June bulletin 2015 website

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clubs wawa clubs The Voice of the Club Community

Issue 6, June 2015

Monthly Newsletter


Extended Trading Permit

Clubs WA Event Series



2015 Awards For Excellence Finalists


Club Industry News


June 2015

Clubs WA Service Bulletin


A message from Karen Giles, Clubs WA CEO

CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER Karen Giles OPERATIONS MANAGER Bob Shanks training@clubswa.com.au ADMINISTRATION MANAGER Linda Soerianto exec@clubswa.com.au ACCOUNTS ADMINISTRATOR Michelle Hall admin@clubswa.com.au MARKETING & EVENTS COORDINATOR Ashleigh Willer marketing@clubswa.com.au SERVICES Juanita MacDonald services@clubswa.com.au ADMINISTRATION TRAINEE Isabella Johnstone info@clubswa.com.au ////////////////////////////////// For more information on anything printed in this issue of the Service Bulletin, please call 1300 640 616. Facebook/ClubsWA Twitter/ClubsWA Facebook/HospAllianceTraining Twitter/HATraining For more great tips and stories visit clubswa.com.au

Dear Member, The May 2015 report published by Volunteering WA on the Economic, Social and Cultural Value of Volunteering to Western Australia once again highlights the important role volunteers play within our clubs, with just under 80 percent of Western Australians volunteering in their community in one form or another. The report also notes that volunteering is WA largest industry. (Source: http://volunteeringwa.org.au/assets/ downloads/economic_social_cultural_ value_of_volunteering_to_wa_2015.pdf). Within the licensed club industry, there are close to 25,000 people who volunteer their time to ensure the viability of their club, arguably making our club sector one of the most volunteer dependent industries in this state.

our industry and commemorate being a clubbie and I look forward to celebrating with those attending this important industry event. With the end of the financial year for most clubs also on the horizon, I would like to remind you to consider conducting an audit of your club’s compliance as well as your financial audit. Clubs WA has an audit checklist readily available on our website as well as a host of other templates to assist you in managing your club at http://www.clubswa.com. au/Members/Tools-for-Your-Club/ClubTemplates. If you have forgotten your login details or would like more information on what is really required for compliance, please contact us on 1300 640 616.

It is fortunate that we are able to thank our volunteers at both the club level, through your own programs, as well as at a State level through the Clubs WA Awards for Excellence. I am particularly proud to be part of the Club Movement when all our volunteer finalists take to the stage for their deserved moment of recognition in front of their industry peers. Thank you to all our finalists this year and best of luck at the Awards Night on Saturday 13 June at Crown Casino.

Finally, I am pleased to announce some staff additions to the Clubs WA team. We welcome back all-rounder (and All Blacks supporter) Juanita MacDonald who has been assisting clubs with their membership enquiries. I would also like to introduce our new trainee, Isabella Johnstone, who has joined the team to assist with training and marketing administration. This is Isabella’s first full time role and on behalf of the Club Movement, I welcome her to our vibrant and rewarding industry.

Best of luck to all our club and individual finalists for these Awards. This is our once a year opportunity to showcase

Best wishes, Karen

State Council

Please address emails for State Councillors to exec@clubswa.com.au













Forgot to Apply for an ETP? The Department of Racing, Gaming and Liquor (RGL) would like to remind Licensees seeking a “one off” Extended Trading Permit (ETP) that under the Liquor Control Act 1988 applications should be lodged within the following time frames:

If for some reason a licensee is granted an ETP but the event it was to apply to does not go ahead, there is no requirement for the ETP to be used. Please also note the following helpful tips provided by RGL for Clubs WA member clubs:

• Not less than 14 days for events where the anticipated number of patrons is less than 500;

• Applications for a one-off ETP Area must include the written approval of the local council so as to save processing time. Also, don’t forget to supply a map (a basic one will do) of the area.

