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Alumni Notes

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Alumni Sections

Alumni Sections

.Section News

Miners enJoy the gorgeous scenery and delicious wi ne

Mid-Missouri Section visits Les Bourgeois Winery Bob Sfreddo '58, ubes58@aol,com

Sixteen Miners and guests gathered at Les Bourgeois Winery in Rocheport, Mo., on the evening of June 23, 2000. The group sipped wine and snacked on frui t and cheese as they enjoyed good conversation from their vantage point overlooking the Missouri River. Thanks to Kenny Voss and Chris Kump for arranging the activity.

Those attending were: PoIIV?3 and Larrv '13 Hendren, Chris Kump '95, Bob Sfreddo '58, Thomas Nield '94, Anika '98 and Jacob '98 Careaga, Jeff Volmert'94, Steve Durham '91, Jen Carter, Jessica Thomas '97, Fred Niemeier '95, and Amanda Mills '99

Salt Lake City alumni explore section possibilities Norbert Neumann, nneumann@inquo,net

MSM-UMR alumni interested in developing a section in Salt Lake City met on June 3, 2000, at the home of Norbert '52 and Mary Jeanne Neumann. The group enjoyed a delicious dinner compliments of the Neumanns. Following a brief campus update by Lynn Stich note of the alumn i office, there was lots of reminiscing and very positive discussions about forming a local section. The Neumann home is on a mountain outside Salt Lake and as night fell, the group adjourned to the deck to enJoy a gorgeous view of the lights of the city spread below them.

Those attending included John Buttenob'89, Helen Hilburn, Norman Lian'89, Erhard '56 and Agnes Neumann, Norbert '52 and Marv Jeanne Neumann, Robert '53 and Doris Richter, Leonard Wolff '18 and Lvnn Sitchnote.


Early in 2001, YOll should receive a mailing with instructions on how to register for the MSM-UMR Online Alumni Community. Your main place on the Web, this community will incl ude an online alumni directory, permanent e-mail address capability, alumni bulletin boards, personal web space, and much, much more.



MSM·UMR ALUM NUS / Wimer 2000

Springfield, Mo. Section enjoys the MSPE Ozark Chapter Shrimp Feed Roddy Rogers, roddLrogers@cityutil,com

MSM-UMR alumni were well represented at the Ozark MSPE Shrimp Feed as roughly 50 Miners were part of a crowd of nea rly 2000 people at the 60th annua l MSPE even t held at Fa ntastic Caverns near Springfield, Mo. Joe Miner lapel stickers were in great demand and the supply of 40 was quickly depleted. The annual sh rimp feed MSPE fundraiser attracts everyone remotely related to engineering and construction in Springfield and su rrounding areas. Many come from as far away as St. Louis and Kansas City. A significant number of MSM-UMR alumni in the area (and outside the areal attend, making it a great opportunity for personal reminiscences and professional networking. The "a ll you can eat" shrimp and liquid refreshment added to the fun. This was the first time the sh rimp feed has been utilized as an alumni event - but the response was great and there seems to be interest in trying it again. For those who didn't get your Joe Miner lapel sticker - we'll have them at the next event. See you there I

Topeka alumni meet UMR solar car team

Heartland Park racetrack in Topeka, Kan, was the site fo r an alumni picnic/student recruitment event on Saturday, May 20, 2000, featuring a tour of the UMR solar car and a picnic with team members. Kudos to the team, which took time out from preparing fo r the race, to give us a tour of the car and a presentation on the team's history and plans for the future. Over 20 attended, includ ing a prospective student and his parents, UMR students, alumni, facu lty and other guests. De licious pizza, a beautifu l day and lots of good conversation made for a fun activity. Special thanks are due to David Freise who provided inva luable ass istance in planning the event.

Those attending included: Kenneth Bandelier '97, Daniel Bohachick '99, Dr. Doug Carroll '91, David Freise '17, Lee Grosch '96, Joe '59 and Mary Reichert, Chris Riemann '95 and guest, Lvnn Stichnote, James '67 and Carol Turrentine.

