7 minute read
A utomatic Syn
from Missouri S&T Magazine, January-February 1947
by Missouri S&T Library and Learning Resources | Curtis Laws Wilson Library
Los Angeles Section By BARNEY NUELL, Chairman
The Los Angeles Section of the Alumni Associa:'ion held a meetin g at the M elody Lane Restaurant on Saturday evening, F e b.!. A very interes tin g letter from T ed L y nton was read and much enjoyed by everyone present. As previously reported in the Alumnus, Ted Lynton is in France on a two years' leave of absence from the Standard Oil Company. H e we nt at the in vitation of the French Government to take complete charge of the training of French engineers for th e exploitation of oi l deposits throughout the French empire. The stories of his experiences on a vacation trip to North Afri ca made extremely interestin g reading.
The speaker of the evening was N. M. Lawrence, who e ntertain ed everyone immensely with experiences over the past twe nty-five years in many parts of the world, where his e nginee rin g work took him. In addition to the personal experi ences which Mr. Lawrence had, he gave a very intere s tin g discuss ion on the American W ay of Life as contrasted with th e conditions one finds in other parts of the world.
Plans were discussed for a St. Pat's meetin g. A committee of the more recent graduates was appointed to plan for a party at approximately St. Pat's time. The committee cons ists of Mr. and Mrs. A. K eith Cook, Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln Sanders, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Self, and Mr. and Mrs. J ames H eddell , with J ames H eddell as Chairman.
Those present were : Mr. and Mrs. James H eddell '41; Mrs. E va H. Greene ' 11 and son David; Mr. and Mrs. Barney Nuell '21 ; Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Huffman '22; Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln Sanders '44; Mr. and Mrs. Otto Self '43; Mr. and Mrs. P aul Lindau ' 11 ; Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Woods '04; Mr. and Mrs. Bob Kidd '29; Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Schmidt '33; Mr. and Mrs. A. K eith Cook '44; Mr. and Mrs. Hollister '13; Mr. and Mrs. Charl es Dresbach '29; Mr. and Mrs. N. M. L a wrence '16; M r. L eonard Spiers '35.
St. Louis Section
W ee kly lun cheons are being held on Fridays at Schumaker's Res taurant, 41 8 Market street. No fus s or formal reservation necessary. Bring a classmate and stop in.
H a rry S. P ence '23 reports that he had talked to a number of men in the downtown area of St. Louis and they all seemed enthusiastic about getting together for weekly luncheons. The first one was heid Friday, F eb. 14, and will be held weekly from thi s time on.
Joplin Section
A j oint meetin g of the Alumni of the School of Mines and Metallurgy and the American Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers was held at the Connor Hotel in Joplin, Friday, D ec. 6. The occas ion was in honor of 53 seniors in Minin g at MSM who w ere in Joplin on a part of their senior trip.
A. ]. Martin of Joplin, section chairman, pres ided with S. S. Clarke of Bax ter Springs, General Mine Superintendent of th e Eagle-Picher Mining and Smel tin g Co., as toastmaster. Senator Allen McReynolds, President of the Board of Curators of the U niversity of Missouri addressed the mee tin g as did D ean Curtis L. Wil son. Earle McMullen of Joplin, Research Director of the Eagle-Picher Company, addressed the gatherin g on "Research as a Career. " Cowg ill C. B lair, General Manager of the Joplin Globe Publi shin g Co ., and Dr. ]. D . Forres ter, H ead of the Minin g D epartment at MSM, also addressed the gatherin g.
A number of alumni were present at the meetin g, includin g : C. A. Anderson '26, Frederick Clearman '27, F. F. Netze band '30, R]. Stroup '21 , Robert K. Stroup '21, Prof. D . R Schooler '26 of the Minin g D epartment of MSM. Prof. L. E. Shaffer of the Minin g Department of M S M also attended.
The 53 senior min ers spent the week- end in the Jopl in area.
President's Column
(Continued from Parre 3) (Moto r Control) AC-D C adjustable speed switchin g device. 10. Complete Resis tance ' '''elding E quipment.
F reddi e was also instrumental in obtaining a Steam T urbine L ab for simulatin g complete powe r plant operations. It is a scaled-down model of a complete power plant, and it consists roughly of two 25kw Turbine Generatin g U nits w ith steam condenser, feed water heatin g, electric loadin g e quipment, and switchboard. I t furnishes power which is abs orbed by a sy nchronous motor whi ch later may be used w ithin its capacity for li ghtin g, etc. In th e case of this equipm ent, two other schools were bidding for it but Freddie held it for our School until the Board of Curators could meet and authorize Dean Wil son to place an order for the equipment. The installation of thi s equipment should aid th e School in gettin g E.C. P.D. acceptance for the Mechanical En gineerin g D epa rtment; and I understand that W es tin ghouse is now offerin g this equipment to educational institution s for $20,000 with delive ry in, four years.
Last but not least, our Association has never had the legal mac hin ery to properly provide for an endowment fund. This w as brought about durin g 1946 wh en the Cons titution was re written, new B y-Laws drawn up, and machinery for an endowmen t fund provided for.
It mi ght be stated here that all of us will make mistakes if we are out doin g anyth in g, but I think it is a fair statement to say that Freddie made fewer than would normally be exp ected of any man workin g under the circumstances which existed durin g his tenure of office. H e has left us with a well-rounded, organized Alumni Association of which all o f us can be proud and it is up to all of us to help mainta in it a nd furth er its growth.
For all of these accomplishments, for all the work, and for all the time that you have put into the Missouri School of Mines Alumni Association we thank and salute you, Mr. F. C. Schneeberger.
Phil F. Martyn '25 Opens Consulting Office
Phil F. Marty n has announced th e opening of an office at 2703 Gulf Buildin g, Houston, T ex., as Consultin g P etroleum Geolog ist. Phil graduated from MSM in 1925 and has had a wide and varied experience in th e petroleum industry both in thi s country and South A!n erica since his graduation.
Ray E. Heffman '05 Retires
Ray E. Hoffman, after more than forty years o f acti ve service a t the Hannibal plant of the U niversal Atl as Cement Company, retired No v. 20, 1946, as plant manage r.
A dinn er was give:l at the Mark Twain Hotel at H annibal on Nov. 30, 1946, by th e supervisory g roup of th e plant in ho nor o f Mr. Hoffman. There was a large group of official s of Universal Atlas in attendance. At the dinn er Mr. Hoffman received a beautiful wri st watch and other gifts, includin g a $500.00 savin gs bond, from the g roup. Cong ratulatory letters and telegram s we re rece ived by him from B laine S. S mith, P res ident of U niversal Atlas, and many oth er company officials a nd business associates. Mr. Hoffman also r eceived a robe and slippers from the local union.
Ray graduated from MSM in 1905, and whi le on th e campus helped organize and was a charter member of Gamma P i chapter of S ig ma Nu fraternity and he has maintain ed co nstant interes t in the School and the Fraternity since that time. H e played an active part in his community and many I.nbutes were paid to him for his efforts in connection with the civic life of H annibal.
Ray's two SOIl , also attellded MS M and were members of S igma Nu fraternI ty. They are Ray E. H()ffllla '.1 Jr. '39 and Richard H. Hoffman '36.