2020 Annual Report for Columbia Law School

Page 1


From Dean Gillian Lester


Socratic Zooming


Connecting Our Community

10 Funding: Achievements and Successes 12 Entering J.D. Class Profile 14 Financial Overview

Annual Report of Donors 2019–2020

18 Leadership Councils 20 Leadership Donors 21 The Harlan Fiske Stone Society 26 Campaign Update 30 Reunion Class Giving 36 Contributors by Class 56 Graduating Class Gift 61 Columbians Caring for Students 62 Estate Planning and Bequests 64 Tributes and Memorials 66 Faculty, Friends, Parents, Staff, and Students 68 Corporate, Foundation, Association, Law Firm, and Matching Gifts 70 Advisory Boards

Dear Alumni & Friends,


and Columbia Law School—would be called upon to act, to evolve, and to adapt in the face of a pandemic that has affected nearly every aspect of human life around the world. As I reflect on the 2020 fiscal year, the experience certainly evokes descriptors that have become familiar, even overused: challenging, historic, unprecedented. But, even more powerful than feelings of disruption, I am filled with a deep sense of awe and gratitude for the ways our community has united, innovated, and recommitted to our common purpose, even during these challenging times. Adjusting quickly when the evolving public health conditions forced our retreat from the Morningside campus, our dedicated faculty took on the herculean task of shifting their classes online to ensure that our students could continue their studies uninterrupted. They also collaborated in sharing their expertise, authoring a free e-book, Law in the Time of COVID-19, which addresses key questions facing law and society during the pandemic. Even further, many faculty members engaged in pro bono and advocacy work, directly supporting those most in need—helping small businesses apply for federal grants and loans, advocating for medically at-risk individuals in immigration custody, and assisting vulnerable workers in accessing their stimulus payments, among other endeavors.

“ I am filled with a deep sense of awe and gratitude for the ways our community has united, innovated, and recommitted to our common purpose.” 2 ANNUAL REPORT 2020

At the same time, many of our outstanding students, who had come to Columbia from across the country and around the world, returned to their homes. For some, that meant unanticipated financial burdens, new distractions, and increased demands on their time, particularly for those living with family members and young children. To help them face these hardships, we turned to you, our alumni and friends, for support. And you came through. The Columbians Caring for Students emergency relief fund helped us to meet the pandemic-related needs of more than 160 students, including aiding with relocation, technology support, and health care expenses. As of early fall, we had raised more than $360,000 for student emergency assistance. These funds have been indispensable, as are all gifts in support of our ambitious, five-year Campaign for Columbia Law, launched in 2017. I am pleased to report that, to date, we have raised over two-thirds of our $300 million goal, from more than 11,600 donors, to support faculty and students, expand our experiential curriculum, and bolster our Annual Fund. Students and faculty alike continue to benefit from the campaign’s success, especially during this time. The campaign also has helped us continue to offer innovative, studentfocused programs, such as the cross-disciplinary Davis Polk Leadership Initiative and a public service fellows program for students committed to using their legal training to serve the public good. As part of the Reuben Mark Initiative for Organizational Character and Leadership (a joint venture with Columbia Business School), we hosted two distinguished leaders in residence this year to teach intensive courses through our In House Counsel Lab: Hilary Krane, executive vice president, chief administrative officer, and general counsel of Nike; and Colin Stretch, former vice president and general counsel of Facebook.

One of my greatest pleasures as dean is the opportunity to meet with many of you at events on campus and beyond—especially during Reunion Weekend. But even in the absence of these in-person gatherings, continuing to hear from you—whether about a professor who inspired you or the enduring friendships you made at Columbia—uplifts our entire community. In the pages that follow, we are pleased to share a glimpse of our unusual year at Columbia Law School, including virtual Reunion, campaign successes, a profile of our fall 2020 entering J.D. class, and the voices of some of the faculty and students who have benefited from your generosity. Indeed, it is because of your support and engagement that all of our progress—and pivots—are possible. Thank you for your continued support, and I look forward to our ongoing partnership, no matter what the next fiscal year may bring.

Best regards,

Gillian Lester Dean and Lucy G. Moses Professor of Law

Perhaps most importantly, we are continuing to strengthen our financial aid, fellowship, and loan repayment assistance programs. We have created 78 scholarships since the start of the campaign, and 68% of the 1L class that entered in fall 2019 received financial aid, up from just 49% in 2015.




Corliss Lamont Professor of Civil Liberties

Jerome B. Sherman Professor of Law

I am the antithesis of a techie and in fact was terrified at the prospect of having to teach online. I’m finding teaching via Zoom unexpectedly congenial. My class sessions feel more genuinely Socratic than in a large classroom. By that I mean more like the two-person conversations of the original Socratic dialogues as reported by Plato. Despite the lack of physical presence, the interaction is more personal. I find that the analysis tends to be more open-ended and in that respect more probing. Students seem more relaxed in a productive way. They are not afraid to see where their thought leads. That’s true for me as well.

You have to teach differently to be effective remotely. Some of these changes have been very good. I use more problems and hypotheticals than before. I have students prepare the problems before class and discuss them during our session. We spend less time on lecture and Socratic exchange and more time wrestling with the practical and policy challenges of applying doctrine. We have brought issues related to the pandemic into our study of statutory interpretation and administrative law.


Associate Professor of Law


The biggest difficulty is the range of situations my students are facing. Not all have quality access to the technology needed for synchronous classes, and, of course, some are very burdened by care needs for family members working in health services or otherwise affected by the spread of the virus. One benefit of moving online is the ability to bring up a common text on all students’ screens and walk through it line by line in a way that’s not always possible in a cavernous lecture hall. The drawback is that it is much more difficult to know whether I need to slow down or speed up my explanations and take questions.

Socratic Zooming On March 11, when the World Health Organization declared the COVID-19 outbreak a pandemic, Columbia Law School transitioned its entire curriculum—more than 300 courses—into virtual classrooms. Students gathered online, and professors faced down webcams. Four faculty debrief on teaching remotely.

Our Newest Expert LYN N I S E E. PANTI N ’03

Clinical Professor of Law


Clinical Professor of Law

I worked with my Advanced Mediation Clinic students on a presentation for the Mediation Clinic (which we also gave to hundreds of other lawyers, mediators, and judges from the New York City area) on successful virtual conversations. Together, we found through research and experience that shorter sessions work better both in terms of allowing people to manage work-life obligations and also in terms of maintaining stamina. I don’t think Zoom will fully replace in-person mediations, but I expect a significant increase in the number of mediations done on Zoom in the future.

When Lynnise Pantin ’03, who joined the faculty in 2019, arrived at Columbia Law School as a visiting professor, she inaugurated the Entrepreneurship and Community Development Clinic to provide pro bono legal services to individuals, organizations, and companies that could not otherwise afford a lawyer and to give students hands-on experiences. For example, Pantin’s students develop practiceready transactional lawyering skills by counseling business owners on matters such as trademarking a logo or creating employment contracts. “I have taught students a fundamental skill—how to represent an organizational client—and that skill transfers when they have bigger clients and bigger deals,” says Pantin. “I think I have also opened their eyes to a particular type of client, a particular type of work, and that will stay with them as they move forward with their careers.” In many ways, Pantin’s career has come full circle. As a Law School student, she focused on corporate and transactional law and participated in extracurricular activities around social justice. She then began her career practicing corporate and securities law in the investment management group within the corporate department at Debevoise & Plimpton LLP. Pantin also had a pro bono practice and counseled nonprofits and small businesses on formation issues, governance, and regulatory compliance. Her work focuses on the systemic socio-economic barriers faced by entrepreneurs of color and those of modest means.





Connecting Our Community 5 7 4 6



Last year, alumni and friends gathered to renew connections and support the Law School at events on campus, around the world, and virtually. See a few highlights here, and explore more at law.columbia.edu/alumni. Scenes from a year of Columbia Law events. 1, 2, and 3: Annual Stone Circle Luncheon 4: Donors and Scholars Reception 5 and 6: Alumni of Color Reception and Talk 7: Recent Graduate Alumni Reception 8: Harlan Fiske Stone Society Reception

The 45th Annual Stone Circle Luncheon

Donors and Scholars Luncheon

Nearly 100 alumni representing the Classes of 1969 and earlier socialized and dined at the JW Marriott Essex House New York on October 7, 2019, during the 45th Annual Stone Circle Luncheon. Keynote speaker Maeve Glass ’09, associate professor of law, discussed “Finding America’s Constitution.” The Stone Circle Luncheon originated as an informal group of alumni and special friends whose affiliation was established from 1910 to 1924 during the deanship of Harlan Fiske Stone. By 1974, the luncheons had become a popular annual event.

Fundraising for student scholarships is a top priority for Dean Lester. Thanks to the loyalty of many donors, student aid has increased under her leadership. At the annual Donors and Scholars Luncheon, held November 25, 2019, alumni speaker Annette L. Nazareth ’81, a partner at Davis Polk & Wardwell LLP and a former commissioner of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, spoke about the importance of the cycle of philanthropy: A former scholarship student herself, she now supports Law School scholarships and other initiatives. Student speaker Ricardo Morales ’21 thanked donors on behalf of his fellow scholarship recipients. “I am so honored to be here and to have the opportunity to express my gratitude to the generous supporters who make the Columbia Law School experience accessible for students like me,” he said.

Alumni of Color Talk and Reception

Anne Williams-Isom ’91 reflected on her career of advocacy for families at Columbia Law School’s fifth annual Alumni of Color Talk and Reception, held January 23, 2020. She urged the audience of more than 125 alumni, faculty, and students to “look into the mirror and ask, ‘What does the world need from me? Am I a source of light or a source of darkness?’” Dean Lester introduced Williams-Isom at the reception, held at Andaz 5th Avenue in midtown Manhattan, and announced that the Eric H. Holder Jr. Scholarship Fund, launched by George W. Madison ’80 at the first Alumni of Color reception, in 2016, was nearly two-thirds of the way to its goal of raising $1 million to provide financial aid to students of color.


Alumni, faculty, staff, students, and friends joined forces on October 23, 2019— Columbia Giving Day— to celebrate Columbia Law School. The record-breaking, 24-hour effort resulted in 765 gifts (surpassing the 2018 Giving Day gift tally by 237 gifts) and more than $1.4 million confirmed in support of the Annual Fund. Gifts surpassed the previous year’s tally by nearly 45%. Community-building activities and spirited giving challenges inspired fundraising throughout the day. In Jerome L. Greene Hall, students, faculty, and staff took photos in front of a custom banner featuring iconic Columbia Law imagery and enjoyed popcorn and other treats.


Alumni Awarded Law School’s Highest Honor at Winter Luncheon

Franklin Thomas ’63 and Jim Millstein ’82—Columbia-educated lawyers with deep commitments to public service—received the Law School’s Medal for Excellence at the 2020 Winter Luncheon on February 28, 2020. Thomas led the Ford Foundation and the September 11th Fund and was the founding head of the Bedford Stuyvesant Restoration Corporation, the pioneering communitydevelopment agency. Millstein is co-chairman of Guggenheim Securities, the investment banking and capital markets division of Guggenheim Partners, and served as chief restructuring officer for the U.S. Treasury Department following the 2008 financial crisis. Ira M. Millstein ’49, recipient of the Medal for Excellence in 2014 and founder of the Law School’s Ira M. Millstein Center for Global Markets and Corporate Ownership, was present to watch his son accept the honor. They are the only father-son medalists in the award’s history.

More scenes from a year of Columbia Law events. 1 and 2: Winter Luncheon 3: New Jersey Reception 4: Tokyo Reception 5: Houston Reception 6: Association of American Law Schools Alumni and Faculty Reception in Washington, D.C. 7: Philadelphia Happy Hour 8: Taipei Dinner 9: Miami Dinner


Columbia Law School Reimagines Reunion

Although it was not possible to gather in person for Reunion Weekend this May, the Law School marked the occasion with a virtual community celebration that included a CLE panel webinar titled “The Administrative State Under Siege.” Reunion celebrant Gillian Metzger ’96, Harlan Fiske Stone Professor of Constitutional Law, moderated the discussion that featured Zachary Tripp ’05 and Thomas Merrill, Charles Evans Hughes Professor of Law. Several classes held virtual toasts and gatherings, and alumni traveled back to their 1L, 2L, and 3L years via a photo gallery on the Law School’s website. Read more about Reunion 2020 plans on page 30, or visit law.columbia.edu/alumni/reunion.


3 7





July 24, 2019 Columbia Law School National Bar Association Alumni Breakfast

June 13, 2019 Annual Boston Cocktail Reception hosted by Paul Bork ’74 with Jody Kraus, Patricia D. and R. Paul Yetter Professor of Law

December 11, 2019 Seoul Alumni Reception with Dean Lester, Professor Liebman, and Jeong-Ho Roh ’88, director of the Center for Korean Legal Studies

August 9, 2019 ABA Reception in San Francisco

December 12, 2019 Taipei Dinner with Dean Lester and Professor Liebman

July 31, 2019 Post-Bar Exam Celebration November 8, 2019 Alumni Breakfast Series hosted by Len Hersh ’87 with Christina D. Ponsa-Kraus, George Welwood Murray Professor of Legal History


November 14, 2019 Recent Graduate Cocktail Reception


8 9

December 16, 2019 Harlan Fiske Stone Society Reception with remarks by Benjamin L. Liebman, Robert L. Lieff Professor of Law, director of the Center for Chinese Legal Studies, and director of the Parker School of Foreign and Comparative Law January 29, 2020 Public Interest/Public Service Council Reception

September 24, 2019 Chicago Firm Breakfast hosted by Gabor Balassa ’97 with Dean Lester October 2, 2019 Houston Reception hosted by Paul Yetter ’83 with Texas Supreme Court Justice Brett Busby ’98 November 12, 2019 New Jersey Reception hosted by Elise Holtzman ’90 with John C. Coffee Jr., Adolf A. Berle Professor of Law December 9, 2019 Tokyo Alumni Reception with Nobuhisa “Nobu” Ishizuka CC ’82, LAW ’86, executive director of the Center for Japanese Legal Studies

January 3, 2020 Association of American Law Schools (AALS) Reception in Washington, D.C. February 13, 2020 Palm Beach Dinner hosted by Richard Lee Stone ’83 with Merritt B. Fox, Arthur Levitt Professor of Law February 19, 2020 Philadelphia Reception hosted by Steven E. Bizar ’88 with Richard Briffault, Joseph P. Chamberlain Professor of Legislation March 4, 2020 Brussels Reception with Anu Bradford, Henry L. Moses Professor of Law and International Organization COLUMBIA LAW SCHOOL 9

Funding: Achievements and Successes


Thanks to the generosity of alumni and friends, Columbia Law School continues to build on its tradition of excellence in preparing students to be leaders in law and in our society.


Philanthropy provides 33% of the Law School’s income, supporting students, faculty, and academic life.

Summer funding is available

to 100% of Columbia Law students who want to do public interest or government summer internships.


5:1 student-tofaculty ratio 62% of the Class of 2020 exceeded the 40-hour pro bono requirement, with the graduating class completing a total of

25,492 hours of pro bono service.


of the Law School’s first-time test takers

passed the New York Bar Exam in July 2019.

98.8% secured jobs

of the Law School’s Class of 2019 within 10 months of graduation.

More than More than

68% of incoming students receive financial aid, up from 49% in 2015.

The median 1L financial aid award is $32,000,

$360,000 raised for the Columbians Caring for Students relief fund,

helping more than 160 students who faced unexpected financial hardship due to the pandemic.

Ranked No. 1 for the seventh straight year on the Law.com list of Go-To Law Schools for sending the

highest percentage of graduates to the largest 100 firms. 72 clerkships

obtained by the Class of 2020 and


on the 2021 U.S. News and World Report Best Law Schools rankings, up one spot from 2020.

108 clerkships obtained by alumni.

16 Fulbright Scholars in the LL.M. Class of 2020.

up 45% from 2015.



median LSAT score.




median undergraduate GPA.




undergraduate colleges and universities are represented.

Entering J.D. Class Profile

69% 50%

as of September 25, 2020

We look for students who demonstrate outstanding academic achievement, exceptional leadership qualities, the drive and motivation to succeed, and a wide array of interests. The result is a remarkably vibrant community.

of entering students have been out of college 1+ year.





have earned graduate or professional degrees.




21–24 66%

25–28 28%


29 or older 6% 20 or younger <1%


actors, black belt martial artists, class presidents, cyber intelligence analyst, dancers, documentary film producer, Eagle Scouts, entrepreneurs, engineers, financial analysts and investment bankers, fisherman, Fulbright scholars, Girl Scout Gold awardee, harpist, human and civil rights activists, immigration consultant, journalists, military veterans, miner, musicians, NCAA athletes, painter, Peace Corps and AmeriCorps volunteers, professional fencer, restaurateur, service dog trainer, scientists, spoken word artist, Teach for America volunteers, teachers and professors, valedictorians and salutatorians, woodworker.



43 28




The American Review of International Arbitration Columbia Business Law Review Columbia Human Rights Law Review Columbia Journal of Asian Law Columbia Journal of Environmental Law Columbia Journal of European Law Columbia Journal of Gender and Law Columbia Journal of Law and Social Problems The Columbia Journal of Law & the Arts Columbia Journal of Race and Law Columbia Journal of Tax Law Columbia Journal of Transnational Law Columbia Law Review The Columbia Science and Technology Law Review

Countries represented: Australia


















Dominican Republic





South Africa South Korea Taiwan Turkey United Kingdom

Scholarship & Experiential Learning Columbia Law’s vibrant intellectual life fosters a rich exchange of ideas. Students gain hands-on training that prepares them for leadership roles in any legal career.

LAN G UAG E S R EAD / S PO KE N Afrikaans, American Sign Language, Amharic, Arabic (multiple dialects), Aramaic, Armenian, Bengali, Bulgarian, Cantonese, Chinese, Dutch, English, Esperanto, Farsi, French, German, Greek, Guarani, Gujarati, Guyana Creole, Hebrew, Hindi, Hiragana, Hungarian, Italian, Itawis, Jamaican Patois, Japanese, Kannada, Khmer, Konkani, Korean, Latin, Lithuanian, Macedonian, Malayalam, Mandarin (multiple dialects), Marshallese, Middle English, Persian, Polish, Portuguese, Punjabi, Russian, Shanghainese, Somali, Spanish, Syriac, Tamil, Telugu, Turkish, Twi, Urdu, Vietnamese, Yiddish, Yoruba

30 10 14




Argentina Brazil China England France

Germany Hungary Israel Italy Japan

Luxembourg Netherlands Spain Switzerland



Arts and Entertainment Law Civil Litigation: Employment Copyright Dispute Resolution Criminal Appeals Criminal Prosecution: District Attorney’s Office, Manhattan/Brooklyn Domestic Violence Prosecution Federal Appellate Court Federal Court Clerk: EDNY, SDNY Federal Government: Semester in Washington, D.C. Federal Prosecution: U.S. Attorney’s Office, DNJ, EDNY, SDNY Holistic Defense With the Bronx Defenders Immigration Defense Immigration Law and the Family Court In-House Counsel Knight First Amendment Institute Law, Power, and Social Change Lawyering for Social Justice (Pro Bono Scholars Program) Neighborhood Defender Services of Harlem Community Defense New York Attorney General’s Office: Antitrust Enforcement; Financial Enforcement and Economic Justice; Social and Environmental Justice Representing NYC: New York City Law Department United Nations Will, Trusts, and Estates



Community Advocacy Lab Entrepreneurship and Community Development Environmental Law Human Rights Immigrants’ Rights Lawyering in the Digital Age Mediation Sexuality and Gender Law


Financial Overview Our budget is carefully managed and, thanks to your support, Columbia Law thrives.


Faculty, Instruction, and Research 44%

Tuition and Fees 65%

Library, Technology, and Facilities 27%


FY ’20 OPERATING EXPENSES Philanthropy 33% Financial Aid 14%

Other Educational Activities 2%

Administration 2%

Student Services 8%

External Relations and Alumni Affairs 5%



MESSAGE FROM THE ASSOCIATE DEAN FOR DEVELOPMENT AND ALUMNI RELATIONS Life takes us in many directions, but through it all, I know you rely on the education you received at Columbia Law School and draw strength and energy from the enduring connections that you made here. I hope when you recall the pivotal moments from your time on Columbia’s campus, you will consider the importance of your philanthropy and engagement in the life of the Law School. Gifts large and small from our alumni and friends across the country and around the world provide one-third of our annual budget. Your generosity touches every aspect of the Law School’s academic and community life—ensuring that the experiences you enjoyed continue to be possible for our students today. Since the start of our five-year, $300-million Campaign for Columbia Law in 2017, your gifts have funded faculty research, established student scholarships, supported clinics and centers, and enhanced the Law School’s learning environment. This year, you helped Dean Lester and the Law School act immediately to assist our students in need through the Columbians Caring for Students COVID-19 emergency relief fund and through your ongoing commitment to our Annual Fund. Your financial support isn’t the only way you’ve engaged. Our 26,000 alumni form a tremendous and inspiring network. You make time to welcome our students and mentor our graduates. You cultivate a sense of community and pride across generations of alumni by attending more than 200 events—including receptions for admitted


and new students, faculty presentations, and regional gatherings— that the Law School hosts each year around the world. And this year, even as we confronted a global health crisis, you enriched our many virtual events by participating in conversations with Dean Lester, our faculty members, and your classmates. Many of you go even further, giving of your time and talent by volunteering as Reunion committee members, planned giving ambassadors, board and council members, and in other indispensable ways that help us achieve success. It is always a pleasure to work with you and celebrate Columbia Law School. I am certain that our continued collaboration will secure the Law School’s tradition of excellence and innovation well into the future. Thank you.


Ryan Cairns

You make it all possible. COLUMBIA LAW SCHOOL 17



Gary S. Davis, 1980 Alison S. Ressler, 1983 Members

Leadership Councils Leaders, liaisons, visionaries, donors, mentors, ambassadors, and advisers: Our thanks to the following individuals, on whom we rely for counsel and support. Our success is bolstered by your stewardship and your position as ambassadors for Columbia Law School. July 1, 2019–June 30, 2020


The Hon. Rolando T. Acosta, 1982 Edward A. K. Adler, 1972 Timothy J. Alvino, 1981 Mark L. Amsterdam, 1969 Mark G. Appel, 1968 Raymond J. Baer, 1986 Max W. Berger, 1971 Roland W. Betts, 1978 Katherine M. Bristor, 1980 Stephen H. Case, 1968 Albert E. Cinelli, 1955 Anne E. Cohen, 1985 Bruce L. Davis, 1979 Steven B. Epstein, 1968 Paul J. Evanson, 1966 Charles Fabrikant, 1968 Stephen Friedman, 1962 Elizabeth Glazer, 1986 Gary F. Goldring, 1982 Ira A. Greenstein, 1985 David J. Greenwald, 1983 Evelyn L. Greer, 1973 Rex S. Heinke, 1975 Mel M. Immergut, 1971 Morton L. Janklow, 1953 Cathy M. Kaplan, 1977 (Ex-Officio) James P. Kreindler, 1980 Andrew J. Levander, 1977 Robert L. Lieff, 1961 Stephen S. Madsen, 1980 Ira M. Millstein, 1949 George M. Newcombe, 1975 Jay H. Newman, 1976 Harold S. Novikoff, 1975

Michael E. Patterson, 1967 (Emeritus) David A. Preiser, 1982 Clyde E. Rankin III, 1975 Richard Paul Richman, 1972 Thomas S. Rogers, 1979 Ronald S. Rolfe, 1969 Robert J. Rosen, 1972 Steven M. Schatz, 1972 Jonathan D. Schiller, 1973 The Hon. Felice K. Shea, 1950 Joseph C. Shenker, 1980 Edward Soto, 1978 Esta Eiger Stecher, 1982 Howard Todd Stitzer, 1978 Kathryn Surace-Smith, 1984 Alia Tutor, 2001 Uday Krishna Veeraraghavan, 2002 Paul Vizcarrondo Jr., 1973 Susan C. Waltman, 1977 Timothy Tingkang Xia, 1997 R. Paul Yetter, 1983


Chair Cathy M. Kaplan, 1977 Members L. Howard Adams, 1979 Marlene Alva, 1974 Bruce D. Angiolillo, 1977 David A. Barrett, 1974 Mark A. Belnick, 1971 J. Frederick Berg Jr, 1969 Daniel L. Berger, 1979 Steven E. Bizar, 1988 Stephanie R. Breslow, 1984 Lanny A. Breuer, 1985 Laura W. Brill, 1994

Douglas D. Broadwater, 1969 The Hon. Anita Blumstein Brody, 1958 Robert E. Buchholz, 1979 Kenneth A. Caruso, 1977 Geoffrey J. Colvin, 1977 Robert G. DeLaMater, 1984 Richard K. Elbaum, 1993 Robert C. Fleder, 1973 Allen R. Friedman, 1983 Eduardo Gallardo, 1999 Jonathan D. Gifford, 2005 Paul M. Goldschmid, 2005 Michael R. Griffinger, 1964 Peter C. Hein, 1975 Gregory P. Ho, 1977 Adriene L. Holder, 1991 Matthew H. Hurlock, 1993 The Hon. Roderick L. Ireland, 1969 Nobuhisa Ishizuka, 1986 Young-Cheol Jeong, 1986 Gregory L. Johnson, 1972 Robert J. Jossen, 1972 Mark N. Kaplan, 1953 Robert N. Kaplan, 1964 John J. Kerr Jr., 1976 Jeffrey L. Kessler, 1977 Mojdeh L. Khaghan, 1991 Mahmood Khimji, 1984 Jeffrey B. Korn, 2000 Harvey Kurzweil, 1969 Jay P. Lefkowitz, 1987 Raymond Y. Lin, 1984 Susan B. Lindenauer, 1964 Rohit Manocha, 1983 Annette L. Nazareth, 1981 Daniel A. Neff, 1977 Joseph E. Neuhaus, 1982 Daniel A. Ottensoser, 1996 Ravi Purohit, 2003 The Hon. Robert D. Sack, 1963

Susan L. Saltzstein, 1991 Patricia Perez Santonocito, 1979 Joshua Irwin Schiller, 2008 Kathryn E. Schneider, 1991 Minna Schrag, 1975 James Schreiber, 1968 Beesham A. Seecharan, 1998 Samuel Whitney Seymour, 1982 Emily C. Sharko, 2000 Max Rees Schulman, 1970 Rebecca J. Simmons, 1991 Po Y. Sit, 1988 Judith Reinhardt Thoyer, 1965 Michael H. Ullmann, 1983 Donald B. Verrilli Jr., 1983 Alan B. Vickery, 1983 Jonathan L. Walcoff, 1986 Thomas W. White, 1978 Laura M. Yacovone Toma, 1987 Scott R. Yagoda, 1992 Shuji Yanase, 1972, LL.M. The Hon. Kathryn E. Zenoff, 1971



Matthew H. Hurlock, 1993 Nobuhisa Ishizuka, 1986 John J. Kerr, Jr., 1976 Jeffrey B. Korn, 2000 James P. Kreindler, 1980 Susan B. Lindenauer, 1964 Stephen S. Madsen, 1980 Laurie Magid, 1985 Douglas J. McClintock, 1975 Frank L. Politano, 1974 Clyde E. Rankin III, 1975 Connie A. Rodriguez, 1985 Kathrin Schwesinger, 2009 Laura Yacovone Toma, 1987 Michael H. Ullmann, 1983 Alan Borden Vickery, 1983 Jonathan L. Walcoff, 1986


President Rudy Carmenaty, 1990 First Vice President G. Wade Leak, 1989 Secretary Yen D. Chu, 1997

Josh I. Schiller, 2008 Susan C. Waltman, 1977

Treasurer Alanna C. Rutherford, 2000


Vice Presidents Frank D. Aronson, 1972 Francisco Javier Blavi, 2015, LL.M. Adam Jeffrey Brunk, 2013 Iris S. Chen, 2001 Piero Corigliano, 2004, LL.M. Elise Slosberg Holtzman, 1990 Walter T. Killmer, Jr., 1986 Randall A. Mackey, 1975

Geraldine B. Acuna, 1999 Edward A. K. Adler, 1972 Mark L. Amsterdam, 1969 Matthew L. Amsterdam, 2013 Steven E. Bizar, 1988 Paul M. Goldschmid, 2005 Evelyn L. Greer, 1973 Michael R. Griffinger, 1964 Jeffrey A. Hovden, 1993

Jessica A. Morton, 2007 Andrea Lee Negroni, 1982 LaRue L. Robinson, 2009 Jason P. Wiesenfeld, 1998 Directors Steven M. Abramowitz, 1990 Matthew L. Amsterdam, 2013 Roderick L. Arz, 2005 Lawrence Blumberg, 1973 Marian L. Brancaccio, 1992 Courtney Browne, 2009 Wesley C. Dias, 1978 Laurel S. Fensterstock, 2012 Rodman K. Forter, Jr., 2006 David J. Friedman, 1979 Michael Garrett, 1969 Bruce H. Goldfarb, 1990 Elizabeth R. GonzalezSussman, 2004 Nicholas A. Gravante, Jr., 1985 Jeffrey S. Isaacs, 1988 Patrice P. Jean, 2002 Jason Jurgens, 1999 Michael B. Kaplan, 1998 Victoria J. Kehoe, 2013, LL.M. Barbara C. North, 1977 The Hon. Kimberly E. Parker, 1997 Adam R. Pulver, 2008 Ancris Muñoz Ramdhanie, 2004 Bob A. Rivollier, 2006, LL.M. Anne E. Robinson, 1994 Connie A. Rodriguez, 1985 Abrielle H. Rosenthal, 1999 Zoe E. Shea, 2011 The Hon. Edgar G. Walker, 1969 Seth B. Weinberg, 1998 Philip R. Weingold, 1985 Alice F. Yurke, 1987

Michael P. Beys, 1999 Frances E. Bivens, 1992 Barbara Klein Eisenberg, 1970 Philip A. Lacovara, 1966 Susan B. Lindenauer, 1964 Laurie Magid, 1985 Christian Moretti, 2001, LL.M. John M. Olivieri, 1994 The Hon. Felice K. Shea, 1950 Nicholas R. Williams, 1988


J.D. Annual Fund Co-chairs

Mark L. Amsterdam, 1969 Geoffrey J. Colvin, 1977 Kathryn Surace-Smith, 1984 Recent J.D. Annual Fund Co-chairs

Michael Bogner, 2005 John Saroff, 2004

LL.M. Annual Fund Co-chairs

Alexandra Lauvaux, 2000 Christian Moretti, 2001

Advisers Timothy J. Alvino, 1981



1 Anonymous Donor Davis Polk & Wardwell LLP Jane Harriet Goldman and Benjamin H. Lewis, MD ♣ Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katz

Leadership Donors Columbia Law School enjoyed yet another successful year of support from more than 4,300 donors who committed $46 million in fiscal year 2019–2020, including $6.1 million for our Annual Fund. You have made so much possible, including student scholarships and fellowships, support for faculty and a broad array of courses and clinics, and enhancements to our campus and learning environment. Thank you. This section recognizes new commitments to the Law School from July 1, 2019 to June 30, 2020.

$50 0,0 0 0–$999,999

1 Anonymous Donor Stephanie R. Breslow, 1984 ♣★ William R. Bush, 1971 ♣★ Carnegie Corporation Estate of John T.C. Low Paul M. Goldschmid, 2005 ♣★ Open Society Foundations Thomas E. Rothman, 1980 ♣ Esta Eiger Stecher, 1982 ♣

$250,0 0 0–$499,999

2 Anonymous Donors Estate of David D. Bender Mary Tait Goldschmid William W. Harsh ♣ Paul C. Hilal, 1991 New Jersey Conservation Foundation

$10 0,0 0 0–$249,999

Vineet Bhatia, 1990 ♣★ Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Gregory R. Blatt, 1995 ♣ Estate of William S. Beinecke German Society for International Cooperation Peter C. Hein, 1975 ♣★ High Tide Foundation 20 ANNUAL REPORT 2019

Korea Institute of Ocean Science and Technology Li Lu, 1995 ♣★ Milton and Miriam Handler Foundation Morrison & Foerster George M. Newcombe, 1975 ♣ Michael E. Patterson, 1967 ♣ S. K. Yee Foundation David J. Stern, 1966 ▲♣★ The New York Community Trust The H.F. Lenfest Fund of the Philadelphia Foundation The Victor Herbert Foundation, Inc.

$50,0 0 0–$99,999

2 Anonymous Donors Reed D. Auerbach, 1985 and Adrienne Petite Auerbach ♣★ Scott A. Barshay, 1991 ♣★ Alexandra B. Carter, 2003 ♣ Charles Koch Foundation ClimateWorks Foundation Evelyn & Walter Haas, Jr. Fund Henry & Lucy Moses Fund, Inc. Louis Hering, 1954 ♣ Roger Hertog ♣★ Institute for New Economic Thinking Jeffrey B. Korn, 2000 ♣★ Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Abby D. Pratt ♣ The Hon. Samuel I. Rosenberg, 1975 ♣ Kurt N. Schacht ♣ Monica R. Shah, 2005 ♣ Stuart Foundation The Shubert Foundation, Inc. Mozelle W. Thompson, 1981 ♣★

The Harlan Fiske Stone Society To the following alumni and friends who contributed to Columbia Law School at the level of the Harlan Fiske Stone Society during the 2019–2020 fiscal year, thank you. You are leaders in the Law School community, and your generous support underscores your commitment to the future excellence of our institution. This section recognizes gifts received from July 1, 2019 to June 30, 2020.