These minimum lodgment time frames allow the licensing authority enough time for the application to be processed before the event takes place. The processing of the application includes consultation with Police, Health and the local government authority. Under the Act, the Director of Liquor Licensing has the authority to approve one-off ETPs outside these time frames, however in such circumstances, each application is considered on a case-by-case basis and must demonstrate extraordinary circumstances as to why a late application should be allowed to be lodged. Licensees are reminded that the granting of an ETP is not an automatic process; in order to get an ETP, the applicant must demonstrate that it is in the public interest, that is, the granting of the permit is consistent with the objects of the Act.

• Every application is judged on its merits, having due regard to what is in the public interest. • Applicants should refer to the application kit and the Director’s policies, Extended Trading Permits/Variations – ‘One-off’ Events or Functions and Extended Trading Permits - Sale and Supply of Liquor to Non-Members, for further information, which can be found on the Dept of Racing, Gaming and LIquors Website. For further information please call Clubs WA on 1300 640 616.

Clubs WA Service Bulletin

• Not less than 60 days for events where the anticipated number of patrons is greater than 5,000.

• Likewise, any applications for a one-off ETP Hours to allow trade on the days where a club normally does not trade must include the written approval of the local council so as to save processing time.


• Not less than 30 days for events where the anticipated number of patrons is more than 500 but not greater than 5,000; and


s t a h W t x e n g n i n e p hap s b u l C e in th t n e v E WA’s ? s e i r e S

In 2015 Clubs WA will be bringing you a host of workshops focused on various industry related topics. This is a brief overview of remaining workshop topics which will be held in 2015.

Date 29th July

Topic Club Managers Course

Region Clubs WA

August August 16th September September

Membership Forum PPCA licensing Social Media and Technology

Venue TBC Webinar Venue TBC

Governance - Management and Member Discipline October Launch of Customer Service and Conflict Resolution November Customer Service

Venue TBC Clubs WA AGM Mandurah

To register your interest, please email marketing@clubswa.com.au or call 1300 640 616. Please note topics and regions are subject to change.


Clubs WA Service Bulletin

Additionally, if you have any club industry relevant topics that you would like to see added to our event calender, please contact Clubs WA.


Community Partners

In celebration of Western Australia Day, here are some facts on WA…

Written by Sofia Krsmanovic, Marketing Intern

Perth has the largest inner city park in the world, Kings Park, even bigger than New York’s There are more than 1,000 licensed community sports, social and recreational clubs in WA Perth Is the sunniest capital city in the world, with an average 8 hours per day sunshine 365 days per year. Sources: discoveraustralia.com.au; about-australia.com; forteachersforstudents.com; National Club Census 2011

WA is the richest plot of land in the world for natural mineral wealth. WA has the greatest concentration of Aboriginal art in the world at the Burrup Peninsula, Dampier. There are more than 10,000 ancient rock engravings, some dating back 10,000 years. Broome, Western Australia, is the pearling capital of the world.

Western Australia, with 12.5 thousand kilometres of coastline, is the largest state in the largest island in the world, which is also the smallest, flattest, lowest & driest (excluding Antarctica) continent. The Argyle Diamond Mine in the far north of West Australia, is the world’s largest diamond mine. The top five ancestries for people in WA are: English, Australian, Irish, Scottish and Italian. The Area just North of Perth is the premier spot in the world for Wind Surfing.

690,000 people in WA are members of at least one club 59% of these 690,000 members are located in regional and rural WA

The Club Industry employs more than 6,000 people, Of which 1,745 are located in regional and rural WA

The Club Industry contributes $66million worth of volunteer hours

The Club Industry is the largest group of liquor licence holders in the State

Clubs WA Service Bulletin

Perth is also the capital city in the world with the most consistent wind with the welcome breeze of the ‘Fremantle Doctor’ arriving to cool down beach goers between 12pm & 3pm virtually every day of the year.

Western Australia’s Mt Augustus is the largest rock in the world, 8 kilometres long, 3 kilometres across and .377 kilometres high.


Perth the capital city of Western Australia, is the most isolated capital city in the world.


Great rates for members on the move

Exclusive rates just for Clubs WA Members Budget has partnered with Clubs WA. To celebrate we would like to offer all Clubs WA Members exclusive rates. Simply quote BCD D780400 when making a booking on our wide range of vehicles. Call 13 27 27 or visit budget.com.au to book and you’ll be good to go.

