Missouri S&T Magazine, December 1982

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Alumnus University

December, 1982

Homecoming Issue '


of Missouri-Rolla



Univer's ity of Missouri-Rolla

December 1982

Vol. 56, No. 6

Thirty-one former members of MSM or UMR bands returned to campus for homecoming and sat together during the football game. About 20 of the group performed with the current Miner Band during the halftime ceremonies. A brunch was held for Band Alumni on Sunday at Zeno's. Oldest participant ·(in terms of Class Year) was Robert P. " Dusty" Roads, '32, of Carson City, Nev.

Rolla, MO


A 1946 "all sports" reunion breakfast was held during homecoming weekend. The group met with this year's football team, then sat together _during the foot-. ball game. Those returning for the event were: Charles J. Ross, '49, (tennis); Ron Tappmeyer, '47, (basketball); Walter Liddell, '47, (track); Ted Reeves, '50, (track); Bob Rock, '48, (rifle); and football team members--Joe Good, '46; Jim Stephens, '47; Gale Fulghum, '47; Sid Duerr, '50; Bill Gammon, '49; Bob Reichert, '49; Jim McGrath,'49; Gilbert Carafoil, '47; and Jerry Berry, '49.

Report of Association Board of Directo rs" Activities Despite the state of the economy, donations to the MSM-UMR Alumni Association continued to rise this year. And new Association President, Larry Spanier, '50, and the Board of Directors know what to do with that extra money--give more student scholarships. After newly elected Secretary, Martha Gerig, '69, reported that all nominees for officers and directors had been elected, it was decided at the October I meeting of the MSM-UMR Alumni Association Board of Directors, that student aid would be increased in two ways. First, the Association allocated $4,000 to be used for MSM-UMR Alumni Association Athletic Scholarships. That amount should go a long way in providing the 28 additional athletic scholarships authorized under MIAA conference rules, but presently not given to UMR athletes becaise of a lack of funds. In a separate action, the Board voted to increase the amoun~ of existing AsSociation scholarships and the Educational Assistant program to $86,250 for the 1983-84 budget. The 1982-83 budget calls for $67 ,500. As part of the increase, students will be asked to consider 25 percent of their scholarship award as a loan to be repaid to the Association within two years of graduation.

O 'n The Cover Chancellor Joseph M. Marchello (back to camera) bestows the traditional kiss uPon the 1982 Homecoming Queen, Laura Pagano, the daughter of Dr. and Mrs. ~. 1. Pagano, Rolla. Dr. Pagano has been a member of the UMR faculty (mathematics) since 1946. Laura is a junior in mechanical engineering, a member of Chi Omega sorority, Phi Kappa Theta Little Sisters, the Interfraternity Council and is advertising director for the Miner.

MSM ALUMNUS (USPS·323·500) Issued bi-monthly in the interest of the graduates and former students of the Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy and the Univ'ersity of MissouriRolla. Entered as second class matter October 27,1926, at Post Office at Rolla, Missouri 65401, under the Act of March 3, 1897.

Spanier called on newly elected Treasurer Jack Painter, '50, to present the financial statement. Painter pointed out that the Associaiton had received a total of $277,612.55 in unrestricted and restricted gifts as of August 25. That is an increase of nearly $60,000 over the same period last year. The Association had an equity balance as of August 25 of $213,641 .30. Bob Vansant, '60, reported that the yield on investments in the Association's Jackling Fund had increased this year. He was followed by Art Baebler, '55 , who reported that the Alumni Alliance's Legislative Day is set for March 22, 1983 in Jefferson City. Baebler is the new president of the University of Missouri Alumni Alliance. Ken Pohlig, '64, distributed copies of the letter he sent to executives of 50 St. Louis area firms in an effort to establish better communications between industry and UMR. His future plans call for similar letters to go to executives in the Kansas City and Springfield/Joplin areas. Spanier's Long Range Planning Committee looked into the Alumni-StudentFaculty Conference to determine its future direction. Aided by information provided by Executive Vice President Frank Mackaman, the committee roncluded that the work of the A-S-F Conference would be better carried out on a department-level. After a lunch where the Directors were joined by Alumni Association schola'rship recipients, Robert Klorer, '44, announced which nominees from 'the spring Board meeting would be given awards at the Association's Annual A wards Banquet. Martha Gerig noted that her previous student project, the organization of a Toastmasters Club for UMR students, has been a success. The UMR club has been officially chartered as a member of Toastmasters International. Out-going President Robert Bay, '49, reported that a joint UMC-UMR alumni committee designed to work. on. mutual problems and interests is progressing well. That committee's first meeting was scheduled for .November 12 at UMR. Bob Wolf, '51, proposed that retiring Board members be given a small pewter rendering of a miner mounted on a wooden base and appropriately engraved as a token of the Association's appreciation for their service. The gift was adopted. Spanier next introduced UMR Chancellor Joseph Marchello who reported that the state of UMR was progressing well. The Chancellor stressed that while the overall economic outlook is down, he believes that UMR will continue to progress and maintain its fine reputation. There being no further business, Spanier adjourned the meeting.

MSM Alumnusl1



HOMECOMING 1982 Attendees

by Class Year

The following is a list of those who signed the registration sheets at homecoming as interpreted by our resident handwriting experts,

Golden Alumni 1932 and before Edwin G. Machin, '22 . .. . . .. . '. . ..... , .. , ......... .. . .. ... ,Nashville, Ill. Ragan Ford, '23 .. . .. ... ... . ... . . .. . . ...... . . .. .. .. . : . .... Minden, La. Wayne S. Frame, '23 ... . .. . ........ ' ... . .... . .............. Eldon, Mo. Muir L. Frey, '23. ... . .. .. . .. ...... ' .. . . . ............ Birmingham, Mich. Jack P.C;ampbell, '24 . . ' .' ........... ' . .. .. . . .. ..... . . . Brownsville, Texas '. Hugh R. Berry, '25 ...... .. .. ,., . ... ' . . ... . . .. ... . ... . ....... Rolla, Mo: Carl J. Heim, '25 ................ . ... . . . . . .. . ... . ...... : ... . Jasper, Ind. Elmer Gammeter, '26 ..... ... .. .. .. . , . .... ....... . ...... . . . . Beaver, Pa. Daniel Kennedy, '26 . . . . .. . . .. ..... . , . . .... ..... .... .. . .... . Rolla, Mo.

William R. Mays, '32 ...... . . . .... .. . . ' .' .. : . .. . ... '........ Kilgore, Texas Henry W. Meyer, '32 . . . .. . ......... . ........... , .. Cherokee Village, Ark . John A. Pollak, '32 ......... . . . ............ .. ............ Kirkwood, Mo. Robert P. Rhoades, '32 ......... . ..... .. .. . . .. , ........ . Carson City, Nev. W. Robert Riggs, '32 . . . . ............ . . " .' . .. .. .. . . . .... Osage Beach, Mo. John T. Sturm, '32 .. . .......... , . . .. .' ................ . ... St. James, Mo. Homer F. Thompson, '32 . . .. . ............ . .. . . . ....... N. Little Rock, Ark. Elmer M. Tomlinson, '32 .......... .. ... .. . . . . . ..... , .. St. Petersburg, Fla. Frank 1. Zvanut, '32...... .... .. ....................... . .. . ... Tyler, Texas Donald J. Bisett, '27.. . . . . ....... . ... . ...... . ...... . .. . ..... . Rolla, Mo. Ernest Morgan, '27 . .. ....... . ..... .. ........ . ... . ........ Miami, Okla. Harold D. Thomas, '27 . . ... . . .. .. .. .... . ..... .. . . ... . ....... Rolla, Mo. 'Phillip J. Boyer, '28 . .......... .. .. ... ...... . ............ Encinitas, Calif. Gerald A. Roberts, '28 ................... . ......... . .... EI Dorado, Ark. William M. Gilmore, '30 .......... . .. . ..... , .. .. ......... Roodhouse, III. e. James Grimm, '30 ......... : . .. . . .. ........... . .......... Rolla, Mo. George F. Heath, '30 .. . . . .. .. . .. " . . . .. . ....... . ... .... Warrenton, Mo.

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Charles W. McCaw, '30 . ........ . ........ . ...... . ... . ........ Rolla, Mo. Vernon A. e. Gevecker, '31 . . ... .. ... . . ,., . . .............. .. Rolla, Mo. . Clarence W. Hangosky, '31' . . . ... . . . . .... . . . ... .. ..... ~ . E. Lansing, Mich. Elmer J. Sperling, '31. . ...... . ..... . ' . .. ...... , .. ... Webster Groves, Mo. WHiiam Brewer, '32 ....... " . .. . ..... ~ .. . . . ........ . ... Cincinnati, Ohio Harold J. Bruegging, '32 .... .. ....... .. .. . .. . . .. . . .... Jefferson City, Mo. .' Edwin O. Crawford, '32 ........ . ........ . .. . ... . . .. , ...... Dallils, Texas Willard A. Gallemore, '32 . .. , .... . . .. ..................... . Lebanop, III. Andrew W. Kassay, '32 ..... . ...... .. . . : . . ... . ............ Toledo, Ohio

l/MSM Alumnu$

Class of ' 33

Elmer A. Roemer .. . ............ , .. , ......................... Rolla, Mo. Honor Class of ' 37

Frank e. Appleyard .. . .... , ... .. . .... . ......... . ........... Tubac; Ariz. Theodore 1. Bommer. .. , ........ . ....... .. . . .. . . ... . . . . ... St. Louis, Mo. William e. Busch ............ . ................... .. . . .... . .. Rockford, III. Ross R. Carrolla . . .. . .. , .. .. ...... ..... . , . . . ...... . , . . . Kansas City, Mo. William W. Culbertson ..... . . . .. . ... . ...... .. .......... . . . . Pittsburgh, Pa. George W. Dickinson .. ....... . . .. .. ........ .. .......... : Evergreen, Colo. Robert L. Elgin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . ......... . .......... St. James, Mo. Edward P. Gould .... , . . . . . . . . . .. . ... . . . . . ............... Rockville, Ind. Clarence H. Harris . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . ..... . ...... . . , .. ....... Omaha, Neb. Robert .e. Lange ......... .. ... . ......... ... ........ . . .. ..... Rolla, Mo. Walter E. Luder .......... , ....... , ............. . , . . .... Chillicothe, Ohio

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Class of '40 George E. Fort. ............ . .. ...... .. ..... . ...... Oklahoma City, Okla. John R. Klug .................... .. .......... . ... . ....... Lebanon, Mo. William J. Smothers. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . .... ... .. . .... Bethlehem, Pa. Armin J. Tucker. . ..... . .. _ ...... . . . . . .. : . . . . . . ... . ... . . Alexandria, Va. Class of '41 Andrew A. Cochran ....... .. . ... . . '. . . . . . . . . . .......... . ... . Rolla, Mo. G . Robert Couch ....... . ... ........ . . . ......... . .. ..... Allamuchy, N.J. Donald G. Crecelius .... . ..... . .. .... . . . . . . ......... . . .. .. Paducah, Ky . . Alden G. Hacker ..... . . . . . .. .. . .. .................. Warson Woods, Mo. · Chris M. ~attenbarger. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .... . . .. ...... .. Lamar, Mo .

. Frank S. Millard .. . ..... . .............. . .. . ... , .. .... ..Houston, Texas Samuel S. Post. . : .... .. .. ... . . . ... . .. .... . . . . . ..... . ..... Raymore, Mo . . John J. Sheppard . ... . . ....... . . . ... ... ... . .......... . . . . St. Cloud, Fla. Fred K. W. Vogt. .. . ..... . ........ . ..... . ... .. .... .. . . . . .. . Rolla, Mo. Class of '38 Melvin E. Nickel. . .. ... . . . .... . ................. .... ...... Chicago, Ill. Hueston M. Smith . .... ... . . .. ... . . ..... . ...... . ...... . . . St. Louis, Mo.

Honor Class of '42 George W. Axmacher. ... . . . . . ........... . ... . .. . .. Oklahoma City, Okla. Robert M. Brackbill . .. ... . .... ... . .. . . . . . . . .. . .. .. . . . . . . . . Dallas, Texas Ralph H. Brouk .... .. .. .... ...... . .. ..... . . ...... .. ....... Affton, Mo. William D. Busch . ............ . . . .. . . .. ................ Cleveland, Ohio . John H. Castleman .... . .. . . . .... . ... . .... . ... . ...... ... La Mirada, Calif

Class of '39 Thomas J. Finley, Jr......... .. . ........ . .... . .. .. . . . .... . Pittsburgh, Pa. John H. Livingston .............. .. . .................. : . Elm Grove, La. Joel ·F. Loveridge . ... . . . . . . . . . .............. . .. . . .... . Creve Coeur, Mo. Joseph W. Mooney .... .. .. . ................ ." ....... University City, Mo. Charles W. Morris ...... . .. .. . . ... .. . ... . . ...... . ... . . . .. St. Louis, Mo.

George P. Dahm. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . . . Indianapolis, Ind. Roy M. Ferris ....... ... .... . . ... .. .... ... . .. ......... Natchitoches, La. Melvin C. Flint.. ... .... . . ..... :' ...... , ......... Hilton Head Island, S.c. Gene Gottschalk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . ..... . .. .. ... ; .. Paducah, Ky. William E. Hill, Jr. . ........... ......... . . . ... . .... . .. .. . . Rock Falls, Ill. Russell W. Hollander. ........ . .... . .. . . . ... . ...... : . .. .. Wichita, Kans. Thomas A. Hughes ....... ~ . . .... . . . .. . .... . . .... .... Winter Haven, Fla. Joseph T. Karbosky . . . .. . .... . . . . . . .... . .. ......... . .. Bartlesville, Okla. Welby M. King . . .. .. ... . . . . . .... . . . .. . . .... . .. ... . ... Santa Ana, Calif. Fred Kisslinger . . ... .. . .. . . . . .... . ... . . . ..... . ... ... . ..... . . Rolla, Mo. Harold A. Krueger .. . . ....... . ..... . . . . . ........ . ... Salt Lake City, Utah Vernon T. Loesing .. . .. .. . . .......... . . . . ..... .. . ......... . .. Rolla, Mo.

MSM Alumnus / 3

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-1 Edward P. Schneider, Jr ...... .. . . ..... . .. .. .. .. .. .... . .. . . . St. Louis, Mo. Kenneth A. Schowalter .. . ....... . .. . .. .. ... . . . .. . ... . .. Monroeville, Pa. Otis H. Taylor .. ... . ..... . .... ....... . ... . . . . .. ...... . Davenport, Iowa Ben E. Weidle .. ... . .. .. ..... . .. ...... , ... . .. . ...... Albuquerque, N.M . Leonard C. Wolff. .. ....... '... . ............. .. . . ... .. ... Columbia, Mo. Jacques W. Zoller ... . . ' . ....... . . . .. . . . .. ..... .. '.. . ; . . .. . Littleton, Colo.

Class of '43 Raymond O. Kasten . .. .. . .. ... ... .. .. . .... ... . ... . . .... Kansas City, Mo. Max L. Marlow ........... . . . . . . .. .......... .. . . ..... . . Pinckneyville, Ill. Gabriel G . Skitek ..... . . . .. ........ .. ........ .. . . .. . . . . . ..... Rolla. Mo.

Oass of '42 Continued John H. Lyons . . ..... . . . ... . . . . . . . .. . . .. . .. . .... . .. .. ... Potomac, Md. William F . McConnell. .. . . . .. .... . . . .. . . ..... .. ... . .. . .... . Clinton, Ill. Vernon T. McGhee ...... . .. . ... . . ..... .. .... . .... ... . Bartlesville, Okla. Charles T. Morris . .... . . . . . .. .... . . .. . . . . . ·· · ·. ·· . . · . ·· . Des Peres, Mo. Oscar M. Muskopf . . ..... . ..... . .. . . . .. . . . ... .. . . . . .. . . . Florissant, Mo.

Class of '44 Peter E. Des Jardins .. . . . .. . . .. .. ......... . '.... ... .... . ... Lafayette, La. James D. Gostin ......... ... .. . .. . . . .. .. .. . . . . .. ..... . . Bradbury, Calif. Robert W. Klorer. ... .. .. .... . : . . .. ... . .. .... .... ... .. ... St. Louis, Mo. Hans E. Schmoldt . ... .. . ... .... ... . . . . . ..... .. .. . ..... Bartlesville, Okla.

Edward C. Myers . ... . . ... ...... . . .. . . .......... . . . .. . Great Bend, Kan. Ralph L. Neubert . . .. . ... . . . . . . ... . . .... . ................ St. Louis, Mo. James R. Nevin, Jr. ... .. .... . .. . ..... ..... . . .. , ..... . Kingston 6, Jamaica John W. Nevin .. . . .. . ... .... . .... .. . ... .. .. ..... . . . . ... Downey, Calif. Fred W. Olde .. . ..... . .. . .. ... ..... .. . .. . ... , .......... Florissant, Mo. John K. Olsen . .......... .. . ... .. .. ........ .... . . .... St. Petersburg, Fla. Elmer H. Sandhaus ..... .... . . .... . .. ..... .. .... . ...... ... . . Rolla, Mo . .

Honor Class of '47 Elmer W. Belew . .. ..... . . . .......... . . .. ...... . . . . .. ... . St. Louis, Mo. Gilbert J. Carafio!. .. .. .. .. .. .... .. ..... . .... .. . . ....... Houston, Texas Gale Fulghum ..... . ... . .... . . . .. . .. . .. .. . . .. .... . . . IndePendence, Mo. John W. Liddell ..... . . . . . ... . .. . . . . . . . .. .. .. . . . . . . .. . . .... Affton, Mo. Herman Mansfield .. : ...... . .. .. . . . . . . . ..... ... . . .. . . .... Fairlawn, N.J. . . . .. .. . Scottsdale, Ariz. Chester M. Pomeroy . ..... ... .. .' . . . . . . . . . . . . John D. Powell. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... Rolla, Mo. George E. Purdy .. . .......... . .' . . .... . . . .. . .... . ....... Eva nsville, Ind. Ames W. Ranes . . . . . . . . . . . .. ... ..... .. .. .. . . ... . ..... .. . . Rolla, Mo. . ..... . ..... . . .. . .. .. .... . . . Rolla , Mo. Rodney A. Schaefer . . . . . . . . . . Mailand R. Strunk ... . ... . .. " .. . ... .. .... . . ........... . . . ... Rolla, Mo. Ronald A. Tappmeyer ........ . . . ....... . . .. . ...... . .. Sugar Land , Texas Wilbur P. Tappmeyer ... . ..... .. .. . . . . ..... . . ..... . . . ...... . . Rolla, Mo. Harold E. Vogt. . .... .. .. ... .... . . . ....... .. .. . .... Oconomowoc, W isc.



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Class of.'48 James B. Chaney. . . . . ..... . ... .. . . . . . . .... . .. . . .. . . . . . . Spring, Texas Harvey 8. Leaver . ... .. . .. . ....... . . . . . . . . .. . .. . ... ... Chesterfield, Mo. Donald J. Mathews .... . .. .. . . .... . ....... . . .. . . . . . .... Jonesboro, Ark. Richard H. Walker .. . . .... . ... . . . .... . ....... . . . . . . . .. . . Ferguson, Mo.


Class of '49


Robert D. Bay . . . . ... . . ............ . .. .

. . . . .. .... .. ... Kansas City, Mo. Jerome T. Berry ....... . ...... . . ........ . . ...... . ..... . ... . . Rolla, Mo.

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Lawrence A. Spanier ... . ... . ......... . .. . ....... . . . .. . . Dix .Hills, N.Y. Carl E. Zerweck. Jr. . . . .. . . . . . ....... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Creve Coeur, Mo.

Class of '51 Lester W. Holcomb. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .... . .... Jackson, Ill. Joseph H. Senne . . . . . . . . .. ... ... :: . .. . .... . . ....... . . ..... Rolla, Mo. John E. Smith. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . ... . . ... . . . ..... . Rolla, Mo.


Donald G. DeBolt .. .... . ... .. . . . . . . . . .. . .. . .... . ..... . ... Dallas, Texas William H. Gammon .. ... . .... .. ... .. . . . ........ . . . . . Longboat Key, Fla. Joseph E. Greig ............. . .......... . . .. ... ....... Chula Vista, Calif. James B. McGrath ......... . . ..... . ... . .... ... . .. ........ St. Louis, Mo. Robert E. Reichelt. . . . . ...... . .... . . .. . . . ... . ..... Oak Brook Terrace, Ill . Joseph J. Reiss. . . . . . . . . . ... . .... . . . ..... . . Creve Coeur, Mo. Charles R. Remington, Jr. . . ... . . .. . ... . . .... . . .. . . . ...... . .. . Rolla, Mo. Joseph W. Rittenhouse .... . .... . '.. ... . ... . ... . .......... . Barrington, Ill. Charles J. Ross . ......... . .... . . . . .. .. ................ Chesterfield, Mo. Ralph E. Schowalter . . ..-...... .. .......................... . . Rolla, ·Mo.




Honor Class of '52 John G. Bartel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . .. . ... . ... .. . . . Hermann, Mo. Francis S. Basler. . . . . . . . .. . .. . . .. . . .. . .. . . . . . . .. . . . . St. Louis, Mo. Richard H. Bauer ................. . . . . . ...... . .. . . . .. .. . . St. Louis,Mo.

j Edgar J. Telthorst ... . . . ... . ... .. . ... ..... . .... . ... . .. . . .. Florissant, Mo . . Joseph W. Todd .... . ... .. .. .. .. . .. . ..... . .. . . . . ........ . .. . Rolla, Mo. John 8. Toomey ....... . . . . ...... . ... . .... . . ... . ... . . .. Alexandria, Va. William A. Wundrack. . .. . . . .... . ... . .... . .. . .. . .. . .... St. Louis, Mo.


Class of '50 William W. Collins ...... . . .. . . . . . ... . . . ... .. .. .... . . .. Metuchen, N.J. Oliver A. Jorcke . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .... .... .. Crestwood, Mo. John L. Painter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .... . .... . . . .. .. .... Rolla, Mo. Theodore J. Reeves . . . . .. . . . . . . . .. . ... . .. . .. . . . .... . .. . Flat River, Mo. l. Kent Roberts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . ........ . ..... . .... Rolla, Mo. Arthur L. Schmidt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . .. . .... . Lake St. Louis, Mo.

MSM Alumnus / 5

Class of '52 Continued Richard M. Bosse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . . ............. Kenner, La. John F . Bruskotter ... ... .. . . . .. . . ....... . .. .. ..... . . .. . . Spring, Texas Edward L. Calcaterra ..... ... . . .. . . ... .. ... . ......... . ... . St. Louis, Mo. Leo M. Cardetti. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ..... . . . ... . . .. St. James, Mo. Floyd M. Drummond. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... .. ... . . . . . .... Collinsville, III. George E. Fish . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . ...... . .... Oklahoma City, Okla. Charles 1. Foster .... . .. .... . . .. .. . ...... .. ... .... ...... Florissant, Mo. Wallace H. Holmes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . ...... . . . . Winter Haven, Fla. Emil C. Hrbacek . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . ......... . . . .. .. . St. Louis, Mo. John G . Macke .... ... . .. . ... . . . . . . ... .......... . . . . . Creve Coeur, Mo. George Maczura . . . ...... .. ....... . . ._ ...... . . .. .. ...... Pittsburgh, Pa. John E. Mulholland, Jr. . ........ .. .. ........ : . .. : ... ... .... .. Chester, III.

, Class of '56 George R. Baumgartner . .... . . . .. .... . .. ...... .. ... .. ... Dearborn, Mich. Billy R. Jones ... . .... .. .... ........ . .. .. .. ....... ....... . Dallas, Texas Harry J. Sauer, Jr. ........ .. . .. .... . . . .. . . . ..... ..... ... ... . Rolla, Mo.

