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emotions & xperience

anna sahun “The most important thing is to feel good about yourself” EXERCISE AND MEMORY Discover the sport that keeps the mind in shape D·Water, the revolution of aquatic exercise is already here

Núm. 42 I 2012 I Clubs DiR in:

The diet that feed your defenses



& xperience w w w. l a re v i s t a d re v i s t a @ d i r. c a t w w w. d i r. c a t · i n Director M arí a L each


Art Director M ari o na M a s s a gue r

06 Business in shape To be a finisher

Graph Designer J o s e p F e b re r r omÁ n g u ti érrez

08 IN DEPTH Anna Sahun


Text Translation G u stav o C oro ne l ( t e x to sB C N )

14 WE ARE MEMBERS Personal stories

CoLABORATORS D I A N A L L AN A S, rebeca di m itr o p o ulo s, marin a ko s e n ko, a g u s c hicón, marta s ardà , mi r e i a b ragulat, aleix i b arts, PER E R OMA NILLOS, A NN A G R AU, V. SA NDAL INAS, X ÈNI A A L ONSO, + BE RNAT, fra n c i s cas ado, AL BE RT TOR NER , M arc cas anovas

16 Special 25-N 22 TAKE CARE Exercise and memory

26 CARDIO D·Water

Photographers and Photo Agencies J o rdi To s t / G e tty Ima ges DiR Magazine Publicity D i R M ed i a d i r m e d i a @ d i r. c a t T el . 93 450 48 18 S o n ia C a s s ad ó

28 RUNNING How to work out in the treadmill?


30 INSPIRE The practice of jivamukti yoga


Customers service Te l . 902 10 1979


FITNESS CLUBS DIAGONAL DiR Ganduxer, 25-27 / Tel. 93 202 22 02 · DiR AV. MADRID Av. Madrid, 170174 / Tel. 93 411 08 13 · DiR CAMPUS Dr. Gregorio Marañón, 17 / Tel. 93 448 41 41 · DiR CASTILLEJOS Castillejos, 388 / Tel. 93 347 66 44 · DiR CLARET St. Antoni M. Claret, 84-86 / Tel. 93 476 41 26 · DiR CLARIS Casp, 34 / Tel. 93 301 62 09 · DiR CLUB HISPÀ Jorge Manrique, 15-19 / Tel. 93 427 00 50 · DiR EIXAMPLE Ptge. Domingo, 6-8 / Tel. 93 488 08 09 · DiR GRÀCIA Gran de Gràcia, 37 / Tel. 93 415 55 50 · DiR MARAGALL St. Antoni M. Claret, 362 / Tel. 93 456 61 00 · DiR TARRAGONA Tarragona, 108110 / Tel. 93 226 50 59 · PILATES DiR STUDIO Ptge. Domingo, 5, baixos. / Tel. 902 10 1979 · SANT CUGAT DiR Carretera de Rubí, 7680 / Tel. 93 544 27 92 · SEVEN DiR Passatge Domingo, 7 / Tel. 93 215 27 55 · TRES TORRES DiR Vergós, 4 / Tel. 93 211 37 11 · TUSET DiR Aribau, 230-240 / Tel. 93 000 49 00 · UP&DOWN DiR Flos i Calcat, 22-24 / Tel. 902 10 1979

36 wellness Homo Naturals

38 NUTRITION Feed your defenses

42 Yummy! The oriental pleasures in DiR

44 CHIC CLUB The style of DiR Claret


48 gossip

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Top 10 of the “dietist”


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Happy parenting



55 DiR WORLD All about current DiR Clubs

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18 DiR clubs in a better Catalonia The Catalonia Parliament approved, the 27th September, the call proposal for the next legislature elections. Besides the political position that every one might have, what should be discussed is related to an important topic: the possibility that the citizens might express themselves openly with freedom and democracy in regards of their future, in order to guarantee the social progress, economic development and the promotion of their own language and culture. In this respect, we can find one of the most recent cases in Iceland, one of the countries that was strongly affected by the crisis and in where the citizens’ antipathy towards their political class achieved a degree that resulted in an incredible civil mobilization. This mobilization allowed them to reformulate their Constitution with the help and intervention of thousands of citizens throughout social networks. Actually, while I am writing this article, Scotland has just settled an agreement with

the United Kingdom to make a call in regards its independency. Any initiative that promotes a venue for participation, dialogue and reflection with aims to facilitate the freedom of opinion and in where the willingness of the citizens plays the main role is worth to be respected. Voting the next 25th of November is to vote in favor of the right of decision of the Catalans. It means to vote for a better future for our country and for all the persons living here. It means to vote for a new legitimacy. The concept of freedom and self-determination is a concept that is supported and defined in several important international documents, such as the United Nations Charter or other Human Rights international covenants. The elections will expressed the truly willingness of the people of Catalonia. Catalonia is a research and development center. It is the cradle of business men and young entrepreneurs. Since centuries ago, it has become a pioneer industry at the European level. And all


this worthy meaning should not be dismissed or throw it away. We should continuing pursuing our social, economical, and cultural development and try to overcome this crisis by retaking our competitiveness. The key moment for Catalonia is now, a vital moment similar to the one that DiR lived 14 years ago, when it had the decisive courage to expand itself and to grow up to 18 sport clubs in Barcelona and Sant Cugat del Valles. DiR is like many others companies, a Catalan brand. It is a company that was born from an entrepreneurial project that has created so far more than 1,300 jobs in the Catalonia region; it has provided to the citizens a better quality of life and has represented savings to the health sector. DiR represents an example of constant innovation, following always the last global trends in regards fitness, wellness and nutrition. Consolidated after 33 years in the Catalonia region, DiR bets for a better Catalonia in the future.


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To be a finisher The writer José Saramago used to provocatively say: “Everyone says to me that I should do exercise because it is good for my health. But I have never heard someone saying that an athlete must read.” Santi Millán, Pau Garcia-Milà, Cristina Puig and Llucià Ferrer read. It is true that they are not professional athletes, but they read and have written books. They are successful in their professions and they like the sports. In October, they became popular in the sport field after finishing the Garmin Triathlon with DiR. The four of them (an actor, an entrepreneurial man and two journalists) belong to different worlds; nevertheless they had discovered in the sport, a com-

t e x t MA R C CA SANO VA S Pre s s and E x ternal – Re lati o n s D i R O f f i c er @ m a rc a s a n o v a s 7 I LLU STR AT I O N NAC H O GA R CiA BENAv e n t e

mon path that teaches and allows them to accomplish individual and collective challenges. Santi Millán is not a better actor just because he exercises, but the exercise has made him change his habits and help him to improve in his profession. The entrepreneurial man, Pau Garcia-Milà, have overcome a lot of obstacles in order to open his way in the business world. The first obstacle was a steep slope that separated him from his friend’s place, in Olesa, and that became eventually the origin of his subsequent success, cloud computing. And last come Cristina Puig and Llucià Ferrer. Even thought they do not need the sport to be the good journalists they are, they had learned to defeat their fear what is unknown for them while doing the triathlon together with Pau. They had done this, in team work, and this is the lesson to learn: without the effort of others, no one can reach the finishing line. Without a team, the work is nothing. Without the work of others, the objectives cannot be accomplished. Catalonia faces nowadays important challenges as a country; several political, economical and social challenges. Let’s live them together with a team mentality. With the contribution of each of us, we will surely become “finishers”.



“I believe that an actress must be pure expression”


We have a meeting in DiR Castillejos with the so alter ego Lidia, one of the main characters of the successful TV show La Riera from TV3 channel. But in reality, we found a woman that has almost nothing in common in regards the pretensions of ambition and power of her interpreted character. Anna is lovely, cheerful, frank and natural in her own life. She makes even the teleprompter falls in love with her.

anna sahun She jumped from the TNC and the Lliure theatre stages to the sets of two television projects with highest ratings registered. It seems that the professional career of this 37 years old actress, raised in the Sants’ neighborhood, has being growing with solid moves. Nowadays, she enjoys of a sweet and stable stage of life interpreting the main character in the leading TV show from TV3 channel. In her personal life, she enjoys taking care of her children (three girls of one and a half year, three years and three years and half). When she is not filming, she takes advantage of her free time to study the scripts, to swim in the pool, to buy groceries in supermarket…. And from 16:00 hours on, when the day care time of her children is over, her mother role starts. If there is a main characteristic that distinguishes her, is her smile to face the life.

te xt M A R Í A L E AC H

P H OTO S jord i t ost MAKE UP AND HAIR STYLING V Í CTO R B A R R AG Á N para CEBADO l’illa diagonal (av. diagonal, 557)

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“It is really fun to play the villain role, and I am grateful”


Lídia is a serious woman, but you are really funny! Indeed, Lidia is not really cheerful; she does not look at all to me. I would say that Lidia is an evil elegant woman. She is a woman that pretends to be nice at the beginning but later betrays you. As an actress, I can tell you that it is really a matter of luck to interpret problematic characters. It was hard for you to interpret the role of a woman with a personality so different to yours? At the beginning yes, it was even hard to me to think myself capable of doing it. But once you are adapted to the role, it is really fun to play the villain role, and I am grateful. Does Lidia will bring up some surprises in this new fourth season of the show? Lidia’s life will be focus in the Casino and in her father’s disease. She keeps a secret in regards the disease and the transplant. Besides that, she is involved in a more illegal story line and… I cannot say more. Does La Riera has changed your life? For me, the greatest impact was to work in Porca Misèria. The fact that someone recognized me and stopped me in the street was really shocking to me, because up to that moment I was only acting in theatre. Now, with La Riera, is like having the second child. The second child also impacts, but the biggest change is during the first one, is the one that changes your life. Definitely, nowadays more women stopped me with more frequency in the supermarket than before. Where do you feel more comfortable, in a theatre stage or in front of a camera? They are two things completely different! I do not know if I can choose… Maybe I am more comfortable in the theatre; because I am more confident when I go out on stage… it has been a long time that I have been practicing it so my concentration is higher. When the lights are off and the backdrop rises, there is much more adrenaline during the performance. On the other side, in TV when I hear: Action! I can also experience a bit of this emotion; however, I know I can stop in case I make a mistake or forget the script. In the theatre, as an actor one must be able to save the scene by improvising and that is really exciting. Is there any special character in theatre that

SOMETHING REALLY PERSONAL The three things in the world that you like the most: The kakis, the smell of new shoes, and Apple technology. What do you like to talk about? About my daughters, like any other mother in the world. What is what you can do so well that certainly you could win a contest? I do not think I will ever win a contest about anything. With whom you have a wonderful time? Working, I have a wonderful time with Nil (Peter Vives). What makes you get distracted? What? Me? What drives you nuts? The bikers that drive with their feet hanging. One reason to work as an actress: The fact that you play others roles.

