Clubs WA Service Bulletin - November 2016

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The Voice of the Club Community









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Smokefree Outdoor Eating Areas Explained

STAFF CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER Karen Giles OPERATIONS MANAGER Bob Shanks ADMINISTRATION MANAGER Linda Soerianto MARKETING & COMMUNICATIONS OFFICER Holly Hazel ADMINISTRATION OFFICER Michelle Hall BUSINESS SUPPORT OFFICER Juanita MacDonald TRAINING ADMINISTRATOR & RECEPTIONIST Bella Johnstone A huge thank you to our amazing volunteers. Western Australia’s club sector is nothing without our volunteers, and the time and effort you continuously put into our organisation is hugely appreciated.

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JOURNALISM INTERN Steph Hale VOLUNTEERS Frank Davies Milli Liu Mirela Craciun For information on anything in this issue of the Service Bulletin, please call 1300 640 616.

STATE COUNCIL Please address emails for State Councillors to CLUBS WA PRESIDENT Wally Maker Royal Fremantle Golf Club REGIONAL VICE PRESIDENT Greg Hadlow Burekup & Districts Country Club METRO VICE PRESIDENT Keith Bransby Marmion Angling & Aquatic Club TREASURER Chris Richardson Dalkeith-Nedlands Bowling Club METRO COMMITTEE MEMBER Don Bartlem Hartfield Country Club REGIONAL COMMITTEE MEMBER Leone Bolto Katanning Club REGIONAL COMMITTEE MEMBER Sandra Bolton Yunderup Sport & Recreation Club REGIONAL COMMITTEE MEMBER Tom Helm Narembeen Club METRO COMMITTEE MEMBER Geof Irvin Lesmurdie Club REGIONAL COMMITTEE MEMBER Ray Maclean Moora Club METRO COMMITTEE MEMBER Ray Mansfield Willetton Bowls Club REGIONAL COMMITTEE MEMBER Stan Sherry Boddington Sports Club

From Clubs WA CEO

Karen Giles

Dear Member, What an interesting year it has been for your governing body, as I am sure it has been for your club as well.

In amongst these changes, our clubs are striving to maintain service to members and the community. Many of you are facing a decline in membership and those willing to dedicate time to volunteering at your club. Many of you also acknowledge that without change, your club will not last the next 10 years out. The recent Clubs WA Industry Forum held at Marmion Angling and Aquatic Club on October 19, gave us an opportunity to understand what our industry needs to do to move forward. Our guest speakers covered a range of topics from change management to addressing shifting cultural attitudes. Highlights from this Forum included hearing from the Tobacco Control Branch regarding smoking compliance; Lavan Legal on ‘profit sharing’; and Department of Racing, Gaming & Liquor regarding using the Associations Extended Trading Permit as an additional income stream. Our members who attended also noted how important the Expo portion of the event was in allowing them to connect with industry suppliers and providers. More information on this forum can be found on page 6. To assist your club in meeting the increasing administrative burden, we now have in place Clubs WA Consulting offering specialised services in a number of areas including: committee structuring and succession planning; risk management; budgeting and funding; secretarial services; mediation; and filling job positions.

These additional services are available for a small administration fee. If you would like more information on how we can assist your club in this area, please contact Linda on 1300 640 616 or email The Clubs WA Partnership program also provides a number of suppliers who are keen to be more involved in the club industry with understanding of our unique not for profit nature. As Clubs WA is reliant on our partners to provide our events and marketing programs for clubs, we encourage your support of these organisations. And as a thank you to clubs that approach our partners for quotes, we are now organising a monthly prize draw. All you need to do is send in your quotes and invoices from any of our suppliers and you will go into a draw to win fabulous prizes. Information on this draw, including the prize, can be found on page 11. To be in the running to win, just email your invoice to before November 30 2016. Best wishes,


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The new Associations Incorporation Act has certainly kept us all quite busy, in addition to the continuation of the review into the Liquor Control Act and other compliance issues such as the Privacy Act, local government requirements and OSH becoming more paramount.