$10 0,0 0 0 AN D U P

$50,0 0 0–$99,999

2 Anonymous Donors Max W. Berger, 1971 ★ Gregory R. Blatt, 1995 Stephanie R. Breslow, 1984 ★ William R. Bush, 1971 ★ Peter C. Canellos, 1967 ★ Annie Ang-Yee Chen, 1988 Gary S. Davis, 1980 ★ Stephen Friedman, 1962 Elizabeth Glazer, 1986 and William G. Montgomery, 1986 Jane Harriet Goldman and Benjamin H. Lewis, MD Paul M. Goldschmid, 2005 ★ David J. Greenwald, 1983 ★ William W. Harsh Li Lu, 1995 ★ Reuben Mark Christina McInerney Ira M. Millstein, 1949 James E. Millstein, 1982 Michael E. Patterson, 1967 Michael A. Pucker, 1988 Alison S. Ressler, 1983 and Richard S. Ressler, 1983 ★ Richard Paul Richman, 1972 ★ Eugene A. Rostov, 1964 Thomas E. Rothman, 1980 Kathryn E. Schneider, 1991 ★ Pam H. Schneider, 1976 and Milton Schneider Paul J. Siegel, 1967 ★ Po Y. Sit, 1988 ★ Bradford L. Smith, 1984 and Kathryn Surace-Smith, 1984 ★ David J. Stern, 1966 ▲★ Timothy Tingkang Xia, 1997 ★ V-Nee Yeh, 1984

2 Anonymous Donors Reed D. Auerbach, 1985 and Adrienne Petite Auerbach ★ Raymond J. Baer, 1986 Scott A. Barshay, 1991 ★ Alexandra B. Carter, 2003 Richard B. Covey, 1955 ★ Louis Hering, 1954 Roger Hertog ★ Gedale B. Horowitz, 1955 ▲★ George A. Kellner, 1967 ★ Raymond Y. Lin, 1984 ★ Susan B. Lindenauer, 1964 ★ Yuto Matsumura, 2002, LL.M. ★ George M. Newcombe, 1975 Mary Anne Niarchos David Nierenberg ★ Abby D. Pratt Bruce E. Rosenblum, 1980 ★ Kurt N. Schacht Mozelle W. Thompson, 1981 ★ Paul Vizcarrondo Jr., 1973 ★ Susan C. Waltman, 1977 ★ Alan G. Weiler, 1958 ★ S. Penny Windle, 1997 Harvey J. Wolkoff, 1975 Anthony A. Yoseloff, 1998 ★

DEAN’S CI RCLE $25,0 0 0–$49,999

3 Anonymous Donors Edward A. K. Adler, 1972 ★ John J. Armstrong III, 1987 and Sara George Armstrong, 1988 ★ Vineet Bhatia, 1990 ★ Steven E. Bizar, 1988 and Lisa E. Brody, 1988 ★


Nicolas Bourtin, 1996 ★ Charles C. Cahn Jr. ★ Stephen H. Case, 1968 ★ Charles J. Conroy, 1978 ★ Barrie B. Covit, 1998 Sara M. Darehshori, 1993 and Ronald S. Rolfe, 1969 ★ Paul J. Evanson, 1966 Ralph Finerman, 1959 ★ Carol Turobiner Finley, 1986 ★ J. Mark Gidley, 1986 ★ Bruce H. Goldfarb, 1990 ★ Gary F. Goldring, 1982 ★ Bruce W. Greer, 1973 and Evelyn L. Greer, 1973 ★ Lawrence Eliot Goldschmidt, 1967 ★ The Hon. Eric H. Holder Jr., 1976 Peter G. Joseph David E. Kahan, 2000 ★ Cathy M. Kaplan, 1977 ★ Jeffrey L. Kessler, 1977 ★ Susan E. Liautaud, 1989 ★ George W. Madison, 1980 Annette L. Nazareth, 1981 ★ Harold S. Novikoff, 1975 ★ Bruce Eben Pindyck, 1970 and Mary Ellen Pindyck, 1973 ★ Clyde E. Rankin III, 1975 ★ Robert J. Rosen, 1972 ★ Steven M. Schatz, 1972 ★ Jonathan D. Schiller, 1973 Michael J. Schmidtberger, 1985 ★ Nina L. Shaw, 1979 ★ Daniel M. Shefter, 1993 ★ The Hon. Robert S. Smith, 1968 ★ Andrew Sommers, 1994 ★ Esta Eiger Stecher, 1982 Marc I. Stern, 1969 ★ Andrew J. Tunick, 1967 ★ S. Robson Walton, 1969 ★ Chun Wei, 1984, LL.M.


DEAN’S COU N S E LOR $10,0 0 0–$24,999

Geraldine B. Acuña-Sunshine, 1999 ★ L. Howard Adams, 1979 ★ Marlene Alva, 1974 ★ Timothy J. Alvino, 1981 ★ Mark L. Amsterdam, 1969 ★ Bruce D. Angiolillo, 1977 and Carol Angiolillo, 1977 ★ Teresa Bryce Bazemore, 1984 Deborah E. Beckmann Kotzubei, 1994 and Jacob Tadgh Kotzubei, 1994 Mark A. Belnick, 1971 ★ Peter M. Benedek, 1973 ★ J. Frederick Berg Jr., 1969 ★ The Hon. Richard E. Best, 1968 John A. Bick, 1983 ★ Frances E. Bivens, 1992 ★ Lawrence S. Blumberg, 1973 ★ Robert L. Book, 1969 David K. Boston, 1991 Lanny A. Breuer, 1985 Patricia A. Brooks, 1966 John Buoymaster Peter Buscemi, 1976 ★ Michael A. Cardozo, 1966 ★ Russell L. Carson Alicia M. Castilla, 1982 and Mark E. Zelek, 1982 ★ An Ken Chen, 1996 ★ Zhiwu Chen, 2004, LL.M. Sheila Cheston, 1984 ★ Frances S. Cohen, 1980 Margaret Conklin ★ Donald R. Crawshaw, 1983 ★ Stephen M. Davis, 1979 ★ Robert G. DeLaMater, 1984 ★ John K. Dema, 1970 ★


Determan Balk Family Foundation Martin Lee Edelman, 1966 ★ Richard K. Elbaum, 1993 ★ Dan A. Emmett ★ Leslie G. Fagen, 1974 Linda A. Fairstein ★ Philip N. Feder, 1979 ★ Adam Fliss Margaret M. Foran Merritt B. Fox Lawrence N. Friedland, 1949 ★ Susan C. Frunzi, 1983 ★ Zhigeng David Fu, 1998 Eduardo Gallardo, 1999 ★ Samir A. Gandhi George M. Garfunkel, 1963 ★ Uri Geiger, 1996, LL.M. Jonathan D. Gifford, 2005 ★ The Hon. Ruth Bader Ginsburg, 1959 ▲★ John A. Golden, 1969 ★ Daniel and Corinne Goldman Ellen C. Goldschmidt ★ Maya D. Goldschmidt, 1971 Peter J. Gordon, 1980 ★ Jose Francisco Gouvea Vieira, 1978, LL.M. Robert M. Grace Jr., 1972 ★ Michael R. Griffinger, 1964 ★ William A. Groll, 1983 ★ Leonard L. Gumport, 1976 ★ John H. Hall, 1969 ★ Arthur M. Handler, 1960 ★ Peter C. Harvey, 1982 Peter C. Hein, 1975 ★ Rex S. Heinke, 1975 and The Hon. Margaret A. Nagle, 1975 ★ The Hon. Alvin K. Hellerstein, 1956 ★ Christine Hikawa, 1976 ★

Richard deCourcy Hinds, 1967 ★ Gregory P. Ho, 1977 ★ The Hon. Richard J. Holwell, 1970 Miriam K. Hunt Matthew H. Hurlock, 1993 Douglas W. Jaffe, 2005 ★ Barry S. Jaynes, 1968 ★ Jason Jurgens, 1999 ★ Robert N. Kaplan, 1964 ★ Jeffrey Louis Kateman, 1992 and Nam Yon Kim, 1992 ★ Lilit Kazangyan, 2010 John J. Kerr Jr., 1976 ★ Mojdeh L. Khaghan, 1991 ★ Galina Krasilovsky Kirman, 1996 and Igor Kirman, 1996 ★ Eve A. Konstan, 1992 ★ Jeffrey B. Korn, 2000 ★ Lewis Kruger, 1959 ★ David A. Kurzweil, 1997 ★ Laurin L. Laderoute Jr., 1966 ★ G. Wade Leak, 1989 ★ Burton Lehman, 1965 ★ Gillian Lester and Eric Talley ★ Edward J. Littlejohn, 1982, JSD Stanley Lubman, 1958 Janice M. Mac Avoy, 1988 Joel Mallin, 1960 Robert D. Marcus, 1990 Robert B. Mazur, 1973 ★ W. Gage McAfee, 1968 Douglas J. McClintock, 1975 ★ Sharon E. McCrae F. William McNabb Eduardo G. Mestre Warren Motley, 1989 ★ Alan L. Myerson, 1973 Daniel A. Neff, 1977 ★ Joseph E. Neuhaus, 1982 ★ Jerold B. Neuman, 1987 Barbara G. Novick

Sarah C. Osborn, 1991 ★ Robert E. Peduzzi, 1966 ★ Mark Preisinger Robert S. Rachofsky, 1985 Edgar G. Rios Jr., 1977 Jennifer G. Rogers and Sean D. Rogers Robert D. Rosenbaum, 1968 The Hon. Samuel I. Rosenberg, 1975 Abrielle Rosenthal, 1999 ★ Eric M. Rosof, 1997 ★ Brad Eric Scheler Joshua Irwin Schiller, 2008 ★ Renee Gerstler Schwartz, 1955 ★ Helen S. Scott, 1977 ★ Beesham A. Seecharan, 1998 ★ Eric Jordan Senderowicz, 2003 Daniel L. Serota, 2001 ★ Laurence A. Shadek Monica R. Shah, 2005 Andrew J. Shapiro, 1994 ★ Jerry I. Speyer Delia B. Spitzer, 1982 ★ Robert E. Spring Christopher K. Tahbaz, 1990 ★ Margaret E. Tahyar, 1987 ★ Pawan Tewari Stella Ferguson Thayer, 1965 ★ Judith Reinhardt Thoyer, 1965 ★ Michael H. Ullmann, 1983 ★ Mark S. Vecchio, 1985 Donald B. Verrilli Jr., 1983 Christine M. Jorquera Vickery, 1984 and Alan B. Vickery, 1983 ★ David A. Voron Jonathan L. Walcoff, 1986 ★ Thomas Wertheimer, 1963 ★ George C. Whipple III, 1980 Thomas W. White, 1978 ★ Timothy J. White, 1989 ★

Jo-Ann H. Whitehorn, 1972 ★ Lowell C. Williams, 1972 Michael W. Wolitzer, 1989 ★ Ella Betsy Wong, 1992 ★ Laura M. Yacovone Toma, 1987 ★ Scott R. Yagoda, 1992 ★ Mark L. Yecies, 1974 ★ R. Paul Yetter, 1983 The Hon. Kathryn E. Zenoff, 1971 ★ Yeping Zhou, 2006 ★ John M. Zizzo, 1972 ★

DEAN’S B E N E FACTOR $5,0 0 0–$9,999

1 Anonymous Donor Rosemary E. Armstrong, 1979 ★ Joseph A. Barbosa, 1960 ★ William F. Barron, 1984 ★ Robert L. Barrows, 1973 ★ Edwin M. Baum, 1984 ★ Christopher D. Belelieu, 2006 ★ Rodman W. Benedict, 1977 ★ Andrew A. Bernstein, 1987 ★ Michael I. Bernstein, 1962 ★ Charles D. Bock, 1973 ★ Ian Boczko, 2000 ★ Paul Bork, 1974 ★ Michael Bosworth Richard W. Breithaupt, 1965 Douglas D. Broadwater, 1969 ★ James L. Bromley, 1989 ★ Karessa Lin Cain, 2004 ★ Margaret B. Carter The Hon. U. W. Clemon, 1968 ★ Anne E. Cohen, 1985 ★ Steven A. Cohen, 1991 ★ J. Barclay Collins II, 1969 Lloyd E. Constantine, 1972 ★

S. Todd Crider, 1991 ★ Jennifer Tolson Curtis, 1980 Debra A. Dandeneau, 1986 ★ Gray Davis, 1967 The Hon. Richard J. Davis, 1969 ★ James H. De Meules, 1970 ★ Kurt E. DeSoto, 1984 ★ Wesley C. Dias, 1977 ★ William P. Dickey, 1973 ★ Brett Dignam and Michael J. Graetz ★ Stephen R. DiPrima, 1995 ★ Douglas A. Doetsch, 1986 Andrew R. Dominus, 1991 ★ John F. Duane, 1978 ★ Mitchell S. Eitel, 1987 Robert Donald Estes, 1967 Jon D. Farkas, 2005 ★ Nelson O. Fitts, 1999 ★ Rachel Fleishman James P. Flynn, 2005 George S. Frazza, 1958 Allen R. Friedman, 1983 and Rachel R. Friedman, 1985 ★ Elizabeth Shea Fries, 1989 Carl Frischling, 1962 ★ Ellen V. Futter, 1974 Jose Manuel Garcia Represa, 2003, LL.M. ★ Ana Genender O’Brien, 1996 ★ James P. Gerkis, 1983 ★ Ben M. Germana, 1991 ★ Bruce W. Gilchrist, 1980 ★ Jeffrey B. Golden, 1978 ★ Geoffrey B. Goldman, 1996 ★ Joseph Tait Goldschmid, 2013 ★ Gerry H. Goldsholle, 1964 ★ Elaine P. Golin, 1996 ★ Edward E. Gonzalez, 1979 ★ Henry Gorelick, 1958 ★ Richard E. Graves III, 1978 ★



Catherine A. Green, 1993 ★ Stephen H. Green, 1977 ★ Jesse J. Greene, Jr., 1975 ★ James J. Hagan, 1961 ★ York Chi Lau Harder, 1986 Rose Gill Hearn ★ Sophia Marie Agnes Heleni Robert M. Heller, 1966 ★ Timothy Y. Hia, 2003 ★ Jeffrey A. Hovden, 1993 ★ Shuai-Sheng Huang, 2004, LL.M. Mark D. Hunsaker, 1993 ★ Fraser L. Hunter Jr., 1992 Christian A. Iwasko, 2004 Ralph N. Johanson Jr., 1966 ★ Cheryl Lee Johnson, 1975 ★ Gregory L. Johnson, 1972 The Hon. Herman N. Johnson Jr., 1999 ★ Robert J. Jossen, 1972 ★ Ellen Oran Kaden, 1977 Adam J. Kansler, 1993 Matthew E. Kaplan, 1996 Richard H. Kaplowitz, 1990 ★ Arthur S. Kaufman, 1971 ★ Robert S. Kelner, 1971 ★ Richard K. Kim, 1986 ★ Lina A. Kitsos, 1995 William E. Kovacic, 1978 ★ Morris L. Kramer, 1960 ★ James P. Kreindler, 1980 Brian Krisberg, 1984 Harvey Kurzweil, 1969 ★ Amy L. Kyle, 1983 ★ Philip Allen Lacovara, 1966 ★ The Hon. Christopher C. Larkin, 1980 ★ Robert L. Laufer, 1963 ★ Jenna Elisabeth Levine, 2008 ★ Debra Carlascio Lienhardt, 1993 John M. Liftin, 1967 ★ Simon C. M. Luk, 1978 ★

Stephen R. Lynch, 1978 ★ The Hon. D. Lloyd Macdonald, 1969 Stephen S. Madsen, 1980 ★ Paolo Marzano, 1997, LL.M. ★ Elisabeth Adams Mason, 1998 and Paul H. Cohen, 1998 Douglas K. Mayer, 1986 ★ Eugene P. Mazzaro, 1999 ★ Douglas H. McCorkindale, 1964 ★ Amisha Mody Mehta, 1998 Jonathan M. Moses, 1996 and Abigail Young Moses, 1996 ★ William C. Mutterperl, 1971 ★ Gary P. Naftalis, 1967 ★ Makalika Destarte Naholowaa, 2010 David S. Neill, 1984 ★ Mark A. Nelson, 1986 ★ Michael C. Neus, 1987 ★ Danforth Newcomb, 1968 ★ Trevor S. Norwitz, 1990 ★ Steven M. Nunez, 1995 Jack H. Nusbaum, 1965 Gregory E. Ostling, 1998 ★ Sanjay Patel and Leslie Patel Harry Pearce John R. Peracchio, 1985 ★ Teresa A. Pesce, 1987 Harry J. Petchesky, 1962 ★ Edward F. Petrosky Jr., 1987 Denise L. Pieck, 1997 Bernard M. Plum, 1979 Frank L. Politano, 1974 ★ James A. Randel, 1974 Brian D. Robbins, 1988 ★ Anne Elizabeth Robinson, 1994 James F. Rogers, 1979 ★ David E. Ross, 1995 ★ James N. Rudolph, 1963 ★ Nancy L. Sanborn, 1991 ★

Caroline Sandberg, 2006, LL.M. Patricia Perez Santonocito, 1979 and Bruno M. Santonocito ★ Viktor Sapezhnikov, 2009 ★ William D. Savitt, 1997 ★ Elizabeth S. Scott and Robert E. Scott Patricia A. Seith, 1998 Emily C. Sharko, 2000 David I. Shapiro, 1992 Harriet S. Shapiro, 1955 ★ Joseph C. Shenker, 1980 and Nina O. Shenker, 1982 ★ Rebecca J. Simmons, 1991 ★ Charles E. Smith, 1995 ★ Marian Scheuer Sofaer, 1975 Edward Soto, 1978 ★ Nicholas J. Spiliotes, 1985 ★ Robert J. Spinna Jr., 1989 ★ Robert B. Spitzer, 1980 ★ Brian M. Stadler, 1990 ★ Jamie B. W. Stecher, 1977 ★ Kenneth L. Stein, 1962 ★ William R. Stein, 1977 ★ Ashley Steinhart, 1967 Frederick A. Terry Jr., 1956 Sina Toussi, 1994 ★ Athmaram Vasudevan, 1997, LL.M. Patricia A. Vlahakis, 1981 ★ Richard D. Weinberg, 1972 ★ Cindy Horowitz Wenig, 1991 and Devin N. Wenig, 1991 Carolyn Seely Wiener, 1976 ★ Jason P. Wiesenfeld, 1998 Corey A. Wright, 2000 Eric M. Zachs, 1985 ★ Magdalena Zavalia, 2000, LL.M. ★

DEAN’S PATRON $2,50 0–$4,999

Vasthi Reyes Acosta Ross D. Ain, 1971 ★ Jennifer A. Altman, 1993 and Maurice F. Edelson, 1993 ★ Matthew Lemle Amsterdam, 2013 ★ Eleanor S. Applewhaite, 1962 ★ Luciana Aquino-Hagedorn, 2000, LL.M. ★ Craig F. Arcella, 1998 Erika Aronson Stern, 1998 Kenneth A. and Patricia S. August ★ Tracy L. Austin, 1984 Kenneth M. Barna, 1973 ★ Michael H. Barnett, 1972 ★ Jillian Barron, 1988 ★ John E. Baumgardner Jr., 1975 ★ Nikolay P. Bebov, 2007 ★ Martin H. Belsky, 1968 ★ Mary C. Bennett, 1979 Jane Cohen Bergner, 1967 ★ Charles Douglas Bethill, 1974 ★ David W. Blass, 1998 and Dalia Osman Blass, 1999 The Hon. Antony J. Blinken, 1988 ★ Michael N. Block, 1967 Jack A. Blum, 1965 Richard L. Blumenthal, 1963 ★ Jared B. Bobrow, 1986 ★ Stephen K. Bone, 1972 The Hon. John A. K. Bradley, 1960 ★ Marian L. Brancaccio, 1992 ★ Catherine L. Bridge, 1975, and John B. Bridge, 1975 ★ Allen H. Brill, 1968 ★ Steven H. Brose, 1972 ★


“My LL.M. year was one of the most defining moments in my life, both career-wise and also through the development of long-lasting relationships. The exposure to various course offerings has, to a larger extent, defined the trajectory of my life as a human rights lawyer.” VICTOR IA MODONG TABAN ’20 LL.M.

Rebecca Rader Brown, 2009 ★ William R. Burke, 2002 ★ Rudy Carmenaty, 1990 ★ Roberto Casati, 1978 ★ Paul A. Castanon, 1983 ★ Marianne M. Chao, 1995 ★ Joe Chartoff, 1968 ★ Jiang Chen, 2010, LL.M. Ronald L. Cheng, 1988 ★ Celia A. Colbert, 1982 Tracy L. Cole, 1995 Laura Pula Cook, 1981 ★ Roger A. Cooper, 2002 John M. Costigan, 1967 ★ Christopher G. Cross, 1996 Bal G. Das, 1995 and Valerie Demont, 1995 ★ George A. Davidson, 1967 ★ Stephen B. Davis, 1988 ★ Lawrence P. Dempsey, 2000 James M. Dubin, 1974 ★ W. Leslie Duffy, 1964 ★ P. Benjamin Duke, 1993 ★ Laura F. Dukess, 1987 and Roger E. Schwed, 1986 William Dunnegan, 1980 ★ Mark R. Eaton, 1975 Charles A. Ehren Jr., 1956 ★ Charles R. Ennis, 1957 ★ Christopher K. Fargo, 2006 Arthur A. Feder, 1951 ★ Thomas Benes Felsberg, 1970 Amy Orange Finzi, 1999 ★ Jonathan M. Frankel ★ Michael I. Frankel, 1972 and Joan Murtagh Frankel, 1972 ★ Carol Garfiel Freeman, 1961 David J. Friedman, 1979 ★ Howard L. Ganz, 1966 Lawrence Gerschwer, 1993 ★ Stephen G. Givant, 1984 ★ Ralph E. Goldberg, 1959 ★

Robert J. Goldman, 1977 ★ Samuel Goldman, 1972 David B. Goroff, 1985 ★ Joshua B. Gray, 1996 Robert Ivan Greenberg, 1964 Robert A. Greenspon, 1972 ★ Peter Gruenberger, 1961 ★ Gay Crosthwait Grunfeld, 1984 ★ Bruce A. Gutenplan, 1985 ★ Richard E. Gutman, 1968 ★ Jamila M. Hall McKnight, 2003 ★ Karen S. Handler, 1994 David W. Heleniak, 1974 ★ Paul R. Herman, 1961 Richard J. Hiegel, 1962 John A. Hinman, 1974 Robert N. Holtzman, 1992 and Elise Slosberg Holtzman, 1990 ★ Lawrence A. Horn, 1974 ★ Kenji Hosokawa, 2001 Mark A. Jacoby, 1966 ★ Patrice P. Jean, 2002 ★ Walter H. Jones III, 1967 ★ William Josephson, 1955 ★ Edward Michael Joyce Matthew H. Kamens, 1976 ★ John Kandravy, 1960 ▲★ Carol Green Kaplan, 1962 ★ Mark N. Kaplan, 1953 ★ Marc H. Katz, 1993 ★ Daniel G. Kelly Jr., 1976 ★ Walter T. Killmer Jr., 1986 ★ Jennifer L. Klein, 1990 ★ Robert I. Kleinberg, 1961 J. Scott Kohler, 2008 Carl S. Kravitz, 1980 ★ Mark J. Kronman, 1959 ★ The Hon. Soonil Kwon, 1992, LL.M. C. David Lamoreaux, 1986 ★ Richard J. Lampen, 1978 ★

Donald L. Laufer, 1957 ★ Bernice K. Leber, 1978 ★ Arnold J. Levine, 1962 Christopher N. Lewis, 2000 Carol B. Liebman and Lance Liebman ★ Robert M. Linn, 1985 ★ David Lopez, 1966 Abbe D. Lowell, 1977 ★ Richard Joseph Lutton Jr., 1993 ★ Yun Ma, 2005, LL.M. ★ Kevin L. MacMillan, 2000 ★ Jillian Madison Laurie Magid, 1985 ★ S. Sidney Mandel, 1962 ★ Barry R. Mandelbaum, 1961 ★ The Hon. James E. Massey, 1968 ★ Michael T. Medford, 1976 ★ Steven R. Meier, 1998 ★ Kenneth E. Meister, 1976 ★ Joshua Mermelstein, 1980 ★ Jay J. Miller, 1955 ★ Lawrence R. Miller, 1992 and Nicole Polley Miller, 1993 ★ The Hon. Lindsey MillerLerman, 1973 ★ Joel A. Mintzer, 1989 Reza K. MojtabaeeZamani, 2009 ★ Mark C. Morril, 1972 ★ Stephen E. Morrissey, 1996 Jean M. Murphy Daniel T. Murray, 1969 ★ Sunanda Nair-Bidkar, 2001, LL.M. Jennifer S. Nam, 2008 Norman R. Nelson, 1969 ★ Fredric S. Newman, 1970 ★ John M. Olivieri, 1994 ★ Clarence W. Olmstead Jr., 1968 ★ Cormac K. H. O’Malley, 1970 ★ Marc R. Packer, 1984 ★

David Pauker, 1984 John B. Pellegrini, 1966 ★ JaneAnne Peterson, 1994 Mohan V. Phansalkar, 1987 ★ William B. Pollard III, 1973 ★ Benjamin Albond Powell, 1996 Audrey E. Prashker, 1983 ★ Stephen A. Radin, 1983 ★ Martin S. Rapaport, 1965 ★ Marcelo Lamy Rego, 1999 ★ Elizabeth J. Reza, 1997 Stuart M. Riback, 1984 ★ Philip Richter, 1994 ★ James Q. Riordan, 1949 ★ Stanley D. Robinson, 1949 ★ Connie A. Rodriguez, 1985 ★ Mark A. Roppel, 1990 ★ Robert M. Rosh, 1991 ★ Erin C. Ross, 2001 ★ James J. Ross, 1965 ★ Keith E. Rounsaville, 1970 ★ Lawrence Rutkowski, 1978 ★ Stuart M. Saft, 1971 Claude Elaine Salomon, 1971 Donald F. Santa Jr., 1983 ★ Irving Scher, 1962 ★ Merideth Schlesinger Rosh, 1989 Matthew A. Schroth, 2018 Jill E. Schurtz, 1996 Karen Scowcroft, 1983 ★ Marcia L. Sells, 1984 Karen B. Shaer, 1984 ★ Jeffrey N. Shane, 1965 ★ Isaac Shapiro, 1956 and Jacqueline W. Shapiro, 1955 William A. Shirley, 1986 ★ Michael T. Sillerman, 1976 ★ R. Evan Smith, 1966 Arnold R. Sollar, 1955 Matthew Solum, 1999 Michael I. Sovern, 1955 ▲★ Sebastian R. Sperber, 1988 ★

Henry H. Steiner, 1950 ★ Peter L. Strauss ★ Paul E. Summit, 1977 Michael E. Swartz, 1990 Paul C. Tang, 1977 ★ Conrad L. Teitell, 1957 ★ Marian A. Tse, 1979 ★ Sujata Tyagi Dayal, 1990, LL.M. Donald E. Vaughan, 1983 ★ Jonathan Mark Wagner, 1983 ★ Jinlong Wang, 1988 ★ Irwin H. Warren, 1974 ★ Richard Wasserman, 1975 Edward L. Weidenfeld, 1968 Philip R. Weingold, 1985 ★ Daniel R. White, 1979 James B. White, 1965 ★ Michael S. Wien, 1978 Eric D. Wolkoff, 2010 ★ Christopher S. Yates, 1992 Loretta K. Yellen Jack Yoskowitz, 1992 ★ June L. Yuson, 1981 ★ Albert Zakarian, 1965 ★ Sanford H. Zatcoff, 1973 ★ Xi Zeng, 2002, LL.M. Michael I. Zinder, 1978 ★ Lori Iannotti Zyskowski, 1996 ★



Zila R. Acosta-Grimes, 2015 ★ Xi Bao, 2015, LL.M. ★ Michael James Barry, 2013 Sean M. Berens, 2013 ★ Erin Madison Berg, 2019 Magdalena Biereder, 2015, LL.M. Elizabeth N. Brandt, 2018 Christopher P. Burke, 2014 Iliria Camaj, 2019 Eamonn Wesley Campbell, 2015 Michael H. Cassel, 2016 Synne D. Chapman, 2016 ★ Cheng Chen, 2012 Amanda M. Cioffi, 2017 Guy Deillon, 2018, LL.M. Kyle M. Diamond, 2017 Swift Sedgwick Osborne Edgar, 2013 ★ Caroline K. Elkin Eisner, 2011 ★ Malcolm F. Evans, 2018 Ryan Patrick Fagan, 2014 Dennis Fan, 2015 Murtuza Federal, 2015, LL.M. ★ Sarah Littlechild Graham, 2011 ★ Anna Shifflet Greig, 2015 ★ Katharine Rose Haigh, 2017 Samantha G. Hall, 2018 Jocelyn V. Hanamirian, 2012 ★ Alon Benjamin Harish, 2016 Caleb Martin Hayes-Deats, 2011 Gregory D. Howling, 2012 Scott K. Hvidt, 2015 Antonia Rachel Elizabeth Hyman, 2018 Philip Alexander Kaminski, 2011 ★ Taylor J. Kelson, 2019

Philip Minjun Lee, 2013 David P. Lefebvre, 2014 Eve A. Levin, 2018 James Michael Lyons, 2013 ★ Christina C. Ma, 2012 ★ Sophia M. MancallBitel, 2015 Benjamin J. Marcu, 2018 Rebecca Marie Nocharli, 2018 Paul A. Nolle III, 2017 Justin Christopher Nowell, 2016 ★ Kyung Ho Paik, 2017 John Paul, 2012, LL.M. ★ Anthony Rocco Raduazo, 2018 Noah Lichtenberg Schwartz, 2019 Zoe Elizabeth Shea, 2011 ★ Cesareo Antonio Serrano Singzon Jr., 2012 Nicholas G. Stringfellow, 2017 Yujin Suga, 2016, LL.M. George N. Tepe, 2017 Fabiola Urdaneta, 2019 Laurance Browning VanMeter Jr., 2015 Patrick R. Waldrop, 2019 Kathryn Gillespie Wellman, 2013 ★ Oluwatomi O. Williams, 2019 Natalie Sing Yee Wong, 2015 ★ Ezra Ishmael Young, 2012 Ting Zhou, 2015, LL.M. Sergei Zhukov, 2017, LL.M.


MESSAGE FROM THE CAMPAIGN CO-CHAIRS Thank you for joining us during this crucial time for the Law School— and the world. Our resolve, especially during this pandemic, enables us to address the challenges, persevere, emerge even stronger, and create lasting benefits for future students. Your support for the ambitious, five-year Campaign for Columbia Law allows the School to make a difference, when and where it matters most. Your generosity has propelled us more than two-thirds of the way toward our $300 million goal. The campaign’s impact is felt throughout the Law School. We are providing more students with more scholarship aid than ever before, offering innovative new courses, and hiring distinguished, accomplished faculty. Students receive even more hands-on, real-world legal experiences through our expanded experiential education programs. Importantly, Columbia Law students become leaders—across disciplines, sectors, industries, and borders—who are prepared to act wisely during the pivotal moments that affect generations to come. It takes vision and resources for a law school to prepare students for such a dynamic marketplace—and world. Our gifts, of all sizes and types, make this possible. The campaign gives all of us the chance to reflect on how much the Law School has helped define the course of history. For 160 years, the Columbia Law School community has influenced key advances in civil and human rights, the regulation of our economy, governance and the rule of law, and conflict and the search for peace. Our leadership in these and other important areas of the law continues today. Columbia Law School helped prepare all of us for successful and purposeful careers and lives. By coming together, through this campaign, we can help secure this tradition of excellence and innovation for generations to come. Thank you again for your ongoing support. Sincerely,

campaign.law.columbia.edu 26 ANNUAL REPORT 2019

Alison S. Ressler ’83

Brad Smith ’84

Kathy Surace-Smith ’84

5 years. $300 million. Boundless opportunity.


More than 11,600 alumni and friends have already made gifts to the campaign.

Created 12 new endowed professorships, which provide critical, sustainable support for faculty research, recruitment, and retention.

Established 78 new scholarships,

which are core to our commitment to ensure that Columbia Law School is accessible to all students who are qualified, regardless of financial means.

The Eric H. Holder Scholarship Fund,

established to help make the legal profession more reflective of society, surpassed the $500,000 mark toward a $1 million goal to provide tuition support to students of color.

Expanded access to experiential learning opportunities—

including creating new law clinics and externship programs— that provide hands-on training in a real-world setting.

Continued to grow the Annual Fund, $200 million of $300 million goal

The Campaign for Columbia Law is our ambitious effort to raise $300 million over five years.

enabling the Dean to drive innovation and seize opportunities as they arise.

BELOVED FACULTY MEMBER REMEMBERED BY ENDOWED PROFESSORSHIP More than 500 friends, family members, and former colleagues of the late Harvey J. Goldschmid ’65 joined forces to create a lasting tribute to the beloved Columbia Law faculty member, who worked at the School for nearly half a century. Together they established the Harvey J. Goldschmid Professorship in the Faculty of Law. In February 2020, Kathryn Judge was appointed the inaugural recipient.


