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Profesor Neagu Rodica


Când alegi să taci, de fapt spui ca este în regulă!

Este recunoscut faptul că, fenomenul de bullying a căpătat o serioasă amploare în ultimii ani, dar totodată a început a fi conştientizat şi încadrat ca formă complexă de abuz. Şi, pentru că avem nevoie ca un echilibru să se creeze, este mai mult decât necesar a se interveni pentru a contracara efectele bullying-ului sau, cum s-ar mai spune: a tăia’’ răul din rădăcină’. Acest lucru poate fi obţinut prin exersarea practicilor antibullying.

Elevii clasei a XI-a I de la Colegiului Economic, Buzău s-au remarcat în mod entuziast în cadrul proiectului E-Twinning: ‘ Europe Fights Bullying’. Aşa cum arată şi titlul proiectului, aceştia au desfăşurat activităţi antibullying ce au fost coordonate de doamna

When you say nothing, you say it’s ok!

It is well known the fact that the phenomenon called bullying has seriously spread in the past years, but also started to become more acknowledged and classified as a form of complex abuse. And, because, it is important to have a balance, then is more that necessary to step in, so to counteract or reverse the effects of bullying. This finality can be accomplished through applying the practices against bullying. The 11-th grade students from Economic High-School, Buzau , were noted for their enthusiasm in what concerns the E-twinning project: ’Europe Fights Bullying’. As the title shows, the students have carried out anti-bullying activities coordinated by professor Catalina Poştovei and

profesoară Cătălina Poştovei şi doamna dirigintă Rodica Neagu. Elevii au intenţionat a se alinia colegilor lor europeni în această luptă împotriva a ceea ce defineşte cu adevărat ‘bullying-ul, ‘atât în mediul real dar şi în cel virtual. În această direcţie, elevii: Chivu Alexia, Dincă Dimitrie, Mănoiu Miruna, Bîcîin Elena, Bucătaru professor Rodica Neagu. The student’s intention was to line up with their European colleagues in this fight against what bullying truly means, both in the real and the virtual environment. In this regard, the students: Chivu Alexia, Dincă Dimitrie, Mănoiu Miruna, Bîcîin Elena, Bucătaru Elena, Tănase Flori, Axinte Diana, Fetic Andrei, Lazăr Andrei and

Elena, Tănase Flori, Axinte Diana, Fetic Andrei, Lazăr Andrei şi Vizitiu Georgian de la clasa a XI-a I au învaţat despre empatie, despre identificarea situaţiilor de bullying, despre semnele care apar atunci când un copil cade victimă bullyingului, despre portretul unui agresor, despre tipuri de bullying şi modalităţi de a opri acest fenomen. Un afiş anti-bullying a fost creat de către elevi prin care aceştia au dorit : -să definească bullying-ul; -să arate unde poate fi întâlnit; -să arate cum îl putem preveni; -să identifice lucrurile negative Vizitiu Georgian from 11th Grade have learned about empathy, about recognizing situations concerning bullying, about the signs that turn up when a child becomes a victim to bullying, about the portrait of an aggressor, about the types of bullying and ways to stop this phenomenon. A poster carrying antibullying messages was created by students, through which they wished to: -to define bullying; -to show where it can be found; -to indicate how we can prevent it; -to identify negative things induced

induse de bullying; -să evidenţieze lucruri pozitive care pot decurge din lupta anti-bullying; -sa creeze un jurământ anti-bullying; -sa transmita atitudini pozitive; De asemenea aceştia au creat postere cu mesaje anti-bullying de genul:’ Bullying-ul se opreşte aici’, pe care le-au lipit pe uşile sălilor de clase. Unii elevi au creat poezii adresându-se victimelor bullyingului sau agresorilor lor. by bullying; -to highlight positive things that can derive from the anti-bullying fight; -to create an anti-bullying pledge; -to spread positive mindsets. The students have also created banners with anti-bullying messages like:; ‘Bullying Stops Here’, which they stuck on the doors of the classrooms. Some students wrote poetry addressed to the victims of bullying or their aggressors.


Dincă Dimitrie, XI I

1. I am a loser I know I am not your loser tho Going through school Oh , is rest time?

2. Gotta get loose Bullys are searching

I m going to hide

Somewhere high

3. I think they hunt me But what s that? Another person little and fat He get ashamed by those bully

4. Now I kind a feel bad

Looks for solutions

The little guy screams

One teacher heard him

5. Now he s allright The teacher is mad Bullys are bad But I m not that good

6. Another day of hinding Another day of screams Another day to live I can still belive

7.That bullying can be treat Just like an ilness Bullying can be stopped So bully stop being mad We can live again our peacefull life

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