Harold L. Pierson ..... . . .. .... .. ...... . ..... . .. ... ... . ... Lafayette, La. John E. Priest. ....... . . .. .......... ... . . .. .... ...... . .. Wilmette, III. William M. Pulford . ... . . ... .. ... . . . . .. . .... ..... .. ..... Glenarm, Md. Robert P. Schafer . '.... .. ... ...... . . . ..... . .. .. ... .. . . ... Dallas, Texas Tom L. Scheffler .. ... ... . ... . . .......... . .. . .. . ....... Kingston, N.H. Quentin 1. Schiene .... . .. . . . . . ........ . ..... . .... . .. . .. . Humble, Texas Roger 1. Schoeppel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... . ... . .... Stillwater: Okla. John O. Steele .... ........ . ..... . ... ...... .. . ... . .... Kansas City, Mo. John P. Zedalis ... .. .... .. ....... .... .. . ............ . .. . Alexandra, Va.

Honor Class of '57 Richard H . Aberle ... . . . ...... .. . ... . . . . . .. ....... . .... . . St. Louis, Mo. August A. Baechle ... . ....... . ..... .... ..... . . .. .......... Ballwin, Mo. Donald D. Baker ... . ..-... .. .... ... . .. . ... . ... .... .... Los Alamos, N .M. Donald R. Bowers ... ............ .... .. ... ... ...... .. .. Chesterfield, Mo. Robert W. Bruce ... . .. . . ... . .... . ...... ... ..... . ... ..... St. Louis, Mo. Robert 1. Carr ... . . .. ..... . . ............... . .. .. .... .... St. Mo.

Class of ' 53 Harold R. Crane ...... . . . .. ... .. . . ...... . ..... . . . . . ..... Hannibal, Mo.

Class of ' 54 Max A. Burgett . . . .......... . ...... .. . ' ...... . . .. . .. .. Murphysboro, III. J. Robert Patterson ... . . . ...... .... .. .. ....... ... ... .. .... Sikeston, Mo.

Class of '55 Arthur G. Baebler. . ....... . .. . . .. ... .. . ... ...... ... . . . Sunset Hills, Mo. Chester H . Baker .. . ........... . .......... . . . .... . ..... . .... Rolla, Mo. Wayne R. Broaddus, Jr .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ ...... ..... Dalton, Ga . Garland C. Friederich . . . . .. ..... . ... . ' .. . ...... . . . . . . . ... St. Louis, Mo. Robert B. Oetting ....... . . . ... . .. . .. . . .. . .. . ........ .. ..... Rolla, Mo.

6/ MSM Alumnus


Raymond L. Hussey. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. James H. Johnson. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . James w. Johnson. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Thomas E. Kalin. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . David D. Kick. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Arthur J. Koelling. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Kermit R. Kreder. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bernie Malson. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Harold E. McCormick. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Liston E. Neely . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Robert A. Nichols. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Larry D. Oppliger . '.. . .. . .. : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..

. . . ..... . Indianapolis, Ind. . ..... . .. Centerville, Ohio . . . . . . . . '" .... Rolla, Mo. . . . ........ Shawnee, Kan. . . . . . . ....... T~lsa, Okla. . . . .. . ... Sunnyvale, Calif. . .. . ....... St. Charles, Mo. . ..... .. . . .. Spring, Texas . ... . . . . . ... Ballwin, Mo. . . .... ... , . Phoenix, Ariz. . . . ... . ... .. Orrville, Ohio . . ... ... Kalamazoo, Mich.

Class of '57 Continued 1.



Kenneth R. Crandall ... . ........ . ........ . .... ... ..... Los Alamos, N.M. WilliamG. Demzik ..... .. . ... .. .. . , ... ... .. . ...... .. .... St. Louis, Mo. Salvatore J. Dibartolo ... .. .......... . .. . ..... .... .. . .. .. Lynchburg, Va. Frederick J. Dietrich ... .. .... . .. ... ...... . .... . . . .. . ... . Palo Alto, Calif. Walter H. Ellis, Jr. ...... . .. .. .. . . . .. ........... . . . . . ... Wescosville, Pa., Kenneth G. Escott .... .. ... .... ...... ..... . ......... , .. Granite City, Ill. Robert W. Eshbaugh ....... .... . ................... .... Greensburg, Pa.

Edwin D. Reid ....... . .. . . . . ... ................. . .... Greensboro, N.C. John H. Rother. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . ..... .. . ... ... St. Charles, Mo. Philip S. Roush .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... .. . .... .. . , . . . St. Louis, Mo. Wallace R. Saunders . . ..... ..... . . . .. . . . ... . . ..... . ...... St. Louis, Mo. Ardell J. Schelich .... . ..... . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . .... ..... .. Washington, Mo. Clifford C. Tanquary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . ....... . .. Grandview, Mo. James E. Watw.ood, Jr. . . . . . . ...... ...... . . .... . ... . ....... Centralia, III. Charles R. Weldy ... . .......... .. ...... . . . .. . ..... . .... Hot Springs, S.D.

o. o.



10. 10.

Robert L. Feaster . .. ... . ...... . ... . ........ .. .. ..... . Lee's Summit, Mo.

Robert G. Fuller . ... . ,' . . .... .. .... ', ........... .. . ... . .. . Lincoln, Nebr. Don R. Greenwalt ... . ....... . .... .. ... . .. . ... . ... . ... . . .. . Tulsa, Okla . Eugene J. Hanss .. . . . ......... . ....... . ... . .......... . .. Florissant, Mo. Robert E. Hinds . . .............. . .. .. ........ .. . . .. . . . .... Tulsa. Okla.

Class of '58 Delbert E. Day . . . . ... . . .. .. . . .... ... . ...... . ... . . . . ....... . Rolla, Mo. B. Neil Lewis .... . .. . ... .. .. .. ... ..... .. . . . . ... .... . . .... Kennett, Mo. Donald E. Modesitt ... ... . . . ....... . ...... .... . '..... . '... . ... Rolla, Mo. Paul R. Munger . . . . ..... . .. .. . .... . . ... . .... . . . .......... . . Rolla, Mo. Richard A. Schwegel . . ...... ... ... . ... . ... .. .. . . .. .. ..... St. Louis, Mo. Charles H. Sullivan. . ..... . ..... . .. ... ... . . . . . .. . Richardson, Texas Class of '59 Jerry R. Bayless ... . .. . . . ...... . . .... ..... . ... .. . .. . . ....... Rolla, Mo. D. Ray Edwards ......... . .. ... . .. . .... . .. .. ..... . ..... . ... Rolla, Mo. . ..... . . . .. St. Louis, Mo. Robert M. Hess. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .... .. . . Chagrin Falls, Ohio Gerald L. Stevenson. . . . . . . . . . . . .

MSM Alumnusl7



Marvin O. Camp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. .... .. . .... , ... Allison Park , Pa. Patrick D. Culnan, Jr. .. . . .......... . . . .. .... . . , ..... .. . . Houston, Texas Jorge A. Espana. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... . . Rosario 2000, Argentina Robert A. Faenger .... . .. . .. . . . . .. . ,",.... . .. .. , .. '.' Bourbonnais, Ill. Owen B. Funsch. , .. Rockmart, Ga. . . .. .. . . . . , .............. , Rea, Mo. James O. G uest . . . . . . . . . Kent, Ohio Frederick W. Haushalter ... . . .... . , ..... .. . . .. Gary W. Havener ................ , ...... ,., . . . .. ... Mineral Wells, Texas Alphonse W. Hegger. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. .... . .. . . . .. . . ... .. : St. Louis, Mo. Roger P. Hoffman . ..... , ....... . ~ . . .......... . .. ,., .. ... St. Louis, Mo. Rollie R. Johnson. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. . .... . , ... . . . ... Manchester, Mo. Russell A. Kamper .... . .. '. .... . . .. ....... . . . . . ...... ..... Dayton, Ohio Karl R. Kneile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. .. . ... . .... . .... . . Tullahoma, Tenn. . . . .... , . ._. ... . Wartrace, Tenn . Charles C. Limbaugh. . . . . . . . . . . . . . James F . Marler .............. ... ... . . ... .. .. .......... Fort Smith, Ark .

Class of '60 . Jerry L. Gilmore ....... .. . .. . ..... .. . ...... . ..... . ..... .. .. Rolla, Mo . . Victor 1. Hoffmann ....... . .. . . . ... . . .. . .......... . .. ..... Kent, Wash. Thomas C. Tucker. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. .......... .. ... .. .

Daniel A. McCarthy . .. . ...... . . .. . .. ..... .. ... . ... . . . . . Florissant, Mo. Aaron M. Reuck ............. . . . . . .... . . .. . .. . . . . ... .... : Liberty, Mo. Kenneth W. Steele .. . ... . : . ... .. .... . ....... . .. .. . . .... . Glen Ellyn, III. Paul D. Stigall .... ..... . ... .... ................. . ... ... .... Rolla, Mo. James E. Teske .. ... . ..... . ......... . . .... ..... . . . . . .. . Cambridge, Wis. Vernon E. Theilmann ... . ...... .. . . ..... .... . . .. .. . . -., ... Mayfield , Ky. Gary A. Trippensee . .. . . .. . .. ..... ........ .. ...... .. .. . Lancaster, Calif. Thomas P. Van Doren . . . . . . .. . ...... ..... ........ . ... . ... .. . Rolla, Mo. Robert J. Wilson. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... ... ... . ........... Oswego, III.

Class of '61 Albert E. Bolon .. . . .. .. ... . . .... . ... ... ...... . . . . . . . ., . . . ... Rolla, Mo . . Charles E. Lemons ..... . . . . .... . .. .... .. ... . .... . ... Overland Park, Kan. Richard M. Moeller .. . . . . .... . ........ .. .. .. . ... ..... . .. . St. Louis, Mo. Donald D. Myers ... . . . ... ... .. .... . . .. , ..... . . . . ... . , .... . . Rolla, Mo.

Honor Class of '62 Andrew T. Aylward, Jr. ... . .. . . .. .. .. . ... . . . . . . ...... .. . . Endwell, N.Y. George L. Bast ... . ... . ........ . .... . . .... . .. . . . .......... .. Rolla, Mo. David H. Brewer, Jr. ............ . .. ... ... . . . ......... Independence. Mo.

Class of '63 David O. Cox ..... . .. ... . ... ....... .. ......... ...... .. Cincinnati, Ohio Wade A. Martin .. . . .. .. . . ...... . . . ... .. . . ...... ... . . ... . . . Morton, Ill. Walter J . Schuster .... ,.. . . ... .... .. , ..... . . . . . . ...... ,St. Louis, .Mo. James K. Van Buren ....... . .. . .... . .... .. .... . ............ Ladue, Mo.

Class of '64 Thomas E. Bryson ... , , . .. , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . , Rolla, Mo. .. Ballwin, Mo Alfred J. Buesc-her, . , , William S. Kirchoff. ..... . . . ' . , . . . ....... . ... .' ... . C hesterfield , Mo. Kenneth D. Pohlig ... , . . . . .. . .. . . ... . ... . . ..... , ...... Lake St. Louis, Mo.

8/ MSM A lumnu s


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-1 Class of '65 J. Derald Morgan ..... . . . . . ...... . . : .. .. .... . . .. ... . ... . .... Rolla, Mo. James J. O'Connell . . .. . ..... .. . ....... .. ..... . . .......... Dayton, Ohio

Class of '66 Matteo A. Coco ....... . . .. ..... . . . .... . . .... . : ... . ...... St. Louis, Mo. Jerry W. Davis .. . ... .. ..... . ... .... ... . . . .. . .... . ...... Houston, Texas James F. DeBold . . . . . . ... . . ... . . . . . . .' . . .. . . . . ... ... . ..... Ballwin, Mo. John E. True ........ .. .... . ....... . . . ... .. .. . ... . Maryland Heights, Mo.

Honor Class of '67 Eugene A. Degenhardt ... ... . . ........ . .. . . . .. .. . . . ..... . . . St. Louis, Mo. Vernon G . Eckstein ......... . ..... , ....... '. . ... , ... . .... , . Beaufort, Mo. Gary L. Fouts. , ........ , . , . , . ' . , . , ..... ' .. .. .... , . ' , ' , , . ,Stillwell, Kan. Gary F. Sievert ..... , ..... , .... .. .. . .. , ....... ' . .. .. , ... , . . Tulsa, Okla.

James R. Herrmann ......... , .. .... ... . . ......... . . . ..... St. Louis, Mo. Santiago Ibarra, Jr .. . .... . . , . , .. .. .. ' ......... . . .. .. .. .. Murrysville, Pa. H . Jeffrey Korklan. , .... . .. . .. . . ... . .................. . .. Tucson, Ariz. Mitchel S. Krysa. , . . . .. .. ......... . ............ . ..... Lee's Summit, Mo. Dallas R. Leavitt .... . , ....... ... .. . ... . . ....... . ... . ... . ... Rolla, Mo. Ralph A. Lewis .... , . , . . ... ... . . ... . , .. . ' ," ........ Overland Park, Kan. Robert L. Miodunski. , ........ . , ..... . . ' .. . ... . . .... . ,Carrollton, Texas . James A: Mulligan, III .... . . ... .. ... ... ....... . ... . ... Richardson, Texas

Class of '68 David W. Dearth . , .. . .... ... .. , , . , .. .' . .. , ' ... , . . . .. , ..... , .. Rolla, Mo. Dixie L.B. Finle'y ... , ............ , . .. .. , . . . : , . .. . . , . . ... , . . .. Rolla, Mo.

Class of '69 ,Herbert J. Gillham , ... , . , , .. .. , . , .. , , ... , .... , . . . .. . . , .. Granite City, III. Rodney O. Randoll. . .... . ..... . . . .. . .. . ...... .. .. . . . . . . . St. Charles, Mo.


Dean A. Park ... .. . ... . . ... . . . . , . .. .. , , .. , ..... ,Maryland Heights, Mo. David A. Reinke, . , . . . ' . , .... .. ... . . . ... . . . . . , . , . . ., .. , .. , . Henley, Mo. Paul E. Schlett. , . , . , . , ... .. . ... , . . . . . . .. , .. ..... , ... , ,Succasunna, N.J. Dennis E. Scholl , . , .. . , . , . . . . ' . ... , . . . ' . , ....... , . , , . . .... Sedalia, Mo. Daniel W. Stehly .... , ... , . ' .. .. , . , ' .. . . , . . .. ... ......... St. Louis, Mo. Jeffrey L. Susanj .. .. , .. . .. . . ... . ... .. . .. .. . .. . ...... , ... Florissant, Mo. Ralph D. Tate . . ... . ' , . . . . . .. ... .. . .. ..... .. , . , . , . , .. , .-Springfield, Mo. Roger K. Taylor. , ......... .' . .. ' ... ... ......... , . , ... , , .. Aurora, Colo. John P. Werthman. Jr ...... .. . . ..... . . .. ......... . ...... Gntndview. Mo.

Class of '70 W. Keith We4g~· ·· ... . ' .. . .... . . .. . .. . .. ' " " ... . . ... .. , " .. Rolla, Mo. Class of '71 Cheryl A. (Gibbons) Ibarra ..... , ............ , . , . , . .... . , . , Murrysville, Pa. Roger D. parkes .. , .. . . ... . , . . . . . , . . ' ......... .. . .. , ... . ... Clinton, Mo.,

Honor Class of '72 David A. Ackmann, . , .... , ... , . . . , .. .... .... . . . .. .. ... , . Florissant, Mo. Robert T. Berry . , . , ... . . .. . , . . ... , " ..... . ...... , . . . .. , .. Raytown, Mo. Richard A. Brown . .. , . , . ' .. ' ..... , " . .. ........ , . ' . , .. ... Bethany, Okla. Kenneth A. Brune ....... , , . , . , . . .. " . .. ' , ... .. , .. , . , . , . Maryville, Tenn. Dwight L. Deardeuff .. , .... ' ... . .. . ' ........... , .. . .. , .... , , , Rolla, Mo. Gary L. Declue .......... , .. . . . . .- . . " .......... , . , . , .. .. . Alkinson, N.H. Thomas F. Declue, Jr .. . • . .. , ...... , " . . . . ... . . . . .... . .. . .. St. Louis, Mo. Douglas G . Gundy . . . ............. " ......... . ...... , ... . . Spring, Texas



,l MSM Alumnus/ 9



Class of '72 Continued Angela Wollard . . . . . . ..... ........ .......... .'... . ......... Rolla, Mo. James D. Wollard . ... . ... . ... ... . . .. . .. ..... . ........... Springfield, Mo. Class of '73 Lloyd N. Wallace ...

. .... .. ....... . ..... ...... . . . . . . . St. Charles, Mo.

Class of '74 Connie E. (Guidicini) Susanj . . ......... . .... .. .. . .. . .... ... Florissant, Mo. Class of '75 John R. Jenkins . ... .. . . ......... .... ...... .. .. .. ... . .......... . . . .. . . Darrell L. Prior .. . ..... .. .. . . ...... .. ... .... .... ...... . . . . .. Rolla, Mo.

~) Alissa M. Gallagher .... .. .... . . ."... . .. ' .. ........ . . , Webster Groves, Mo. Mary S. Klorer . . .... . . . . .. ... ........ ' . .. . .... .. . .. . . '. . .. St ~ Louis, Mo. Brad L. Snow ..... ... .. . . . . .. . ... ... . ' . . . . . .... . .. . ... Kansas City, Mo. Class of '82 Alice Elaine Nau ....... .. .... . . .. ......... ....... ..... ... . . . Rolla, Mo. Dwayne Edwin Tharp .... : . . . . . .. . .. . ... . .' .. . . .... . ...... St. Charles, Mo.

Class of '76 Robert F. Fleischman . . ....... ..... . .. ... .. .. . .. . . . .. . . . . . . Ballwin, Mo. Honor Class of '77 Ernest Gutierrez . ... . . . .... . ........ .. ... .. .... ... . . . ....... Rolla, Mo. John C. Pool . . . ... . ... ..... ... . .... ..... ...... . .. . .. ... Hazelwood, Mo. Kenneth A. Ruff .. . .............. .. .. .... . ... . ......... Granite Ci ty, Ill. Michelle R. Watz . ... .. . . .... . . . . .. . .. ....... . . . .. .... . . . . St. Louis, Mo. Class of '78 John B. Auman . . . .. .. .. . . . .. . . . .... . ... . . . .. . . ........... . Tulsa, Okla.

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..JIll Class of '79 Ronald K. Acker . ...... . . . .... . ......... ' . ..... ... ... ... Springfield, Mo. Gregory W. Elzie ... . ... .. . . . ..... . .......... .. . . . . . .. . Wentzville, Mo. Blayne E. Mayfield .. . . . . ........... .. .......... . ....... St. Charles, Mo. Robert D. Meredith ... . . .. ... ... . .. .. . ..... . ........... . .¡Wichita, Kan. Class of '80 Michael S. Schmidt .. . ... ...... . ....... . .... . .. ...... ... .. .. . Rolla, Mo. Class of '81 Eric Morgan Davi . .. ........ . .... .. ..... . . . .. . . . , . . ... . ... Tulsa, Okla. James C. Dowdy, Jr. ........... . . . .. ... ... .. . .... .. . ......... Bland, Mo.

lO/ MSM Alumnu s

Friends Margaret L. Clemmons ...... . . . . . . . . . . ...... . .. . .. . ... . ...... Rolla, Mo. Fra nk H. Conrad . ........ . . ........ . . . ... . ... ....... .. . . .. . . Rolla, Mo. Charles B. Finley. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rolla, Mo. Florence Flesh ....... . . . . ......... . ... .. .. . . . ...... . ... Jefferson, Texas Henry E. Metzner . ... .. .. .. ... . ..... .. . . . . .... . . . ..... . . . . . Rolla, Mo. Mrs. Theodore Planje . . . . ... . .. . . . . . .. . . .. . . . ....... . '. . '.' .... Rolla, Mo. Bernard R. Sarchet .. . .. . .... . , .. .. . ... ... . .. . . ..... .' . . ...... Rolla, Mo. Nicholas Tsoulfanidis . . ..... ... .. . ........ . ......... . . . . . . ... Rolla, Mo. Mrs. Burr R. Van Nostrand ... . .. . .... .. . ......... . ........ Charlotte, N.C. James N. Wise .. .. .. .. ....... , ...... .. . .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... Rolla, Mo.

Honor Classes

50 years & before, (Left to right): 1st row--Madge Clemmons, George Heath (,30), Fran Heath, Clarence Hangosky (,31), Henry Meyer (,32), Leona Roberts, Gerald Roberts (,28). 2nd row--Donald Bisett (,27), Bess Bisett, William Gilmore ('30), Jane Gilmore, John Sturm ('32), Vernon Gevecker (,31), Mildred Gevecker, Harold "Twidge" Thomas ('27), Lois Thomas, Ree Le Beau Meyer, Fay Moran, Ernest Moran (,27). 3rd row--Andrew Kassay ('32), Julia Kassay, Lillian Lay, Dusty Rhoades ('32). William Brewer ('32), Jan Brewer, Robert Riggs (,32), Elizabeth Riggs, Jack P. Campbell ('24), Phillip J. Boyer (,28), Elizabeth Boyer, Julia Machin. Ted Machin (,22). 4th row .. Homer Thompson ('32), Auttie Thompson, Evelyn Ford, Ragan Ford ('23), Mrs. David (Florence) Flesh, Muir Frey (,23), Harriet Frey, Elmer Sperling ('31). Virginia Sperling, Jack Mays ('32)' Elizabeth Mays, Elmer Gammeter ('26), Caroline Gammeter, Katherine Zvanut, Frank Zvanut ('321. 5th row .. Carl Heim ('25), Edwin Crawford ('32), Ruth Crawford, Hugh Berry ('25), Elmer Tomlinson ('32), Eleanor Tomlinson, John Pollak ('32), Dorothy Lee Pollak, Harold Bruegging ('32), Eva 8ruegging.

Class of 1937 (Left to right) 1st row .. Pete Mattei, Alice Mattei. 2nd row .. William C ulbertson, Betty Gou ld, Edward Gould, Chita Harris, Herb Harris, William Bw,ch. Viola Busch. Sam Po;,t. Althea Post, Frank Millard, Fra nk Appleyard. 3rd row .. Robert Lange, Sybil Lange, Florence Luder, Walter Luder, Fred Vogt, Lou VagI. Ted VOlIlllU. John Sheppard. George Dickinson. Ross Carrolla , Caroline Elgin , Bob Elgin .

MSM Alumnus /l l

Class of 1942 (Left to right): 1st row ··John Castlema n. Ralph Newbert, Dorothy King, Welby King, Jacques Zoller, Jack Lyons. 2nd row-- Elmer Sandhaus, Alleene Sandhaus. Margaret Cas tleman. Rose Mary Neubert . Fetty Taylor, Rhea Kisslinger, Fred Kisslinger, Nelva Gottschalk, Gene Gottschalk, Margaret Z lief. 3rd row -- Dana Hughes. Wi lliam McConne ll , Virginia McConnell, Otis Tay lor, Bob Brackbill, Cay Brackbill, Harold Krueger, Vernon McGhee, Betty Mc ,hec. Ken Sc howa lter. Belly Sc howa lter. Dee Weid le, Ben Weidle. 4th row --Tom Hughes, Charles Morris, Jackie Morris. Roy Ferris. Ruth Muskopf, Oscar Muskopf. (,e ncva Karhosky . Joseph Karbosky. Lila Myers, Edward Myers, Bi ll Hill. Dickie Hill, Florann Olde. Fred Olde, Merva N evin, Jack Nevin. 5th row-Bill Bu eh. Cat herine B u ~eh. Ed Schneider. Vernon l<>esing. Belly Loesing. Bob Pohl, Doris Pohl, Jim Nev in, Ruth Nevin, Barbara Olsen, John Olsen, Jo Dahm, eorge Axmacher. Norma Axmacher. Ralph Brouk . Irene Brouk. Audrey Flint, Mel Flint, Leonard Wolff, Ida Mae Wolff.

