Clubs WA Service Bulletin - March 2016

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The Voice of the Club Community






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ADMINISTRATION MANAGER Linda Soerianto MARKETING & COMMUNICATIONS OFFICER Holly Hazel ACCOUNTS ADMINISTRATOR Michelle Hall BUSINESS SUPPORT OFFICER Juanita MacDonald TRAINING ADMINISTRATOR & RECEPTIONIST Bella Johnstone AWARDS EVENT CONSULTANT Sandra Azavedo A huge thank you to our amazing Interns who worked on this issue of the Service Bulletin. Western Australia’s club sector is nothing without volunteers, and the time and effort you continuously put into our organisation is hugely appreciated. GRAPHIC DESIGN INTERN Jared Gunthorpe MARKETING INTERN Olivia Poller For more information on anything printed in this issue of the Service Bulletin, please call 1300 640 616. For more great tips and stories visit

State Council


Please address emails for State Councillors to

A Message From Clubs WA CEO

Karen Giles

Dear Member, By now you should have received our updates regarding the new Associations Incorporation Act, which will become effective on 1st July 2016. A reminder then that if your club is incorporated - you MUST make amendments to your club constitution before 1st July 2019. An easy way to determine if your club is incorporated is to visit: Please contact our team if you require assistance with this. Clubs WA is working closely with the Department of Commerce to create model rules specifically for clubs to use when updating your constitution. However as we are still waiting on the regulations to be developed, the template will not be ready until at least April this year. What does this mean for your club? If you are hoping to make changes to your constitution to be operational now, we recommend using the existing template on the Members Only section of the website. However, please note that the Department of Racing, Gaming and Liquor (RGL) must review your constitution first, and this can take up to two months. Once approved by RGL, your members, and then Commerce, your new constitution will take effect and will need to updated again after 1st July. Realistically, if you are aiming to have changes made before the new Act then you should start your process now. Please refer to the process for changing your club constitution on our website for more information. Clubs requiring a change as soon as the new Act comes into force are advised to await our draft template and email us at to be placed on an email list to receive a copy of this as soon as it is available. This template will also be posted on the website when completed. Clubs in no rush to change your constitution can take up to the 1st July 2019 deadline. Bear in mind that you will need to start the process by 1st January 2019 in order to have RGL and then your members at an AGM/SGM accept the changes (with 75% majority). Please note that during this ‘transition’ time, the accounting and financial

reporting requirements will apply from the first financial year of a club that commences on or after 1st July 2016. In addition, if your club is silent on rules that are specified in the new Act (for example, dispute mediation) then the Commerce model rules WILL apply. For more information on the new Act, please refer to the article within this issue of the Service Bulletin, the combined Dec 2015/Jan 2016 issue which is available on our website, or by contacting our office on 1300 640 616. What does the new Act mean for Committee Members? There will be an increased amount of fines for committee members breaching the new Act. Clubs WA has worked hard to prevent mandatory training for our club committee representatives, however there is a growing number of clubs struggling as a result of accidental and unfortunately at times deliberate mismanagement. I implore you to keep abreast of your requirements as a committee member or club manager by taking part in our club specific Good Governance Course, either online or classroom style. With Clubs WA members now receiving 50% off our training courses, it has never been a better time to buy some peace of mind! Participating in our Awards for Excellence also provides your club with an opportunity to implement good governance procedures. I would like to thank all our clubs that have supported and benefited from this program. It is the one time of the year that all clubs, no matter what size or type, come together to celebrate our industry. It is also a great opportunity to engage your members through our Members Choice competition. Inside your Service Bulletin is an A4 poster to put up on your club notice board to encourage your members to get imaginative and nominate your club for this highly contested award. We accept all nominations and the most creative entry wins! Best wishes, Karen 3

NEWS IN BRIEF Presidents Round Table Discussion Thursday 28th April, 6pm - 8pm [Perth] Club Presidents are invited to attend this casual meeting with Clubs WA staff and President Wally Maker to discuss matters affecting clubs. This will be a great opportunity for Presidents to network with each other, and compare case studies. We encourage attending Presidents to participate in this casual exchange by offering up issues that they’ve experienced in their own club, and by participating in the casual discussion. The full 2016 Clubs WA Workshop calendar can be found on page 13. If you would like to register your interest in any of the 2016 workshops please contact Holly Hazel on or 1300 640 616.

