready to start blending at home, it can be a simple process for intro ducing foods to even the pickiest of eaters. Recruit kids as kitchen helpers to tackle tasks such as wiping mushrooms clean and using their hands to blend the meat and mushrooms together.

Servings: 4
2. Blend the chopped mushrooms with the ground meat.
For more family-friendly, blended recipes, visit
3. Cook with Mexican seasoning mix for tacos, marinara sauce for meaty ragu or salt and pepper for juicy, flavorful burgers.
Blended Mushroom Nachos
1 tablespoon flour
1 cup milk
If you are raising picky eaters, there’s a cooking technique that makes some of kids’ favorite foods – like burgers and nachos – more nutritious while still tasting delicious.
Blend mushroom mixture with ground beef. Season with salt, to taste.
1. Chop your favorite mushroom variety the consistency of the ground meat. This can done with knife food processor.

“I find that blending mushrooms into some of my go-to recipes helps increase the flavor while reducing the amount of fat and sodium,” Robinson said.
10 ounces ground turkey
“Blended entrees like burgers are a win-win-win for families wanting to eat better,” said Dayle Hayes, registered dietitian and founder of School Meals That

Assemble chips on serving platter; spread mushroom-meat crumble on top. Add cheese sauce and toppings like salsa, guacamole, kale, romaine lettuce, tomatoes, cilantro and diced red bell peppers, if desired.

In blender or food processor, pulse mushrooms, garlic and onions. In large saute pan over mediumhigh heat, mix finely chopped mushroom mixture with seasoning and cook 2 minutes. Add ground turkey, breaking into fine crumbles until completely cooked through. Set aside.
A Cooking Technique You Need to Know: BLENDING
Form into four patties and cook in same pan as mushroom mixture to preferred doneness. Top with dollop pizza sauce and mozzarella cheese. Cover pan to melt cheese then carefully transfer to buns.
Mushrooms, with their inherent umami flavor, are a perfect addition to blend into meals to increase both flavor and nutrition. Chefs kicked off the trend by blending finely chopped mushrooms with meat for burgers that are flavorful, healthy and Earth-friendly, and now blended burgers are showing up in school cafeterias, supermarket meat counters and fast food drive-thrus.
Blending involves mixing finely chopped mushrooms with ground meat for more nutritious, but still delicious, burgers, tacos, meatballs and more.

to match
10 Clovis Roundup Community Newspaper Wednesday, September 14, 2022Connect with us @ClovisRoundup
returns.Mercantile interests are well provided for. Lumber yard, ce ment pipe works, granite cutting shed, two newspapers, garages, movie theater, and all the usual business places to be found in an enterprising, up-to-date city. Clovis also has a hotel which is ample to accommodate tourists and the general public.
This building is equipped with a gymnasium and shower bath, reading room and billiard room, thus affording facilities for en joyment and recreation.

and The First State Bank of Clovis, $366,403.15.
We are sharing information that appeared in a brochure (printed by the Clovis Inde pendent, 1921) and sponsored by the Clovis Booster Club. That club would eventually become the Clovis Chamber of Commerce (1930).“No section of California has more or better or cheaper water for household or for irrigating purposes. The gravity water from the mountains and the high water level in the ground make a supply that is never failing.Clovis has a new high school building, built within the past year, which is mod ern to the last word. No expense has been spared to make our school equipment keep abreast with the growth of our city. Our in crease in attendance of 20 percent yearly for the past five years shows the steady growth of the community. The high school has an enrollment of 200 and a corps of twelve teachers. The grammar school has 425 pu pils and twelve teachers.

