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The CLPNA sets and maintains standards for licensed practical nurses so Albertans receive safe, competent and ethical care. This report highlights the work of a committed team as we honoured our mandate in 2019.
A major milestone this year was receiving approval of amendments to the Health Professions Act (HPA) Licensed Practical Nurses Profession Regulation (2003) to be effective February 1, 2020. These amendments support LPNs to work to the full extent of their education and make a greater contribution to the healthcare team and the health of Albertans.
Another highlight was completing the first year of mandatory enrollment of health care aides (HCAs) on the Alberta HCA Directory. Supporting this initiative contributes to the health human resource planning efforts within the province and establishes a milestone for HCAs in Alberta.
Also important has been an increased focus on the CLPNA’s regulatory mandate, including stakeholder focus groups regarding LPNs in seniors care, increased research supporting regulatory decision-making, development and implementation of a Regulatory Impact Assessment, a refresh of our website with greater focus on public accessibility, and development of numerous timely standards and documents in support of quality LPN practice. Changes to enhance registration and conduct processes are in place and new standards for approval of specialty education programs (known as advanced practice as of 2020) have been implemented.
The CLPNA has expanded and strengthened collaborative relationships and continues our leadership contribution to health profession regulation in Alberta, Canada and internationally.
I retire early in 2020 and will leave the CLPNA with sincere gratitude for the opportunity to have served Albertans through my work with this great profession. All that our Council, staff, volunteers and collaborators have achieved to advance regulatory excellence over 14 years is a great source of pride. Most importantly, the competent, committed care provided by Alberta’s LPNs every day is an inspiration.
I am optimistic for the future of self-regulation, and for the LPN profession.
With respect and appreciation, Linda L. Stanger