Treasurers – Are You being Cheated On? Clubs WA’s second workshop for the year was held on Tuesday 1st March for Club Treasurers and Bookkeepers and was presented by Clubs WA Industry Supporter, Natalie Mills from Mills & Associates. Natalie presented on a range of topics including: common types of NFP fraud (such as payments to fictitious employees, unauthorised raises, theft of bar stock, theft from till, and non-submission of tax); how to identify the first warnings; safeguards you can implement; and duties as a Club Treasurer. We understand that many clubbies wouldn’t have been able to make it to this workshop in Perth, so the workshop has been professionally filmed, and will be available for purchase soon. Please contact Holly Hazel on 1300 640 616 or if you are interested in accessing this video.

FUNDING - Community Chest fund The Community Chest Fund (CCF) is a Royalties for Regions small grants program, administered by each of the nine Regional Development Commissions (RDCs). The CCF comprises one-off grants of up to and including $50,000 to support small, local demand driven community projects throughout the year. Each RDC will have $556,000 in 2016 to fund CCF projects. Please contact your local Regional Development Commission for CCF closing dates.

Keep those nominations coming! Nominations are now open for the 2016 Awards for Excellence, which will take place on Saturday 11th June 2016 at Crown Perth. Contact Sandra Azavedo on 1300 640 616 or to start your club’s nomination process. More information is also available on the Events section of our website. Don’t miss out on this fantastic occasion to celebrate with your industry at this special 10th Anniversary event!

FUNDING - Equipment Subsidy Scheme Eligible sporting clubs have the opportunity to apply for a one-off $500 subsidy towards shared equipment. Announced as an election commitment by the State Government, the Supporting Community Sport initiative features the $1 million Community Sporting Club Equipment Subsidy Scheme and the $1 million Athlete Travel Subsidy Scheme. Funded by the State Government’s Royalties for Regions program, the Club Equipment Subsidy is delivered by the Department of Sport and Recreation (DSR) through the Department’s nine regional offices. Clubs will be able to apply directly online for this grant. 2016 application dates are opening soon - check the DSR website for more info.

New Award Category - Inspiration Award Clubs WA is very excited to add a new award category to the Clubs WA Awards for Excellence program. The Inspiration Award recognises and honours a member or members of the community who have inspired their club through overcoming a personal challenge, or performed an inspirational act in 2015. The chosen finalists and winner will be recognised at our annual awards gala on Saturday 11th June 2016 at Crown Perth.

FUNDING - Youth Engagement Scheme The Youth Engagement Scheme will enable organisations to target ‘at risk’ youth by assisting them to connect with their communities through various sport and recreation activities within a safe environment. The aim is to increase participation in physical activity and offer volunteer and leadership opportunities to increase capability, build resilience and sustainability. Projects must commence by the 20th of March. For queries about eligibility or details when applying for this grant, contact the Department of Sport and Recreation on 08 9492 9700 or email

FUNDING - Health Promotion Sponsorship The Health Sponsorship Program is a strategy to achieve Healthway’s vision of a healthy Western Australia. By working with organisations in arts, community events and sports Healthway has an opportunity to change behaviour and environments to improve wellbeing. There are three Healthway sponsorship categories being, under $5,000; $5,000 - $50,000; and over $50,000. Email for more info.