It is with great appreciation that the Law School acknowledges the generosity of our donors, listed here, who have made commitments of $100,000 or more to The Campaign for Columbia Law as of June 30, 2020. $10 MILLION AND UP 1 Anonymous Donor Jerome L. Greene Foundation, Inc. $5 MILLION–$9,999,999 Jane Harriet Goldman and Benjamin H. Lewis, MD ♣ Reuben Mark ♣ Michael A. Pucker, 1988 ♣ Alison S. Ressler, 1983 and Richard S. Ressler, 1983 ♣★ $2.5 MILLION–$4,999,999 Estate of Marie L. Garibaldi Estate of Theobald H. Engelhardt Stephen Friedman, 1962 ♣ David J. Greenwald, 1983 ♣★ James E. Millstein, 1982 ♣ Open Society Foundations Dale A. Schreiber, 1965 Paul J. Siegel, 1967 ♣★ Timothy A. Steinert, 1989 The Ford Foundation V-Nee Yeh, 1984 ♣ $1 MILLION–$2,499,999 5 Anonymous Donors Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation William R. Bush, 1971 ♣★ Carnegie Corporation Annie Ang-Yee Chen, 1988 ♣ Gary S. Davis, 1980 ♣★ Estate of Calvin B. Sewall Charles Fabrikant, 1968 Blair C. Fensterstock, 1975 ▲


David F. Freedman, 1985 Paul M. Goldschmid, 2005 ♣★ Mitchell R. Hankin, 1974 Richard deCourcy Hinds, 1967 ♣★ Jorge Paulo Lemann Ira M. Millstein, 1949 ♣ River Star Foundation Joseph Ryan, 1967 Joan Scobey Bradford L. Smith, 1984 and Kathryn Surace-Smith, 1984 ♣★ David J. Stern, 1966 ▲♣★ Walton Family Foundation, Inc. S. Robson Walton, 1969 ♣★ Timothy Tingkang Xia, 1997 ♣★ $500,000–$999,999 1 Anonymous Donor Baker & McKenzie Foundation Max W. Berger, 1971 ♣★ Gail S. Berney, 1978 Jay R. Bloom, 1981 Stephanie R. Breslow, 1984 ♣★ Peter C. Canellos, 1967 ♣★ Jon Leonard Christianson, 1988 and Wei Sun Christianson, 1989 Charles J. Egan , Jr., 1959 Estate of Harold Marsh, Jr. Estate of John T.C. Low Estate of Richard S. Lombard Elizabeth Glazer, 1986 and William G. Montgomery, 1986 ♣ Carolyn M. Heft, 1966 ★ Korea Institute of Ocean Science and Technology

Laura and John Arnold Foundation Susan B. Lindenauer, 1964 ♣★ Li Lu, 1995 ♣★ Thomas Aquinas Martin, 1992 Sheila Merolla David Nierenberg ♣★ Oak Philanthropy (UK) Limited Thomas J. Reid, 1987, LL.M. Richard Paul Richman, 1972 ♣★ Bruce E. Rosenblum, 1980 ♣★ Thomas E. Rothman, 1980 ♣ S. K. Yee Foundation Jonathan D. Schiller, 1973 ♣ Pam H. Schneider, 1976 and Milton Schneider ♣ Po Y. Sit, 1988 ♣★ Stanley H. Durwood Foundation Esta Eiger Stecher, 1982 ♣ The Libra Foundation The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation $250,000–$499,999 1 Anonymous Donor Annette A. Anthony, 1989 Arcus Foundation Reed D. Auerbach, 1985 and Adrienne Petite Auerbach ♣★ Booth Ferris Foundation Natalia Bulgari Alexandra B. Carter, 2003 ♣ Stephen H. Case, 1968 ♣★ An Ken Chen, 1996 ♣★ Estate of Alexander W. Tomei Estate of David D. Bender Estate of Lucy G. Moses Evelyn & Walter Haas, Jr. Fund German Society for International Cooperation Mary Tait Goldschmid Lawrence Eliot Goldschmidt, 1967 ♣★ Carolyn B. Greenspan, 1985 and Marshall S. Ruben, 1985 William W. Harsh ♣ Henry & Lucy Moses Fund, Inc. Herbert & Nell Singer Foundation Roger Hertog ♣★

Paul C. Hilal, 1991 George A. Kellner, 1967 ♣★ Lenore R. Kreitman, 1976 Kresge Foundation Lauren B. Leichtman, 1982, LL.M. and Arthur E. Levine, 1982 H.F. Lenfest, 1958 ▲ Andrew J. Levander, 1977 Charles Xiaojia Li, 1991 Raymond Y. Lin, 1984 ♣★ Yuto Matsumura, 2002, LL.M. ♣★ Milton and Miriam Handler Foundation Annette L. Nazareth, 1981 ♣★ New Jersey Conservation Foundation George M. Newcombe, 1975 ♣ Harold S. Novikoff, 1975 ♣★ Robert E. Rubin Kurt N. Schacht ♣ Michael J. Schmidtberger, 1985 ♣★ Smith Richardson Foundation Paul C. Tang, 1977 ♣★ The A.D. Philanthropic Fund, Inc. The New York Community Trust The NoVo Foundation The Shubert Foundation, Inc. Donald E. Vaughan, 1983 ♣★ Paul Vizcarrondo, Jr., 1973 ♣★ Chun Wei, 1984, LL.M. ♣★ Weil, Gotshal & Manges Foundation Alan G. Weiler, 1958 ♣★ Howard L. Wolk, 1990 ★ Harvey J. Wolkoff, 1975 ♣ $100,000–$249,999 3 Anonymous Donors 3C Foundation Geraldine B. Acuña-Sunshine, 1999 ♣★ L. Howard Adams, 1979 ♣★ African American Policy Forum Alki Fund Cyrus A. Ansary, 1958 John J. Armstrong III, 1987 and Sara George Armstrong, 1988 ♣★ Raymond J. Baer, 1986, LL.M. ♣ Scott A. Barshay, 1991 ♣★ James M. Bartos, 1978

Deborah E. Beckmann Kotzubei, 1994 and Jacob Tadgh Kotzubei, 1994 ♣ J. Frederick Berg, Jr., 1969 ♣★ Michael I. Bernstein, 1962 ♣★ Vineet Bhatia, 1990 ♣★ Steven E. Bizar, 1988 and Lisa E. Brody, 1988 ♣★ Gregory R. Blatt, 1995 ♣ David Bohnett Nicolas Bourtin, 1996 ♣★ James L. Broadhead, 1962 Robert E. Buckholz, 1979 Charles C. Cahn, Jr. ♣★ Alain C. Carrier, 1993, LL.M. and Babett S. Carrier, 1993, LL.M. Charina Endowment Fund, Inc. Charles & Lynn Schusterman Family Foundation Deborah Strauss Cogut, 1980 Geoffrey J. Colvin, 1977 Charles J. Conroy, 1978 ♣★ Kevin J. Conway, 1983 Richard B. Covey, 1955 ♣★ Sara M. Darehshori, 1993 and Ronald S. Rolfe, 1969 ♣★ George A. Davidson, 1967 ♣★ Determan Balk Family Foundation R. Randle Edwards Dan A. Emmett ♣★ Estate of Arnold D. Burk Estate of Barbara G. Hering Estate of Gene P. Schultz Estate of Grace P. Shackleford Estate of Howard E. Crouch Estate of Jerome Sherman Estate of William S. Beinecke Ralph Finerman, 1959 ♣★ Carol Turobiner Finley, 1986 ♣★ William S. Friedman, 1970 ★ Susan C. Frunzi, 1983 ♣★ George M. Garfunkel, 1963 ♣★ J. Mark Gidley, 1986 ♣★ John A. Golden, 1969 ♣ Bruce H. Goldfarb, 1990 ♣★ Gary F. Goldring, 1982 ♣★ Thomas D. Gommes, 2002

Robert M. Grace, Jr., 1972 ♣★ Ira A. Greenstein, 1985 Bruce W. Greer, 1973 and Evelyn L. Greer, 1973 ♣★ Michael R. Griffinger, 1964 ♣★ Felix T. Grossman, 1959 Leonard L. Gumport, 1976 ♣★ Geoffrey Gund and Sarah G. Gund Joan T. Guth John H. Hall, 1969 ♣★ Hong J. Han Peter C. Hein, 1975 ♣★ Rex S. Heinke, 1975 and The Hon. Margaret A. Nagle, 1975 ♣★ Stephen P. Hickey, 1986 Richard J. Hiegel, 1962 ♣ High Tide Foundation The Hon. Eric H. Holder, Jr., 1976 ♣ Won-Pyo Hong Matthew H. Hurlock, 1993 ♣ Investor Responsibility Research Center Institute John D. & Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation John S. and James L. Knight Foundation Ruth Joseph Jason Jurgens, 1999 ♣★ David E. Kahan, 2000 ♣★ Cathy M. Kaplan, 1977 ♣★ Robert N. Kaplan, 1964 ♣★ Jeffrey L. Kessler, 1977 ♣★ Mojdeh L. Khaghan, 1991 ♣★ Richard K. Kim, 1986 ♣★ Susan E. Liautaud, 1989 ♣★ Robert L. Lieff, 1961 Kuang-Hsiang Lin, 1992 Edward J. Littlejohn, 1982, JSD ♣ Stanley Lubman, 1958 ♣ George W. Madison, 1980 ♣★ Stephen S. Madsen, 1980 ♣★ Matilda Loveman Foundation Robert B. Mazur, 1973 ♣★ Brad Meltzer, 1996 and Cori Flam Meltzer, 1995 ★ Daniel A. Neff, 1977 ♣★


Mary Anne Niarchos ♣ Scott D. Ostfeld, 2001 Michael E. Patterson, 1967 ♣ Perry L. Pe, 1991, LL.M. Frank L. Politano, 1974 ♣★ Abby D. Pratt ♣ Public Interest Law Foundation Ravi Purohit, 2003 Clyde E. Rankin III, 1975 ♣★ Thomas S. Rogers, 1979 Robert D. Rosenbaum, 1968 ♣ Abrielle Rosenthal, 1999 ♣★ Eric M. Rosof, 1997 ♣★ Eugene A. Rostov, 1964 ♣ Steven M. Schatz, 1972 ♣★ Joseph W. Schmidt, 1975 ★ Kathryn E. Schneider, 1991 ♣★ Nina L. Shaw, 1979 ♣★ The Hon. Robert S. Smith, 1968 ♣★ Andrew Sommers, 1994 ♣★ Kenneth L. Stein, 1962 ♣★ Marc I. Stern, 1969 ♣★ Peter L. Strauss ♣★ Tawani Foundation Pawan Tewari ♣ Stella Ferguson Thayer, 1965 ♣★ The Philadelphia Foundation The Victor Herbert Foundation, Inc. Mozelle W. Thompson, 1981 ♣★ Andrew J. Tunick, 1967 ♣★ University of New South Wales Law School Donald B. Verrilli , Jr., 1983 ♣ Jonathan L. Walcoff, 1986 ♣★ Susan C. Waltman, 1977 ♣★ Thomas Wertheimer, 1963 ♣★ S. Penny Windle, 1997 ♣ Michael W. Wolitzer, 1989 ♣★ Ella Betsy Wong, 1992 ♣★ Scott R. Yagoda, 1992 ♣★ Mark L. Yecies, 1974 ♣★ Anthony A. Yoseloff, 1998


Davis Polk & Wardwell LLP Vale Corporation Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katz $500,000–$999,999 Baker & McKenzie Foundation Boies Schiller Flexner LLP Kirkland & Ellis Foundation Microsoft Corporation Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison LLP Sidley Austin LLP The NASDAQ OMX Group, Inc. $250,000–$499,999 Chubb Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer LLP Mori Hamada & Matsumoto Morrison & Foerster Foundation Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Weil, Gotshal & Manges Foundation Inc. Winston & Strawn LLP $100,000–$249,999 Bernstein Litowitz Berger & Grossmann LLP Bloomberg Law Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton LLP Colombian Coffee Federation, Inc. Debevoise & Plimpton LLP ExxonMobil Foundation FINRA Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP Motion Picture Association of America, Inc. Simpson Thacher & Bartlett LLP Sive, Paget & Riesel, P.C. Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP Sullivan & Cromwell LLP Three Crowns LLP


Reunion Classes The enthusiasm of the classes ending in 0 and 5 has been terrific, despite the postponement of Reunion 2020 due to COVID-19. Celebrants took part in special virtual programming featuring faculty, and some even organized class gatherings on Zoom to stay in touch until they meet again in person. Planning for Reunion 2020—to be held in conjunction with Reunion 2021—is well underway. And (circumstances allowing) the combined celebrations promise to be memorable, with alumni from across the globe reconnecting and reminiscing at festivities on campus and around the city. In the meantime, 172 Reunion 2020 co-chairs, committee members, and planned giving ambassadors continue to demonstrate exceptional dedication and leadership during this remarkable year, engaging their classmates and encouraging them to meet—even surpass— class fundraising goals. Indeed, many of our Reunion 2020 celebrants already have made commitments in support of these efforts. We thank you for your generous gifts and look forward to acknowledging even more Reunion celebrants in the year ahead.




Reunion Committee Chairs

Committee Members

Arthur M. Handler ♣★

Arthur M. Handler ♣★ Joel Mallin ♣

Tom A. Alberg ★ Jack A. Blum ♣ Samuel S. Friedman ★ Steven J. Hyman ★ Burton Lehman ♣★ Dale A. Schreiber Judith Reinhardt Thoyer ♣★ Ian D. Volner



Committee Members

Morris L. Kramer ♣★ Joel Mallin ♣ $10,000-$24,999

Joseph A. Barbosa ♣★ Morris L. Kramer ♣★ Michael E. Schultz ★ $2,500–$4,999

Burton Lehman ♣★ William S. Singer ★ Stella Ferguson Thayer ♣★ Judith Reinhardt Thoyer ♣★

The Hon. John A. K. Bradley ♣★ John Kandravy ▲♣★




Stuart D. Baker Paul R. Grand Samuel W. Ingram, Jr. ▲★ ★

Up to $999

Mark Abramowitz ★ John D. Hawke, Jr. ★ Herbert J. Henschel ★ Robert A. Klipstein ★ John T. Mayo Philip S. Kurnit ★ Donal F. McCarthy ★ Emanuel N. Psarakis, LL.M. Jerome H. Rettig ★ Grant C. Reynolds Jerome F. Sheldon ★ Edward M. Siegel ★ Jacob Silverman ★

Richard W. Breithaupt ♣ Jack H. Nusbaum ♣ Jack A. Blum ♣ Harvey A. Napier ★ Martin S. Rapaport ♣★ James J. Ross ♣★ Jeffrey N. Shane ♣★ James B. White ♣★ Albert Zakarian ♣★ $1,000–$2,499

Tom A. Alberg ★ John F. Banzhaf III ★ John J. Costonis Alan E. Davis ★ John H. Denne Samuel S. Friedman ★ The Hon. Nathaniel M. Gorton Hillel J. Hoffman Steven J. Hyman ★ Ira M. Shoolman ★ Ian D. Volner

Up to $999

Jonathan Berger ★ James L. Bikoff Nicholas J. Calise ★ Terence A. Cordner, Jr. Thomas W. Dunn ★ The Hon. Carol Fox Foelak ★ Robert Wayne Gehring ★ Richard S. Granat ★ Lawrence J. Hohlt ★ William Kanter ★ Marion C. Katzive Anthony F. Marra, Jr. Bartlett H. McGuire ★ Merril A. Mironer ★ Robert P. Pressman ★ Ronnie A. Pruett ★ Benjamin J. Rosin Franklin M. Sachs Donna Work Silverberg David H. Smith Kenneth J. Stuart ★ Bruce E. Trauner ★ Charles S. Warren Michael S. Waters ★ Robert P. Watkins III Albert J. Wax ★ William R. Weissman ★ Franklin E. White


Reunion Committee Chairs

Barry L. Goldstein ★ Max Rees Shulman ★ Committee Members

The Hon. Richard T. Andrias ★ Sydney F. Arak ★ Robert E. Curry, Jr.

James H. De Meules ♣★ John K. Dema ♣★ The Hon. Richard J. Holwell ♣ Richard Stone LeFrak Louis J. Maggiotto, Jr. ★ Fredric S. Newman ♣★ The Hon. George E. Pataki Bruce Eben Pindyck ♣★ Marjorie M. Smith $25,000–$49,999

Barry L. Goldstein ★ Bruce Eben Pindyck ♣★ $10,000–$24,999

John K. Dema ♣★ The Hon. Robert E. Gerber The Hon. Richard J. Holwell ♣ Fredric S. Newman ♣★ $5,000–$9,999

James H. De Meules ♣★ Louis J. Maggiotto, Jr. ★ Max Rees Shulman ★ $2,500–$4,999

Thomas Benes Felsberg, LL.M. ♣ Cormac K. H. O’Malley ♣★ Keith E. Rounsaville ♣★ $1,000–$2,499

Henry I. Blumberg ★ Russell A. Broome ★ The Hon. Andrew K. Dolan ★ William S. Friedman ★ Antonia M. Grumbach ★ Marjorie A. McDiarmid ★ Rhidian M. M. Morgan ★ Coles H. Phinizy, Jr. ▲ Walter C. Squire William F. Wolff III ★


Up to $999

The Hon. Richard T. Andrias ★ Sydney F. Arak ★ Isaiah Baker William R. Bronner John T. Callander Stephen Drimmer Robert Allen Evers Paul A. Feigenbaum Evelyn M. Finkelstein ★ Peter M. Gerhart ★ Wayne L. Graff Rufus King Griscom Richard E. Hammond Thomas C. Hauser Peter W. Herman Norman C. Hile Samuel P. Hunt III Hale Kronenberg ★ Frederick B. Lehlbach ★ Leslie A. Lupert Eugene G. McGuire ★ The Hon. David B. Mitchell Andrew M. Schwam Edward V. Schwiebert ★ Winona Miyuki Tanaka Hank Wallace ★ Harold P. Weinberger ★ David S. Zapp Richard M. Zinner ★

Committee Members

John E. Baumgardner, Jr. ♣★ Edward T. Byrne ★ Michael J. Connelly Robert S. Faron ★ Cheryl Lee Johnson ♣★ The Hon. Gerard E. Lynch Randall A. Mackey ★ Douglas J. McClintock ♣★ Harold S. Novikoff ♣★ The Hon. Samuel I. Rosenberg ♣ Marian Scheuer Sofaer ♣ Paul W. Sweeney, Jr. ★ $100,000 and up

Peter C. Hein ♣★ George M. Newcombe ♣ Harold S. Novikoff ♣★ Clyde E. Rankin III ♣★ Harvey J. Wolkoff ♣ $50,000–$99,999

The Hon. Samuel I. Rosenberg ♣ $25,000–$49,999

Robert S. Faron ★


Rex S. Heinke ♣★ Douglas J. McClintock ♣★ The Hon. Margaret A. Nagle ♣ Marian Scheuer Sofaer ♣ $5,000–$9,999


Reunion Committee Chairs

Peter C. Hein ♣★ Rex S. Heinke ♣★ The Hon. Margaret A. Nagle ♣ George M. Newcombe ♣ Clyde E. Rankin III ♣★ Harvey J. Wolkoff ♣

Edward T. Byrne ★ Jesse J. Greene, Jr. ♣★ Cheryl Lee Johnson ♣★ Jon Lindsey ★ $2,500–$4,999

John E. Baumgardner, Jr. ♣★ Catherine L. Bridge ♣★ John B. Bridge ♣★ Mark R. Eaton ♣ Richard Wasserman ♣


Alyson K. Adler ★ Rand S. April ★ W. Rogers Benson, Jr. ★ Samuel Estreicher ★ Robert H. Freilich, JSD Thomas R. Kline ★ I. Lewis Libby, Jr. Bruce W. McRoy Dorothy E. Patton ★ Brian Rosner ★ Alfred F. Ross ★ Joseph W. Schmidt ★ Paul W. Sweeney, Jr. ★ Robert P. Wright ★ Up to $999

Linda A. Baumann ★ Phillip J. Closius ★ Elizabeth H. Cooper ★ Mark L. Davies ★ Ronald W. Davis Chris De Cooker, LL.M. Alfred Ferrer III Lois B. Gordon Gerald C. Harvey Werner Hein, LL.M. The Hon. William F. Highberger ★ Julius A. Jove ★ Jerome C. Katz Arthur G. Kent Kenneth A. Luck Lawrence M. Ludwig ★ The Hon. Gerard E. Lynch Randall A. Mackey ★ Betsy B. McKenny ★ Anthony K. Obst ★ Christopher F. O’Donohoe ★ Neil R. O’Hanlon ★ Douglas B. Oliver ★ John M. Reynolds ★ Donald M. Schaeffer ★


Minna Schrag ★ Richard M. Seltzer ★ Rena C. Seplowitz ★ Jeremy C. Sharpe ★ Robert N. Shwartz ★ Jane Hart Tollinger Robert B. Zimmerman ★


Jennifer Tolson Curtis ♣ Bruce W. Gilchrist ♣★ James P. Kreindler ♣ Stephen S. Madsen ♣★ Richard W. Mark ★ Joseph C. Shenker ♣★ $2,500–$4,999


Reunion Committee Chairs

Gary S. Davis ♣★ James P. Kreindler ♣ George W. Madison ♣★ Stephen S. Madsen ♣★ Committee Members

Brian P. Friedman Joan Salzman Grant ★ Charles E. Knapp Felix E. Leatherwood III ★ Mark E. Mlotek ★ Joseph C. Shenker ♣★ Robert B. Spitzer ♣★ George C. Whipple III ♣ $100,000 and up

Gary S. Davis ♣★ Bruce E. Rosenblum ♣★ Thomas E. Rothman ♣ $50,000–$99,999

George W. Madison ♣★ $25,000–$49,999

Robert B. Spitzer ♣★ George C. Whipple III ♣ $10,000–$24,999

Frances S. Cohen ♣ Peter J. Gordon ♣★ Felix E. Leatherwood III ★


William Dunnegan ♣★ Kay P. Kindred Carl S. Kravitz ♣★ Joshua Mermelstein ♣★ Ronald C. Minkoff ★ $1,000–$2,499

Kathy Hirata Chin ★ Jose W. Fernandez Mark H. Hess Kelly K. Imamura Curtis A. Johnson ★ Kenneth J. Langan ★ The Hon. Christopher C. Larkin ♣★ Mark E. Mlotek ★ Thomas M. Molchan ★ Marianne T. Remedios ★ Barbara E. Shiers ★ Robin J. Stout Carl F. Taeusch II ★ Up to $999

Lisa F. Ader ★ Charles B. Anderson ★ Michael Evan Avidon ★ Lynne M. O. Brickner Robert S. Burstein Hill Carrow Jeffrey D. Chansler Jeffrey D. DeCarlo ★ Vincent DeMarco ★ Richard S. Elliott ★ Daniel S. Flynn ★

Robert E. Goodman, Jr. The Hon. Margaret Goodzeit ★ Kenneth B. Gould ★ Joan Salzman Grant ★ David A. K. Harland, LL.M. Debra T. Hirsch ★ Peter V. Koenig Robert L. Lawrence ★ The Hon. Emilykaye Lonian Mitchelson ★ James F. Mongoven Larry G. Moore Sara E. Nathan ★ Lisa Schilit Pearson ★ Louise A. Rinn Stephen J. Ritchin David R. Rivero Edward H. Rosenthal Mary Lou A. Ruescher Daniel N. Sang ★ Ira Schreck Steven A. Teitelbaum ★ Constance Zawieja Wagner ★ Alaine S. Williams, LL.M. Robert F. Williams, LL.M.

$100,000 and up

Michael J. Schmidtberger ♣★ $50,000–$99,999

Reed D. Auerbach ♣★ $25,000–$49,999

John R. Peracchio ♣★ $10,000–$24,999

Lanny A. Breuer ♣ David B. Goroff ♣★ Hisashi Ohgaki, LL.M. ★ Robert S. Rachofsky ♣ Nicholas J. Spiliotes ♣★ Mark S. Vecchio ♣ $5,000–$9,999

Anne E. Cohen ♣★ Rachel R. Friedman ♣★ Eric M. Zachs ♣★ $2,500–$4,999

Bruce A. Gutenplan ♣★ Robert M. Linn ♣★ Laurie Magid ♣★ Connie A. Rodriguez ♣★ Philip R. Weingold ♣★

Steven I. Froot Michael W. Galligan Maureen A. Glackin Elizabeth Whitener Goode Susan J. Halpern Lisa A. Hirsch ★ Arthur H. Hopkirk Gail J. Hupper ★ Leslie Payton Jacobs Daniel M. Jochnowitz Christopher M. Linneman Scott Pascucci Jeanene Finch Patterson ★ Jonathan D. Pavluk ★ Gregory J. Peterson Richard C. Pugh, Jr. ★ Margaret Raymond ★ Beth L. Rubin Mark Sidel Robert P. Storch Carolyn E. Taylor Bohdan Vitvitsky ★ Jeffrey J. Wild Helen P. Wiley ★ Deborah Yu Yeoh

$1,000–$2,499 CLASS OF 1985

Reunion Committee Chairs

Reed D. Auerbach ♣★ Lanny A. Breuer ♣ Committee Members

Peter E. Ball ★ Andrea Bonime-Blanc Steven I. Froot Laurie Magid ♣★ Connie A. Rodriguez ♣★ Marshall S. Reuben Philip R. Weingold ♣★

Blair M. Flicker Ana Maria Garcia Margaret H. Plank ★ Up to $999

Peter A. Alpert ★ Steven R. Astrove ★ Peter E. Ball ★ John E. Barry ★ Mark L. Bibi Lynette Allison Carr Victoria C. Choy Andrew M. Faulkner Steven Brent Feigenbaum ★ David F. Freedman


Reunion Committee Chairs

Rudy Carmenaty ♣★ Bruce H. Goldfarb ♣★ Elise Slosberg Holtzman ♣★ Committee Members

Steven M. Abramowitz ★ Vineet Bhatia ♣★ Jennifer L. Klein ♣★ Alexandra T. Manbeck Trevor S. Norwitz, LL.M. ♣★ Todd J. Peterson Anika Rahman

Mark A. Roppel, LL.M. ♣★ Michael S. Simon ★ Jeffrey Stern Christopher K. Tahbaz ♣★ Howard L. Wolk ★ $100,000 and up

Vineet Bhatia ♣★ Bruce H. Goldfarb ♣★ $10,000–$24,999

Robert D. Marcus ♣ Christopher K. Tahbaz ♣★ $5,000–$9,999

Richard H. Kaplowitz ♣★ Trevor S. Norwitz, LL.M. ♣★ Brian M. Stadler ♣★ $2,500–$4,999

Rudy Carmenaty ♣★ Elise Slosberg Holtzman ♣★ Jennifer L. Klein ♣★ Mark A. Roppel, LL.M. ♣★ Michael E. Swartz ♣ Sujata Tyagi Dayal, LL.M. ♣ $1,000–$2,499

Jennifer Bancroft DaSilva ★ Wendy D. DiChristina Victor Fungkong, LL.M. ★ Drew Larner Harry W. Lipman ★ Frank J. Mangieri David B. Matthews ★ Albert J. Rim ★ Jennifer Toolin-McAuliffe ★

Rosario Conde-Johanek ★ Mary DeMarco Lee Steven A. Ellenberg ★ Steven R. Escobar Thomas L. Fraser ★ Harold M. Freiman ★ Jayashree B. Gokhale Andrew R. Gold ★ Glenda G. Grace Roshani M. Gunewardene, LL.M. Charlotte J. Hart ★ Christian A. Johnson ★ Genesia Perlmutter Kamen Steven R. Kamen Leonard Kreynin Jared L. Landaw Christopher J. McVeigh, LL.M. Paul R. Morico Mary J. Morry ★ Todd J. Peterson Theodore J. Piccone Suzanne Rosencrans ★ Miles F. Ryan III ★ Audrey M. Samers Marc A. Schwartz Lauren Gage Segal ★ Jeffrey C. Selman ★ Michael S. Simon ★ Jeffrey Stern Eve M. Strauss West ★ Rita Costabile Tobin Sarah L. Wilson Loren B. Wimpfheimer Howard L. Wolk ★

Reunion Committee Chairs

Valerie Demont, LL.M. ♣★ Dave Eisman Li Lu ♣★ Cori Flam Meltzer ★ Committee Members

Gregory R. Blatt ♣ Lisa J. Borodkin Charles P. Carter Andrea G. Cohen ★ Tracy L. Cole ♣ Jennifer L. Conn Rob Cordell ★ Bal G. Das, LL.M. ♣★ Joseph T. Dixon, III Daniel S. Gewanter ★ Seth T. Goldsamt Gia Luisa Honnen, LL.M. Erin Zyko Hussein Satoshi Kawai, LL.M. Lina A. Kitsos ♣ Dana C. Lumsden Jeremy Maltby ★ Gillian E. Metzger Benjamin Mintz Steven M. Nunez ♣ David E. Ross ♣★ Trisha Lynn Smith, LL.M. $100,000 and up

Gregory R. Blatt ♣ David P. Eisman Li Lu ♣★


Up to $999

Steven M. Abramowitz Maria Teresa Batista Katherine A. Brokaw Brian H. Cheu ★ Caroline Coleman



Lina A. Kitsos ♣ David E. Ross ♣★


Jennifer L. Conn


Stephen R. DiPrima ♣★ Steven M. Nunez ♣ Charles E. Smith ♣★ $2,500–$4,999

Marianne M. Chao, LL.M. ♣★ Tracy L. Cole ♣ Bal G. Das, LL.M. ♣★ Valerie Demont, LL.M. ♣★ $1,000–$2,499

Joseph H. Brazil Charles P. Carter Krystian Marek Czerniecki Steven J. Daniels Takao Higuchi, LL.M. Jeremy Maltby ★ Ki-Tai Park, LL.M. ★ Hillel I. Parness Eric A. Rosand ★ Justin S. Weddle ★ Yan Yang ★ Up to $999

Justin Douglas Abelow ★ Paul Allenby Claudia T. Bogdanos Dorothea Caldwell-Brown Georgia Chia-Chen Chang, LL.M. Jae-Hoon Chung, LL.M. Andrea G. Cohen ★ David P. Cohen, LL.M. ★ R. Michael Collins Albrecht Conrad, LL.M. Rob Cordell ★ Ada E. Ejikeme Daniel S. Gewanter ★ Nancy B. Greenbaum ★ J. Patrick Heptig Erin Zyko Hussein Benjamin M. Lawsky David E. Leit

Lise Anne Martina Cori Flam Meltzer ★ Matthew I. Miller Sueyoung Min Gloria Y. Pak ★ The Hon. Rufus B. Rodriguez, LL.M. James E. Rosenfeld Lynda M. Ruiz Susan Sawyer ★ Terrence L. Shen ★ Gary T. Silverstein Andrew T. Solomon ★ Evette Soto-Maldonado Lorenzo Stanghellini, LL.M. Jonathan M. Steiger Michael James Stick David P. Stone William J. Sushon Daniel H. Tabak ★ John Vagelatos Timothy A. Vogel Brian H. Way Harriet J. Whiting Margarita Ona Zubkus

CLASS OF 20 0 0

Reunion Committee Chairs

Jeffrey B. Korn ♣★ Wendi Hoeben Thompson, LL.M. Committee Members

Luciana AquinoHagedorn, LL.M. ♣★ Ana Luz Brun, LL.M. ★ Lawrence P. Dempsey ♣ Claudio Mauricio Freddo, LL.M. Luis M. Garcia-Flores, LL.M. Jeremy Rae Harris ★ David E. Kahan ♣★


Alexandra Lauvaux, LL.M. ★ Marcio Gomes Leal, LL.M. Mikhail Ratner Stephen E. Tsoneff ★ Katja Ziessler, LL.M. ★ $50,000–$99,999

Jeffrey B. Korn ♣★


David E. Kahan ♣★ $10,000–$24,999

Wendi Hoeben Thompson, LL.M. $5,000–$9,999

“It was great to see so many classmates and to hear from them. I believe it was important to be in contact with the Class to mark our 45th year since graduation from the Law School. Gathering virtually also helps to continue the bond that we have formed as a class, and I did not want a major celebration year to pass without an effort to be in touch.” S KI P RAN KI N ’75, CLASS OF 1975 R E U N ION COM M ITTE E CO-CHAI R

Ian Boczko ♣★ Alexandra Lauvaux, LL.M. ★ Emily C. Sharko Scott M. Sherman Corey A. Wright ♣ Magdalena Zavalia, LL.M. ♣★ $2,500–$4,999

Luciana AquinoHagedorn, LL.M. ♣★ Lawrence P. Dempsey ♣ Christopher N. Lewis ♣ Kevin L. MacMillan ♣★ $1,000–$2,499

Wendy J. Cassity Jung-Ryul Chun Daniel E. Friedman Yeun-Joo Lee Xiaowen Qiu ★ Benjamin Wise Rotenstreich ★ Kamyar D. Shabani Natasha Snitkovsky Shabani George N. Stavis ★ Stephen E. Tsoneff ★ Up to $999

Allison N. Abbott ★ Jill L. Arnold

James R. Beattie, Jr., LL.M. Craig J. Brill Ana Luz Brun, LL.M. ★ Latrice George Byrdsong Eric S. Chun ★ Scott E. Cohen Andrew L. Fabens IV ★ Stephanie R. Feingold ★ Elliot D. Ganchrow Raphael L. Garfield Robinne DeMayo Garfield ★ Christine E. Gould Jeremy Rae Harris ★ Heloise Husson Leleu, LL.M. Rachel L. Izower-Fadde ★ Kara L. Kreisher Leopold ★ June Kim Luo Jessica Mordas Masella ★ Scott I. Moses ★ Brian K. Nagatani ★ Veronica Perez Lianne S. Pinchuk ★ Preeya Noronha Pinto ★ Laura E. Popp-Rosenberg Tyson Anwar Pratcher Angie Armer Rios Alanna C. Rutherford ★ Juliet Sorensen ★ Brian Y. Sung Andrew H. Tannenbaum Wendy Witten Tannenbaum Edward Anh Tran ★ Jeffrey M. Werner Jackie X. H. Xu, LL.M. Katja Ziessler, LL.M. ★

Jon D. Farkas ♣★ Paul M. Goldschmid ♣★ Committee Members

Amer S. Ahmed Melissa A. Anyetei Micah E. Arbisser ★ Pierre-Jerome Bouchard, LL.M. Juan Jose Fuentes Pariente, LL.M. Eric A. Haskell Mary Janine Jjingo ★ Florencia Jaraj Kaufmann, LL.M. Marlon G. Meade Roberta Giamattey Pimentel Fonseca, LL.M. Christian D. Rutherford Brita Marie Siepker Koji Toshima, LL.M. Anton A. Ware Lincoln P. Yeh ★ $100,000 and up

Paul M. Goldschmid ♣★ $50,000–$99,999

Monica R. Shah ♣


Li Han, 2005


Jonathan D. Gifford ♣★ Douglas W. Jaffe ♣★ $5,000–$9,999

Jon D. Farkas ♣★ James P. Flynn ♣ $2,500–$4,999

Yun Ma, LL.M. ♣★ CLASS OF 20 05

Reunion Committee Chairs

Gustavo Benchimol, LL.M. Michael Bogner


Yumiko Aoi, LL.M. Michael P. Brueck Hiroto Inoue, LL.M.