Living longer... and better? Australians are expected to live longer and continue to have one of the longest life expectancies in the world. The recent federal government intergenerational report1 predicts that the number of Australians over age 65 will more than double in 40 years’ time (currently 3.45 million2), with 40,000 to be aged 100 and over in 2055, compared with 5,000 now. Coincidently, by 2055, there will be a shrinking proportion of working age people supporting the over age 65 year olds as illustrated below: Number of people aged 15 to 64 for every person aged 65 and over 1974/75






So what does this mean for us now? Like most developed countries, Australia’s population is ageing as a result of a prolonged period of low fertility and increasing life expectancy. According to UN data, Australia ranks equal first with Iceland in terms of male life expectancy. For females, we rank only behind Japan, Spain, France and Italy. Aside from the economic issues which need to be considered to sustain a larger proportion of older people, there is also added financial pressure on meeting community standards in terms of providing adequate health care and ageing facilities. As high life expectancy is often associated with access to good quality health care, the federal government’s spending on health and aged care services per person is projected to more than double over the next forty years with spending on social services and welfare also expected to increase significantly. By 2042,

The good news Statistically, the older you get, the more likely it is that you’ll live to an even older age. According to the Australian Bureau Statistics, a man who is aged 50 now could expect to live to 82, while a man who is 85 this year could look forward to a 91st birthday.3 The good news is that the increase in life expectancy is expected to be matched by continuing improvements in health. New technology and advanced medical treatments will continue to contribute to assisting in living longer and free of disability. Improvements in health mean that older Australians are likely to remain active for longer and be more active in the community. Coincidently, the participation rate of employment for people aged 65 and over is also expected to increase from today’s level of 12.9% to 17.3% in 2054/55. Feeling good and living longer ‘Active ageing’ presents great opportunities for older Australians to have more active and engaged retirement years. With most Australians currently retiring around 60 years of age, there’s at least 25 years or more of enjoying or experiencing something different that most may have never experienced before. Of course, the range of choices a person has available to them will be determined by how much money they have saved in retirement. As your industry super fund, we are committed to helping support our members with these challenges. For a no cost, obligation free appointment with one of our advisers, call Club Plus Financial Planning on (02) 9376 9428 or go online at clubplussuper.com. au/fpappointment.

Clubs WA Service Bulletin

The federal government’s intergenerational report confirms that we are living longer, but will we be able to maintain a good standard of living.

Australia can expect to have 1.1 million people over the age of 85, up from 300,000 over the past decade.


By Paul Cahill, CEO Club Plus Super




Clubs WA Service Bulletin

Governments fund workforce training – large Governments fund workforce training small – large companies take and companies take advantage, businesses advantage, businesses the publicsmall miss out! and the public miss out! Each year, State and the Commonwealth governments allocate millions of dollars to enable workforce training. In 2015, the WA government committed $624M. In NSW, this amount was $340M.

funding. However, the governments’ forecast growth at a macro scale and identify areas of growth within a national and/or global context, taking into account market forces and trends that affect the economy and GDP.

Often, small business and individuals are left in the dark about the availability of funding altogether.

Other areas that are funded as a result of this macro outlook include the common trades (plumbing, carpentry), management, events and tourism. While the investments in the trades, management and tourism are not surprising, the investment in the events area on a national level is. This is possibly because of the shift in trend in events hosting from hotels and established events venues to a broader market, which includes local clubs. There is a growing trend for clubs to host weddings and other events as a means to supplement revenue and ensure survival.

The maim driver behind the funding is the need to fill gaps in skills. Each year the State and Commonwealth governments identify industry growth areas and the need to ensure the availability of skilled personnel to support this growth. Not surprisingly the Health, Aged Care, Community and Childcare industries receive substantial

But do clubs know that the state government is backing you?