you will definitely interpret without thinking about it? Yes, maybe any character from the Nordic author, Henrik Ibsen, who has really complex and desirables female characters, really important. I will be also interested in play a Shakespeare’s character, like Lady Macbeth. Your professional career is built with really solid and professional projects… Does it is luck or mere intuition? The coincidence plays a really important role in all this; for example I did the casting of Porca Misèria because Irene Roqué, the director, went to all the possible theatre stages in Barcelona looking for a new face. In that moment, I was participating in Commedia dell’Arte and Irene watched one of my functions. Later, she called me, but to my bad luck I had torticollis the day of the casting and Joel saw me really numb and tense and immediately discarded me. So, how did you get the role? After a long search for someone to interpret Laia in Porca Misèria without success, Irene Roqué insisted to Joel for a second chance to me. If it was not because of her, my professional career would move differently… I was really lucky to start playing the role of Laia, a fresh and cheerful character, too similar to me. With this opportunity I had the enormous privilege to discover the TV W W W. D i R . C A T 1 1


show business with an interesting and quality TV show like that one. And years later, Lidia appeared... Yes, it was another lucky strike. Lidia is a woman totally opposite to the previous female characters played. They had the option to categorize me since the beginning and give me the same nice and sweet girl’s roles; however, they did trust me. I think I have demonstrated so far that I can play roles like Lidia. In terms of theatre, I think that the most important roles are still pending. Do you consider that there is a certain limit range of age in which more roles are offered to the actresses? Yes, I think so, mainly because there are really few opportunities. Starting from the fifties, a lot of Hollywood actresses start fearing about losing their youth. I do understand that is a really screwed stage of life, because you are not anymore young but you are neither a third age person. The actresses that are more desperate get surgeries; however to have a surgery is a big mistake because it takes away all your expressive features. The actresses are not at all models; they need to have a natural, pure expression, with all the imperfections and wrinkles that it implies... You are saying that this happens in Hollywood… What about our country? I hope that it does not reach that level of panic, like all the American habits tend to happen at the end. I am really sure about myself: before visiting a surgeon, I will go to a psychiatrist; because I believe that if someone wants to look younger, he needs to go with someone to fix his head, not his face. This professional career, acting, is intended to express something, not to look to be 20 years younger. But for your professional career, you have to take care, at least a bit… I have a healthy life. I eat everything without any diet; I just do not over exceed in amount. 12 DiR MAGAZINE

I go to the gym just for pleasure, because I feel good afterwards. I swim because it is good for the back, I enjoy it… but actually I have not even think that with less weight, clothes’ sizes, I would feel better. I can buy a size 40 instead of a 36 and I will be ok. I am not obsessed with the body shape. The most important thing is to feel good about oneself. Taking care of oneself should not be something stressful. Do you try to have a healthy diet? I enjoy eating diversely, such as season food, fish and fresh vegetables… That is why I buy food in the supermarket. However, with this professional career, sometimes is hard to do it, because eating outside home occurs more often, such as in catering and snacks events… I have to accept, that I am not the person that makes her stomach feels full eating only donuts. I have my whims, such as eating a chocolate bar after dinner, but I had never in the life count the calories. Sometimes, when I have my food excesses, next day I try to behave. I have days that I exceed and others than not, I just adapt to it without any obsession. Is it hard for you to harmonize your professional life with your personal? I need to find the equilibrium, like any other mother. Every Monday I receive the planned script for the next week. When I receive it, I take out my agenda immediately to organize myself. I am really lucky to receive my family’s help. Do you have any professional reference or favorite actor/actress? Yes, like everyone does it. I have some actors and actresses that I preferred. People that I admire because I like the way they do their work. In the Catalan world, I am a fervent fan

“The most important thing is to feel good about oneself.” of Anna Lizarán. In my opinion, she is the best actress I have ever seen. Clara Segura is another actress that goes on the same track to be in the same admirable position. They are both actresses to whom I admire a lot and with whom I would love to work together in theatre. Did you always wished to be an actress? Yes, I did. Since I was a little girl, I started this career in a theatre club in the neighborhood. I was enrolled in an amateur group up to the selectivity stage. I was really sure that I want to continue that path, but my parents wanted me to study a Bachelor Degree, so I studied Humanities. When I was done, I was accepted in the Institut del Teatre. Actually, I believe that all the time I waited was beneficial because at the age I started in the theatre institute I was more mature and therefore I was learning more seriously. In other occasions, you have declared yourself in favor of the independence, how are you living today this fundamental moment for Catalonia? Despite the current crisis, the current moment is really optimist. We are living in the Catalan spring, in where we can start over from zero and create with illusion the Catalan state that we desired. In the following elections, the citizens’ willingness will be perceived. I feel sorry that in this occasion, there were not at all some scholars or actors from Madrid that defend this cause and who supposedly are in favor of the progress on other situations. The theme of Catalonia is something that involves us really closely. It is fundamental only to ask to the citizens what is what they want. Personally, I desire to have an equal treat with Spain and to continue being the example of Europe, in where there are no borders, but nations and towns. I wish I could stop being a woman in the side in favor of the independence, and become a simple citizen with different options of the political spectrum, left, center and right wings...

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Half of the 80,000 DiR members are women. This is just a small evidence of their power! Please send us your story to

Medicinal Sport Xènia Cid DiR Gràcia member

One year ago, Aranu, Xènia’s son, was diagnosed with a dangerous genetic disease (Fanconi anemia). When she received the news, she said: “we could not even raise our heads. But coming to the DiR club has become my best medicine. Here, in the club, I gained all energy, motivation and the effort that I want to transmit to my son”. With this energy, she has feel motivated to write a tale with the purpose of explaining Aranau and his little sister what is wrong and why they will need to visit the doctor more often. “The tale was so useful, that we explained it in an easy way to Aranu’s school mates and the teachers advised her to publish it”. It is a tale in benefit of the organization, Asociación Anemia de Fanconi, and is going to be published this month. 14 DiR MAGAZINE

It is better to work in teams

The destiny and the Garmin Triathlon

Maria Terés Diagonal DiR member

Elena Carrillo DiR Campus member

Maria Terés is responsible of the Communication, Marketing and International Relations Department in Garrigues. She is at the same time a fan and precursor of EP Team (Personal Trainer team) in her company. She works in team with Pili and Laura, under the supervision of Jaume Marquès. “She prepares really entertaining and balanced sessions. She tries to make us work all the body and accomplishes it. The muscular pain next day is terrible”, she confesses. However, the benefit is not only corporal, but also emotional. “Laughs predominate during the session”. Furthermore, she explains that this is a different way to exercise, “you do it in family and this guarantees you better results. To have a sport guide is a luxury, it requires doing greater effort but it increases the AUTODEMAND.

Elena enrolled to the Garmin Barcelona Triathlon, organized by DiR and she decided to leave her participation to the chance. It was her first triathlon. She received a big surprise at the moment she won: “That was the last push”. She was training in different DiR clubs”. The sport activity that she enjoys the most is riding bike. “The emotions were wonderful. While I was riding the bike, I was thinking: I am so lucky to be participating. This was such an adrenaline moment!” Elena was classified number 1023 in the general list and 129 in the female sprint category and she is convinced that she will repeat the experience!

text D I A N A L L A N A S

A creative life

Words and colors

Yasmina Solanes YogaOne member

Marta Salvadó DiR Claret member

Yasmina learned what a shoot filming is before she learned to walk and therefore nowadays she is professional in the film business. What she likes the most about her job is to do always something new, “everything that you need to work with, suppose to be needed since yesterday, so this makes you sharpens your wits”, she said. In regards the advertising, she explains that she would like: “that there were not that many fears… there would be more failures, but at the same time, definitely more successes!” The film that has given her more satisfaction is the documentary titled “El medicamento, un derecho secuestrado”, projected in TVE. “We did this film with a low budget, little time, and a reduced team; we needed constantly to use our full mental capacity”. A good spot must have… “a good performance, but the creativity is the pillar basis of everything! Quoting Picasso, inspiration exists, but it has to find you working.

Marta and Dasha are students from architecture that decided to create one day of Saint Jordi, Shito Barcelona. “We wanted to change our scale, to run away from the architectonic world size to get closer to a reduced size, reflected in a different rhythm”. Collections of custom notebooks and gifts made for the perfect situation, objects that both defined as “ephemeral architecture for any kind of social events”. We found the inspiration “in a minimal constructive detail, in the daily life phrases, in what is happening in our lives every day…” They explained that the value of this project can be found in “the simplicity of all the things around us”. You can find more about them in Facebook, Shito Barcelona ( shitobcn) and wait for their official website to be launched soon.

Fashion and entertainment Lourdes Ruana Tuset DiR member

Lourdes is a big fashion fan and she does not miss any Vogue magazine. In 2010, she created the blog; title born from the name combination of Lourdes and her best friend, Elena. Together, they used to have the idea to create a fashion enterprise. She says: “It is not an easy task to start an enterprise; one might think that only because you appear in the web, all people will visit you or buy something. You have to offer the people what they want, following your ideal project philosophy and then to make it coincides”. shows things that Lourdes like or that she has found recently. Most of the time, all the things are from Barcelona and they are related with the new trends and life style, such as: stores, restaurants, cocktail bars, vintage markets, social events and original brand online stores. W W W. D i R . C A T 1 5

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catalonia the right to decide P HOTOS s a lva lópez

Catalonia will hold anticipated elections the next 25 of November. The political parties’ candidates that had voted at the Parliament in favor of this call in regards the right of decision, give us some opinions about how the citizens can influence in their own future.

artur mas “We need to decide our own future for the following years” Two thirds in the Catalonia’s Parliament have approved a call for a consultative referendum, declaring that “there is a need that the citizens can freely and democratically determine their own collective future”. Does this call will be done in the next legislature? I hope that in the following four years, Catalonia can declare itself about its future as a country and as a nation. To achieve this, it is important to ask the people to decide what they think and what they want, without any coactions, threats, or fear. It is important to consult directly the citizens what is their desire for Catalonia’s future. If the central government does not authorize the right to self-determination plebiscite, does it should be executed either way? We want to make things according to the legal framework. In this way, in the next government, the first thing to be done will be to require the state’s authorization to make a referendum in Catalonia. However, if the reaction and answer is negative, then we will have to establish other legal frameworks in Catalonia or even in the international level in order to make clear the point that we need to decide our own future in the following years. In this sense, we have already initiated some contacts with other European countries in order to explain 16 DiR MAGAZINE

the reality of Catalonia and to make them understand the urge of this referendum. How do you perceive the hostile reactions and the fear that are growing in Madrid and other cities in the country? Facing processes like this one occurring in Catalonia should not be done in a context of fear. It has no sense at all. Besides that, we have always expressed that these processes must be build up upon important majorities inside Catalonia. Like I declared recently, the goal is not to win or to lose with a 51% or a 49%; we required important and solid majorities. But I should insist, this process cannot be treated with fear, nobody must be afraid to the fact that people should be able to decide. To be afraid of this will mean to be afraid to the democracy and we cannot opaque the citizens’ voice just by introducing them fear. What would you say to the Catalans that might have certain doubts at the beginning of this process to become an own country? I would say that this is not a project to isolate Catalonia from Europe, from the euro zone or from the common understanding with Spain. What all this is about, is to be capable of have the adequate tools that allow us to defend ourselves. Catalonia’s path to self-determination is not stipulated in terms of breaches or ruptures, brutal battles or farewells to Spain; but as a process that allows us to talk of equality with the state. We have never been located in an equality level with Spain and if we can make it one day, I am convinced that the things will improve for both, Catalonia and its understanding with the State. The EU Commissioner for Justice, Vivane Reding, has declared that an independent Catalonia does not have to leave the European Union. Do you think that the international community will accept an independence process? As the EU Vice-president, Viviane Reding, already expressed, it is not written in any document that any city or nation from the EU that claims for an own state must be expelled, neither from the Union nor from the Euro zone. We will hear however different voices in one sense or other, but the truth is that there are not precedents at all and, therefore we will eventually see all this. As it can be expected, we will try that this process will be done with enough guarantees in order to not be expulsed from the EU or the Euro zone. We are not crazy. But, because there is no precedent at all, the EU must have to reflect in this sense when the moment comes