Dana Colleen Peterson Faiza Norelle Rahman Fang Zhou, LL.M. Up to $999

Micah E. Arbisser ★ Melissa J. Armstrong ★ Kennisha A. Austin Margaret E. Bartlett Gustavo Benchimol, LL.M. Federico J. Blanco Keith Nolan Burns Franco G. Castelli Villa, LL.M. ★ Amitabh Chibber Steven C. Chin ★ Erick dos Anjos Corvo, LL.M. Katherine Mary Donahoe Meghann E. Donahue Andre H. M. Fiorotto, LL.M. ★ Erik C. Furu, LL.M. Christopher D. Hale Michael R. Hartman ★ A. Scott Hecker ★ Mary Janine Jjingo ★ Afiya M. Jordan Brett A. Kingsbury Sang-Hyun Lee, LL.M. Jennifer Ain Lippman Nicholas L. McQuaid ★ Saira Mohamed ★ Bryan L. Pate Lauren B. Perlgut ★ Roberta Giamattey Pimentel Fonseca, LL.M. Joseph J. Pontrello Paolo Rainelli, LL.M. Predrag Raosavljevic, LL.M. Luisa Rinaldi Bianchini, LL.M. Moharshi Roy Gregory M. Sale ★ Joshua L. Schwartz Brita Marie Siepker

Jenny B. Stapleton ★ Marc Raymond Suskin ★ Ashley Smith Thompson Zachary D. Tripp Philip Van Steenwinkel, LL.M. Lara Fleur Veroner, LL.M. Anton A. Ware Patricia S. Wencelblat Joshua Ilan Wilkenfeld Nicholle Y. Winters The Hon. Tracey B. Wollenberg YiShaun Yang ★ Lincoln P. Yeh ★


Reunion Committee Chairs

Augusto Javier Ruiloba, LL.M. Eric D. Wolkoff ♣★ Committee Members

Vasily Averin, LL.M. Jiang Chen, LL.M. ♣ Carl C. Forbes, Jr. Jessica Shizu Isokawa Shira A. Kaufman Benjamin P. Mills ★ Adam S. Mintz ★ Matthias M. Pitkowitz, LL.M. Sarah E.M. Rice Sarah Lynnda Swan, LL.M. Elina Khasina Teboul David H. Tutor Raphaela Tercia Barbosa Vasconcelos, LL.M. M. Lorena Veron Montiel, LL.M. Curtis R. Waldo $10,000–$24,999

Lilit Kazangyan ♣ Eric D. Wolkoff ♣★





Zila R. Acosta-Grimes ♣★ Eamonn Wesley Campbell ♣


Committee Members

Makalika Destarte Naholowaa ♣ Jiang Chen, LL.M. ♣ Bryant P. Lee Jeong Mee Lee Sarah E.M. Rice Joshua L. Simmons Up to $999

Yuichi Ando, LL.M. Laura K. Asserfea Jessica Rachel Bell ★ Evgeniya A. Berezkina, LL.M. ★ Sulman Ahmed Bhatti Joshua A. Bird Jonathan D. Boyer Melanie Joyce Brown ★ Anna Fleder Connolly ★ Elizabeth R. Doisy Serena G. Scholz Granger ★ Helen Gugel Amanda Tobin Kauth ★ William C. Leavitt ★ Benjamin P. Mills ★ Adam S. Mintz ★ Emma C. Neff Erin E. Richardson ★ Meghan Joy Schubmehl Angela Frances Shannon Justin P. Steil Jaroslav Suchman, LL.M. Sarah Lynnda Swan, LL.M. Elina Khasina Teboul Christopher T. Tom ★ James McCall Traxler ★ Adam B. Weiss ★ Michael Clark Willes ★ Matthew M. Yelovich ★ Jean M. Zachariasiewicz

Reunion Committee Chairs

Maria Alejandra Arboleda, LL.M. Xi Bao, LL.M. ♣★ Helen M. Ethridge Dennis Fan ♣ Lane E. Feler Veronica Franco Lopez Moreira, LL.M. Diego Gallegos, LL.M. Eric R. Lopez Stefania Monda, LL.M. Shigeki Obi, LL.M. Christina E. Obiajulu Jasmine Woodard Rose Brian Joseph Russell Arnav Hemen Shah, LL.M. Namrata Mayur Shah, LL.M. $1,000–$2,499

Magdalena Biereder, LL.M. ♣ Eamonn Wesley Campbell ♣ $500–$999

Dennis Fan ♣ Murtuza Federal, LL.M. ♣★ Anna Shifflet Greig ♣★ Scott K. Hvidt ♣ Laurance Browning VanMeter, Jr. ♣ Natalie Sing Yee Wong ♣★ Ting Zhou, LL.M. ♣ Up to $499

Zila R. Acosta-Grimes ♣★ Esinam M. D. Agbemenu Joanna Janesky Andrade, LL.M. Maria Alejandra Arboleda, LL.M. Asif Attarwala

Xi Bao, LL.M. ♣★ Kathleen L. Benner ★ Nathaniel A. Bronstein Wonil Chang Richard S. Cleary, Jr. ★ Lee D. Cooper Elizabeth R. Cruikshank ★ Lan Deng, LL.M. ★ Guilherme De Aguiar Falco, LL.M. Kathleen E. Farley Lane E. Feler Peter H. Fountain ★ Steven J. Grant David T. Imamura ★ Eric J. Konopka ★ Jennifer A. Kutsunai Alexandra F. Leavy Iris Danni Lin Sean M. Linnehan ★ Nawal K. Maalouf ★ Sophia M. Mancall-Bitel ♣ Chase H. Mechanick Allegra A. Noonan Xinyi Pan Michael W. Pfautz ★ David M. Pucino Daniel A. Rockower ★ Jasmine Woodard Rose Alan M. Ruiz ★ Brian Joseph Russell Patrick V. Salvo Samuel B. Shepson Christopher Kelley Shields Andrew Nicholas Stahl Katherine Carey Stephens Gregory William Swartz Eliana Torrado Franco, LL.M. Svenja Wachtel, LL.M. ★ Georgina C. Yeomans ★ Catherine Yoon Adam G. Yoran



Up to $999

James J. Mulligan ★ Dante M. Scaccia ★



Mordecai Rochlin ▲★

Mark N. Kaplan ♣★ $1,000–$2,499


Up to $999

Robert Lowenstein ★

Contributors by Class


Henry H. Steiner ♣★

Up to $999


Henry C. Roemer, Jr.

Up to $999 CLASS OF 1948


The Hon. Jack B. Weinstein ★

Alumni support is vital to sustaining the tradition of excellence that is at the core of Columbia Law School’s mission as a leader in legal education. We extend our sincere gratitude to our donors, listed here by class, for your individual gifts during the 2019–2020 fiscal year.

Up to $999

This section recognizes gifts received from July 1, 2019 to June 30, 2020.

Ira M. Millstein ♣

The Hon. Theodore I. Botter ▲★ Theodore R. Jackson ★ Arthur W. Knapp, Jr. ★ Charles J. Morris Charles W. Walton


$50,000 and up

Robert M. Pennoyer ★ The Hon. Arthur S. Present ★ Douglas H. Springer ★


James Q. Riordan ♣★ Stanley D. Robinson ♣★ $1,000–$2,499

Fred A. Freund ▲★ Up to $999

Cyrus J. Bloom ★ Robert D. Mishne ★

Paul S. Bilgore ★ Philip D. Corsi ★ Ezra H. Friedman ★ Slade Gorton ▲★ James M. Hartman ★ Morton L. Janklow William H. Montgomery, Jr. ★ Robert C. Nicander ★ Paul R. Scott ▲★



Arthur A. Feder ♣★ Up to $999

Peter M. Abel ★ Roy T. Englert ★ Franklin Feldman ★ The Hon. Herbert L. Levy Nathaniel Springer, Jr.


Lawrence N. Friedland ♣★


Norman Abell ★ Benjamin M. Shieber ★



Daniel B. Berkson ★ Donald A. Robinson ★ Up to $999

Carolyn K. Balleisen Burton J. Bloomberg ★ Stanley Lavin ★ Gerald H. Robinson ★


$50,000 and up

Louis Hering ♣


Robert P. Adelman ★ Up to $999

Morton A. Corwin ★ Alvin M. Feder F. Carolyn Graglia ★ Lino A. Graglia ★ Joseph S. Hellman ★ Mark F. Hughes, Jr. ★ Bernard Jacobson ★ L. Donald Jaffin ★ Joan Stern Kiok ★ Robert A. Longman Henry Pollard Howard D. Stave Joseph Wilkes ★



$50,000 and up

Richard B. Covey ♣★ Gedale B. Horowitz, 1955 ▲♣★ $10,000–$24,999

Renee Gerstler Schwartz ♣★ $5,000–$9,999

Harriet S. Shapiro ♣★ $2,500–$4,999

William Josephson Jay J. Miller ♣★ Arnold R. Sollar ♣ Michael I. Sovern ▲♣★



Alan Brout ★ Stanley Katzman ★ Edwin Robbins Martin S. Saiman ★ Jacqueline W. Shapiro ♣ Up to $999

Barbara Aronstein Black John W. Cooper Sol Freedman ★ Sanford H. Goldberg Marshall P. Keating ▲★ Richard M. Kleid ★ Thomas M. Lewyn Edwin J. Reis Emil Scheller ★ Leonard Sims Pierre A. Tonachel


The Hon. Alvin K. Hellerstein ♣★ $5,000–$9,999

Frederick A. Terry, Jr. ♣ $2,500–$4,999

Charles A. Ehren, Jr. ♣★ $1,000–$2,499

Isaac Shapiro ♣ James T. Sherwin ★ Up to $999

Joseph V. Ambrose, Jr. ★ The Hon. Julia Lovett Ashbey ★ David J. Bardin ★ Thomas A. Flaherty ★ William C. Ketchum R. Allan Paul Shulamith Simon ★ Stephen B. Sobel ★ Leon Stand ★ Michael S. Zarin

Up to $999

Bennett L. Aaron ★ The Hon. Chester Apy Charles H. Baller The Hon. Herbert L. Chabot ★ Martin J. Cohen Paul Devens Herbert L. Finkelstein ★ Herbert M. Friedman John F. Geer ★ Robert E. Gilroy ★ Franklin Kavaler Warren A. Weiss Charles W. Wilder ▲★ Robert A. Zock Burton M. Zwiebach

Charles V. Drew ★ Norman Fassler ★ Martin S. Handelman ★ Jack I. Heller ★ Cowles W. Herr Robert O. Lehrman ★ Roland Plottel ★ Leslie Plump ★ Daren A. Rathkopf ★ Donald J. Reid ★ Robert C. Rosenberg ★ Walter Saffer Aziz S. Sahwell, LL.M. Richard D. Simmons ★ Douglas H. Stearns Philip Weinberg ★



$50,000 and up


Alan G. Weiler ♣★ $10,000–$24,999

Stanley Lubman ♣ $5,000–$9,999



Charles R. Ennis ♣★ Donald L. Laufer ♣★ Conrad L. Teitell ♣★ $1,000–$2,499

Marvin Dicker ★ David T. Goldstick Deborah M. Greenberg Warren H. Heilbronner ★ Donald R. Osborn ★ Michael J. Silverberg ★


Henry Gorelick ♣★ George S. Frazza ♣ $1,000–$2,499

The Hon. Anita Blumstein Brody ★ Burton M. Fine ★ Martin L. Fried ★ Jerome Kretchmer Owen C. Olpin Howard S. Simonoff ★ Up to $999

Sherwood L. Anderson ★ Sheldon Basch ★ Gloria B. Cherry ★ Cyrus M. Diamond

Ralph Finerman ♣★ $10,000–$24,999

The Hon. Ruth Bader Ginsburg ▲♣★ Lewis Kruger ♣★ $2,500–$4,999

Michael W. Appelbaum ★ Peter Battista, Jr. Saul Brenner ★ Ralph I. Brown ★ Duncan H. Cameron ★ Stuart F. Cartoon ★ Robert V. Dunn ★ John S. Ferguson ★ Alvin M. Glazerman Richard L. Goldberg ★ Richard F. Irwin ★ Joseph S. Kaming ★ Victor Levin Stanley J. Levy ★ John G. Lipsett ★ Michael D. Loprete ★ Peter V. Millham Richard B. Nashel Donald P. O’Connor ▲★ William C. Payne ★ Lennard K. Rambusch ★ The Hon. Richard D. Rosenbloom ★ Hazel Schizer ★ Evan J. Spelfogel ★ Jerry E. Thonn Richard L. Veron ★ John H. Williams ★

Ralph E. Goldberg ♣★ Mark J. Kronman ♣★ CLASS OF 1961


Roger F. Bloom Philip R. Carroll ★ Faith Colish ★ Victor M. Earle III ★ Stanley M. Kolber John H. Steel ★ ★

Up to $999

Charles P. Allee ★ William J. Allingham ★ Marvin Anderman ★


James J. Hagan ♣★ $2,500–$4,999

Carol Garfiel Freeman ♣ Peter Gruenberger ♣★ Paul R. Herman ♣ Robert I. Kleinberg ♣ Barry R. Mandelbaum ♣★



Frank P. DiPrima ★ Hugh M. Dougan ★ Victor A. Kovner ★ The Hon. John S. Martin, Jr. Herbert E. Milstein ★ Daniel Riesel ★ Richard H. Steinberg ★ Martin S. Wagner ★ Up to $999

Thomas R. Amlicke ★ Martin Balsam ★ Giora Ben-Horin ★ John E. G. Bischof ★ Dean G. Braslow ★ Ernest Brod David S. Burns ★ John R. Cannell ★ John L. Davenport ★ Richard M. Felner Martin R. Gold Richard B. Groothuis ★ Meyer A. Gross ★ Raymond S. Hack ★ Malvina Halberstam ★ Owen O. Hoberman ★ Ping-cheung Loh, MCL Bernard Medoff ★ The Hon. Richard Newman ★ William F. Noval ★ Ronald J. Offenkrantz ★ Robert H. Paul ★ Louise H. Renne ★ Mark L. Schwartz ★ James A. Smith ★ Robert J. Task John Allen Weedon Harris Weinstein Carol Ann Weisbrod ★



$500,000 and up

Stephen Friedman ♣ $25,000–$49,999

1 Anonymous Donor $5,000–$9,999

Michael I. Bernstein ♣★ Carl Frischling ♣★ Harry J. Petchesky ♣★ Kenneth L. Stein ♣★ $2,500–$4,999

Eleanor S. Applewhaite ♣★ Richard J. Hiegel ♣ Carol Green Kaplan ♣★ Arnold J. Levine ♣ S. Sidney Mandel ♣★ Irving Scher ♣★



George M. Garfunkel ♣★ Thomas Wertheimer ♣★ $5,000–$9,999

Robert L. Laufer ♣★ James N. Rudolph ♣★ $2,500–$4,999


Janet Ross Axelrod John W. Galiardo ★ Joseph A. O’Connor, Jr. ★ A. Thomas S. Safford ★ Donald H. Siskind ★ Peter D. Swords ★ Bardyl R. Tirana John A. Vassallo ★ ★

Up to $999

Robert M. Schanzer ★ Bennet Hugh Silverman ★ Stephen W. Stein ★ Robert B. Taub The Hon. Rena Katz Uviller ★ Robert H. Werbel ★ Elizabeth Bingham Witzgall ★ Steven W. Wolfe ★

G. S. Peter Bergen ★ Sophie C. Cook A. Kenneth Fine ★ Andrew L. Frey ★ Stanley B. Gruber Robert D. Hadl Robert A. Kagan Alan L. Kazlow Donald G. Kein ★ Charles H. Kellert ★ Stephen M. Kravit Gene Locks

Richard L. Blumenthal ♣★

James G. Hatcher ★ Frederick W. Hilles Stephen A. Hopkins ★ Stephen L. Kadish ★ The Hon. George Levine ★ Richard C. Meade Peter S. Ness ★ John McK. Pratt ★ Leopold S. Rassnick ★ Stephen Reich ★ Richard E. Rubinstein Stephen J. Schulte Richard O. Scribner ★ Robert Selya ★ David B. Simpson Edward P. Smith ★ Nathan Snyder ★ Dirk R. Soutendijk Robert E. Stein Stephen S. Weddle ★ J. Theodore Wieseman David M. Zurn ★


Peter W. Brown ★ Paul R. Hundt ★ Harris E. Markhoff ★ Miles F. McDonald, Jr. ★ Werner L. Polak ★ Arnold L. Putterman ★ The Hon. Robert D. Sack ★ Franklin A. Thomas ★ Mark A. Vogel Robert A. Wayne Up to $999

David B. Beizer ★ Arthur H. Coleman The Hon. Alice Daniel Joel Davidow Stephen Davis ★ William J. Diamond Robert P. Duvin, LL.M. ★ H. Flanders, Jr.


$50,000 and up

Susan B. Lindenauer ♣★ Eugene A. Rostov ♣ $10,000–$24,999

Michael R. Griffinger ♣★ Robert N. Kaplan ♣★ $5,000–$9,999

Gerry H. Goldsholle ♣★ Douglas H. McCorkindale ♣★ $2,500–$4,999

W. Leslie Duffy ♣★ Robert Ivan Greenberg ♣ $1,000–$2,499

John H. Bitner ★

John F. Crawford ★ Mark D. Larner ★ Alan N. Locker ★ Stuart B. Newman ★ Up to $999

Steven J. Antler Thomas H. Barnard, Jr. ★ Lawrence W. Boes William M. Borchard ★ Allen B. Breslow ★ Adrian A. Colley ★ Gerald Einhorn ★ Robert S. Hammer ★ William H. Hyatt, Jr. ★ Robert D. Kamenshine ★ Herbert J. Kessler Norman G. Knopf ★ Richard M. Langway ★ Richard P. Lerner ★ Bruce B. Litwer ★ Gerald P. Norton ★ David A. Nourse ★ Francis M. O’Regan ★ Elaine S. Reiss ★ Kermit Roosevelt, Jr. ★ Eleanor Rosenthal ★ Robert A. Rubin ★ Paul D. Rubner ★ Robert R. Salman ★ Arthur L. Schiff ★ Stuart C. Sloame Leo S. Ullman Richard E. Verville The Hon. Maryellen Weinberg ★


$50,000 and up

David J. Stern ▲♣★ $25,000–$49,999

Paul J. Evanson ♣★


Patricia A. Brooks ♣★ Michael A. Cardozo ♣★ Martin Lee Edelman ♣★ Laurin L. Laderoute, Jr. ♣★ Robert E. Peduzzi ♣★ $5,000–$9,999

Robert M. Heller ♣★ Ralph N. Johanson, Jr. ♣★ Philip Allen Lacovara ♣★ $2,500–$4,999

Howard L. Ganz ♣ Mark A. Jacoby ♣★ David Lopez ♣ John B. Pellegrini ♣★ R. Evan Smith ♣ $1,000–$2,499

Dean S. Bress Michael H. de Havenon ★ John P. Denneen ★ Edward Fein ★ Melvyn N. Klein ★ Nathan Leventhal ★ Richard N. Matties ★ William F. Morrill ★ Harriet S. Rabb Charles W. VanBeke ★ Lawrence N. Weiss ▲ Fredric W. Yerman ★

Up to $999

Charles Banks, Jr. The Hon. J. Michael Beecher ★ Warren Belmar ★ Robert C. Berenbroick ★ Edward J. Bergman William Robert Brew John D. Campbell David English Carmack ★ Denis Clifford ★ John F. DiLorenzo, Jr. ★ Robert Eisenstadt ★ Ira Finkelson Norman F. Fishbein ★ Robert L. Forst David L. Fox Eugene Goodwillie, Jr. Jeffrey S. Grad ★ Charles W. Grinnell ★ Dov M. Grunschlag Jack Gunther, Jr. Thomas F. Hartch ★ John E. Hartman ★ Carolyn M. Heft ★ Paul D. Hill Karl B. Holtzschue ★ Thomas C. Homburger ★ Richard S. Kraut ★ Barbara Catoggio Kullen Larry M. Loeb ★ Jerome Marshak ★ Wallace J. McDonald ★ Donald P. McPherson III ★ Mark E. Meyerson Bruce L. Mishkin Melvin D. Newman Denis R. Pinkernell ★ Bruce Rabb ★ Henry E. Ramer ★ Robert S. Robbin ★ William L. Robinson Michael A. Ross ★


Martin D. Schneiderman ★ Michael J. Shef ★ Barry L. Solar Warren G. Stolusky ★ Daniel Subotnik ★ Alan Wm. Wolff ★


$50,000 and up

Peter C. Canellos ♣★ George A. Kellner ♣★ Michael E. Patterson ♣ Paul J. Siegel ♣★ $25,000–$49,999

Lawrence Eliot Goldschmidt ♣★ Andrew J. Tunick ♣★ $10,000–$24,999

Richard deCourcy Hinds ♣★ $5,000–$9,999

The Hon. Gray Davis ♣ Robert Donald Estes ♣ John M. Liftin ♣★ Gary P. Naftalis ♣★ Ashley Steinhart ♣ $2,500–$4,999

Jane Cohen Bergner ♣★ Michael N. Block ♣ John M. Costigan ♣★ George A. Davidson ♣★ Walter H. Jones III ♣★ $1,000–$2,499

Harold S. H. Edgar ★ Neil R. Eisner ★ Paul L. Goldstein ★ Marjorie E. MacArthur ★ Irvin B. Nathan ★ William C. Rosen ★

“Scholars are more useful the closer they are to the facts of the world. New York City—a major market for commerce, communications, and science—is fertile ground for scholarship and practice in IP law and technology.” TI M WU, J U LI U S S I LVE R PROFE SSOR OF LAW, SCI E NCE, AN D TECH NOLOGY

Steven B. Rosenfeld ★ Frederick M. Rothenberg ★


Up to $999

Stephen H. Case ♣★ The Hon. Robert S. Smith ♣★

Mark H. Borofsky Steven J. Cole Michael Colodner ★ Cecil Conner, Jr. J. William Dawson Gerry J. Elman ★ Lawrence S. Feld Gerald M. Freedman Michael R. Goldenberg ★ Joel M. Gora Kenneth Gordon William R. Hickman ★ William J. Hoehler Frederic K. Howard ★ Howard A. Jacobson ★ George E. Johnson ★ Lucian C. Jones Alan E. Katz ★ Edward P. Lawrence William A. Levine ★ Burt H. Liebman ★ William H. MacArthur Edward J. McGuire, Jr. ★ Alan H. McLean R. Collin Middleton Richard Mizrack ★ Martin J. Murphy James F. Parver ★ Kenneth T. Pearlman ★ Templeton C. Peck Daniel P. Schechter ★ Newton B. Schott, Jr. ★ Steven G. Schulman Mark Schwarz Gerald MacD. Shea ★ Burton B. Smoliar ★ Robert L. Tracy ★ Harvey Weiner ★ The Hon. Ruth Jane Zuckerman ★ 40 ANNUAL REPORT 2020



The Hon. Richard E. Best ♣ Barry S. Jaynes ♣★ W. Gage McAfee ♣ Robert D. Rosenbaum ♣ $5,000–$9,999

Danforth Newcomb ♣★ The Hon. U. W. Clemon ♣★ $2,500–$4,999

Martin H. Belsky ♣★ Allen H. Brill ♣★ Joe Chartoff ♣★ Richard E. Gutman ♣★ The Hon. James E. Massey ♣★ Clarence W. Olmstead, Jr. ♣★ Edward L. Weidenfeld ♣ $1,000–$2,499

William C. Brown ★ Waldo C. Falkener, Jr. ★ Brian D. Fix Charles L. Gholz ★ Rena P. Gordon ★ Paul R. Greenberg ★ Bobby C. Lawyer ★ John Robert Leekley ★ A. Lundy, Jr. Stephen A. Magida ★ John P. McLane ★ John Hugh Mullan ★ William Parsons, Jr. ★ Theodore L. Press M. James Spitzer, Jr. ★ Lois Lempel Weinroth ★

Up to $999

Paul M. Bray ★ David M. Call ★ John B. Canning ★ Robert L. Crawford Joel F. Crystal ★ Thomas Draper, Jr. Charles F. Feldman Arnold D. Fleischer ★ Allen J. Frazer ★ Peter A. Giuntini ★ Christopher M. Gores ★ Charles E. Hance ★ Jonathan Ross Harkavy ★ John C. Hendrickson John E. Hickey ★ Thomas Jones, Jr. Bennett H. Last ★ Linda R. Lebensold ★ Robert H. Loeffler ★ Jay W. Luther G. W. McDonald ★ Walter E. Neely Eric Nemiroff Arnold Jay Rosoff Steven A. Ruskin ★ Charles A. Schwartz ★ Richard C. Seltzer Richard D. Stern ★ Andrew P. Tashman Joel S. Taylor ★ Gregory P. Williams Harry M. Yohalem ★ Judith Seplowitz Ziss ★



Ronald S. Rolfe ♣★ Marc I. Stern ♣★ S. Robson Walton ♣★ $10,000–$24,999

Mark L. Amsterdam ♣★ J. Frederick Berg, Jr. ♣★ Robert L. Book ♣★ John A. Golden ♣★ John H. Hall ♣★ $5,000–$9,999

Douglas D. Broadwater ♣★ J. Barclay Collins II ♣ Richard J. Davis ♣★ Harvey Kurzweil ♣★ The Hon. D. Lloyd Macdonald ♣ $2,500–$4,999

Daniel T. Murray ♣★ Norman R. Nelson ♣★ $1,000–$2,499

Michael Garrett ★ The Hon. Roderick L. Ireland ★ John C. Jenkins Robert L. Kehr David C. Lindeman Rene V. Murai ★ Donald E. Sonnenborn ★ Up to $999

Gerald J. Adler, LL.M. ★ Harvey Z. Arfa Lawrence D. Bernfeld ★ Frank S. Bloch ★ John M. Brickman ★ Peter J. Calderon ★ John J. Carney ★ Robert D. Croog Ronald E. DePetris ★ William Peter Dietrich ★

David T. Dinwoodey Clifford S. Fishman Daniel C. Goldfarb Toby B. Golick ★ Wallace D. Gossett ★ Kenneth W. Johnson ★ Kenneth P. Kahn ★ Charles B. Kaufmann III ★ Sidney A. Keyles Lawrence R. Lanctot, LL.M. ★ Alan L. Marx Thomas B. Mimms, Jr. ★ Frank B. Newell Leonard B. Pack ★ Michael L. Perlin Lawrence C. Petrowski ★ Peter S. Plumb ★ William J. Quintavalle ★ Joseph Rosenbloom III Stephen R. Shestakofsky Jeffrey J. Skarda The Hon. Joseph C. Small ★ Neil A. Smith ★ David B. Spanier ★ The Hon. Edgar G. Walker ★ George L. Wallach Philip J. Wiesner ★ James M. Yarmon ★


$50,000 and up

Max W. Berger ♣★ William R. Bush ♣★ $10,000–$24,999

Mark A. Belnick ♣★ Maya D. Goldschmidt ♣ The Hon. Kathryn E. Zenoff ♣★


Arthur S. Kaufman ♣★ Robert S. Kelner ♣★ William C. Mutterperl ♣★ $2,500–$4,999

Ross D. Ain ♣★ Stuart M. Saft ♣ Claude Elaine Salomon ♣ $1,000–$2,499

Robert Brandt ★ Barbara Ann McGuire Cook ★ Edward M. Fishman ★ James K. Leader ★ John E. Linville ★ Michael L. Lipman ★ Andrew S. Roffe ★ Melvyn J. Simburg ★ Kurt Steele ★ Audrey Strauss ★ Gerald B. Sweeney ★ Paul G. Whitby ★ Jeffrey C. Zwerling Up to $999

Stephen E. Alpern Jonathan G. Axelrod ★ Andrew L. Berger ★ Peter Brown ★ William M. Burstein ★ Austin V. Campriello ★ Bruce S. Coleman ★ Richard C. Coyle ★ Maria Dolores Fernos, LL.M. Dana H. Freyer ★ The Hon. Brian E. Frosh Alan J. Garfunkel ★ Brit Geiger Irvin Grodsky ★ Isaac Davis Hall ★ Martin B. Helfant ★ Andrew L. Herz ★

Henry M. Hocherman Jerrald J. Hochman ★ Fred Taylor Isquith ★ Ronald S. Kahn Philip H. Kalban P. Nicholas Kourides ★ Harry Kresky ★ Barry Levinsky ★ Walter S. Mack, Jr. ★ The Hon. Angela M. Mazzarelli Brian T. McAnaney ★ James M. McMahan ★ Julian L. McPhillips, Jr. ★ Michael D. Mulligan Alfred A. Olbrycht ★ Lanny A. Oppenheim ★ Robert L. Palmer Thomas C. Phelan ★ Paul S. Ryerson ★ Jay G. Safer ★ Howard S. Scher George A. Schneider Stephen J. Small F. Robert Stein Lynne Rothschild Stern ★ Marc J. Sternbaum ★ Thomas J. Sullivan Norman G. Tabler, Jr. ★ Mary E. Wagner Theodore M. Weitz ★


$50,000 and up

Richard Paul Richman ♣★ $25,000–$49,999

Edward A. K. Adler Robert J. Rosen ♣★ Steven M. Schatz ♣★




Robert M. Grace, Jr. ♣★ Jo-Ann H. Whitehorn ♣★ Lowell C. Williams ♣ John M. Zizzo ♣★ $5,000–$9,999

Lloyd E. Constantine ♣★ Gregory L. Johnson ♣ Robert J. Jossen ♣★ Richard D. Weinberg ♣★ $2,500–$4,999

Michael H. Barnett ♣★ Stephen K. Bone ♣ Steven H. Brose ♣★ Joan Murtagh Frankel ♣★ Michael I. Frankel ♣★ Samuel Goldman ♣ Robert A. Greenspon ♣★ Mark C. Morril ♣★ $1,000–$2,499

Geoffrey A. Anderson ★ Frank A. Bolden ★ Richard A. Cantlin ★ Christina E. Clayton Anthony J. Costantini ★ Robert M. Franklin ★ Edward G. Freitag ★ David G. Hume Mark S. Kahan Dennis J. Kelly ★ Stuart A. Licht ★ Jay P. Mayesh Jane W. Parver ★ John S. Siffert ★ Stephen E. Tisman Up to $999

Martin S. Allen ★ Robert G. Andre ★ Michael C. Barr ★ Leslie A. Blau

Annette H. Blum Donald L. Borod ★ Edward J. Buchholz ★ Steven D. Burton ★ John S. Casler ★ Michael A. C. Clark ★ Roger S. Clark, JSD ★ Gerard Andrew Corsini ★ Frederick T. Davis Thomas C. Demakis Eli Esses ★ George R. Freund, Jr. ★ Larry S. Gage ★ Russell M. Gertmenian ★ Daryl W. Goodrich ★ Neal Forrest Grenley ★ Michael D. Halpern ★ Edwin A. Harnden Clifford S. Haye ★ Alan A. Herman ★ Daniel C. Hickey ★ Kenneth G. Hochman William K. Hoyt, Jr. ★ William S. Hunt Robert A. Kandel Bruce M. Kauderer ★ George J. Khouri ★ I. Fred Koenigsberg ★ John G. Landes ★ James R. Ledley ★ Richard Z. Lehv ★ J. Thomas Lenhart Emily R. Livingston ★ Agatha M. Modugno ★ The Hon. Anthony J. Mohr ★ Stanley J. Moore ★ William J. Muller ★ Arthur V. Nealon Andrew J. Nierenberg Patrick Patterson, Jr. Michael A. Roosevelt ★ David J. Rosen ★

Ted Ruthizer ★ Jack E. Schachner ★ Deborah Huffman Schenk ★ Doris K. Shaw Craig Singer ★ Michael I. Stolzar ★ H. Hedley Stothers, Jr. ★ John B. Tepe, Jr. ★ Norman D. Tunnell Deborah R. Walworth Richard D. Weiss ★ Michael D. Young ★ Jonathan Zavin


$50,000 and up

Paul Vizcarrondo, Jr. ♣★ $25,000–$49,999

Bruce W. Greer ♣★ Evelyn L. Greer ♣★ Mary Ellen Pindyck ♣★ Jonathan D. Schiller ♣ $10,000–$24,999

Peter M. Benedek ♣★ Lawrence S. Blumberg ♣★ Robert B. Mazur ♣★ Alan L. Myerson ♣ $5,000–$9,999

Robert L. Barrows ♣★ Charles D. Bock ♣★ William P. Dickey ♣★ $2,500–$4,999

Kenneth M. Barna ♣★ The Hon. Lindsey Miller-Lerman ♣★ William B. Pollard III ♣★ Sanford H. Zatcoff ♣★