Land values in the Clovis district compare favorably with any section of the San Joaquin Valley. Raw land can be had at $200 per acre. Improved orchard and vineyard land can be had for prices varying up to $1,500 per acre. Land values are governed solely by their ability to make
Courtesy of Clovis Independent In the Garden of the Sun was published in the Clovis Independent for the Clovis Booster Club in 1921.
The melting snow upon the mountains above us furnishes not only water for irrigation but electric power for general use. Clovis is situated upon one of the direct lines of power, thus insuring an unlimited supply.”
Wednesday, September 14, 2022 Clovis Roundup Community Newspaper 11Connect with us @ClovisRoundup MORTGAGE RATES AS LOW AS 4.00 % APR* *All loans are subject to review and approval of credit and collateral. Rates, terms and conditions are subject to change at any time without notice and may vary based on creditworthiness, qualifications and collateral conditions. Certain restrictions and limitations apply. First lien, owner occupied, second home or vacation home refinance mortgage loans only. Property must reside in California. Membership eligibility requirements apply. Membership requires a Primary Share Account opened with an initial $25.00 deposit plus a $5.00 one-time membership fee, for a total of $30.00. New Accounts subject to ChexSystems. Real Estate Loan originators (MLOs) are registered with the Nationwide Mortgage Licensing System and Registry (NMLS). For 15-year fixed mortgage the monthly principal and interest at 4.00% (4.109% APR) would be $1,849. Assumes refinance of primary residence with excellent credit, a $250,000 loan amount and 50% LTV (Loan-to-Value) and 0% discount points. TM Visit for full details. ■ Home Purchases ■ Refinance to save money on your current mortgage ■ Cash out available

The most important indus try is the packing plant of the Sun-Maid Raisin Growers. This plant receives the raisins from the 11,000 acres of rai sin grapes in this district and prepares them for the market, handling about 7,000 tons per year.The fresh fruit packing industry is only a little less in importance than the raising industry. We have seventeen packing sheds in and around Clovis devoted exclusively to thisTheenterprise.California Peach and Fig Growers have a packing plant where dried peaches and dried figs are received and marketed. During the year 1920, this plant handled 600 tons of peaches and 400 tons of figs.
numerous to mention.
During the year 1920, we shipped 255 cars of dried fruit, 1,100 cars of green fruit, and 335 cars of mer chandise. This report shows the importance of the fruit industry.Clovis is well supplied with civic organizations—a Booster Club with 270 members, a Woman’s Club with 80 members, and a Parent-Teachers’ Association. These are the most active. The Farm Bureau has a strong center as well. Social organizations are too
The American Legion has just complet ed their new building at a cost of $7,500.
All the leading churches are represented in Clovis. The Memorial Methodist build ing, costing $40,000, is the most recently constructed.Clovishas a splendid Carnegie Library. Being a part of the Fresno County Library, it is possible for one to be in touch with worthwhile reading.
Peg Bos Historian/Clovis Museum Contributed

Let’s Talk Clovis: Clovis California in the garden of the sun
Our business streets are all paved and more paving is being planned. Our business streets are being lighted with electroliers, and our remaining streets are lighted by overhead lights.
The 1921 brochure identified our Clovis way of life that we continue to protect and nurture. They provided us a rich heritage.
The banks in Clovis are doing a thriving business as indicated by their reports: The First National Bank of Clovis, $324,047.40

Officers responded and located 2 of the 3 suspects immediately. The third suspect was found hiding in the bushes minutes later with the help of the Fres no County Sheriff’s Office helicopter, “Eagle One”.
Warning to residents in the area of Armstrong Ave and Ashlan Ave. Outgoing mail placed in residential mail boxes is being targeted by an unknown individual in the area.
Police responded to a call regarding a home break in, in which the victim shared an interesting report. The victim’s home was unlawfully entered by an unknown suspect shattering the rear glass sliding door. Nothing was reported stolen. In fact, something was reported found, some beer was left in the fridge.
All 3 suspects were booked into Fresno County Jail for grand theft auto, possession of stolen property, and con spiracy, which are all felonies. Both stolen vehicles were recovered.
The investigation determined that all 3 suspects drove from Merced in 2 stolen cars, dropping them off in the neighborhood where they were located.