ARTUR MAS AND THE SPORT What is your opinion in regards that the central government has raised the VAT rate, from 8% to 21%, to the gyms? What have you done in respect of this situation and what proposals does your political party will do to counteract this political measure that affects the sector? Govern de la Generalitat thinks this situation is worrying and therefore holds permanent contact with the sector through the Secretaría General de l’Esport in order to analyze what this rise implies. In July, the Secretaria General de l’Esport, la Diputació de Barcelona y several sport entities submitted a manifesto that publicly rejects the increase in the VAT because it affects specially to Catalonia. Catalonia is a region with high concentration of entrepreneurial sector linked with physical and sport activities. It should be considered the fact that there are more than 15,000 sports entities and more than 500 companies linked to the sport sector in Catalonia. Is it important for your political career to be in good physical shape? I think so. It is important especially when you have a position with sense of responsibility that requires great effort and commitment. It is not only important for what does it represents directly to the health or physical shape, but also because I believe that people should live with a certain degree of competitiveness and fighting spirit. Do you practice any sport? Which one? How often? Whenever I have free time from my duties, I make the effort to practice sport with certain regularity. I try to go to the gym at least one per week and I do routine exercise in the static bike for example. On Sundays, early morning, I go for a while to swim. And on Saturdays, mostly in summer, whenever I have time, I play tennis with one of my sons or with any other friend. I like also to walk and in some occasions I ski.

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SPE C I AL 2 5 - N

catalonia the right to decide

oriol junqueras

“We are a responsible and respectful country that wants to live and to coexist”

Two thirds in the Catalonia’s Parliament have approved a call for a consultative referendum, declaring that “there is a need that the citizens can freely and democratically determine their own collective future”. Does this call will be done in the next legislature? If it depends on the Republican Left of Catalonia (ERC: Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya), definitely there will be a call. In fact, I have the conviction that the call will be done if ERC is the determinant. If the country situates the Left like the second political force in the Parliament we will be transmitting a clear message to the citizenship, to Europe, to the Spanish government and to the electoral alliance in Catalonia, CiU (Con-

vergència i Unió). CiU will not be the same with ERC that it was before, with the Socialists’ Party of Catalonia (PSC: Partido de los Socialistas de Cataluña) or with the Popular Party (PP: Partido Popular). With us, CiU will be impulse forwards, with the PSC and not even to mention with PP, it will go backwards. If the central government does not authorize the right to self-determination plebiscite, does it should be executed either way? I do not conceive that the referendum will be stop if there is political willingness to do it from the Govern de la Generalitat. What they will do? Are they going to send a couple of civil guardians in front of every urn? In case it happens, either way we would have already


won to the eyes of Europe. Either way, I do not understand a maneuvering force to impede that the citizens express their opinion. On the other side, if the Spanish government prevents voting, it would be necessary that the Parliament of this country, as the citizenship’s representative, have the strength and legitimate power to determinedly express what is the future that it want for our country; decision that must wait the ratification of the citizenship. Different from the Spanish government, the Catalan government will consult the Parliament decision to the citizens in order to ratify it. How do you perceive the hostile reactions and the fear that are growing in Madrid and other cities in the country? Do you think that Spain is afraid to lose Catalonia, one of its main economical drivers? Any European country, such as United Kingdom, will try to tempt the Catalan population. On the other side, the Spanish government reacts aggressively with imposition. Obviously they are afraid to imagine a Spain –burdened by servitudes, dependence and a worrying nationalism- without the fiscal contribution of Catalonia. But, in fact, this will force them to act with a so far unknown rationality, in order to take decisions based in the economic needs; to make things right. The big amount of resources that reach to the central institutions, from Catalonia, and its misuse, has created a very unproductive economic culture. What would you say to the Catalans that might have certain doubts at the beginning of this process to become an own country? I would say that when we have our own state, when we achieve the independence, they will start asking why it took so long to do it. The EU Commissioner for Justice, Vivane Reding, has declared that an independent Catalonia does not have to leave the European Union. Do you think that the international community will accept an independence process? At the beginning the EU will not help us, but it will neither defend the unity of Spain. Europe and the international community will limited themselves to recognize the situation until a democratic order exists. Surely, Europe would like to have a state, like the Catalan, that contributes more than what receives. And so, the international community, we are a responsible and respectful country that wants to live and to coexist.

ORIOL JUNQUERAS AND THE SPORT What is your opinion in regards that the central government has raised the VAT rate, from 8% to 21%, to the gyms? What have you done in respect of this situation and what proposals does your political party will do to counteract this political measure that affects the sector? We have never supported VAT increase because it affects directly the consumption and increases the fiscal spoliation that we are already suffering. On the other side, there are some fiscal measures that we have been proposing and that neither the Generalitat nor the Spanish government wants to take into consideration, such as the imposition of a tax rate to the banks which is in fact a very normal situation in Europe. Is it important for your political career to be in good physical shape? Sure. But either way, I am a University degree professor, Major of Sant Vicenç del Horts, ERC President and candidate for the Presidency of la Generalitat. What I am trying to say is that I have a very tight agenda and only little free time to be with the family and rest. However, I believe that practicing a sport is not only healthy but helps to make an intense rhythm of work more easily going. Do you practice any sport? Which one? How often? I walk a lot, whenever I can; I walk for some time around Sant Vicenç del Horts. I also spend some free time taking care of my orchard, it is an important part of my life that I try to keep doing besides the excess of work. Doing this helps me to be in close contact with the nature and to feel on earth.

W W W. D i R . C A T 1 9

speCIal 25-N

catalonia the right to decide

joan herrera “We are against the common front and the immobility” Two thirds in the Catalonia’s Parliament have approved a call for a consultative referendum, declaring that “there is a need that the citizens can freely and democratically determine their own collective future”. Does this call will be done in the next legislature? We, the Left-Wing, Green, Federalist and Catalanist force (ICV-EUiA: Iniciativa per Catalunya Verds - Esquerra Unida i Alternativa), required this way in our resolution proposal, in where we explained that the call should be done in the next legislature. Unfortunately, CiU y ERC only required the call to be “priority” during the following four years. If the central government does not authorize the right to self-determination plebiscite, does it should be executed either way? In a democratic and healthy country, these political situations should be solved through the path of covenants and the negotiations. As it happened in other countries, like for example in Quebec and Scotland. We hope it would be. Either way, it is hard to believe that a European democracy will deny the right to decide. How do you perceive the hostile reactions and the fear that are growing in Madrid and other cities in the country? Do you think that Spain is afraid to lose Catalonia, one of its main economical drivers? ICV-EUiA is against the frontism and the immobility. We rejected any declaration that is out of order, coming from whoever it comes from. What would you say to the Catalans that might have certain doubts at the beginning of this process 20 DiR MAGAZINE

JOAN HERRERA I L’ESPORT What is your opinion in regards that the central government has raised the VAT rate, from 8% to 21%, to the gyms? What have you done in respect of this situation and what proposals does your political party will do to counteract this political measure that affects the sector? The practice of any sport is health, we do not agree with the rise in VAT in general and worst when it affects the healthy life of the people. At that moment, we already voted against that measure, now we will propose some amendments to the general budgets. Is it important for your political career to be in good physical shape? It is really important to be in shape, for the body and for the mind, beyond the tasks to develop. To practice a sport, allows me to disconnect from daily activities. Do you practice any sport? Which one? How often? I have always done a lot of exercise. In the last years I have participated in a lot of races and some half marathons. Today, I like a lot to swim in the sea and I did the cabo de Creus marathon just recently.

to become an own country? I would tell them that it is not necessary to be afraid of democracy, that the exercise of the right to self-determination will be a symptom for democratic normality. I would say that on the 25th November we are not voting yes or not for the independence, but voting if we give the word and right of decision to the people. The EU Commissioner for Justice, Vivane Reding, has declared that an independent Catalonia does not have to leave the European Union. Do you think that the international community will accept an independence process? Thus the federal covenant and the independence required negotiations with the state and with the EU. The EU demands unanimity of all its members to be part of it.

the exercise improves your




text pere r o ma n i l l o s

some reasons to not “forget” What did you eat yesterday? Do you remember the entire lyrics of any song? What is the name of the main character of your favorite TV show? If you have problems with your memory, the physical exercise is an excellent ally to keep your brain in shape. 1. More sport, more ability

A recent study conducted by the neuroscientist Marc Roig, from the Copenhagen University (Denmark), has surprisingly concluded this fact: fifteen minutes of intense exercise are enough to strengthen all the information that we just recently learn. In other words, what does this Danish researcher means is that, for example if we practice any sport or we go to the gym just immediately after studying or doing an academic paper, our brain will absorb in a better way all the new knowledge information and the memory will be capable to reinforce its permanence term.

The exercise is one of the simplest ways to keep the hippocampus 2. Train the hippocampus structural part of the brain where the memory is in shape. The located is called hippocampus. It is a sort of hard dri-

ve that we must keep in shape if we do not want to suffer a deterioration of our mental health with the years. Neurologists and other specialists around the world agree in recommending the physical exercise as one of the simplest and effective ways to keep in shape this important brain region.

3. Increasing the neurotransmitters

We know already that doing exercise help to generate endorphins, the so called “happiness hormones”, that make us feel good afterwards. But doing exercise also contributes to the production of other subsW W W. D i R . C A T 2 3


Memory Test Watch the following words during two minutes: Pencil, violin, peach, corner, trauma, pants, poison, strong, document, star, inflation. Now, do any other activity that distracts you. After twenty minutes, write down all the words from the list that you remember. If you can manage to write correctly 8 or more, it means you have an excellent cognitive health. If you write only between 5 and 8 words, it means you are in the average and therefore you will need to exercise more often your memory. If you write 4 words or less, it means you should start paying attention to the tips that we give you in this article.

tances, such as the noradrenaline and the BDNP, which guarantee a healthy short term memory.