Thomas R. Berner ★ Woodrow Campbell, Jr. S. James Di Bernardo ★ Wesley C. Fredericks, Jr. ★ Spencer B. Hays ★ Robert F. Herrmann Margaret M. Mooney ★ James H. Pooley Thomas R. Rippon ★ Stephen Ross ★ Scott B. Schreiber ★ Stephen A. Talesnick ★ David S. Waldman ★ Susan B. Werth ★ Up to $999

“Through your generosity, you invest in Columbia Law School’s legacy of excellence, innovation, and leadership. I am proud and grateful to be a part of this amazing institution. On behalf of the Class of 2020, thank you for your support, which allows us to follow in your footsteps.” N ICOLE FLE M I NG ’20, PAST R ECI PI E NT OF TH E M ICHAE L I. SOVE R N SCHOLAR S H I P, E STAB LI S H E D BY TH E J E ROM E L. G R E E N E FOU N DATION 42 ANNUAL REPORT 2019

Beryl A. Abrams ★ The Hon. Timothy D. Bates Stephen B. Bedrick Vivian Olivia Berger ★ Alvin P. Bluthman ★ Stephen E. Borofsky ★ Walter R. Brewster, Jr. ★ James A. Cherney Janice Cook ★ Francis W. Costello ★ Stephen J. Crimmins ★ Pierre Claude de Saint Phalle ★ The Hon. Laura E. Drager Richard M. Franklin ★ Robert A. Friedrich ★ Bruce G. Goodman ★ Robert A. Grauman ★ Stephen D. Hope ★ John E. Leo Ann E. Lewis The Hon. John M. Lewis ★ Nathan H. Mann George T. Manning Douglas K. Mansfield Pamela C. McGuire ★

Bruce R. Millman ★ Philip I. Moncharsh Joseph Moss III John G. Murphy, Jr. ★ Trammell Newton, Jr. ★ The Hon. Michael J. Obus ★ Robert S. Perlstein The Hon. Peter D. Pizzuto ★ J. Andrew Rahl, Jr. ★ Donald B. Redfern ★ Charles A. Reid III ★ Robert M. Rosenberg ★ Timothy R. Smith Peter N. Stevens ★ William J. Thomashower ★ Edmund J. Towle III ★ Roger A. Walaszek Richard L. Wasserman ★ Roy N. Watanabe Edward G. Williams ★ Walter Williamson



Marlene Alva ♣★ Leslie G. Fagen ♣ Mark L. Yecies ♣★ $5,000–$9,999

Paul Bork ♣★ Ellen V. Futter ♣★ Frank L. Politano ♣★ James A. Randel ♣ $2,500–$4,999

Kenneth A. August ♣★ Charles Douglas Bethill ♣★ James M. Dubin ♣★ David W. Heleniak ♣★ John A. Hinman ♣

Lawrence A. Horn ♣★ Irwin H. Warren ♣★ $1,000–$2,499

Sandra S. Baron Karen S. Boxer ★ Kenneth P. Corhan Gregory L. Diskant ★ William F. Harrison ★ Christopher Mayer ★ The Hon. Vanzetta Penn McPherson David C. Pollack Stephen L. Ratner ★ Laurance Rockefeller ★ Mary K. Schuette ★ Robert S. Singley ★ Benjamin Suckewer ★ Jonathon D. Warner ★ Richard H. Weisberg ★ Stephen James Zoukis ★ Up to $999

William J. Barker, Jr. ★ The Hon. Judith Bartnoff ★ David R. Bence ★ William Boone Bonvillian ★ Arnold N. Bressler Kelly P. Corr ★ Robert M. Diamond ★ Stephen L. Dreyfuss ★ James Gadsden ★ Fred E. Glickman ★ Jeffrey S. Greenberger Ronald G. Isaac ★ Marian M. Johnston ★ Thomas N. Keltner, Jr. ★ Heng-Pin Kiang ★ The Hon. Jo-Lynne Q. Lee ★ Jonathan I. Mark ★ Cornelius J. Milmoe ★ Lawrence B. Novey Eric D. Ranney ♣ HARLAN

Georgia Urbano Raysman Michael A. Rosenbloom ★ James S. Russell ★ Lynn Hecht Schafran ★ Bruce H. Schneider ★ Martin J. Schwartz Richard C. Singer Jonathan Staebler ★ Don R. Weigandt ★ James A. Woller

The Hon. Charles T. Lee Arthur R. Lehman Fred T. Magaziner ★ Kenneth E. Meister ♣★ Michael G. Rosenzweig Steven J. Schacter David S. Versfelt ★ Up to $999


$50,000 and up

Pam H. Schneider ♣ $25,000–$49,999

The Hon. Eric H. Holder, Jr. ♣ $10,000–$24,999

Peter Buscemi ♣★ Leonard L. Gumport ♣★ Christine Hikawa ♣★ John J. Kerr, Jr. ♣★ $5,000–$9,999

Carolyn Seely Wiener ♣★ $2,500–$4,999

Matthew H. Kamens ♣★ Daniel G. Kelly, Jr. ♣★ Michael T. Medford ♣★ Michael T. Sillerman ♣★ $1,000–$2,499

Ralph C. Dawson Bert H. Deixler ★ Leslie M. Demus John E. Horn Joseph T. Ippolito ★ Roger P. Joseph Stanley H. Kasten Sanda Kayden Lambert ★


Douglas F. Allen, Jr. ★ Richard B. Aronson ★ Lawrence M. Bell Jane E. Booth ★ William W. Bratton, Jr. ★ William C. Cagney ★ Warren G. Caywood, Jr. ★ Douglas R. Chamberlain ★ John M. Christian ★ Peter M. Connolly Frank J. Cutolo John L. Diamond ★ Michael C. Dorf ★ Viviane Eisenberg Mellen, LL.M. ★ Steven R. Fischer ★ Eric H. Fisher ★ David F. Forte ★ Wendy Robbins Fox ★ M. E. Freeman ★ Bruce Givner Steven J. Glaser ★ Charlynn Wright Goins Andrew Irving ★ Carol A. Jablonski ★ Eric H. Joss ★ Ilene P. Karpf ★ Thomas L. Klug ★ Margaret V. Knox ★ Paul S. Koffsky ★ John M. McEnany Henry T. Meyer III ★ Neil H. Miller ★ William L. Mueller ★


Lance Myers ★ Alan S. Naar ★ Wayne J. Neveu Ralph L. Pellecchio Richard H. Perez Laurence L. Pinkerton ★ Howard R. Reiss ★ Richard E. Roberts Herbert C. Ross, Jr. ★ Robert D. Schachat Jamie E. Stern ★ Steven L. Strange ★ Lydia N. Wegman ★ Scott B. White ★ Diane L. Zimmerman ★


$50,000 and up

Susan C. Waltman ♣★ $25,000–$49,999

Cathy M. Kaplan ♣★ Jeffrey L. Kessler ♣★ $10,000–$24,999

Bruce D. Angiolillo ♣★ Carol Angiolillo ♣★ Gregory P. Ho ♣★ Daniel A. Neff ♣★ Edgar G. Rios, Jr. ♣ Helen S. Scott ♣★ $5,000–$9,999

Rodman W. Benedict ♣★ Wesley C. Dias ♣★ Stephen H. Green ♣★ Ellen Oran Kaden ♣ Jamie B. W. Stecher ♣★ William R. Stein ♣★


Robert J. Goldman ♣★ Abbe D. Lowell ♣★ Paul E. Summit ♣ Paul C. Tang ♣★ $1,000–$2,499

John Allen, Jr. Gian Giacomo AttolicoTrivulzio, LL.M. Charles G. Berry Peter H. Blessing Rhonda L. Ferguson-Augustus Michael A. Fiorella ★ William L. Hudson ★ Robert P. Knapp III ★ Brian E. Maas ★ The Hon. Catherine R. McCabe The Hon. Carol Ann Stokinger Jimmy Wu Up to $999

Rory J. Albert Steven A. Been ★ Gregory S. Bentley ★ Steven E. Carlson Yee Wah Chin Kathleen Smyth Cook ★ James C. Edwards, Jr. ★ Louis A. Fantin ★ Victor M. Fortuno ★ R. Jeffrey Godwin ★ Nicole A. Gordon ★ Susan I. Grant Theodore S. Green ★ John K. Harris, Jr. ★ Michael J. Hassett ★ Jane H. Hovde Gregory A. Jacobs ★ Lynn G. Kamarck ★ Alan S. Kaufman Norbert Koenig, LL.M. Richard Koo COLUMBIA LAW SCHOOL 43

The Hon. Leslie G. Leach ★ David S. Lee Kenneth Marks, Jr. Kenneth A. Mazzer ★ Kevin G. McAnaney ★ Susan Violet McNally Lawrence F. Meehan, Jr. ★ Asher H. Miller Garry H. Morton ★ Barbara C. North Gerald R. Offsay ★ The Hon. Deborah Dale Pucillo C. Paul Rogers III, LL.M. ★ Daniel A. Schwartz ★ James C. Sherwood ▲ James A. Skarzynski Paul Stein ★ Fredrich H. Thomforde, Jr., JSD ★



Charles J. Conroy ♣★ $10,000–$24,999

Jose Francisco Gouvea Vieira, LL.M. ♣ Thomas W. White ♣★ $5,000–$9,999

John F. Duane ♣★ Jeffrey B. Golden ♣★ Richard E. Graves III ♣★ William E. Kovacic ♣★ Simon C. M. Luk ♣★ Stephen R. Lynch ♣★ Edward Soto ♣★ $2,500–$4,999

Roberto Casati ♣★ Richard J. Lampen ♣★ Bernice K. Leber ♣★ 44 ANNUAL REPORT 2020

Lawrence Rutkowski ♣★ Michael S. Wien ♣ Michael I. Zinder ♣★ $1,000–$2,499

Gail S. Berney Dan S. Dunham ★ Michael Groll ★ Richard S. Lincer ★ Michael E. S. McCarthy James H. Ross Howard Todd Stitzer ★ Bradley J. Wechsler Up to $999

Daniel M. Abuhoff ★ Leonard J. Adler ★ Harold B. Aspis ★ Robin Bierstedt ★ Jeffrey L. Boak Elizabeth Dvorkin Botwin Leonard A. Busby ★ Seth A. Davidson ★ Leonard P. Diana Marcia R. Eisenberg Dale C. Fredston Ellen T. Graff ★ Peter N. Hillman ★ Joyce B. Hundley Benny Kanter, LL.M. ★ Thomas J. Kimmell ★ Daphna Krim Michael Levine Frederic Mark Levy John B. Lewis, LL.M. ★ Jay D. Lisnow Robert Lopez Henry Stow Lovejoy ★ Michael Mitchelson ★ Patricia London Wager ★ Barbara Glass White Martin R. Wing



Nina L. Shaw ♣★


L. Howard Adams ♣★ Stephen M. Davis ♣★ Philip N. Feder ♣★ $5,000–$9,999

Rosemary E. Armstrong ♣★ Edward E. Gonzalez ♣★ Bernard M. Plum ♣ James F. Rogers ♣★ Patricia Perez Santonocito ♣★ $2,500–$4,999

Mary C. Bennett ♣ David J. Friedman ♣★ Marian A. Tse ♣★ Daniel R. White ♣ $1,000–$2,499

Henry J. Birnkrant ★ Victoria L. Bor ★ Robert S. Brager Valerie Casey ★ Donald L. Drakeman ★ Thomas D. Goldberg ★ Sandra M. Rocks ★ Edwin B. Sterner ★ David K. Y. Tang ★ John R. Wald ★ David B. Wescoe Up to $999

Laurie A. Asch ★ James W. Bergenn ★ Kenneth P. Brier ★ David S. Carroll ★ Colin W. Ewing ★ Miroslav M. Fajt Celia A. Felsher Allen P. Fineberg

Phillip A. Geraci ★ Lisa Anne Gok ★ Deidra D. Gold ★ William D. Greiter ★ Don D. Grubman ★ Richard A. Inz ★ A. Miriam Jaffe ★ Cris T. Kako ★ Richard W. Katz ★ William D. Katz ★ David I. Lesser ★ Maurice R. Mathis ★ Suzanne M. McSorley David A. Miller ★ Carlos M. Morales ★ David A. Newberg ★ The Hon. Mitchel E. Ostrer ★ Daniel B. Rubock ★ Surie Rudoff ★ Paul N. Samuels Anthony T. Saviano ★ David Simon Sokolow ★ William D. Temko ★ Donna L. Tesiero ★ Maris V. Veidemanis William E. Wallace, Jr. ★ David E. Warren ★ Richard Williams, Jr. Leslie J. Wilsher Susan Melton Wilson Linden Havemeyer Wise ★ Donna Zilkha ★


$50,000 and up

Mozelle W. Thompson ♣★ $25,000–$49,999

Annette L. Nazareth ♣★ $10,000–$24,999

Timothy J. Alvino ♣★ $2,500–$4,999

Laura Pula Cook ♣★ Patricia A. Vlahakis ♣★ June L. Yuson ♣★ $1,000–$2,499

Jay E. Bothwick ★ Aleta G. Estreicher ▲★ Alfred G. Feliu ★ Karen Goldstein Fink Andrew J. Frackman ★ David E. Martin ★ Haywood E. McDuffie Clifford L. Thau Barbara J. Wagner Up to $999

Seth A. Akabas ★ William D. Alexander ★ Phyllis L. Arnold Fred Bass ★ Joni Kelly Bennett ★ Leslie A. Bogen Juan Cartagena Guy W. Chambers ★ F. Jay Dougherty ★ Peter A. Durfee ★ Lori Faye Fischler ★ John R. Flores ★ Jill A. Goldy David P. Granoff ★ Debra S. Groisser Georgina M. Guernica ★ Regina Harrison

David Randall Harshbarger Marisa F. Jacobs ★ Scott H. Katzman ★ Bernard V. Keenan, LL.M. Daniel J. Leffell Bruce M. Levine Peter S. Margulies ★ Jane W. Meisel ★ Carl Morgan, Jr. B. Kathleen Munguia ★ Linda Novak Donald J. Olenick Richard S. Order ★ Patrick C. Reed ★ The Hon. Mary V. Rosado The Hon. Richard G. Seeborg Deborah A. Shadd Steven J. Sklar ★ The Hon. Joseph C. Spero Jan C. Swenson ★ David A. Taggart, LL.M. Eugene Tanaka ★ David A. Wilson Ransom C. Wilson ★


$50,000 and up

James E. Millstein ♣ $25,000–$49,999

Gary F. Goldring ♣★ Esta Eiger Stecher ♣ $10,000–$24,999

Alicia M. Castilla ♣★ Peter C. Harvey ♣ Edward J. Littlejohn, JSD ♣ Joseph E. Neuhaus ♣★ Delia B. Spitzer ♣★ Mark E. Zelek ♣★



Nina O. Shenker ♣★ $2,500–$4,999

Celia A. Colbert

Jody Simon Robert N. Swidler Douglas G. Tennant ★

Laura Meyers Lieberman ★ Jeffrey Light ★ Donna Shira Smith Roy D. Smith ★ Leonard G. Weiser-Varon ★


Up to $999


The Hon. Rolando T. Acosta ★ Jeffrey M. Gittleman John P. Gourary ★ Susan J. Kohlmann ★ David J. Lowe ★ Dale W. Lum Maria M. Patterson ★ Edward L. Powers Frederick J. Watts Up to $999

Judith Lowitz Adler ★ Terri D. Austin Carol Baldwin Moody ★ Gerald W. Blume Robert A. Bourque ★ Julia L. Brickell Clement J. Colucci ★ Robert P. Davidow, JSD Alfonso Fernandez, Jr. Bruce D. Greenberg Richard S. Gruner, LL.M. ★ Sidney Charles Kurth ★ Mary E. Landergan Jack G. Lerner ★ Clark H. Libenson ★ Marian E. Lindberg Bruce E. MacInnis, LL.M. ★ Jill S. Manny ★ Michael E. Martin Mark H. Moore Debra Kass Orenstein Charles K. Phillips ★ Carlos A. Rodriguez-Vidal Ellen M. Saideman ★ Connie E. Simmons ★


$50,000 and up

David J. Greenwald ♣★ Alison S. Ressler ♣★ Richard S. Ressler ♣★ $10,000–$24,999

John A. Bick ♣★ Donald R. Crawshaw, LL.M. ♣★ Susan C. Frunzi ♣★ William A. Groll ♣★ Michael H. Ullmann ♣★ Donald B. Verrilli, Jr. ♣ Alan B. Vickery ♣★ R. Paul Yetter ♣ $5,000–$9,999

Allen R. Friedman ♣★ James P. Gerkis ♣★ Amy L. Kyle ♣★ $2,500–$4,999

Paul A. Castanon ♣★ Audrey E. Prashker ♣★ Stephen A. Radin ♣★ Donald F. Santa, Jr. ♣★ Karen Scowcroft ♣★ Donald E. Vaughan ♣★ Jonathan Mark Wagner ♣★ $1,000–$2,499

Jeffrey B. Citrin ★ Dennis J. Duffy ★ Laura French ★ James G. Gallagher ★ Susan L. Hobart ★ Sharon L. Kegerreis


Seth J. Atlas ★ Anne E. Barschall Victoria B. Bjorklund ★ David C. Bloomfield ★ The Hon. Edward J. Damich, LL.M. Terrence J. Farrell Margaret M. Flint ★ Nora E. Garrote ★ Lauren G. Grien ★ David C. James ★ Abby Lisa Jennis Stephen M. Kane ★ Kathleen A. Kress ★ Anne S. Lombard James K. Lowry, Jr. ★ John B. Orenstein Stacy D. Phillips ★ Marvin R. Pilo ★ Roy E. Pulvers Edward J. Rubenstein ★ Peter D. Schneider ★ Adam S. Umanoff Barbara Bennett Woodhouse


$50,000 and up

Stephanie R. Breslow ♣★ Raymond Y. Lin ♣★ Bradford L. Smith ♣★ Kathryn Surace-Smith ♣★ V-Nee Yeh ♣ $25,000–$49,999

Chun Wei, LL.M. ♣★ $10,000–$24,999

Teresa Bryce Bazemore ♣ Sheila Cheston ♣★ Robert G. DeLaMater ♣★ Margaret S. Determan ♣★ Christine M. Jorquera Vickery ♣★ $5,000–$9,999

William F. Barron ♣★ Edwin M. Baum ♣★ Kurt E. DeSoto ♣★ Brian Krisberg ♣ David S. Neill ♣★ $2,500–$4,999

Tracy L. Austin ♣ Stephen G. Givant ♣★ Gay Crosthwait Grunfeld ♣★ Marc R. Packer ♣★ David Pauker ♣ Stuart M. Riback ♣★ Marcia L. Sells ♣ Karen B. Shaer ♣★ $1,000–$2,499

Kay K. Gardiner Mark D. Hostetter ★ Lee S. Parks ★ Jonathan M. Rich ★ Charles S.V. Telly, JSD Sharon J. Weinberg The Hon. Jeffrey M. Zimmerman


Up to $999

Danal F. Abrams Anthony V. Alfieri ★ Steven C. Barre ★ Allan C. Bell ★ Jennifer Kronisch Benenson ★ Samuel J. Bennett Christopher D. Cerf Mark A. Cohen ★ Sherman A. Cohen ★ Roberto G. Cristofolini, LL.M. ★ George Dwight II ★ Pamela A. Nadler Emmerich, LL.M. ★ Richard A. Figueroa The Hon. Gabriel W. Gorenstein ★ James S. Grien Edward S. Hershfield Morton J. Holbrook III, LL.M. Don W. Joe Gabriella Jordan ★ Keith L. Krasney ★ Thomas A. Mariani, Jr. ★ Nancy Bellhouse May ★ Maureen W. McCarthy ★ Melissa D. Philbrick ★ Bianca Russo ★ Miguel Antonio Sanchez ★ Gilbert L. Schnitzler Steven C. Schwartz ★ Kim Leslie Shafer Paul J. Van de Graaf ★ Maralee Buttery Vezie Peter J. Weidman David F. Wertheimer ★ Martin E. Wiebecke, LL.M. ★ Philip W. Yun ★ Ivan D. Zimmerman Richard K. Zuckerman ★


$50,000 and up

Raymond J. Baer, LL.M. ♣ Elizabeth Glazer ♣ William G. Montgomery ♣ $25,000–$49,999

Carol Turobiner Finley ♣★ J. Mark Gidley ♣★ $10,000–$24,999

Jonathan L. Walcoff ♣★ $5,000–$9,999

Debra A. Dandeneau ♣★ Douglas A. Doetsch ♣ York Chi Lau Harder ♣ Richard K. Kim ♣★ Douglas K. Mayer ♣★ Mark A. Nelson ♣★ $2,500–$4,999

Jared B. Bobrow ♣★ Walter T. Killmer, Jr. ♣★ C. David Lamoreaux ♣★ Roger E. Schwed ♣★ William A. Shirley ♣★ $1,000–$2,499

Suzanne P. Fawbush ★ Efrem M. Grail ★ Hiroko Imamura ★ Nobuhisa Ishizuka ★ Gina Maya The Hon. Peter H. Moulton ★ Jane M. Sovern ★ Jordan Sprechman Richard D. Truesdell, Jr. ★ Up to $999

Hannah Bentley William W. Buzbee ★ Manuel S. Campano Lisa E. Chang ★

Sandra G. Chutorian Joseph J. DiMona John D. Griffin Ronald Holman II Avi Katz ★ James Kimmell, Jr. Don H. Liu ★ Judith Frank Mandelbaum Robert J. Mangas Scott M. Martin, LL.M. ★ Alan C. Michaels ★ Jonathan Jacob Nadler ★ James Robert Pigott, Jr. ★ Heather Dembert Rafter ★ Lee Riffaterre Donald L. Samuels ★ Mark D. Garcia Sanders Gregory S. Shatan Katherine A. Staton ★ Kurt A. Strasser, JSD ★ Charles K. Whitehead ★


$50,000 and up

1 Anonymous Donor $25,000–$49,999

John J. Armstrong III ♣★ $10,000–$24,999

Jerold B. Neuman ♣ Margaret E. Tahyar ♣★ Laura M. Yacovone Toma ♣★ $5,000–$9,999

Andrew A. Bernstein ♣★ Mitchell S. Eitel ♣ Michael C. Neus ♣★ Teresa A. Pesce ♣ Edward F. Petrosky, Jr. ♣


Laura F. Dukess ♣ Mohan V. Phansalkar ♣★ $1,000–$2,499

Daniel I. A. Cohen ★ Eckhart K. Gouras Jeremy Moshe Greenberg James Hunter IV Robert S. Lackner ★ Carolyn Guber Langelier ★ Melanie Meyers Jonathan B. Miller ★ John D. Schumacher ★ Ellen K. Snyder ★ Jill E. Strawbridge ★ Janet L. Vance Miriam Wahrman Frieden ★ Samuel R. Weiner Up to $999

Gregory J. Bendlin ★ John E. Bizot William A. Cole ★ Barbara Meister Cummins Joseph T. Diaz ★ Patricia J. Diaz ★ Eric M. Greenfeld Brent M. Gunderson Rebecca Rusack Hawkins Leonard H. Hersh ★ Michael A. Hirst ★ David G. Isaacs Kenneth F. Koen ★ Daniel E. Kremens ★ Charles Victor Lang Jonathan H. Lemberg ★ Karen L. Mallory Jeffrey L. Mitnick ★ Robert T. Molinet ★ Clark H. Nielsen ★ Henry C. Pitney ★ Laura S. Pruitt Cynthia L. Quarterman

James B. Slaughter Eleanor H. Smith Shirley L. Staples Mark C. Stillman Alexander D. Tomaszczuk, LL.M. Alice F. Yurke ★


$50,000 and up

Annie Ang-Yee Chen ♣ Michael A. Pucker ♣ Po Y. Sit ♣★ $25,000–$49,999

Sara George Armstrong ♣★ Steven E. Bizar ♣★ Lisa E. Brody ♣ $10,000–$24,999

Janice M. Mac Avoy ♣ $5,000–$9,999

Brian D. Robbins ♣★ $2,500–$4,999

Jillian Barron ♣★ The Hon. Antony J. Blinken ♣★ Ronald L. Cheng ♣★ Stephen B. Davis ♣★ Sebastian R. Sperber ♣★ Jinlong Wang ♣★ $1,000–$2,499

Kevin T. Abikoff Richard M. Froehlich ★ Paul B. Haskel Catherine M. Karatzas, LL.M. ★ Eve Rachel Markewich ★ Nancy Northup ★ Gregory C. Smith Y. Ping Sun

Up to $999

Daniel L. Ackman ★ David W. Addis David F. Bayne ★ Elise Stambler Benatar Elizabeth F. Bernhardt ★ Allan Jeffrey Borkow ★ Edwin P. Ching ★ Martin M. Cohen ★ Marla G. Franzese Jay Alan Friedman Roberta A. Golden Irene Gonzalez ★ Jessica J-M Hagen Dina R. Hellerstein ★ Michael K. Hertz David W. Jaroslaw ★ George J. Kostas Susan Rotatori McAuliffe Paul F. Occhiogrosso ★ Katherine Anderson O’Hara Elizabeth M. Pongracic ★ Michael B. Richman ★ Annette Caligiuri Rizzi Jay Alan Siegel ★ Elizabeth F. Skoler ★ Christopher J. Smart Mary A. Throne ★ The Hon. Timothy B. Tomasi Susan K. Ullman Jess A. Velona Jonathan D. White ★ Peter H. Woodin Muhua Yu, LL.M.



Susan E. Liautaud ♣★ $10,000–$24,999

G. Wade Leak ♣★ Warren Motley ♣★ Timothy J. White ♣★ Michael W. Wolitzer ♣★ $5,000–$9,999

James L. Bromley ♣★ Elizabeth Shea Fries ♣ Robert J. Spinna, Jr. ♣★

Lorraine Kooby Survis Catherine E. M. Kortlandt Marilyn Clapp Kunstler Susan M. Lee Paul F. Mapelli Joel A. Mintz, JSD ★ Inga L. Parsons ★ Amelia Nickles Riekenberg Joseph Patrick Scorese Carol S. Silverman ★ Marina C. Szteinbok Francine Norz Tobin Adam B. Toft ★


Joel A. Mintzer ♣ Merideth Schlesinger Rosh ♣ $1,000–$2,499

Robin L. Baker ★ June M. Gerken Joseph H. Hunt Matthew R. Kipp ★ Brian G. Lloyd Peter J. Loughran Mark A. Robertson ★ Andrea G. Wolfe Up to $999

Garth D. Adams Marjorie E. Berman ★ Wendy Lynn Brandes Edward D. Cavanagh, JSD ★ Jeanne C. Conerly ★ Angelo A. Cuonzo ★ Elisabeth T. Roth Escobar Lior Evan ★ John P. Fry ★ Ellen Peyton Glaessner ★ Sam R. Hollander Seth R. Horowitz ★ Elizabeth M. Johnson ★ Mark S. Kaufman ★



$50,000 and up

Scott A. Barshay ♣★ Kathryn E. Schneider ♣★ $10,000–$24,999

David K. Boston ♣★ Mojdeh L. Khaghan ♣★ Sarah C. Osborn ♣★ $5,000–$9,999

Steven A. Cohen ♣★ S. Todd Crider ♣★ Andrew R. Dominus ♣★ Ben M. Germana ♣★ Nancy L. Sanborn ♣★ Rebecca J. Simmons ♣★ Cindy Horowitz Wenig ♣ Devin N. Wenig ♣ $2,500–$4,999

Robert M. Rosh ♣★ $1,000–$2,499

I. Bennett Capers Jeffrey M. Eilender Elizabeth A. Fuerstman ★

“At this point in my life, I want to focus on my family, friends, and giving back to my communities. In my case, since I was the first in my family to attend college or law school, I decided to work with the development office and Dean Lester to establish a planned gift that will endow a Columbia Law School scholarship designed to help future first-generation law students.” B I LL B U S H ’71

Marcelo Halpern ★ Shazia Khawaja ★ Michael J. Nooney Robin Tauber Plonsker ★ Brian Y. Shin ★ Lena Pu Silberman Jacqueline L. Studer Up to $999

“You need a faculty that values what’s going on in the real world and that is interested in building places of reflection about the law. Columbia excels in making the connection between the classroom and practice.” OLATU N DE C. JOH N SON, J E ROM E B. S H E R MAN PROFE SSOR OF LAW

Michele L. Abeles Mark B. Arnold Blair I. Berman Richard A. Brook ★ James I. Cohen ★ Nadine P. Flynn ★ Julia Heaney David Impastato III Roy S. Kaufman ★ Albert J. Kish ★ Terrence R. McInnis ★ Deborah Leah Meyers Steven P. Moskowitz ★ Amy Lynn Nelkin-Kase Lynn B. Oberlander Karen A. Post ★ Kevin M. Saltzman ★ Susan L. Saltzstein Alan D. Schnitzer ★ Thomas J. Simeone ★ Katharine L. Sonnenberg ★ Carol M. Suzuki ★ Grace E. Wagner Gregg L. Weiner



Frances E. Bivens ♣★ Jeffrey Louis Kateman ♣★ Nam Yon Kim ♣★ Eve A. Konstan ♣★ Ella Betsy Wong ♣★ Scott R. Yagoda ♣★ $5,000–$9,999

Fraser L. Hunter, Jr. ♣ David I. Shapiro ♣ $2,500–$4,999

Marian L. Brancaccio ♣★ Robert N. Holtzman ♣★ The Hon. Soonil Kwon, LL.M. ♣ Lawrence R. Miller ♣★ Christopher S. Yates ♣ Jack Yoskowitz ♣★ $1,000–$2,499

Nicholas D. S. Brumm, LL.M. ★ Marc De Leeuw ★ Raymond R. Ferrell Michael P. Sandonato Stephen N. Waldman ★ Connie Guang-Hwa Yang Up to $999

Bonnie Lynn Bailer Harisha Bastiampillai ★ Erica L. Bazzell Andrew T. Block ★ Michael G. Bloise Marc Brotman John L. Buckheit ★ Scott C. Budlong ★ Christopher C. Canterbury Steven E. Chaikelson ★ LaVerne Chang Joseph W. Chouinard ★ Judith L. Church ★

Sharon Farman Cooper Sara A. Corello ★ Maya R. Crone Kenneth Drake ★ Melinda J. Dutton ★ Lee White Galvis ★ Nelson D. Johnson ★ Susan J. Kraham George Y. Liu Nancy L. Lonshein ★ James Masella III ★ Alessandro G. Olivieri Elisa B. Pollack ★ Paul B. Radvany ★ Stacy L. Rahl Nancy H. Richardson William Ryan III Frederic E. Shaw, Jr. ★ Kimberly B. Sweet ★ Stergios Theologides David B. Toscano G. Perry Wu ★



Sara M. Darehshori ♣★ Daniel M. Shefter ♣★ $10,000–$24,999

Richard K. Elbaum ♣★ Matthew H. Hurlock ♣ $5,000–$9,999

Catherine A. Green ♣★ Jeffrey A. Hovden ♣★ Mark D. Hunsaker ♣★ Adam J. Kansler ♣ Debra Carlascio Lienhardt ♣


Jennifer A. Altman ♣★ P. Benjamin Duke ♣★ Maurice F. Edelson ♣★ Lawrence Gerschwer ♣★ Marc H. Katz ♣★ Richard Joseph Lutton, Jr. ♣★ Nicole Polley Miller ♣★ $1,000–$2,499

Nikolaos George Andronikos, LL.M. Ivy Y. Chiang, LL.M. Jill E. Cohen ★ Alessandro C. De Giorgis ★ Kenneth S. Leonetti The Hon. Young Hill Liew, LL.M. Dean A. Manson, Jr. ★ Simon H. Prisk, LL.M. Fumihide Sugimoto, LL.M. Michael J. Volkovitsch ★ Pao-Lin Wang, LL.M. Hongye Zhao, LL.M.