What part does the federal budget play? Since the mid 1980’s the Commonwealth government has invested some $4B in providing student loans to university students. This is paid back to the government once the student graduates and starts earning an adequate income. In 2010, the federal government extended the loan scheme to pre-university qualifications such as Diploma and Advanced Diplomas. This loan, known and VET FEE-HELP, is available for the nonsubsidised component of funded Diploma and Advanced Diplomas and means that employees have the option of not paying any fees upfront.

How do state funding schemes rate? Each State government have their own set of eligibility criteria for its residents. While the major states of NSW, Queensland and Victoria, limit reskilling options for people with prior qualifications, the WA government has kept the criteria open and its residents have the option to access subsidised programs regardless of what prior qualifications they hold. This provides WA residents with a great opportunity to up-skill or re-skill.

Changing face of training Training is no-longer just campus based but in response to the needs of companies and individuals, online learning, onsite delivery are some of the options that training providers offer to support time poor employees and to minimise disruption to businesses.

Information on funded programs for clubs is available from Study Group Career Partnerships, a Bronze Partner of ClubsWA. You can contact Leslie Nath 1300 721 409 for more information.

Clubs WA Service Bulletin

Governments fund a training program by subsiding between 50 to 90% of the total fees. The company or employee pays the non-subsidised component to the training provider, while the government pays the subsidised component to the training provider.

In the 2014/15 budget, the government will invest $31.9B in education; the student loan scheme is part of this budget.


How funding works?





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Clubs WA Service Bulletin





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Get to know some of our Clubs WA Clubs in the Community Finalists... more to come in following editions Written by Monique Manning, Marketing Intern

Boddington Sports and Community Club Finalist for Clubs in the Community (Special Projects)

2014 marked the start of Perth Football Club’s relationship with Variety Club, the Children’s Charity. They provided the function space free of charge to allow a Bogan Bingo night. One of the match days was focused on fundraising and further supported awareness for the charity. A President’s Lunch was hosted and Perth Football Club’s management arranged for speakers from Variety, Tyrepro and Mechanical (the sponsor who brought the charity to their attention) to assist in promoting awareness in the football community.

A Perth Hill’s fire luncheon was organised to raise funds to support those who lost their homes in the 2014 Perth Hills Fire. A total of 50 homes were destroyed in the devastating fires. Royal Perth Golf Club brought together 150 guests, with tickets selling out two weeks prior to the event, over a three course meal with live entertainment and live silent auctions surrounding the event. A total of $42,900 was raised and donated to the disaster relief which directly supported people affected by the 2014 Perth Hills Fire.

Clubs WA Service Bulletin

Perth Football Club - Finalist for Clubs in the Community (Partnerships Award)

Royal Perth Golf Club - Finalist for Clubs in the Community (Special Projects)


This year’s “Bowl over Cancer Day” was run by Boddington Bowling Club and hosted by Boddington Sports and Community Club, who provided a free venue and use of facilities to host 250 guests. Raffles and auctions were held in an effort to bring the community together to play bowls and dress up to raise funds to fight against cancer. Survivors of cancer and those undergoing treatment were given a chance to step forward and publicly speak about their battle and give mention to those who support them. This year they raised a total of $12,600, with $1,500 being donated by the club.


Best Club Media Story of the Year Award • • • • •

‘Women make their mark’ - Belinda Cipriano, Eastern Reporter ‘Lyrical legend’s Swan song’- Belinda Cipriano, Eastern Reporter ‘Swans stalwart’ - Belinda Cipriano, Eastern Reporter • ‘Got your back’ – Steve Grant, Fremantle Herald • ‘Stirred to action’ – Bryce Luff, Community News

Best Industry Supplier of the Year Award • Carlton & United Breweries • Liquid Mix

Best Club TAB Award • • • • • • • • • •

Doubleview Bowling and Recreation Club Dudley Park Bowling and Recreation Club Eaton Bowling and Social Club Kellerberrin and Districts Club Mandurah Bowling and Recreation Club Marmion Angling and Aquatic Club Morley Noranda Recreation Club Mosman Park Bowling Club Scarborough Sportsmen’s Club Thornlie Bowling Club