Class of 1947 (Left to right) : 1st row-- Loui e Tankers ley . John Powell. Harold Vogt. Daphne Vogt. 2nd row-- Ron Tappmeyer, Mary Tappmeyer, Gilbert Carafiol, Laura arafiol. 3rd row ·RuJ Schaefer. Helen Sc haefer . George Purdy, Lois Purdy, James Ranes, Jim Stephens, Maxine Stephens, Mitzie Pomeroy, Chester Pomeroy . 4th row ·· l:\ob Mansfield. Vivian Liddell. Walter Lidde ll , Ga le Fu lghum , Doris Flughum, Elmer Belew, Gloria Belew, Wilbur Tappmeyer, Marian Tapp· meyer .

12/ MSM Alumnus



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Class of 1952 (Left to right): 1st row··Richard Bauer, Shirley Bauer, Marge Schafer, Bob Schafer, Francis Basler, Melia Scheffler, Tom Scheffler. 2nd row--EmiJ Hrbacek. Mary Hrbacek, Bill Pulford. Delores Pulford, DiCk Schiene, Peggy Sc.hiene, George Maczura, Mary Maczura, Harry Pierson, John Zedalis, John Macke, Dottie Macke. 3rd row·Tom Foster. Betty Foster, John Bartel, Nancy Bartel, John Steele, Shirley Steele, George Fish, Margaret Fish, Rosemary Holmes, Wallace Holmes. Fioyd "Bud" Drummond, C1eta Drummond, John Priest, Anne Priest. 4th row--Jody Schoeppel, Roger Schoeppel, John Mulholland, Judy Mulholl;md, Harold Crane. Peggy Crane, Leo Cardetti, John Bruskotter, JoAnne Bruskotter, Pat Calcaterra, Edward Calcaterra, Dorothy Bosse, Dick Bosse.


Class of 1957 (Left to , right!: 1st row -- Harold McCormick, Nancy McCormick, Roger Feaster, Marilyn Feaster, Bob Bruce, Rita Bruce, Gus Baechle, Carroll Baechle. Bob Eshbaug h. Dona ld Bake r. Darrell Baker. 2nd row--Jim Johnson . Vera JOhnson, Doris Schwegel, Dick Schwegel, Betty Demzik, Bill Demzik, Mary Hanss. Gene Han~~. Wa llace Saunuer~. Joann Saunders. Ardell Schelich, Laverne Schelich, Martha Malson, Bernie Malson. 3rd row--Don Bowers, Joan Bowers, Don G reenwa lt, Becky (ireenwalt, Susan Aberle, Richard Aberle, Phil Roush , Sam Dibartolo, Shirley Dibartolo, Art Koelling, Patricia Kreder, Kermit Kreder. 4th row·· Robert Hind~. Haroldine Hinds, Charles Weldy, Jim Watwood, Dee Watwood, Jim Johnson , Betty Johnson , Walter Ellis, Lois Ellis, Pat Hussey , Ray· mond Hussey , John Rother, Ann Rother, Gayle Kick, Dave Kick. 5th row--F red Dietrich, Bob Carr, Shirley Carr, Ken Escott, Louise Neely , Liston Neely, Robert Fuller. Kay Oppliger. Larry Oppliger. Joy Cranda ll, Len Cranda ll, Charlene Nichols, Bob Nichols, tom Kalin, Eleanor Kalin, Bettie Tanquary, Cliff Tanquary, Pam Reid , Ed Reid. ' MSM Alumnus / 13



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Class of 1962 (Left to right): 1st row--Ken Steele, Barbara Steele, Bob Faenger, Jackie Faenger, Bob Wilson, Jula Wilson, Mary Stigall, Paul Stigall, Gary Trippensee, Connie Trippensee, Jim Guest, Sharron Guest, Joan Bast, George Bast. 2nd row--Fred Haushalter, Ruth Haushalter, Gary Welch, Gwen Welch, Laura Kamper, Russ Kamper. 3rd row--John True, Judy True, Diane McCarthy, Daniel McCarthy, ivonne Espana, Jorge Espana, Joann Aylward, Andy Aylward, Roger Hoffman, Sharron Hoffman, Linda Teske, Jim Teske, David Brewer, Lois Brewer.

Alumni are invited to order prints of any of the homecoming photographs. Cost is $3 each for 8 x 10 prints or $2.50 each for 5 x 7 prints. To order: be sure to include page number and several words of the line of type closest to the photo you want, as well as a description of the photo itself. Orders will be collected until Jan. 31 and prints should be returned to you during February _

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Class of 1967 (Left to right): 1st row--Barbara Fouts, Carol Eckstein, Nancy Sievert. 2nd row--Gary Fouts, Vernon Eckstein, Gary Sievert.

14 / MSM Alumnus





~ sm~. :::~~ ;:~ Class of 1972 (Left to right): 1st row--Roger Taylor, Ralph Lewis, Jeff Korklan, Mitch Krysa, Jenese Krysa, Jim Mulligan, Gini Mulligan, Pam Brune, Ken Brune, Angela Wollard, James Wollard. 2nd row--June Berry, Bob Berry, Connie Susanj, Jeff Susanj, Dennis Scholl, Charlotte Scholl, Ralph Tate, Jack Werthman, Yvonne Werthman, Jim Herrmann, Jan Herrmann, Kathy Leavitt, Dallas t-eavitt. 3rd row -- Paul Schlett, Dave Ackmann, Jim Ibarra, Cheryl Ibarra, Richard Brown, Pat Brown, Dean Park, Vicki Park, Gary Declue, Beverly Decule, Susan Stehly, Dan Stehly, David Reinke, Robert Miodunski.

Class of 1977 (Left to right): Diana Persing, Michelle Watz, John Pool, L. G. Loos, Ernie Gutierrez.

MSM Alumnus / IS


Alum·ni Achievement Awards .I ,

The ~I~mni Achievement Award is presented for outstanding service to areas of business or academic accomplishments and for civic affairs achievement or recogmtlon .

G . Robert Couch

B. R. (Bill) Jones

G . Robert Couch was awarded a B.S. degree in chemical engineering from the University of Missouri·Rolla in 1941. He holds an M.S. degree in the same field B. R. Jones is a native of Charleston , Mo. , and was awarded a degree in electrical from Newark College of Engineering and is a graduate oJ the Harvard Busin~ss engineering from ·the University of Missouri·Rolla in 1956. School 81 st Advanced Management Program. He was awarded the professional He exhibited an early interest in the petroleum fjeld by accepting a position with degreeoochemical engineerooby UMR in 1976. Creole Petroleum Corp. in Las Salina, Yenezuela, following his graduation from Couch began his career with Carnegie' Illinois Steel, Magnesium Reduction Co. UMR . He subsequently worked for Southeastern Drilling Co. in New Orleans; and the Titanium Division of National Lead Co. He joined American Metal Co. Nederlandse Zeeboormaatschappn, N.Y., in The Hague, Netherlands; and Sedco Ltd . in 1957. Inc. in Dallas, before beComing president of Eagle Production and Drilling Services . In 1964 he becam~ vice president of Molybdenum Corp. of America, then moved In~ to Kennecott Copper Corp.'s Western Mining Division. He became a vice president In his present position Jones has been internationally recognized for the unique of AMAX Specialty Metals Division in 1968 and was appointed president of the applications he has developed for the oil and gas drilling business which relate corporation when it was formed in 1972. He was elected a vice president of AMA X directl y to his electrical engineering background . Inc. in 1977. He lives at 5127 Brookview Drive, Dallas, Texas. He lives at 108 Goldfinch Meadow, Allamuchy, N.J.






Dr. Josef Podzimek

Joseph W. Rittenhouse

Dr. Podzimek is a native of Czechoslovakia and came to this country in 1968 . He holds degrees in applied physics, meteorology and atmospheric physics from Charles University in Praque. Before joining the Universi~ of Missouri·Rolla faculty in 1971, he taught for two years and was an associate investigator in the Atmospheric Sciences Research . Center at the State University of New York at Albany . Dr. POdzimek teaches fluid mechanics in UMR's mechanical and aerospace engineering department and his research at the Graduate Center for Cloud Physics Research is centered on the tiny particulates or aerosol particles of the atmosphere. He is a member of several distinguished professional societies both in this country and in Europe. He lives at 7 South Murry Lane in Rolla.

Joseph W. Rittenhouse is a native of Neosho, Mo. He attended Drury College and was awarded a B.S. degree in electrical engineering from Purdue University in 1939. He then served as an engineering assistant and engineer for the James R. Kearney Corp. in St. Louis. . Following his discharge from the Army Signal Corps, he came to the University of Missouri·Rolla, where he was awarded an M.S. degree in electrical engineering. He had the titles of instructor through associate professor on the electrical engineer' ing faculty. In 1954, Rittenhouse returned to industry as a technical director, Hi·Yoltage Equipment Division, for Joslyn Manufacturing and Supply Co., Cleveland, Ohio. He was made president and chairman of the board of that company in 1973, con· tinued his active direction of the company until 1978 and retired as chairman of the board in 1979. Rittenhouse lives on Route I, Barrington, 111.

16/ MSM Alumnus

Edgar J. Telthorst

William J. Smothers

William J. Smothers earned three degrees from the University of Missouri-Rolla, Edgar J. Telthorst was awarded a B.S. degree in me.chanical engineering from the University of Missouri-Rolla in 1949. He received the professional degree-- all in ceramic engineering. He was awarded a B.S. degree in 1940, an M.S. in 1941. and a Ph.D. degree in 1944. mechanical engineer--from UMR in 1980. Smothers' career focused on research and from the early 1960s .he held manageTelthorst began his career with Union Electric in 1949 and has served in the posiment positions in refractories research at Bethlehem Steel's Homer Research tions of director of power operations, assistant general manager and general manager of the power plants department, superintendent maintenance and plant superinten- Laboratory in Bethlehem, Pa. He has retired from his management responsibilities dent of the Sioux Plant and engineer and assistant superintendent maintenance of but continues to serve the company as a consultant. He also has been acitive in national professional societies. He served as president the Meramec Plant. He was appointed to his present position in April" 1980. He is a member of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers and the Na- of the American Ceramic Society in 197,1-72 and has served as an editor of that tional and Missouri Societies of Professional Engineers. Telthorst also serves as an organization's journal since that time. Smothers is also a fellow of AAAS, a member of the American Chemical Society and the American Society of Metals. industry adviser for UMR's ekctrical engineering department. He lives at 2700 Woodside Road, Bethlehem, Pa. He lives at 1415 Tina Drive, Florissant, Mo.

Alum'ni Service Awards The Alumni Service A ward is presented to individuals for outstanding contributions to UMR through service to the students or to the alumni.

Donald G . DeBolt

Alden Hacker .

Donald G. DeBolt was awarded a B.S. degree in electrical engineering from the University of Missouri-Rolla in 1949 and received the professional degree--electrical engineer--from UMR in 1970. He began his career in St. Louis with Von Hoffmann Press. During the 1950 s, he moved to A.B. Chance in Centralia. After assignment to Dallas as president of a Chance subsidiary, he established his own company. DeBolt is a member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, is a registered professional engineer in Texas and is a member of the Dallas section of the Power Engineering Society. He has been an active alumnus for many years. DeBolt lives at 9122 Raeford Drive, Dallas, Texas.

Alden Hacker was awarded a B.S. degree in metallurgical engineering from UMR in 1941 . After a distinguished career in the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, he joined McQuay-Norris in St. Louis. He spent his entire professional career with the firm and its successor (SKF Industries) earning positions of ever-increasing responsibility. Hacker is a member of the American Society of Metals, the American Foundrymen's Society, the Society of American Military Engineers and the Society of Automotive Engineers as well as other social, civic, community and military organizations. He was a founding member and is currently a member of UMR's Development Council. He has chaired many committees for that organization and is immediate past chairman of the Order of the Golden Shillelagh, UMR's major gift club. Hacker lives at 1617 Beaucaire Drive, Warson Woods.

. MSM Alumnus/ 17


B. Ken Robertson A native of Texas, Robertson was awarded a B.A. in chemistry from West Texas State University and a Ph.D. in the same field from Texas A&M University. He joined the University of Missouri-Rolla faculty in 1965 . Profession.ally, he has served in all offices of the South Central Missouri Section of the American Chemical Society, as president of the Missouri Assembly of Faculty in Higher Education (a faculty advisory group to the Coordinating Board for Higher Education), and as chairman and vice chairman of UMR's Academic Council . . Robertson served for 10 years as faculty adviser for the Gamma Xi chapter of Sigma Nu, was the chemistry department's primary freshman adviser, served as director of chemistry undergraduate studies and adviser to arts and sciences majors. He became dean of students in 1979. He lives at Cedar Grove Estates, Rolla.

Hans E. Schmoldt Hans E. Schmoldt was awarded a B.S. degree in chemical engineering from the University of Missouri-Rolla in 1944. He was awarded the professional degree-chemical engineer--by UMR in 1975. He served in the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, th~n joined Phillips Petroleum Co. , where he developed a special interest in corrosion engineering. He formed his own company in that field in the 1950s. Schmoldt is a registered professional engineer in Oklahoma and California, and is a member of the National Association of Corrosion Engineers. He is also a member of the Petroleum Club of Tulsa and the Explorers Club of New York. He has served the MSM/UMR Alumni Association as a qirector and as a chairman of several committees. He ~as a founding member of the UMR Development Council. . . Schmoldt lives at 3305 Woodland Road, Bartlesville, Okla.

Nominations Invited The Awards Committee. of the Alumni Association is always pleased to receive suggestions of peOple who should be considered for the Achievement, Service · and Merit Awards. The three types of awards cover most areas of individual effort which should be recognized by the Association . It is not necessary for the suggestors to pre-select a type of award to be considered, as the committee will judge in the appropriate category according to the supporting information on · hand. Regulations of the committee which are important to the person making · nominations are these: (1) A wards are not normally made to a person during his reunion year, and (2) No nominations are discarded; they are carried forward from year to year. We ask that you consider forwarding suggestions to the Alumni Office.



ASSETS Gene r.al Operating Funds

$13,100.13 164,000.00 22,884 . 61 13,656.56 213,641.30

Adjusted Checking Account Balance Temporarily Inv e sted Operating Funds Direc tory Reserve + Accrued Interest 'Stoc ks Hel d To tal General Operating Designated and Restricted Funda Pooled loves tments Escrow Endowments, etc. Sevic k Ins u ra n ce Policy Lot a t 509 ~ t I'lth Total Designa t e d a n d Restricted Funds

25,652 . 11 21, 248 . 77 113,579.17 1,860.00 27,000.00 189,340.05 402,981.35

To t a l As s ets

LIABILITIES AND EQUITY Alumni Assoc i a tio n Burd ick Tedrow Beve r idge Bruzewski

Dye King. Carver. Et Al Loan Fund Edwards E. E. Loan Fund Laclede Emergency Fund Interest Unassigned J. L. Flebbe Murphy Schola rship J. &. R. Berry Scholarship

Class of 1929 (Unres . ) Cl ass of 1939 Loan Fund

Homyk (!\MA. Bldg . )


H. 6; S. Kessler Scholarship Soult C.C . Endowmen t adom Schola rship Ro y Perry Sc holarship

I-' I

T. Planje Scholarship H. D. Thomas Athletic Award C. 6; J. Tiernon Scholarship M. McCormick Transfer A....ard

Sevick Policy (Cash Value) Lot a t 509 W. 11 th St ock Shares o n Ha nd Directory Reserve Member's Equity Tota.l Liabil i tie s a nd Equi t y

1982 Rollamo

I· I


·18/ MSM Alumnus

16 , 000.00 6,000 . 00 575.06 3,279 . 51 3,298.97 72,841.02 150.00 1 , 823.04 901. 65 915.27 1,194.85 4,373.22 12,253.93 11,251.42 1 ,225 . 52 4,715.99 844 . 68 2 , 140 . 95 1 , 045.00 3,095.84 2,339.24 9,378.76 36 . 05 585 . 08 215 . 00 1 , 860 . 00 27, 000. 00 13 , 656.56 22 , 884.61 177 ,1 00.13

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sa 10 $402 , 981. 35




Dr. H. Dean Keith (right), associate professor of engineering mechanics, and graduate student Ruey-Lin Lu discuss one of the shunting systems that Keith will be testing to determine how physical properties and performance are affected by implantation in the body . The shunts are used to treat hydrocephalus.

Researchers Study Shunts Used to Treat Hydrocephalus The use of shunting systems to treat hydrocephalus has made it possible for As effective as these systems are in treating hydrocephalus, Keith and Watts thousands of people to lead -normal lives instead of suffering physical feel that the shunts can be further improved. . deformation and brain damage. "The shunt systems are made of silicone rubber, an inert material that the body will not act to reject," Keith said. "Merely being in the body, though, will But Dr. H. Dean Keith of the University of Missouri-Rolla believes these systems can be even more effective. affect the physical properties of the rubber material and that in turn may affect . To determine how the systems can be improved, Keith, an associate professor performance. of engineering mechanics at UMRolla, and Dr. Clark Watts, chief of "There is also a possiblity of infection and a chance that the system could become clogged by tissue that builds up around the valve openings," he added. neurosurgery at the University of Missouri-Columbia's Health Sciences Center, are studying how shunts are affected by implantation in the body. "When either of these things occurs, the system must be removed and replaced ." To my knowledge this is the first time that this type 01 study has been with a new one." conducted on shunting systems," Keith said. "Previous studies done on shunts The two researchers hope to learn enough from their study to recommend improvements in the design of those shunting systems currently in use. These have involved only new systems. No one has yet investigated how a system's improvements would cut down on the number of shunts that have to be presence in the body for an extended period of time affects a shunt's physical properties and its performance." replaced each year. Keith and Watts' intercampus research project is funded by a grant from the In their study, Keith and Watts will examine and test 20-25 shunts that Watts ' will remove from patients at UMC's Health Sciences Center this year. The University of Missouri's Weldon Spring Endowment Research Fund. It is part of results of those tests will then be compared with data obtained from tests continuing research on shunting systems by Keith, who also is interested in cOnducted on 30 new shunts. developing a system that could be adjusted after implantation. "Most of the approximately 1,000 shunting systems that doctors in the United "Persons with hydrocephalus suffer from an abnormal increase in the amount States implant each month are placed in children," said Keith, who began of cerebrospinal fluid in the cranial or brain cavity," Keith explained. "This condition may be the result of a birth defect or a severe head injury. studying shunts' for the Food and Drug Administratiol1 about three years ago. "As the child grows, so too does the capacity of the brain cavity and the amount ~ 'Because the body's normal mechanisms cannot absorb this excess fluid," he continued, "the result is expansion of the cerebral ventrical; .enlargement of the of excess fluid that needs to be removed. skull, especially the forehead; and brain atrophy and mental retardation ." "Problems arise, however, because the flow rate of the shunt that was Shunting systems, however, help control hydrocephalus by draining the excess originally implanted in the child is not sufficient to accommodate the additional fluid from the brain cavity and reducing the pressure exerted on the brain. increase- in fluid," he added. "Consequently, the system must be removed "Surgeons implant a shunt valve in a person's skull and the excess fluid is periodicaily as the child develops and replaced with one capable of keeping the fluid and pressure at the proper level. The development of a system that could removed from the brain cavity at a rate of about three drops per minute," Keith said, "After the fluid passes through the valve, it travels down a tube which runs be adjusted after being placed in the body would mean that it would not have to be replaced as a result of growth. into a major vein in the chest area. The fluid then is reabsorbed by the body's circulatory system."

MSM Alumnus / 19



; j




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N e~s~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SPE Convention in New Orleans


Approximately 60 UMR alumni and Those signing the register were: Alan D. ing, Texas; Steve Shockley ('75), Anstudents gathered at the 57th Annual Means ('80): Sweetwater, Texas; Susan chorage, Alaska; James W. Honefenger Technical Conference and Exhibition of Remley Beckerle (,81), Houston, Texas; (,72), Aurora, Colo. ; Jerry Smith ('77), the Society of Petroleum Engineers in Scott H. Gregory ('50), Lafayette, La .; Liberal, Kan .; Dieder J. Becker ('80) , New Orleans, La. The reception was Greg Praznik ('70), Lake Charles, La.; Hobbs, N .M .; Judy Roper ('79) , held in Salon C (is there an "0" missing Roger Horton (,73) , Littleton, Colo.; Jim Midland, Texas; H.J . Patel ('64), EI there?) of the Marriott Hotel on . Reatherford (,68), New Orleans, La .; Paso, Texas; Don R. Greenwalt (,57), September 28 , 1982 from 5:30 to 7:30 R.E. Carlile ('64, '74), Saudi Arabia; Jim Tulsa, Okla.; Andy Simon ('74), Anpm. That the get-together was a success H. Horne ('70), Dallas, Texas; Vishnu chorage, Alaska; Don ('74) and Rita is unquestionable; in fact, it was such a Simlote (,71 , '74k Tulsa, Okla.; Jim Steinnerd, Hobbs, N.M.; Bradley Aman good time that an alum from the "other Waechter (,76), Aurora, Colo.; Sam ('79), Mount Vernon , 111.; John (,67) and school of mines" submitted his ticket Massey ('78), Houston, Texas; Marc Lyn Knepler, Anchorage, Alaska; Sal and stayed for 20 minutes ·until he Gruenenfelder (,81), New Orleans, La.; Pagano ('73) , Midland, Texas; Roger A. realized that he was at the wrong party. Robert J. Holt ('78), Tyler, Texas; Mr. & Htll ('74), Houston, Texas; Thorn Roller Alumni and friends came from as far as Mrs. William Collins ('50) , Metuchen, (,82), New Orleans, La.; Joseph K. Hahn Saudi Arabia and Alaska to attend. N.J .; Michael ('75) and Pam Griffin, lrv- (,70), St. Louis, Mo.; Richard Siebenman

('77) , New Orleans, La.; Kevin Jones ('80) , Lafayette, La.; Sherri Clark ('78), Houston , Texas; Frank J . Jost ('79), Houston, Texas; Cindi Diedrich ('80) , Midland , Texas; Dwight Gookin ('76), Littleton , Colo.; Jennie Adkins ('79), Ventura, Calif.; Gary Dittmar ('74), Edmond , Okla.; John R. Swinson ('79), Harvey , La.; Stephen ('65) and Sally Lee, San Antonio, Texas; A. Herbert Harvey (UMR), Rolla, Mo. ; Susan Holley Gresko ('81), Richardson, Texas; Edwin H . Barsachs ('50), Dallas, Texas; Marr "Drummer" Drumm (,77) , Anchorage, Alaska; Lenn ('68) and Cheryl Koederitz, Rolla, Mo.

