7 minute read
Compl ete Hig h
from Missouri S&T Magazine, January-February 1947
by Missouri S&T Library and Learning Resources | Curtis Laws Wilson Library
Ka rl F . Hasselm anll , P res icl enr oi the Salt Dome O il K a ppa Alphas Buy Prof. D ean 's Form e r R esidence
The Kappa Alpha Chap ter has purchased the fo rm er hom e of the late Prof. Geo rge R. D ean at th e corner of Fourteenth and State streets and will use it as the ir chapter ho use.
The KAs' were inactive durin g the war, but we re reacti vated with the return of a number of til e members from mi litary service. T hey have been livin g in a ho use at the corner of Twelfth and Pine s treets. Their new home wi ll be recalled by many former students who wi ll remember Prof. Dean .
They E n joyed t he H omecomin g M r Howard M. Katz '13, Secreta ry-Treas urer of the MSM Al um ni Association, has received seve ral letters from th e A lumni expressin g their satisfaction over the homecoming celebration. Gi lbert G. H aas '42 writes : "Enclosed is a check to cover payment of my 1947 Alumni dues. I'd : ike to take th is oppo rtunity to say that I ce rtainly en j oyed the Homecomin g Celebrati on last November - in spit o f New Kappa Alpha F raternity House at 13 11 N orth State, Rolla on th e comm ittees to organi ze the affair deserve Dean Wilson Electe d President of Local M S PE a hu ge vote of thanks. I am lookin g fo rward to future home- At the annual election m cetin g of the Ro ll a Chap ter, M issouri Soc iety of P rofess ional E ngineers, Dr. C. L. Wi lson, Dean of the M issouri School of M in es was elected the n ew Pres ident for the coming year. Other o ffi cers elected included F rank J. Bates of th e U .S. Geological S urvey, V ice President, and A. C. Mc Cutchen of the U.S . Geolog ical S urvey, Secretary-Treas urer ; Di recto rs fo r two year term are P rof. 1. H . Lovett of MSM, and Capt. C. L. Sadler of the U.S. G2010gical S urvey ; hold over D irectors are H . C. Beckma n and 'vVarw ick L. Do ll of the W ater Resources B ranch, U.S. Geological S urvey. P ro f. E. W. Carl ton was re-elected Chapter d elegate to the BO ::l rd of D irecto rs, State Society. Reti rin g officers are M. J. Harden, P res ident; D r. E . L. Clark, V ice P res id nt an d Acting P res ident ; Clyde Re in oehl, Sec re t. ary-T reasurer and D irecto rs G. A. M uil enblll'g and D. R. Schooler. T he Rolla Cha;.>ter of the M issouri Society of P rofessional E ng in eers is plan ni ng an exceedingly ac tive year. B es ides hol ding mon th ly meetin gs for va rious s peakers of note discuss ing pro fess ional problems of engineeri ng, the R oll a C hap ter wi ll ac t as hos ts to the State Convention of the comi ngs. Es peciall y wo uld I li ke to see th e Class o f 1942 a rrange fo r a reun io n celebration of some so rt at future hom eco m ings. I wonder w hat some of the o ther members of the Class of '42 think of the idea? H ere is hoping fo r a bi gger and better Alum ni Association in 1947." J oe Berndt '43, w riting from 16031 East vVashin g to li, Charl eston, W es t Va., says : "S ure enjoyed the H om ecomi ng las t November. I t was swell to see lots of the fell ows again. N ot m uch to report from here except that 'Doc' Day and Bob W right '41 are also w orkin g with Carb ide and Ca;'bon Chemical Co rporation. 'Doc' Day is in o ne of the research groups, Bob Wright is in th e I ns tru ment Department, and I'm still in the E ngin ee ring Department. B ill Yates has been working w ith Westvaco Chl ori ne Co rpo rati on w hich is located just next to Carbide in thi s Great Kanawkas vall ey. E nclosed is a check fo r my 1947 dues , and w ith that I'll close." Harold W. Flood '43 : "Vi e enj oy ed o urselves immensely at the Homecom ing. I am anx ious to see the A lu m ni News that tell s o f the week-end." c. o . Grim Retires MS PE this year. Among the o ther pro bl ems being discussed Claude O . Grim, for the pas t 31 y ears conn ected with the by the Society at present are ways and m eans to raise the B ui l din gs and Gro un ds depa rtment of MS M, retired from economic status of th e in dividual engi nee r and the profe - active work on Feb. 1, 1947. Claude plans to 's pend the resion as a whole ; the co ntinued support and enco uragement mai nder of hi s years on his fa rm some three mil es out fro m of registration for all qualified eng in eers ; better acquain- Ro ll a. tan ce o f the publi c with the fun ctions, the importance and Clau de has play ed a ll active part in the maintenance and qualifi catio ns of th e eng inee r an dl.ast bu t not leas t, an active operation of the school durin g his ma ny yea rs of ervice. program fo r th e eng in ee r-in-trainin g. T hi s latter work is In addition, he and M rs. Grim furnished fi ve students to the d e, igll·,; d to mo re effectively bridge the gap between the school, four of w hom gl:aduated. They are: Claude J ames YO U;lg g raduate engineer and his maturi ty as a profess ional '30, R ichard D ean '37, Geraldine '36, L eona V irginia ex-'33, man. This particular fea tu re of the Society's work is cons idand Rae E lizabeth '39. ered ex tremely impo rtant at uli s time because of the m ate"All of us, students, fac ulty, and staff, w ill certain ly miss rial in crease in eng in eering educatio n of yo un g men as w ell M I'. Grim from the camp us," D ean W ilson s ta ted. " In addi: IS the added difficulties of adj l; stment due to in dus trial and tion to bei ng a master craftsman, M r. Grim was a man of labo r unres t. cheerful dispos itio n and a w illing worker. I t was a pleas lire
K . F. Hasse1mann '25 D esigns Drilling Barge to wor bes t w k is w ith hes fo hi r m. a h W e a appy ll li e fe xt o e n nd th t e o him a farm." nd M rs. Grim OUI'
t. he rainy weather. I think that those w ho served Co rp., ::t nd newly elected p res ide nt of the A lumn i Associanal." The article was accom panied qy n umerous phototio n, is given credit for the design of a un ique drilling barge grap hs and draw ings show ing the des ign of the barge. T he used in the dri ll in g of o il wells in the Matagorda Bay area method of operation is desc ribed in detail. S ho rt's article o ft the coas t of T exas in an articl e by E . H. S ho rt J r., whi ch states, "Company enginee rs credi t Hasselmann with the app c: ared in the Novembe r 1946 iss ue of "O il and Gas ,T ou runique des ign o f the barge."