Find us on Facebook:

NEWS IN BRIEF South West Regional Meeting Don’t miss this fantastic opportunity to hear insight from Clubs WA CEO Karen Giles on the new Associations Incorporation Act, and how your club can approach issues that are local to you. WHEN: Tuesday 15 November TIME: 11:00am - 1:15pm VENUE: Capel Golf Club OPTIONAL LUNCH: $22 per person (inc. GST) Contact Holly on or 1300 640 616 if you would like to attend.

‘Profit Sharing’ in a Club Context One of the topics discussed at Clubs WA’s October Club Industry Forum was ‘profit sharing’ in clubs. Jessica Patterson from Lavan Legal detailed to our clubs, the difference between hiring contractors and profit sharing arrangements.

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In a licensing context, the term ‘profit sharing’ captures a huge number of scenarios, and it’s not about ‘profit’ necessarily in terms of the profit that is cash in pocket at the end of the day, it actually relates more to the ‘proceeds’ of the business (club). The ‘proceeds’ that your club generates, whilst under a club license, need to stay 100% within the club. If there is any intention to share any of the proceeds, like sharing the ticket price for people to come and watch a band at the club, be mindful that those arrangements may be in breach of the liquor legislation. There is some scope for the licensing authority to approve those arrangements, as they can be smart things to do in a commercial sense for the club, but you need to understand the requirements, and make sure that you get approval if you need it. If you would like more information on profit sharing versus contracts, please contact Clubs WA in the first instance. We will direct you to further assistance if required, such as through DRGL or specialised help.

New grants offer vital multicultural support Culturally and linguistically diverse (CaLD) communities across the State will share in $316,400 to support programs, events, and projects targeting youth development, aged care and mental health. The Liberal National Government has awarded 17 grants for projects being delivered in 2017 through the Office of Multicultural Interests’ (OMI) Community Grants Program. Citizenship and Multicultural Interests Minister Mike Nahan said in a media release, the grants provided an opportunity for CaLD communities, and the organisations that supported them, to further advance social cohesion and community development. Dr Nahan said the programs were essential in ensuring everyone in the community had access to services and opportunities. Football West and Clubs WA were two of this year’s recipients and we have partnered to deliver a series of targeted commununity engagement tools and activities to help connect WA’s CaLD communities with local clubs.

Grants to revitalise WA heritage places Four 1890s workers’ cottages within the Brookman and Moir Streets Precinct in Perth are among 28 heritage projects to receive funding under the State Government’s 2016-17 Heritage Grants Program. Heritage Minister Albert Jacob said this year’s grants would assist private owners to conserve and revitalise 15 regional and 13 metropolitan State Registered heritage properties. The grants program offers dollar-for-dollar funding to private owners for urgent conservation works or documentation to help plan future works. It is one of the few grant programs in Australia to assist private owners with the costs associated with maintaining heritage places. For information on this grant and to see if your club could apply for the next funding round, visit:

Rule 15 of the Associations Incorporation Regulations 2016 dictates that associations must submit an Annual Information Statement within 6 months after the end of each financial year. This means if your club’s financial year ended 30 June, you are required to submit this Statement by 31 December 2016. Please note that all clubs will be required to complete this statement, regardless of your tier. The Statement can be submitted through the AssociationsOnline portal, or alternatively the form can be downloaded from the Department of Commerce website at sites/default/files/atoms/files/infostate.pdf. To create an online account with AssociationsOnline, please visit: www./ associations.

Associations Incorporation Act DVD! Our August ‘Secrets for Secretaries’ workshop was filmed and a DVD copy will be available soon for purchase for only $28 inc GST, making it easy for you to share this essential information with your current and future Club Committee. Laily Yassin (Department of Commerce) discusses the effect of new laws on existing incorporated associations; overview of changes; prescribed model rules; transitional requirements; and the AssociationsOnline portal. Daniel Papaphotis from Francis A Jones presents on your clubs finanical reporting obligations under the new Act and details the difference between a review and an audit. Contact to find out more.