American M ining Congress in Las Vegas The American Mining Congress was the biggest thing to hit Las Vegas this year. Rumor has it that 23,000 registered -- down somewhat, but still a big show . And the Missouri School of Mines was well represented. On October II the Miners gathered for a cocktail party a t the Las Vegas Hilton. It was a n "i n and outer" and you can never be certain tha t everyone signed, but the list shows tha t the fo llowing were present: G lenn F ritz '47 , Spoka ne, Wash .; Bill Balaz '72 , Denver, Colo.; Hayri Erten (UMR faculty), Rolla, Mo.; Raul Carva· jal '78 , Foster City, Calif.; Juan Carlos Piderit (guest), Ma racaibo; Richard a nd Agnes Ash (UMR fac ulty), Rolla, Mo.; John Key '73 , Salem, Mo.; Les Koon, Salem, Mo.; John O. Englund '53, '76,


20 / MSM Alu m nus


Eagle Mountain , Calif. ; George Newell '65 , Las Vegas, Nev.; Andy Lain '80, F risco, Colo. ; Henry Whaley '48 , Broadview , Ohio; Marilyn Berg (guest) , Ravensdale, Wash .; Gene Rand '62, Plano, Texas; Rosey Hoffmann (Mrs. Victor J . '60) , Kent, Was h.; Robert W. Heins '49 , College Sta tion, Texas; Douglas Carthew '51 , Lansdale, Pa.; Gordon Napp '5 1, Miami , Ariz.; Thomas A. T heobald '61 , Ba rtlesvi lle, Okla .; Bill Ziebell '50, Mitchell, Ind .; Donald F. Haskell '49 , Ocotillo, Calif.; Dav id & Beverly Weiss '70, Golden, Colo. ; Harvey & Joa nne Shell '58 , Columbia, Mo.; Joe Quinn '49, Hartland, Wisc. ; Mr. & Mrs. T hor Gjelsteen '53 , Littleton, Colo.; Mr: & M rs. Harold Krueger '42 , Salt Lake Ci ty, Uta h:

Gregory A. Lang '78 , Rock Springs, Wyo.; Jim Scott: '50, Rolla, Mo.;Ray C hico ' 59, Denver , Colo .; Fred Andersen '47 , Claremont, N.H. ; Louise and Joe Marche.llo, Rolla, Mo.; Nancy and Frank Mackaman, Rolla, Mo.; Steve Boyd '72 , Sessen, lll. ; Steve Rowland '70, Coello, lll. ; Janet. a nd Hugh Barclay '37, Ama rillo, Texas; Ernest M. Spokes (U MR faculty), Rolla, Mo. ; Loretta a nd Gordon Johnson '59" Rockford, lll. ; M ollie a nd E rnie Achtesberg '53, T ulsa, Okla.; Bonnie and Loring McMorris '55, Sand y, Uta h; Ma tt Christian '79 , Frisco, Colo. ; Joseph G. Wink '4 1" Worthington, Ohio; Karl Brow n '62 , Phoe'nlx , Ari z.; John Sulli va n '62, Ka nsas City, Mo.; Fra ncis La pe (guest), Reno, Ne v.; Dave

Summers (UMR faculty) , Rolla, Mo.; James A. Redding '50, Pittsburgh, Pa.; Thomas A. Holmes '50, Greenwich , Conn. ; Eugene Copeland '48 , Pulaski , Va .; Janet and Dan Drum '59, Houston , Texas; Fred A. Todd '48 , Fullerton , Calif.; David Barr (UMR faculty) , Rolla, Mo.; Fra nk Woodbury '66, Alexandria, Va.; Shirley and Dan Ma rtin '52, Virginia City , Nev. ; Don Harclerode '6 1, Tucson, Ariz.; Ken Cox '60, Center Va lley, Pa. ; Jim Cole, '75 , Houston, Texas; Ga ry Welch, '62 Ballwin , Mo. As is usual several from the Macka y School of Mines dropped by; somehow they think MSM stands for their school. T here was almost a replay la ter tha t evening a t the Ingersoll·Rand party hos ted by Chairma n a nd CEO Tom Holmes '50.



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. Homecoming Meeting of L.A.IOrange Chapter On Saturday, Oct. 30, Southern California Alumni, wives, and friends held their Homecoming Meeting at the Ports '0 Call Restaurant in Los Angeles Harbor. The deck adjoining our banquet room projected out over the water. The comings and goings of big ships were part of our dinner and meeting·. More than once our discussions were interrupted by an unusually large ship easing past our windows. 'Before dinner, those who chose to do so, arrived early and were treated to a

two-hour boat tour of the Los Angeles Harbor. Our thanks to fellow alumnus, Dr. Roy Perry. With special incantations Wilms was able to get the rain to stop before the boat tour started .. it turned out to be a beautiful tour .. during a part of our ride we shared the channel with the giant cruise ship Fair Seas headed for the Orient .- we felt like ants to an elephant. Those attending the meeting were: Ellen and Floyd Smith '41, Linda and Bill Cornell '64, Mr. & Mrs. William C. Bauer '67 , Mr. & Mrs. Nathan D. Jaffe

'41, Shirley and Mark Beard '42, Ruth and John Roschke '51 , Marne and Bill Fletcher '34, Theta and Jim G ostin '44, Dr. & Mrs. Gostin (guests), Mr. & Mrs. Tad Graves '50, Mr. & Mrs. George Stevens '52, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Topolse '65 , Dr. Roy Perry '40, Stan Hansen '67 , Phyllis and John Wilms '43 . Bill Fletcher, our train buff-inresidence, will attempt to organize a train ride and dinner for one of our future meetings. In addition, we want to coordinate a joint meeting with the new chapter that is forming in San Diego ...

especially the meeting we have in Ensenada. Jim Gostin is spearheading our efforts to see that Eva Hirdler Green, so much beloved by all of lis here on the coast, will be remembered by having a facility on campus named after her. It is only fitting since she was the first woman engineering graduate, and now the school has 1500 women students. I can remember when we had three coeds. John and Phyllis Wilms

San Diego .Section Home-Away-From-Homecoming Meeting The San Diego Alumni met on Saturday, Oct. 2, at the Admiral Kidd Club on the U. S. Naval Base. The event was organized by Col. Alexander Jurvic, '33, and his wife Ethel, to celebrate homecoming even though we were several thousand miles from Rolla. After a period of attitude adjustment, a dinner for 28 persons was happily consumed, followed by historical reminisc-

ing by the grads and guests moderated by AI Keevil, '43, the executive secretary of the Section. The grads came from as far as Eagle Mountain, Calif. in Riverside County from the north and Bonita, Calif. near ·the Mexican Border in the south . E. T. Regenhardt came in to announce that St. Patrick regretted he coundn't attend, but sent free wine for everybody. Those present were:

Ethel and Col. Alexander Jurvic, '33 ; Mae and Henry Fletcher, '53, the financial secretary; Mutsuko and Glen Foss, '66, Encondido, Calif.; Janet and H . Chambers Kerr, '52, Judith and Glen Niblock, '63 , Cynthia and Danny Powers, Oceanside; Skip and Bill Thomas, '44, Oceanside; Faith and Robert Coolley, '49, Bonita, Calif. ; ~ar­ jorie and Keith Cook, '44; Dorothy and

Hugh Crumpler, '37; E. T. Regenhardt, '30, El Cajon, Calif. ; Bob Riggs, '77; Virgina and Warren Buckner, '42, Lemon Grove, Calif. ; Marilyn and Al Keevil, '43, and Nelly and John Englund, '53 , Eagle Mountain, Riverside County, Calif. Dancing to live music in the lounge ran far into the night and a good time was had by all. Al Keevil

.J MSM Alumn us12 1

, )


Exploration Geophysicists Meeting in Dallas The feeling is always the same, no SEG gathering, and the Miners present matter how often the other-worldly all seemed to agree that the Internasphere perched high above the Dallas tional Meeting was well worth their skyline is encountered--excitement. time. Of particular interest was the large Perhaps that is why in the very midst of number of UMR students who were the bustling 52nd Annual International sponsored by the University so that they Meeting of the Society of Exploration could attend the convention. A total of Geophysicists 27 Miner alumni, family, II students found time to join the alumfaculty members and current students ni meeting, adding their own special came together under the Hyatt Regen- flavor of excitement to the affair. cy's glittering dome to reneW" old friendGerry Rupert, chairman of the ships and make new acquaintances. Department of Geology and "Geophysics - New Dimensions for Geophysics, and his wife, Betty, were the 80's" was the theme of this year's joined by Larry Allen, assistant director

of alumni activities from UMR as hosts and hostess for the meeting. As usual, the Hyatt Regency prepared a fine selection of chips and dips consumed during the meeting along with potable beverages, both spirited and non·spirited in nature. As was the case with the SEG meeting, all seemed to agree the time spent with fellow Miners was well spent indeed. Others pre~nt at the meeting were: Larry W. Gardner, '74; J. Richard Hunt , '50; Curtis B. Abshier, '70, and his wife, Alice; Harvey Guinn, '58;

Chuck Lucas, '81; C. L. "Red" Smith, '57; Hugh Logue: '60; Chalermkiat Tongtaow, -78 ; Joong Chun, '66 ; Jim Medlin, '67; Robert Mengler, '81; E. J. Ballantyne, '60; Richard D. Rechtien , assoc. prof geol & geoph , UMR; Paul Granate, UMR student; Barb Wernert, UMR student; Phillip Lindsey, UMR student; Brian Coyle, ·UMR Student; Brenda Greenlee , UMR student; Richard Arkenbert, UMR student.; Chuck Woodbury, UMR student; James Clippard, UMR student; Sheila McDonnell, UMR student; and William Rodriguez, UMR student.



B Bl


St. Louis Section The St. Louis Section of the Rolla Alumni Association proposes to become more active in 1983. St. Louis alumni from Rolla MSM/UMR are encouraged to contact Roy Van Hee, 607 Willow Wood Co'urt, St. Charles, Missouri 6330 I, Bus. No. (314) 263-6222, Home No. (314) 441-0905, if you are interested in seeing that the St. Louis organization

continues to be active. We are looking for people willing to hold an office or serve as an activity chairman or committee member. Those interested, please contact Roy prior to January 31, 1983. Acting officers of the St. Louis Section are: Roy T. Van Hee, Jr. ,·president·and ; Robert Bruce, secretary-treasurer. Mr. Howard Stine will be retiring from the

office of president after many years of deoicated service. We thank Howard on behalf of all the members. Dates have been set for two meetings during the coming year. They are: a basketball outing on Feb. 8 (UMR vs UMSL in St. Louis) and the annual golf outing at Paradise Valley Golf Course

on May 21. The St. Louis Section is now com puterized . Therefore, your dues and new addresses, etc. will be published and corrected in 1983. We are considering a directory and a news letter for the St. Louis area. Those interested in these ideas please contact \.lS .



Meeting Data


Jobs The services of UMR's Career Development and Placement Center are available to alumni as well as students. Each week, many companies request assistance in locating applicants for jobs requiring experience in addition to degrees. To obtain information about the current job listings, alumni need to send an up-to-date resume to the Career Development and Placement Office. The placement staff will make

the resume available to companies looking for people with experience, and Will send the alumnus a copy of the latest job listings. These contain job descriptions as well as names and addresses of QeGple to contact. If you wish to use this service, contact: A. Sam Burton, assistant director-placement. Career Development and Placement Office, UMR, Rolla, MO 6540 I (phone: 314/341-4288).


Event/Site • Date St. Louis Section basketball outing .... , . ... .. . .... .... . .. : . . . . ... . Feb. 8 UMR vs UMSL at St. Louis SME-AIME Meeting, Atlanta, Ga .. .. ... .. . . . ......... . .... .. ... Mar. 8 Alumni Partv Pacific Northwest Section, Kent, Wash .... . . ..... .. . . . . ..... .. ... Mar. 19 Vic aI1d Rosy Hoffmann's MSM·UMR Alumni Association, Rolla .......... . . ..... . .. ... . . . Apr. 16 Spring Board Meeting AAPG Annual Convention, Dallas, Texas . .... . ....... . ... .. . . ... Apr. 18 All Alumni Party Class of 1933 50th Year Reunion .... . . .... . . ... . ...... ... .. .. May 13-14 Rolla I 10th Annual Commencement .. .... ......... . . . ..... ....... . .. May 14 Rolla St. Louis Section golf outing . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. ... ..... . ....... May 21 Paradise Valley Golf Course

You can assist UMR by identifying talented prospective students and encouraging them to consider UMR as their educational choice. As the number of college-age students continues to decline the demand for technically trained engineers and scientists continues to remain high. UMR'~ humanities and social sciences departments also offer attractive programs including pre-professional training. Army and Air .Force ROTC programs are available Use the form below to notify us of prospective students and we 'will provide them with material to assist them in making UMR their educational choice.

UMR Admissions Office



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R. B. Lewl" Director of Admiulon, Dear Mr. Lewl,: I believe the ,tudent{l} Ii,ted below might like to con,lder UMR. Plea,e ,end the necessary moterial, de,criblng the curriculum and campul life to:

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Zip Code School and Year of Graduation (if known)

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Computer Programmers Win Regional First A team of computer science students from the University of Missouri-Rolla recently won first place in the Association for Computing Machinery's North Central Regional Programming Contest in Moline, 1I1. _ . Memtiers of the UM -Rolla team are : Bruce Hayden, -senior, Parkville; Greg Bumgardner, senior, Kansas City , Mo.; David like, senior, St. Louis; and jeff Pautz, junior, Farmington. The team's adviser is Dr. Howard Pyron, UM -Rolla associate professor of computer science. In addition to a trophy, the UMR team won the right to compete at the ACM's National Programming Contest, which will be held Feb. 16 in Orlando, Fla. . The competition consisted of six problems, which the students had to solve using a computer. UMR was the only team to successfully complete four of the problems in the time allotted. A total of 23 schools participated in the contest.

program was reinstated at UM -Rolla in August. Cadet Vangenderen is enrolled in the general military course along with about 70 other .UMR students.

St. Pat's Board Works On Lions Club Park

Members of the University of Missouri-Rolla SI. Pat's Board have donated their time to work on Lions Club Park. Ul!der the direction of park committee chairman Gene McFarland and Lions Club members, the UMR students cleared brush from the creek, put up a fence around the park lagoon, and tore down old playground equipment that is Tom Benny, left, junior in mechanical engineering from Hannibal, and Chuck Martin,junior in petroleum engineering from Platte City, deliver a stack of pizzas scheduled for replacement. "l was very impressed with the quali- to a sorority on Theta Tau Pizza Night. Rolla's Pizza Inn donated $2 for each ty of work and the caliber of students laFge pizza and $1 for each medium pizza ordered that night. Theta Tau Omega who were there," said McFarland. They members made the deliveries_The professional engineering service fraternity collected a to.tal of $780 which--together with proceeds from a similar Pizza Night to are a great bunch _ ''In fact," he continued, "the St. Pat's be held next spring--will be donated to a needy organization in Rolla. Theta Tau Board members always see that the park is also sponsor of the annual Ugly Man contest. is cleaned up after any of their functions and have proved to be cooperative and concerned citizens." Sam Gladdis, SI. Pat's Board member in charge of the work, explained why McDougal Wins Second Vending Scholarship Kappa Alpha Wins the students donated this time. National Award . "Our annual SI. Pat's celebration inDoug MacDougal, a junior in nuclear snacks, and we feel that the best way is The University of Missouri-Rolla Beta volves UM-Rolla students and the engineering at the University of through an annual scholarship." The Alpha chapter of Kappa Alpha has won' whole Rolla community," he said . "It is Missouri-Rolla, is the recipient of a $750 recipient is chosen on the basis of the "Sammuel l. Ammen" award for the feeling of the board that, through scholarship for the 1982-83 academic academic excellence_ overall chapter excellence. Only 12 of our service projects, we can show our year. This is the second year in which the these awards are given nationally each appreciation for community participaThe scholarship is made available by tion and the privilege of using these UMR auxiliary services from money vending scholarship has been awarded _ year. The UMR chapter, which received Rolla facilities." generated through the campus vending MacDougal has been the recipient both Other service projects of the St. Pat's service. According to Jess link, director times. He and his wife, Paulette, live in the award at the national convention in Athens, Ga. , has won this award Board include assistance with Rolla's of auxiliary services, "We want to Rolla. MacDougal is the son of Bruce numerous times and has been a four- Christmas Parade and work with return to the campus some of the money MacDougal and Kathleen Paulen of that is spent buying soft drinks and Utica, Mich . time winner of the Hoover Award for handicapped children . the top three chapters in the country. Officers of Kappa Alpha are: Eric 75th St. Celebration ... It's Time Think Grimm, president, St. Louis; Mark Ferguson. vice president, St. Charles; Tom Atteberry, secretary, St. Louis; and Any questions or orders can be sent 1983 marks the 75th Annual Best Mike Jonagan, secretary, St. Albany. to the Alumni Sales Chairman at the Ever St. Pat's Celebration here at UMR. following address: Help renew all those wild memories of St. Pat's Board past St. Pat's and be part of the 75th by AFROTC Students University Center purchasing 1983 St. Pat's GREEN . University of Missouri-Rolla Recognized If you're staying home this year, wear Rolla, Mo. 65401 your 1983 Green to the local Irish pub, Two cadets from the University of and show everybody how St. Pat's Missouri-Rolla Air Force ROTC should be celebrated. If you're coming program were given special recognition down to Rolla, you'll want to 'buy Green recently . Sweatshirts .. . .... . ....... . . . $8.50 . Cadet Paul M. Schnucker, son of Lt. so that you won't be the only person Child sweatshirts . ... . .. . . . .. . . . 7.50 Col. and Mrs. Paul H. Schnucker without a 1983 St. Pat's sweatshirt at Baseball Hats ..... .. . . . . ... . . . 3.50 (USAF, retired), Warrensburg, was the parade. Stocking Cap . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. 3.50 -selected as cadet corp commander. He is Derbies .. . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . .. . 3.00 A special item this year is a white the first to hold this position and was the Visors . . . . ..... . ... .. . . . . . . . . 3.25 sweat shirt 'with distinctive 75th anfirst to enroll in UMR's Air Force Huggers . .... . . . . . . . . . .... . . . 3.00 niversary message in green. Cost of the ROTC Professional Officer Course since Goblets . . .. . .. . . ... . .. . .. . . .. 3.00 the AFROTC program's reinstatement special sweatshirt is $9.50. Be sure to inTumblers .... . . . .... . ..... . ... 2.00 on campus in August. clude the words "white sweatshirt" in Pitchers .. . ... . .. . ...... . . .... 6.50 The Professional Officers Course is a your order. Shot G lasses ...... . . . . . ... . . .. 1.50 two-year course of instruction in Buttons ... . . . . ..... . . . . .. .. .... 50 aerospace studies, normally taken Garters . ....... .. . . .... . . .. . . 1.00 Children's sweatshirts will again be during the junior and senior years. Orders of $10 or under, please include available this year for $7 .50 each, S-M-L Cadet Steven D. Vangenderen , son of $2.25 for postage. Orders for more than (small fits a three-year-old). Mr. & Mrs. Dale Vangenderen , Cabool, $10, please include $3 for postage. is the first recipient of an Air Force ROTC scholarship since the AFROTC




MSM Alumnus123


Gene Green, Editor



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Todd Wentz .steals the ball from a Lincoln defender and goes for an easy two , in action last season.


New Faces on Miner Hoop Squad Many new faces dot the UMR men's basketball roster this season, as head coach Billy Key tries to mold the young team into a solid ' team. "We wi ll indeed be young, but I feel we have some fine talent to build on," Key said. "Our success in 1982·83 will depend on how quickly some of these you nger players come through for us." UMR, however, does return some quality veterans. Leading the way will be 6·3, sen ior guard Rickie Cannon, a first·tea m MIAA performer a year ago. The Hayti , Mo. native burst onto the scene last season with a 17.0 average to lead Miners in scoring. He was also a second· team AIl·District member. Also returning will be 6·5, sophomore forward Curtis Gibson, who chipped in

with 12.2 points per game in an injury· shortened freshman season. His perfor· mance on both ends of the court established him as one of the top newcomers in the league, and netted him MIAA Hono rabl e Mention Honors. The Miners also return veteran guards Kent Dinsdale, Todd Wentz and Vern Sowell , as well as forward Joey McDowell and center Rob Goodenow. McDowell, one of the top jumpers in the conference, will be the top returning rebounder. He averaged 7.2 caroms per game in 1981·82. Goodenow will be try· ing to get his 6·9 frame back into shape following a knee injury wh ich ended his playing time early last season. And the new comers? "We have a you ng group that is

untested," Key said. "But many will be put into action quickly to see if they can help us out." St. Louis area prepsters Mark Zarr, Kris Stange and Dave Moellenhoff check in at 6·6, 6·7, 6·7, givi ng the Miners a young trio with good size. Other fres hman seeking to lend a hand are 6·5 forward John Collins and guard Stu Okraski. Transfer students are 6·3 forward Jeff Green, 6-4 forward John Pfannkuch and 6·0 guard Stan Shuemaker. How does Key see the MIAA race shaping up? "You ha ve to like Southeas t Missou ri , with all the fine players they have com· ing back," he said. "Also Ce ntral Missouri shou ld have a good group back ."

Northwest Missouri , Northeast Missouri, Lincoln and University of Missouri·St. Louis wind up the MIAA slate, and Key knows every game will be a tough one. "That is one thing you can always be certai n of in this league," he noted. "Any MIAA team has the ability to go out on a certain night and knock the other one off. It has always been a fine basketball league." In 13 seasons at the Gale Bullman Multi·Purpose Building, Key's Miners ha ve won 110 and lost only 39 .... a winning percentage of .738! Starting his 18th season as Miner head coach, Key has a 322·264 mark in 24 years of college coaching. Counting prep victories, he has amassed 490 victories.

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Lady Miners Look For Improved' Season If the 1982·83 Lady Miners can play a fast·breaking brand of basketball arid improve defensively, head coach Cathie Schulte feels her squad can produce an impressive season.

be the group I will be looking to for leadership on the court," Shulte salO. "We also have some younger kids who gained some valuable experience last season as freshmen who should be more relaxed this' year."

The Miners will be trying to rebound from a 7· 17 performance a year ago, and Leading the way for UMR will be will be taking the floor with a single junior guard Laurie Behm, who paced senior on the team. the team in scoring (12.1) a year ago. "We do have four juniors, so this will Also returning will be leading rebounder

Stacey Stover (8.1) and second·leading. scorer Kim Murphy (8.7). Schulte feels her squad must improve on its transition game to battle the tough MIAA opponents. "This is our first season in the MIAA , so we know the conference schedule will be challenging," she said. "Hopefuly, we will ease into it and be ready for that portion of our schedule when it comes."

Other key returnees are guard Leslie Behm, forward Cecilia Gutierrez, forward Gail Halsey and forward Kim Murphy. Newcomers are centerforward Terry Bond, forward Barb Howard; forward Susie Oberdick and guard Kelly Stewart. UMR opens the season at home Nov. 19 against School of the Ozarks, and Schulte hopes it is the start of a very im· proved season.