4. What do your brain “eats”?

Our brain is the result of what we eat. In a healthy neurological diet we cannot miss the food rich in omega-3 acids (oily fish, nuts, kiwi…), in folic acid (spinach, orange juice…) and in antioxidants (vegetal oils, green leafs vegetables, tomatoes, fruits…). On the other side, we should reduce the excessive amount of greasy, fried food and other products with great amounts of sugar.

5. Worst memory… starting at the age of 40s

The memory and the capacity of reasoning start to experience certain degree of regression starting at the age of 40s. This is what was proofed in a research leaded by the London University College, in which 7,000 persons were mentally analyzed for a period of seven years. The participants showed worst results as they were growing older, year by year. Therefore, it is important to keep an active life and do exercise in a regular basis since the youth.

What is harmful for your heart is harmful for your brain. 24 DiR MAGAZINE

Pamper your memory • Take care of your cardiovascular system health. What is harmful for your heart is harmful for your brain. The hypertension and cholesterol affect also the proper functioning of your brain and therefore it is convenient to have a healthy diet and avoid the excesses. • Alcohol awareness. An excessive and constant consumption of alcohol can affect your neuronal activity. • Rest at least 8 hours daily. Sleeping enough time helps the brain to assimilate new knowledge information. Sleeping is a key process in the proper functioning for your long term memory. • Keep learning… New abilities, new languages, new hobbies, new sports, and so on.

W W W. D i R . C A T 4


Thinking about your needs, the aquatic technicians in DiR have created a totally renew activity that adapts to you. Discover the most dynamic and amusing global training at the swimming pool of your club.

Length of the activity 55 minutes Types of exercise, routines Cardiovascular and muscular resistance Burned Calories From 350 and 500 26 LA REVISTA DEL DiR

Intensity Degree Medium-high Results It makes you have a better body shape. It helps to strengthen and shape your body. It relaxes the muscles. It eliminates the retention of water in the body. It work out with the concentration and the memory of the brain.


Every activity of this exercise is thought to give the maximum benefit that water resistance could have.

What is D.WATER?

This is a new type of aquatic exercise that is practiced using different music rhythms, the newest songs. You will discover a different dynamic, entertaining and global activity in each session. Everyone can practice D·WATER, without any problem with the age, due to the fact that the intensity and the type of exercises can be adapted according to the needs of each person.

How are the sessions conducted?

One DiR aquatic technician lead the D·WATER session in order to show the participants to do the following exercises.

1. Warming up for 5 minutes. In order to prepare your body to move, a warm up following the rhythm of the music was designed with easy and entertaining choreographies. In each session, these songs are renewed so you feel like dancing every time. . 2. The core of the session. 45 minutes. In an alternate way, different cardiovascular

exercises and others to shape the body are practiced. a. To shape the body. Different muscles regions are worked out with these exercises, with aims to improve the muscles, to make them firm. The water offers natural resistance in all the directions. You will notice quickly that your body is getting firm and in shape. b. Cardiovascular exercises. In this part, different techniques are introduced in each session. The best technicians from DiR have adapted all cardio-box, stop, aerobics, and rhythms movements to the aquatic exercises.

3. The stretch up with dynamic movements. 5 minutes. At the end of the activity, there is nothing better that to take some minutes to stretch your worked muscular zones; this will definitely make you relax.

PRACTICE IT IN YOUR CLUB! You can enjoy this activity in Diagonal DiR, DiR Tarragona, Sant Cugat DiR, DiR Av. Madrid, Tres Torres DiR, DiR Claret, DiR Gràcia, DiR Club Hispà and DiR Castillejos. You do not have to think it that much, just wear your swim suit and equipment and come to try D·WATER.

Which are the benefits?

D·WATER offers all benefits that exercising under the water can provide you: weightlessness, hydro massage, relaxation, and more…

• Avoids the physical impacts. The wa-

ter eliminates between the 75% and 90% of the body weight and reduces joint and muscular pains. This means, to have an effective training without injuries.

• Puts your heart in shape. It burns calories, makes the cardiovascular system functions better, and furthermore it decreases the blood pressure and the cholesterol levels.

•Makes your body firm.

It improves and strengthens your muscles, the coordination, the flexibility and the equilibrium.

• Relax and lightness. It relaxes the muscles posture thanks to the water pressure, which realizes a lymphatic drainage.

Takes care of your mind.It works with the

brain, through the coordination and concentration. In reason that you have to follow the rhythm of the music and the choreography movements, you are using your mind. Moreover, it helps to take away your inhibitions, to improve the mood, and to disconnect… W W W. D i R . C A T 2 7


how to work out in the treadmill? text AGustí chicón Tec hnic ian res p ons i b le o f t he a c ti v i t y in D i R “r u n w i t h u s ”

If you are a formal runner that participates in races or just a person that has the purpose to lose weight, the treadmill can be your best allied machine for this fall. Discover how it helps you to work out and take note of the following tips to improve your training performance.


The treadmill is a complete cardiovascular and muscular exercise. It is

perfect to keep you in shape, to lose weight and to improve your training performance. It increases the strength of the legs and the metabolism. It makes the body burns calories easily, works with breathing capacity and benefits your entire organism, not only your legs. You can use this machine either just to warm up your body before practicing any other sport or as the main exercise activity, following a determined plan.

Training in the treadmill is appropriate for all persons, because it allows them to

adapt your

training 01. to start – beginner level The amount of training hours must be in average of three weekly hours, divided in among three to five sessions of cardiovascular exercise. The maximal heart rate frequency should varies from 60% to 80% (HRmax = 220 less your age). The training should combine walking and running paces in order to adapt the body to the physical activity.

adjust their training according to their physical needs and personal conditions. The computer included in the treadmill machine simulates the natural conditions of the different types of surfaces; such as for example the flat ground or the variable ground that has some upward and downward slopes. Moreover it includes specific training programs. As the person evolutes, improving his/ her training abilities, he/she can comfortably choose other levels in the computer program.

02. to shape your body – intermediate level

The different positions and speed levels options help to regulate the heart pace during the training. You can per-

This last group is composed by all runners that want to go further, and are looking not only to shape their body but to make their general physical appearance better. The goals of some people in this group might be to do races or to break their personal time marks. For this, is required a cardiovascular training of five weekly hours at least, in five to six sessions, with intensity of 70% to 100% of the HRmax.

sonalize your exercise according to the objectives that you are looking for. The computer program also offers multiple combinations of different speed and positions. In general, all of the different options that it offers you, are more entertaining and efficient that normal running.

Whoever is already used to the weekly exercise routine in the treadmill and is looking to improve his/her physical shape or to lose weight and burn fat, must do cardiovascular exercise from four to five hours per week, distributed in four to five sessions, with an intensity of 70% to 90% of the maximal heart rate.

03. proficiency – advanced level

the best tennis at DiR’s stores Pure damping without quitting to the stability. This is what the new ASIC brand shoes, Gel-Nimbus 14 (160 Euros) offers. You can buy them in any of the DiR Fashion’s stores located in Diagonal DiR, Sant Cugat DiR and DiR Castillejos. They have gel plates in the front and in the back of the shoe, and a system that improves your footstep.

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jivamukti ioga inSPiRE

this is a vigorous physical practice and intellectually stimulating that conducts to spiritual conscious. Jivamukti means life release. It is a contemporary yoga style that emerged in one of the most famous yoga clubs in new York since 1984.

T E X T M A R i n A KO S E n KO YO G A O N E P R O F E S S O R A N D C O O R D I N ATO R O F E V E N T S


The founders of this yoga style are David Life y Sharon Gannon. They merged their ashtanga yoga’s studies with some spiritual lessons making special emphasis to the way of applying yoga’s philosophy to the daily life.

Principles of jivamukti method: · Shastra (or the study of the sacred scriptures). Shastras are treaties about doctrines contained in the Sutras, documents written by the great masters of the different strands of Mahâyana, Buddhism thought.

5 fundamental asanas 01.Virabhadrasana I (or warrior I).

· Bhakti. The recognition that God realization is the goal of all yoga’s practices is one of the jivamukti yoga’s principles. The understanding among religions and tolerance to all religious and spiritual beliefs is promoted. · Ahimsa. The practice of non violence. Ahimsa can be also defined as the compassion, and in the sutra yoga of Patanjali, this is the first of the five yamas (the rules governing the yogui’s relationships with others and with the outside world). The jivamukti method teaches that the ahumas’ practice is not only for human beings but to all animal life, and defends ethical vegetarianism.

The physical qualities of this warrior are the heart openness and the elevation of the spirit. Raising the arms and looking up are actions to express gratitude and humility. When these are practiced with an opened heart, it becomes a prayer with whole body.

· Nada. It focuses in the inner listening, Sanskrit chants and recitation of mantras. It is based in the principle that all what exists, including the human beings, is composed from sound vibrations, called Nada.

that Shiva was teaching yoga to Parvati (the couple), closed to the river Ganges. Parvati was not paying attention and Shiva got mad and decided to make the fish became the first yoga student, called afterwards the Lord of Fish. Some of the benefits of this position are: the nourishment of the vertebral discs, the improvement of the blood pressure in the internal organs, and a better digestion…

· Dhyana (or meditation). Is the practice of being still, to watch the mind itself and think. It has the objective of ceasing our identification with the mind and create awareness that we are more that our own thoughts.

02.Dhanurasana (or the bow). The bow position has a rejuvenating effect. With age, we tend to curve our back and to close our chest. The practice of postures that stretch backwards the spinal column reduces this age effect, expanding our chest and the shoulders. The result of this is a strong and flexible body that remains straight despite the age. 03. Ardha Matsyendrasana (half spinal twist). The legend explains

04. Salamba Sirsasana (supported headstand). This is the queen of all asabas.

practice it in DiR

By reversing Prana’s (means life) flow, selfrealization can be leaded. All body weight should be on the top of the skull, which allows brain stimulation. The longer time you are with the head near the floor and away from heaven, you could see the reality from a different perspective.

In YogaOne, the specialized center in yoga, you can have sessions of jivamukti yoga. The sessions are taught by professors especially trained in this style. There are classes in the morning: Mondays (9:30 hrs), Tuesdays-Thursdays-Fridays (9:15 hours) and also in the evenings: Tuesday and Wednesday (20:30 hours) and Thursdays (15:50 hours).

05. Shavasana. This is one of most valuable asabas in the practice of yoga. The spinal column goes back to its natural state. The pelvis relaxes. The breathing pace and the heart rate slow down… It can seem to be a passive posture but it is one of the most difficult to dominate. It requires a lot of practice to put the mind and body in a deep state of relaxation. W W W. D i R . C A T 3 1

T H E L A T E S T T O. . .