Richard Joffe ★ Wendy F. Klein ★ John D. Lamb ★ Lorena P. Lopes Robert A. Magnanini Robert Mauriello, Jr. Marlene Y. McLarty Gabriel J. Mesa Brian L. Owsley Sara E. Podrasky Henry J. Ricardo ★ Allison Strickland Ricketts Debora Marie Rodriguez William E. Schaeffer ★ Judith M. Shampanier Robert A. Simensky Marilyn J. Smith Mark M. Socha Eric A. C. Stuart ★ Thomas Rawlings Wood ★ Jonathan Kenneth Wright Shawna H. Yen ★

Up to $999

Patricia D. Acha Sheila S. Boston Geoffrey P. Burgess ★ Douglas A. Cardwell J. Collins III Stacy J. Cooper ★ Eleni M. Demetriou George C. Dolatly ★ J. Wylie Donald ★ Daniel F. Feldman ★ Rebecca Lisbeth Fine ★ Alicia Alvarez Fitch Yancy Ruben Garrido ★ Jonathan R. Goldblatt ★ Jeffrey A. Greenbaum Susan E. Grisso de Ortega William Hardy, LL.M. Robert L. Harris



Andrew Sommers ♣★ $10,000–$24,999

Deborah E. Beckmann Kotzubei ♣ Jacob Tadgh Kotzubei ♣ Andrew J. Shapiro ♣★ $5,000–$9,999

Anne Elizabeth Robinson ♣ $2,500–$4,999

Karen S. Handler ♣ John M. Olivieri ♣★ JaneAnne Peterson ♣ Philip Richter ♣★ Sina Toussi ♣★



Erez Barnavon Elaine M. Chiu Michael D. Coughlin, Jr. ★ Cynthia Lee Dow Pamela Lawrence Endreny ★ Sandra L. Flow Cynthia Richards ★ Joshua D. Saltman ★ James M. Webster III ★

Dayna Rosenthal-Goldsmith Samuel Schoonmaker IV Theodore U. Schweitzer ★ Franklin Siegel, LL.M. ★ Maria C. Simon ★ Alexander L. W. Snyder Michelle Lynn Toll Prescott D. Ulrey ★ Adrienne M. Ward ★ Michael T. Yu ★

Up to $999

Beth H. Alter E. Kenly Ames ★ David A. Boling, LL.M. ★ Michelle Yvonne Bowen Steven N. Brautigam ★ Dennine Bullard Leo K. Chen Elizabeth A. Devine ★ David H. Dreier ★ Richard Cheng Yu Fung Amanda J. Gallagher ★ Howard Geneslaw Elizabeth R. Gordon ★ Norman A. Gretzinger ★ Julie Ann Grossman ★ Bernard T. Gugar ★ Polly B. Jessen Joseph S. Kass Kristine Kennedy Anna N. Kraske Jeffrey H. Lipton Michael J.Z. Mannheimer ★ Diana D. McBaine-Cook ★ Pamela Gail Meisel Mark S. Millender ★ John O. Mudd, JSD Lawrence P. Oh ★ Eileen A. Reardon Marta Galan Ricardo ★ Jeffrey F. Robertson



Nicolas Bourtin ♣★ $10,000–$24,999

An Ken Chen ♣★ Uri Geiger, LL.M. ♣ Galina Krasilovsky Kirman ♣★ Igor Kirman ♣★ $5,000–$9,999

Ana Genender O’Brien ♣★ Geoffrey B. Goldman ♣★ Elaine P. Golin ♣★ Matthew E. Kaplan ♣ Jonathan M. Moses ♣★ Abigail Young Moses ♣★ $2,500–$4,999

Christopher G. Cross ♣ Stephen E. Morrissey ♣ Benjamin Albond Powell ♣ Jill E. Schurtz ♣ Lori Iannotti Zyskowski ♣★ $1,000–$2,499

Bernd C. Allekotte, LL.M. Amy I-Hua Chen ★ John M. Driscoll III ★ Joshua B. Gray ♣

Elai E. Katz ★ Neal S. Kaufman ★ David L. Leichtman ★ Alan D. Seem William B. Sheehan ★ John Brian Stalter Up to $999

Keith D. Agisim ★ Juliet Wong Barron Fabio B. Bertoni Elena Centeio Andrew J. H. Cheung ★ Alison S. Cohen Brian M. Cooper Kimberley A. Danzi Overs, LL.M. Ashima A. Dayal ★ Ian S. Ford ★ Jose R. Gonzalez-Magaz Achiezer Jack Guggenheim ★ Miriam Zibbell Guggenheim ★ Richard B. Hardegree ★ Are Herrem, LL.M. ★ Kevin B. Huff Kokayi K. Issa Michone Trinae Johnson ★ Shannon M. Jost ★ Alexander Khutorsky Gregory S. Knell ★ Jenny C. Liu ★ Craig E. Marcus ★ Brad Meltzer ★ John Middleton, Jr. Rosemary Nidiry Lorelei D. Ritchie ★ Peter H. Schwartz ★ Mark L. Shwartz Andrew W. Smith ★ The Hon. Desiree Margarethe Staal, LL.M. Andrew T. Swers ★ Alex Sztuden ★


Margo R. Topman ★ John J. UyHam Louis S. Willacy ★ Ya-Ting Yang David L. Zimmerman Elizabeth Anne Galani Zimmerman


$50,000 and up

S. Penny Windle Timothy Tingkang Xia ♣★ ♣


David A. Kurzweil ♣★ Eric M. Rosof ♣★ $5,000–$9,999

Paolo Marzano, LL.M. ♣★ Denise L. Pieck ♣ William D. Savitt ♣★ Athmaram Vasudevan, LL.M. ♣ $2,500–$4,999

Elizabeth J. Reza ♣ $1,000–$2,499

Gabor Balassa ★ Peangpanor Boonklum, LL.M. Bryce L. Friedman ★ James C. Hsu Mizuho Kameoka ★ The Hon. Kerrie E. Maloney Laytin ★ Chad D. Perry Daniel Schimmel


Up to $999

Ignacio C. Aguigui Nicola J. Bird David E. Boundy ★ Yen D. Chu The Hon. Charlotte E. Davidson Gregory S. Donat Hui Feng Yolanda M. Goettsch ★ Andrew R. Greengrass ★ Holly Johnsen Hoehner Wynn Ru Huang ★ Jung Won Hyun ★ Matthew Kline Christopher B. Lee ★ Patricia C. Lee ★ Jared M. Levin ★ Jennifer Mooradian Levin ★ Meredith Fein Lichtenberg Sean Lien ★ Samera Syeda Ludwig John M. Lundin ★ Devjani H. Mishra Deidre G. O’Byrne Noah B. Perlman Edward L. Schnitzer ★ Gary Svirsky, LL.M. Karyn A. Temple Alexandra S. Wald Seth D. Weisberg Christine E. Zandvliet ★ Ethan G. Zlotchew


$50,000 and up

Anthony A. Yoseloff ♣★ $25,000–$49,999

Barrie B. Covit ♣


Zhigeng David Fu, LL.M. ♣ Beesham A. Seecharan ♣★ $5,000–$9,999

Paul H. Cohen ♣ Elisabeth Adams Mason ♣ Amisha Mody Mehta ♣ Gregory E. Ostling ♣★ Patricia A. Seith ♣ Jason P. Wiesenfeld ♣ $2,500–$4,999

Craig F. Arcella ♣ Erika Aronson Stern ♣ David W. Blass ♣ Steven R. Meier ♣★ $1,000–$2,499

Jay Hoon Choi Jane Greyf ★ Michael B. Kaplan ★ Anne-Marie Claire Kim Christopher W. Kirkham ★ Ignacio Londono, LL.M. Sandra Geiger Richardson ★ Sunil William Savkar Hilary Sunghee Seo ★ Chryssa V. Valletta ★ Up to $999

Rashmi H. Airan-Pace Denise E. Backhouse ★ Yanira I. Baez Consuelo I. Campuzano Elisabeth J. Cappuyns ★ Lee D. Chaikin ★

Beverly Izes Cole ★ Jeffrey D. Colvin Melissa Garza Gejaa T. Gobena Jeffrey David Jonker Jennifer Jung-Wuk Lee Deirdre A. McEvoy Quentin Messer, Jr. Stuart Eric Pollack ★ Dave Ray Neil M. Rosenhouse ★ R. Scott Ruskay-Kidd ★ Sapna Sanagavarapu Maureen P. Sheehan Stacey E. Singleton ★ Victor A. Sipos Lee D. Sossen ★ David Victor Trulio Xavier Vamparys Thomas E. Watson ★ Seth B. Weinberg



Geraldine B. Acuña-Sunshine ♣★ Eduardo Gallardo ♣★ Jason Jurgens ♣★ Abrielle Rosenthal ♣★ $5,000–$9,999

Nelson O. Fitts ♣★ The Hon. Herman N. Johnson, Jr. ♣★ Eugene P. Mazzaro ♣★ $2,500–$4,999

Dalia Osman Blass ♣ Amy Orange Finzi ♣★ Marcelo Lamy Rego, LL.M. ♣★ Matthew Solum ♣ $1,000–$2,499

Lee Turnier Barnum ★ Michael C. Borofsky ★ Kevin Hardy ★ Julio F. Tallone Maffia, LL.M. ★ Sira Veciana-Muino Up to $999

Afra Afsharipour Rashid Siddiq Alvi ★ Douglas W. Ambrose Michael P. Beys Claudia B. Capriles, LL.M. Lana L. Choi ★ Gervasio J. Colombres, LL.M. Darren D. Cooke Julie Harkness Cooke Tasha Cooper Lisa M. Courtney Inigo De Luisa, LL.M. ★ Kurt J. Decko ★ Hristo D. Dimitrov ★ Lori M. Fields ★ Alexandra R. Gelber ★

Cindy L. Horesh ★ Rebecca Hornstein ★ Tommi H. Juusela, LL.M. ★ Amit Dinesh Kumar Cynthia Yuan Lee Judy Cheng Lee Erez Liebermann Alejo Lugo ★ Margaret Ann Malloy Elissa M. Meth Kestin Elysia G. Ng-Baumhackl Cristin J. O’Callahan Carol Weidman Ohlandt ★ Michael D. Okon Shima Osaka Stephanie Rutten-de Vuyst, LL.M. Douglas D. Stalgren ★ Ethan V. Torrey ★ Jinhy Yoon

CLASS OF 20 01


Daniel L. Serota ♣★ $2,500–$4,999

Kenji Hosokawa ♣ Sunanda Nair-Bidkar, LL.M. ♣ Erin C. Ross ♣★ $1,000–$2,499

Iris S. Chen ★ Jason A. Haim Katherine R. Kelly Elliot Moskowitz Delphine Park O’Rourke Tanja V. Pfitzner, LL.M. Magda Schaler-Haynes Kevin M. Tagami ★

Up to $999

Wystan M. Ackerman ★ Hala Audi, LL.M. Alejandro Badillo Ashley Clymer Bashore Mohit R. Bhatia ★ Alisha R. Bloom ★ Hannah M. Breshin-Otero ★ Chaoping Deng, LL.M. ★ Joshua M. Dubofsky ★ Marc D. Falkoff Brandon Louis Garrett ★ Trey Hatch ★ Roger N. Heller Hayden M. Horowitz ★ Manush Hristov, LL.M. Katherine Elise Johnson ★ Rong Tao Kohtz Marc H. Kushner ★ Lance W. Lange ★ Sa Liao ★ Jonathan Mark Lloyd ★ Karima G. Maloney Shavonna M. Maxwell Christopher C. Meyerson ★ Barbara Dorsey Miller Julian J. Moore ★ Christian Moretti, LL.M. Sarah A. Mudho Julia Paskalova Jane G. Pollack ★ Daniel P. Raglan, LL.M. Jayesh M. Rathod Uday Rau ★ Asaf Reindel, LL.M. ★ Richard C. Rosalez ★ Joellen R. Valentine Lesley Frieder Wolf Stafford Woodley, Jr. George E. C. York Julia Kupfer York Natalie Milani Yumlu ★


CLASS OF 20 02

$50,000 and up

Yuto Matsumura, LL.M. ♣★ $2,500–$4,999

William R. Burke ♣★ Roger A. Cooper ♣ Patrice P. Jean ♣★ Xi Zeng, LL.M. ♣ $1,000–$2,499

Stefanie Birkmann, LL.M. Karen Hsu Kelley Amy Esty Lester ★ Kimberlee H. Streiff Mathieu B. Streiff Up to $999

David M. Adlerstein ★ Elissa M. Alben Lawrence M. Brin ★ Carolyn J. Casselman ★ Richard S. Crisler Gonzalo A. Fratini Lagos, LL.M. David P. Gold ★ Tal J. Golomb Brian F. Hurley Dana Wallach Jones ★ Jacob M. Kaplan ★ Catherine Yonsoo Kim Jennifer L. Kronick Boong Kyu Lee ★ David Y. Lee ★ Lauren Kleinberg Levy ★ John C. Lynch ★ Carissima Regina Mathen, LL.M. Jennifer L. McBrien Dunn ★ Scott D. Mitnick ★ Nili T. Moghaddam Asha I. Muldro Casandra Perez Murena Damian M. Narvaez ★ Kirstin Schantzenbach Powers

Adam M. Schloss Eneida Boniche Silcott Russell M. Steinthal ★ Anthony J. Taylor ★ Seema Tendolkar Prana A. Topper ★ Dana A. Troetel ★ Florian Helge Wagnervon Papp, LL.M. ★ Michael J. Walsh, Jr. ★ Matthew E. Wong

CLASS OF 20 03

$50,000 and up

Alexandra B. Carter ♣ $10,000–$24,999

Eric Jordan Senderowicz ♣ $5,000–$9,999

Jose Manuel Garcia Represa, LL.M. ♣★ Timothy Y. Hia ♣★ $2,500–$4,999

Jamila M. Hall McKnight ♣★ Gregory T. Lembrich ★ $1,000–$2,499

Aidan W. Donnelley Rowley ★ Gregory C. Frankel ★ Sandra L. Kozlowski ★ Eric S. Olney ★ Justin V. Plouffe ★ Ravi Purohit Brian Matthew Resnick Joshua W. Ruthizer ★ Chalyse S. Thomas-Robinson

Up to $999

Naomi M. Abraham ★ Eric S. Askanase Maronel Barajas Eric Berger ★ William Bocra, Jr. Reuben L. Borman Ofoe Canacoo Nellie Choi Park Benjamin J. Curran Laura Lynne Faer ★ Evan K. Farber ★ Ramin Fatehi ★ Michael L. Fox ★ Jared R. Friedmann ★ Alexander A. Green ★ Jasmine M. Juteau Pei-Huan Benjamin Kao, LL.M. Jeannie Karl Richard M. Koehl Reena Vaidya Krishna ★ Hwang Lee Jessica Whiting Mason ★ Rene G. S. Medrado, LL.M. Emily N. Monroe Joshua A. Naftalis ★ Yehuda Neubauer, LL.M. Jamal Sari Nusseibeh, LL.M. Michael J. O’Leary Augusto Cesar Silva Rodrigues, LL.M. Joshua M. Samit ★ Connie Sawyer III Heather Adler Schoen ★ Meghan E. Siket Bruce E. L. M. Strothers, LL.M. Qiang Sun, LL.M. James Lawrence Tuxbury Lorrin Higgins Tuxbury ★ Marsha W. Yee ★


CLASS OF 20 04


Zhiwu Chen, LL.M. ♣ $5,000–$9,999

Karessa Lin Cain ♣★ Shuai-Sheng Huang, LL.M. ♣ Christian A. Iwasko ♣ $1,000–$2,499

Yair Y. Galil ★ Thomas M. Hall Brett Lincoln Harsch Brian A. Jacobs Edward Michael Kingston, LL.M. Alexandra D. Minkovich ★ Benjamin A. Naftalis Ancris Munoz Ramdhanie Heather Carey von Zuben ★ Up to $999

Emilie M. Beavers ★ Peter Buerkli, LL.M. ★ J. Andres Cedron ★ Olivier Lionel David Dupont, LL.M. Gregory A. Fayer Guilherme R. Ferreira, LL.M. ★ Elizabeth Ruth GonzalezSussman Sandhya Gupta Paul S. Gutman ★ Tracy L. Horton Masako Irie Jean-Matthieu Jonet, LL.M. ★ Paul M. Kessimian Baron D. Leacock ★ Ann M. Lichter ★ Daniel J. Magida ★ B. Russell Marcus Adriana M. Martinez ★ Adam Francis McAnaney The Hon. Linda Kelly Mejias 52 ANNUAL REPORT 2020

Ingrid Seradarian Miller ★ Alma Rosa Solorio Montanez Melissa Judith Montenes Jason D. Mulvihill ★ Nilay Dahyabhai Patel Elizabeth Carol Perez Elizabeth Allen Putnam Michael F. Rizzo Jonathan P. Robell ★ Alberto Rodriguez Lindsey A. Roon Wiedmann Lindsay R. Sellers Andy Smith Jonah A. Sonnenborn ★ Rebecca Fleming Terrell Maria Soledad Torretta, LL.M. Jie Wei, LL.M.

CLASS OF 20 06


Yeping Zhou ♣★


Christopher D. Belelieu ♣★ Caroline Sandberg, LL.M. ♣ $2,500–$4,999

Christopher K. Fargo ♣ $1,000–$2,499

Rebecca Gutner Forter ★ Rodman K. Forter, Jr. ★ Sverker K. Hogberg ★ Lucy Jane Lang ★ Aaron Michael Sacks Up to $999

Muneeza Aumir Melissa L. Barshop ★ Craig R. Bucki ★ Camille Calman ★

Jean Chen ★ Emeka C. Chinwuba, LL.M. Kara E. Coggin ★ Aurelien G. Cohen, LL.M. ★ Erin Hennessy Conroy Scott B. Crofton Benjamin M. Crosson ★ Courtney Schneider Farkas ★ Igor Fuks ★ David S. Gerstl Chelsea R. Hamilton Ugochukwu A. Ike Olubukola Afolayan Jejeloye ★ Oliver T. Kaelin, LL.M. Kristen C. Kim ★ Vladimir A. Kleyman ★ Dan Krockmalnic ★ Megan E. Kultgen ★ Anne Lainer Marquit ★ Meera Malhotra Marti Cynthia Maxwell McMakin Alexander K. Mittendorf ★ John C. Molluzzo, Jr. ★ Rachel Greer Narvaez ★ Yiwen Ouyang Daniel M. Portnov William M. Pridgen ★ Genevieve Hernandez Reyes Llamzon, LL.M. Thomas C. Richardson ★ Bob A. Rivollier, LL.M. ★ Andrea C. Saavedra ★ Michael L. Shenkman Grace Hyeju Shim ★ Elizabeth L. Smith ★ Kaycee M. Sullivan David Sussman ★ Karl Phillip Tadlock ★ Hyosung C. Tang Ting Zhao ★

CLASS OF 20 07


Nikolay P. Bebov, LL.M. ♣★ $1,000–$2,499

Philippe Dauman, Jr. Jianwei Fang, LL.M. Grant Richard Mainland Jessica Solinsky Morton Up to $999

Trevor T. Adler ★ Sumita Ahuja, LL.M. Nicole Y. Altman Adrian John Barnes ★ Fernanda F. Bastos, LL.M. Matthew G. Bingham ★ Shanna N. Bowman Ting-Wei Ingrid Chiu, LL.M. Shiwon Choe ★ Sargon Daniel ★ Jonathan Dante Fazzone Kevin B. Frankel ★ Gabriella M. Geanuleas Bari Justin Goggins Ketul V. Gondha Derek F. Knerr Steven C. Krause ★ Matthew Ming-Lun Lai Ross Michael Leff Natalie MacLean Leino ★ Jennifer Bell Levine ★ Noelle Kvasnosky Luiten ★ Nicholas A. Manheim Suzanne Bermann McMillan ★ Lucas V. Munoz Austin Tatsuyoshi Ozawa Nizan Geslevich Packin, LL.M. ★ James Young Pak ★ Matthew T. Parrish Paul Anthony D. Pery, LL.M. David Charles Pitluck ★

Timothy J. Quill, Jr. ★ Ognjen Z. Radic Mary Kate V. Sheridan Julia Margaret Shullman Patricia Pedreira de Siqueira Castro, LL.M. ★ Dafina Virginia Stewart ★ Daniel J. Stujenske ★ Peter Morhan Sun Jonathan Francis Taylor Andrew L. Thomison ★ Michael J. Traube ★ Elsa Yi-Hui Wang ★ Jennifer Zewen Wang Benjamin Jacobs Widlanski Zhongda Wu, LL.M. ★ Zaid A. Zaid ★

CLASS OF 20 08


Joshua Irwin Schiller ♣★ $5,000–$9,999

Jenna Elisabeth Levine ♣★ $2,500–$4,999

J. Scott Kohler ♣ Jennifer S. Nam ♣ $1,000–$2,499

Leah LaPorte Malone ★ Patricia Coe Robbins ★ Pritesh P. Shah ★ Up to $999

Timothy Charles Abbott Aden Martin Allen ★ Andrew William Amend Dorian S. Berger Amos Ben Blackman ★ Jennifer L. Carrier

Kathleen Michelle Cochrane Eric de Cholnoky ★ Christine Dessa Ely Helena Domingues Guimaraes, LL.M. Xiaozhou Guo, LL.M. ★ Charleen Hsuan Jianjie Hu ★ Gordana Ivanovic ★ Gautam V. Kene Michael E. Kerman Boyan Anguelov Konstantinov, LL.M. ★ Kiyoung Lee, LL.M. Neil R. Lieberman Kung-Wei Liu ★ Keren Livneh, LL.M. Amanda Detweiler Lovelace ★ Michael Thomas Maier ★ Katherine Healy Marques Jillian Elizabeth Merns ★ David Wilcox Mindell Patrick Robert Murphy Yuki Oi, LL.M. ★ Adam R. Pulver ★ Marco Scalera, LL.M. ★ Caroline Koo Simons ★ Neil MacDonald Snyder ★ Jonathan Sebastian Solorzano Adam M. Sparks Jeffrey Brian Tate Evan Ritter Thorn ★ Jeroen Koos van Hezewijk, LL.M. ★ Yuan Wang, LL.M. Jacqueline Gail Yecies ★

CLASS OF 20 09




Viktor Sapezhnikov ♣★ $2,500–$4,999

Rebecca Rader Brown ♣★ Reza K. Mojtabaee-Zamani ♣★ $1,000–$2,499

Kyoko Nagano Kakurai, LL.M. Chang Derek Liu ★ Kathrin Schwesinger ★ Yuxia Zhang, LL.M. Up to $999

Ashley Birnbaum Arons ★ Amarilis Isabel De Soto-Cordero, LL.M. Judy Lynne Fisher Brendon S. Fleming ★ Noopur Neha Garg ★ Alex H. Goone ★ Philippe Luc Jacquemoud, LL.M. ★ Molly Alana Karlin Ryo Kotoura, LL.M. Andrew H. Kutscher ★ Tyler H. Ladner ★ Kate Ellis Lazarus ★ Joon Beom Lee, LL.M. Brandon C. Mason ★ Bryan Patrick McArdle ★ Jennifer Philbrick McArdle John Garrett McCarthy Alex P. Middleton Theodore N. Nemeroff ★ Yuko Ozaki, LL.M. Mary Elizabeth Houlihan Phipps Nathan M. Rehn LaRue L. Robinson ★ Emily C. Rossi Alex Segal


Caroline K. Elkin Eisner ♣★ Sarah Littlechild Graham ♣★ Caleb Martin Hayes-Deats ♣ Philip Alexander Kaminski ♣★ Zoe Elizabeth Shea ♣★ Up to $499

Sheila Ruby Adams ★ Livia Angiolillo ★ Elana Deborah Bensoul ★ Ricardo Santiago Chirinos, LL.M. Michelle Choe Yaw Antwi Darkwa ★ Christina Mary Dieckmann ★ Achraf Abi Farraj Flavio Goncalves Pontes Sodre, LL.M. Rena Stern Kates Ryan M. Keats Andrew Jensen Kerr ★ Jason Steven Koslowe Caroline Ling ★ Justin E. Mann Melissa Anne Mitgang ★ Thomas Allen Moll ★ Brittany J. Schoepp-Wong Jennifer Y. Seo ★ Temilola O. Sobowale ★ Paul Robert Sullivan ★ Emily Fossen Tvetenstrand Johannes Valentin von Billerbeck, LL.M.

“Columbia Law School admits and graduates the finest lawyers in the country. I am constantly astounded by the rich, diverse talent that we see during on-campus interviewing and through lateral recruitment.” ZAKIYYAH T. SALI M-WI LLIAM S ’01




Cheng Chen ♣ John Paul, LL.M. ♣★ Ezra Ishmael Young ♣ $500–$999

Jocelyn V. Hanamirian ♣★ Gregory D. Howling ♣ Christina C. Ma ♣★ Cesareo Antonio Serrano Singzon, Jr., LL.M. ♣

“Everyone is familiar with Columbia Law School’s reputation for talent and excellence among its students, faculty, and staff. But what you can’t see from the outside is the depth of engagement, thoughtfulness, and creativity flowing through Jerome L. Greene Hall. It is deeply rewarding to be part of a community that strives every day to improve the quality of justice globally.” COLLE E N S HANAHAN ’03, CLI N ICAL PROFE SSOR OF LAW


Up to $499

Jorge D. Aguilar Nicholas T. Bazos Daniel R. Breslin ★ Lauren Hunt Brogdon Tess M. Cohen ★ Briana Elizabeth Dema ★ Amanda S. DiSanto Tal T. Edry, LL.M. ★ Katherine Kelly Fell ★ Laurel S. Fensterstock Eduardo Gardea ★ Kyle E. Gruber Beibei Huang, LL.M. Lena Husani Hughes Maren R. Hulden ★ Xiaochun Jiang, LL.M. Kevin A. Koller ★ Qingfang Liu, LL.M. Stuart R. Lombardi Alexander S. Meiseles Michelle Kim Millard Lakshmi U. Mohandas ★ Elizabeth Rose Moulton ★ Gerold Niggemann, LL.M. ★ Benjamin J. Rankin ★ Brian Thomas Rice ★ Martha A.H. Rose Matthew J. Rosenbaum ★

Benjamin Woodside Schrier ★ Brittany Dillman Schwertberger ★ Yi Qian Song ★ Nicholas Walter Sousa, LL.M. ★ Sophie A. Staples Sarah Elizabeth Raine Steinfeld Kurt M. Steinhouse Robert J. Stewart ★ Christopher Stucko Theodore O. Te, LL.M. Waraporn Tungwatcharobol, LL.M. Marvin Vesper-Graeske, LL.M. ★ Emil Vikjaer-Andresen, LL.M. ★ Rebecca L. Visgaitis Cecilia Congxin Wang Eric Michael Wasserstrum Caroline F. White ★ Matthew Charles Zorn

Catherine Elizabeth Bratic ★ John Michael Briggs ★ John M. Browning Adam Jeffrey Brunk ★ Andrew Scott Burchiel Sabino Michael Casella ★ Christopher Stone Cogburn Katherine Gorman Denby Kemper P. Diehl ★ Jacob R. Fiddelman ★ Stephanie Ilana Fine ★ Caitlin E. Giaimo Cindy Yuanjia Hong Jeffrey J. Izant ★ Conrad Johnson IV Philip Minjun Lee ♣ Angelina X. Liang ★ Andrew A. Napier Abbie Rose Pappas Samuel Joonki Park ★ Anders Weston Pauley



Joseph Tait Goldschmid ♣★ $2,500–$4,999

Matthew Lemle Amsterdam ♣★ $1,000–$2,499

Michael James Barry ♣ James Michael Lyons ♣★ Kathryn Gillespie Wellman ♣★ $500–$999

Sean M. Berens ♣★ Swift Sedgwick Osborne Edgar ♣★ Up to $499

Debra M. Aboodi Zimra Payvand Ahdout Henri S. Benaim ★



Christopher P. Burke ♣ Ryan Patrick Fagan ♣ David P. Lefebvre ♣ Up to $499

Daniel Warner Asher Peter T. Beaudette, Jr., LL.M. Kathryn Stanton Benedict ★ Julia I. Catania Diane Chan James Thomas Crowley Yvette Elise Ferrer ★ Jacob M. Fisch Ian Paul Fisher ★ Timothy Michael Flintoft, LL.M. Camilla Gambarini, LL.M.

Mike Angel Gradilla Le-Chia Hsu, LL.M. Yang Jin Alexander J. Konik ★ Jonathan Harris Koppell Sarah E. Krieger Ivy Ann LeTourneau ★ Manuel Antonio Lorenzo Jessica Ann Lutkenhaus Lin Ma ★ Paula Ximena Mendez Azuela, LL.M. Katharine Menendez de la Cuesta, LL.M. John Francis Mizerak Regwood Paul Snipes Mladen Stojiljkovic, LL.M. ★ Dhruv Suri, LL.M. Hunter Byron Thomson Colleen Barbara Traflet Qiuwen Wang, LL.M. Elliot Jarrod Watts Alyssa Connolly White ★ Samantha Burr Wishman Gregory Nathaniel Wolfe ★



Michael H. Cassel ♣ Synne D. Chapman ♣★ Alon Benjamin Harish ♣ Justin Christopher Nowell ♣★ Yujin Suga, LL.M. ♣

Kristin Giglia Deliso ★ Ankan K. Dhal ★ Christopher T. Diaz ★ Haili Ding, LL.M. Caroline Cooper Dreyspool ★ Kelly E. Finn Marcel Nico Philipp Gade, LL.M. Jacob Frederick Grubman Naari K. Ha ★ Andrew Inad Haddad Jesse L. Hallock John K. Hasley Luis Gabriel Hoyos ★ Suzhe Jia, LL.M. Ian Cunningham Kerr ★ Lauren J. Kim Terence H. Kim ★ Xavier Q. Lawrence ★ Jason Mathew Lebowitz ★ Jacqueline Ma Heita Miki ★ Sofia Minieri, LL.M. ★ Wonsuk Brian Park Trevor J. Paul Dana E. Sherman ★ Sarah H. Sloan ★ Samuel L. Yellen ★ Rebecca Isabella Yergin ★ Sasha Zheng

Up to $499

Stephanie M. Annunziata Gregg M. Badichek Christopher Bonilla Claudio Caravita, LL.M. Ezekiel M. Couch Rebecca L. Curwin ♣ HARLAN FISKE STONE SOCIETY MEMBER ★ FIVE-YEAR DONOR





Amanda M. Cioffi ♣ Kyle M. Diamond ♣ Katharine Rose Haigh, LL.M. ♣ Kyung Ho Paik ♣ Nicholas G. Stringfellow ♣ George N. Tepe ♣ Sergei Zhukov, LL.M. ♣ Up to $499

Aviv Avnon, LL.M. Josephine S. Bae Jeremy C. Beutler Andrew J. Butler Joanna Diane Caytas Caroline Keane Ceriello Deandre Aaron Harris Rebecca Lauren Harris Claudia Esther Haupt, JSD Blessing Havana Ryan J. Hayward Julie L. Hsia Sofia Jaramillo Otoya, LL.M. Beatrice P. Kelly Stacy H. Kim Joseph Frank Lawless Hyunjoon Lee Soo Jee Lee Joanne J. Liu Ryan P. Martin-Patterson Connor Robert McKinney Paul A. Nolle III ♣ Thanit Pichetpongsa, LL.M. Ari Ruffer Hilary Greenwald Ruffer Kathryn Campbell Saba Ryan N. Strong Ximeng Tang

Matthew A. Schroth ♣ $1,000–$2,499

Elizabeth N. Brandt ♣ $500–$999

Guy Deillon, LL.M. ♣ Malcolm F. Evans ♣ Samantha G. Hall ♣ Antonia Rachel Elizabeth Hyman ♣ Eve A. Levin ♣ Benjamin J. Marcu ♣ Rebecca Marie Nocharli ♣ Anthony Rocco Raduazo ♣ Up to $499

Alicia Marie Abboud Charles David Beil Nathan J. Bu Joshua I. Burger-Caplan Wendy W. Cai David Edward Cohen Nicola A. Cohen Yasmin Theodros Dagne Jackson K. Dartez Roman Dashko, LL.M. Jordyn T. Eisenpress Allison M. Fijolek Carly J. Goeman Ademisola Mary Ijidakinro Tetsuya Ishida, LL.M. Agata Edyta Jakubczak, LL.M. Jan Willem Angus Jorritsma Michael A. Lanci Benjamin R. Lash Ibiturokoemi B. Lawson Lyu Lin, LL.M. Susan M. Lindsay Travis McMillian, LL.M. George Najjar

Diego Navarrete, LL.M. Samuel C. Parnell Romane D. Paul Alejandro Fausto Pizarroso Ceruti, LL.M. Laura D. Pond Henrique Rivas Domingues, LL.M. Arthur Gabriel Rodrigues do Amaral, LL.M. Corey I. Rogoff Nathalie G. Russell Zachary P. Schrieber Jacob A. Shapiro Henri Simonet, LL.M. Brian Eric Sit Elizabeth H. Snow Abraham Sosa Robles, LL.M. Daniel Ross Sotsky Hanna Lang St. Marie Andrew L. Watiker Laura B. F. Weinblum, LL.M. Ahuva Z. Weinreich Phoebe M. Wolfe Teruyoshi Yamamoto, LL.M.



Erin Madison Berg ♣ Iliria Camaj ♣ Taylor J. Kelson ♣ Noah Lichtenberg Schwartz ♣ Fabiola Urdaneta ♣ Patrick R. Waldrop ♣ Oluwatomi O. Williams ♣ Up to $499

Stephanie N. Adamakos Andrew J. Astore Jessica R. Bernhardt Alyssa Paige Braver COLUMBIA LAW SCHOOL 55


Allison Houston Frank Williams

Graduating Class Gift Each year at commencement, members of Columbia Law School’s graduating class present a class gift to the Law School as they transition from students to alumni— a tradition since the late 1990s to support the students who will follow in their footsteps. Class gift co-chairs and committee members work diligently throughout the spring to engage all of their classmates in this effort, which consistently results in a tremendous annual class participation rate. This year, as the co-chairs began forming committees for this time-honored effort, they, along with their classmates, teachers, families, neighbors, and friends across the globe, faced the onset of a life-altering pandemic. Acknowledging the graduates’ fortitude, flexibility, ingenuity, and compassion, especially during their challenging final semester, Columbia Law School alumnus Li Lu ’95—one of the principal organizers of the Tiananmen Square protests in China and the first student to earn simultaneous degrees from the Law School, Columbia College, and Columbia Business School—made a gift “in honor of every member of the Columbia Law School Class of 2020.” This gift will help alleviate the unanticipated financial needs of Columbia Law students that have been brought on by this global crisis.