Best Club Chef Award

• Manfred Supper, Gosnells Golf Club • Bradley Wallis, Hartfield Country Club • David Ellis, Mandurah Bowling and Recreation Club • Nigel Sweeney, Marmion Angling and Aquatic Club • John O’Hara, Royal Perth Golf Club • James Robinson, Scarborough Sportsmen’s Club

Best Club Function Facility (Small) Award • Albany Club • Dunsborough and Districts Country Club

Best Club Function Facility (Medium) Award • Kellerberrin and Districts Club • Nedlands Yacht Club

Best Club Function Facility (Large) Award • • • • • • • •

Gosnells Golf Club Mandurah Bowling and Recreation Club Marmion Angling and Aquatic Club Royal Freshwater Bay Yacht Club Royal Perth Golf Club Scarborough Sportsmen’s Club The Cruising Yacht Club of WA Tompkins Park Community and Recreation Association

Best Club Members Night (Small) Award • Dunsborough and Districts Country Club • Gosnells Bowling Club • Pickering Brook Sports Club

Best Club Members Night (Medium) Award • Belmont Sports and Recreation Club • Dudley Park Bowling and Recreation Club

Best Club Members Night (Large) Award • • • • • •

Gosnells Golf Club Mandurah Bowling and Recreation Club Marmion Angling and Aquatic Club Royal Perth Golf Club Scarborough Sportsmen’s Club The Cruising Yacht Club of WA

Employee of the Year Award

• Anthony Wall, Head Chef, Mandurah Bowling and Recreation Club • Paula Mosley, Office Manager, Marmion Angling and Aquatic Club • Anne Carter, Bar Manager, Meckering Sporting Club • Jason Kelly, Superintendent, Royal Fremantle Golf Club • Ailsa Hosking, Office Manager, Scarborough Sportsmen’s Club • Rochelle Teague, Bar and Functions Manager, Victoria Park Carlisle Bowling Club

Amateur Sportsperson of the Year Award • Jarryd Felton, Gosnells Golf Club • Lisa Featherby, Mosman Park Bowling Club • Jackson Symonds, Sorrento Surf Life Saving Club

Junior Amateur Sportsperson of the Year Award

• Elizabeth Allan, Dudley Park Bowling and Recreation Club • Min Woo Lee, Royal Fremantle Golf Club • Annelise Pring, Sorrento Surf Life Saving Club • Samantha Saunders, Sorrento Surf Life Saving Club

Amateur Sports Team of the Year Award

• Under 16 National Premier League, Cockburn City Soccer Club • Fremantle CBC All Abilities Team, Fremantle CBC Amateur Football Club • Sorrento U14 Rescue and Resuscitation, Sorrento Surf Life Saving Club

Clubs in the Community – Special Projects Award • • • • • •

Boddington Sports and Community Club Freebairn Recreation Club Inc Gosnells Football and Sports Club Marmion Angling and Aquatic Club Royal Perth Golf Club Scarborough Sportsmen’s Club

Clubs in the Community – Community Partnerships Award • • • • •

Gosnells Bowling Club Gosnells Football and Sports Club Kellerberrin and Districts Club Inc Perth Football Club Swan Yacht Club

Volunteer Contribution Award

• Keith Cannon, Dudley Park Bowling and Recreation Club • Linda Cannon, Dudley Park Bowling and Recreation Club • June Nicol, Mandurah Bowling and Recreation Club • Warren Thompson, Margaret River Districts Club • Adrienne Bellairs, Waroona Bowling and Social Club • Mike Whitney, Waroona Bowling and Social Club • Jim Green, Yanchep Sports and Social Club • Mal Wilby, Yanchep Sports and Social Club

Lifetime Contribution to Volunteering Award • • • • • • • • •

Olivia Hunt, Bunbury Bowling Club Ante Andrijich, Cockburn City Soccer Club Ivan Petkovich, Cockburn City Soccer Club John Thorburn, Cockburn City Soccer Club George Leathley, Gosnells Football and Sports Club Noel Williams, Marmion Angling and Aquatic Club George Stamenich, Swan Districts Football Club Wayne Barrett, Thornlie Football and Sportsman’s Club Eugene Albretcht, Yanchep Sports and Social Club