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24 / MSM Alumnus

Pease Looks For Solid Swimming Season

Hierholzer's Name in Record Books

Fresh from the second-best season in Missouri and Eastern illinois--one-two UMR swimming history , the 1982-83 finishers in last year's Division I Midedition looks for continued success at State Conference. "We also compete against NAIA Nathe national level. tional Champion Drury College, which "We hope to keep improving," sa id coach Bob Pease of his sw immers and gives us a very tough schedule for our athletes to test themselves aga inst." divers. "For the first time in Miner Junior Ralph Thielking and senior history , we have a bona fide national Mike Shive will serve as team cocontender in every event and have two captains for the season, with six national or three there in certain cases." qualifiers returning from last year's If this year's group has any shortcom- II th-ranked Miner team, Returning national performers will be ings, Pease feels it may appear in diving depth and the need for a strong swim- Chris Aria (backstroke), Don Ha vey mer to assert himself as the number one (breaststroke), Ed Krygier ,(backstroke), Joe Pericich (freestyle) , Shive (freestyle) man in the distance freest yle races , Also facing the Miners will be the and Steve Watki'ns (freesty le). Pease enters his 14th season as Miner toughest schedule ever, with two dual mee ts against the University of head coach , and is a member ¡ of the Missouri, and battles against Southwest NCAA Swimming Committee,

Jan Hierholzer only competed at the University of Missouri-Rolla for one season, but her name will forever be etched in the Miner record books. Hierholzer, a senior cross country performer from Florissant, Mo., became the first woman in Miner history to represent the university in an NCAA post-season event. Battling ankle-deep snow and sub-freezing temperatures, she finished 40th out of a field of 94 runners in the NCAA Division II Nationals held Nov . 13 in SI. Cloud, Minn . "Conditions were terrible, but we were pleased with her performance in spite of the circumstances," said coach Sarah Preston, "She passed about 25 runners inside the last mile, coming on reall y strong to finish where she did ." Hierholzer paced the Miner squad in its first year of existance, recording a third-place finish ' in the MlAA Meet held Oct. 30 at Warrensburg. At that event, her time of 18:29.8 bested two runners from Southeast Missouri State who gained AU-American recognition last season. At nationals, conditions forced the runners into higher times, as the Miner runner recorded a time of 22:28 .9 on the snow-covered course. "Everyone's time .was about four or five minutes higher," Preston said. "You just couldn't make up any time in the snow and cold." Hierholzer's 40th-place finish was off All-American status, which was awarded to the top 25 performers. Regardless

Football Miners Second in MIAA For twenty-one seniors, a proud tradition of UMR football has come to a close. In four year-s, the group produced a fine 31-9-3 record----something to be proud of indeed. For the second straight season, the University of Missouri-Rolla football team has finished second in the Missouri Intercollegiatge Athletic Association, The Miners lost 28-7 at Northeast Missouri State on Nov. 13, giving the Bulldogs their second consecutive MIAA title and placing UMR in a threeway tie for the runner-up slot.

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UMR finished the season with an 8-3 record, 3-2 in the MIAA , Southeast Missouri State and Central Missouri State also finished with 3-2 records in conference play. UMR earned the right to play for a portion of the MIAA title, blanking an explosive Southeast Missouri squad 12-0 on Nov. 6. In that game, the Miners received touchdowns on runs by fullback Mike Schafer and running back Rand y Shed, while the defense kept the Indians frustrated with four interceptions and a pair of fumble recoveries, Defensive star of the day was Cape Girardeau native Glenn Wilhelm , who figured in 14 tackles, picked off a pass and recovered a fumble . For his effort, Wilhelm received MIAA "Player of the Week" honors on defense. In the final game of the season, UMR was victimized by four costly fumbles . The Bulldogs scored all of their points in the second quarter, each set up by a Miner mistake. ' UMR could not crack the scoreboard until late in the fourth quarter, when quarterback Dennis Prikle connected on a 12-yard touchdown pass to Scott Stephens with two minutes left to play. The loss spoiled a brilliant defensive performance by UM-Rolla as Miner

defenders held the Bulldogs on three, fourth-and-short situations early in the game. Defensive end Rickie Caruthers paced all defenders with a season- high 19 tackles and two quarterback sacks. Linebacker Todd Fizer also ended his season on a high note, turning in 15 tackles. Offensively , Randy Shed ended the season as UMR's t9P rusher, with 505 yards and two touchdowns. Sophomore fullback Mike Schafer came on strong near the end of the season, gaining 444 yards and scoring eight touchdowns in only eight games. Pirkle ended his Miner career with another impressive season, connecting on 118 of 203 passing attempts. For the second straight season, the Oak Lawn, III. native paced the MIA A in ' passing percentage and was intercepted only ten times. He threw for 1,255 ya rds and II touchdowns, Split end Dave Stephens ended his UM R tenure as the team's top receiver, grabbing 41 passes ' for 537 ya rds and three touchdowns, Also having a fine senior season was placekicker Craig Thomas, who connected on 26 of 28 extra-point attempts and five of _eight field goal tries. Thomas ended his Miner career as the top extra-point converter in MSM -UMR history , and in "a firstplace tie for career field goals. Twenty-one seniors helped pace the Miners in 1982, and continued a proud tradition that they started four seasons ago. "These seniors have a great deal to be proud of," said head coach Charlie Finley, "They never went out on the field expecting to lose, and never gave up on a game." 'They will be very hard to replace next season, but I hope our younger kids have learned a great deal just being around them this year."


of that, Preston remains' proud of her top runner. "We were brand new and Jan gave us a very good runner to build around,"she said. "She may have been with us only one season, but she certainly made her presence felt in this sport's initial year."

Both Soccer Teams 'Have Fine Seasons The University of Missouri-Rolla men's soccer team finished second in the MIAA in 1982, finishing with a 1-1-1 conference mark and an 11 -7-3 overall record , Uni versity of Missouri-SI. Louis won the title with a 2-0-1 record , their lone tie coming at the hands of UMR. " With some of the injuries suffered and the tough schedule we faced , I'm very pleased with our performance this season." said coach Paul McNally, "We are still a very you ng team , so I am looking for us to continue to improve." The Miners 'battled such soccer stalwarts as Washington University, University of Evansville, Rockhurst, illinois State, UMSL, University of Tulsa and, Rollins College, giving them perhaps the toughest non-conference schedule in the MIAA. "We were doing pretty well when Bill Cowie was injured, and he was a difficult guy to replace," McNally said. Cowie, a freshman goal tender from St. Louis Vianney High School's 1981 state prep champions, was injured during a win over Missouri Southern, and never returned to action . In IS starts this season, he recorded fi ve shutouts and allowed only 14 goals. Without his

services, the Miners were 2-3-1 and lost their last two out of three games. Leading the way in the scoring department was Mike Shillito and Scott Jaskowiak , each with five goals and four assists for 14 points. Chris Generous also was a talented performer, leading the highly-touted j~iner defensive un it and gaining MIAA " Player of the Week " laurels on one occasion. In women's soccer, the Miners finished their first season with a 4-6-2 record. 'They really surprised me with the amount of progress made," McNally sa id . "Being the first year for the team, you have to be very pleased with their record ." Goalie Lisa Frumhoff established herself as one of the best in the state, as she allowed only 15 goals in 12 starts. She also had three shutouts. Jan Wilkerson was the scoring leader, with five goals and one assist for II points, Chris Waeckerle was next with four goals and two assists for ten points, "We will have quite a few players coming back on each team next season, so hopefully things will continue to improve," McNally said. "It was satisfying to watch our younger players come on strong at the intercollegjate level."

MSM Alumnus125



Activities ----------------------~-------------------------------------

Ownby Directs Grant Dr. Darrell Ow nby, professor of ceramic engineering at the Uni versity of Missouri-Rolla, is director of a $74,000 grant from the U.S. Army for a feasibility study of fabricating composite ceramic chamber liners for small caliber automatic weapons. Ownby's project will investigate the use of "toughened" ceramics to line the chambers of a new rapid-fire automatic weapons system. It involves a process called "transformation toughening," which strengthens the usually brittle ceramics. "This is a very rapidly developing field in ceramics," Ownby explained. "It allows us to make ceramics with more metal-like properties, such as the ability to accommodate and redistribute local stress, but still retain -ceramics' good qualities of strength, insulation and ability to withstand corrosion and erosion." The Army contract is UMR's first funded research in the field of transformation toughening. Dr. Ownby expects the process to have many non-military applications in the future for such industrial purposes as improving machinery and equipment. Dr. Lyle Rhea, former UMR faculty member now with U.S. Army Armament Research and Development Laboratories, Dover, N.J. , will be the research project monitor.

Liz Cogell Named Association V.P. Dr. Elizabeth C. Cogell, associate professor of English at the Universit y of Missouri-Rolla, has been elected vice presiden t of the Science Fiction Research Association for 1983-85. The association was organized to assist scholarship, improve classroom teaching and evaluate and publicize new books and materials in the field of science fiction . It also presents the annual Pilgrim Award for outstanding scholarship in science fiction and fantasy literature. Cogell previously served four years as the association's treasurer.

Rupert Named to - National Committee Dr. Gerald Rupert, chairman of the department of geology and geophysics at the University of Missouri-Rolla, has been appointed to the Society of Exploration Geophysicists' Committee on Continuing Education. The committee is responsible for recommending and sponsoring continuing education programs for the society'S members_ Rupert is the only university professor who will serve on the committee during 1982-83. The remainder of the committee's members are industrial representatives, many of whom are responsible fo r directing training programs fo r their respective companies.

Shearer Appointed To National Committee The American Ph y ica l Society has appointed Dr. Lai rd D. Schea rer, Un iversity of Missouri-Rolla profes or of physics, to the commit tee that will select the 1984 recipient of the Davi so n-Germer Pri ze in Elec;' tron/Atomic Phy ic . The Davi son-Germer Prize, which was donated by Bell Te leph onc Laboratories, is awarded in recognition of outstanding re earch in atomic and electron ph ysics. Other mem ber of the comm ittee are: W. Meyerhoff of Stanfo rd Uni ver ity, B. Bederson of New York Uni ver ity, A. Dalgarno of Harvard Un iver ity, W. Fi te of the Un iver it y of Pittsburg and . Hughe of Ya le Universit y.

Wright Elected Statistical Fellow Dr. F. Tim Wright, professor of mathematic at the Univer it y of Mis ouri-Rolla , has been elected a fellow of the American Stati tical Association. Wright joined the UMR facult y in 1975. He holds A.B., A.M. and Ph.D. degrees from the Univer ity of MissouriColumbia.

26/ MSM Alumnus


Knight's Discovery leads to Shakespeare Play The 1971 di covery of the seventh extant signature of William Shakespeare by Dr. W. icholas Knight, University of Missouri-Rolla professor of English, has played an important role in leading a researcher working at the British Museum to attribute the previously anonymous play "Edmund Ironside" to Shakespeare. (Knight reported on that development in a paper entitled "Is 'Edmund Ironside' Shakespeare's?" at the ninth Saint Louis Conference on Manuscript Studies held Oct. 15-16 at St. Louis University.) Knight discovered the signature in a copy of a legal textbook entitled "Archaionomia" at the Folger Shakespeare Library in Washington, D.C. The book , which was edited by William Lambarde in 1568, contains ancient statutes in Anglo-Saxon, Latin translations and commentary. "Lambarde was a master of chancery who had jurisdiction over the 1587 court cases in which Shakespeare was a party to family litigation concerning the loss of lands that his father had mortgaged to his un cle ," Knight explained . Queen Elizabeth I also made her only known reference to Shakespeare in a private conversation with Lambarde." The handwriting style and the ink in the signature led Dr. Eric Sams, Shak espeare reviewer for The Times (of London) Literary Supplement , to identify it ea rlier this year as the same hand-

writing in which the manuscript of "Edmund lronside'- was written. Sam subsequentl y wrote an article entitled '''Edmund Ironside': a reappraisal." which appeared in the Aug. 13 edition of The Times (of London) Literary Supplement. The article makes a case for Shakespeare as the author of the play and mentions Knight and the ignature. The article also includes a discussion of some parallels between Shakespeare' litigation and the themes of "Edmund Ironside" and other contemporary works_ Sams again cited Knight's work and mentioned everal points that the UM -Rolla professor had noted in his 1973 book "Shakespeare's Hidden Life." "In 'Hamlet: which wa written about the time Shakespeare was involved in the litigation, there is the line 'lands so by hi father losl.'" Knight said, "and ' Edmund Ironside: which probably wa written around the same time, contain the line 'thy father's land I seize upon.'" Sams also mentions everal parallel between the contents of "Archaionomia" and the themes of "Edmund Iron ide_" 'The laws of 'Canutus: or King Canute, are the principal content of 'Archaionomia,'" Knight said. "King anute also is a central figure in 'Edmund Ironside.'" A copy of Knight' paper recentl wa placed in the Folger -hake pea re Lib rar~ .


Extension News



Here's a list of some of the extension continuing education short courses and conferences scheduled by UMR . Where titles are not self-explanatory you may ca ll fo r more detailed info rma tion includi ng costs. Call the office of the Dean of Contin uing Ed uca tion and Public Service, 314-34 1-4 156. Written requests should be add res ed to the ame office, 205B Parker Hall, Universit y of Missouri-Rolla, Rolla_ Mo. 65 40 I.

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Mar. 16-18 Mar. 22-25 May 24-26

Rolla Rolla Rolla

Jan. 10- 12 Jan. 10-14 Jan . 17-21 Jan . 20 Jan . 31 -Feb_ 15

Rolla San Diego, alif. San Diego, Calif. SI. Louis Rolla


School of Mines and Metallurgy

Sympo ium on Hazardous & Special Waste Management Procedu res fo r Hazardo us Waste Cleanu p Second U.S. Water Jet on fe rence r School of Engineering

Int rod uction to Compu ter G raphics: Ba ic Techn iq ues of Computer Drafting Tenth Annual Short Course on Embankment Dam Seminar fo r Drillers and Explorat ion Managers Selecting a Microcomputer Fundamentals of Shallow Foundations College of Arts and Sciences

Profitable Painting in a Tough Market Jan . 17-2 1 Estimating & Maintenance Painting for Painting Contractors & Maintenance Engineer Jan . 24-28 Maintenance Painting Feb. 15-17 Estimating for Painting Contractors & Maintenance Engineer Feb. 22-24 Introduction to Composition of Coatings March 14-18 Introduction to Paint Formulation April 4-8 Advanced Paint Formulation Trade Sales April 11 -15 Times and dates of courses may change nearer to the time of the course.

Tampa, Fla. San Antonio, Texas Bloomington, Minn. Bloomington, Minn. Rolla Rolla Rolla



"Outstanding Teachers"

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Those honored are: Professors-"Outstanding Teacher" certificates recently were presented to 18 University Wil!iam Andrews, civil engineering; of Missouri-Rolla faculty members at Wayne Bledsoe, history; Ronald Fanceremonies held in the campus's in- nin, Electrical Engineering; Nord Gale, life sciences; Frank A. Gerig Jr. , civ'il dividual departments. engineering; Leonard Koederitz : Those designated "Outstanding Teachers" for the 1981-82 academic petroleum engineering; Leslie Koval, year include eight professors, three mechanical engineering; and Henry associate professors, four assistant pro- Sineath , engineering management. fessors and three graduate teaching ' Associate professors--H. Dean Keith, engineering mechanics; Myron C. assistants.

Parry, engineering mechanics; and Jack B. Ridley, history . Assistant professors-Brian Dempsey, civil engineering; Frances M. Haemmerlie-Montgomery, psychology; David Oglesby, engineering mechanics; and Robert Pease, physical education. Graduate teaching assistants-Bobby Gene Olsen, mathematics; Michael Rarry, en'gineering mechanics; and Vera Stanojevic, mathematics. The designation "Outstanding

Teacher" is based on student evaluations of the teaching faculty. Each semester all UM-Rolla students are invit<!d to rate their teachers. This year's results were based on more than 54,000 such evaluations. Chairman of the awards committee is Arlan DeKock, acting chairman of the UMR computer science department.

1981·82 AMOCO Awardees



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Bill Andrews Dr. William A. (Bill) Andrews, professor of civil engineering, has been designated an "Outstanding Teacher" 12 times at UM :Rolla. This year, Professor Andrews, along with UMRolla facuIty member Dr. Frances (Dee) Haemmerlie-Montgomery, received an AMOCO Foundation Outstanding Teaching Award. Presentation of the awards was made at the MSM-UMR Alumni Association Awards Banquet. "I think an interest in your subject and an interest in your students as individuals are the two major factors in teaching," says BiB, whose field is structural engineering. The subject matter he teaches deals with buildings and bridges. His students are primarily juniors, seniors and candidates for graduate degrees who have completed the courses required before concentrating on structural engineering. "I make it a point to get to know as many students as possible by their first names," he explains. "And I try to talk with each one individually at some time during the semester." Bill holds B.S., M.S. and Sc.D. degrees from Washington University in St. L,ouis. He began his 'career in industry. working as a stress analyst for Curtiss Wright Corp. He then served as an engineer with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Upper Mississippi Valley Division, with Metz and Eason Structural Engineers, as an associate with Eason, Thompson and Associates, Structrual Engineers, and as the consulting engineer for the Steel Joist Institute. He entered the field of eingineering education with Washington University in 1947 and joined the UMR faculty in 1965. "I appreciate having won the outstanding teacher awards," Bill says. "But good teaching is difficult to evaluate. I think the real test of a good teacher probably lies in what a student thinks of that teacher five years or more after. the student is out of schooL"

Dee HaemmerIie Caring about your subject and caring about whether students learn are the factors Dr. Frances (Dee) Haemmerlie-Montgomery feels are the most important elements in teaching. Professor Dee (as her students know her) is an assistant professor of psychology at the University of Missouri-Rolla and is a co-winner, along with Dr. William A. Andrews, UMRolla civil engineering professor, of the 1981-82 "Outstanding Teacher" Awards given each year at UMR by the AMOCO Foundation. " I find the most challenging aspect of teaching is making sure the students are aware of all aspects of the subject or problem," Dee says. " It is also very important to encourage students to come up with their own ideas. As a clinical psychologist, Dee teaches a wide range of subjects. She has developed courses in behavior modification, clinical psychology and adolescent psychology. She also teaches abnormal psychology and- psychological testing and measurement. In addition, she supervises students' research projects and offers a course in psychology practicum where she supervises the field work of a few advanced psychology majors. In addition to teaching, Dee is involved in a number of her own research projects. Examples of some studies she currently is working on include the effects of visitors in a home for the elderly, stress as experienced by elderly persons living independently as opposed to those in nursing homes, personality characteristics of students in technical and non-technical majors, and facilitative effects of individualized career advisement on UMR freshmen women . Another aspect of her career involves a heav y schedule of community service. "Clinical psychology is something most people are interested in because it deals with problems and concerns encountered in everyday living," she says. "} find ' myself giving talks to many types of groups and conducting continuing education programs both on and off campus on a wide variety of topics, from dealing with children and adolescents to the psychology of aging." Dee earned her B.A. degree in psychology at the University of Florida and M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in clinical psychology at Florida State University. She did some teaching as a graduate student and has had extensive clinical experience with a variety of different clients in many settings. She joined the UMR faculty in 1978 and won her first "Outstanding Teacher" designation last year. MSM Alumnus127



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!\dwal'd /\ , SlI dlh, ' 4, '('lIlsa, Oklil" lJMR(l1l1I ahll\1IIiIS flild h 'n 'fa ' tor, dlt-d Sl\ llIrdu y. 0\'1. I) , Ed . w lto r' "Iv 'd til ' prot' 'ssl(lnltl (I 'fir" (Jf I 1111 nilJl, 'I n 'III ' lI j.\ltl"r fronl UMI«JIlIl ill 11)7 , WHS ,It I It'll III n (If th' board ofS rviec I l'illtnf!, Co, ofTli lslI lind Own I' of Il/\S( '0 , un (lil l rodi i '11111'. 'ompllOy III Oklnhonlfl , II 111lcl ~\lt'V 'd Ihe RolllI ca mpus ill nU11i 'npftCi l l's, illcltldillA It tit'n1111l of Ih' UM'I{ D'v lopm III ( 'Olin ,II frolll I CJ7 throul\h I <J7 , lie WitSII m 'nib r 01' Ihe '(11111 'II's ' "lI l ivb 'oinmltlce for Inany yeMs, fl ild also was II foundin p, Inllll,ber (If UMI{ 's lI\aJor Aift 'Iltb, Th' Ot'd 'I' of lite (;old n Shlll 'lnAh , II " had flive ll II $ OO,O()O 1t'ItSI III fli 1111 I 'Iftl suppor l of Ih ' pili I III II Ii W tlnAI" 'crillA Mllllllj.\ 'Ill ' III Blilidillfl, for Ih Rolin flmplIS, In llcidi l ion, h ' had pr(lVlci cI 11111111 II S\lpporl for I 1IIIIIlb r of schollllships for stll<icnls ill Ihe (: tlJl,in ' 'ri nA nUIHll1-\ III nl II parlin II I. "Ed Sin lit hns bc n 1'IIIIhl'ltily slIppor l inll hlN nlnln nUlt 'I' for mllny years," s dd B, I{ , S l re hel, UMR professor of 'nAin 'cri llA manflg 'm nl who WflS Ihc flI NI eh !ir1l11111 (If Ih' II pllr ttnent. " Ilis mnny olli rib u ti ns 10 Ihis cll mpus will N!tll,cl !IN II Il\O\lIltn III 10 his JI, II rosit IIn(1 support.." I\d WlIs W(lll kll(Jwn for his mllny phllalllhropies as w II III' for his pe l roleum , pl(lnlioll lellyities, lie WIIS mild honornry 'hlef of Ih 0, flA Tribe of In dl/lns III 19 , WIIS npi oi lliell II K nlAhl in Ihe Ord 'r of Mllltll in 197 ,11 1111 r'cel vecl In MSM UMR A illmll i Associlltion SllfVic /\Wllr(\ in 197 , 12d Is Sli rviv'd b his wlf ., (ierlru(lc, a SOli , Sh rmllll L. Sn lil h, Cl nd II dallldll'r, WIIIIIII Ar 110)(1 , III of T ulfll!. A s holar, hlp fund in Eel's nflm hilS bc II S I liP III the A lumni/Dev 'Iopmenl off! e,


1928 Contlnu d

Albt'rt lIunison l~ rei Ired. IIL~ hom lIel, d/\;<>: is 4', MncJt on ve .. (P, 0 , Box IIClwnrd U, (Oul'k ) MIlf('llIud 11\'d Oct. 4 (lIS), Mld(\lcl(}wn, KY 40 43. lie II , III I lili's!tI\(lIlS Mcdlcnl (' Iller III I' 'nlly wrOle 10 liS SlIyilll-\ "~till vn~li(ln D ' nile I', ( '\110, II ' is sltt'viVl'd b his wife illll 111(\ Ii Ing wilh In (lln*hlcr Mn>, 'h Irlc~ (Mill I ,1(l) h :(;111 Ill , 16 ( 'Ollnt v MnrJIlrl', I ()! .I \sIlIlne, I ('IWCr, CO RIlIld _ , ( 'I1\: 'cnnc, Wy ~ 009," • IlO 0,

1930 1932 KI'lIl1t'lh R, Nt,tli It' rXll ls Ih ' de Ilh of hiS wll'., S b 'I, iii l,'cbl till l or Ihis \' Ir, KI'I\ is 'I'hi' II I I h of Roynl Vill('t'ul f>n" 'I1I1{'! clllssm lie s III I'(lilred Ind Ilv 's in .' Ii IS()I I, I lis 1(1(11 's,o; is IV IS repofled b 1', (), H(} ' iI. Il, ,' I ISOI I, 1,'1 .l~ , 78 II lmecon liliA,

Alumni Personals_________________~----~~---.-;;.....1933 Charles H. Lambur says he is semi· retired , as a corporation president and consultant for Schneider of Paris Inc., in New York City. He is also on the board of directors of the U.S. Olympic Com· mittee; visited Mexico in February and March, Scotland (golf) in July. You can find him and wife Ute at home August thru December at 33 Rampasture Road, Hampton Bays, NY 11946


last, we met Chance llor Marchello and others at a Sunday afternoon affair in Alexandria, Va. The class of '37 had a large percentage of successful graduates. The profs were tough. We all remember 'King' Jackson'" Walter and Hazel Breuer have retired and live at 37 W. Garden Green, Hueneme Bay, Port Hueneme, CA 93041. Walter writes "Hazel and I miss our friends in Missouri and Nebraska, but enjoy California's winters and seacoast."