Rocky Mountain Section baseball game Clancy Ellebracht. 7336 S. Glencoe Court, Littleton, CO 80122

Sunny, warm weather (courtesy of Randy Kerns who planned it that way) and a win for the Rockies made the Rocky Mountain Section baseball activity especia lly satisfying for 18 Miners and guests on Saturday, July 22,2000. Besides enjoying the game and talking baseball, section members did some informal socializing, catching up on each other's busy lives and even did a little planning for future section events. Thanks to Randy for coordinating the event.

Those attending included: Bill McCaw '67, Dave Bufalo '66, Cynthis Powers and guest, Jack '59 and Pam Lutz, Bill '55 and Dorothy Lidster, Roger '72 and Lynn Taylor, Clancy '64 and Sharron Ellebracht, Randy '74 and Cherie, Amy and Allyson Kerns.

Miners enjoy watching the home team Rockies beat the San Diego Padres.

Rocky Mountain hosts fall


Lovely fall weather and delicious food were highlights of the Rocky Mountain picnic at the home of Joel '86 and Ann '84 Brand in Colorado Springs. Left to right· Posed against the beautiful view from the Brand's Despite a small deck are Amy Kerns, Clancy and Sharron Ellebracht, Ashley, attendance (due partly to Chase, Paula and Ben Mosteller, and Ann and Joel Brand (Not the beautiful weather pictured is the photographer himself Randy Kerns.) wh ich encouraged other outdoor activities) the group enjoyed visiting and making plans for future events. Next year's summer baseball outing will be a Rockies vs. Cardinals game on June 10. A summer outing to the mining museum in Leadville is also being considered.

Those attending were Ann '84 and Joel '86 Brand, Ben '84, Paula, Ashley and Chase Mosteller, Clancy '64 and Sharron Ellebracht and Randy '74 Kerns, and daughter Amy

Section News_


FRIDAY, JANUARY 12 Springfield, MO Section Presentation by Chancellor Thomas Locationmme TBD Roddy Rogers, roddy-rogers@cityutil.com

TUESDAY, JANUARY 23 SI. Louis Section Campus Speaker Event: Chancellor Thomas Engineer's Club, SI. Louis, Mo. Time: TBD, early evening Jennifer Suttmoeller, suttmoj@slu.edu or 314-846-6535

SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 3 Central Ozarks Section Reception for UMR basketball teams, Rolla, Mo., 3-5 p.m., University Center East Randy Verkamp, 573-265-7141

SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 17 West Florida Brunch with Chancellor Thomas Location/Time: TBD Lynn Stichnote, 573-341-6034

SATURDAY, MARCH 3 Southern California Section Visit by Chancellor Thomas Long Beach, California Locationmme: TBD Lynn Stichnote, Iynns@umredu

SUNDAY, MARCH 4 Bay Area Section SI. Pat's Party with Chancellor Gary Thomas San Francisco, Calif. Locationmme: TBD Kami Cozort, 925-673-0437


Kansas City Section

SI. Pat's Party with

Chancellor Gary Thomas Kansas City

Locationmme: TBD

9 Koenig, ckoenig@burnsmcd.com 816-373-7928

SUNDAY, APRIL 8 5 p.m ., Houston Section Hockey Com pac Center, Houston, Texas Wayne Andreas, wandreas@juno.com 218-324-1485

MSM- UM R ALUMNUS / W;nler 2000 33

Golden Alumni (50 years and before) Row 1: William Busch, Ru ssell Gund, Jane Bennetsen, Ru th McKee . Row 2 Warren He lbe rg, James McGovern, John Livingston, Carl Cotterill, Oll ie Cotteri ll, Wayne Bennetsen, John McKee, Mildred Gevecker. Row 3: Robert Gevecker, Gwen Gevecker, Doris Oberbeck, Harold Krueger, Bill Oberbeck, Oscar Muskopf. Row 4: Bob Klu g, Con nie Klug , Rex Alford, Matt Morri s, Matt Becker