Members Choice Club of the Year Award • • • •

Manning Memorial Bowling Club, John McCooke Swan Districts Football Club, Jim Benson East Perth Football Club, Keith Savage Dunsborough and Districts Country Club, Ian Potts

Club of the Year (Small) Award

• Albany Club - Club Manager, Damon Bryce Seymour • Dunsborough and Districts Country ClubClub Manager, Bruce Taylor • Gosnells Bowling Club- Club Manager, Peter Charkiewicz

Club of the Year (Medium) Award

• Kellerberrin and Districts Club- Club Manager, Mark White • Margaret River District Club- Club Manager, Warren Thompson

Club of the Year (Large) Award

• Hartfield Country Club - Club Manager, Mick Smith • Mandurah Bowling and Recreation Club - Club Manager, James Stewart • Marmion Angling and Aquatic Club - Club Manager, Robert Weir

Get to know some of our Clubs WA Volunteer Finalists Warren Thompson, Margaret River Districts Club (Finalist for Volunteer Contribution Award) As President, Warren was requested by the working committee to work with the nominated builder to rebuild an entire section of the club, and refurbish the existing section of the club, which critically boosted the clubs profile. In response, the club saw a 200% increase in memberships, coming to a new total of 425 members, with the maximum capacity of the club being 500.

Olivia Hunt, Bunbury Bowling Club (Finalist for Lifetime Contribution to Volunteering Award) At 95 years of age, Olivia has been on the Ladies Committee for over a decade and has been a club coach for the last 15 years, arriving every Saturday morning to coach whoever arrives. Ollie, as she is affectionately known, helps to run the carpet bowls for aged persons and has also coached disabled people and school children at the club. Ollie is a life member of the club and has recently nominated herself to be the coordinator of coaching at the club.


Clubs WA Service Bulletin

Mal Wilby, Yanchep Sports and Social Club (Finalist for Volunteer Contribution Award)


Mal is Chair of the Greens Committee, ensuring that there are sufficient volunteers available to maintain two bowling greens. Last year these greens were not up to a high standard which effected a large majority of the members who enjoyed playing bowls. However, in the short time Mal has encompassed his role he has proven effective in ensuring the Club’s greens have achieved an ‘A’ rating. This is the first time this has occurred and the members of the Club are proud of this achievement.

Join a Club for your Mental Health! By Jessica Marmoy

Did you now that people who participate in sporting clubs and organised recreational activities are more likely to be healthier and happier, more alert and cope better with stress? Participation in sport and recreation clubs provides the opportunity to learn new skills, challenge ourselves, make friends and feel a sense of belonging and achievement. All of these things contribute to happiness and good mental wellbeing. Whether you’re a player, an official or are helping out, joining a sport or recreation club is great for your physical and mental health. Keeping physically, mentally and socially active are the foundations of good mental health and wellbeing. Becoming a member of a sport or recreation club provides opportunities to meet new people and form close and lasting friendships. A sense of belonging and being connected to others contributes to good mental health. Achieving individual, team and club goals, whether as a player or supporter, makes us feel good and contributes to mental health and wellbeing. Participating and volunteering helps us, others, and our community.


Clubs WA Service Bulletin

Mentally Healthy WA partner with a number of groups, clubs and organisations around Western Australia to raise awareness of the importance of keeping mentally healthy as well as supporting and encouraging participation in clubs and groups as a way of doing so. In 2014 68% of surveyed partners said their partnership with the Act-Belong-Commit campaign increased the overall mental health of their clients or members. In addition to this, 92% said this partnership increased awareness among staff and volunteers about the need to stay mentally healthy. If you are interested in partnering with the Act-BelongCommit campaign, please contact Partnerships Manager, Simone Kerrigan on (08) 9266 3788 or simone.kerrigan@curtin.edu.au.


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Club News

Our State Budget 2015-16 - Protecting and supporting our community: Grassroots sport support continues Community grassroots sport will get a further boost over the next two years with $10 million for the State Government’s highly successful Sport 4 All program. Comprising four initiatives in KidSport, Nature Play, ClubTalk and the Community Volunteer Project (CVP), the package increases participation in community sport and recreation in Western Australia.