DiR Castillejos opens a new type of classes, “Crianza Feliz” (Happy Parenting). This program comprises different activities exclusively for the pregnancy, maternity and the parenting up to the children’s first three years.



t e x t M a rta Sa r d à D i R Ca s ti l le j o s, Pers o nal Trainer, s peciali s t in Pregnancy and M at ernit y P h oto s j or d i tost

This project dedicates to break with the traditional topics in regards the pregnant woman. It has the objective of demonstrating that pregnant women do not have to stop doing physical activity, but have to adapt it and to continue training up to the last day. In fact, they can continue their training and are perfectly competent to work, like any other person. 32 DiR MAGAZINE

• How are the classes?

The classes of “Crianza Feliz” (Happy Parenting in English), are focused to provide the pregnant woman a better life quality and make her get used to the routine of the exercise. At the beginning of the pregnancy, the classes are oriented more to a physical preparation. Later, they are oriented in breathing exercises, pelvic movements (to help in the dilation stage), and workshop of relaxing massages for the future mothers… The focal idea is to develop a way to work and breath in childbirth labor, because this is similar to a sport contest: it demands cardiovascular resistance, flexibility, orientation technique (in order to guide the delivery of the baby) and breathing technique. Whoever trains should now that if the technique and preparation are good at beginning, everything will result easier at the moment of the contest. On the other side, whoever people that do not prepare themselves enough cannot succeed in their desired objective. It is also positive, that the couples work in this process and help their women to train and to learn what to do in every step of the pregnancy and be useful in the childbirth labor’s day.

• The need of exercise

The main idea is to make pregnant women understand that the preparation process is broader, and not only a requirement for the last months of the gestation. It cannot be denied, that there are some women that during the first three months experience important hormonal

N VIA-DATALIA UFRE 3 S 9 mon9 years oldNE , ths pr egnan cy

“During all the pregnancy, I have tried to eat balanced and to conduct a life in the most normal way possible. I even practiced sailing up to the six months. Since then, I have tried to walk regularly. The exercise is fundamental to keep the body strong and agile in order to support the weight that you are gaining (you have carry extra kilos) and to get tired less. It is also important to prepare since the beginning of the pregnancy for the moment of the expansion stage, so the baby reaches fit well.

LA, ABA ld, Z A o AIN4 years hs 3 mont y 7 nanc preg

“I climb since 15 years ago and I have always trained 8 hours per week. When I got pregnant, I was afraid to stop all of a sudden the sport. I did not want to lose my muscles or suffer back pains. Therefore I chose to have a personal trainer (EP) for Pilates. I have won flexibility, body conscious… and furthermore, the EP has taught me a cardiovascular exercise´s program to do during the whole week. I have less back pains and I feel psychologically better. If I can, I will do exercise up to the last day and afterwards my baby born, with the classes with babies.”

W W W. D i R . C A t 3 3


changes and therefore they slow down the rhythm. But on the other side, there are other women that are in perfect conditions. Coincidentally, during the second quarter of pregnancy, regularly women feel better, and the last quarter is the most difficult. Despite everything, if the woman has gained few kilos, has low liquid retention and has lived an active life during whole pregnancy, the inconvenient pains reduced considerably. In general, it is recommendable for a pregnant woman to have 3-4 days of physical activity: one day of pilates, two days of soft aerobics and one day to toning. What most people do not know is that the muscular activity with dumbbells is similarly important, most of all because it helps to stretch the back and the arms, which are sometimes forgotten and they need to be strong enough when the baby born. Evidently, the muscular exercise must be done in a moderate way, with the adequate breathings and supervised by a professional.

• Going to the gym with

the baby

After the childbirth labor, if the mother is healthy and feels in the mood and conditions, she can continue assisting the classes with her baby. This is an advantage to her, considering the fact that she does not need to look for someone who takes care of her child in order to do sport. The baby motivates the mother to train and all babies receive a big stimulus that enhances their motor skills and coordination. The rhythm of the class adapts to the baby: if he/she requires to be feed, it can be stopped; if the baby is sleeping, the mother can do certain exercises taking advantage of this.



• • •

Pregnancy in couples. Postpartum recovery.

Massages for the baby and early stimulation (in different groups, from 0 to 3 months; from 3 to 6 months; and from 6 to 12 months).

Monthly informational meetings with health professionals in regards to topics of interest in relation to this family stage. The duration of the class is of 1,5 hour in the mornings, all week up to Saturday. These activities go together with the aquatic sessions for babies at DiR Castillejos (in groups of 6 to 12 months, 12 to 24 months and 2 to 3 years old). For further information, please refer directly to the reception desktop DiR Castillejos or calling to the number 902 10 1979

Nil, first baby of Natalia Via-dufresne was born one week ago, one week after this reportage, weighting 3,460 kg and measuring 52 cm. Both, mother and son are happy!


homo naturals now in DiRzen

to take care the men’s skin Men’s skin has characteristics that are different to the women. Women get older in a more progressive way. On the other side, men get older later but more quickly. Taking care of the skin prevents this aging process. Fortunately, nowadays there are everyday more specific products in the beauty business, such as the new brand, Homo Naturals, which is the first male cosmetic brand 100% natural.



atural What does n ans? cosmetics me

ithout been elaborated w ve ha at th ts uc od pr and These are all hetic preservatives nt sy t ou ith w e, at e of plant any petroleum deriv ients. They are mad ed gr in in ig or al without anim . l and vegetal oils extracts, essentia

What is the text ure of a natu ral body cream? Man

y of the natu ral body crea ms are formu artisans and lated by unfortunatel y p re sent oily textu Despite this, Homo Natura res. ls have devel formula tha o p ed a new t hydrates, n ourishes an skin, leavin d protects th g it complete e ly matt, one really valued aspect that is by men.


If you do sport to improve your health and your physical image, then what are you waiting for to take care of your skin? Cleaning and hydrating the skin are not anymore activities exclusively for women. Every time, there are more uninhibited men that use beauty products to keep their skin

Try this N ovember HOMO NA TURALS A T DiRzen.

In all the club s that have DiRzen cent Diagonal DiR ers (DiR Cas , DiR Marag tillejos, al l, Up&Down Seven DiR an DiR, Tres Torr d Tuset DiR) es DiR, yo u have the op receive the portunity to 4 steps Ho mo Natura can try the ls treatmen products an t so you d learn how efficiently. to use them Furthemore, more we will teac guish betwee h you how to n the natura di st inl and conven Come to “La tional cosm Jornada”, op etics. en to the pu blic on the 27 th October.

The 4 Steps Formula

aftershave are not Nowadays, the daily shower and the of the details and care enough anymore. You need to take should start we er, long due to the fact that we are living in ten, twenty have to t wan we thinking in the aspects that and having a diet is years, or more! Being an athlete a 4 daily minutes an excellent start, but if you use extr l habits, you will gain of your time for new persona r skin. We are totally more investing in the future of you d half of hour in the aware that you do not want to spen help you to make that to t bathroom, and therefore we wan to give you hydratigh enou your always 10 minutes will be mmend you the reco We it. et on, sometimes the men forg used because be to easy ula, Form 4 Steps Homo Naturals ence, printed in each of you must follow the number sequ the containers.

Minute 1 = Step 1


do not use the same When you are washing your face, of the body. The face product that you use for the rest rest of the body. skin has different needs that the make the skin dry will Using a shower gel in the face ideal will be to use The in stra and suffer an unfortunate face Mousse. rals Natu o Hom a specific product, like the

Minute 2 = Step 2

be daily but at least The exfoliation is not needed to to eliminate the dirt, one per week. It will help you will prevent the pothe oil and other bacteria and e ingrown hairs in sibl pos res’ obstruction and the the beards.

Minute 3 = Step 3

your skin, you are closing Tone your skin! As you refresh skin and revitalizing it. the pores, regulating the pH of your quick and efficiple, sim All this happens in only one ent step.

Minute 4 = Step 4

it is oily or dry, reThe hydration. The skin, even if mantle, which is lipid quires hydration to keep the ng water, sunstro s: way of attacked in a thousand and alcohol. cco, toba ss, stre , light, pollution, shaving e and to dry. HoweAll this can make the skin to stifl is of fluid texture and ver, this hydrant body cream hydration thanks to easy to use and will provide you d, rich in vitamins and the complete formula Youth Blen skin tissue, at the same nutrients that help to regenerate the kles. wrin the time that reaffirms and combats

W W W. D i R . C A T 3 1


feed your

s e s n defe

ome, however c to r e th a e w g for the cold in it a w nd fever, more ll a ti s u fl e r h it w We a , k you to et easily sic many people g . Having a good diet can help gh body ll u fa o g n e in e r v u a d h n e to ft d o une system an m im ed them. r e u n o y n a e c r u o y e prepa r uations whe defenses in sit

t e x t A N N A G R AU de partament o f N U TR IT I O N at Di R


In order to have the immune system active, stressful situations must be avoid and regular exercise, good sleeping and good eating habits should be regularly practiced. It is proofed that having a healthy and balanced diet allow you to develop natural defenses against flu diseases, to activate anti-bacteria functions in your system, to keep your cell membranes in good conditions and to help in the production of lymphocytes and antibodies.

The dietary key elements to have good body defenses An excessively energetic consumption can favor the evolution of infections. If the consumption is inadequate, it can lead to certain deficiencies that might conduct you to a decline in your body defenses. Having a diet of less than 1,200 calories can become prejudicial for the body. The consumption of carbohydrates is fundamental because they work as gasoline for the nervous system. But the consumption of sugar should be moderated. The animal proteins (fish, egg, meat, milk products) and vegetable (legumes, seitan, tofu, dried fruits‌) allow you to have essential amino acids, which are structural elements of tissues and regulators of the metabolic functions of the body. The saturated fat should be reduced in order to avoid damaging the immunological reaction of the body. Hydrogenated fats from pastry products (bread), butter, and margarine should be replaced‌ by fatty acids. The fatty acids that should be consumed are omega-3, omega-6 y omega-9: oily fish, dried fruits, whole or integral grains and olive oil. These products are fundamental to the hormone synthesis. The vitamins A, C and E of fresh products should be increased for a good condition of the mucous membrane, a good collagen formation in the cell membranes and a good antioxidant functioning. You can find them in carrots,

tomatoes, pumpkins, citrus, vegetables, dried fruits and olive oil. The vitamins B are necessary to the lymphocyte reaction and the production of antibodies. The most important required minerals to have good functioning of the antibodies, antibacterial, and antioxidant are the selenium, zinc, and iron. Sources of them are the legumes, fish, seafood, and dried fruits. The probiotics keep your intestinal flora in good conditions. An imbalance of flora can provoke problems in the equilibrium of the immunological system. You can consume probiotics through yogurts with bifidusbacterium and other specific supplementation. Some of the plants that can help to avoid flu are the chinacea, the thyme, the green tea and the mats.

the food for the immunitary system fish has high content of iodine and omega 4. Spinach, leek and tomato rich in fiber, calcium,

iron and antioxidant vitamins.

