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from 2022 Scholarly Productivity Report
by Missouri S&T Library and Learning Resources | Curtis Laws Wilson Library
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Steel Bridge Team wins fourth consecutive regional competition
The Steel Bridge Design Team from Missouri S&T won first place at a regional American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC) Mid-Continent Student Conference.
Missouri S&T earned first place overall at the event, held at Iowa State University in Ames in April. They also placed first in bridge stiffness, construction speed, structural efficiency and construction economy, second in lightness and cost estimation, and third in aesthetics.
“The team excelled again by defending their championship title despite the discontinuity imposed by Covid,” says team advisor Dr. Nicolas Libre, associate teaching professor of civil, architectural and environmental engineering.
CArEE staff wins awards
Two CArEE staff members received awards at the College of Engineering and Computing Recognition Ceremony and Holiday Gathering.

Rookie of the Year Award Jeff Heniff, Research Engineering Tech II.
Extra Mile Award
Jeannie Werner, Graduate Student Support Specialist.