Clubs WA Consulting

Clubs WA recommends the Statement be lodged after any review or audit is performed on the club’s accounts to ensure accurate reporting. Please also note there is no fee to lodge this statement, despite the payment page on the form.

Do you need assistance with the administrative activities for your club; seeking and hiring new staff/ volunteers; preparing funding and grant applications; or performing regular reviews of your club’s governance and management structures?

Local road safety projects boosted by grants

Clubs WA Consulting is now available to assist your club with a wide range of services for a small administration fee.

A total of 24 Western Australian community groups will share in $49,570 thanks to the first round of the Liberal National Government’s Road Safety Community Grants Program for 2016-17. The latest round of road safety grants supported local communities producing projects with a road safety focus. The grants will be used at a grassroots level for road safety projects and events. Deputy Premier and Road Safety Minister Liza Harvey said road safety is a shared responsibility and these grants will continue to encourage community groups to participate in a range of road safety initiatives. Successful recipients for this latest round include: Wyalkatchem Wheatbelt Markets; Chittering Vintage and Veteran Car Day; Battle of the Bands; and the Summer Outdoor Movie Program. Information on the Road Safety Community Grants Program, including submission and criteria details, is available at

Governance Conduct reviews of Committee/Board structures; role clarification; and assist with succession planning for individual clubs. Risk Management Review current procedures and develop new procedures at a club level. Financial Assist in review of budget and sourcing additional funding, including grants for clubs. Secretarial Provide assistance for Committee meetings and holding AGM/SGMs (ie. when new Committees are elected in clubs) Employee Relations Writing of specific adverts for positions; job descriptions; and interviews for clubs. For more details please contact Linda Soerianto at Clubs WA on 1300 640 616 or

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Annual Information Statement

Clubs WA Industry Forum

By Steph Hale, Clubs WA Journalism Intern

The 2016 Clubs WA Industry Forum & Expo was held at the Marmion Angling & Aquatic Club on Wednesday 19 October. Each year the event brings Western Australia’s vibrant club community together to hear insight from industry speakers, and network with industry providers and suppliers. This year the event hosted more than 100 attendees, as well as an additional 50 industry people representing 20 different companies. The event began with the Expo, where attendees were just a stones-throw away from the Indian Ocean.

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Jeff Sheppard, Warwick Bowling Club “It was good to meet people and put faces to telephone contacts” The Expo included exhibitors from Beyond Bank, ATI Mirage Training and Business Solutions, Amanda Energy Solutions, Arthur J. Gallagher, Carlton & United Breweries, Oatley Fine Wine Merchants, Treasury Wine Estates, Nestle Professional, Francis A Jones, Hospitality Alliance Training, WA Flags and Banners, Road Safety Commission, Crown Perth, Rule Technology and Your Local Finance. With plenty of information and free samples on offer, the Expo was a great opportunity to network with industry providers and suppliers, and maybe enter a raffle or two.

After a welcome and introduction from Clubs WA CEO, Karen Giles and Clubs WA President, Wally Maker, the first session of the Industry Forum was under way. The theme of this year’s forum was ‘change and how to manage it’. The Industry Forum began with an informative talk by Manager for Liquor and Gaming, Nick Toyne from the Department of Racing, Gaming & Liquor. Nick began his talk by recapping the provisions in the Liquor Control Act and the regulations surrounding providing liquor to people other than members of your club. He went on to discuss the Associations Extended Training Pemit, explaining what it is, how to go about getting one and how to use it. Following Nick, Jessica Patterson and Alec Weston from Lavan Legal gave a talk discussing hidden compliance laws to watch out for. Alec began by discussing access and control of the personal information clubs collect about members. He went on to explain shire leases and the commercialisation of government owned club spaces. Jessica followed by reviewing the laws surrounding liquor licensing.