Fresh season fruits important vitamin contribution. CABBAGE FAMILY contain flavonoids with antioxidant function and increase the vitamin C.

DRIED FRUITS rich in essential fatty acids, vitamins B and E. OLIVE OIL contains omega-9 and vitamin E. W W W. D i R . C A T 3 9


the foo

d for th e

m e t s y s y r a immunit Day 1

Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7

Red tea One yogurt with integral cereal grains

Fruit smoothie and yogurt 1 toasted integral bread

Orange juice One muesli bar

Green tea One yogurt with integral cereal grains

Fruit smoothie Orange juice 1 toasted One muesli integral bread bar with turkey

Fruit smoothie and yogurt 1 toasted integral bread

Fruits salad (fresh season fruits)

4 toasted rice with quinoa oil and a york ham sandwich

Snack of fresh cheese and olives

Fruits salad (fresh season fruits)

4 toasted rice with quinoa oil and a cheese sandwich

Snack of fresh cheese with dried tomato

4 toasted rice with quinoa oil and a york ham sandwich


Lentils with pumpkin, red pepper and y zucchini Grilled hake with lemon A piece of edam cheese

Spaghettis with cherry tomato sauce, chicken and oregano 5 nuts

Steamed mussels Rice with onions and sepia Cuajada

Pasta with mushrooms and garlic Grilled sardines a kiwi

Grilled mushrooms Chicken with lima beans Cottage cheese

Salat Paella with prawns Yogurt

Eggplant stuffed with cheese Beef steak (filet) Macedonia salat (fresh fruits)

after noon

Vegetal sandwich/ snack

Yogurt with mango

Yogurt with almonds

Serrano ham sandwich

Vegetal sandwich/ snack

Yogurt with nuts

Yogurt with banana


Salat potato, tomate, olives and capers Scrambled green asparagus Relaxing infusion

Vichyssoise (no cream) with croutons Gilthead bream with tomato in the oven Yogurt

Beans con spinach Grilled rabbit with Padr贸n pepper A pear

Sprouts salad, with onion and boiled egg One slice of bread Yogurt

Green asparagus with a ham sandwich Baked seabass An apple

Zucchini creamy soup Potato and onion omelette Infusion

Vegetable soup with a small amount of pasta Monkfish with endive and black olives Yogurt

break fast

mid mor ning 40 DiR MAGAZINE


If you like “Japanese food”, you’re lucky! Starting this month, you can enjoy an authentic sushi at Saibò DiR. Our chefs have done a special course with a Japanese master chef who has taught them the techniques of the ancient Japanese cuisine. text VíCTOR sandalinas Responsible for Seibo

food pleasures of the East arrive to dir Try them in: Diagonal DiR Tuset DiR DiR Castillejos Seven DiR Sant Cugat DiR

makis1 & nigiris 2 From salmon, tuna, cucumber, avocado, banana and carrot. 2 From salmon, tuna, and shripm. 1

The makis are rice rolls that include nori, a thin and black colored seaweed fairly nutritious (it is a source of iodine and vitamins B), filled with raw fish, vegetables, fruit ... all what the imagination allows you! The nigiris are rice canapes in an oval shaped with a sheet of raw fish (which can be salmon, tuna, shrimp ...) above. Both of them have a smooth texture and are tasty, completely irresistible. 42 DiR MAGAZINE

sashimi From salmon and tuna. It is rich in vitamins (A, D and B), omega-3 fatty acids and proteins; Sashimi is an ideal dish for raw fish fans. Tuna and salmon are a light meal, low in fat and calories, so they are convenient for those who are following a diet to lose weight.


soja, wasabi i gingebre Three essential condiments Soy sauce is the most famous condiment. It provides minerals and vitamins, but has the disadvantage of being rich in sodium, so it should be consumed with moderation. If you like spicy food, do not forget to add some wasabi. On the other hand, the sweetness and cooling sensation of ginger removes the sensation of fish fat and prepared the palate for the next piece.

Fresh polar bread, wrapped, coca de vidre (Catalan receipt to make dough) ... In Saibò, we offer you every month a different snack, so you can discover different types and styles of cuisines to make bread, while you bite a fabulous sandwich as tasty as healthy. Ask in the bar at Saibò for the specialty of the month.


The style of Claret DiR 01




text XÈNIA AL O N S O www.b arcelo ne t te . net



DiR Claret members take advantage to train at noon. They enter and leave the club with their own particular style: clothes that certainly define the personality of each one. 03 07

04 01 Aïda Castillo · 23 years · student


02 Daniela Gómez · 20 years · student 03 Óscar Castro · 28 years · commercial business 04 Montse González · 42 years · administrative 05 Tamara Narvaez · 26 years · Interior 06 David Picón · 28 years · Photographer 07 Ariadna Aguilar · 31 years · receptionist 08 Carmelo Gómez · 48 years · decorator and musician

WWW . D i R . C A T 4 5

reaching the note

Her last album is a result of a personal and magical work in where she consolidates her particular universe.


Maria Rodés, from Barcelona, only needs her acoustic guitar and her spectacular voice to write songs that make people shivering. After her first and celebrated album, she brings now Sueño Triangular (means in English Triangular Dream) (BCore).


a magical and triangular universe Maria Rodés’ music ( must be listened carefully. Special interest must be paid in order to enjoy the songs of this Barcelonan singer as they deserved to. After being part of other underground musical groups of the city, she decided to do it alone for the first time in 2010 with her pioneer album Una forma de hablar (BCore). Since then, she has showed genius symptoms and unlimited musical resources, especially at the vocal level. Her music has a delicious folk style, unique, with special personal prints on it and unusual (prodigious voice, poetic lyrics and often cryptic, atypical musical arrangements…). However, María have decided now to move forward given a giant step and free herself of any existent limitation. During almost two years, she was writing all her dreams in a notebook and write music to it, an oneiric music and in many cases with a mystery on it. The title of her

new album was chosen because it was inspired in the poem Sueño Triangular (triangular dream) of the Portuguese writer Fernando Pessoa. Moreover, the production of this album was done by three persons: Lluís Surós, Maru di Pace and herself, which fits also in the meaning of the title. Everything fits for the name: dreams, three persons, and a lot of magic. This is Sueño Triangular, a subtle disc, full of nuances and a lot to say when you listen carefully. The first element that outstands is her voice, perfectly worked in the technique and capable of doing changes of tones that leave the audience amazed (in person the sound is even better!!) Every song was composed in a particular and unique way, with the required musical instruments and sound to make it greater and in order to make the dream becomes something real and unforgettable to the audience. Enjoy it!

te xt A L EIX IB ARS P h oto s A n a M a d r i d w w w. p i c ospa r d o s. n e t

W W W. D i R . C A T 4 7


t ext Martín Piñol W r i t er and director at @martinpinol

The fat is like the debts. In small quantities seems that nothing happens, but when you accumulate too much, your life is in danger. I leave you now in this article, 10 tips for DiR members, so you can keep a healthy life.

top 10 of “the dietist” 1. Do not go to the supermarket when you are hungry. Unless Hungry is the nickname of one of your colleagues and offers you to take you the shopping cart. 2. If you do not have it in your hand, then you cannot eat it. Do not buy anything wrapped in remarkable plastics or do not bring small coins with you that work for vending machines. Everything what is in them contains fat, gas or the cables on it will electrocute you. 3. Drink two liters of water per day (but not all at once, you silly!). All the time that you will need to drink and pee will be enough so you will not have more time to become a huge ball by gaining weight. 4. Add some exercise to your regular life. Besides going to the gym, do some other activities, such as helping cleaning at home, helping your friends to move out/ move in or just walk around all the pizza places in where you will not be a consumer anymore and hit with sorrow the window glasses 200 times (in series of 25). 5. The experts recommend that the ideal food habit is to have 5 meals per day, but of course not in a free buffet place, which will not only destroy your stomach but you will make the place go in bankruptcy 6. Even if it appears in the menu, this does not mean that you are forced to eat it. It is better to mix one good meal at the beginning followed by a fish dish for example, which makes people lazy to cook it at home. If the waiter offers you bread or grated cheese, remember this is because he will charge it on your bill and is not because your organism needs it. 7. It sounds like magic from Merlin or Gandalf, but there are some food combinations that are good for your body. On the other hand, there are others that can make you become a troll. In order to make your life not complicated, NutriDiR provides you a nutritionist service, in where they can plan you a menu and in this way you will not have even to think what to eat. 4 8 D i R MA G A Z INE

8. Most of the people that eat some snacks in between meals do it because of boredom. It is better to have a hobby away from the fridge. (Watching movies lying in the sofa while eating popcorns cannot be considered one of them). If the new hobby demands you the use of both of your hands (such as playing the piano, cutting trees, or boxing with dinosaurs) it will be harder for you to make your stomach full of donuts. 9. Do not eat dinner like if there is no tomorrow, (unless there is a world war or a zombie apocalypses). In the night, do not take so long to go to sleep because then you will feel in the mood to eat something. Only the ugly gremlins used to eat after midnight. 10. If despite everything that I had tell you in the previous lines, you still have a greasy monster inside you and therefore you spend the whole day eating junk food; so at least try to eat early in the day so you can have enough time in the day to digest it and burn it.

Only the ugly gremlins used to eat after midnight.

The test for the fatness Eating in a balanced and healthy way is nothing impossible. In fact, it will help you to feel better and at the same time will allow you to save some money (in compensation of the increase in the VAT). If you believe that you are in shape and you do not need these top 10 tips, access the following website: and face the truth by doing the fabulous test for the fatness, totally free and fun.

t ex t + b e r n at

Acid novel


Learn how to seduce

Books for fall

Sport and Overcoming

words and bits

c/ Buenos Aires, 6 · B CN

Price: Free Platform: iOS

“La tienda y la vida”, from Isabel Sucunza (BlackieBooks, 19 €) makes a ruthless and accessible review about the place where she lives, and describes the consumption society in where we all are living.

Price: Free/4,99 € Platform: iOS, Android, WP7, BlackBerry, Bada


My DiR

that take care of you

The secrets to learn the body language of love are in the book “¡Conecta!” (Amat Editorial, 12,95 €). The authors, Allan and Barbara Pease, help you to interpret the gestures and signs of non verbal communication.

Runtastic/Runtastic Pro


“Qui vol una vida millor!” (Deu i Onze Edicions, 16,95 €) is the title of the book written by the triathlon athlete and ironman from Barcelona, Marcel Zamora. In this book, he tells his personal story in regards all what he did in order to succeed and won five times the famous race in Nice.

