Missouri S&T Magazine, February 1990

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ber of Lambda Chi Alpha fraternity. He and Jane attended the 50th reunion of Ule class of 1933 in May of 1983 in Roll a. He had been retired for some time.

Alumni news 1922 Glen J. Christner writes: "Still enjoying retirement in Florida." Glen is retired from Eagle-Picher Industries Inc. He and Eunice live at555 Esplanade N., Apt. 203, Venice, FL 33595.


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C harles A. Freeman writes : "Survived the 1989 earthquake wi th no damage and the collapse of the San Francisco Giants in the World Series with bruised ego." Char lie is retired. He and Elizabeth (Be tty ) live at 500 Almer Road, #204 . Burlinggame, CA 94010.

1929 Cha r les H. Dresbach writes: ''I'm almost 84 but enjoy life in NW Arkansas with a home overlooking Beaver Lake. I retired from Gulf Oil Corp. with 40 plus or minus years of service as a geolog ist, geophysics and manager, manager direc tor and government negotiator and consultant. A student loan fund enabled me to finish my last year in '29 for which I'm forever grateful." The address for Charles and Mary is 5 Puckett Road, Rogers, AR 72756. Charles is a parttime consultant. Har low G. Jones writes : "S till play go lf. Active in S.A.R. 'Sons of the American Revolution'." Harlow is retired fTOm Ceramic Abrasives. He and his wife, Doris, liv e at 9040 E. Pine Vall ey Drive, Tucson, AZ 85710.

1930 Roy S. Martin writes: "News: At my age no news is good news. My wife and I stopped by last April and had a most interesting visit, seeing how the school has grown." Roy is retired from the U.S. Army

Corps of Engineers. He and Edith live at 167 Pinev iew Terrace, North Wareham , MA 02576.

1931 Charles E. Ross writes: " Eighty-one years old last July 23." Charles is re tired from the U.S. Corps of Engineers. He and Pauline liv e at 1530 Washington Blvd ., Huntington , WV 25701. Gordon R. Throgmorton ' s new address is Box 36063, Louisvill e, KY 40233 . G.R. is retired from G.R. Throgmorton Inc.

1932 Edward "Darbey" Hale died Oct. 12, 1989, according to a note from Col. Stuart L. Davis, also '32, 332 Kent Driv e, Cocoa Beach, FL 3293 1. At MSM Darbey was a member of Lamlxla Chi Alpha, thefootballteanl and was in the upper fifth of his fres hman c lass. He received his B.S. degree in metallurgical engineeri ng. After gradu ation he worked briefly for Rapidan Gold Corp. , St. Joe Lead Co., American Cyanamid Co . and Grumman Air Craft Engineering Corp. before joining Babcock & Wilcox in 1940. He re tired from the company in the m id -1970s. He and hi s wife, Leora Elizabeth, li ved for many years in Barberton, Ohio. Sh e preceeded hinl in deaUl by eight months.

1933 WaIter H. Braun wri tes: " My wife and I are enjoying our re tirement years. We also enjoy visiting our children and grandchil dren. Al so, we spend three to four mon U1Sof the winter in Rorida, enjoying the weaUler an d golf." Walter and Dorothy make their home at 1508 Rain tree, Malvern, PA 19355. The death of William M. G ilmore, on Aug. 18, 1989, has been reported by his wife, Jane Gilmore, 1 Appom atax, Jacksonvi ll e, IL 62650. While at MSM Willi am was a mem-

News of the dea th ofM iIton Lawrence Her zog, on Aug . 4 , 1989, has been rece ived from his nephew, Michael S. Herzog, '62, 2490 Emerson St., Napa, CA 94558. At MSM Milton was a member of Epsilon Pi Omicron (secretary) and received his B.S. degree in chemical engineerin g. According to Michael, "Milton spent his entire career in various positions with Olin Mathieson Chemical Corp. At the ti.n1e of his retirement in 1969, he was vice president and general manager of the metals division." Michael con tinues "Milton and his wife, Elsie, retired to Green Valley, Ariz., where they enjoyed rearranging the desert and encouraging wildlife to feed near their kitchen nook observation post. Milton used his skill wiu1 surveyor's tools to orient the house they builtso that the sun was blocked from shining directly into the windows by archi tectural arches. An engineer 10 the core, on one of my last visits I remember Milton fixing pancakes wiu1 the aid of a big nickelplated stopwatch." Other su rvi vors in clude his wife, Elsie, 41 1 Paseo Santa Isabel, Green Valley, AZ 85614, and a son .

1934 WaIter H . Bruening wri tes: "Considering our age, our health is still good . We st ill do a lot of fishin g, traveling, and visiting of kids and grandchildren." Walter and Helen li ve at 613 Erie, Shreveport, LA 71106. Walter is retired. C harles Coleman Segall died 'May 23, 1989 according to information received from the mechanical engin eering department. AtMSM Charles was in the upper fifth of his class and received his B.S. degree in mechanical engineering. His entire engineering career was spent with Midwest Piping Co. of St.Louis. He retired in the mid-1970s.

1936 John P. Rasor writes: " Have you been working on high school seniors to sell the mine engineering career? Might be a way to get the word out what a great profession il is l " Jack is retired from Tinker and Rasor. He and his wife, Leona, liv e atlJ 8 E. Ave. San Juan, San

MSM Alumnus 31

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