Wheatbelt & Goldfields Regional Meetings Clubs WA CEO Karen Giles recently toured the Great Southern, Esperance and Central Country zones to meet local clubs to discuss local issues. It has been fantastic to see such great turnouts at these events, and Karen has loved the chance to visit many of your clubs. The next Regional Meetings will be held in Kalgoorlie for the Goldfields region, and in Merredin for the Central Wheatbelt in mid-April. Karen will be discussing issues such as liquor licensing and changes to the Associations Incorporation Act. If you would like to attend one of these informal meetings, please contact Holly Hazel on 1300 640 616 or

FUNDING - Regional Grants Scheme The Regional Grants Scheme (RGS) is a Royalties for Regions (RFR) initiative, administered by each of the nine Regional Development Commissions (RDC). This Scheme seeks to improve economic and community infrastructure and services in regional Western Australia by helping to help attract investment, increase job opportunities and assist in improving the quality of life in the regions. The RGS is a contestable funding round with grants available from $50,000 to $300,000. Each RDC has $1.67 million in 2016 to fund RGS projects.

Book your Awards for Excellence Tickets Register your interest to book tickets for the Clubs WA 2016 Awards for Excellence gala event, to be held at Crown Perth on Saturday 11th June 2016. Email Sandra Azavedo on to book your club a table at this prestigious industry event.

Searching for WA’s Best Club Sandwich Have you heard about the new Clubs WA 2016 Awards for Excellence category: BEST CLUB SANDWICH?! This brand new category aims to find WA’s Best Club Sandwich, and is open to your Club’s cook, staff and volunteers. Nominees will be put to the test, with their skills and creativity challenged and will be assessed based on presentation, taste and skill relevant to experience level. Qualified Chefs are not eligible to compete in this competition, however we invite them to participate in our Best Club Chef Competition. Does your club make WA’s tastiest club sandwich? Email Sandra Azavedo at to begin your nomination process. Nominations close 5pm Friday 8th April.

Northern Wheatbelt Workshops Clubs WA will be heading to Moora on Monday 4th April to hold two workshops for the northern Wheatbelt region. Clubs WA members are invited to register for either the Customer Service workshop or the Good Governance workshop, which will be on Monday afternoon at the Moora Club. At the completition of the workshop attendees will be invited to join Clubs WA State Council and staff for a casual sundowner, where Clubs WA CEO Karen Giles will discuss compliance. More information about this event will sent out in our upcoming weekly Clubs WA E-News. To register your interest, please contact Holly Hazel on 1300 640 616 or

Applications for the RGS opened Monday 11th January 2016 and they must be received by the relevant RDC before 4:30pm on Thursday 17th March 2016.


Upcoming Workshops Northern Regions The Clubs WA team will be heading to Moora on Monday 4th April as part of our 2016 regional tour. We invite clubs in the northern regions, including Central Coast, Central Midlands, Avon and Northern Wheatbelt to join us for a workshop and a casual sundowner with Clubs WA staff and State Council.

Venue Date Time

The Moora Club, Moora Monday 4 April, 2016 1pm - 4pm || WORKSHOPS From 4pm || SUNDOWNER 6.30pm Cost TBC - $49.50 per person Inclusions Your choice of one of two workshops; light nibbles; and an informal regional meeting Optional Dinner and beverages will be available for purchase from 6.30pm Workshop 1 - Customer Service & Conflict Resolution This course would benefit anyone in your club who regularly deals with members and customers. The workshop will cover customer service skills, telephone skills, how to manage complaints, effective communication and conflict resolution. This course will give you a new skill set to better manage customers, and help you develop the skills you already have. The workshop will be presented by Clubs WA Operations Manager Bob Shanks.

Workshop 1 - Good Governance for your Club Workshop Good Governance is the newest training course designed by Clubs WA specifically for member clubs. By engaging in effective corporate governance, management committees help ensure the strategic long-term financial viability of their club. Corporate governance generally refers to the way an organisation is managed. It encompasses authority, accountability, stewardship, leadership, direction and control exercised in the organisation. This training course has been developed to assist the management committees of licensed clubs within Western Australia in the governance of their clubs, and highlights management under both the Associations Incorporation Act 1987 and the Liquor Control Act 1988. The workshops will run at the same time, and clubs are invited to attend the one most relevant to them. You may like to send a club representive to each, if this suits you. Following the workshops, a casual sundowner hosted by Clubs WA President Wally Maker and CEO Karen Giles will be held from 4pm. They will discuss changes to the Associations Incorporation Act and how this will affect your club; tourist membership; and local liquor compliance. Clubs are encouraged to raise their own questions as well. An optional dinner will be served at 6.30pm at the club, and drinks will be available for purchase from the bar. We look forward to seeing clubs from the northern regions, and discussing the issues that affect you the most!