Thursday, September 1
Monday, August 29
Police responded to a burglary at Coast 2 Coast Pizza. It’s reported that an unknown male wearing a hoodie and Nike Air Force One’s pried the door to the pizzaria open and stole various electronics as well as cash from the register. I guess for now that’s one sneakerhead that got away with a lot of dough.
It is fairly common for someone to steal a car, then drop it off at another location just to find and steal another car.
Police responded to a call in regards to a possible gun threat on the Clark Intermediate campus.
Contributed by Clovis Police
The suspects were identified as 18-year-old Octavia Scott, 19-year-old Anthony Granados, and 18-year-old Taylon Gora, all of Merced.

Over the last two weeks, there has been a notable decline in the number of catalytic converters reported stolen. Looks like the catalytic kapers are being put behind bars. The Clovis Roundup would like to thank the hardworking Clovis Police Department for serving our community.
Tuesday, August 30
Sunday, September 4
Police received reports of vandalism in which several vehicle windows were smashed in the area between Shaw and Gettysburg Ave and Minnewawa Ave. Noth ing was reported stolen, but one vehicle was rum maged through. If you’re parking in this area, stay vigilant.
Wednesday, August 24
I’m sure you’ve seen the local business Kim’s Plumbing making their way around town in their service vans. Well, unfortunately one of those vans was targeted by thieves. Kim’s Plumbing reported a loss of $7,300 worth of plumbing materials. Talk about money down the drain.
Thursday, August 25

Saturday, August 27
If anyone has information regarding any crime committed, please call the Clovis PD non-emergency number at (559) 324-2800, or Valley Crime Stoppers at (559) 498-STOP.

Three Arrested Overnight for Stealing Vehicles
Monday, September 5
Just before midnight an unknown woman wearing all black successfully evaded police on an all black sport bike. She was pursued for reckless driving. Maybe it was a ninja on a Ninja.
One resident reported to police that mail from the community mailbox at Powers Ave and N Kaweah Ave was stolen.
Wednesday, August 31
Two male suspects attempted to cut and remove a woman’s catalytic converter from her parked car in the area of Sierra Ave and Armstrong Ave. They attempt ed but didn’t get away with the crime. Great job Clovis residents for staying vigilant and hopefully preventing more crimes like this.
12 Clovis Roundup Community Newspaper Wednesday, September 14, 2022Connect with us @ClovisRoundup
Courtesy of Clovis PD L-R: Anthony Granados (18), Octavia Scott (18), Taylon Gora (19)
Early Wednesday morning, August 31, just before 1:00 a.m., Clovis Police communications center received a call from a resident in the area of Clovis/ Shepherd about three people checking the door handles of cars in their neigh borhood.
COMMUNITY HERITAGE Location:CENTER 3rd and Veterans OPENParkwayTuesday thru Saturday 10 a.m. – 5 p.m.
CLOVIS OLD TOWN FARMERS’ MARKET Location: Old Town Clovis Every Saturday Year-Round 9 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. (weather HARLANpermitting)RANCH FARMERS’ Location:MARKET 1620 N. Leonard Ave., Clovis, CA Every Wednesday Year5Roundp.m.– 9 p.m. (weather permitting)
HEROES ANNUAL CAR SHOW Location: California 9/11
BLESSING OF THE ANIMALS Location: Memorial United Methodist Church 1726 Pollasky Ave., Clovis, CA Saturday, Sept. 24 10:30 a.m. and 12:30 a.m.

CLOVISFEST & HOT AIR BALLOON FUN FLY Location: Old Town Clovis Saturday, Sept. 24, 8 a.m. -5 Sunday,p.m. Sept. 25, 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
CLOVIS PARK IN THE PARK Location: Treasure Ingmire Park 36 Clovis Ave., Clovis, CA Saturday, Sept. 17 at 4 p.m.
GOLF Location:TOURNAMENTEagleSprings Golf & Country Club 21722 Fairway Oaks Ln., Friant, Friday,CA Sept. 23 at 9 a.m.
HappeningsClovis Human Resources, 21890 Colorado Ave, San Joaquin, CA 93660