The Expo then re-opened before lunch was served by the incredible team at the Marmion Angling & Aquatic Club. Joneen McNamara, Lake Karrinyup Country Club “Excellent speakers with thought provoking and relevant presentations” After lunch, the second half of the Forum was under way beginning with a talk by the Commissioner for Consumer Protection, David Hillyard. David discussed changes to legislation, the future of associations and what that will look like for clubs moving forward. He went on to discuss particular governance issues that can crop up for clubs and how to manage them. Then the Road Safety Commissioner, Kim Papalia, gave a talk about the Road Safety Commission, who they are, what they do and who they work with across the state to reduce the fatalities on WA roads. He outlined some ways in which clubs can encourage road safety among their members and the responsibility clubs have in keeping their communities safe.

Next up was Emiliano Barzotto from Barzotto van Straalen to give an inspirational talk about managing change. Emi gave advice to clubs regarding how to keep staff and volunteers open minded to change while keeping morale high. He also explained the importance of strategic plans, teaching and training for clubs facing change. Finally, Volunteering WA CEO Tina Williams gave a talk abour recruiting, retaining and rewarding volunteers. Tina explained the positive impact volunteering has on clubs and communities and the value of volunteers to the economy. She gave some excellent advice to clubs about how to keep their volunteers happy and helpful. The day was educational and informative, while also offering an excellent opportunity for networking with other members of the clubs community in a beautiful setting. We were excited about the fantastic lineup of speakers and exhibitors at this year’s Club Industry Forum, and it was great to receive such positive feedback about the changing direction of the event. The Clubs WA team thanks all of our members who have continued to support our events over the past year. We look forward to 2017, and another year of fantastic training and development workshops and forums for our members. Photos from the Clubs WA Industry Forum can be found on our Facebook page. Find us on Facebook:

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The first half of the Industry Forum ended with a talk by Senior Compliance Officer, Paul Iriks from the Tobacco Control Branch of the Department of Health. Paul outlined regulations surrounding tobacco licenses, particularly smoking in outdoor eating areas. He went on to discuss the laws, or lack thereof, surrounding e-cigarettes. Paul offered some great advice to clubs regarding the changing smoking culture in our country.


When your APRA AMCOS licence renewal comes in each year, you might ask yourself “Does everyone pay this?” The answer is: yes, it’s a one-in, all-in approach. For Club Managers reading this article, it may be comforting to know that licence shirkers are given short shrift in the courts. The moral of the story: everyone, even well-known festival promoters, are treated equally under copyright law.

Recently, the promoter of Soulfest music festival was ordered to pay APRA AMCOS $437,000 in damages for flagrant infringement of the Copyright Act (1968) as well as $70,000 in legal costs after drawing out the case and avoiding payment for several years.

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APRA AMCOS has been around for 90 years this year, and in that time its licensing reps have travelled all the highways and byways of Australia making sure whenever music is being played in a business for commercial gain, that the business has the correct permission in place from the copyright owner, or its representative. Whilst there was initial outrage across the country when the reps knocked on the doors of picture theatre and public hall owners, over time, the emergence of Australia as a nation that punches above its weight in the songwriting stakes (think of AC/DC who tops ABBA on the list of best-selling music artists) silenced these protests. There are now more than 122,000 APRA AMCOS licensed businesses in the country and growing. In fact, these days, once licensees are made aware of their legal obligations, 96 per cent of businesses secure their APRA AMCOS licence without delay.

The APRA AMCOS licence fee has barely changed in relative terms in 90 years. When compared to the average annual wage, the 1928 APRA revenue was very similar to the 2016 figure.

Is it worth having music playing at all? You could say:

‘There’s nothing so lonesome, morbid or muted Than to stand in the bar of a pub with no music’ [A mash-up of Pub with No Beer, written by Gordon Parsons and made famous by Slim Dusty, AO MBE.]