1934 W. B. Fletcher ..yrites he is retired now and "catching up on traveling. Also, J am chai rman of the Rai lway & Locomotive Historical Society , Southern California chapter." He and Mayme . live at 751? Yankey St., Downey, CA 90242

-" I,

Lauren and Elizabeth Tuttle are retired now, living at 11 26 Bunker Hill Blvd., Jacksonville, FL 32208. Lauren writes "Elizabeth and I are looking forward to Homecoming '84 for our 50th. School must be very different now than in '34 when we both were there."

a as

1937 ad· &1%




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J. W. O'Neal retired from General Elec· tric after 40 Y2 years. He and his wife

have moved to 7093 Catalpa Road. Frederick , MD 2170 1. He writes: "We spend four or five months during the summer at our cottage on Great Sacan· doga Lake north of Schenectady and west of Lake George and Saratoga. We have had a few trips abroad .. England , Scotland and Wales last year; have also been to Spain, Portugal, Switzerland, Italy and the Netherlands; but Tokyo, Hong Kong and Bangkok were perhaps the best. We have one granddaughter, Christina (4 Vl years) , the light of our lives. We hope some day to get back to see ·Rolla and the campus. Year before

Notice has been received of the death of Luther S. Lyon Jr., Sycamore, Ill. _

1938 J. W. and Clare lien Howerton are retired at I Normandie Drive, Aurora, IL 60504. They write they are "look ing forward to Homecoming 1983."

) 94 )





Dr. Arthur W. Brune, '41, '46, has been promoted to full professor in civi l engineering at Leh igh University, Bethlehem, Pa. A specialist in hydraulic engineering, hydrology, and mine hydrology, he joined the Le'high faculty in 1952. He is director of the "Minority Introduction to Engineering Program" at Lehigh, wj1ich is a national program designed to provide minority high school students with a broad perspective of career opportunities in the field of engineering. He is listed in "Who's Who in Engineering" and is a member of the American Society of Civil Engineers, Ta u Beta Pi, Society or" the Sigma Xi, and the Lutheran Academy for Scholarship. His major areas of research include acid mine drainage in anthracite mining regions, reclamation of abandoned an· thracite mines, and highway drainage in· lets. He ea rned his doctorate at Penn· sy lvania State University.

H: William Flood, manager of business ' planning and development at Resource Engineeri ng Inc. , Waltham, Mass. , has been named a recipient of the 1982 Founders Award by the American In·. stitute 'of Chemical Engineers (AIChE). 1940 Given anriually to recognize outstand· ing contributions by an AIChE member W. A. Enderson and wife, Catharine, to the development of the chemical are enjoying the Caiifornia sunshine at engineering profession, the award will I II Via Mesa Grande, Redondo Beach, be presented at the Honors Luncheon CA 90277. He was previously a staff engineer with Shell Oil and says "retireon Tuesday, Nov. 16, during the five· day annual meeting of the AIChE- in ment is still fun after 5 years. I keep busy as hell!' ~ Los Angeles. The award consists of a certificate and a pin. He was selected to Richard J . Followill has recently retired. receive the award for his contributions he and Maurine have moved to 100 to process design technology, resulting Lakeshore Road , Route 5, Enterprise, irj nine patents, and his service to AL 36330 AIChE as a director of ·the Institute, . chairman of the program committee, and now as head of the meeting pro194) gram for the Diamond Jubilee. He has held posts in process production and maintenance supervision, consulting in Carl M. Zvanut retired in January '82 technical, business and regional develop· from General Electric Company. He ment problems , and corporate and Catherine are living at 14 Chet· management/technol ogy interfacing wynd Road, Paoli, P A 1930 I. with the firms of Arthur D. Little Inc. , 1942 Kennecott Corp. , and currently with The death of Everett Johnson Birch was ReS'l'lurce Engineering, where his reported by classmates at Homecoming. responsibilities include work on coal· based organic chemicals and novel metal casting methods. He and Jeanne live at Carl Frederick sChwab Jr. died Nov. 5, 183 Main St. , Acton, MA 01720. in Fort Worth, Texas. Carl had a distinguished military career in the U.S. Naval Air Corps during World War II. Enos L. Key sends us a new mailing ad· He was credited with sinking a Japanese dress: P. O. Box 1514, Fairfield Glade, tanker in an attack off Indo-China in TN 38555. 1945. Following the war he was with Schlumberger Well Surveying Corp. for a number of years before establishing his own financial consulting business, E. K. Williams & Co. in Fort Worth. He is 1947 survived by his wife, Maryle, 3916 Emerald Oaks, Ft. Worth, TX 76117, a E. R. Fogarty writes that he retired Oct. son, two daughters and three grand- I. He and wife Maxine live at 717 Not· 1982 Rollamo tingham Road, Wilmington, DE 19805. children.

MSM Alumnus / 29

Alumni Personals ____________________________________________________________ Glen and Helen Doss have retired to 71 W. South Bay Drive, Emerald Bay, Bullard, TX 75757.



Daniel N. Miller Jr., '49, '51 , is assistant secretary for energy and minerals with the Department of the Interior in Washington, D.C He writes: "We continue to survive in the Washington environment and to implement President Reagan's exploration and development policies." Dan and Esther live at 1301 20th St. N.W., No. 314, Washington, D.C 20036 .


1982 Rollamo

Carl L. "Cap" Sadler, chief of the topographic division, central section headquarters, of the U. S. Geological Survey from its establishment in 1932 until his retirement at age 70 in 1948, died Aug. 19 in Rolla. He was 104 years old. Sadler had been with the Survey from 1902 and during all but two of the years he had headed the topographic division, had worked in the Rolla Building and Harris Hall on campus where the Survey was housed at that time. Following his retirement he continued to have a relationship with the campus, serving as marshal of the St. Pat's annual parade, among other things.

John Mulligan tells us he presented a report on "Coals in Alaska" at the first international SME-AIME fa ll meeting in Honolu lu , Hawaii, Sept. 4-9. John is chief of the Alaska Field Operations Center of the U. S. Bureau of Mi nes in Juneau, Alaska. He and Peggy receive mail at P. O. Box 35, Douglas, AK 99824.

Scott and Ruby Gregory are living at 732 Alonda Drive, Lafaye tte, LA 70503. Scott is a se nior production engi neering specialist with Te nneco Oil Co. in Lafayette, and writes he "will ce lebra te 30 years with Tenneco in October, 198 2."

Paul S. Pender writes: " I am now in the consulting field (self-employed) making energy audits for school districts and churches." He and Evelyn live at 1257 Ivanhoe Drive, E. Lansing, MI 48823.

W. L. Hampson, Jr writes: " I resigned from Exxon Nuclear Co. as manager, advanced engineering, on Aug. I, 1981 . Formed two new corporations -- (I) Hampson Enterprises, to pursue consulting engineering and specialty products manufacturing and' (2) Heliosta ts Inc. , to develop and manufacture low cost heliostats for solar heatJpower genera tion . Enjoying flexibility, but 198 1-82 economics has been and is a real challenge for small business." He and Beverly have a new address: P. O. Box 140 I, 83 Orchard Drive, Mattawa, WA 99344.


John L. (Jack) and Joelene Painter have moved from Poplar Bluff to Rolla. Their new address is 1610 Wilson Ci rcle, Rolla , MO 6540 I, phone (314) 364-5283. Jack says, "all of our friends John E. Stein writes, "recently pro- visiting or passing through Rolla are moted to vice president, Rocky Moun- urged to give us a call or, better still, tain Region, for Ladd Petroleum Corp. drop by." of Denver, Colo.', a subsidiary of Utah International. Have two grandchildren!" John and Dorothy's residence is at 3953 S. Newport Way, Denver, CO 80237.

1950 Robert F. Burke (Col. USAF retired) is now associate professor of geology at Wright State University in Dayton, OhIo. He and Julie-Anne live at 1828 Hillrose Place, Fairborn, OH 45324.

Edward L. Calcaterra, executive vice president of J. S.¡ Alberici Construction Company Inc. , St. Louis, has been appointed to the Rockhurst College Board of Regents. He began his career with Alberici as an estimator in 1955 and was made executi ve vice president of field operations in 1976. His comm unity activities include serv ing on the Board of Directors of the Card inal Ritter Institute; he was president of th e Associated General Contractors of St. Louis in 1980. He and his wife, Pat, have five children. Their home address is 52 Muirfield , St. Louis, MO 63141. Rockhurst College is a liberal arts in stitution in Kansas Cit y wit h a total of 3,200 students (1,500 in the day divisionl. Floyd M. Drummond is a civilian employee with the U. S. Air Force 375th Civil Engineering Squadron at Scott AFB, Ill. He and Cleta live at 117 Kimberl y Court, Collinsville, IL 62234. Harold L. Pierson is now an agent for State Farm Insurance in Lafa yette, La. His mailing address is 2448 Johnston St., Lafayette, LA 70503 .




1948 Robert and Marjorie Day have moved to Route 3, Mt. Pleasant, IA 52641. Robert is president of Heatilator Inc_ in Mt. Pleasant.

Paul H. Breazeale died Sept. 21, following a long illness with cancer, according to a note from his wife, Evaline Breazeale, 2310 Luster, Springfield, MO 65804.

Charles K. Daetz died April 27. He had made his home at 23 Woodland Drive, Greenwich, CT 06830. His death was reported by his executor, Union Trust Co. of Stamford, Conn.

John and Bernice Zedalis have moved to 8723 Gateshead Road , Alexandria, VA 22309. John is principle associate with Wilbur Smith & Associates in Washington , D.C. 1982 Rollamo

Wesley B. Koenig has recently become sales representative and manager for Continental Engineering Corp. in Baton Rouge, La. He and Mary have moved to 12484 E. Milburn Ave. , Baton Rouge, LA 70815.


1982 Rollamo

Eugene F. Hohlfelder is manager, mechanical construction and refining, with Alcoa Aluminio S.A. He writes: "Arrived in Sao Luis, Brazil, in June, 198 2, for construction of Alcoa's aluman refining plant and smelter." You can write to Eugene and Gloria c/o Ch ristian Peterson, 150 I Alcoa Bldg., Pittsburgh, PA 15219.

1953 Ralph L. Kuster Jr. IS now a colonel in the U.S.A.F., assigned as chief, structures and dynamics division , aeronautical sys tems division , at Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio. He and Joanne li ve at 5474 Honeyleaf Way, Dayton, OH 45424.





1954 Sidney J. Cole Jr. is now general manager of Moore Systems in San Jose, Ca lif. He and Mary have a new address: 13640 Paseo del Roble Court, Los Altos Hills, CA 94022.






S 30/ MSM Alumnus

Alumn; Personals _______________________

the king and




Martin '56, '75, and Inis Mitchum live at 19 Sandstone, Conway, AR 72032, where Martin is director of engineering of Arkansas Educational Television Network .

low· 109 lline



Gary W. Davis is head of the telemetry division, Naval Weapons Center, Ch ina Lake, Calif. He writes: "My division was transferred from the range department to the aerosystems department in October '82. We are responsible for weapon system electronic instrumentation and, now, recovery system instrumentation." Gary and Ida live at 547 Kevin Court, Ridgecrest, CA 93555.

vice tion apJard ith was ield acj of In· he 51. )at. e

Theodore Francis Freidlein died Aug. I, according to a note fr:om his wife, Esther J. Friedlein, 14768 Plumas Drive, Chesterfield, MO 63017. She reports he had been the victim of a massive heart attack in July, 1981.

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Frank D. Cavalier received an MBA degree from Southern Methodist University, Dallas, Texas, on Aug. I. He participated in an Executive MBA program , wherein classes were held every other Friday and Saturday for 8-hour sessions over a two year period. Frank has been employed by TR W Inc. electronic components grou.p since 1964; he is currently director of sales, central area. He was formerly employed as a design engineer by RCA. He and Pat live at 191 2 Edgewater Drive, Plano, TX 75075.

James L. Mitchell became general manager of H & H Pump Co. in Clarksdale, Miss. on Oct. I of this year. He tells us "H & H Pump manufactures high volume, low head municipal and .industrial pumps for sludge and waste." He and JoAnn are living at 1310 W. 2nd, Apt. 202, Clarksdale, MS 38614.


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1958 Charles Watts is owner of CommunicaROHERT E. HODGE tions Engineering Co., "serving independent telephone companies," and American Energy Co., "doing energy 1960 analysis and retrofit work using an infra· red scanner and blower door method Robert E. Hodge has been elected vice developed by Princeton' energy president, transmission, for Natural Gas partners." Charles and Glenda live at Pipeline Company of America. He joinRoute 7, Westview Park, Springfield, IL ed Natural in .1960, and was formerly 62707. assistant vice president , pipeline systems. In addition to his BS in elecGerald L. Wright is Southwest planning trical engineering from UMR, he holds officer with the Bureau of Reclamation an MBA from the University of Illinois. in Amarillo, Texas. He and Gayla Sue He and his wife,. Connie, have twin sons have moved to 6400 Ridgewood , and live at 503 Edge,0rook, Shorewood, Amarillo, TX 79109. IL 60435. Natural-Gas Pipeline, the interstate gas transmission subsidiary of Chicago based ~ id Co n Corp. , operates 1959 one of the l<j.r-gest natural gas pipeline Ronald A. Kibler is now an associate systems in the ·United States. Through with Dames & Moore in Cincinnati, its 12,S 00-mile pipeline network, the Ohio. He and Judy have moved to 1202 compajy supplies gas to"49 distribution Shakertown Court, Montgomery , OH " companies and municipalities serving 12 45242. -" million consumers in the upper midwest.


Kasmir Batubara was promoted in August to president director of P. T. Pelat Timah Nusantara in Indonesia. His mailing add ress is Jalan Bondowoso 14, Jakarta, Indonesia. James P. Stewart has moved to 1938 Sandhurst Drive, Charlotte, NC 28205.


Richard W. Bolander '61 , '69 is now professor and assistant head of the M. J. "Mike" Higgins sends the foUow- department of mechanical engineering, ing message: "Left Pyromet Industries GMI Engineering Management In of San Carlos, Calif., after 17 Y2 years; stitute , Flint, Mich. He and Barbara live started as manager, technical services, at at 8236 Coru nna Road, Flint, MI Techni-Braze in Santa Fe Springs, Ca lif. , 48504. on Nov. I. I reside at 6319 S. Milton Ave., No. 17, Whittier, CA 9060 I ; Louis J. Chiodini Jr. ('61, '82) is now phone (213) 945-3222 -- work (213) chief of emergency operations with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in St. 693-7733 -- please call!'!" Louis, Mo. He and Helen live at 5293 Mild Drive, St. Louis, MO 63129.

Norman C. Johnson is living at 1325 E. Citrus Avenue, Apt. 9A, Redlands, CA 92373.


1962 David C. Hatfield has moved to T-33 (Route 3), Lake Lotawana, MO 64063. He is newly employed as a quality assurance engineer for Defense Contract Administration Service in Kansas City, Mo.

JOHN L. CLEMENTS John L. Clements, chief programmer with GTE Automatic Electric in Phoenix, Ariz., delivered a paper entitled "Network Maintenance for a Microprocessor Controlled Pulse Code Modulation Telephone Switching System" at the 1982 National Elec.tronics Conference held in Oak Brook, 111., in October. John and wife, Flora, live at 3935 E. Yucca St., Phoenix, AZ 85028.


Floyd N. Anderson has been promoted to marketing manager for the contract research division of Babcock & Wilcox Allan and Esther Sheppard are in their in Alliance, Ohio. He joined B&W's new home at 2168-04 Summerhouse nuclear power generation division in 1968 as an engineer and was promoted Drive, St. Louis, MO 63141. to senior engineer in 1971 , marketing specialist in 1975, and senior marketing specialist in 1979. In his new position he is responsible for directing and coor1963 dinating all marketing activities for the James H. Jensen writes that he is company. presently a graduate student in geology Dr. William E. Haymes is teaching in at the Un iversit y of Florida. He and the physics department of University Ed ith are living at 50 I N.W. 52nd Ter- College of Bahrain, P.O. Box 108 Y2, race, Gainesville, FL 32607. Bahrain, Arabian Gulf.



MSM Alumnus / 31

Alumni Personals _____________________________________________________________

COL. ROBERT J.DACEY Colonel Robert .J. ' Dacey, recently selected for promotion to brigadier general, has assumed duties as U. S. Ar: my Forces Command (FROSCOM) Engineer, Ft. McPherson, Ga. Previous. Iy, he was assigned as Commander, U..S. Army Engineer District, St. Louis, Mo. In his 23-year career, Col. Dacey has had assignments in Missouri, Washington, D.C .. and Fort Riley , Kansas; he has served overseas in France, Korea, Vietnam, and Germany. In addition to his BS degree in civil engineering from UMR, he earned a. master's degreein procurement and contract management from George Washington University, Washington, D.C., in ' 1972, and was awarded the professional degree --civil engineer -- by UMR in 198 L He has attended two engineer officer courses at Fort Belvoir, Virginia, was graduated from the U. S. Army Command and General Staff College, Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, in 1969, and completed the U. S. Army War College, Carlisle, Pa., in 1976. Col. Dacey is married to the former Rosalyn Fay Rich of Springfield, Mo., and has two children . in college, John Robert and Martha Lynn.

32/ MSM Alumnus



Sam LaPresta writes that he "recently moved to Exton, Pa., to assume the new position of vice president, sales, Fern Alloy Division, Foote Mineral Co." Sam and Gail are living at 709 Brooke Road, Exton, PA 19341.

The Rev. Frank S. Adams, SJ, is now a graduate teaching assistant at Ohio s.tate University, living at 1088 Thomas Lane, Columbus, OH 43220.

James B. Peterson is a Major in the U. S. Air Force, stationed at Wright Patterson AFB. Jim and Diana live at 4400 Pebbles tone Court, Dayton, OH 45432.

Joseph G. Schuch is now communicaHarold E. Fiebelman has been named tion projects manager for Southern chief of the branch of program manage- Engineering Co. in Atlanta, Ga. He and ment, U.S.G.S. National Mapping Divi- Rose live at 816 Marbrook Drive S W Lawrenceville. GA 30245. .., sion, Western Mapping Center, in Menlo Park, Calif. Harold, wife Joyce, son Scott (16 yrs), and daughter Dana (14 yrs) live at 574 Hyde Park Drive, San Jose, CA 95136.

Wan-Cheng Liu joined the U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Region II, in Atlanta,. Ga. , as a reactor inspector in August. He says, "will perform inspection work on nuclear plants in southeast region of the United States." He and Emily Liu live at 9805 North Pond Circle, Ro~we ll , GA. Cheng-Chih Hsu is employed by the Fluor Corp. in Irvine, Calif. He and 30076. Maureen live at 29871 Weatherwood, Charles A. Pompe is now materials con- Laguna Niguel, CA 92708 . . trol manager with Mallinckrodt Inc. in St. Louis. He livt;.s at 32 Oak Ridge John and Diana Lynch have moved to West, St. Peters, MO 63376. 2350 E. Calle Sin Controversia, Tucson, Barton A. Regelbrugge is engaged ina AZ 85718. John is an advisory engineer new partnership, Mahon-Regel Inc. , in for IBM in Tucson. Peoria, Ill. He and Sylvia now live at 1003 Hiawatha Court, Dunlap, IL 61525 . Robert H. Schlutow reports new employment as division staff manager, material management, Southwestern Bell Telephone Co. in St. Louis. He says: "been loaned to A.T.&T. in New Jersey between March 15 and Oct. 31 working on the planning of implementing the modified final judgement. Effective Nov . I, 1982, transferred to St. Louis. Address is temporary until a permanent home is purchased." He and Kathleen send their present address as 129 Sappington Acres Drive, St. Louis, MO 63126.

Terence G. Towers writes of his new job as "gasification superintendent with the ANG Coal Gasification Co., Beulah, KENNETHM.RAGSDELL N.D. , operators of the Great Plains Coal Gasification Project." He lives with wife, Janice, and children Karen & Kenneth M. Ragsdell ('66, '68), formerScott, at No. 20 Cottonwood Place, ly a member of the design faculty of the School of MechaniCal Engineering at Beulah, ND 58523. Purdue University, joined the faculty of the University of Arizona in August as professor of aerospace and mec:hanical engineering and director of the design optimization laboratory. He received his Ph.D. from the University of Texas in Austin. Prior to his teaching career, he worked in ¡ industry as a mechanical designer for Moog Industries Inc. in St. Louis, and IBM Corporation/Office Products Division in Austin, Texas. He has served as .consultant to several major corporations and government agencies, and currently serves as president of a consulting firm , CAD Service Inc., which has offices in ' our states and Canada .. He is a registereQ professional engineer in Texas, and his major area of expertise (in research and practice) is cOll}puter aided design with a specialty in dynamics of high speed machines and design optimization.



Randall K. King is member of the technical staff of Sandia Labs in Albu querque, N.M. He receives mail at P. O. Box 5448, Albuque~que, NM 87185.


Robert and Janice McCoy have a new home at 5832 Fairoak, Springfield, MO 65807. Bob is a¡ mechanical engineer employed by Syntex Agribusiness Inc. in Springfield. Nixon A. Pendergrass has a new position as research and development section manager for Hewlett-Packard Co. in Marysville, Wash. He and wife Mary have moved to 10529 62nd Place West, Everett, WA 98204.

DONALD G. KASTEN Donald G; Kasten has been elected secretary of the 1500 member Columbus Section of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. for the 1982-83 term . He has been on the facul ty of the Ohio State University electrical engineering department for six years, is a registered professional engineer with the State of llIinois, and is a member of Eta Kappa Nu and Tau Beta Pi engineering honorary societies. Don and his wife, Margaret Louise, and daughter, Sarah Elizabeth, are residents of 3845 Quail Hallow Drive, Columbus, OH 43228: '\








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A1umni Personals ____________________________________________________________

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RobertJ. Ronzo, '67. '72 , writes "I have been promoted to the position of manager with G .T.E. in the engineering department." He and Catherine have moved to 10538 Brandywine Drive, Ft. Wayne, IN 46825 .

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1967 (Cont.)

James T. Willcutt is now an associate professor at Arkansas Technical University in Russellville, Ark . He and Norma Jean have moved to 1908 W. Main , Atkins, AR 72823 . Ronald and Joan Winkler tell us they have moved to Route 5, Box 136-C, Mill Creek Road, Hockessin , DE 19707.

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Robert H. (Bob) Winn advises he is now general manager of the intermountain region for Dames & Moo(e offices located in Houston, Texas_ He and Gloria have moved to 2608 S. Wildwind Circle, The Woodlands, TX 77380.






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Robert D. Beasley' has been named casting plant production manager for the Olin Brass Group at East Alton , llI. His home address is 717 Fairway , Bethalto, IL 620 I O.

PING FONG Ping Fong Jr. has been appointed director, drug delivery systems development, for Travenol Laboratories Inc .'s Parenteral Products Division in Deerfield, llI. He has been with the company seven years; most recently was director, program mangement for Travenol's Instrument Division. He, his wife Lucy, and their son live at 1271 st. James Place, Libertyville, IL 60048. ~~

1982 Rollamo

Gary and Catherine Perkins have moved to 602 Bayview Drive, Seabrook, TX 77586. Gary is ' now an engineering supervisor with Shell Oil in Deer Park, Texas. Robert R. Pipkin has recently joined the Gould Inc. Modicon Division in Brookfield, Wisc_ as a senior sales engineer. He and Mary Lou still live at W 125 S7071 Skylark Lane, Hales Corners, WI 53130.

GaryK. Maki is now a professor at the University of Idaho. He and Alice are living at 116 Flint, Moscow, ID 83843.





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Robert A. Andreae is employed as a supervisory mechanical engineer at the Air Force Data Services Center in the Pentagon, Washington , D.C. He and Vicki are living at 4221 N. 23rd St., Arlington, VA 22207. Joseph E. Martin Jr. ('69, '70) is newly employed as -manager, advanced products marketing, with Measurex Corp. in C upertino, Calif. He and Joan make their new home at 4 Stowe Lane, Menlo Park , C A 94025 .

