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Hitting long irons with accuracy time and time again takes dedication to practice. The 1 through 4 clubs are referred to as long clubs and are the toughest to control. Following are some simple golf tips to help you gain consistency and feel confident while hitting long irons.
There are many things to think about during a golf swing, but the key essentials can be boiled down to four elements: solid balance, club head acceleration, smooth tempo and careful aim. If all of these are not present in your swing, your long iron shots are going to be inconsistent and often inaccurate.
When hitting long irons your focus is making contact with the sweet spot on your club face every time. Follow these simple golf tips and you are well on your way.
1) Make sure your stance is stable, with a slight bend in the knees for balance.
2) Bring your club back smoothly and swing through smoothly. It is extremely important that your entire swing be completed in a smooth manner. This will both help you control your club face and accelerate through your swing, giving the distance you are looking for.
3) Let the power come from your core. Once you have taken the club back, let the hips be the source of power for your swing and not your arms. This will greatly increase your power.
4) When hitting long irons you must keep your head down. This is important when hitting irons in general, but with long irons the margin for error is even less. You must keep your eye on the ball throughout the stroke. Moving your head during the stroke usually results in the club moving as well, ruining the shot.
5) Keep your leading arm straight during your stroke. If you bend your leading arm you will have to make an adjustment during your swing, due to the change in distance between your body and the ball, resulting in a more complex stroke, raising the difficulty.
6) Don’t hit the ground first before the ball to give the ball more loft. This is completely wrong and will result in a very inconsistent erratic shot. If the situation requires you hitting the ground it needs to happen after you hit the ball. Don’t worry about adding any additional loft. Let the club function as designed.
7) Finally, one of the most basic of golf iron swing tips is following completely through on your swing. Putting the brakes on after making contact with the ball will only reduce your swing velocity.
Remember to focus on these tips while hitting long irons and you should see results.

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