Slim Dusty Or the words of Rob Comiskey, part of the $200m+ Comiskey Group of Hotels, ‘We put a lot of focus on the music through the hotel … (to sell) the maximum amount of tickets for each show. We installed the best PA system and lighting to make it more attractive to bands touring.’ With the experience liaising with 120,000 licensed businesses, why not speak to our music experts at the Live Music Office or the APRA AMCOS licensing team? Play music in your business? Speak to APRA AMCOS about your licensing needs. | 1300 852 388 |

For more information on the Live Music Office:

Smokefree Outdoor Eating Areas

A fact sheet written by the Government of Western Australia (Department of Health)

Smokefree Outdoor Eating Areas

Smoking restrictions put into place in September 2010 prohibit smoking in outdoor eating areas unless you are in a smoking zone. An 'outdoor eating area' is a public place or a part of a public place: • that is provided, on a commercial basis, as an area where food or drink may be consumed by people sitting at tables, and • that is not an enclosed public place. Smoking bans will apply in outdoor eating areas, where people eat and or drink while sitting at tables, for example restaurants, cafes, delis, lunch-bars and other food outlets.

Liquor Licensed Premises

The responsible person (Owner/Occupier) of a liquor licensed premise that is not the subject of a restaurant licence may allocate a smoking zone up to 50% of all outdoor eating areas, provided the area is not already an 'enclosed public space'. A 'smoking zone' is a place in a liquor licensed premise that: • Is not in a place on the premise to which a restaurant licence applies, • is an outdoor eating area at the premise, and • has a total area not more than 50% of the whole area of that outdoor eating area. Owners and occupiers (the person in charge) of a licensed premises must make sure that the boundary between smoking and non-smoking areas is clear to everyone. Owners and occupiers of licensed premises have been encouraged to reduce the amount of second-hand smoke that their customers will be exposed to. They can choose to ban smoking entirely in their licensed premises.

Signs in liquor licensed premises

Smoking and non-smoking areas must be clearly separated at all times. ‘No smoking’, ‘Smoking prohibited’ or no smoking symbol signs must be easily seen by a person at a public entrance to the outdoor eating area and located within the non-smoking zone.

Responsibilities of owners and occupiers of licensed premises

The owner or occupier of a licensed premise (the person in charge) also commits an offence if a person smokes in an outdoor eating area. The Department of Health will provide suitable signs to assist Clubs in communicating the restriction.

Who enforces the smoking ban?

Local governments are mainly responsible for enforcing matters about smoking in outdoor eating areas and can appoint environmental health officers or additional officers, for example rangers, to assist with enforcement.


If you smoke in an outdoor eating area the following penalties (fines) may apply: • maximum court imposed penalty – $2000 • infringement notice – $300. For more information please contact the Tobacco Control Branch: Telephone: 1300 784 892 Email: *The above information was taken from the Government of Western Australia’s (Department of Health) ‘Smokefree Outdoor Eating Areas’ Factsheet. Links to the Factsheet and others can be found under the ‘Tobacco Compliance’ section of our Members Only website.

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The Tobacco Products Control Amendment Act 2009 (the Amendment Act) came into effect on 22 September 2010.

Do you want to increase your productivity? First, identify your personal productivity style. When it comes to doing our best work, it is useful to understand how our preferred productivity styles can help or hinder our efforts. Think about how you approach tasks. Do you: 1. Enjoy getting stuck into new projects, then find further along that you lose momentum? 2. Like to keep things on track, and tinker until it is perfect? 3. Work best with your back up against the wall and ‘smash’ though work until it is done?

If one or more of these sound like you, your preference is for the following productivity styles: STARTERS: Driven by the idea, excitement and enthusiasm of the task. These people get the task off the ground. On the flip side, they can get distracted and easily bored on the follow throughs. Starters need a plan for maintenance that is motivating for them, such as working in small time packets with rewards.

MAINTAINERS: Organised - they build and maintain the task to keep it on track with consistency. They are risk managers and happy to deal with issues as they arise. On the flip side, they can be perfectionists as they want to get it right, which can clash with aggressive deadlines. They can also procrastinate on finishing. They are methodical, value accuracy and quality. Maintainers need a reminder of the big picture and guidance with the ‘good enough is OK’ principle: not everything needs to be absolute perfection!