END OF SUMMER “WILD WEST” Location:BASHClovis Senior Activity 850Center4th St., Clovis, CA Wednesday, Sept. 28 10 A.M. – 12
FRIDAY NIGHT FARMERS’ Location:MARKET Old Town Clovis Friday, April 29 - Friday, Oct. 5:3028 p.m. – 8 :30 p.m.
CALIFORNIA 911 MEMORIAL Location: 3485 Never Forget Ln., Clovis, CA Open 365 days a year
GLORIOUS JUNK DAYS Location: Old Town Clovis Sunday, Sept. 18 7 a.m. – 3 p.m.
HAVE AN ANNOUNCEMENT OR AN EVENT YOU WANT POSTED? EMAIL US AT CALENDAR@CLOVISROUNDUP.COMMEDICALRESEARCHER,EPIDEMIOLOGY (Multiple Openings) sought by Valley Health Team, Inc in Fresno, CA. Doctorate (Ph.D. or M.D.) or equiv. in med sci, epidemiology, biotech or rel., plus 1 yr research exp. May travel to VHT offices as Sendneeded.resume to: Sukhvinder Sihan, Director of

Location:FAIR Clovis, CA Online at HireX Monday, Sept. 19 11 a.m. – 2
Host: Clovis Lions Club Location: Clovis Senior Activity Center, 850 4th St., Clovis, CA Friday, Sept. 30 at 6 p.m.
CLOVIS 10OpenClovis,Location:MUSEUM4th&Pollasky,CATuesdaythruSaturdaya.m.–2p.m.

CIGARFEST – 25TH ANNUAL GOLF TOURNAMENT Host: Perfect Blend Fine Cigars Location: Dragonfly Golf 43369CourseAve. 12, Madera, CA Wednesday, Sept. 21 Registration at 9 a.m.
TOY TRAIN SHOW Location: Clovis Senior Activity 850Centre4th St., Clovis, CA Saturday, Sept. 24 9 a.m. – 3 p.m.

Location: Dry Creek Park 855 Clovis Ave., Clovis, CA Friday, Sept. 16 5 p.m. - 10 p.m.
Wednesday, September 14, 2022 Clovis Roundup Community Newspaper 13Connect with us @ClovisRoundup Business & Service Directory (559) 252-5000 175 N Clovis LANCEwww.noblecu.comAveE.ARMO Over 20 years exp, Estate planning, Business Law (559) 324-6527 TERESA M. STEVENS Certified Public Accountant (559) www.tmstevenscpa.com326-7072 Recycing & SolutionsWaste “We’ll handle it from here” (559) 275-1551 ClovisChapelFuneral Family owned and operated 1302 Clovis Ave. (559) www.ClovisChapel.com298-7536 ADVERTISE IN OUR BUSINESS AND SERVICE DIRECTORY STARTING AS LOW AS $50 CALL NOW AT (559) 324-8757 OR EMAIL US INFO@CLOVISROUNDUP.COMAT CLOVISNEWSPROUNDUPAPER Tarpey Depot Visitor’s Center 399 Clovis Ave. (559) www.visitclovis.com324-2084 I.V. TREE SERVICES 17 YEARS EXPERIENCE Residential - Commercial Fully Insured - CA State - Lic#978186 • Trimming • Topping • Prune • Palms • Stump Grinding • 55’ Boom Available FREE ESTIMATES! Ismael (559) 395-6757

NEW COVENANT HOMETOWN HEROES USA Location: New Covenant Community Church 1744 E. Nees Ave. Saturday, Sept. 24 10 a.m. – 1 p.m.