Best Club Chef Masterclass

with Ben O’Donoghue - Inspiring Excellence Olivia Poller It is with great excitement that Clubs WA announces that in partnership with our sponsor, Stoddart, the 2015 Awards for Excellence Best Club Chef contestants will be treated to an unforgettable Chef’s Masterclass with Australian Celebrity Chef Ben O’Donoghue. Having worked overseas in high-end restaurants including London’s River Café, O’Donoghue has made a successful status not only as a chef, but a television presenter, author and brand ambassador, working alongside other well-known Chefs such as Oliver Peyton, Curtis Stone and Jamie Oliver. For Ben, cooking is a passion, believing it should be simple, unique and culturally correct, something to appreciate with family, friends and lots of laughs. The Masterclass will be held on Wednesday 20th April, with last year’s contestants having the opportunity to learn the art of Ben’s signature dish and share a scrumptious light lunch. Pictured: Ben O’Donoghue

2016 Awards for Excellence The Clubs WA 2016 Awards for Excellence is the most prestigious evening for the club industry, and aims to recognise outstanding performance and management of clubs within its network across Western Australia. Now in its 10th year, the 2016 Awards for Excellence, will be held on Saturday 11th June 2016 at Crown Perth, and is anticipated to be the biggest yet, with more than 450 guests and nominees from Western Australia’s most respected and innovative clubs attending. Best Club Chef Competition For the second year running, Clubs WA together with the official event partner, Stoddart and event sponsors, Bidvest, Classic Meats, and Bell-Vista, will proudly present an exclusive Clubs WA member only chef challenge. The Best Club Chef Competition will be held across two sessions (dependent on numbers) on Tuesday 3rd May and will aim to be the Best Club Chef in Western Australia through a mystery box challenge. Participants will be put to the test, and their skills and creativity challenged by a qualified and experienced panel of judges. More than one Chef from each club is able to participate, and all contestants will be required to present proof of qualification.

Best Club Sandwich Competition In 2016 we are excited to announce the addition of a ‘Best Club Sandwich Competition’ to our Awards program. This competition will be held on Wednesday 4th May in Osborne Park, with multiple sessions available throughout the day, depending on the number of contestants. This competition is open to all Club cooks, staff and volunteers and aims to find the tastiest Club Sandwich. The sandwich does not have to be one from your current club menu and working with the ingredients supplied by our event sponsors, you can be as creative as you like. The aim of this challenge is to celebrate the delicious institution that is the club sandwich and raise awareness of the amazing food that can be found in clubs. Qualified Chefs are not eligible to compete in this competition, however we invite them to participate in our Best Club Chef Competition.

The Awards for Excellence program, and the Best Club Chef competition receives great media coverage, and is a way for us to help raise awareness of the services (including great food) that clubs provide to the WA community. Clubs WA looks forward to welcoming your club to nominate and participate in both of these unique competitions. For more information on these competitions and how to nominate your club representative, please contact Sandra Azavedo on 1300 640 616 or Winners for both competitions will be announced at the Clubs WA 2016 Awards for Excellence on Saturday 11th June 2016 at Crown Perth.


Awards 10th Anniversary We’re excited to announce that the theme for this year’s Awards for Excellence is 1920s Great Gatsby! This theme was especially chosen to pay tribute to the very first Clubs WA Awards night that recognised Club achievements, as the theme was also 1920s. We encourage clubs to nominate your club, staff, volunteers and members in this special year and celebrate with us as we mark our 10th anniversary. The 2015 Awards were a spectacular event, with more than 470 people from the club industry decked out in a mixture of black and white to celebrate club and industry achievements. The event sold out, with a few people unfortunately missing out on tickets, and we expect this special anniversary event to be even bigger.