Price: Free Platform: iOS, Android

t ex t f r a n cis casado business dev elopment res ponsible francis@to d

Here you will find information about the 18 DiR clubs and you will have in shortly all services available to make all type of gym administration in an easy and fast way, such as: consulting schedules, making reservations, enrolling in certain activities… 50


This is an athletic app that keeps your marks updated while you receive applauses and encouragement from your friends. Runtastic was originally created for the runners, but now is open for amateurs and other sport professionals.

Fooducate allows you to make a plan to eat healthy. This is a database with information about thousand of different food elements in relation of the quality, the composition and the nutritional value.

This is one app that pays you every time that you go to the gym and charges you when you do not go. It supervises your check in at the gym through the GPS. Once it is programmed, you will receive reminders messages when you do not go to the gym and will punish you economically.

Understanding the crisis

Secrets and wounds Price: 1,59 € Platform: iOS, Android

This is an App that analyses your heart rate directly from a simple photo of your finger print. This is not considered a medical tool, but without any doubt it works with rigor and seriousness. It allows you to have different profiles, addresses and other specific notes.

George Soros in La tormenta financiera, (Ed. Destino, 18,90 €) writes about one of the most powerful financing minds in the world revealing the main causes of the current crisis and proposes regulation as the measure to solve it.

Tu peso ideal y IMC

Price: Free Platform: iOS, Android

Res no s’oposa a la nit from Delphine de Vigan (Ed. 62, 19,90 €) is a splendid and impressive family chronicle, but also a reflection on the “truth” about different versions of one same story.


Comics’ fans Gympact

¿Eres mi madre? (Ed. Mondadori, 19,90 €) from Alison Bechdel describes her relationship with her mother, a voracious reader, music fan, amateur actress but unhappy because of the homosexuality of her husband.

Price: Free Platform: iOS

This app measures in few easy steps you ideal weight. It works to calculate your body mass index and helps you to keep your ideal weight accessing to different diets… The pro version provides you graphs in order to compare your evolution with time.

The fall season is related with maturity. Following this idea, we choose our readings.

Mobile applications to do sport, to eat healthy, to be in shape and to watch out your weight.

W W W. D i R . C A T 5 1


Brand new stroller every day! /

This is the philosophy of the firm Fun*das bcn, a brand created to dress and protect baby strollers and seats. A fast way to renew the stroller, easy to wash and with a modern design.

A completely eco restaurant

BODEGAS DEVINSSI Les Valls, 14, 43737 Gratallops, Tarragona

Il.lia D.O.Q. Priorat red wine With an intense cherry red color, brilliant and attractive, the aromatic complexity and depth make this a seductive wine. Black fruits stand out, ripe plums, cherries and evocative notes of violet candy. A balanced wine, well structured, fleshy, unctuous and broad.


NONONO Passatge Lluís Pellicer, 12 93 444 99 01

The first 100% organic restaurant in Catalonia is called NONONO, with a great quality cuisine at a great price. There are menus that start from 12, 14 and 16 Euros, and where each week the best products and combinations are sought after. The leaders of this project are the renowned chef Isma Prados and a group of farmers and horticulturists.

A blog to say: “I do” Sonia is the alma mater of the “El blog de Twin”, capable of organizing a party, a bridal shower or a wedding in a heartbeat. She loves to decorate with handmade things and she customizes every event to the max. Discover all wonderful things she achieves visiting the official website at

The winter has arrived!


2 3

Blauer and CP Company are two clothing brands that will cover you with a fashion style this season. These are three of their offers that they have sent us for you so you can check that clothes’ functionality should not be an enemy of good taste and style. 1. Sweater for men by BLAUER, with winter buttons and motifs. 2. Yes, with BLAUER, a woman can be fashion and wear a cotton pullover. 3. You would barely find a more original jacket for this winter, by CP COMPANY.

What does inner peace smell like? Amouage launches INTERLUDE, a new fragrance inspired in the rest, a time for reflection and inner harmony. The reinvention of incense and myrrh endow the perfume of a contemporary and sophisticated aroma.

W W W. D i R . C A T 5 3



I l· L U S T R A C I Ó i tex t ALBERT TORNER

DiR world

Your loyalty gets you a discount Are you one of the members that never miss a class and that cannot stand not going to DiR for over two days? As we love that you enjoy our services and our installations, we want to reward you for being a loyal client. And that is not just something to be said, we will grant you a discount proportional to the years of your membership and we will apply succulent discounts to your consumption of our services! W W W. D i R . C A T 5 5


DiR at the Garmin Barcelona Triathlon DiR was present, once again, at the new edition of the Garmin Triathlon, with a ViP team of technicians and a stand at the finish line where massages and information about DiR were offered.

on the bike, the journalist Cristina Puig running; and the journalist Llucià Ferrer swimming. Everyone coincided that the experience had been unique given the atmosphere of encouraging crowds during the competition. The triathlete Javier Montesinos, who was part of the team, ended 6th on the olympic category with a time of 2 h 9 min. 5 sec. The DiR technical team, consisting of Angelo Monetta, Andrés Montalti and Jordi Vázquez, eneded in 7th place in the Olympic relay category. Once again, DiR built a ViP team, in which the actor Santi Millán, a former participant, was very happy to participate in his second Garmin Triathlon. He recognized 56 DiR MAGAZINE

that he noticed that “the effort from15 days ago of doing the half ironman from Menorca”. The actor did not lose his sense of humor for a moment and he attended to the dozens of fans that wanted to be photographed next to him. Other people that were part of the relay team were the entrepreneurial man Pau Garcia-Milà

Success of the Olympic boxing masterclass

DiR delivers fitness equipment to the body of the Mossos d’Esquadra As a new act of Fundació DiR to collaborate with Catalonian institutions.

DiR has delivered fitness equipment for the central complex of the Mossos d’Esquadra at Sabadell. This cession was made official on an institutional visit to the installation of the neuralgic center of the Catalonian police. In this sense, the founder and general director of Dir, Ramon Canela, was joined during the visit by the general director of the body of Mossos d’Esquadra, Manel Prat; the chief commissioner Josep Milan; the commissioners David Piqué and Josep Maria Capell and the secretary of the Club Esportiu of the Mossos, Xavier Amigó.

Four Olympic boxing experts inaugurated the new ring at Dir Campus with a very special session. The personal trainer at DiR and two times Spanish amateur champion, Isaac Real ‘Chaca’; the Spanish boxing champion, Karim Ouzhagari ‘Diablo’; the double professional champion, Julián Giner ‘the rock’; and the professional boxer, Abigail Medina, performed a boxing exhibition in front of a group of around fifty students, that could climb into the new boxing ring to practice with their idols.

Ready for the new season of DiR Singles&Friends? Be attentive to the DiR Single&Friends portal because the new season of dinners, meetings and many surprises is just starting. If you still have not tried the brunch, we invite you, on the 18th of November to come with us to one of the best places to try the benedict style eggs, the pancakes and the tortillas rancheras; so get your stomach ready! If you prefer wine, we will be trying a pairing of wine and cheeses in Moscarela, and if you are of the persons that do not miss a Barça match (neither do we), do not worry because we will watch all the Champions league matches in the best places. Additionally, you could enjoy free entry tickets to the movies and many more surprises. We are waiting for you! W W W. D i R . C A T 5 7

D I R W O R L D I D i R F O U N D AT I O N

Gemma Mengual at the homage to the DiR +90 members To commemorate the International Day of the Third Age people, DiR Maragall hosted for consecutive year the homage to the DiR members that have turned 90 years old, making this year, 2012, a total of ten birthdays. DiR Foundation (Fundació DiR) celebrated an event attended by over 150 DiR senior members, in where 25 of them are already over 90 years old. Gemma Mengual imparted an aquagym class for over fifty people of over 75 years, and the technician Toni Giménez lead a dance session and tai-chi exhibition. The most veteran members of DiR, of 98 years, Clementina Bozzo y Concepció Salanova, were honored. Ten DiR members have turned 90 this 2012. Jessica Expósito was the master of ceremonies of this event. The Olympic champion, Gemma Mengual; the president of Fundació DiR, Marta Ferrusola; and the founder and general director of DiR, Ramon Canela, who chaired the homage, praised the vitality of all attendees thanking them for the many years they have exercised at DiR.

DiR and the Spanish Association against Cancer with the Cursa de la Dona The DiR instructor and creator of the XMove program, Jessica Expósito, is the main character of the Cursa de la Dona against breast cancer Flash Mob. Expósito explains the XMOVE steps that all women have to learn to dance after the Cursa de la Dona occurred the 28th of October. DiR will also feature the Spanish national synchronized swimming teammates Andrea Fuentes and Ona Carbonell, as well as the Blogger Xènia Alonso, Barcelonette; and the actresses Elsa Anka and Lidia Torrent to support this noble cause on the day of Cursa de la Dona. 58 DiR MAGAZINE

DiR collaborates with thel “Gran Recapte d’Aliments” (Great food rescue)

Fundació DiR will collaborate one more year with the Gran Recapte of the Banc d’Aliments on the 30th of November and 1st of December. DiR challenge is to obtain a ton of food products via on-line donations. Each euro is equivalent to a kilo of food. DiR members will be able to make contributions staring at 2 Euros through the link

On-line news DiR Mobile We are developing a web page for mobile devices. In this way, you can check the schedules online and register yourself from any mobile device or tablet. As we explained last month, to arrange and manage all your services in DiR, such as the checking and paying of your receipts, the reservation of particular activities and sessions, the edition of your member profile, checking the schedules and clubs according to your membership, requesting special facilities, like a small locker, and the controlling of your monthly attendance, among other things. You just have to log in the direct link DiR continues to innovate and makes the enrolling system in DiR easier via web, without going to the club. Moreover, we have added two entry terminals at Tuset DiR and Diagonal DiR, so you sign up to DiR saving time and benefit from the special enrollment conditions. In addition, you will be close to the reception so you can collect your DiR card and start enjoying DiR services immediately.

DiR Blogs Within the members’ community of DiR, there are very different interests. That is why we have created 4 specialized blogs on triathlon, nutrition, yoga and general information about DiR. Enroll now!

aDVaNtageS FoR Dir memBerS




here your will ďŹ nd discounts and special offers for being a DiR member. Check further offers at:

discount For all DiR members. Present your membership card at the counter. more info at: W W W. D i R . C A T 6 51 9


Subscriptions to swim in the pool at Diagonal DiR

If you want to enjoy the largest DiR pool with your whole family, we offer our new members subscriptions for their children below 12 years to assist on the weekends and on holidays The Diagonal DiR pool has two 50-meter lanes and twelve 25 meter lanes. A real oasis in the middle of the city’s rhythm, with lawn and lounge beds, SPA zone, upstream swimming and wide dressing room for the users.

150 people dance with Jessica Expósito at the Turó Park More than 150 people participated on the XMove master class lead by Jessica Expósito, to celebrate the hundredth anniversary of the Turó Park.