AtNIGHTthe Friday Farmers Market Sept. 16, 5:30 – 8:30 p.m.
TWILIGHT SUMMER CONCERT HostedSERIES by: Clovis Botanical Location:Garden 945 N. Clovis Ave., Clovis, Thursday,CASept. 22 5:30 p.m. – 7 p.m. CLOVIS POLICE FOUNDATION
Memorial, 3485 Never Forget Lane, Saturday,Clovis,Sept. 24 10 a.m. – 5 p.m.
2ND ANNUAL CELEBRATION OF ScheduledCREATIVITYtotake place during Clovisfest, Clovis, CA Saturday, Sept. 24 and Sunday, Sept. 25
HERD OF Location:5KCHALLENGETURTLESRUNRunWalkDryCreek Park 855 Clovis Ave., Clovis, CA Host: H.O.P.E. Program (Break the Barriers International) Saturday, Sept. 24 8:30 a.m. – 12 CLOVIS/FRESNOp.m.5TH ANNUAL
Location:VIRTUALHEALTHCAREp.m.CLOVISJOBFAIRRichertClovis, Clovis, OnlineCA at HireX or HealthcareX Wednesday, Sept. 28 11 a.m. – 2 ENTRY-LEVELp.m. VIRTUAL JOB Location:FAIR Richert Clovis, Clovis, OnlineCA at HireX Friday, Sept. 30 11 a.m. – 2 p.m.
FALL CRAFT FAIR Location: Clovis Missionary Baptist Church 854 N. Fowler Ave., Clovis, CA Friday, Sept. 23 – 5 p.m. – 8 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 24 – 9 a.m. – 2
Det. Location:14 Clovis Veterans Memorial District 808 4th St., Clovis, CA Saturday, Sept. 17 5 p.m. – 10 p.m.
Location: Liberty Park 901 5th St., Clovis, CA Friday, Sept. 16 6 p.m. – 8 p.m.
Center, 850 4th St., Clovis, CA Tuesday, Sept. 20 at 10 a.m.

Pay down debt. If you are carrying credit card debt, or have any other loans that are charging you high-interest rates, double down on paying them off. It may hurt to skip a lux
For example, a trip to the grocery store is a great time for a child of any age to get some practice.•
Don’t Be Intimidated
spending on and see what you can eliminate or cut down on. Refinancing loans, canceling subscriptions, and being a bit more frugal in your habits are just a few examples of things that can make a big difference.
and considering how much things cost when makingHavedecisions.SomeFun
Noble Credit Union has been treat ing each member with kindness, dignity, and honor while helping members make sound financial decisions for 81 years. The Credit Union offers members full access to a wide range of financial education and services, in cluding low-rate auto loans, MyRewards Visa credit card, mortgage and equity loans, online and mobile banking, and more. For more in formation about membership at Noble Credit Union, call (559) 252-5000 or visit NobleCU. com.
Recessions impact everybody one way or another, but they are definitely more painful for those who aren’t prepared. Here are a few things that you can do to minimize the finan cial impact on your family:
A Double Whammy for your Finances
CR File Photo The Noble Credit Union Clovis branch is located on 175 N Clovis Ave. between Sierra and Herndon Ave.
Experience is often the best teacher. You can give your children that experience by involv ing them in what you’re doing in a way that makes sense for their age.
Financial literacy includes many different financial skills and concepts; to be financially literate simply means having the know-how to make wise decisions with your personal finances—like managing a budget, borrowing money, paying for insurance, and saving for retirement.Makeit Real
The key with these examples is getting your kids used to thinking about a budget
Review your financial plan. If you have
Newspapers and media reports have been filled with talk of inflation and recession. Ex perts are arguing about the definition of the latter. Pundits are pondering whether the slow down reflected in the latest consumer price index report means that inflation has peaked. You, in the meantime, are still staring in dis belief at the numbers that are rolling by as you fill your tank with gas or the total tally when you buy a few bags of groceries.
Teresa Stevens CPA | Sponsor
It really doesn’t matter what anyone calls the nation’s economic condition when you’re having trouble paying your household bills –or worrying that’s where you’ll find yourself soon. Though gas prices have been dropping steadily and retailers like Walmart, and Home Depot are reporting strong financial results, there is some concern that higher prices may be driving their gains, and there is only so long that consumers will be able to maintain their spending habits.
Many find that talking about finances causes either boredom or anxiety—or per haps a mix of both. But it doesn’t have to be that way, especially not for you and your kids. Managing your finances correctly is the pathway to buying a new home, going on that vacation you’ve always wanted, or spending a fun night out with loved ones. Of course, it’s important to balance any conversations with the appropriate warnings and precau tions, but the goal is to get your kids excited about the possibilities.
Can You Recession-Proof Yourself?
Take a close look at your spending and make adjustments. We all give ourselves a bit of grace when it comes to our budgets, but if you have reason to believe that rising prices are going to do more than make you wince, now is a good time to analyze what you’re
Photo courtesy of
you can’t get one expensive item or vice ver sa.
Financial literacy covers a huge range of topics, some of which can get pretty compli cated pretty fast. Thankfully, you don’t have to be an expert on everything in order to start the conversation. But the more you’re willing to touch on the tough stuff, the better founda tion your kids will have when they’re forced to confront those things themselves. This could mean getting into a discussion about 401Ks, taxes, investments, housing costs, and plenty of other topics that may seem intimidating on the surface. You can use the resources on Noble Credit Union’s website or visit a branch and chat with one of their local finance experts if you’re looking for help.
Are We in a Recession?
It’s crucial for your family to know the basics of financial literacy, but how do you approach teaching them? Luckily, you’re making financial decisions every day—you simply need to let your kids in on the conver sation.What is Financial Literacy?

