R&d voice newsletter 15th september 2013 full & final ready to publish

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September 15, 2013 Editorial Contents Editorial Coal Technology seminar Study says Indian women scientists lagging R&D News Brief Upcoming Events Innovation Hero Request for Write Up Opportunity :Common Wealth Scholar Ship

Coal Technology

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Different countries in the world are competing in research. Academia and industry try to come up with new inventions. Every other day we hear of a new idea introduced by an educational institute, multinational company, industry or an individual who has buried himself in research to find out the solution to some pressing problem of mankind. As a result of all this we see countless inventions and new technologies being introduced to ever changing world of today. These research activities have caused a great change in western societies and other developed nations. They have introduced a culture of dedicating oneself to find out the solution to any acute problem. Individuals turn their backs on world to involve themselves in research activities. They spend their entire lives in deserts, mountains and snows to discover or invent something that can immortalize their names and bring ease to suffering humanity. For example, Finland has transformed its economy in a matter of decades to become one of the richest countries and most stable societies in the world. In the 1950s the Finnish economy was still largely based on primary production and an agrarian workforce. Today Finland is leading or near the top of most international comparisons in terms of growth and development in the economic, technological and social spheres. The engineering and high technology industries, led by Nokia, have long been the leading branches of manufacturing. The current issue of IRP is brining you the message to come forward and involve yourself in some great work, a work that can satisfy your burning soul and bring any positive change into the world. Make sure that you can become what you think about. Regards! Zahid Iftikhar

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Coal Technology Seminar Institute of Research Promotion & Lahore Chamber of Commerce and Industry (LCCI) jointly organized seminar regarding “Coal Technology” on 4th September,2013 at LCCI. According to the Researchers; Currently Pakistan Can produce 22797 MW electricity per day. Pakistan spends almost 12 Billion $ on purchasing fuel On the other hand ,Currently Pakistan is consuming 4.2 BCF(Billion Cubic Feet) gas per day and the Demand is 6 billion Cubic Feet. Currently cost of Electricity from Solar Panel is about 70 Rs. per unit Pakistan can produce 1 lakh MW from Local Coal. An Over view of Other Countries Producing Electricity from Coal. South Africa 93%,Poland 87% and India 68 %.Currently Pakistan is Producing only .66% electricity from coal. This successful coal seminar led to next level development of coal processing unit design. Coal stakeholders are requested to join R&D project. Let's Join Hands To Promote Local Coal Technology in Pakistan.

Study says Indian women scientists lagging [NEW DELHI] A gender profile of Indian scientific output in the life sciences sees women trailing behind men in productivity and impact.The study, published online this month (8 August) in Scientometrics, found that of 9,957 life science papers published during 2008—2009, female scientists were sole contributors in just 3.4 per cent of them and joint-contributors in another 47 per cent. K. C. Garg, an author of the study and former chief scientist, National Institute of Science Technology and Development under the Council for Scientific and Industrial

Research, told SciDev.Net that he chose life sciences because no such study using large data sets exists on the contribution of women scientists in India."Though women earned 37 per cent of all science PhDs awarded by Indian institutions, they constituted only 15 per cent of the total R&Dmanpower in science and technology," Garg said.According to the study, female scientists tend to work in small teams,publish in low-impact, domestic journals and contribute to fewer international collaborative papers than men.The authors say the findings are in consonance with similar studies in other parts of the world. A 2009 study carried out in the US on patenting activities in the biotechnology industry found women’s share in applications to be just four per cent.Questioning the reliability of the study, Indira Nath, emeritus professor, National Institute of Pathology under the Indian Council of Medical Research, Delhi, told SciDev.Net: "The window period examined for publications is too narrow — for a single year and only in the life sciences." Nath said it would have been better to start from the point where women first began entering science fields in large numbers and see how they have progressed since. "We would then get a better idea of whether the glass ceiling is self-induced (due to child bearing gaps for example) or if it was driven by a patriarchal society." Rohini M. Godbole, professor at the Centre for High Energy Physics, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, agrees with Nath’s view and says the "conclusions are sweeping". "To say that women were writing much less than men and published only in domestic journals based on just one year’s data, that too only in biological sciences, does not seem quite appropriate," Godbole told SciDev.Net

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R&D News briefs: 

we need to materialize innovations rural health care to solve problems of the poor people.

http://www.fiercehealthcare.com/story/h ow-healthcare-innovation-leaders-turnideas-change/2013-08-30

Researchers are invited to test luck and win great scholarship http://t.co/GbTCDERgY0

There is exciting patents map showing where is world heading.

