Prizes Awarded to Columbia Law School's 2020 Graduates and Upper-Year Continuing Students

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Prizes Awarded to the 2020 Graduates and Upper-Year Continuing Students

J O H N O R D R O N A UX P R I Z E , awarded annually to a J.D. degree candidate for general proficiency in legal study. The prize usually recognizes the student achieving the highest academic average in each graduating class: Ian Miller ’20 WA LT E R G E LLH O R N P R I Z E , awarded annually to the LL.M. degree candidate graduating with the highest academic average, for outstanding proficiency in legal study: Jack Busby ’20 LL.M. R U T H B A D E R G I N S B U R G P R I Z E , awarded annually to J.D. degree candidates who earned James Kent academic honors for outstanding academic achievement for all three years (1L, 2L, and 3L years): Abed Raouf Balbaky ’20 Jessica Marder-Spiro ’20 Shai Berman ’20 Ian Miller ’20 Amanda K. Chuzi ’20 Jonathan Mitnick ’20 Andrew Thomas Connery ’20 Andrea Nishi ’20 Daniel Fahrenthold ’20 Alexander R. Perry ’20 Michael Fetterman ’20 Connor Jeffrey Ritschard ’20 John P. Finnegan ’20 Zack A. Struver ’20 Daniel Jacob Harper ’20


DAV I D M . B E R G E R M E M O R I A L P R I Z E , given to third-year students interested in international law and world peace and who have demonstrated educational excellence in the field of international law: Daniel Fahrenthold ’20 CA M P B E LL P R I Z E , presented by the Columbia Alumni Association to a graduating student at each school who shows exceptional leadership and Columbia spirit: Elizabeth Annabel Rivera Cruz ’20 M I LTO N B . C O N FO R D B O O K P R I Z E I N J U R I S P R U D E N C E , awarded annually to the student who writes the best examination paper or essay on jurisprudence: Andrea Nishi ’20 E .B . C O N V E R S P R I Z E , awarded annually to the member of the graduating class who wrote the best original essay on a legal subject: Amanda K. Chuzi ’20

WI LF R E D F E I N B E R G P R I Z E , awarded to the law students who do the best work in an area related to the work of the federal courts: Miranda E. Rehaut ’20 Andrea Nishi ’20 A L F R E D S . F O R S Y T H P R I Z E , awarded annually to outstanding students in the field of environmental law who, in the judgment of the school, have demonstrated qualities of intellect and selfless dedication to the advancement of environmental law: Michael Bloom ’20 Narayan Subramanian ’20 A N D R E W D . F R I E D M E M O R I A L P R I Z E , awarded annually for the best student essay on a subject in the field of intellectual property and related law published in the Columbia Journal of Law and the Arts during the preceding year: Max Ian Fiest ’20 LAW R E N C E S . G R E E N B A U M P R I Z E , awarded annually to the student who, in the opinion of the judges, has made the best oral presentation in the final argument of the Harlan Fiske Stone Moot Court Competition: Christen Elizabeth Hammock ’20 CA R R O LL G . H A R P E R P R I Z E , awarded to one or more members of the graduating class who have attained the highest standards of achievement in intellectual property studies and writing: Rachel Horn ’20 Eric G. Speckhard ’20 PA U LI N E B E R M A N H E L LE R P R I Z E , awarded annually to the graduating student who has displayed the most outstanding record of academic achievement in the service of gender equality in law, business, or society, as expressed through his or her classroom performance, scholarly research, or other relevant activities: Idun Bresee Klakegg ’20 CA R O L B . LI E B M A N M E D I AT I O N P R I Z E , awarded annually to one or more graduating students displaying excellence in and commitment to the field of conflict resolution, as demonstrated through outstanding achievement in coursework, fieldwork, or in service to the community: Haley Hsiu Wen Ling ’20 Nadia Attahir Yusuf ’20

A L LA N M O R R O W S EX U A LI T Y A N D G E N D E R LAW P R I Z E , awarded from the Law School to one or more students who have demonstrated outstanding achievement in the furtherance of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender rights: Andres Steven Gutierrez Kingkade ’20 Stephen Hogan-Mitchell ’21 Victor Lopez ’20 JA N E M A R K S M U R P H Y P R I Z E , awarded annually to the students who display exceptional interest and proficiency in clinical offerings and who give promise of a professional career, applying the highest standards of the lawyer’s craft to service of the public interest: Idun Bresee Klakegg ’20 Clare Skinner, LL.M. ’20 O U T STA N D I N G ST U D E N T AWA R D, presented by the Clinical Legal Education Association to a student nominated by the faculty of Columbia Law for excellence in clinical fieldwork based on the high quality of representation provided to clients and for outstanding participation in an accompanying clinical seminar as determined by exemplary thoughtfulness and self-reflectiveness in exploring pertinent legal and lawyering issues: Katherine M. Cavins ’20 Julia Elizabeth Nelson ’20 E DWI N PA R K E R P R I Z E , awarded to students who excelled in the study of international or comparative law, as nominated by members of the faculty and selected by the Columbia Law School professor who is director of the Parker School of Foreign and Comparative Law: Emma Katherine DiNapoli ’20 Nishadee Yawwana Perera ’20 LL.M. T H E M I C H A E L D. R E M E R M E M O R I A L AWA R D, awarded annually and presented by the Kernochan Center to a graduating student whose activities and academic achievements demonstrate an interest in and aptitude for the fields of arts and copyright law: Brandon Alexander Zamudio ’20 S A M U E L I . R O S E N M A N P R I Z E , awarded to a student who has demonstrated academic excellence in public law courses and outstanding qualities and leadership in the Law School, or activities related to the Law School in the university community: Ibrahim Diallo ’20

E M I L S C H LE S I N G E R LA b O R LAW P R I Z E , established in 1975 by the Schlesinger family, in honor of Emil Schlesinger ’24. Awarded annually to the student most proficient in the subject of labor law: Ibrahim Diallo ’20 WH I T N E Y N O R T H S E Y M O U R M E DA L , awarded annually to one or more students who, in the judgment of the instructors in trial advocacy, show the greatest promise of becoming distinguished trial advocates: Kelsey Davis ’20 LL.M. VA LE N T I N J .T. W E R T H E I M E R P R I Z E I N LA b O R LAW, awarded annually to a Law School student whose work demonstrates the most creative, thoughtful approach to labor law, equal employment law, public or private sector collective bargaining, labor conflict resolution, or employment security: Allison Johanna Langley ’20 J E F F R E Y WI LLI A M S M E M O R I A L P R I Z E FO R C R I T I CA L R I G H T S A N A LY S I S , established in 2007 in memory of Jeffrey Williams CC ’02, LAW ’05, awarded annually to the student who writes the best paper in critical theory: Amelie Claiborne Hopkins ’20

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* Member of the Harlan Fiske Stone Society

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