Join us for this special anniversary event The Awards for Excellence recognise excellence in the WA club industry and celebrate the tireless efforts of management committees, managers, volunteers and staff. The Awards provide an excellent opportunity to recognise the critical role community clubs play in delivering services to the community and members. We strongly encourage you to nominate your club, team, members and volunteers and showcase your achievements and contributions to the sector. Nominations for the 2016 Clubs WA Awards for Excellence close Friday 8th April and we invite you to join us for this milestone event.

Keep those nominations coming! Nominations are now open for the 2016 Awards for Excellence, which will take place on Saturday 11th June 2016 at Crown Perth. Contact our Awards coordinator, Sandra Azavedo on 1300 640 616 or to start your club’s nomination process. More information is also available on the Events section of our website. Don’t miss out on this fantastic occasion to celebrate with your industry at this special 10th Anniversary event.

2016 Award Categories • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

100 Year Celebration (clubs who have turned 100) Members Choice Club of the Year Best Club Function Facility (Small, Medium & Large) Best ClubTAB Best Club Chef Comp (Held May 3rd) Best Club Sandwich Comp - NEW! (Held May 4th) Best Club Members Event (Small, Medium & Large) Best Club Media Story of the Year Best Product Supplier of the Year Employee of the Year Amateur Sportsperson of the Year Junior Amateur Sportsperson of the Year Amateur Sports Team of the Year Clubs in the Community - Special Projects Clubs in the Community - Community Partnerships Volunteer Contribution Award Lifetime Contribution to Volunteering Award Inspiration Award - NEW! Club of the Year (Small, Medium & Large Categories)

New Associations Incorporation Act What changes will you need to make? Changes to make as soon as the new Associations Incorporation Act commences 1. Notify the Department of Commerce of your club’s address All incorporated clubs will be required to provide the Department of Commerce with details of their current address by 29 September 2016, particularly those that have moved premises since they incorporated. Commerce request that all clubs update their details via their website Associations Online. 2. Check the eligibility requirements for members to be on the committee The Act has new requirements to ensure only suitable people are responsible for running an incorporated association. Undischarged bankrupts and those with certain criminal convictions will be disqualified for a period of time from acting as members of the management committee unless they have been approved by the Commissioner for Consumer Protection. It will be important to ensure that all members of the committee are eligible under the new law to hold their positions. 3. Give all new members a copy of the constitution when they join the association It will be a requirement of the new Act that each new member of the club be given a copy of the club rules when they join. Members may also ask the association to provide them with a copy of the rules (free of charge) at any time during their membership. It will be acceptable for clubs to email copies of the rules to the members or direct members to obtain a copy from their website.

4. Prepare accounts that comply with the requirements of the association’s financial reporting tier The Act includes new requirements for financial reporting by associations. • Tier 1 = less than $250,000 (minimum requirement – financial statements) • Tier 2 = $250,000 to $1 million (minimum requirement – financial statements independently reviewed and submit a copy of the reviewer’s report to the members at the Annual General Meeting). • Tier 3 = over $1 million (minimum requirement – financial statements independently audited and submit a copy of the auditor’s report to the members at the Annual General Meeting). 5. Start considering what changes to your constitution will be required The requirements of the new law will mean that you will need to amend your constitution by 1st July 2019. Use this time to consider what other amendments your club might like to add to the Clubs WA template*. 6. Keep up to Date with Clubs WA Correspondence and the Clubs WA Website for more information on the new Act There are other changes to governance practices included in the Act that clubs will need to address, such as the member register and new requirements for managing committee member interests in decisions. All committee members will have an obligation to make themselves aware of the general requirements under the new Act. * Clubs WA will keep member clubs up to date on the changes required and are currently working with the Department of Commerce for model rules specific for our clubs.


clubs wa

Members get 50% off

On all online training courses through our training website HAT

Liquor - RSA & Approved Manager Training Food Safety - Food Handler & Food Supervisor Club Management - Good Governance Customers - Customer Service Training Contact 1300 640 616 0457 516 629

2016 Event Series Clubs WA reserves the right to alter dates and venues as needed. For more information on our 2016 Event Series or to reserve your seat, please contact Clubs WA on 1300 640 616 or

clubs wa Secure your spot today

It was great to see such good turnouts for our events held in January, February and March. DATE