FINISHERS: Driven by successful completion. They are very good at picking up what has already been started and achieving an end result, or seeing something through to the end. On the flip side, they may work too quickly to achieve a result, lacking thoroughness. Finishers need a maintenance plan to make sure what they have produced is adequate, accurate and sustainable. A successful team will have a mix of all three styles to support each other. When establishing a new team or hiring to an existing team, consciously create a productive blend. To boost your personal productivity, recognise your preference and put in place structures and strategies as motivators for when you lose momentum or engage in automatic behaviour that hinders your achievements. With the right mindset and plans in place, your productivity style can expand to all three.

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Big learning in bite sized sessions.

Our ‘Productivity Styles’ workshop at LearnFest will help you: • Identify the strengths and weaknesses of your productivity style • Creating structures and strategies to complement your style • Get more done with your unique productivity plan Thursday 17 November 2016 • 9am - 11am • $150 +gst per person

View full LearnFest schedule at homepage.

Club Member Prize Draw Keep those submissions coming! A number of member clubs have already submitted their entry(s), and you have up until 5pm 30 November to enter on behalf of your club. What it's all about To thank you for your continued support of our Industry Partners & Suppliers, whose contributions to our association allows us to continue to subsidies many of our events and services, Clubs WA will hold a regular prize draw for members who have used the services of, or obtained quotes from, our Partners. How to enter If you have used the services of our Partners in 2016, please send us a copy of your invoice or quote to go into this draw. Note that pricing details can be blanked out if you prefer. Send us any quote or invoice from our Partners from 1 January 2016 until 30 November 2016 to go into the draw.

Terms & Conditions Entries for this inaugural draw can include quotes or invoices from our Partners from 1 January 2016 until 30 November 2016. You can send in multiple entries for different Partners and different purchases. (The qualifying period will change for future prize draws, as the draw becomes more regular). This draw is only open to Clubs WA member clubs, and services/products can be purchased by your club, your staff, or your members, either for personal or club use. Entries close 5pm Wednesday 30 November, and the winner will be determined by a barrel draw within 30 days of the entry cut off date. You can view our permit and our fabulous Corporate Partners on the Clubs WA website.

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Prize The prize for this inaugural draw has been kindly donated by long-time Clubs WA Partner, Carlton & United Breweries. The 1 x lucky winner will receive a 2016 West Coast Eagles signed guernsey (unframed)

Get YOUR club on board NOW

for your chance to win a 7 DAY, TWIN SHARE HOLIDAY TO BALI IN NOVEMBER 2017! How you get involved! Simply purchase our 50c BREAK OPEN TICKETS (*conditions apply) to sell at your Club.

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The winning Red, Grey and Blue tickets go into the draw for the opportunity to win the 7 night, twin share holiday at the Padma Resort, Legian, which includes, flights, hotel transfer and breakfast. The winner’s name is drawn in early September 2017 and the trip is usually the week after the Melbourne Cup (2nd week of November 2017). For more information and full details, please contact Heather O’Brien, Mal Atwell Indoor Leisure Group, 34 Gympie Way, Willetton, WA 6155. Telephone (08) 9354 9150. Bingo Trade Promotion sponsored by your Hotel, Club and Mal Atwell Indoor Leisure group

Clubs WA Industry Awards for Excellence Winners Meet some of individuals and clubs who were named winners of this year’s Clubs WA Industry Awards for Excellence.

Best Club Chef of the Year

John O’Hara – Royal Perth Golf Club The Best Club Chef of the Year award was open to qualified chefs and the winner was determined by a practical challenge held in May. The competition was a mystery box challenge that saw chefs faced with a box full of mystery ingredients. They were given 2.5 hours to produce four servings of an entrée and main. The chefs were judged on planning, preparation, presentation and taste. John O’Hara, the head chef at Royal Perth Golf Club took home the ‘WA’s Best Club Chef ’ title for the second year in a row. His club credit him with being part of a team that revolutionised dining options for their members. John incorporates ethics into his kitchen developing a focus on producing nearly everything served in house while minimising food wastage and ensuring produce is sourced sustainably and locally where possible.