Treating wastes properly protects the public’s health and the surrounding environment. Engro foods has installed waste water treatment facilities at sites in Sukkur and Sahiwal to ensure that any water discharged from the facilities is safe and does not pollute the region's water table. Industrialist might benefit from the Research and Testing facilities available at University of Agriculture Faisalabad.

http://www.technologyreview.com/view/518 991/global-patent-map-reveals-the-structureof-technological-progress/

South Korea’s six universities (in the global top 400) show an average of €74,000 income per researcher. A team of Harvard scientists, engineers, and clinicians announced that they have begun a Phase I clinical trial of an implantable vaccine to treat melanoma, the most lethal form of skin cancer http://hvrd.me/168zqZg

Funding of R&D, and the Costs of Funding Research. South Korea’s six universities (in the global top 400) show an average of €74,000 income per researcher. New brain imaging technology allows tumors to be easily distinguished from normal tissue based on faint signals emitted by tissue with different cellular structures. http://hvrd.me/17GR1WO

Venture in biological production Institute of Research Promotion successfully organized “Tech Debate on Enzyme” on September 13,2013 at University of Technology and Management (UMT) Lahore. Scientists from different universities took part in the debate with Industrialists. Scientist discussed how to make technology viable for local industry. Different Enzymes using & importing industrialists also participated in the debate and different option were discussed to develop academia industry linkages.

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Flower Technology Haripur University



Contact: 0321 491 7181 uip@irp.edu.pk

Innovation Hero: Farasat and the use of Internet enabled phones to improve health

Institute of Research Promotion have planned seminar on Flower Technology at Haripur University to promote Flower Technology in Pakistan on 3rd October 2013.The expected seminar will be helpful to find out the ways how to promote flower Technology in Pakistan. Pakistan is an agriculture country and blessed with natural resources. We are importing different species of flower. How strange? Seminar will helpful to change the present scenario and now we will export the flowers in the future.Let us join on 3rd October at Hari Pur University.The academia or Scientists are requested to share their opinion and suggestions.

Thesis Fair September 2013 Thesis Fair" is scheduled on 16th Sep. 2013 at 1pm in NUST-ISD with 50+chemical engineers starting final year Projects. Industry is requested to join session and share issues related to chemicals, processes, materials,etc to be addressed in research theses of NUST.

For a long time, —management lacked timely, authentic information from health workers visiting health centers in the city and in rural areas. In 2009, Farasat joined Punjab Health Sector Reforms Program (PHSRP) as the Program Director and soon got involved in the Punjab Model for Proactive Governance, an initiative taken by Government of Punjab to seek feedback from citizens, availing various services provided by the government, through technology. The model has been piloted for various services, such as property registration and health related services. The program gives Internet enabled phones to staff who go around rural Punjab to collect information from medical centers. Staff are asked to visit all facilities at least once a month and upload their monitoring reports through these phones on a simple application. These reports are location and time stamped, preventing fraudulent reporting. Reports are fed into the computer system which can generate graphs on situations regarding absenteeism of doctors and staff, medicine stock levels, availability and functionality of equipment etc. Managers then access this information through an online dashboard and make decisions based on this timely and accurate information. The project has already scaled to 90 handsets, covering half of Punjab. Farasat is now planning to replicate this in other areas of public sector such as Agriculture, Irrigation, Livestock, Excise & Taxation etc. Source with thanks: Innovation Punjab Report 2012

Write for US! IRP presents a very good opportunity through R&D Voice (fortnightly magazine) to share rich thoughts and experiences about R&D. as you are very competent person having very good thoughts about development of society, so please do write for R&D voice. we request for only half page twice a month which you can even write on the go. you can write from experiences, issues, from literature, current affairs, hot news and nay summary of knowledge which can benefit readers of R&D Voice. By writing half page let the R&D people learn from your wisdom and promote yourself as prominent writer. Contact:mujahid@irp.edu.pk

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