A. Ismail Abdel-Latif served as the official representative of the University of Missouri at the inauguration of Peter James Liacouras as president of Temple University in Philadelphia, Pa. , on Oct. 28. He was invited to perform this official duty by UM President James C. . Olson. Ismail is supervisor of the materials engineering section for General Electric. His address is 610 Hazelwood Road, Ardmore, P A 19003.

Thomas and Marianne Wille have mov- Daniel and JoAnn Bokermann have ed to 26640 S. Beavercreek Road, moved to their new home at 447 Paula Beavercreek, OR 97004 . Tom is a . Vale Court, Ballwin, MO 630 II. Dan is salesman with J. T. Warren Computer now a resident construction engineer with Anheuser Busch in St. Louis. Science in Portland , Ore.

William D. Conner III has been promoted to service product manager with Babcock & Wilcox in Lynchburg, Va. He and Susan make their home at 1416 Ashbourne Drive, Lynchburg, V A 2450 I. .

Edwin C. Wang is now employed as a civil engineer by Bechtel Corp. in Los Angeles, Calif. He and Shirley are living at 13417 E. Park Drive, Cerritos, CA 90701.


MICHAEL K. MUNDY Michael K. Mundy has been appointed cj1ief engineer of the Industrial Division of Sverdrup & Parcel and Associates, the engineering, architectural and planning firm of Sverdrup Corp. He- was previously section manager for the division's food and beverage mechanical section. His experience includ'es service as project engineer for process and utility · systems at several breweries. Prior to joining Sverdrup in 1974, he was a senior engineer at McDonnell-Douglas Corp., responsible for the design and testing of rocket and jet engine fuel systems and missile ' propulsion systems. He is a registered professiona! engineer in Missouri, Georgia, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Oregon, California and Texas. His home address is 2063 Settershill Court, Chesterfield , MO 63017.

George E. Bergen has been elected vice president of Booker Associates, engineers, architects, and planners. He is deputy manager, mechanicaUelectrical engineering. His home address is 1037 Wood Ave ., Kirkwood, MO 63122. Karen S. Calfee is executive secretary to the director of marketing for the Bendix Corp. , automation and measurement division . She lives at 1672 Countryside Drive, Dayton , OH 45432. Kenneth W. Deter .writes: "Have joined Freeport Indonesia (mill superintendent) in Irian Jaya after many years with Asarco Inc. in the U.S." He and Sharon receive mail c/o Freeport Indonesia, P. O. Box 616, Cairns, Queensland 4870, Australia. Michael and Ann T urco ha ve moved to 13 Meadowcrest, Park ersburg, WV 26101.

David and Pat Bryan say "We're proud to announce the birth of a son, Aaron David on June 22. We have three girls also .. Joyce Ann (8 yrs), Deborah (5 yrs) and Cherie (3 Y2 yrs)." David is senior electrical engineer with Burns & McDonnell-Armco in Kansas City , Mo. The Bryan family lives at 8546 Melrose, Overland Park , KS 66214. Leroy T. Cool is newly assigned as assistant engineer, special projects, with the U. S. Army . He and Janice have moved to 4349 Deevers St. , Fort Knox , KY 40121. Robert M. Cranmer is now an industrial engineer/production planner for Procter & Gamble in Cape Girardeau, Mo. He and Gail are living at 750 Strawberry, Jackson , MO 63755. Peter J. Dawson, '71, '73, has recently accepted employment with Procter & Gamble, Cincinnati, Ohio, as a water treatment specialist. He and Diane (Krupp, '73) live at 1053 Davis Road, Hamilton, OH 45013 . James A. Durr is now manager of the service division of McQuay- Pertex Inc., Plymouth , Minn. He and Pa tricia have moved to 135 11 Oak H ill Court, Eden Prairie, MN 55344.

MSM Alumnu s/ 33




1971 (Cont.) Gerald L. Lachner is a captain in the USAF stationed at Offutt AFB, Omaha, Neb. He and Judi are living at 1002 Berkley Ave., Papillion, NE 68046. Andrew P. Kalicak is newly employed by A.T.&T. in Orlando, Fla. He and Janet have moved to 429 Bay Tree Lane, Longwood, FL 32750.

Stanley C. Dicken's current address is 20234 Laurel Lock Drive, Katy, TX 77450. He is a senior systems analyst employed by Conoco in Houston , Texas.


Thomas D. Akers, '73, '75, is First Lieutenant and a flight test engineer with the USAF at test pilot school, Edwards AFB, Calif. He and Kaye Lynn DeAnn Iwan is employed by Sandia Na- have moved to 40 Sharon Drive, Edtional Labs in Albuquerque, N.M. She wards, CA 93523 . ' and her husband Van Sagrillo, live at 7307 Montgomery N.E. , Box 97, Albu- Elise A. Arseneau and husband, John, querque, NM 87109. are now living at 725 Knollwood Ave., Broken Arrow, OK 74012. Deborah Lower is presentl y a visiting assistant professor of sociology at UMC. Her new address is Route 3, Columbia, William K. Buchmeier sends us a new address: 10316-F Forest Brook Lane, St. MO 65201. Louis, MO 63141.

Andrew P. Nolfo has joined the staff of Kenneth Balk & Associates as director of mechanic stroke electric engineering. Balk & Associates is a consulting firm with offices in Chesterfield, Mo. and Houston, Texas. The Nolfo famil y li ves at 238 Straight Oak , Ballwin, MO 630 II. Frederick A. McGary is employed as a traffic engineer with the City of Sioux David Anthony Robinson has new City, Iowa. He and Carolyn live at 2800 employment as a senior geologist with S. Martha, Sioux Cit y, IA 5 1106. Triton Oil & Gas Corp., Dallas, Texas. He and Carolyn are now living at 1903 Clemson Drive, Richardson, TX 75081 . Tim and Patricia Postlewait have a new home at 23 Elmwood Drive, Destrehan , LA 70047 . Tim is now superintendent of qualit y control for Bayou Steel Corp. 1972 in La Place, La. Norma J. Curby, '72, '78, supervisor of structural design for Monsanto Co.'s Enviro-Chem Division, has been named Michael L. Roark has recently accepted a loaned executive for the 1982-83 the position of project energy's enUnited Way fun campaign. Norma said vironmental engineer with the Olin she is pleased to be of help because she Corp., East AIton, Ill. He and Susan live has never forgotten the stepping stones at 3657 Western Ave ., Alton , IL 62002. provided her as a girl and young woman by various United Way agencies. She says "I consider my position as a loaned executive a personal opportunity for me Robert A. Vunesky is now a senior to find out more about how the United engineer with Emerson Electric and a Way functions." She lives with her hus- captain/weapons system officer in the band Raymond and daughter Brittany Missouri Air National Guard. He and at 109 Camfield Square Drive, St. Louis, Beverly make their home at 118 SatinMO 63141. wood Court, St. Charles, MO 6330 I.

Richard B. Drane Jr. is now a major in the U. . S. Air ' Force, assigned to the Center for Studies & Analyses at the Pentagon in Washington, D.C. He and Martha make their home at I QO 13 Commonwealth Blvd., Fairfax, VA 22032 . Brian G. Marstellar is now manager of Engineering Career Associates , Houston, Texas. He lives at 9411 Spellman, Houston, TX 77031.

Larry and Donna Mayfield report a new addition to their family , "a baby girl, Rebecca Anne, born April 24 -- weighed 8 Ibs 15 V2 OZS, was 19 V2 inches long." Larry is now involved in a partnership with three other men in their own computer business, Structured Software Solutions, doing contract work for various business ventures. The Mayfields live at 2600 Oak Grove Drive, Plano, TX 75074. Kenneth W. Werner is now a captain in the U.S.A .F. assigned as chief, construction management at Tinker AFB, Okla. He and Julie live at 300 Davis Circle, Midwest City, OK 73110. Ronald J. Williams is a civil engineer for the City of Kansas City, Kan. He writes: "Kathy and I were blessed with our first child, Christine Nicole, on March 9. . Parents and daughter are doing ¡just fine! " They live at 1833 N. 49th Terrace, Kansas City, KS 66102.

1974 Gale and Karen Addison are living at 8906 Anchor Dri ve, Affton, MO 63 123. Ga le is a chemist in technical service and development for Petrolite Corp. in Webster Groves, Mo. James Honefenger, '72, right, Scientific Software Co., recently presented the BOSS-AIM black oil simulator to A. Herbert Harvey, left, chairma n, and Leonard Koederitz, center, professor of petroleum engi neeri ng. BOSS-AIM is utilized by major oil companies, independent oil operators and worldw ide government agencies to solve complex reservior engineering problems. It was given to UMR for educational purposes.

34 / MSM Alumnu s

Paul N. Calvin writes " Beckman Instruments has tra nsferred me from Houston, Texas to Tusla, Okla." He and Linda are living at 2410 South Gardenia Place, Broken Arrow, OK 7401 2.

CAPT. MICHAEL J. MILLER Capt. Michael J. Miller, on exchange to the Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF), is now a member of the RAAF Flying Demonstration Team in add'ition to his duties as diplomat and instructor pilot, flying the Italian-made Aeromacchi single engine jet. Mike and wife, Debbie, send their "good day, mate" (Australian greeting) to all their friends and acquaintances. You can write. to them at the American Consulate (perth), APO San Francisco, CA 96209. Richard R. Larkins is newly employed as traffic engineer for the City of Dallas, Texas. He and Linda have moved to 8110 Skillman Road , No. 2073, Dallas, TX 75231. Mike Ragan now works for General Heating & Cooling, the Carrier distributer in Kansas City. He is a commercial sales engineer and has been with the firm since January , 1981. H is new home address is 505 N.W. 55th Terrace, Apt. II , Kansas City, MO 64118. Dale R. Shull is enrolled as a student at Southwest Missouri State 'Uni versity in Springfield and is living at Route 3, Box 518 , Ava , MO 65608 .

1975 Mark Algaier has been promoted to senior research chemist by Hillyard Chemica l Company of St. Joseph , Mo. Mark and Lynn are li ving at 4009 W. Haverill , St. Joseph , MO 64506. Bruce D. Baker wri tes " I went to work in January fo r Empire Djstrict Electric Co. of Joplin, Mo. as plant engineer at the Ri verton, Kans. plant. I recently bought a house at 28 0 I Kansas, Joplin , MO 64801."

Alumni Personals ________________________________-----------------------------Edwafd W. Rogers, '75, '76, has a new position as bridge design and inspection engineer with Aaron Swan & Associates in Pierre, S.D. He writes, "Married Kathy Jo Pirner on May I. ' Kathy received her BSCE in 1976 from the South Dakota School of Mines & Technology in Rapid City, S.D. She's employed as an engineer by the South Dakota Division of Railroads in Pierre." Ed and Kathy reside at 1100 E. Church, Apt. lOS, Pierre, SD 57501.

t9112 Rollamo

1975 (Cont.)

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David and Amy Cobb have moved their home to 1108 E. Logan, Moberly , MO 65207 . David is now employed by Associated Electric Coop. in Clifton Hill, Mo., as a project engineer.


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Dale Declue reports· new employment with Todd Corporation in St. Louis, . Mo. as a project engineer. He and Linda still live at 4808 Oakbrier, SI. Louis, MO 63128.

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Richard Erder is now employed by the Defense Logistics Agency of the U. S. Government at their facility in Dallas, Texas, as a quality assurance engineer. He writes "Laid off from Texas In· struments after collapse of the bubble memory group. After knocking around for a year, finally landed a government job. Would like to hear from any physics classmates and old school chums." His present address is 405 Lex· ington Lane, Richardson, TX 75080.



David A. Diestelkamp writes, "Have been with Sverdrup & Parcel for five years now; Margaret and I are expecting our first child in October." Their home address is 713 Buckley Road, St. Louis, MO 63125 .

Bob Gaebler writes: "Our son, Robert Philemon, will be one-year-old on Nov. 8. Being a daddy is a real blast but, of course, it makes grad school an extra Marc Smith has had a good year in challenge. I look forward to 'es'cape' 1982! On April 24 he married Barbara, December '83. Bob, Sally and son live at Stephen P. Vancil, '75, '76, USAF Cap· and July J he was promoted to manager 18 Rolla Gardens, Rolla, MO 6540 J. tain, writes: "I have been reassigned of Prince Waterhouse, I Centerre Plaza, from Indiana to Plattsburgh, N.Y. Dur· St. Louis, MO 63102. Ralph D. Kunce is now living at 72 1 ing the past four years, many of my Simmons Ave., Kirkwood , MO 63 122. KC-135 refueling missions have flown David and Connie Stinson are living at over Rolla .. which always invokes fond 2140 Roosevelt Drive, Sellersburg, IN Donald L. Meek, '77, '78, has moved to memories. At Plattsburgh I will be fly · 47172, and David is employed by the 710 Vine, Euless, TX 76039. ing the FB-II J. My new address is PSC Corps of Engineers in Louisville, Ky . He Box 2076, Plattsburgh AFB, NY writes "1982 was a big year for our fami- Kenneth P. Searcy has recently been 12903." ly. Connie graduated with her Masters employed by Gulf Oil Exploration and of Divinity from Southern Baptist Production Co. of Oklahoma City as a Michael R. Warfel announces his mar· Seminary, I was promoted to chief of geologist. He is living at 5310 Willow riage to Patricia Ann Hynds of Clear- the specification section with the Corps Cliff, No. 271 , Oklahoma City, OK water, Fla., on April 17 . The couple of Engineers, I was elected president of 73 122. make their home at 76 East End our chapter of Indiana Society of Pro· Avenue, Hicksville, NY 1180 I. Michael fessional Engineers, and our first child is a senior scientist with Geraghty & was born." Miller Inc., ground-water consultants, in Syosset, N.Y. , and tells us his wife "is a 1978 registered nurse working in the operating room at the local hospitaL" Alfredo Bonilla III is now director of in1977 stitutional support for Mercury Inc. , Samuel L. Wehn and wife, Patricia, Bruce and Kathy Jo Allen write "We are Redstone Arsenal, Ala., and lives at ha ve moved to 3012 Del Monte Ave. , proud to announce the birth of our son, 1500 Sparkman Drive, Apt. 42B, HuntsBay City, TX 77414. Sam is a contract Bryan Henry, on March 8. (7 lb., 13 Y2 ville, AL 35805. engineer employed by Bechtel Construc- oz., 21 ") Hopefully Bryan will follow in tion Co. in Bay City. his father's footsteps as a mining engineer." Bruce is engineering Hipolito Delgado is employed as a proBernard J. Welch lives at 906 N. W. superintendent for U. S. Gypsum Co. in cess engineer in Caracas, Venezuela. He End, Cape Girardeau, MO 6340 I. Ber- Sperry, Iowa. The Aliens' home is at 121 and Nancy send their mailing address as nie asked us to forward the following S. Garfield St., Burlington, IA 5260 I. Recuperacion Adicional, Meneven S.A., message: "COI~gratulations to Kerry Apartado 709, Caracas, Venezuela. Welker, '75, on his decision to tie the Bruce Bradway is now senior service knot!" engineer with Trane Co. in LaCrosse, Wisc. He and Cheryl are the proud Thomas R. Dill has moved to 4611 S. owners of a new house at Route I, 93rd E. Ave., Tulsa, OK 74145. He is Wolter Road, West Salem, WI 54669. president/owner of Natural Gas EnterTheir phone number is 608-786-2924. prises Inc. of Tulsa.

Patrick and Kathy Gower have moved to 511 Chedworth, Houston, TX 77062. Pat is superintendent of marine opera· tions for Amoco Oil Co. at their facility in Texas City, Texas. 1976 Francis E. Moore Jr. is now living at 313 N. · Florence, Lee's Summit, MO 64063, and is manager of quality control for The Pritchard Corp. in Kansas City, Mo.

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David Dillard , '76, '78, assistant professor of engineering mechanics at UMR , is leaving Rolla to fill the position of agricultural engineer at the Perry County Extension Office in Perryville, Mo., assuming his new duties in January 1983. He received his Ph.D. in 1981 from Virginia Poly technical Institute, and has been teaching at UMR for the past year:

David and Rhonda Bradley announce the birth of Jennifer Rhea on Aug. 18. The Bradleys have moved to Route 3, Box 25 6. Spring Cit y, TN 37381 . Da vid is a quality assurance engineer with the Tennessee Valley Authorit y in Spring City.

David M. Nelson is an assistant pro· Dennis W. Crowe is a Major in the U. S. fessor of military science with the U. S. Army , and a student at the Armed Army at Ft. Wayne, Ind. He and Carol Forces Staff College in Norfolk , Va. He live at IPFW , 2101 Coliseum Blvd. E., and Linda make their home at 7802 Ft. Wayne,.lN 46815. ' Leyte, Norfolk , VA 23511. Jeffrey L. Rose has moved his residence to 2530 Long Iron Court, Longwood, FL 32750. He is a manager · MIS, with AT&T. in Orlando, Fla.

Jae Yon Lee is working as u sanitary engineer with the Indiana State Board of Health. He and Dong Choon have a new home at 5972 Georgetown Road, Indianapolis, IN 46254.

MSM Alumnus / 35

Alum ni Pers onal s ________________________________________ ________


1978 (Cont.)

Joseph Epperson has moved his residence to 3308 S. E. 20th, Del City, OK 73115. He is a journeyman metallurgist employed by Oklahoma City Air Logistics Center, Tinker AFB, Okla. Ferrill E. Ford Jr. is now a senior project engineer employed by Gulf Oil in Belle Chasse, La. He and Debbie write: "We had our second boy, Derek James, in April. A transfer to Gulfs Alliance Refinery, south of New Orleans , has resulted in another new address, 837 Morningside Drive, Gretna, LA 70053."

Joseph and Patricia (Thomas, '82) Neyer have moved to 9736 Hale Drive, Afton, MO 63123. David F. Obermann recently married Stacy Sakoulas, '82, and the couple now resides at 1505 W. 32nd St., Austin, TX 78703. Steve Olson is employed as a sales representative for computer systems at Hewlet t-Packa rd Co .'s facility in Bridgeton, Mo. He writes, " seginning in January , I will take a leave of absence' from Hewlett-Packard to finish, on a full-time basis, my pursuit of an MBA degree from Washington University. Chris Buechler, '78, is, and will continue to be, my roommate" at 7438 Melrose Avenue , University City, MO 63130.

Michael and IGm Hardesty have moved to 1260 Albert D'Ohavio Drive, Joliet, IL 60435. They write: "Mike got his MBA in May, 1981 , and is now working in production as a technical supervisor Michael J. and Carol (Potzma nn '80) with Olin Corp. in Joliet." Smith have moved to 2704 W. Meadowlark Lane, Dunlap, IL 61525. Michael and Jill Heitzman have a new home at 3131 Weaver Ave., Baltimore, MD 21214. Mike is a highway engineer Kent and Bobbie Richardson have movwith the Federal Highway Administra- ed to 1389 Crestview Drive, Springfield, IL 62702. Kent has a new position as tion at their Baltimore offices. project manager with the Capitol James M. Ivy- II recently accepted Development Board for the State of Ilemployment with the Henry J. Kaiser linois. Company as a subcontracts engineer, based in Oakland , Calif. You can write Brian D. Walker has a new position as to Jim at P. O. Box 2316, Center, NO senior pilrchas ing expediter with Delco 58530. Electronics Division of General Motors at their facility in Kokomo , Ind . He and Michael F. Ludwig is senior flight test Kathy have moved to 2305 Delon Ave. , engineer with McDonnell Aircraft Co. Kokomo , IN 46901 , and are expecting i.n St. Louis. Mike and Karen,'79, write their first ch ild in April, 1983 . ' to announce the birth of their daughter, Kathleen Marie, on Oct. 16. The Ludwigs currently live at 32 Heather Valley Circle, St. Peters, MO 63376. David and Debra Murphy have a new address -- 811 Orchard Drive, Rolla , MO 65401. Dav id is now a social service worker with Missouri Division of Family Services in Rolla .


David K. Burce is a structural designer with Jack D. Gillum & Associates in St. Louis, MO. He lives at 9631 Vincennes, Apt. 5, St. Louis, MO 63136.

Michael E. Cerulo advises he is now an electrical design engineer with General Electric al their facility in Evendale, Ohio. He and Beth live at 3915 Thimbleglen Drive, Cincinnati, OH 45239.

Mary (Schumacher) Watson tells us she is now a market specialist with General Electric Co. in Fort Wayne, Ind . She and husband Jeffrey have moved to 1303 W. Wayne, Fort Wayne, IN 46804.


D. L. Bogart, '80, '82, is employed as a chemis t by Nation al Analyt ical Laboratories in Tulsa , Okla. He has moved to 7106 S. Utica , Apt. 510, Tulsa, OK 74136.

36/ MSM Alumnus


Charles E. Linck is an engine~r for General . Dynamics, and sends us his new address: 200 I Aden Road, Apt. 223, Forth Worth, TX 761 f6.

Jim and Donna Marfice, NO.4 Hilltop Acres, Brenham , TX 77833, write: "We Donald and Wailda Lange ha ve moved were blessed with our first child -- a to Route 3, Box 454-B, Marthasville, daughter, Erika Nicole -- born Oct. 26." MO 63357. Don is a sales engineer with Jim is a field engineer employed by Nooter Corp. in St. Louis. Schlum berger Well Service s in Brenham. Steven M. Lockington, '79, '81, says, "I have just taken a new position as an Michael McEvill y, '80, '81, has moved assistant engineer with Boyle Engineer- his residenc e to 14403 Locke Lane, ing C orp. Anoth er item of Houston , TX 77077 . He is employed as interest....Jenny and I have a new an engineer I by Cities Services Co., daughter, Jessica Marie, born April 30." Gulf of Mexico Region, Houston. His The Lockington's have a new home at wife Mary, '81, is working in the pro214 N. Glenwood, Orlando, FL 32803. duction and inventory management department of Cameron Iron Works, Karen Ludwig and husband Mike, '78, Houston . send an announcement of the birth of their daughter, Kathleen Marie, on Oct. ~ Jay and Pamela Medley have recently 16. The Ludwigs currently live at 32 moved to 1010 Henderson Road, Apt. Heather Valley Circle, St. Peters, MO 58, Huntsville, AL 35805. Jay is a 63376. design engineer employed by NASA at the Marshall Space Flight Center in H. Richard Ogle is now senior highway Huntsville. designer for Missouri Highway and Transportation Department, Macon, Matthew and Marilyn (Daum) Mills, Mo. He and Shirley have moved to both Class of '80, have moved to 20-3E Route 3, Kirksville, MO 63501. Fairwood Drive, Rochester,-NY 146 23 . Matt is a student in biomedical Dianna Tickner writes: "I have accepted photography at Rochester Institute of a new position as mine engineer with Technology. ACZ Inc., Engineering and En vironmental Divisiop. , in Steamboat Spr- Carol (Potzmann) Smith and husband , ings, Colo. My new address is P. O. Box Michael ('78), have moved to 2704 W. 774002, Steamboat Springs, CO 80477. Meadowlark Lane, Dunlap, IL 615 25.

Ross T. Barnes Jr. advises he is now emp lo yed by Panhan dle Easte rn Pipeline Co. , and li ves at 10518 Skiles, Kansas City, MO 64 134.

1982 Rollamo




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Robert J. Sonntag is an industrial engineer for Buick Motor Division -GMC in Flint, Mich. He and Lisa have moved to 6128 Farrington, C-2, E. Lansing, Ml 48823. J ames Volker is now a project engineer with Exxon in Houston , Texas. He and Bev have moved to 9903 S. Dairy Ashford , Nb 5607, Houston , TX 77099. Susan M. (Sharp) Ward writes: "After one yea r a a resea rch assistant at UM R, I quit to become the proud mother of Jessica Sharp Ward , born on Aug. 14, 1982 . My husband , Richard , still works in the UMR ph ys ics department (Researc h Assistant profe sor of physics and cloud phy icsl." The Ward's home address is 90 1 E. 5th St. , Rolla, MO 654 01.