Esperance & Surrounds Regional Meeting



Great Southern Regional Meeting



FEBRUARY 19th Friday

Regional Meeting with Minister Porter


Central Country Zone Regional Meeting



RSA and Approved Managers (MLP) Workshop (All day workshop)

Clubs WA Office - Cockburn, Perth

Treasurers – Are You Being Cheated On? (For Club Treasurers and Bookkeepers)

Clubs WA Office - Cockburn, Perth



Upcoming Workshops DATE



Customer Service & Conflict Resolution Workshop followed by a casual sundowner with Clubs WA staff and State Council

The Moora Club, Moora

Goldfields Regional Meeting


APRIL 4TH MONDAY 1PM - 4PM TBC 11TH - 18TH TBC 11 - 18

Central Wheatbelt Regional Meeting



Presidents’ Round Table Discussion (Includes Harm Minimisation)

Clubs WA Office - Cockburn, Perth


Clubs WA Best Club Chef Competition

Osborne Park


Clubs WA Best Club Sandwich Competition

Osborne Park



RSA and Approved Managers (MLP) Workshop (All day workshop)

Clubs WA Office - Cockburn, Perth


Driving Club Membership with Functions & Beverages Workshop


Clubs WA 2016 Awards for Excellence

Crown Perth, Perth

Governance & Industrial Relations Workshop

Clubs WA Office - Cockburn, Perth

Good Governance Secrets for Secretaries Workshop

Clubs WA Office - Cockburn, Perth

Social Media for your Club Workshop

Clubs WA Office - Cockburn, Perth

- Clubs WA Annual General Meeting & Industry Forum - Customer Service & Conflict Resolution Workshop


South West Regional Meeting






Using Entertainment to Drive Membership Workshop

Clubs WA Office - Cockburn, Perth


RSA and Approved Managers (MLP) Workshop (All day workshop)

Clubs WA Office - Cockburn, Perth


Casual Sundowner Event for Clubs WA members, staff and State Council



Building Your Club Sponsorship Program What is sponsorship?

Money is vital to the survival of Western Australian community clubs, but with so many clubs seeking limited funding opportunities, there are ways to help make your club more sustainable. One way to boost your club’s funding is to bring corporate sponsors on board.

service to your members, or if they are a relatively new company, they might want help spreading the word about themselves. One of the main things you can offer a sponsor is an unique opportunity to create dialogue between them and your members who might be potential customers.

What is sponsorship?

What you can offer sponsors

Put simply, sponsorship is a mutually beneficial business relationship between two parties, the business (sponsor) and the club (sponsored). The financial support of sponsors is often used to reduce costs for clubs including, IT support, CCTV systems, sporting equipment, uniforms, alcohol, signage and other general club activities. The main types of sponsorship include: • Cash sponsorship – where an organisation provides you with financial support. • Contra sponsorship – where the organisation provides you with product up to an agreed value in return for something you club can provide. Cash doesn’t normally exchange hands in a contra agreement. For example, an organisation might give you $500 worth of sporting equipment at no cost in return for promotion of their company in your next club newsletter. • In-kind sponsorship – where a sponsor might offer you a service in return for promotion of their brand to your members. For example, an auditor might provide you with $1,500 cash to put towards your next audit on the condition that you use their service.

Why do clubs seek sponsorship?

Sponsorship is an excellent way for your club to raise revenue, whilst also raising the profile of the organisation that is sponsoring you. Clubs often seek sponsorship to help supplement their cash reserves or to get discounted or free products and services.

Why do businesses seek sponsorship?

About 1 in 4 people in Western Australia are a member of a local sport, social or cultural club so by partnering with you, a business can use your club and networks to connect with your members. The business may want to work with you to promote a particular product or

• Their logos printed on your sporting uniforms, kit, equipment, vehicles, match-day signage. • Their logo included on your website, member newsletter, email footers, letterheads, noticeboard, dinner menu. • Their company name mentioned at events, team publicity, media releases and end of season reports. • An event under the name of the sponsor, for example “The Clubs WA Sports Cup”. This type of sponsorship is often called ‘naming rights’ sponsorship, where the sponsor is given the name branding of an event. • Allow your sponsor to hold an event at your club, for example a Family Fun Day for their staff and family.