Alice Gardoll Stephen Owusu


Jenny Ange Katy Berk Chenyu Hao Samantha Hawkins-Bromberg Vendarryl Jenkins Alexander Kim Jay Pak Malina Welman


Bamisope Adeyanju Lucas Brandão Borges Caiado Frank Shihong Hong Yusuf Kumtepe Felix Oketch Teresa Pastore Theresa Scharff Keun-Chul Song Anna Silvia Tinelli


Gabriela Assis Abdalla Fajnzylber, LL.M. Meredith Diana Elion Abrams Maria Stephanie Acosta 56 ANNUAL REPORT 2019

Bamisope Ibidolapo Adeyanju, LL.M. Isha Agarwal Urvi Agarwal, LL.M. Elizabeth Negin Aghili Vanessa Somtonna Ajagu Oludolapo Iroloye Akinkugbe Hind Al Aissi, LL.M. Nadja Tamara Al Kanawati, LL.M. Daniel Enrique Albarran Garcia Josef Alkatout, LL.M. Nestor Dario Almeida Salman Khaled Almutawa Sara Abdulla Al-Saadi Michael Jared Altman-Lupu Julia E. Ambros Gabriel Demetrio Anaya Robles Matthew C. Anderson, LL.M. Hiromi Ando, LL.M. Yao Long Ronnie Ang, LL.M. Jennifer Qing Ange Angelo Mario Angelino Wichaya Apiratkasem, LL.M. Francisco Ignacio Aras, LL.M. Phelan Patricia Arata Eira Jonna Christina Arb Zackrisson, LL.M. Nicholas Antonio Argentieri Delia Maria Arias De Leon Felipe Arias Gutierrez, LL.M. Rebecca Arno Brandyn L. Arnold Mo’taz Arshied, LL.M. Grace B. Assaye Maximilian J. Auerbach Andrea Isabott Avila Salgado, LL.M. Marcelo Azevedo Fajnzylber, LL.M. Zamzama Azizi Barak Fischel Binder Bacharach

Tiana Talar Baghdikian Blake Mark Bailus Tessa R. Baizer Neshevida Balasubramanian, LL.M. Abed Raouf Balbaky Melissa Relyea Bales Isela Banuelos Zachary R. Barker Daniel Barlava Norhan Bassiouny Alexander Charles Bavis Gelsey Geraldine Beaubrun Tyler Becker Guilherme Bergamin de Barros, LL.M. Katherine E. Berk Shai J. Berman Benedict S. Bernstein Gregory A. Bernstein Max Potters Bernstein Louise-Anne Joelle Patricia Bertin, LL.M. Hilda Santos Bertolini, LL.M. Annelise Bertrand Benjamin Joseph Betik Camille Eleonore Marie Beuvry, LL.M. Priyanka R. Bhat, LL.M. Naomi King Biden Thomas J. Bidwill Fatima M. Bishtawi Zachary E. Blair Pierre Y. Blancher, LL.M. Ariel M. Blask Michael Ryan Bloom Mary Boci Virginia Louise Boies Matthew T. Bolin Taylor E. Booth Maud Boutolleau, LL.M. Molly A. Brachfeld Elimelech Brander

Nora Bettina Johanna Braun, LL.M. Jamie Lauren Brensilber Paige M. Brinton Elizabeth Margaret Brown, LL.M. Jamie S. Brumberger Giulia Brunello, LL.M. Paul A. Bryant Ian V. Buksunski Tiffani Joy Burgess Daniel Richard Burns Jack Busby, LL.M. Zoe Johanna Bush, LL.M. Alexa Lloyd Busser Kayla Hardimon Butler Virginia Hill Butler Donald J. Butterworth Annie Catherine Caccimelio Yuanyuan Cai, LL.M. Lucas Brandao Borges Caiado, LL.M. Margaret K. Caison Orly Calderon, LL.M. Alexis Danielle Campbell Yifan Cao, LL.M. Zijian Cao, LL.M. Michael Cardinal Paul Carey, LL.M. Jacquellena Toni Carrero Matthew F. Casassa Elizabeth J. Casey Nicole C. Casey Rebecca Elizabeth Caspar-Johnson Ana Maria Castro Dosal, LL.M. Katherine M. Cavins Ondrej Cech, LL.M. Francisco J. Cerda, LL.M. Soo Kyung Chae Ian Ernst Chai, LL.M. Jian Chai En-Yu Chang, LL.M. Jamie Jinhee Chang

Pei-Chuan Chang, LL.M. Fei Chen, LL.M. Hongzhou Chen, LL.M. Manel Chibane, LL.M. Mercedes J. Chien, LL.M. Cara L. Chilton Eun Gyung Choi, LL.M. Rumen G. Cholakov, LL.M. Hiresh Choudhary, LL.M. Lefteri J. Christodulelis Chun Ho Chung, LL.M. Hwamin Chung Amanda K. Chuzi Daniel V. Clark Thiago Freixo Claro, LL.M. Alex P. Clavering Carolyne Marie Clermont, LL.M. Theodore S. Cohan Justin B. Cohen Adia D. Coley Andrew T. Connery Zachary Turner Cookston Justin John Corvino Todd A. Costa Edmund Aeneas Costikyan Caroline S. Coursant, LL.M. Aaron J. Crowell Brian Martin Cunningham Andrea da Cunha Cruz, LL.M. Samyuktha Damojipurapu, LL.M. William Carter Dario Pratik Ranjan Das, LL.M. Kelsey J. Davis, LL.M. Jonathan Christopher Day Jennifer L. Dayrit Julie N. De Keukeleire, LL.M. Jose Maria Fernando de la Jara, LL.M. Maria Hortensia de la Pena, LL.M. Sebastian De La Puente, LL.M. Federico de la Torre Herrera, LL.M. Camila P. De Lasa, LL.M. Joshua D. DeBarba

Raphaelle Debordes, LL.M. Victoria Baudoin Sophie Delettre, LL.M. Michael S. DemeroukasFetterman Kelsey Victoria Dennison Jahnvi Amit Desai, LL.M. Maddalena R. DeSimone Larenz Devaren Navraj S. Dhillon Ibrahim Diallo Julian C. Diamond Pedro Diego Diaz Asmat, LL.M. Celia Marie Diederichs, LL.M. Johanna-Sophie D. Dikkers Edward Emmett Dillon, LL.M. Emma Katherine DiNapoli Eduardo Diniz Alves Pereira, LL.M. Anuj Dixit Katherine N. Donohue Reeva Shaw Dua Xiaoyu Duan Francisco Ducci, LL.M. Sofia Duclaud Llantada, LL.M. Natalie Polk Dugan Denver Clayton Dunn Laure Dupain, LL.M. Ellie Rae Dupler Shogo Eguchi, LL.M. Rawad Elia Abou Jaoude, LL.M. Electre Eliez, LL.M. Andrew Charles Elliott Charles E. English, LL.M. Mirjam J. Escher, LL.M. Santiago Escobar Magana, LL.M. Amanda Michelle Estep Benjamin Philip Estes Daniel B. Fahrenthold Maria Falcao de Andrade, LL.M. Siyuan Fang Lauren Kinue Faris Nicollette K. Farkas COLUMBIA LAW SCHOOL 57

Caitrianne E. Feddeler Elias Renwick Feldman Haojun Feng Daniel Andres Fernandez Jorge Vinicio Fernandez, LL.M. Max I. Fiest David Finkelstein John P. Finnegan David A. Fischer Rebecca Sarah Fishbein Rebecca Nicole Fleming Judrick Kweku Fletcher Haley C. Flora Anna Patricia Fonseca Zauner, LL.M. Darren Tze Ern Foo Anthony James Emilio Francisco Alexandra Lauren Franklin Olivia H. Franklin, LL.M. Brannock J. Furey Evan S. Gabor Maria Fernanda Gadea, LL.M. Michal Galayevich, LL.M. Elena-Andreea Gancea, LL.M. Jie Gao Jingkang Gao Ying Ying Gao Katherine Nallely Garcia Teresa Joana Garcia-Barrero Giurgiu, LL.M. Alice M. Gardoll, LL.M. Felix Walter Theodor Gasten, LL.M. Craig Daniel Gaver, LL.M. Melange Therese Gavin Letian Ge Grant M. Gerard Emily Irena Gerry Julia Elizabeth Ghahramani Matthew A. Girardi Cassandra Anna Gizzo Olga Gladkova, LL.M. Christopher R. Goetz 58 ANNUAL REPORT 2020

Michal Goffer Daphne, LL.M. Juan Eduardo Gomez Londono, LL.M. Ana Elias Borges Goncalves, LL.M. Andrew R. Gong Diana Carolina Gonzalez Kaushik K. Goswami Shravya Govindgari Dustin G. Graber Jeffrey Alexander Greenberg Kyle L. Greene Miles Harrison Greene Lily Charlotte Grisafi Jessica Ariel Grischkan Nicole Groysman Nicolas Daniel Guichard, LL.M. Rayna S. Guo Tingting Guo, LL.M. Ritunjay Gupta, LL.M. Andres Steven Gutierrez Kingkade Matthias D. Haberstig, LL.M. Timothy Hayes Hagan Matthew Thomas Halchak Jonathan Michael Hall Spence, LL.M. N’Dea Michelle Hallett Christen Elizabeth Hammock Lichen Han Song Yi Han Chenyu Hao Kayako Harada, LL.M. Daniel Jacob Harper Nathan Jeremy Hauser, LL.M. Dario Henri Haux, LL.M. Samantha Marie Hawkins-Bromberg Elizabeth Hayden William McCarthy Hayes Mudan He, LL.M. John M. Heather, LL.M. Devyn J. Hebert

Marina Analise Hernandez Leo William Herrenschmidt, LL.M. Diondra Korlis Hicks Keita Hitomi, LL.M. Hung D. Ho Yarden N. Hodes Paul Albert Jean Hoffmann, LL.M. Tyler E. Holbrook Sarah Hong Shihong Hong, LL.M. Amelie Claiborne Hopkins Rachel Serena Horn Allison Lulajunuette Houston Andrew A. Howard Shengping Hsu, LL.M. Aileen Christina Huang Mei Ling Huang, LL.M. Terry Tianrui Huang Xiaojie Huang, LL.M. MariKate Hok’te Hulbutta Mackenzie Ellen Humble Florence M.P. Humblet, LL.M. Jacob D. Humerick Nathalie Grace Hunter Matthew Pearson Hurt, LL.M. Eli B. Huscher Nicandro Gary Louis Iannacci Daniel Osagie Imahiyerobo Morgan Imbert, LL.M. Shunsuke Imura, LL.M. Preston Louis Irace Michelle Ifeoluwapo Irukera Ayari Ishiyama, LL.M. Anna Aida Iskikian Christina M. Isnardi Daichi Ito, LL.M. Johann E. Jabes, LL.M. Alexandra Jakobsen, LL.M. Jonathan Max Jaroslawicz Vendarryl L. Jenkins Chayathanan Jerasantpich, LL.M. Esther Tian Jiang

Jaehun Jo, LL.M. Ester Amelia Johansson-Lebron Kristin J. Johnson Joella Adia Chao Jones Zachary Scott Jones Breana L. Jordan Brandon David Joseph Arjun Mihir Joshi, LL.M. Jabari Yusef Julien Minhee Jung, LL.M. Fanta Brunhilde Kamara Mina Kanamura, LL.M. Dina Marie Perez Kang Omar Y. Kanjwal Chinmay Sudhirkumar Kanojia, LL.M. Yahel Kaplan, LL.M. Gili Aviv Karev, LL.M. Sonia Katharani-Khan Kei Kato, LL.M. Jennifer R. Katz Meredith Fitzgerald Kelly Hope Elisabeth Kerpelman Miftahul Khairi, LL.M. Andrew Garo Khanarian Nicholas Kho Alexander C. Kim Chang Yup Kim Gihyun Kim HyunKyu Kim Stephen G. Kim Sung Hyun Kim, LL.M. Susie Kim Mariko Kimura, LL.M. Caleb Borges King Idun Bresee Klakegg Savanna Pack Klinek Anja L. Kong Randeep Singh Koonar, LL.M. Samantha Gabriela Koutras, LL.M. Martin Kridla, LL.M. Brendan F. Krimsky

Kathryn Brooke Kuethman Austin D. Kuhn Ananya Nikhil Kulkarni, LL.M. Rani Butler Kulkarni, LL.M. Shraddha Kulshreshtha, LL.M. Chetna Kumar, LL.M. Yusuf Kumtepe, LL.M. Meenakshi Ramesh Kurpad, LL.M. Yoko Kutami, LL.M. James Anthony Kutter Hideaki Kuwahara, LL.M. Afia Mutesi Kwakwa Jeffrey Kwok, LL.M. Munjeong Kyung, LL.M. Yi Shin Lai, LL.M. Nikita Lamba Jean Marie Lambert Lin Lan Ruby Bert Lang Allison Johanna Langley Michelle Lisa Lappen Sean Michael Larner Quinn M. Leary Ching-Fang Lee, LL.M. Daniel J. Lee Katie Sheah Tsan Lee, LL.M. Laura K. Lee Lloyd Nolen Stepteau Lee Matthew H. Lee Tyler Anne Lee Solomon Zhehao Leung Elizabeth M. Levin Ivan Levy, LL.M. Michael U. Lewis Benjamin J. Lewson David Raymond P. Leys, LL.M. Huiyi Li, LL.M. Siqi Li Xinrui Li Wuxiao Liang, LL.M. Yi Fang Paul Lie, LL.M. Chaim Lieberman

Johannes Karl Rudolf Liefke, LL.M. Patrick P. Lin, LL.M. Sarah Hong Lin Haley Hsiu Wen Ling Mingke Liu, LL.M. Moritz D. Lochmann, LL.M. Retley G. Locke Alexander Z. Loh Ana Longhi de Franca, LL.M. Victor Lopez Riccardo Loschi, LL.M. Keliang Lu Maximilian Ludvik, LL.M. Zora Motta Fayal de Lyra, LL.M. Buyu Ma Sarah Elena Maciel Namrata Basant Maheshwari, LL.M. Bryson D. Malcolm Jessica L. Marder-Spiro Sarah R. Margolis Eugenio Marin de Leon, LL.M. Patrick Floyd Marris Mary E. Marshall Luke Andrew Martin Christian Ray Martinez Carla Martini, LL.M. Bret Matera Raul Eduardo Mazzarella Ulloa, LL.M. Elizabeth J. McAvoy Holli Elise McClean James P. McGlone Amanda Robin McNally Martin Maurice McSherry II Isabel Mejia Llano, LL.M. Aryeh M. Mellman Marina Mendes Correa, LL.M. Conor James Mercadante Mariana Merino Collado, LL.M. Ian Joshua Meyer Melissa U. Meza

Chelsea B. Mihelich Ian J. Miller Carlissa M. Milord Rohan Georges Mishra Jonathan Mitnick Anisha Diya Mohin Zoya Mohyuddin, LL.M. Farah A. Mokhtar Ariana S. Momtazi-Bushweller Ammar Ashraf Monawar Eduardo Rafael Morande Fontaine, LL.M. Olivia Davy Morrison Anne H. Mosley Muzahid Mowla, LL.M. Namrata Mukherjee, LL.M. Nivedita Mukhija, LL.M. Ingrid A. Muller, LL.M. Zane William Muller Maria Jesus Munoz Ugarte, LL.M. Ryo Muramatsu, LL.M. Yui Muramatsu, LL.M. Amarante Camille Murino, LL.M. Alexandra J. Murphy, LL.M. Sean E. Murphy Niousha Nademi, LL.M. Takeshi Nagai, LL.M. Jie Lin Nai Jun Nam Alexandra Nora Nasar Julia Elizabeth Nelson Anton Nemirovski Eric P. Neuenschwander, LL.M. Andrea Nishi Lila Jun Eron Nojima Whitney-Martina Nosakhare, LL.M. Amanda N. Obi, LL.M. Chikaodi Cybil Obiozor Omobolaji O. Ogunsola Alexander Ife Ojugbeli Udoka Ebelechukwu Okafor Udoka Joy Okafor

Felix Otieno Oketch, LL.M. Edgar C. Okorie Julia N. Oksasoglu Jack Oliver-Hood, LL.M. Bradford R. Olson Ryan J. Olson Brandon M. O’Malley, LL.M. Rachel Yue Qing Ong, LL.M. Eduardo J. Oteiza, LL.M. Daniel P. O’Toole Johanna Christine Otto, LL.M. Stephen Owusu, LL.M. Marina Pacheco de Araujo Paciullo, LL.M. Andrew Jisu Pai Jessie C. Pak Deep Rao Palepu, LL.M. Meng Zhen Lina Pan Michael Li Pan Elizabeth Parizh Hyunsung Park, LL.M. Jung Myong Park, LL.M. Sung Min Park Yuna Y. Park Danielle Alyse Parker Gregory A. Passa Teresa Pastore, LL.M. Krusheeta R. Patel Andreas Constantine Pavlou Sarah J. Pemberton Nishadee Yawwana Perera, LL.M. Elvira M. Perez Sepulveda, LL.M. Sarah Antonia Perez Kevin Brian Perron Alexander R. Perry Michael Pierluisi, LL.M. Joanna Pauline Pimentel, LL.M. Micaela Jade Pina Stephen J. Piotrkowski Cecilia Plaza J. Ryan C. Poladian Mark M. Pollak

Yirong Yvonne Poon, LL.M. Marta Poplawski Esther E. Portyansky Ayla Prentice-Cuntz, LL.M. Sara Kate Providence Christine Qin Zhen Qin Eric W. Quang Kobina A. Quaye Dana Michelle Quinn Meera Rajah, LL.M. Yesenia Yvette Rascon Theodora E. Raymond-Sidel Miranda Elizabeth Rehaut Hannah Therese Reid, LL.M. Rachel A. Rein Patricia Reville Andres Reyes Mendez, LL.M. Margarita Alexandra Dizon Reyes Donald J. B. Rhodes, LL.M. Rachel Rhodes, LL.M. Carlos Augusto Rios Pizarro, LL.M. Devin Rives Risinger Connor Jeffrey Ritschard Kathleen Martha Ritter Michelle S. Ritter Elizabeth Annabel Rivera Cruz Edan G. Rivera, LL.M. Joshua W. Robinett Maria Jose Rocha, LL.M. Israel Rodriguez Rubio Rohan Rohan, LL.M. Norma Patricia Rojas-Castro Octavio Roldan Montijo, LL.M. Esther Romay Jove, LL.M. Salvador Rosas Jacob Roth, LL.M. Etia Rottman Frand, LL.M. Christine Rua Mohamed A. Saeed, LL.M. Viktoria S. Salehi, LL.M.

Mihir Samson, LL.M. Chevaun Samuels Genesis G. Sanchez Tavarez Christopher Santana Edgar Santos Monteiro, LL.M. Guillermo David Sarubbi Lutz, LL.M. Pedro Romualdo Saullo, LL.M. Konstantin Savryga, LL.M. Samuel Tyler Schaffer Theresa Marie Scharff, LL.M. Philippe Schiff Jonathan R. Schlecht Adrien Schmieder, LL.M. Stephen M. Schmitt Theodore M. Schneider Pirmin Emanuel Schreiner, LL.M. Robert Edmund Schultz, LL.M. Emilie C. Schwarz Philipp Schwarz, LL.M. Charles C. See Sayaka Sekimiya, LL.M. Vladislav Shafran Ravi D. Shah Maya Olga Shaton, LL.M. Whitman Lane Shaw Jacob Nathaniel Shepherd Jacqueline Grace Piper Sheren Reed T. Showalter Miguel Sierra, LL.M. Jordana D. Signer Michelle G. Silva Nicholas B. Singer Uday Pratap Singh, LL.M. Ritika Sinha, LL.M. Clare E. Skinner, LL.M. Olivia Farwell Lescure Smith Rina Chelsea So Nicole A. Sockett Lara Bianca Solomons, LL.M. Grace Mie Son Keun-Chul Song, LL.M. Anika Sonnenberg, LL.M. COLUMBIA LAW SCHOOL 59

Timothy A. Sorenson Noah Zachary Sosnick Eric G. Speckhard Philipp A. Stallknecht, LL.M. Alice C. StampfliParmentier, LL.M. Kathleen M. Stanaro Emma Sydney Stein Mayer M. Stein Sarah Katharina Stein, LL.M. Eric Edward Stern Zack A. Struver Narayan S. Subramanian Hinako Sugiyama, LL.M. Lillian Sun Shangpu Sun Kristian E. Sutt, LL.M. Julia Thais Szinovatz Joao Antonio T. Madureira de Pinho, LL.M. Victoria Modong Taban, LL.M. Matteo Tabellini, LL.M. Kelvin Jia Jun Tan Muhammed Emrah Tanyildizi, LL.M. Jiatian Tao, LL.M. Sudi Tasissa Jacob Taylor, LL.M. Joshua M. Taylor Shelton E. Taylor Samuel Tazartes, LL.M. Riccardo Tedeschini, LL.M. Aden D. A. Tedla Melissa Kai Lin Teh Maurice Temming, LL.M. John Benjamin Thomas Sam Thompson Benedetta Tilli, LL.M. Anna Silvia Tinelli, LL.M. Julia Tolstova, LL.M. Khunawut Tongkak, LL.M. Brian James Tratner 60 ANNUAL REPORT 2020

Jonathan Lee Trebble-Greening Chetan Tripathy, LL.M. Nathan P. Turk, LL.M. Greta Therese Ramsay Ulbrick, LL.M. Abigail A. Unger Fakhruddin Ali Valika, LL.M. Guillaume Van Doosselaere, LL.M. Peter Donald Frank Varacalli, LL.M. Anfranz Nayda VazquezBragan, LL.M. Ashwini Velchamy Balaji Venkatakrishnan, LL.M. Sarah Maria Vettiger, LL.M. Juan Sebastian Viancha Trujillo, LL.M. Jon Vicuna, LL.M. Javier Antonio Villalba Solis, LL.M. Charlotte Ann Walkovik Connie Wang Ding Wang, LL.M. Gan Wang, LL.M. Jiadiandian Wang, LL.M. Kunyu Wang Xinyue Wang, LL.M. Zhenrui Wang Jean-Jacques Waringo, LL.M. Yukiko Suwa Watanabe, LL.M. Dylan J. Waters Caroline F. Wattenmaker Alyssa Danielle Weinstein Ryan Patrick Weir Malina M. Welman Christine A. Weniger, LL.M. Anna-Luise Werder, LL.M. Tanna H. Wiesel William Palmer Wilder Frank Henry Williams III Jaclyn Michelle Willner

Samuel Nye Winslow Michal Jan Wolangiewicz, LL.M. Alison Hei Mun Wong, LL.M. Kwok Ching Jonathan Wong Terry Y. Wong Colin D.C. Wood, LL.M. Hastings R.C. Woolston Dan Wu, LL.M. Kuo-An Wu, LL.M. Qinzhi Wu, LL.M. Paul Simon Wunderl, LL.M. Elsa S. Wyllie, LL.M. Min Xiang, LL.M. Weihuan Xu, LL.M. Yiqi Xu, LL.M. Etsuko Yamazaki, LL.M. Linxuan Yan Meng Yan, LL.M. Xuemei Yang, LL.M. Xiaotian Yao Saba Yasmin Mitra Vahdati Yazdi Jung Min Yeo Meiran Yin Daniel S. Yoon Satoshi Yoshinami, LL.M. Fang Yuan, LL.M. Justin S. Yun Nadia Attahir Yusuf Chen Moshe Zaefen, LL.M. Marco Ismael Zaldivar Chauca, LL.M. Rodrigo Alonso Zaldivar Del Aguila, LL.M. Donna Sarah Miriam Zamir, LL.M. Brandon Alexander Zamudio Jingxi Zhai Ge Zhang, LL.M. Guannan Zhang, LL.M. Lei Zhang, LL.M.

Shannon W. Zhang Xiaoyu Zhang, LL.M. Yi Zhang Jiaji Zhou, LL.M. Zhou Zhou, LL.M. Matthew J. Zhu Shengling Zhu Siyi Zhu

Columbians Caring for Students In the early days of the pandemic, Columbia Law School alumni and friends immediately took action to help alleviate students’ financial burdens brought on by the coronavirus crisis. As public health conditions forced the closure of the Morningside campus, many students, who had come to Columbia from around the United States and the world, returned to their homes to shelter in place. For some, this brought significant and unforeseen financial burdens. Support from our community for the Columbians Caring for Students emergency relief fund helped us to meet the pandemicrelated needs of more than 160 law students, including aiding with relocation, technology support, and health care expenses. Other donors immediately stepped in to create post-graduate fellowships to launch the careers of 3Ls entering the public sector. We thank all who helped our students at this critical moment.

5 Anonymous Donors AccessLex Zila R. Acosta-Grimes, 2015 Esinam M. D. Agbemenu, 2015 Douglas F. Allen, Jr., 1976 Marvin Anderman, 1959 Stephanie M. Annunziata, 2016 Laura K. Asserfea, 2010 Kennisha A. Austin, 2005 Scott A. Barshay, 1991 Charles David Beil, 2018 Sean M. Berens, 2013 Jennifer H. Berger Max W. Berger, 1971 Victoria L. Bor, 1979 Sheila S. Boston, 1993 Elizabeth Dvorkin Botwin, 1978 Marian L. Brancaccio, 1992 Elizabeth N. Brandt, 2018 Lynne M. O. Brickner, 1980 Nathaniel A. Bronstein, 2015 Melanie Joyce Brown, 2010 Stephen L. Buchman, 1962 Keith Nolan Burns, 2005 Ryan D. Cairns David M. Call, 1968 Julia I. Catania, 2014 Donald R. Crawshaw, 1983 LL.M. Joanna Diane Caytas, 2017 Marianne M. Chao, 1995 LL.M. Iris S. Chen, 2001 Jeanne C. Conerly, 1989 Robert G. Cristofolini, 1984 LL.M. Yasmin Theodros Dagne, 2018 Jennifer Bancroft DaSilva, 1990 Gary S. Davis, 1980 Ronald W. Davis, 1975 William J. Diamond, 1963 Wesley C. Dias, 1977 Laura F. Dukess, 1987 Jeffrey M. Eilender, 1991


Leslie G. Fagen, 1974 Gillian Teresa Farrell, 2019 Evelyn M. Finkelstein, 1970 Andre H. M. Fiorotto, 2005 LL.M. Daniel P. Flaherty, 2019 Arnold D. Fleischer, 1968 Victor Fungkong, 1990 LL.M. Camilla Gambarini, 2014 LL.M. Philip M. Genty Bruce H. Goldfarb, 1990 Sandhya Gupta, 2004 Naari K. Ha, 2016 Claudia Esther Haupt, 2017 J.S.D. Blessing Havana, 2017 Peihua He Julia Heaney, 1991 Carolyn M. Heft, 1966 J. Patrick Heptig, 1995 Daniel C. Hickey, 1972 Richard deCourcy Hinds, 1967 Lisa A. Hirsch, 1985 Elise Slosberg Holtzman, 1990 Robert N. Holtzman, 1992 Tracy L. Horton, 2004 Gregory D. Howling, 2012 James C. Hsu, 1997 Jung Won Hyun, 1997 Ugochukwu A. Ike, 2006 Hiroko Imamura, 1986 David J. Impastato III, 1991 Masako Irie, 2004 Barry S. Jaynes, 1968 Yang Jin, 2014 Don W. Joe, 1984 Jean-Matthieu Jonet, 2004 LL.M. Afiya M. Jordan, 2005 Jasmine M. Juteau, 2003 Pei-Huan Benjamin Kao, 2003 LL.M. Joseph S. Kass, M.D., 1994 Bruce M. Kauderer, 1972 Robert L. Kehr, 1969

Sharon Kerrigan Loman Walter T. Killmer, Jr., 1986 Margaret A. King Richard M. Kleid, 1955 George J. Kostas, 1988 Paul Kuniholm David A. Kurzweil, 1997 Benjamin R. Lash, 2018 Ibiturokoemi B. Lawson, 2018 Felix E. Leatherwood III, 1980 Hyunjoon Lee, 2017 Kiyoung Lee, 2008 LL.M. Philip Minjun Lee, 2013 Eve A. Levin, 2018 Bruce M. Levine, 1981 Sean Lien, 1997 Lyu Lin, 2018 LL.M. Emily R. Livingston, 1972 Brian G. Lloyd, 1989 Abbe D. Lowell, 1977 Li Lu, 1995 Walter S. Mack, Jr., 1971 Randall A. Mackey, 1975 Sophia M. Mancall-Bitel, 2015 David E. Martin, 1981 Robert W. Mauriello, Jr., 1993 Shavonna M. Maxwell, 2001 Diana D. McBaine-Cook, 1994 Justin R. McCrary Connor Robert McKinney, 2017 Marlene Y. McLarty, 1993 The Hon. Linda Kelly Mejias, 2004 Quentin L. Messer, Jr., 1998 Heita Miki, 2016 Jonathan B. Miller, 1987 Lakshmi U. Mohandas, 2012 The Hon. Anthony J. Mohr, 1972 Reza K. MojtabaeeZamani, 2009 Larry G. Moore, 1980 Martin J. Murphy, 1967 Daniel T. Murray, 1969


George Najjar, 2018 Annette L. Nazareth, 1981 Rosemary J. Noona Allegra A. Noonan, 2015 Steven M. Nunez, 1995 Richard S. Order, 1981 Wanhui Ou, 2019 LL.M. Xinyi Pan, 2015 John Paul, 2012 LL.M. Anders Weston Pauley, 2013 Robert M. Pennoyer, 1950 Paul Anthony D. Pery, 2007 LL.M. Bruce Eben Pindyck, 1970 Mary Ellen Pindyck, 1973 Alejandro Fausto Pizarroso Ceruti, 2018 LL.M. Kirstin Schantzenbach Powers, 2002 Edwin J. Reis, 1955 Genevieve Hernandez Reyes Llamzon, 2006 LL.M. Allison Strickland Ricketts, 1993 Angie Armer Rios, 2000 Edgar G. Rios, Jr., 1977 Henrique Rivas Domingues, 2018 LL.M. Arthur Gabriel Rodrigues do Amaral, 2018 LL.M. Corey I. Rogoff, 2018 Samuel I. Rosenberg, 1975 Joseph L. Rosenbloom III, 1969 Brooke Ruskaup Susan L. Saltzstein, 1991 and Steve Fallek William E. Schaeffer, 1993 Charles A. Schwartz, 1968 Roger E. Schwed, 1986 Brittany Dillman Schwertberger, 2012 Patricia A. Seith, 1998 David I. Shapiro, 1992 ■


Amy Shugar Daria P. Sidlauskas Howard S. Simonoff, 1958 Bradford L. Smith, 1984 Regwood Paul Snipes, 2014 Leon Stand, 1956 Jonathan M. Steiger, 1995 Kenneth L. Stein, 1962 Warren G. Stolusky, 1966 Peter Morhan Sun, 2007 Kathryn Surace-Smith, 1984 Paul W. Sweeney, Jr., 1975 Andrew T. Swers, 1996 John J. UyHam, 1996 John Vagelatos, 1995 Sira Veciana-Muino, 1999 Maralee Buttery Vezie, 1984 Mrs. Heather Carey von Zuben, 2004 Susan C. Waltman, 1977 Pao-Lin Wang, 1993 LL.M. Sharon J. Weinberg, 1984 Laura B. F. Weinblum, 2018 LL.M. Thomas W. White, 1978 Leslie J. Wilsher, 1979 Barbara Bennett Woodhouse, 1983 Samantha Wool Laura M. Yacovone Toma, 1987 Anthony A. Yoseloff, 1998 Tiffany Young, 2019 Natalie Milani Yumlu, 2001 Xi Zeng, 2002 LL.M. Yeping Zhou, 2006 The Hon. Jeffrey M. Zimmerman, 1984 Richard M. Zinner, 1970 Richard K. Zuckerman, 1984 Lori Iannotti Zyskowski, 1996

Estate Planning and Bequests The Kent Affiliates of the 1754 Society honors and acknowledges alumni and friends who have made future plans for Columbia Law School through bequests, beneficiary designations, life income, and other future gifts. We are delighted to acknowledge those listed here who have accepted membership in this prestigious society.