• Elementary school: Give the child some money to be in charge of while shop ping— maybe $2-$5. Explain to them that they can spend that money however they want while showing them tradeoffs—like getting multiple inexpensive things means
That diminished spending on goods and services is one of the top signs of recession, along with cuts in manufacturing and produc tion, increases in unemployment, and stagnat ing or dropping income. As frightening as each of these elements sounds, it is when you per sonally experience a combination of them that you feel a real impact. The good news is that there are steps you can take to prepare.
Pre-K and Early Elementary School: Explain that everything you’re buying costs money. When you go to check out, let them swipe the card or hand the money over to the cashier and explain the transaction.
• High School Kids: Let your teen take control of the groceries for one trip. Give them a budget and a list of things that you need. From there, let them manage the money for that trip and the best way to divide it up. For an extra challenge, you may include that you need “snacks for lunches,” but let them decide what exactly that means. If they buy too much or something too expensive, they won’t have enough left over for the other es sentials on the list.
Teach Financial Literacy at Home
14 Clovis Roundup Community Newspaper Wednesday, September 14, 2022Connect with us @ClovisRoundup
Noble Credit Union @NobleCUFresno | Sponsor

Have a contingency plan, and the savings to back it up. Do you have an emergency sav ings fund? Is there enough in it? Most experts advise calculating your monthly expenses and then putting away at least three times that amount to carry you through a job loss or some other economic crisis.