What sponsors can offer you

• Financial support. • Club sporting kit, which may have their logo or company colours on it. • Discounts on equipment or supplies ordered from their shop, a reduced admission price to events, or a discount when hiring services or facilities . • Rebates – some sponsors may even offer your club a small rebate if you are able to help them sell a specific number of products to your members. • Free product.

Things to remember

It’s important to remember that sponsorship is a two-way agreement, and your club will be expected to honour obligations in order to maintain the sponsorship. Obligations might include: • A commitment to include the sponsor’s branding on your sporting equipment and signage. • Adhering to an exclusivity agreement so you don’t have two sponsors who are competitors (this is not necessary, but is sometimes expected).

Public Holiday PayHoliday RatesPay Rates Public

clubs wa

March & April 2016

March & April 2016

PUBLIC HOLIDAY MARCH 2016 LABOUR DAY Monday 7th March, 2016



Normal Trading hours

Public Holiday Rate Paid to employees who are required to work on a public holiday. Ordinary Rate of Pay Paid to permanent employees who are normally rostered to work on the day a public holiday falls, but whom are not required to work on the public holiday. Casual Employees Public holiday rates are applicable to casual employees required to work on a public holiday.

GOOD FRIDAY Friday 25th March, 2016

Clubs are able to trade from Thursday night until 12.30am on Good Friday morning. No permitted trading hours after 12.30am on Good Friday morning.

EASTER MONDAY Monday 28th March, 2016 Saturday 26th March, 2016

Normal Trading hours for Easter Monday.

Sunday 27th March, 2016 APRIL 2016 ANZAC DAY Monday 25th April, 2016

No payment is required to casual employees whom are not required to work on a public holiday OR for employees whose part-time hours do not include the day of the week in which the public holiday occurs. Pay rates as above conditions.

Ordinary weekend trading

Ordinary weekend rates are applicable to employees required to work on these days.

Clubs are authorised to trade from 12 midday to 12 midnight.

Pay rates as per Labour Day above.

The permitted trading trading hours under Club Restricted LicenceLicence are specific in the license conditions. Licensees should The permitted hoursaunder a Club Restricted are specific in the license conditions. check their license document to ascertain if they are authorised to trade on Good Friday, as well as Licensees should check their license document to ascertain if they are authorised to trade on ANZAC Good Day. Friday, as well as ANZAC Day.

Have you signed up for the Clubs WA Workplace Relations Service Yet? Have you signed up for the ClubsCall WA Workplace yet? Call 1300 640Relations 616 forService information 1300 640 616 for information.

For clubs who missed out on our Treasurers Workshop... We have noticed a number of clubs suffering financial difficulty as a result of the Treasurer or management not being fully aware of accounting discrepancies which have grown over time. Examples have included cash flow issues, employee theft, and incorrect reporting procedures. Treasurers and Bookkeepers play such an important role in maintaining the financial viability of your club and we want to arm you with the best tools and advice to ensure its success.

We understand that it is not feasible for all clubs to attend this workshop in Perth, and knowing how valuable this workshop would be for clubs, we had a professional videographer video the workshop.

On Tuesday 1st March we held a Treasurers - Are You Being Cheated On? workshop at our office in Cockburn Central. This was a very important meeting for Club Treasurers and Bookkeepers, and was presented by Natalie Mills from Mills & Associates. Over the past year, Natalie has been working with a number of clubs to address many of the issues that were raised in this workshop.

Topics included: • The most common types of non-profit embezzlement/ fraud (payments to fictitious employees, unauthorised raises, non-submission of tax, theft on bar stock/ kitchen supplies, theft from fundraising ) • Common myths • How to spot early warnings of financial cheating • Conflicts with management, missing reports, missing cash deposits, missing superannuation contributions • Safeguards • Your role as a Treasurer or Bookkeeper

The workshop was specifically developed for Clubs WA members and uses examples from Western Australian clubs.

