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Chenglin Wu

Chenglin Wu

Bryan A. and Jeanne Stirrat Faculty Scholar and Associate Professor STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING

Ph.D., engineering mechanics, Harbin Institute of Technology, China

Scholarly Focus, Teaching or Research Areas

Digital twins for disaster resilience, climate change adaptation, AI and deep learning for fragility/vulnerability analysis and surrogate modeling, physics-based modeling of natural hazards, risk assessment of a region to multiple hazards, hazard mitigation and community resilience

Honors or Awards

• Faculty Excellence Award, S&T, 2021

• Joseph H. Senne Jr. Faculty Academy of Civil Engineers Faculty Scholarly Achievement Award, 2021

• Faculty Research Award, S&T, 2020

• Dean’s Scholar Award, S&T, 2020

• Presidential Engagement Fellow, UM System, 2020

• Missouri Accelerated Research Award, 2019

Selected Academic Activities or Research Projects

• SCC-CIVIC-PG Track B: Community Resilience Micro-Bonds to Balance Cost and Social Equity among Stakeholders, NSF

• CoPe EAGER: Coastal Community Resilience Bonds to Enable Coupled Socio-Physical Recovery, NSF

• Damage and Instability Detection of Civil Large-Scale Space Structures Under Operational and Multi-Hazard Environments Based on Change in Macro-Geometrical Patterns/Shapes, NSF

Selected Publications and Presentations

Li, T., Yan, G.R., Yuan, F., Chen, G., “Dynamic Responses on Large-Scale Dome Structures Induced by Tornado,” Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, Vol. 190, pp. 293-308, 2019.

Honerkamp, R., Yan, G.R., & Van De Lindt, J., “Revealing Bluff-Body Aerodynamics on Low-Rise Buildings under Tornadic Winds Using Numerical Laboratory Tornado Simulator,” Journal of Structural Engineering, 148(3), 202204021294.

Honerkamp, R., Yan, G.R., “Influence of Turbulence Modeling on CFD Simulation Results of Tornado-Structure Interaction,” Journal of Wind and Structures, 35(2): 131-146, 2022.

Nofal, O.M., Van De Lindt, J.W., Do, T.Q., Yan, G.R., Hamideh, S., Cox, D.T., & Dietrich, J.C., “Methodology for regional multihazard hurricane damage and risk assessment,” Journal of Structural Engineering, 147(11), 2021, 04021185.

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