“Research shows that when kids join a club and get more physically active, they learn better. We also know there are so many mental, social and physical benefits for people being active.” Nature Play WA - which was founded by the State Government - will receive $500,000 this year to support its work to encourage parents to balance the time children sit in front of screens with time spent outside being active. “Nature Play has become a much-loved way for families to discover and explore the outdoors,” Ms Davies said. “It also encourages children to get back to unstructured play, which in itself is good but has many positive flow-on health benefits.” ClubTalk provides State sporting associations and industry peak bodies with the tools to use information communication technology to make running a club easier and more cost-effective. The CVP helps clubs recruit, train and retain a new generation of volunteers. Treasurer Mike Nahan said the Government was committed to funding programs which supported communities, especially those that encouraged physical activity. “Sport 4 All encourages healthy, connected communities and that is why we are continuing to invest in these worthwhile programs,” Dr Nahan said. Source: http://www.mediastatements.wa.gov.au/Pages/ StatementDetails.aspx?listName=StatementsBarnett&StatId=9524

On Friday the 1st May, Mental Health Minister Helen Morton called for nominations for the 2015 Mental Health Good Outcomes Awards which celebrate the positive achievements made by individuals, groups and organisations at work or in the community. Mrs Morton said the 2015 awards feature seven categories: • Consumer and carer participation • Improved outcomes in seniors mental health • Improved outcomes in child and youth mental health • Excellence in rural and remote mental health • Mental health employee of the year • Equity and diversity in mental health • Lifetime excellence in the mental health sector. “These awards play an important role in recognising and celebrating the achievements of the Western Australian mental health sector,” the Minister said. “The Mental Health Good Outcomes Awards honour individuals, groups, programs, services and partnerships across the government, private and community sectors that have made an outstanding contribution to mental health. “I strongly encourage all community members to nominate individuals, services and programs that have achieved exceptional performance and outstanding service delivery in the State’s mental health sector.” For more information or to nominate visit http:// www.mentalhealth.wa.gov.au call 6272 1248 or email events@mentalhealth.wa.gov.au Source: http://www.mediastatements.wa.gov.au/Pages/ StatementDetails.aspx?listName=StatementsBarnett&StatId=9406

Clubs WA Service Bulletin

“KidSport is more than just joining a sporting club,” she said.

Mental Health Good Outcomes Awards


On the 22nd May, Sport and Recreation Minister Mia Davies announced the funding as part of the 2015-16 State Budget. The Minister said that since its inception in 2011, the hugely successful KidSport program had seen more than 43,000 children aged between five and 18 receive up to $200 to join a local club to play sport.


Clubs WA Service Bulletin |


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Clubs WA Service Bulletin

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Marketing & Promotions

Liquid Mix Ph: 0447 447 517 www.orders.liquidmixwa.com.au

Crown Perth Ph: (08) 9362 7777 www.crownperth.com.au

Zoo Business Media Ph: 1300 139 913 www.zbm.com.au

Lion Ph: (08) 9350 0407 www.lionco.com

Hospitality & Venue Specialists

WA Flags & Banners Ph: (08) 9467 4646 www.waflags.com.au

Carlton & United Breweries Ph: 132 337 www.cub.com.au Pernod Ricard Australia Ph: (08) 9472 2805 www.pernod-ricard-australia.com Robert Oatley Ph: 1800 628 539 www.buywine.robertoatley.com.au Gaming Specialists TAB Ph: 13 23 68 www.tabtouch.com.au Mal Atwell Billiards and Bingo Ph: (08) 9354 9150 www.malatwell.com.au Finance & Strategic Management Banktech Ph: 0478 333 297 www.banktech.com.au Clubs Plus Superannuation Ph: (02) 9376 9422 www.clubplussuper.com.au Beyond Bank Ph: (08) 9382 0325 www.beyondbank.com.au Legal Partner Lavan Legal Ph: (08) 9288 6001 www.lavanlegal.com.au

Clubs WA Service Bulletin

Technology Partner


Email marketing@clubswa.com.au to find out how.