This activity was celebrated in the sport month with aims to celebrate the Turó Park’s centenary anniversary. Among the guest attendees to this event were the municipal counselor Pati Laïlla; the Sarrià-Sant Gervasi district manager, Carles Ezquerra; and the model and actress Elsa Anka. DiR supported the centenary of Turó Park, a historic landmark and emblematic place for the citizens of Barcelona. Since its beginning, this park has been linked to the promotion of sport activities.

Marcel Zamora at Tuset DiR

As a result of the agreement between DiR and La Casa del Libro with the objective to join the sport and culture worlds, the tri-athlete Marcel Zamora was the star of a colloquium occurred at Tuset DiR that was attended by more than 30 members who wanted to hear about his experiences and had the opportunity to run next to him. After signing several copies of his book Qui vol una vida millor! (Deu i Onze Edicions), Zamora conducted a running routine exercise on the DiR Diagonal circuit with the group Run with Us from DiR. 60 DiR MAGAZINE

DiR on Smartbox and Plan B

Give as presents to your family and friends some of the wellness services, water zones services or personal trainings at DiR. Now DiR is featured on the Smartbox packs ‘Goodbye stress’, ‘Relax’ or ‘Spa for two’, and you could also find them on the Plan B packs. So that everyone can give DiR experiences.

Come to the new DiR Club Hispà



FUNCTIONS To advise our clients on the various goals to achieve · To perform individual sessions. REQUIREMENTS Bachelor of Science in physical activity and sports, to be accredited in physical activities or enabled to perform tasks as personal trainer · Relevant experience as personal trainer · Communication skills and easygoing.


FUNCTIONS To advise clients on different goals and objectives that they want to achieve and perform individual sessions. REQUIREMENTS Bachelor in CAFE or CFGS in physical activities or be credited or enabled to perform the shores of a personal trainer · Pilates machine courses · Experience as a technician or Pilates personal trainer · Communications skills and easygoing · Customer oriented.


REQUIREMENTS Bachelor of Science in physical activity and sports, CFGS in physical activities or be credited or enabled to perform tasks as personal trainer · Relevant experience on: aerobics, cycling, indoor cycling, step, TBC, stretching and toning. If you not have the technical experience, at the DiR Akdmia we will train you to offer your first work opportunity.

ESTHETICIAN (REF. EST) Position depends on the center’s director, will be responsible for the tasks of an esthetician / chiropractor. FUNCTIONS to perform beauty treatments, such as waxing, manicures, pedicures, skin diagnosis, facial and body treatments, etc. · Attract and build customer loyalty for the wellness services · Support DiRzen management. REQUIREMENTS CFGM or CFGS in cosmetic and chiropractor training · Experience in the above mentioned functions · Commercial skills. OUR OFFER Part-time evenings · Fixed salary + variable + free use of facilities.

COMMERCIAL AREA (REF. SA) If you want to get to know all the innovations of the DiR Club Hispà come to visit the new fitness lounge, the Saibò, the new boxing ring and the new targeted activity lounge. In addition to the pool, SpinDiR, pádel, table tennis, personal trainers, physiotherapy and osteopathy, and many more services. We have more of 7.500 m2 in services at your disposition. And if you enroll now you will have special conditions.

FUNCTIONS Serving current and potential clients, providing all kinds of info on the centers and selling products and services. REQUIREMENTS Sales or customer service experience · Age between 18 and 35 · Essential oral and written Catalan. OUR OFFER Training by the company · Promotion possibilities · Chance to work continuous mornings, afternoons or just weekends.

To all interested candidates, please send your CV with an updated photo, indicating references and expected salary to, or via post to the address calle Indústria, 90-92, entl. 6ª, 08025 Barcelona.

W W W. D i R . C A T 6 1

cluB preStige Actionists, Bondholders, and Prestige members you are inviteD to Watch the theatre play “noieS De calenDari” (calenDar’S girlS) The theatrical version of Noies de calendari is based on an uplifting true story, approached on an emotional but fun way. Noies de calendari makes you laugh, makes you cry… is one of those shows that makes you feel better about life and allows you to have a great time in the theater. A group of extraordinary women, members of a women’s association on a small Yorkshire village, provoke a global phenomenon when they convince each another to create a different charity calendar…


he rest of the clients enjoy a 20% discount to any function by presenting their DiR membership card. Teatre Poliorama · C/Rambla dels Estudis, 115 · ·

We have 1.000 invitations for fènix 11*23 and other 436 for the play “les noies del calendar” that will be distributed among all club prestige members up to stocks last. (actionists, Bondholders and Prestige’s members) call 902 93 25 25 staring in

We invite you to the watch the film Fènix 11·23 The autumn of 2004, Èric Bertran, a 14-year-old boy, creates a web inspired on Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix to defend the Catalan language. One night, thirty civil guards of the Madrid antiterrorist brigade burst into his house and accuse him of being a cyber terrorist. His crime: to send an email to a chain of supermarkets asking for labels in Catalan language. Do not miss this move directed by Joel Joan and Sergi Lara and starring Nil Cardoner (Polseres Vermelles), Rosa Gàmiz, Àlex Casanovas, Lluís Villanueva, Roberto Álamo and Ana Wagener.

Cinemes Girona · c/ Girona, 173

November 13th from 10:00 hours. You are only allow to make one reservation per call. You can choose one of two options for this month. Please indicate your preference when you call.Victòria · Avinguda del Paral·lel, 67 · · Teatre


Miriam Portillo is the director of the CRIC Management Department since 2007. She manages Human Resources working specially to motivate the employees and serving as liaison with other members of the company. Additionally, she is part of the management committee.


CRIC, a model company How would you introduce CRIC to the public? CRiC is a private research center funded in 1997, consisting of a team of over 50 highly qualified professionals who conduct applied research and technological development services and provides technical and scientific solutions to the businesses. Is CRIC a company concerned in promoting health among their employees? Excellence is the basis of CRiC’s culture, and its staff is the most valuable asset. CRiC aims to be a healthy business model. As part of its health and wellness program, CRiC goes further than just trying to accomplish all legal requirements existent in terms of health and security and offers a set of social benefits for its employees. in order to ease the adoption of healthy habits, CRiC incorporates physical activity programs tailored to the work environment, and lead its employees to exercise regularly, both within and outside the company. What activities do you carry out? Examples of these activities include ping-pong and football table games placed at our canteen, where our workers can get rid of the stress of the day at the end of their working day or after lunch. Tournaments are often organized outside working hours, which not only contribute to the health of employees, but also to their social life, fostering an excellent work environment based on trust. Outside the offices, there are weekly football or padel matches organized. Every now and then they combine other sports, like tennis, basketball or beach volleyball. But, without any doubt, what helps CRiC the most to promote exercise is to be part of DiR’s Business program. For how long there has been an alliance relationship between CRIC and DiR? For over 6 years, CRiC pays 100% of the fee for workers who want to join DiR Business program, which provides access to any of their centers at any time to enjoy the sport activity they like. 64 DiR MAGAZINE

“CRIC incorporates physical activity programs tailored to the work environment” How many employees benefit from this DiR program? How has the reaction of the employees been? Over half the employees are enrolled at one of the different programs at DiR clubs. its one of the most valued benefit, not only because they can enjoy it individually but also collectively. Many employees, after a working day, go to the gym together. The fact that there are different DiR clubs in Barcelona contributes to the work sport balance of the workers. Both, CRiC and all its employees fully rely on the quality of the services and DiR centers. What other initiatives have been developed in CRIC to help promoting health to employees and to help reconciling personal and professional life? CRiC offers its employees a private health contract so they can enjoy optimal health. it is also firmly committed to flexible hours and conciliation, and it even offers the possibility of practicing home office. in addition, in its canteens free drinks and basic meals are provided, so that its employees not only enjoy physical activity and well being, but also optimal nutrition.

DiR Empreses inquire about the new Quotes E y U so your company subsidizes a percentage of the employee quote. Find out on 902 10 1979 · 931 93 2130 dirempreses@dir. cat ·


Hip-Hop workshop at DiR Castillejos

Celtic-Barça with DiR Single&Friends

r e b m e v No Spartak-Barça

going out Cycling with us, roadway

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Brunch DiR Single&Friends



going out Cycling with us Btt Pairing 5+5

Run with Us, carretera aigües (roadway). from 10 to 11 h.

Come to watch the Barça team with DiR Single&Friends Are you a Barça fan? Would you like to watch the football matches on a big screen? Come with your friends to watch the Barça Champions League matches with DiR. The next one is on the 7th, Celtic vs. Barça, we will provide more details sooner at

Hip-hop workshop

Try the next hip-hop workshop at DiR Club Hispà on the 10th of November from 11:00 to 12.30hours. The price for members is 8 Euros and for non-members 10 Euros. W W W. D i R . C A T 6 5


The PROFESSIONALS of the month








Specialty: PT FITNESS


Education: Diploma in human nutrition and dietetics from the University Ramon Llull, diabetes education specialist at FUNIBER, nutritional coach at Nutritional Coaching.

Education: Graduated Degree related to Sciences on Physical Activities and Sport.

Education: Anef & Fead, Escuela DiR and currently Osteopathy Doctor by IIOA.

He likes to do as DJ, to be with friends and family, and for more than 15 years David has been working as a technician at DiR. During this time he has taught almost all kind of leaded activities. “I think I know how to encourage people. The key of being a good fitness technician is to have communications skills”, says the fan of all kind of sports that can be practiced on the mountains. When we asked him which is his greatest virtue, David was clear: “I try to make connection with all types of people in each session. I try to keep both, a group and individual relationship… to know and learn small details about each of the clients and to try keeping a daily track”. To him, teaching a good class requires having the clear objective of the session in order to attract the attention of the participants and to follow security and efficiency rules.

“The most important thing to follow a balanced diet is to eat as varied as possible and to distribute food meals throughout the day (every 3-4 hours), having in mind the nutritional content of the food”, this is one of the fundamental principles for Elisabet, 26 year old nutritionist. This young woman from Barcelona that is curious and a trip fan believes that nowadays there are committed too many dietary mistakes, especially when someone is interested in losing weight. She explains: “Many people believe that eliminating certain food from their daily meals, eating less quantities or skipping meals in the day will result in making them thinner; but that is not true”. To become a good nutritional trainer, one must adapt the role positions of the customers in order to understand them: “This is essential in order to achieve the expected results“.

Javier is 35 years old and what defines him as a personal fitness trainer is: “all terrain”, because after working eight years as a trainer, he teaches functional training, as well as hypertrophy, other leaded activities, hypopressive exercises or Pilates. Javier says: “Passion and commitment are key elements to enjoy work; the attitude and desire to help are basic ingredients to work better every day. The first thing that I ask a new client is what can I help him with because there is no other clearer way to tell them that I am there for whatever they need”. If someone wants to get in shape, take note of the magic formula of this Personal Trainer born in Ciudad Real, fan of the music and the cinema, and a former handball player. He declares: “Commitment and perseverance. If you have that, everything else is easy”. 66 DiR MAGAZINE

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