Class of 1940 Row 1: Conn ie Klug, Norman Tucke r. Row 2: Bob Klug, Russell Gund , Ol lie Co tterill, Carl Cotteri ll. Row 3: Rex Alford , Armin Tucker

Class of 1950 Row 1: Sid Duerr, Joyce Schmid t, Jeannette Schneider, Norman Schn eider, Ralph Wolfram, Ginny Wolfram, Aaron Greenburg, James Neely, Eileen Neely, Dot Jorcke, Ollie Jorcke. Row 2 Edwin Ba rsach s, Dudley Blancke, Arthur Schmidt, Alden Williams, Bob McGowan, George Jamieson, Earl Bage, Larry Cantwell. Row 3: Irvin Hawkins, Arth ur Gore, Dick Hunt, Jack Stephens, Tom White, George Mabie


MSM-UMR ALUM NUS t Will"r 2000



Ernest Moran, MinE, who turned 100 last spring, recently lost his wife of many years.



Richard J, Dobson, MinE: " I have j ust completed 65 years in the oil bu siness, counting more than two years as a naval officer in World War U. The last few years I've been collecting small interests in dry holes and mostl y feeble oil and gas wells. Pri ces are up now but projection is down .. , I missed graduation ceremonies in 1934. The night before, I skipped a Sigma Nu beer bash, and lucki ly so. The next morning I was taken to a St. Louis hospi tal with a nasty appendectomy. I had to forego my j ob with a mining firm and return to Rolla, where I took some petroleum courses . I did much better... With Shell, I had postings mai nly in Texas but also in The Hague, Indonesia and New York, I elected to take earl y retirement at 55 and thereafter worked with several independent firm s. I got tired of going to work so I stayed home and participated in a small way in drilling dea ls .. . M y wife, M ary Eileen, and I celebrated our 60th wedding an ni versary last year. As a stillpracticing Jungian psychologist at 84, she helps her 88-year-old husband accept the aging process as gracefully as possible. We conti nue to enjoy the rich cultural life of Houston with its world cl ass symphony and ballet."

Roy Perry honored for service

Port of Tacoma (Wash.) employees and Tacoma Propel ler Club members last fal l gathered to honor Roy Perry, CE'40, for hi s service to the port as general manager from 1964 until 1975. Th rough his leadership, the port was modernized and expanded during that time, dramatically increas ing the port 's capital val ue. Du ring the October 1999 Propell er Club eve nt in hi s honor, Perry was presented with a marble monument, engraved with his name. The monument will be placed at the Propell er Club headq uarters, credit ing Perry fo r mode rn iz ing the port.

19 40s

1941 Andreas A. Andreae, ME, " My wife, Jean, and I have been married 58 years and are doing fi ne. I turned 80 laSI Augusl."

1942 Benj a min E. Weidl e, EE: " Dee a nd I celebraled our 551h wedding anni versary on Ju ly 2 1, 2000."

1943 H. W illia m Flood , ChE: "We are still doi ng well. We are acti ve in SI. Manhews Uniled Methodisl Church Chancel Choi r. I am in my third year as chair of the Massachusens Board of Registration fo r Profess ional Engi neers and Land Surveyors,"

1944 J a m es R. M iller , ChE , has been inducled inlO the UM R Academy of Che mical Engineers. He is retired from his pos ilion as supervisor of health, environme m and radiar ion safety al She ll Developmenl, Westholl ow Research in Houston, Texas.

1948 James W. Hoelscher , PetE, recenlly look a tri p to Costa R ica, Panama and Th e Caribbean. ''The canal is interesting and its construction is fa scinating.'" he says. "Every engineer shou ld see il. If not, read the book, The Path Betweell the Seas, by Dav id McCullough."