Liquor Specialists

Coca Cola Amatil Ph: (08) 9449 1395 www.ccamatil.com.au


Want to be listed here?

Total IT Group Ph: (08) 6555 1855 www.totalit.com.au

Gascoigne Ph: (08) 9355 0555 www.gascoigne.com.au Hisconfe Ph: (08) 9388 3400 www.hisconfe.com.au Stoddart Manufacturing Ph: (08) 9414 1343 www.stoddart.com.au Fox Sports Venues Ph: 1300 301 415 www.foxsports.com.au Stanlee Ph: 0420 216 116 www.stanlee.com.au Chair & Table Warehouse Ph: (08) 9228 4722 www.thechairandtablewarehouse.com.au 21st Century Business Equipment Ph: (08) 9321 8902 www.21stcenturybusiness.com.au Gas & Energy Trans Tasman Energy Group Ph: 1300 118 834 www.tteg.com.au Insurance Arthur J. Gallagher Ph: (08) 6250 8300 www.ajg.com.au Training Specialists

PickStar Ph: 1300 657 601 www.pickstar.com.au Smarty Bags Ph: 0414 859 910 www.smartybags.com.au Music & Licensing PPCA Ph: (02) 8569 1111 www.ppca.com.au Health & Safety St John Event Health Services Ph: (08) 9334 1311 www.stjohnambulance.com.au Act-Belong-Commit Ph: (08) 9266 4648 www.actbelongcommit.org.au Transport & Vehicle Services Easicar Ph: 1300 266 828 www.easifleet.com.au Budget Car & Truck Rental Ph: (08) 6253 9315 www.budget.com.au AV Partner AV Partners Ph: 08 9362 7653 www.avpartners.com

Hospitality Alliance Training Ph: (08) 9417 7149 www.hospitalityalliancetraining.edu.au ATI-Mirage Ph: (08) 9218 9059 www.ati-mirage.com.au Study Group Ph: (02) 8263 1814 www.careerpartnerships.edu.au

Make sure to mention Clubs WA to receive great deals and discounts from suppliers. For more information visit: www. clubswa.com.au/members

People on the Move

Do you have a job opening?

Email marketing@clubswa.com.au to advertise.

The following is a list of career opportunities available across Western Australia’s vibrant club industry. If you have a position open within your club, or you would like to publicly welcome a new employee to your team, please send details to marketing@clubswa.com.au

Job Openings

Mandurah and Surrounds

Northern Suburbs

Perth CBD & Surrounds

Golf Pro Shop Assistant www.seek.com.au Pinjarra Golf Club

Green Keeper www.seek.com.au Sea View Golf Club

Function Coordinator www.seek.com.au Secret Harbour Surf Lifesaving Club

Cricket Curator / Groundsman www.seek.com.au Wanneroo District Cricket Club

Events and Marketing Manager www.seek.com.au Nedlands Yacht Club Bar and Functions Manager Head Chef www.seek.com.au Claremont Yacht Club Food and Beverage Team Leader www.seek.com.au Royal Perth Golf Club Administration Assistant www.seek.com.au Mt Lawley Golf Club

Head Chef www.seek.com.au The Cruising Yacht Club

Bar Person www.seek.com.au Joondalup Sports Association

Southern Suburbs Bar Manager www.seek.com.au Kelmscott Football Club Canteen Operator and Assistant www.gumtree.com.au Rossmoyne Junior Football Club

Choose Western Australia’s vibrant club industry as your next career path.


Visit www.hospitalityalliancetraining.edu.au

Clubs WA Service Bulletin

Club Governance and Management courses are now available through Clubs WA’s training portal Hospitality Alliance Training.


Clubs WA

clubs wa

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Industry Supporters

PO Box 5101 South Lake WA 6164 • 2/12 Hammond Road Cockburn Central WA 6164 Email: info@clubswa.com.au • Telephone: 1300 640 616 • Facsimile: 1300 503 907 • Website: www.clubswa.com.au

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