7 Anonymous Donors Matthew J. Abrams, 1978 Mark L. Amsterdam, 1969 Bruce D. Angiolillo, 1977 and Carol Angiolillo, 1977 Annette A. Anthony, 1989 The Hon. Chester Apy, 1957 Carolyn K. Balleisen, 1952 David J. Bardin, 1956 and Livia Bardin Michael C. Barr, 1972 Steven C. Barre, 1984 Michael A. Berch, 1959 Max W. Berger, 1971 Jane Cohen Bergner, 1967 Daniel B. Berkson, 1952 Gail S. Berney, 1978 Michael I. Bernstein, 1962 Peter R. Bierstedt, 1969 Adele M. Blong, 1959 and Steven J. Cole, 1967 Cyrus J. Bloom, 1949 Henry I. Blumberg, 1970 Karen S. Boxer, 1974 Ashby D. Boyle II, 1990 Ernest Brod, 1961 Robert Burstein, 1956 Peter Buscemi, 1976 William R. Bush, 1971 David M. Call, 1968 Allen F. Campbell, 1967 John B. Canning, 1968 Stephen H. Case, 1968 Valerie Casey, 1979 Paul A. Castanon, 1983 Deborah J. Chadsey, 1987 Roger S. Clark, 1972, JSD Gerard Andrew Corsini, 1972 John J. Costonis, 1965 Richard B. Covey, 1955


Daniel Ira Davidson, 1959 ▲ George A. Davidson, 1967 Donald R. Davis, 1965 Marvin Dicker, 1957 William Peter Dietrich, 1969 The Hon. Andrew K. Dolan, 1970 Robert S. Faron, 1975 Jeremy R. Feinberg, 1995 Evelyn M. Finkelstein, 1970 Michael Finkelstein, 1960 David F. Freedman, 1985 Michael Garrett, 1969 Jason R. Gettinger, 1967 Peter R. Ginsberg, 1980 Mary Tait Goldschmid Paul R. Grand, 1960 Felix T. Grossman, 1959 Robert S. Haft, 1953 Mitchell R. Hankin, 1974 John E. Hartman, 1966 John Wolford Haskins, 1969 Thomas C. Hauser, 1970 Carolyn M. Heft, 1966 Peter C. Hein, 1975 Robert M. Heller, 1966 Paul R. Herman, 1961 Peter W. Herman, 1970 Richard deCourcy Hinds, 1967 Owen O. Hoberman, 1961 and Arlyn M. Hoberman Joel W. Howell III, 1974 William K. Hoyt, Jr., 1972 Michael J. Hughes, 1993 William Josephson, 1955 Ellen Oran Kaden, 1977 William M. Kahn, 1949 Stephanie Wenkert Kanwit, 1968 Mark N. Kaplan, 1953 George A. Kellner, 1967 Sarah M. Kernochan John J. Kerr, Jr., 1976 W. Noel Keyes, 1947


Walter T. Killmer, Jr., 1986 Lawrence A. Kobrin, 1957 Kenneth F. Koen, 1987 Victor A. Kovner, 1961 David A. Krebs, 1963 Lenore R. Kreitman, 1976 Jerome Kretchmer, 1958 Harvey Kurzweil, 1969 Burton Lehman, 1965 Nathan Leventhal, 1966 Pamela Leach Lewis, 1969 David C. Lindeman, 1969 Edward J. Littlejohn, 1982 Albert P. Loening, Jr., 1952 Donna D. Manning, 1977 Alan Mark Mantell, 1971 Jonathan S. Margolis, 1979 Thomas Aquinas Martin, 1992 Justin K. McCarthy, 1953 Douglas J. McClintock, 1975 G. W. McDonald, 1968 Robert A. Meister, 1962 Sheila Merolla Mark C. Morril, 1972 Gerald K. Neavolls, 1964 Andrea Lee Negroni, 1982 Jay H. Newman, 1976 Nancy Northup, 1988 Marilyn G. Ordover, 1954 Michael E. Patterson, 1967 and Elena Patterson Judson W. Pearl, 1946 Templeton C. Peck, 1967 Robert E. Peduzzi, 1966 Frank L. Politano, 1974 Martin J. Rabinowitz, 1955 Terence R. Rice, 1970 Marc Leonard Ripp, 1983 Edwin Robbins, 1955 Mordecai Rochlin, 1935 ▲ Thomas S. Rogers, 1979

Ronald S. Rolfe, 1969 and Sara M. Darehshori, 1993 Steven B. Rosenfeld, 1967 Seth Rosner, 1955 James N. Rudolph, 1963 The Hon. Joseph B. Russell, 1952 Joseph Ryan, 1967 Patricia D. Ryan, 1979 Patricia Perez Santonocito, 1979 and Bruno M. Santonocito Dante M. Scaccia, 1949 Jack E. Schachner, 1972 William E. Scheffer, 2002 Jonathan D. Schiller, 1973 Kathryn E. Schneider, 1991 George J. Schultze, 1995 Mark Schwarz, 1967 Joan Scobey Leigh Seippel, 1972 Nicholas J. Serwer, 1981 The Hon. Beatrice Shainswit, 1947 Harriet S. Shapiro, 1955 Isaac Shapiro, 1956 and Jacqueline W. Shapiro, 1955 James T. Sherwin, 1956 Barbara E. Shiers, 1980 and Joel W. Sternman Allen E. Shoenberger, 1969 Roxann Sherri Smithers, 2002 Richard C. Spalding, 1976 Edward R. Spalty, 1973 Howard D. Stave, 1954 Esta Eiger Stecher, 1982 Kenneth L. Stein, 1962 Peter L. Strauss Carl F. Taeusch II, 1980 Paul C. Tang, 1977 Conrad L. Teitell, 1957 Franklin A. Thomas, 1963 Susan P. Thomases, 1977 Allan Van Fleet, 1977 Donald E. Vaughan, 1983

Michael A. Watkins, 1980 Bryan Webb, 1956 Steven J. Weissman, 1981 Paul G. Whitby, 1971 Lawrence S. Wick, 1970 Pamela R. Winnick, 1977 Deborah Yu Yeoh, 1985 Eric M. Zachs, 1985 Stephen James Zoukis, 1974


William S. Beinecke David D. Bender Harlan Morse Blake Theobald H. Engelhardt John T.C. Low Harold Marsh, Jr.



Tributes and Memorials Many alumni and friends of Columbia Law School expressed their support through gifts made in tribute to or memory of others. We gratefully acknowledge the generosity of these gifts and the people they honor.


The Hon. Rolando T. Acosta, 1982 Janet Alston Corcoran Kevin L. Barnes, 1985 Allan C. Bell, 1984 Adelyne Sylvania Chiang Liu Class of 1975 Charles J. Conroy, 1978 Eliza Adair Cook Austin Davidson Brandon Davidson Carmen Davidson Natalia Delgado R. Randle Edwards Carlos Egea, 2006, LL.M. Robert S. Faron, 1975 Eugene H. Gans The Hon. Ruth Bader Ginsburg, 1959 ▲ Suzanne B. Goldberg Michelle A. GreenbergKobrin, 1999 Michael R. Griffinger, 1964 Roland Haux Peter C. Hein, 1975 The Hon. Alvin K. Hellerstein, 1956 The Hon. Eric H. Holder, Jr., 1976 Kendall E. Jackson, 2018 Joan Stern Kiok, 1954 Eugene V. Kokot, 1974 Brendan M. Mallee Maite y Jose Maria Jeff Masters Francis A. McAnaney, Jr., 1971 Cyrus S. Milani James E. Millstein, 1982 Capucine Motte Subha Narasimhan, 1980 Elizabeth A. Orem, 2021 John R. Parks, 1977

Ryan Pottinger The Hon. Jed S. Rakoff Jennifer G. Rodgers Eneida Rosa, 1979 Ida Roterman Sylvia Rubock K.T. Smits Leon and Annette Summit Franklin A. Thomas, 1963 Edouard Treppoz Samantha Wool Timothy Wu Mary Marsh Zulack


The Hon. Sheila A. Abdus-Salaam, 1977 Philip J. Ablove, 1965 Pearl Ponemon Ain, 1937 Leonard M. Amsterdam, 1937 John Seaman Bainbridge, 1941 Jeanette A. Berg Arthur and Hilda Berney Allah D. Bhatti David T. Bonk, 1981 Caleb Brokaw Russell E. Brooks, 1963 Susan Price Carr, 1972 William C. Clarke, 1965 Morris L. Cohen, 1951 Richard G. Cohen, 1955 Rolland Samuel Curtis Mario E. DeOrchis, 1948 Gerald Dickler, 1933 Alvin Dorfman, 1957 Harold Lee Drimmer, 1938 Waldo and Margaret Falkener Justin N. Feldman, 1942 Robert A. Ferguson Joseph J. Fleischman, 1972


Mary T. Flynn Alfred S. Forsyth, 1931 Tobia Brown Frankel, 1987 Richard N. Gardner The Hon. Leonard I. Garth James Gifford Dennis Gill Thomas J. Glessner Julius L. Goebel, Jr., 1923 Audrey Lipsett Goldberg, 1959 Harvey J. Goldschmid, 1965 Henry J. Goldschmidt, 1935 Emanuel L. Gordon, 1942 Jack Greenberg, 1948 John Gunzler Alice Haemmerli, 1990 Milton Handler, 1926 John N. Hazard Louis Henkin Elizabeth Anderson Hishon, 1971 Hyeseung Lynda Hong, 1998 William J. Howard, 1957 John F. Hunt, 1953 Seun Jejeloye Belle S. Katz John M. Kernochan, 1948 Brian King Jonathan T. Kopit, 1971 Jules H. Kornblau, 1957 Marjory Mack Krause Arthur B. Krim, 1932 Peng Lai Henry Landau, 1925 Gerald P. Leach Agnes Leatherwood Laurie Linton, 1983 Andrew M. Lottman, 1993 Donna J. Madison Eliana Maffia Carmel Carrington Marr, 1948 Roy A. McKenzie, 1979

Kathleen Mee The Hon. Charles M. Metzner, 1933 The Hon. Robert B. Meyner, 1933 Avy L. Miller Harvey R. Miller, 1959 James M. Milligan The Hon. Leonard P. Moore, 1922 Alta Moser Henry H. Moulton, 1948 Robert F. Mullen, 1968 Arthur W. Murphy, 1948 Catherine N. Niarchos, 1994, LL.M. Henry H. Nordlinger, 1914 John R. Oldham, 1983 Kellis E. Parker Marcia B. Paul, 1972 Adele Pollard Richard C. Pugh, 1958 Francis F. Randolph, Jr., 1953 Paul Robeson, 1923 James P. Rooney, 1966 Maurice Rosenberg, 1947 Daniel G. Ross, 1927 Kenneth V. Santagata, 1977 Ann Schwartz Goodman Schaechner Richard J. Scheuer, Jr., 1972 Thomas Scheuer, 1953 Marie L. Schumacher The Hon. Arthur H. Schwartz, 1926 Randi Loftsgaarden Season, 1973 Isidore A. Seltzer, 1938 Howard E. Shapiro, 1955 James C. Sherwood, 1977 Betty Shimizu Ralph T. Shimizu Peter E. Sitkin, 1964 Michael I. Sovern, 1955 Maury L. Spanier, 1939

Edward F. Stancik, 1979 Howard L. Stevens, 1963 Elaine M. Strauss Howard S. Sussman, 1962 Richard B. Tennant Robert L. Teristi, 1991 Andrew R. Thompson, 1999 Cynthia Wachenheim, 1995 The Hon. Leonard M. Wagman, 1955 Richard Wald, 1965 Frank K. Walwer, 1955 Herbert Wechsler, 1931 Stephen L. Weiner, 1970 Lawrence A. Wien, 1927 Jeffrey A. Williams, 2005 Paul Windels III, 1982 Benedict Wolf, 1928 Lucy Lu Wu Swain Wu Maurice Yellen, 1925 Richard D. Yellen, 1963



Michael I. Sovern ’55, renowned mediator, eighth dean of Columbia Law School, and former president of Columbia University, died January 20, 2020, at the age of 88. A longtime defender of civil rights and civil liberties, and a leading authority on labor law, he will be remembered for helping to resolve some of New York City’s most divisive labor disputes and for guiding Columbia University through the vitriolic anti-war protests of the late 1960s.



Faculty, Friends, Parents, Staff, and Students Columbia Law School has many partners who support our mission. We offer our sincere gratitude to our extended family of faculty, staff, friends, students, and their parents.


Esinam M. D. Agbemenu, 2015 Eric S. Askanase, 2003 Todd Baker Vivian Olivia Berger, 1973 ★ Elizabeth F. Bernhardt, 1988 ★ Barbara Aronstein Black, 1955 Anu Bradford Jessica Bulman-Pozen and David E. Pozen Alexandra B. Carter, 2003 ♣ Steven E. Chaikelson, 1992 ★ Christopher Stone Cogburn, 2013 Frederick T. Davis, 1972 Brett Dignam and Michael J. Graetz ♣★ Harold S. H. Edgar, 1967 ★ Leslie G. Fagen, 1974 ♣ Merritt B. Fox ♣ Michael L. Fox, 2003 ★ Kevin B. Frankel, 2007 ★ Philip M. Genty Michael B. Gerrard Suzanne B. Goldberg Jeffrey N. Gordon Zohar Goshen Nobuhisa Ishizuka, 1986 ★ Conrad A. Johnson III Olatunde C. Johnson Kathryn Judge and Tim Wu Arthur S. Kaufman, 1971 ♣★ Igor Kirman, 1996 and Galina Krasilovsky Kirman, 1996 ♣★ Richard Z. Lehv, 1972 ★ Gillian Lester and Eric Talley ♣★ Carol B. Liebman and Lance Liebman ♣★ James S. Liebman Edward Lloyd ★ The Hon. Gerard E. Lynch, 1975 Fred T. Magaziner, 1976 ★

Justin R. McCrary Thomas W. Merrill Eben Moglen Trevor S. Norwitz, 1990, LL.M. ♣★ Hillel I. Parness, 1995 Alex Raskolnikov The Hon. Rosalyn Heather Richter Jennifer G. Rodgers and Sean D. Rodgers ♣ Alberto Rodriguez, 2004 Eric M. Rosof, 1997 ♣★ Robert A. Rubin, 1964 ★ The Hon. Robert D. Sack, 1963 ★ Jay G. Safer, 1971 ★ Caroline Sandberg, 2006, LL.M. ♣ William D. Savitt, 1997 ♣★ Elizabeth S. Scott and Robert E. Scott ♣ Igor Fuks, 2006 and Elizabeth L. Smith, 2006 ★ Michael I. Sovern, 1955 ▲♣★ Peter L. Strauss ♣★ Zachary D. Tripp, 2005 Mark S. Vecchio, 1985 ♣ Jess A. Velona, 1988 Donald B. Verrilli, Jr., 1983 ♣ Seth B. Weinberg, 1998 Peter H. Woodin, 1988 Mary Marsh Zulack


1 Anonymous Donor Marie F. Ablove Vasthi Reyes Acosta ♣ Christina Albert Jessee Cheyne Alexander-Hoeppner Karen Ali Maya Alkateb Daniel Alonso Julie Anna Alvarez Justin Anand Dennis Angel Rachel Apter Claritza Ardila Joseph Arra Eugene F. Assaf Reed D. Auerbach, 1985 and Adrienne Petite Auerbach ★ Ann Banas Emily Barnet Rachel Bayefsky Elizabeth Bentley Jennifer H. Berger Lawrence A. Berger Kelly Bergeron Samuel Berk Don Bernardo Rebecca Bliss Michael Bosworth ♣ Adele Boyle Timothy M. Brunk John Buoymaster ♣ Charles C. Cahn, Jr. ♣★ Ryan Cairns William Cairns Nicholas Paul Camp Russell L. Carson ♣ Margaret B. Carter ♣ Elizabeth T. Chang Yenpo Chen

Celia Choy Sandra Chung Hillary Chutter-Ames Jeanne F. Clarke Ina C. Cohen Margaret Conklin ♣★ Joseph Corcoran Sara L. Cousins Kevin H. Cronin John P. Daly Jennifer Daskal William D. deCamp, Jr. Cristina Delgado Dolores Delgado Elena Delgado Roger A. Dennis Alvin Deutsch Rebecca Deutsch Barbara Diamond Marsha A. Diamond Rochelle Dorfman Rajit Dosanjh Nicole Drepaul Sarah Eddy Rebecca Egea Abigail Black Elbaum James Emmanuel Dan A. Emmett ♣★ Shartiss England Elizabeth A. Evans Linda A. Fairstein ♣★ Steve R. Fallek Ronald Farris Jeremy Feigelson ★ Alan D. Feld, 1960 ★ Richard M. Ferry Rachel Fleishman ♣ Adam Fliss ♣ Oscar Flores Briana Florio Margaret M. Foran ♣ Alfred S. Forsyth, Jr. ★

David Frankel Jonathan M. Frankel ♣★ Irma Onelis Frias Urena Robert Friedman Dina A. Gamboni Samir A. Gandhi ♣ Mitchell Garabedian Anina Gayla Mark Gimbel Leslie Gittess Brodsky Julie Novacek Godsoe Morton David Goldberg ★ Elaine Goldenberg Nancy Goldfarb Daniel and Corinne Goldman ♣ Jane H. Goldman and Benjamin H. Lewis, MD ♣ Mary Tait Goldschmid Ellen C. Goldschmidt ♣★ Brianne Gorod John Grabow Jennifer E. Greaney Julia Green Steven F. Greenwald James F. Gregory Richard E. Grimm Heather Guerrero ★ Bruce A. Gutenplan ♣★ Gabriella Guzman Summer Hagelin Erika Halstead Siobhan Hancock Hugh Hansen York Chi Lau Harder, 1986 ♣ William W. Harsh ♣ Peihua He Rose Gill Hearn ♣★ Sophia Marie Agnes Heleni ♣ Harriet Helfenbein Ethan Jedidiah Herenstein Roger Hertog ♣★ Adam Hickey

Miriam K. Hunt ♣ Heather Hunte ★ Consuelo Isaacson Subash Subramanian Iyer Farah Jaffer ★ John R. Janasiewicz Lloyd J. Jassin Peter G. Joseph ♣ Edward Michael Joyce ♣ Brian C. Juergens Adria G. Kaplan ★ Bruce S. Kaplan ★ Jeffrey Louis Kateman, 1992 and Nam Yon Kim, 1992 ♣★ Martin Katz Florence Keenan Lois Gans Kemp Michael E. Kerman, 2008 Adam Kern Richard A. Kernochan ★ Sharon Kerrigan Loman ★ Sherien Khonsari Brian Kiley Patrick Kim Curtis Kin Austin King Margaret A. King Karen Kittelson Harrison Kobb Steven Kochevar Allison Westfahl Kong Helen W. Kornblau Susan J. Kraham, 1992 Alfred Kuffler Paul Kuniholm Natalia Lasa Jonathan S. Lavine Henry C. Lemle Mara Leventhal Michael Levy Laura M. Lieberman, 1983 ★ Stephanie Listokin


Changyang Liu Jon Lok Alexander Lovell Anna C. Lynch-McNamara Donna Herlinsky MacPhee Jillian Madison ♣ Nancy Maidenberg Brendan M. Mallee Reuben Mark ♣ Charles Carrington Marr Amy Marshak Sharon E. McCrae ♣ Christina McInerney ♣ F. William McNabb ♣ Erika Meinhardt Nancy Merriman Eduardo G. Mestre ♣ Julia Miller Martha T. Moore Aiyana Mourtos Geraldine Mullen ★ Inho Mun Jean M. Murphy ♣ Mary E. Mygatt Laurie Najjar David Aubrey Newman Mary Anne Niarchos ♣ David Nierenberg ♣★ Boris A. Niyazov Rosemary J. Noona Barbara G. Novick ♣ Steven G. Nystrom ★ Richard Offenbacher Ryan Park Eloise Pasachoff Sanjay Patel ♣ Michael Patullo Harry Pearce ♣ Louise Penny William Perdue Gloria C. Phares ★ Abby D. Pratt ♣

Mark Preisinger ♣ Michael Prokop Nanette B. Pugh Brandan Radford Yadira Ramos-Herbert Marta Galan Ricardo, 1994 ★ Brian D. Robbins, 1988 ♣★ Pamela J. Rogers Lauren Ruben Daniel Rubens Pavel Rusin Brooke Ruskaup ★ Pasqualino Russo Cheryl Ryan Andrea C. Saavedra, 2006 ★ Thara Salim Susan S. Sandler Jennifer Ruth Sandman Kurt N. Schacht ♣ Magda Schaler-Haynes, 2001 Eugene W. Schatz Brad Eric Scheler ♣ Aaron Scherzer Pam H. Schneider, 1976 and Milton Schneider ♣ Keith Schwam Eric J. Schwartz Cheryl Seaman Laurence A. Shadek ♣ Matthew Shahabian Daniel Shaw Van K. Shimizu Amy Shugar Daria P. Sidlauskas David T. Slade Bradford L. Smith, 1984 and Kathryn Surace-Smith, 1984 ★ Char Smullyan Enrique J. Sosa Joan and Michael Spero Jerry I. Speyer ♣ Robert E. Spring ♣

Natalie L. Stephenson Katrina Frantz Sullivan Deborah W. Tanzer Maja Tarateta John Tarbet Charlotte Taylor Pawan Tewari ♣ Anna Tseng Judith L. Turnock Mary Yeotsas Van de Graaf ★ David A. Voron ♣ Myrna Wagman Joan R. Wargo Jessica Watt Jean Carty Weaver Jonathan Wells Nicholas Werle Jim Wiant Marilyn Wodyka Nancy E. Wolff Diana J. Wong Benjamin Wood Samantha Wool Andrew Woolf Charles Wright Dana Ying-Hui Wu Sou Hee Yang Loretta K. Yellen ♣ Zhuoya Yin Nancy N. Zheng Katja Ziessler, 2000, LL.M. ★


Corporate, Foundation, Association, Law Firm, and Matching Gifts Columbia Law School would like to acknowledge the commitment of the following corporations, foundations, law firms, and other supporters to its students, faculty, and mission.


1 Anonymous Donor 2002 Surrey Irrevocable Trust 3C Foundation Aetna Life & Casualty Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld LLP ★ ALAI-USA Alki Fund American Express Foundation American Online Giving Foundation Arnold & Porter Kaye Scholer LLP Baker & Hostetler LLP Baker & McKenzie Foundation ★ Baker Botts LLP Bartko, Zankel, Bunzel & Miller BDT Capital Partners, LLC Berggruen Institute Bernstein Litowitz Berger & Grossmann LLP Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation BraunHagey & Borden LLP Bristol-Myers Squibb Foundation, Inc. Broadridge Financial Solutions, Inc. Cadwalader, Wickersham & Taft LLP ★ Cahill Gordon & Reindel LLP ★ Carnegie Corporation ★ Centerbridge Foundation Fund CFA Institute Chaffetz Lindsey LLP Charles Koch Foundation Chevron Corporation Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton LLP ★ ClimateWorks Foundation Coca-Cola Company Foundation Congressional Black Caucus Foundation, Inc. Consulate General of Sweden

Cooley LLP ★ Covington & Burling LLP ★ Cravath, Swaine & Moore LLP ★ Curtis, Mallet-Prevost, Colt & Mosle LLP Davis Polk & Wardwell LLP ★ Debevoise & Plimpton LLP ★ Dechert LLP ★ Deloitte Desmarais LLP Determan Balk Family Foundation Deutsche Bank Americas Foundation Duke Energy Corporation Duxiana, Inc. eBay Inc. Edwards Lifesciences Corp. Elizabeth Anderson Hishon Foundation ★ Environmental Defense Fund Ernst & Young Foundation Evelyn & Walter Haas, Jr. Fund ★ ExxonMobil Foundation Fairstein Enterprises, LLC Federal Bar Association Fenwick & West LLP ★ FINRA First Manhattan Co. Fluor Corporation Freddie Mac Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer LLP ★ Fried, Frank, Harris, Shriver & Jacobson LLP ★ General Electric Foundation Georgescu Family Foundation German Society for International Cooperation Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP ★ Goldman, Sachs & Co. Graf & Pitkowitz Rechtsanwalte

Greatwall Capital US Holdings LLC The Jerome L. Greene Foundation, Inc. GST LLP Gunderson Dettmer Stough Villeneuve Franklin & Hachigian LLP Henry & Lucy Moses Fund, Inc. ★ Herbert & Nell Singer Foundation ★ Herbert Smith Freehills New York LLP Herman Goldman Foundation ★ High Tide Foundation Hogan Lovells ★ Ignacio Torterola LLC Ingram Micro, Inc. Institute for New Economic Thinking Irell & Manella LLP ★ Japan Foundation Jenner & Block ★ Jofran Services, Ltd. Johnson & Johnson Jones Day Foundation ★ Kirkland & Ellis Foundation ★ Korea Institute of Ocean Science and Technology KPMG Kramer Levin Naftalis & Frankel LLP Kresge Foundation Latham & Watkins LLP ★ Leo Rosner Foundation, Inc. Lilly Endowment Inc. Linklaters ★ MasterCard International Mayer Brown LLP ★ MBF Family Foundation McDermott, Will & Emery LLP McGuireWoods LLP


MDU Resources Group, Inc. Merck Company Foundation Milbank LLP ★ Milton and Miriam Handler Foundation Morgan Stanley Global Impact Funding Trust, Inc. Morgan, Lewis & Bockius LLP Mori Hamada & Matsumoto Morrison & Foerster Foundation ★ Munger, Tolles & Olson Foundation Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu ★ New Jersey Conservation Foundation New Venture Fund New York Bar Foundation New York Council of Defense Lawyers New York Life Insurance Co. Norton Rose Fulbright LLP Occidental Petroleum Corp. O’Melveny & Myers ★ Once For All Inc. Open Society Foundations ★ Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe LLP Patterson Belknap Webb & Tyler LLP Paul Hastings LLP ★ Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison LLP ★ Peace Development Fund Pfizer Inc. Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP Pitney Bowes Prestige Brands, Inc. Proskauer Rose LLP ★ Prudential Foundation Raytheon Technologies Corporation

Reed Smith LLP River Star Foundation Ropes & Gray LLP S. K. Yee Foundation ★ Salesforce.org Samsung SDS America Schellenberg Wittmer Scheuer Associates Foundation Inc. Schulte Roth & Zabel LLP ★ SDSN Association, Inc. Shearman & Sterling LLP ★ Sidley Austin LLP ★ Simon and Annie Davis Foundation ★ Simpson Thacher & Bartlett LLP ★ Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP ★ Social Science Research Council Squire Patton Boggs State Street Global Advisors Steptoe & Johnson LLP Stuart Foundation Sullivan & Cromwell LLP ★ Sweden Ministry of Foreign Affairs Synchrony Financial Tawani Foundation The A.D. Philanthropic Fund, Inc. The Eric and Margaret Friedberg Foundation ★ The Ford Foundation ★ The Goldie Anna Charitable Trust The John Paul Stevens Fellowship Foundation ★ The Libra Foundation ★ The New York Community Trust The New-Land Foundation, Inc. The Sol Goldman Charitable Trust The Victor Herbert Foundation, Inc.

The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation Three Crowns LLP TPG Capital, L.P. Uber Technologies Inc. United Way of Greater Portland United Way of King County Universite d’Ottawa University of Chicago Venable Foundation, Inc. Verizon Communications Vinson & Elkins LLP Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katz ★ Walt Disney Company Foundation Warburg Pincus LLC Weil, Gotshal & Manges Foundation Inc. ★ White & Case LLP ★ Wiley Rein LLP Williams & Connolly LLP Willkie Farr & Gallagher LLP ★ Wilmer Cutler Pickering Hale & Dorr LLP ★ Winston & Strawn LLP ★



Advisory Boards Thanks to our advisers, who support our programs and centers with their counsel. Their engagement as ambassadors strengthens our endeavors.

Raanan A. Agus, 1993 Stephen M. Axinn, 1962 Gail A. Binderman Geoffrey J. Colvin, 1977 Stephen Drimmer, 1970 Michael Finkelstein, 1960 Daniel K. Gamulka, 1994 Pierre M. Gentin, 1992 Ira A. Greenstein, 1985 Jonathan S. Lavine Jay P. Lefkowitz, 1987 Robert L. Meyer, 1974 Jay H. Newman, 1976 Trevor S. Norwitz, 1990, LL.M. Noah B. Perlman, 1997 Bernard M. Plum, 1979 Richard Paul Richman, 1972 Irving L. Rotter, 1980 James Schreiber, 1968 Joseph C. Shenker, 1980


Vasthi Reyes Acosta Natalia Bulgari John W. Buoymaster Chris Cerf, 1984 Margaret Conklin York-Chi Harder, 1986 Gregory P. Ho, 1977 Doug Jaffe, 2005 Sam Mehta Aiyana Mourtos Beesham A. Seecharan, 1998 Cornelia Spring



The Hon. Rolando T. Acosta, 1982 Zila R. Acosta-Grimes, 2015 Sheila Ruby Adams, 2011 Deanne L. Ayers-Howard, 1986 Della Britton Baeza, 1978 Carol Baldwin Moody, 1982 Teresa Bryce Bazemore, 1984 Sheila S. Boston, 1993 Binta Niambi Brown, 1998 Courtney Browne, 2009 Ashley Michelle Burrell, 2013 Rudy Carmenaty, 1990 Kristen M. Clarke, 2000 Dashene A. Cooper, 2007 Sharon L. Crane, 2002 Kimberlé Williams Crenshaw Carl C. Forbes Jr., 2010 Darrell S. Gay, 1979 Karalenne J. Gayle, 1979 Jennifer N. Green, 2012 The Hon. Joseph A. Greenaway Jr., 1981 Jamal Greene Diarra Mari Guthrie, 2011 The Hon. L. Priscilla Hall, 1973 Peter C. Harvey, 1982 Whitney A. Hayes, 2015 Christine Hikawa, 1976 Adriene L. Holder, 1991 The Hon. Dora L. Irizarry, 1979 Phillip Isom IV, 1991 E. Nkonye Iwerebon, 1993 Patrice P. Jean, 2002 Conrad A. Johnson III John K. Johnson, 2008 Olatunde C. Johnson Alfreida B. Kenny, 1975 Carla Laroche, 2012

George W. Madison, 1980 Lorraine S. McGowen, 1986 Petal N. Modeste Elora Mukherjee Lynnise E. Pantin, 2003 Anika Rahman, 1990 Ancris Munoz Ramdhanie, 2004 Edgar G. Rios Jr., 1977 LaRue L. Robinson, 2009 Alberto Rodriguez, 2004 Carlos A. Rodriguez, 1985 Carmen G. Rodriguez, 1986 Alanna C. Rutherford, 2000 Zakiyyah T. Salim-Williams, 2001 Marcia L. Sells, 1984 Nina L. Shaw, 1979 Malaika R. Staten, 2012 Tab Timothy Stewart, 1994 Kendall Thomas Mozelle W. Thompson, 1981 The Hon. Analisa Torres, 1984 Janice Tudy-Jackson, 1992 Rossie E. Turman III, 1998 Shawn K. Watts, 2012 Christopher D. Wilds, 2015 Maya Devi Wiley, 1989 Kahlil Charles Williams, 2011 Anne Williams-Isom, 1991 Temitope K. Yusuf, 2008 Zaid A. Zaid, 2007


Kenneth A. August, 1974 Peter M. Benedek, 1973 Rudy Carmenaty, 1990 Carolyn J. Casselman, 2002 Ashima A. Dayal, 1996

John F. Delaney, 1989 Jackie Ewenstein, 1998 Robert D. Hadl, 1962 Carole E. Handler Rex S. Heinke, 1975 Richard C. Hsu, 1994 Morton L. Janklow, 1953 Katherine S. Kendrick, 1986 I. Fred Koenigsberg, 1972 David L. Leichtman, 1996 Scott M. Martin, 1986, LL.M. Mark C. Morril, 1972 Frank L. Politano, 1974 Joshua L. Simmons, 2010

Bill McNabb Ira Millstein, 1949 James Millstein, 1982 David Nierenberg Barbara Novick Stanley E. Porter Mark Preisinger KT Rabin Kurt Schacht Theresa Whitmarsh Sarah Williamson Jessie Woolley-Wilson


Rupal Bhansali Lynn Blake Kristin Bresnahan Mila Brogan Russell Carson Gilbert Casellas Richard Daly Christopher P. Davis Deborah DeHaas Adam Fliss Margaret Foran Cindy Fornelli Janet Foutty Sonia Galindo Peter Georgescu Keir Gumbs Mats Isaksson Robert Kueppers Rakhi Kumar Bob McCormick

The Hon. Rolando T. Acosta, 1982 Zainab Ahmad, 2005 Cathy Albisa, 1989 Liz Aloi, 2006 Carol Baldwin Moody, 1982 Linda M. Baldwin, 1993 Amy Barasch, 1996 Elisabeth R. Benjamin, 1992 Max W. Berger, 1971 Jonathan Berry, 2011 Anurima Bhargava, 2002 Antony J. Blinken, 1988 Michael Garcia Bochenek, 1995 Gretchen Borchelt, 2002 Lisa M. Bornstein, 1998 The Hon. Richard F. Boulware II, 2002 The Hon. Anita Brody, 1958 Deborah Brown, 1998 Judith A. Browne Dianis, 1992 Michael A. Cardozo, 1966 Rudy Carmenaty, 1990 Juan Cartagena, 1981 The Hon. John W. Carter, 1982 Julie Chinitz, 1999

Elaine M. Chiu, 1994 Jennifer R. Clarke, 1982 Kristen Clarke, 2000 Andrea G. Cohen, 1995 Sara Corello, 1992 Michele Cortese, 1987 Bill Dauster, 1984 Richard Dicker, 1990 Jessica Evans, 2007 Angela Fernandez, 1998 Brian Frosh, 1971 The Hon. Nicholas G. Garaufis, 1974 Peter C. Harvey, 1982 Eric L. Hirschhorn, 1968 Eric H. Holder Jr., 1976 Roderick L. Ireland, 1969 Pernille Ironside, 2002, LL.M. Marc E. Jaffe, 1976 Roberta A. Kaplan, 1991 Ramzi Kassem, 2004 Akshaya Kumar, 2013 The Hon. Leslie Leach, 1977 Jin Hee Lee, 2000 Peter H. Lehner, 1984 George W. Madison, 1980 Laurie Magid, 1985 Catherine R. McCabe, 1977 Jonathan Miller, 2005 Jim Millstein, 1982 Irvin B. Nathan, 1967 Annette L. Nazareth, 1981 Suzannah Phillips, 2008 Alka Pradhan, 2007 Harriet Rabb, 1966 The Hon. Timothy Reif, 1985 The Hon. Jenny Rivera, 1993, LL.M. Jonathan Sacks, 2000 Sasha Samberg-Champion, 2004 Jocelyn Samuels, 1982 Sandy Santana, 2001

William E. Schaeffer, 1993 Lynn Hecht Schafran, 1974 Warren B. Scharf, 1983 Theodore M. Shaw, 1979 Clive Stafford Smith, 1984 Brendan Stewart, 2003 John J. Sullivan, 1985 Kim Sweet, 1992 Mozelle W. Thompson, 1981 Rachel B. Tiven, 2003 Ethan Torrey, 1999 Melanie Velez, 2001 Donald B. Verrilli Jr., 1983 Hector O. Villagra, 1994 David C. Vladeck, 1976 Liz Vladeck, 2006 Monica Wagner, 1981 Mariann Wang, 1996 Mary Lynne Werlwas, 1992 Anne Williams-Isom, 1991 Sheena Wright, 1994 Ursula Wynhoven, 2002


Jay Bloom, 1981 Geoffrey J. Colvin, 1977 Adam Fisher, 1998 Paul M. Goldschmid, 2006 Eric S. Haueter, 1979 Jennifer Hill Scott Ostfeld, 2002 Bruce Eben Pindyck, 1970 Richard Paul Richman, 1972 Tom Rogers, 1979 Robert J. Rosen, 1972 Jane Symington Jeffrey Witten, 2015


© 2020, The Trustees of Columbia University in the City of New York. All rights reserved. Our donors are important to us, and every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this donor listing. If we have omitted or incorrectly listed a name, we apologize and ask that you contact the annual giving office at 212-854-3159 or annualgiving@law.columbia.edu.


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