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The CLPNA: Sets education, registration and renewal requirements; ensures compliance with healthcare legislation and regulations; approves and reviews practical nurse diploma, refresher and specialty* programs (*known as advanced practice as of 2020); sets and enforces practice, conduct and professional standards; establish and maintain the continuing competence program; and manages complaints and discipline.
Since the practical nursing profession began in Alberta in 1947, through education and regulation change, the role of the licensed practical nurse has advanced while maintaining a focus on safe, ethical, person-centred care. In 1987, the CLPNA was given the mandate to govern and regulate the practical nursing profession.
A Council of eight elected licensed practical nurses and three appointed public members regulate the licensed practical nurse profession in accordance with the Health Professions Act (HPA), the Licensed Practical Nurses Profession Regulation (2003) (pending amendments in force as of February 1, 2020), standards of practice, code of ethics and the CLPNA’s Bylaws (March 2019).
LPN Profession Regulation
As part of an ongoing and comprehensive review and update of Alberta’s Licensed Practical Nurses Profession Regulation, LPNs were consulted in April 2019 on proposed amendments to the entire LPN Regulation. The CLPNA submitted regulation amendment proposals to Alberta Health on July 9, 2019. In September, the Government of Alberta commenced work on amendments to restricted activities. This work followed previous LPN consultation in June of 2016 on proposed changes to the restricted activities, submitted to the government in both 2016 and 2018.
On October 17, 2019, by Order in Council 204/2019, the Lieutenant Governor in Council approved amendments to the Licensed Practical Nurses Profession Regulation, effective February 1, 2020. These amendments affect restricted activities, registration categories, advanced authorizations and supervision requirements.
Standards of Practice
As part of the legislative framework that governs the LPN profession in Alberta, standards of practice provide the minimum standard of behaviour that LPNs are expected to meet in their nursing practice.
Standards of Practice for Licensed Practical Nurses on Boundary Violations: Protecting Patients from Sexual Abuse and Sexual Misconduct:
•Member consultation took place on December 12, 2018. The Standards were provided to Alberta Health for their consultation on December 21, 2018. These standards were approved by the Minister of Health, adopted by the Council, and came into force on March 19, 2019.
Drafted: Standards of Practice for Licensed Practical Nurses on Restricted Activities and Advanced Practice Anticipated to come into effect February 1, 2020.
•LPN consultation survey commenced December 10, 2019. The Standards were provided to Alberta Health for their consultation on December 10, 2019.
The fourth edition of the Competency Profile for LPNs was released in September, while the fifth edition will be released in February 2020 to reflect amendments to the Alberta LPN Profession Regulation (in effect February 1, 2020.)
The CLPNA’s bylaws were amended on March 16, 2019 to add a membership category for students.
The CLPNA is a member of the Alberta Federation of Regulated Health Professions’ (AFRHP) and participates in subcommittees on registration, continuing competence, legislative and regulatory affairs and complaints. The CLPNA is also a member of the board of the National Nursing Assessment Service.
Regulatory Consultation
The CLPNA respects its responsibility as a regulator under the Health Professions Act and participated in the Minister of Health’s consultations by providing comments on the following documents:
• Alberta Health: revisions to infection prevention and control standards;
• Alberta College of Combined Laboratory and X-Ray Technologists: revisions to the college’s standards of practice;
• Alberta College of Physicians and Surgeons: revisions to their Code of Ethics; Standards of Practice for Non-Hospital Surgical Facilities; Revisions to Standards of Practice – Duty to Report a Colleague and Duty to Self-Report;
• Alberta College of Pharmacy: revisions to their Standards of Practice;
• Alberta College and Association of Opticians: revisions to their Standards of Practice;
• Alberta College and Association of Chiropractors: proposal to expand Scope of Practice;
• Alberta College of Paramedics: revisions to their Code of Ethics;
• Alberta College of Speech-Language Pathologists and Audiologists: Telehealth (Virtual Care) Standards of Practice;
• Alberta Dental Association and College: Anesthetic Standards of Practice;
• College of Alberta Dental Assistants: revisions to their Standards of Practice;
• College of Naturopathic Doctors of Alberta: Advertising and Marketing Standards of Practice;
• CARNA: prescribing standards for nurse practitioners (NPs) which enable NPs to authorize use of medical cannabis; revisions to standards on privacy and management of health information; Medication Management Standards of Practice.