Best Club Sandwich of the Year

Fiona Whife – South of Perth Yacht Club The Best Club Sandwich Competition was open to club cooks, volunteers and staff (with exception to qualified club chefs) employed by clubs in WA. The objective of the award was to find WA’s best club sandwich through a cooking challenge. Each competitor was provided with the basic ingredients to make a Club sandwich and access to an open dry pantry. Participants were judged on planning, preparation, presentation and taste as well as skill relevant to experience level. Fiona Whife of the South of Perth Yacht Club won the award for her creativity and capability on the day. With 35 years of industry experience under her belt, Fiona’s drive and strategic vision have led her to achieve great things in the catering and events business. In her time at South of Perth Yacht Club Fiona has improved the club’s food and beverage facilities resulting in the club’s status as a premier destination for events. Congratulations Fiona! You truly fill your club with pride.

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Congratulations John! You certainly stand out in your field.

Continued on page 15

Get your hands on our ‘Associations Incorporations Act Explained’ DVD; and our ‘Treasurers - Are You Being Cheated On?’ DVD. Two of this year’s most popular workshops were recorded and are now available for purchase.

Associations Incorporation Act Explained - $28 inc. GST

Let the Department of Commerce and Clubs WA help you navigate the new Associations Incorporation Act 2015, in this 1 hour video. Laily Yassin from the Department of Commerce’s Association and Charities Branch discusses the: • • • • •

Effect of new laws on existing incorporated associations Overview of changes Prescribed Model Rules Transitional Requirements AssociationsOnline

Purchase this DVD and we’ll also include a presentation from Fremantle auditing firm, Francis A Jones, who will explain your new financial reporting obligations under the Act; and the differences between an Audit and a Review.

Treasurers - Are You Being Cheated On? - $33 inc. GST

Treasurers and Bookkeepers play an important role in maintaining the financial viability of your club. This 1.5 hour discussion will update your knowledge on the important aspects of being a Treasurer, Secretary or Bookkeeper in the club sector, and your role in spotting financial discrepancies within your club. This video is presented by Natalie Mills from Perth financial firm, Mills & Associates. The video covers a range of topics including: • • • •

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The most common types of non-profit embezzlement/fraud Common myths How to spot early warnings of financial cheating (Conflicts with management, missing reports, missing cash deposits, missing superannuation contributions) Safeguards (Management structure, physical controls, financial controls, importance of governance courses) Your role as a Treasurer or Bookkeeper

Both DVDs are valuable resources to share with current and future Committee members and staff. Contact Clubs WA to get a copy of the DVDs for your Club. P: 1300 640 616



Best Club Media Story of the Year

Best Club TAB

The Best Club Media Story of the Year Award is awarded to a journalist or reporter who wrote or presented a great hard news or human interest story about a sports, social, cultural or community club in 2015.

This award recognises the best example of a Club TAB within the Clubs WA network. This award was not granted based on submissions but instead the winner was determined by Racing and Wagering WA (RWWA) on the ability of a club to improve TAB services to their members during the qualifying period. Factors used to select the winner of this award include the cleanliness and maintenance of terminals and monitors, presentation of racing information, marketing materials and entry forms. Points are also awarded for the presentation, level of knowledge and helpfulness of staff.

This year the award was given to Candice Barnes for her story ‘New penthouse premises leads fresh focus for the historic WA Club’ published by WA Today. The story was published in March last year, just after The Western Australian Club’s big move to the Grosvenor Building. The story was about the growing diversity of members at The Western Australian Club and how they were able to shake off their “boys’ club” image. The article emphasised the very social nature of the club and praised the clubs choice to move to a new, modern penthouse. Congratulations Candice and The Western Australian Club.

Thornlie Bowling Club

This year the award was granted to Thornlie Bowling Club for their incredible commitment to TAB services in their club. Their well informed staff and excellent facilities are a credit to them. Congratulations Thornlie Bowling Club, we’d certainly bet on you!