ury in favor of putting more into paying down your debt, but if you face a job cutback, you’ll be glad for every dollar less that you owe. Find extra income. It may sound more eas ily said than done, but if you can find a way to earn some money on the side, it will cut into the impact that rising prices are having on your lifestyle – or help you pay down debt or boost yourThesavings.goodnews is that most recessions end in less than a year. We’ve been here before and we’ll get through it again, but that doesn’t mean that it will be easy. If you need financial advice to help you navigate the challenge, con tact (559) 326-7072 to set up an appointment.
If you’re looking for some help in adding fun to the conversation, consider giving the online Banzai Courses, a try. The interactive courses, found on Noble Credit Union’s web site, balance fun and education with chooseyour-own adventure type options that allow kids to make financial decisions and manage their own budget. Courses contain age-appro priate lessons and activities, for numerous age ranges, starting at the age of eight.
Teaching financial literacy doesn’t have to be a formalized lesson for your family.
been investing, now is the time to take a look at your short- and long-term goals and weigh them against the potential of a shifting econo my. If you have too much money in one partic ular investment, now might be a good time to diversify, and if you are anticipating needing to take a significant amount of cash out in the short term, it’s a good idea to make sure that your investments aren’t particularly vulnerable to market volatility.
sensitive to extreme temperatures should contact the local electrical utility company in advance about any specific news regarding breathing machines or other life sustaining devices that depend on electricity. If lack of electricity would create an immediate threat to life or safety, local public safety agencies should also be given advance notification.
1,000 Pounds of School Supplies Donated to Local Schools
Clovis’ plans for a new hotel have just been revamped with the introduction of a restaurant to go along with it.
The hotel, a Hyatt Place that looks to be located on the corner of Clovis and Herndon had its plans approved in August to add an additional rooftop restaurant.
The unnamed restaurant looks to find a tenant within the next few months and would like to highlight a local restaurant if possible.According to the Business Journal, Jay Virk, owner of Bottom Line Development, stated, “We’re a family-first, local-first company, so we want to see if we can get a prominent local restaurant…We’re really excited to bring a new staple to our local community.”
The hotel will also host 113 rooms, five 1200 square-foot suites, a first-floor bar, and
Moniqua Randolph, Administrative Assistant for the Clovis Senior Center said for someone to have a family member be checked up on through this program the only requirements that need to be met are that they 1) be 50 years or older and 2) that they live in Fresno“AllCounty.theyneed to do is call the center and let them know that ‘I have mom, dad, uncle, and if we can start checking up on them on Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and here’s their phone number.’ and we will get them on our list,” Randolph said.
collection bins of their own, including Cen Cal Foods, Island Waterpark, Lyles Group, Sal’s Mexican Restaurants, ERI, Netafim, Own a Car, Producer’s Dairy, Valley Ani mal Center, and Kings River Conservation District. Their partnership led to a suc cessful donation drive.
Clovis Roundup File Photo The Clovis Senior Activity Center’s “Reassurance” program was created to provide check up calls on loved ones by family and friends.
A huge thank you to all members of the community who participated in the school supply drive.
Thein-person.abilityto control the thermostat remotely from your phone or other device will help add a level of security and comfort for both parties during times of excessive heat.Other steps involve checking on their medications and checking on them in-person and if you don’t live close, to ask someone who lives nearby to check up on them regularly to ensure they are staying cool and hydrated during the heat.
• Heat stroke, which is a medical emergen cy. Signs can include fainting, behavior changes, high body temperature (over 104 degrees fahrenheit), dry skin, a strong and rapid pulse, a slow and weak pulse, and no longer sweating even though it’s hot.
According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) regular contact to ask if the person in question is cool
According to the Clovis Senior Center article on Senior Safety, seniors and people with disabilities or those in poor health or
“Older adults can’t adjust to sudden temperature changes as fast as younger people. This may happen because of certain medicines they take or chronic illnesses that affect their ability to regulate body temperature,” according to the CDC.
Adam Ricardo Solis @Adamsoliss
• Heat cramps
Clovis Roundup File Photo
As temperatures rise, so does the risk for heat related dangers for seniors and people withWhendisabilities.temperatures reach as high as 110 degrees, some may decide to go out of town or stay inside to avoid the heat during the day. However, many individuals are at high risk if a power outage occurs due to a strain on the energyWhilegrid.being in the heat can be detrimental for anyone, it becomes a greater risk for seniors and individuals with disabilities who need access to relief from the heat quicker.
“Listen for patterns of shared concerns. Consider having a remote body or home temperature sensor or monitor installed,” according to the CDC.
• Heat exhaustion - when your body can no longer stay cool. This often appears as feeling thirsty, dizzy, weak, uncoordi nated, or nauseated. You may sweat a lot and have cold and clammy skin or have a rapid pulse.
The City of Clovis offers a cooling center via the Sierra Vista Mall, which is open to residents from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. from Monday through Saturday and from 12 p.m. to 6 p.m. on Sunday.