The video will be available soon and we encourage clubs to purchase the video, which will come with a written handbook. More information regarding the video will be released soon.

In Partnership With

Enter Now For The 2016 Best Club Chef & Best Club Sandwhich

clubs wa Please contact Sandra on 1300 640 616 or at Nominations close 5pm Friday 8th April 2016.

Business Directory Want to be listed here?

Email to find out how. Liquor Specialists

Legal Partner

AV Partner

Lion Ph: (08) 9350 0407

Lavan Legal Ph: (08) 9288 6001

AV Partners Ph: 08 9362 7653

Coca Cola Amatil Ph: (08) 9449 1395


Training Specialists

Wolfe Systems Ph: (08) 6188 3666

Hospitality Alliance Training Ph: (08) 9417 7149

21st Century Business Equipment and Tecsec Security Solutions Ph: (08) 9321 8902

ATI-Mirage Ph: (08) 9218 9059


Zoo Business Media Ph: 1300 139 913

Carlton & United Breweries Ph: 132 337 Pernod Ricard Australia Ph: (08) 9472 2805 Oatley Fine Wine Merchants Ph: 1800 628 539 Food & Beverage Specialists Nestle` Professional Gaming Specialists TAB Ph: 13 23 68 Mal Atwell Billiards and Bingo Ph: (08) 9354 9150 Finance & Strategic Management Banktech Ph: 0478 333 297 Clubs Plus Superannuation Ph: (02) 9376 9422 Beyond Bank Ph: (08) 9382 0325 Regents Commercial Ph: 08 9388 6600 Francis A Jones Ph: 08 9335 5211 Mills & Associates

Crown Perth Ph: (08) 9362 7777 Hospitality & Venue Specialists Gascoigne Ph: (08) 9355 0555 Hisconfe Ph: (08) 9388 3400

Marketing & Promotions

WA Flags & Banners Ph: (08) 9467 4646 Music & Licensing PPCA Ph: (02) 8569 1111 Health & Safety

Stoddart Manufacturing Ph: (08) 9414 1343

St John Event Health Services Ph: (08) 9334 1311

Fox Sports Venues Ph: 1300 301 415

Act-Belong-Commit Ph: (08) 9266 4648

Stanlee Ph: 0420 216 116

Transport & Vehicle Services

Monbell Ph: (08) 9228 4722

Budget Car & Truck Rental Ph: (08) 6253 9315

Gas & Energy Trans Tasman Energy Group Ph: 1300 118 834 Insurance Arthur J. Gallagher Ph: (08) 6250 8300

Make sure to mention Clubs WA to receive great deals and discounts from suppliers. For more information visit:

People on the Move The following is a list of career and volunteering opportunities available across Western Australia’s vibrant club industry.

Job Openings

Administration/Management General Manager Find on: The Cruising Yacht Club

Assistant Food and Beverage Supervisor Find on: Royal Perth Golf Club

Functions Coordinator Find on: The Cruising Yacht Club

Front of House Wait Staff Find on: Marmion Angling & Aquatic Club

General Manager Find on: East Fremantle Yacht Club Bar Manager Find on: Pinjarra Race Club

Groundsman Find on: Mosman Park Golf Club

Restaurant Supervisor Find on: Marmion Angling & Aquatic Club Treasurer Assistant Find on: Gosnells and Football Sports Club Food and Beverage Operations Supervisor Find on: Royal Perth Golf Club

Do you have a position opening? or a new addition to your team, employee or volunteer?

If you have a position open within your club, or you would like to publicly welcome a new employee to your team, please send details to

Community Partners


Clubs WA

Thank you for your continued support over the years

Platinum Partners

Legal Partner

AV Partner

Technology Partner

Gold Partners

Silver Partners

Bronze Partners

Industry Supporters

PO Box 5101 South Lake WA 6164 • 2/12 Hammond Road Cockburn Central WA 6164 Email: • Telephone: 1300 640 616 • Facsimile: 1300 503 907 • Website:

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Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.