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Candice Barnes – WA Today

Business Directory Want to be listed here?

Email to find out how. Make sure to mention Clubs WA to receive great deals and discounts from suppliers. Liquor Specialists Lion Ph: (08) 9350 0407

Legal Partner Lavan Legal Ph: (08) 9288 6000

Training Specialists Hospitality Alliance Training Ph: (08) 9417 7149

Carlton & United Breweries Ph: 132 337

Technology Partner Rule Technology Ph: 1300 823 226

ATI-Mirage Ph: (08) 9218 9059

Oatley Fine Wine Merchants Ph: 1800 628 539 Treasury Wine Estates Food & Beverage Specialists NestlĂŠ Professional Gaming Specialists TAB Ph: 13 23 68 Mal Atwell Billiards and Bingo Ph: (08) 9354 9150 Finance & Strategic Management Banktech Ph: 0478 333 297 Clubs Plus Superannuation Ph: (02) 9376 9422 Beyond Bank Ph: (08) 9382 0325 Your Local Finance Ph: 08 9430 6555

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Francis A Jones Ph: 08 9335 5211

Accommodation Crown Perth Ph: (08) 9362 7777

Marketing & Promotions WA Flags & Banners Ph: (08) 9467 4646

Gas & Energy Trans Tasman Energy Group Ph: 1300 118 834

Music Licensing & Entertainment PPCA Ph: (02) 8569 1111

Amanda Energy Solutions Ph: 08 9430 7048


Hospitality & Venue Specialists Hisconfe Ph: (08) 9388 3400 Stoddart Manufacturing Ph: (08) 9414 1343 Fox Sports Venues Ph: 1300 301 415

Retro Music Box Ph: 0407 083 090 Moo Music Ph: 1300 139 913 Community Initiatives Road Safety Commission Ph: (08) 9323 4688

Stanlee Ph: 0420 216 116

Health & Safety St John Event Health Services Ph: (08) 9334 1311

Monbell Ph: (08) 9228 4722

Act-Belong-Commit Ph: (08) 9266 4648

Mills & Associates

21st Century Business Equipment Ph: (08) 9321 8902

Insurance Arthur J. Gallagher Ph: (08) 6250 8300

AV Partner AV Partners Ph: 08 9362 7653

People on the Move

The following is a list of opportunities available across Western Australia’s vibrant club industry.

Food & Beverage Service Chef Find on: Swan Yacht Club Casual Chefs Find on: South of Perth Yacht Club Bar Attendant Find on: Perth Flying Squadron Club Cafe All Rounder Find on: Perth Flying Squadron Club Casual Bar Attendant Find on: Innaloo Sportsmens Club Barista & Bar Attendant Find on: Cottesloe Golf Club

Management Business Development Executive Find on: East Fremantle Football Club General Manager Find on: Newman Club Bar Manager Find on: Perth Flying Squadron Club

Accounts & Financing Accounts Payable Clerk Find on: Rossmoyne Bowling Club

Coaching / Training Sports Trainers Find on: Perth Football Club Colts Head Trainer Find on: Perth Football Club

Grounds & Maintenance Staff Apprentice Greenkeeper Find on: Sea View Golf Club

Bookkeeper / Accounts Officer Find on: Cottesloe Golf Club

Casual Bar Staff Find on: Manning Memorial Bowling Club

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Food & Beverage Attendant Find on: Royal Perth Golf Club

The Road Safety Commission is a proud Partner of Clubs WA.

clubs wa

Clubs WA is proudly supported by leading industry partners and suppliers

Platinum Partners

Legal Partner

AV Partner

Technology Partner

Gold Partners

Silver Partners

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Bronze Partners

Industry Supporters

PO Box 5101 South Lake WA 6164 • 2/12 Hammond Road Cockburn Central WA 6164 Email: • Telephone: 1300 640 616 • Facsimile: 1300 503 907 • Website:

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