The groundbreaking for the hotel is in plans to commence in March of 2023, and anticipated to be opened by 2024.
If your body begins to feel like it is overheated here are some signs to look out for:•Sudden dizziness
If you are someone who helps provide care for an older adult or someone with a disability during this heat wave, there is a program offered by the Clovis Senior Center that may help keep your loved ones safe.
The Clovis Senior Center’s “Reassurance” Program is a program centered around providing check up calls on loved ones that are signed up by friends or family. This program gives participants the option to have staff from the senior center call on a schedule determined by the participants of the program.Schedules include a daily basis phone call schedule and an alternative schedule to accommodate the family member’s routine’s.
enough is an important part of ensuring their safety during times of extreme heat.
• Swelling in your legs
Local kids from Pinedale Elementary in Fresno, Eric White Elementary in Sel ma, and Lincoln Elementary in Madera were the recipients of the donations that included scores of pencils, pens, crayons, paper, glue sticks, and numerous binders, hand sanitizers, painting supplies, and backpacks.SusanRyan, President and CEO of No ble, expressed her enthusiasm to be sup porting local schools in this manner, stat
Construction drawings from Bottom Line Development out of Fresno are expected to be submitted in January.

“Reassurance” for seniors and high risk population
Noble Credit Union @NobleCUFresno | Sponsor

Leading up to the start of the school year, Noble Credit Union hosted a school supply drive to benefit students across the CentralPartneringValley.with several of Noble’s local business partners, over 1,000 pounds of school supplies were collected!
J.T. Gomez
With temperatures expected to remain between 104-113 degrees fahrenheit from Sept. 2, through Sept. 9, it’s important to remember that people aged 65 or older “are more prone to heat related health concerns,” according to the CDC.
New Rooftop Restaurant to Open Along with Hotel
The mall is located at 1050 Shaw Avenue in Clovis and Clovis Transit provides raised at no cost and the can be accessed via Stageline’s Route 50 or through the use of Clovis’ Round Up service. More information on transit stops and schedules can be found at
Other preventative measures to ensure the safety of loved ones during excessive heat include implementing technology for those who may not be able to check on their loved ones
A handful of Clovis hotels are in the works to help the city better accommodate visitors. (Pictured) One of the most recent was the La Quinta Inn by The Barnyard Shopping Center on Clovis Avenue. Photo taken in 2019.
Wednesday, September 14, 2022 Clovis Roundup Community Newspaper 15Connect with us @ClovisRoundup
ing, “This school supply drive was a huge success! Our members and the community heard the call and stepped up to serve the students of the Central Valley. Over 1,000 pounds of supplies is a huge accomplish ment, and I could not be prouder of the outpouring of generosity.”
now the fifth-floor restaurant.
In addition to collecting supplies at all of Noble Credit Union’s eight branch locations, several of their local business partners sprang into action to help with
También existen muchos lugares en el condado de Fresno donde aceptan ciertos tipos de RPD. En el sitio web del servicio regional del condado de Fresno para residuos peligrosos domésticos, podrá encontrar información sobre dónde llevar los distintos tipos de RPD.
County Regional Household Hazardous Waste Facility is able to accept residential HHW at no cost and is open on Saturdays from 9 a.m. to 1 pm. It is located at 18950 W. American Ave., Kerman, CA.
There are also many locations across Fresno County that can accept certain types of HHW. Information on where to take different types of HHW can be found at the Fresno County Household Hazardous Waste website.

Para más información sobre RPD, llame al servicio regional del condado de Fresno para residuos peligrosos domésticos al (559) 600-4259, o a Republic Services al (559) 275-1551.


16 Clovis Roundup Community Newspaper Wednesday, September 14, 2022Connect with us @ClovisRoundup
For more information on HHW, call the Fresno County Regional Household Hazardous Waste Facility at (559) 600-4259 or Republic Services at (559)
container and must be disposed of

Un Residuo Peligroso Doméstico (RPD) es cualquier producto dañino, tóxico o inflamable. Esto incluye muchos de los artículos que utilizamos todos los días como químicos para limpieza, baterías, luces fluorescentes, pesticidas y pintura. A pesar del uso común de estos artículos, no se pueden desechar en los contenedores regulares de basura y se debe hacer de la forma Eladecuada.servicio regional del condado de Fresno para residuos peligrosos domésticos puede aceptar RPD residencial sin costo alguno y se encuentra abierto los sábados de 9 a.m. a 1 p.m. Está ubicado en 18950 W. American Ave., Kerman, CA.