Larry E. Elliott, '80, '82, has moved to Kevin D. Watson is livingI at 3015 202 W. Hermosa, Apt. A217, Tempe, Forestridge Drive, Enid , OK 73701 , and AZ 85282. He is a civil engineer with is a gas plant engineer for Arco Oil & John Carollo Engineers in Phoenix . Gas at their Covington, Okla. facility. He. writes "Alive and well , living in Vera J. Goodin now lives at 712 E. Sun- Oklahoma. Arco just recently started shine, Apt. A6 , Springfield, MO 65804. the first commercial C02 tertiary proShe is a graduate assistant in secondary ject in Oklahoma, with compression education at Southwest Missouri State facilities in Enid and injection facilities University. near Velma."


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Alumni Personals ________________________________________________------________ 1980 (Cont.)

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Doug and Luan (Liberman) West now live at 702 E. 19th St., Stillwater, OK 74074. Doug is a graduate research assistant in the physics department at Oklahoma State University, working on his master's degree in physics. He tells us his research is on radiation damage on quartz. Shing·Chung Yell is presently a graduate assistant in the engineering science and mechanics department at Virginia Polytechni c In stitu te in Blacksburg, Va. He and Li·Jen are li ving at A·2 Winway Apt .. S. Main St.. Blacksburg. VA 24060. .

Correction Walter Lounsbery, '7!1, and his wife, Susan Turner, '!l0, have moved to Route I, Box 115, Viola , KS 67149 . Walter is a specialist engineer. aerodynamics staff, with Boeing Military Airplane Co. in Wichita. Editor's Note: In the October issue of the Alumnus we listed Susan's name this way: Walter and Susan (Turner, '!l0) Lounsbery. Susan wrote us say· ing she continues to use the name Susan Turner and she was a bit upset because we had changed it. We do understand and will do our best to keep from making this error again. However, we should probably give an explanation of ou r policy so all of you may understand why we do make changes. The Associated Press Stylebook (used by most magazines and newspapers) says to use a woma n's given name and the husband's last name. The Alumnus usually includes the woman's maiden name in parentheses, in case she was not married while she was in school, so that friends will recognize her . We will, of course, honor any specific request to use the maiden name by itself. So, al umnae, if yo u cont inue to use your maiden name after you marry , just let us know , and we'll do ou r best to comply wi th your wishes.


Jeffrey and Alexia Arensmeier have recently moved to 845 Highview , Fenton, MO 63026. Jeff has accepted employment with Sachs Energy Management Systems of Chesterfield, Mo., as a design engineer. Kathy Jo Bowman is presently working on her master' in civi l engineering at UMR, and is living at Kingsway Apt. No. 6B, Rolla . MO 6540 I

Li-Jen D. Kuo is now living at 1311 E. Spring Valley Road, Richardson, TX 75081 , and is newly employed as a project engineer with Central & Sou thwest Fuels Inc. of Dallas. James R. C. Liao sends us a new mailing address: P. O. Box 984, Anadarko, OK 73005 . He is a design engineer with Western Fa rmers Electric Coop. in Anadarko.

Fredric N. Burns is employed by IBM Colleen T. Lynch has moved to 2008 Corp. as an associate facil ities systcm East 73rd St. , Apt. G, Tulsa. OK 74 136 . engineer in Research Triangle Pa rk. She i a geop hy ici t fo r Amerada·Hess N.C. He is living at 100-E Ramsey Corp. in Tulsa. Court . Ca ry. NC 275 11. Bruce and Janet Colborne have moved to 10335 Landsbury Drive, Suite 300, Houston , TX 77099. Bruce is now a sales engineer employed by the Trane Co. in Houston. Kris and Gail Copeland have moved to 3305 Applegate. Zeph yr Hills. FL 33599. Kris is a project engineer with HB E Corp .. whose offices are in Creve Coeur. Mo. Curtis Ray Cradic has recently accepted employment as a quality control elec· trical engineer with 3M Company in Columbia, Mo. Keith and Beth Dill have moved to 103 Terrace, Sikeston, MO 6380 I. Keith is a design engineer for National Lock Corp. in Sikeston. . Randall Dreiling has moved to 1897-0 Union Road , St. Louis, MO 63125 . Randy is a structural designer for Missouri Pacific Railroad Co. in St. Louis. Lawrence Esker is a research engi neer . with McGraw Edison at their T AE center in Franksville, Wisc. He lives at 825 Arthu r Ave., Racine, WI 53405

Louise T. H. Nguyen has accepted new employment as a chemical engineer with Air Logistic Center at Tinker AFB, Midwest City, Okla. She and Charles have moved to 4700 S. E. 48th St., Oklahoma City, OK 73135. Marty O'Mara Jr. is a development engineer with Phillips Petroleum Co., now in Tananger, Norway. He and Roni writei "We will be in Norway until Dec. I, then on our wa'y to Cutbank , Montana, for a three to five year stay . We will send our new address then. See you in December."

William T. Orlandi has accepted a new position as assistant to the superintendent Michael M. McCoy was married to at Freeman United Coal Co. in Susan Leona Lucas on Aug. 28, in FarrnersviUe, lll. He and Tina have moved Macon , Mo. After a wedding trip to the to ll~ Glasgow Drive, Springfield, IL Lodge of the Four Seasons at the Lake 62702. of the Ozarks, the couple traveled to their new home at 4116A Chico Road, Duc-Loi Pham is an engineer with IBM Pascagoula, MS 89567, where Michael Corp., and receives mail at P. O. Box is employed as a mechanical engineer 241142, Charlotte, NC 28224. with Chevron , USA. Susan also attended UMR , but transferred her senior year Timothy Lee Redmond is in real estate to University of South Alabama. ales and is an insurance broker with the Mi ller Agency in Way nesville, Mo. He Mary McEvilly is working in produc- and Judy Ann receive mail at P. O. tion and inventory management with Drawer F., Waynesville, Mo. 65583 . Cameron Iron Works in Houston, Texas. Her husband , Michael, '80, '81, Edward L. Robold has moved to Route is an engineer with Cities Service Co. , 2, Box 619A , Yorktown, IN 47396. He also in Houston . Mary and Michael is presently unemployed . have moved to 14403 Locke Lane, Houston , TX 77077. Paul W. Roemerman sends his address as II1I E. 39th, Apt. 1-303 , Davenport, IA 52807 . Patrick L. Murphy is now an industrial engineer with Anheuser Busch in St. Steven C. Stroemer is an engineer With Louis. He and Frances have moved to General Dynamics in Fort Worth, 9952·0 Heritage Drive, St. Louis, MO Texas. He and Maria have moved to 6317 Walraven Circle, Fort Worth , TX 63123 . 76133. Mark J. Nealon sends his new address: 11459 N. 28th Drive, No. 3024, Phoenix , AZ 85029, phone (60 2) 993-7855.

Nicholas P. Valenti is employed as a petroleum engineer by Exxon in Houston. He and Julie are living at 12022 Moonmist, Houston, TX 77012.

David and Susan Gresko, both Class of '8 1, have recently moved to 1213 Serenade, Richardson, TX 75081 . Dave accepted a position as project engineer with ARCO Oi l & Gas Company and Susan took a new position as reservoir engineer for Sun Production Company, both in Da llas.

Tamara Jelaine Ball became the bride of Rusby Gene Adams Jr. (both '!II) on Thoma~ M. Hayes says, "Still having a Aug. 14 in Jackson , Mo. The bride is good time in Memphis a~d finally proemployed as a safety engineer fo r the moted to boiler supervisor at Cargill!" Department of Defense; the groom is He lives at 3346 Hickory Hollow , Mememployed as a cost control ana lyst for ph is, TN 381 15. Anheuser-Busch. After a honeymoon in Niagara Falls and Toron to, the couple Jon J. Kos is now a graduate student at returned to their home a t 5028 the University of Tennessee at Martin. Clayridge Drive, Apt. 303, St. Louis, He and Martha are living at Route I, MO 63 129. Box 155A, Rutherford , TN 38369.

1982 Roltamo

MSM Alumnus / 37

Alumni Personals ______________________________________________________________ Stephen W. Chodrick ' is now maintenance superv'isor for Kraft Inc. in Springfield, and lives at 2831 N. East, Springfield, MO 65803. . Brian · S. Culp has been employed by Atlantic Richfield Co. (A RCOjin Tulsa, Okla. as a junior engineer. He is noW living at 3277 Riverside Drive, Apt. 259, Tulsa, OK 74105. Dr. Edward J. Dimial is now assistant professor of mathematics at the Univer· sity of Tennessee ilt Chattanooga. His new address is 578 South Crest Road, Chattanooga, TN 37404.


1982 Rollamo

1981 (Cont.)

Patrick M. Dulatt has been employed by Western Electric Co., Ballwin, Mo., as a planning engineer. He and Lorraine are living at 288 Portwind, Ballwin, MO 63011.

Po Tim Tai lias returned to Hong Korig. You cim write to her at 5 Blk K, 14/F, Chun Man Court, Homantiri, Kowloon, Hong Kong.

Mobolaji Olaymka A. FaShoro is presently a graduate student in the systems engineering department of Case Western Reserve. University in Laura C. Tryon and Gerald A. Suellen- Cleveland, Ohio. trop, both graduates of the class of '8 J, were married Sept. I J at St. Patrick's Vickie (Mitchell) and Tim Freise, both Church, Rolla. The bride is employed at Class of '82, are now living at 15631 the Morning Journal, the new weekly Camino del Sol, Houston, TX 77083. newspaper in Rolla; the groom is Vickie is an engineer with Arco Oil and Gas Co. and Tim is a chemical engineer finishing his master's degree at UMR. with Petro·Tex Chemical Co., in Houstor:.


Peter F. Berglar has moved to 275 W. WoOdlake Drive, Apt. 44-A, Palm Bay, FL 32905 . He is presently employed as an engineer with Harris Corp. in Melbourne, Fla. Jack A. Burr Jr. has accepted a position as field sales engineer with Texas In· struments in St. Louis. His home address is 633 Claymont Estate Drive, St. Louis, MO 630 II. Ali and Janet Chaeman have moved to 12802 Midway Road, No. 2025 , Dallas, TX 75234.

Pete Check is now a public works of. ficer in the U. S. Navy. He and Dee will receive mail sent to U. S. Navcommsta, U.K. , FOP New York , NY 09516. They send us a permanent home address of 1198 Richwine Drive, Williamsburg, VA 23185 .


Tsan-Huei Cheng is an electronic engineer with McGraw·Edison-Altran Electronics in Carson, Calif., and now lives at 2310 Descanso Way, Torrance, CA 90504.

38 / MSM Alumnus

Mark Fry has accepted employment with Boeing in Wichita, Kan . He and Elita have moved their home to 1940 S. Woodlawn, Apt. 424, Wichita, KS 67218.

Hiroshi and Masako Hasegawa have moved to 5026 Maryanna Way , Fort Worth, TX 76118. Hiroshi is a research and development engineer employed by Tandy ' Corp.lRadio Shack in Fort Worth.

Vicki S. Johnson is employed as an aerospace technologist with NASA at Langley Research Center, Hampton, Va. She lives at '5109 Goldsboro Drive, Apt. 16C, Newport News, VA 23605. Brian A. Klotz advises ' that his new address is 2200 N. Vermillion, Apt. 101, Danville, IL 61832. Brian M. Koehler is now an associate engineer in electronics With the U. S. Government Department of Defense. He is living at 9104-A Town & Country Blvd., Ellicott City, MD 21043 .

Shahram D. Pourazari is living at 406 E. II th St., Rolla, MO 6540 I. Mitchell and Marlene Roper have moved to 855 Greens Road, No. 139, Houston, TX 77060. Michell is now a resevoir engineer with Tenneco Oil in Houston. Toin Rosenmayer has recently accepted employment with Hughes Tool Co. in Houston, Texas, as an assistant engineer in research and development. He has moved his residence to S800 Gustine Lane, No. 3703, Houston, TX 77031.

Randall S. March is now a geological . Jil Schultz and husband Mark are now engineer with Law Engineering Testing liVing at 233 N. Oxford, San Angelo, Co., Englewood, Colo. He and Jeanie TX76901. (Baird) have moved to 2760 S. Adams St., Denver, CO 80210. Sam Stone is a petroleum engineer with AMOCO Production Co. at the Liberal, James Militzer is now living at 1125 Kans. facility. Sam and Lee's mailing adSoria, St. Louis, MO 63138 . dress isP. O. Box 363, Liberal, KS 6790 I. Stacey M. MiU~r has moved to J J97 Hillside Ave., B)O, Schenectady, NY Dwayne E. Tharp is now a graduate stu12308, and is employed by General dent at UMR. He arid Audrey have . Electric in Schenectady as a field moved to 3 Robin St., Rolla, MO engineer, engaged in their training pro- 6540 I. . gram until January, 1983. Russell E. Meyers is presently a masters candidate at the University of Wit· watersranad, Johannesburg, South Africa 200 I, in the department of geology. Patricia E. (Thomas) Neyer tells us she has accepted a position as production operations planner with McDonnell Douglas in St. Louis. She and Joe, '78, are living at 9736 Hale Drive, Afton, MO 63123. Stacy L. (Sakoulas) Obermann is now a junior manufacturing engineer employed by IBM in Austin, Texas. She recently married David, '78, and the couple now resides at 1505.W. 32nd St., Austin, TX 78703.

Joseph R. ,Tyburski is employed as a geological engineer with Colorado· Yampa Coal Co. in Steamboat Springs, Colo. He and Suzanne receive mail at P. O. Box 223, Hayden, CO 81639. Jeff and Tammy Vincent have moved to 2218 Wind Trace Circle, Apt. C, Huntsville, AL. 35805. Jeff is packaging team manager for Procter and Gamble Paper Products a1 their Huntsville facilit y. Anthony G. Wiley -is a First Lieutenant in the U. S. Army. He and Harolynn are living at 517 A Forney Loop, Ft. Belvoir, VA 22060. Sammy Lee Zeigenbein sends.a new ad· dress: Box 1332, Cold Lake, Alberta, Canada TOAOVO.

James H. Holm has accepted employment with McDonnell Aricraft Company in St. Louis, Mo. as an associate quality engineer. He is living at 14842 Newbern Court, Bridgeton, MO 63044.

Mike Huff has moved to 2201 N. 14th St., Apt. E·8, Ponca City, OK 74601, and is now employed by Conoco Computer Services in Ponca City as an assis· tant analyst in operations research. Nicholas R. laconetti is now living at 5th & Oak, Thebes, IL 62990. Kevin J. Isom is now an engineer trainee with SEDCO Inc. of Dallas, Texas. His mailing address is 12~07 E. 62nd Terrace, Kansas City, MO 64133.

19112 Rollamo



MSM·UMR Alumni Association Telephone (314) 341-4171: (314) 341-4172



Term Expires .

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. .... 1984 · . . 5 Pettit Drive. Dix Hilb, N.Y. 11746 . 12425 BaJwyck Lane . . .. ... 1984 President EIIXI . . ... . .. . . .. . . .. Jam~ H. Ml.{ j ralh, '4 ~ . St. Louis, MO 63131 Vice President . . .. .. . ......... Arthur G. Baebier, '55 . .. . .... . . 20 Fox Meadows ..... .. .. 1984 Sunset Hills, MO 63127 vicC: President . . . . . .... . .. '. . . . Alfred J. Buescher, '64 ..... . . . . . 624 Golfview Drive ... .. . . . 1984 . Ballwin, MO 63011 Vice J>regdent . . . .. ... . . . . . . .. John B. Toomey, '49 . . . . . . . . ... 7412 Admiral Drive .. . .... 1984 · Alexandria, VA 22307 Vice J>regdent. .. . . .. : . . . . . . . . Robert V. Wolf. '51 .. . ..... . ... Dept. of MetallurgicaJ & Nuclear Engr .... . 1984 UMR, RoUa, MO 65401 · .. 80 I Fairground Road ..... . 1984 · Martha Gerig, '69 ... . . . Secretary ... . RoUa, MO 65401 . 1984 . 1610 Wilson Circle. Treasurer . . ... . . . . . .. . ... .. J. L. ~Jack" Painter,'50 .. Rolla, MO 65401 President .

· . Lawrence A. Spaim:r, '50 .

DIR ECTORS AT LARGE Term Expires Thor Gjelsteen . . 7300 W. Stetson Place, No. 41 , Littleton, CO 801 23. . .. 1985 James D. Gostin,'44 . . . . . . 180 Mt. Olive Drive, Bradbury CA 91010 . . . ... . .. . . .. . 1985 Robert P. Schafer, '52. . .' 4426 Mill CreeR Road, DaUas, TX 75234. . .... . . . .. 1983 Gerald L. Stevenson, '59 .. . .. . ... 511 N. Main St., Chagrin FaUs, OH 44022 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1984 Ronald A. Tappmeyer, '47. . . . . 2226 Country Club Drive, Sugar Land, TX 77478 ... .. .. .. . . . . 1984 Armin J. Tucker, '40 . . . . . .... . . . 6464 Overlook Drive, Alexandria, VA 22312 . .. .. . .. . . . ..... 1985 Area Zip Code Numbers AREA DIRECTORS T'!rm Expires 00-l-4 Raymond T. Ruenheck, '50 .. 7 Mounteview,.Chelmsford, MA 01824 . . . . . ... .. . .. . . . 1983 15·21 Robert C Perry, '49 ....... 302 Fox Chapel Road, PittSburgh, PA 15238 . .. . .. . . . . . .. . . . 1983 22·34 Wayne R. Broaddus, Jr. '55 .. 405 Esther Drive, Dalton, GA 30720 . . . . . . . . . ... ... .. 1985 35·45 William D. Busch, '42 .... . '. 20001 Idlewood Trail, Ci<,veland, OH 44136 . ...... . .. ... . . .. 1983 46·59 George Baumgartner, '56 . . .. 2120 SyracUse, Dearborn, M1481 24 .. . . .... . . . . . . . . .. .. ... 1984 60-61 Eugene J. Daily, '36. . . . . . . 816 Dennison Drive, Champaign, lL 61820 ......... . . .... . .. 1985 62·62 Ernst Weinel, '44. . . .... 1502 West 50, O'Fallon, 1L 62269 .. . ... .. .... . . . .. . .. . .... 1984 63-65 Jerome T. Berry. '49 .. . .... Rt. 4, Box 321. RoUa, MO 6540 I .. ... . . .... . . ... . .... . . . . 1984 63-65 Harold G. Butzer. '47 .. . . . .411 ScheUridge, Jefferson City, MO 65101 ....... . . . . .... ... 198,5 63-65 Matteo A. CoqJ, '66 ... . . . . 7115 Aliceton Ave., St. Louis, MO 63123 .... . . ... .. . .... . . . 1984 63-65 HarQId R. Crane, '53 . . . . . . . 480 Country Club Drive, Hannibal, MO 6340 I . . .. . . . ........ 1983 63-65 B. Neil Lewis, '58 . . . . . .... 115 CoUege St., P.O. Box 627, Kennett, MO 63857 ... . . . .... . . 1985 63-65 Paul R. Munger, '58 . . . Director Institute of River Studies, UMR, RoUa, MO 65401 ... . . . 1984 63-65 J. Robert Patterson, '54 ... . . Show Me, Inc., P.O. Box 573, Sikeston, MO 6380 I .. ... . . . . .. . 1984 63· 65 Kenneth D. PoWig, . .. . ... 2 Vienne Court, Lake St. Louis, MO 63367 ......... . . . .. . .. . 1983 63-65 Robert E. Vansant, '51 .. . . .435 E. 55 St., Kansas City, MO 641 10 . ... . ... . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1983 63-65 CM. Wattenbarger, '41 ..... 205 W. First St. Terrace, Lamar, MO 64759 .... . .. . .. . . . . . .. 1984 66·74' David D. Kick, '57 . ... . ... 4915 S. Lakewood Drive, Tulsa, OK 74135 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. 1985 75·79 James B. Chaney, '48 .. . . .. . 16218 Chipstead Drive, Spring, TX 77373 . . . .... . . .. .. . . .. . . 1985 80-89 & 96·99 Victor J. Hoffmann, '60 .... · 31057 E. Lake MortQn Drive, S~E. Kent, WA 98031 . .......... 1983 90·95 Robert L. Ray~ ~j . . . .. . 6045 Estates Drive, Oakland, CA 94611 . . ... . . .. . .. .. 1985

Robert W. Klorer, '44 ... Joel F. Loveridge, '39 . Walter C Mulyca, '65 . Richard H. Bauer, '52 . Robert D. Bay, '49 ..... Joseph W. Mooney, '39 ..

COMMITTEE CHAIRMEN · . 7500 Natural Bridge Road, St. Louis, MO 631 23 · . 739 Country Manor Lane, Creve Coeur, MO 63141 · . Rt. I, No. 16 Southfield Lane, MarshaU, TX 75670 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Term Expires · Missouri Eiectrochem lnc., 10958 Lin·VaUe Drive . .. 1984 St. Louis, MO 63123 . .. Black & Veatch, 1500 Meadow Lake Parkway .. ..... . . . . .... 1988 Kansas City, MO 64114 · . 7383 Westmoreland University City, MO 63130 . . . .. . . . .. . . .. 1986

EX-OFFICIO DIRECTORS Robert M. BrackbiU, '42 . . .. 9148 Clearlake Drive, Dallas, TX 75225 Paul T. Dowling, '40 ..... .. .. . .. 10 144 WindingRidge Road, St. Louis, MO 63124 R.O. Kasten, '43 . . . . . .. . .. 901 West 114th Terrace, Kansas City, MO 64114 Peter F. Mattei, '37 . . . . . . : . 9954 HoUiston Court, St. Louis, MO 63124 Melvin E. Nickel, '38 .. . . . . . . . .. 10601 South Hamilton Ave., Chicago, lL 60643 F.e. Schneeberger. '25 . One Briar Oak, St. Louis, MO 63132 James W. StephenS, '47 . . Missouri Public Service CO., P.O. Box 11739 Kansas City, MO 641 .3~ STAFF . Executive Vice·President, MSM·UMR Alumni Association and Director, OffICe of AlumnilDevelopment, UMRoUa .Larry Allen .. . . . . . . . . . , ... Assistant Director, Alumni Activities LOuise Wil<ion ...... . . . .. . .... Admin. Secretary, Alumni/Development SaUy White .. . .. ..... . . . . .. . . Editor, MSM ALUMNUS MSM·UMR Alumni Association, Harris HaU, UMR, Rolla, MO 65401 ·9990 Frank H. Mackaman . . . .

MSM Alumnus / 39


'- " 'l "-

ALU MN I Are Invited To Participate in the

UM R 3rd Annual Ski Trip April 1-9 Steamboat Springs, Colorado $330 Includes:

'" Roundtrip bus transportation from Rolla to Steamboat '" 6 days and nights - condominium

* 6 days lift tickets * 6 days equipment rental (if you own your own equipment subtract $32 from price of trip) * Apres ski party Monday evening Leave 9 p.m., April I, from University Center East Return 2 p.m., April 9 to University ·Center East $75 non-refundable deoposit to UMR. Send check to University Center West; Attention: Accounting Office, Auxiliary Services, Rolla, Mo. 6540 I. For Further information write or call John Watson, Cedar Street Center, Rolla, Mo. 65401 (314-364-8066)

GO FOR IT! MSM·UM R ALUMNI ASSOCI ATION Univers ity of Missour i-Rolla Rolla. Missour i 65401-9990

2nd Class Postage Paid at Rolla. Mo . 65401-9990


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