19 50s

1950 David L. Hillhouse, EE: "Two of my three sons (they are triplets) also graduated fro m UMR , exactly 25 years later than me ,"

1951 J am es J . P. McHugh, GGph: " My wife Jane and I travel frequ ently."

1952 Lewis Heying, CE: " Helen a nd I are doing great, still enj oy in g retiremenl. Had a big 80th birthday bash in Ju ly here in Glasgow, Mo."

1953 Gene E d wa rds, CE, has been inducted into the UMR Academy of Civil Engi neers. He is current ly the re li red fo un der o f KlT-MO Rental and Suppl y Co. of Paducah, Ky. Class of 1950 Corn Bowl Team Row 1: David Henderson. Bob Proctor. Alden Williams. Dick Thurston. Conrad Neal. Row 2: Dudley Blancke. George Bock. Jack Theiss. Don Dowling. Tom Koederitz. Ray Rucker. Row 3: Roger Schoeppel. William Stewart. Gene Huffman. Don Matson. Punch Bennett

Class of 1955 Row 1: Lizzie Mullen. Carol Mullen. Erin Mullen. Row 2: Dotis Barnds. Betty Winchester. Katie Berg. Laura Rethmeyer. Martha Kummer. James Mullen. Kevin Mullen. Sarah Mullen. Row 3: Campbell Barnds. Robert Winchester. Richard Berg. Jim Rethmeyer. Don Kumm er. Charles Schuman. Evelyn Schuman. Art Baebler

Class of 1960 Row 1: Henry Douglas. Regina Laffler. Wilbur McBay. Sharon McBay. Mosey Gunther. Don Gunther. Steve Zaremba. Shirley Daubel. Row 2: Ron Carver. Mary Lou Carver. Ronald Laffler. Frank Watson . Janet Watson. William Anderson, Larry Colonna. Beth Colonna. Carl Daubel. Row 3: Al exander Pawlowski . Bill Engelhardt. Thomas Cooper. Paul Benz. Louis Rephlo. Frank Fitzgibbons. Bonnie Fitzgibbons, Ruth Rephlo

MSM -UivlR AL UMN US I Winter 2000 3S

L Alumni Notes

"Jackling Jocks" return for Homecoming

More th an 30 "Jacl<ling Jocks" - a lumni who are closely associated with the old Jackling Gym - returned for Homecoming. This group is in the process of building an endowment for UMR athle tes. Toward that e nd, they are providing a sweater a nd hat fo r alumni and fri e nds w ho contribute $100 or more to the Spirit of Jackiing Gym endowment fund through the MSM-UMR A lumni Association. A ll donors to the fu nd w ill al so receive a n invitation to the Jackling Jocks ' re union in St. L ouis Sept. 14-15, 2001.

Class of 1965

Row 1: Dave Blume, Stephen Bugg, Barbara Bugg. Sharra Hinz, Gary Hinz. Row 2: Tom Gaylord, Jerry Kettler, John Giltner, Paula Gi ltner.

Class of 1970

Row 1. Veronica Latty, Rodger Walker. Row 2: Bonnie Hoeckelmann, Charles Latty. Karen Skelton, Ralph Szygenda . Row 3: Leslie Hoeckelman, Pete Legsdin, Marylou Legsdin, Roger LaBoube, Ka ren LaBoube.

Class of 1975

Row 1: Dan Hinkle. Delores James Hinkle, Sharon Wood, Dennis Wood, Dorothy Kee bler, Amy Robbins, Kathy Wonish, Bonnie Hoeckelman. Row 2: Thomas Mittler, Michael Brake, Elizabeth Sinn, Steve Robbins, Bob Won ish, Leslie Hoeckelman . Row 3: Jan Mittler, Mary Brake, Mary Lee Sieber Trnka, Julie Jackson, Wendy Scott Carter. Row 4: Joe La Greek. Larry Sinn, Chuck Trnka. Torn Jackson. Kenton Wright, Jim Ke eb ler, John Carter.


MSM -U MR ALUMNUS I Wi nlcr 2000


It's your turn next Homecoming - your turn to celebrate your 25-year reunion, that is! If you'd like to help plan and host the reunion , please contact lindsay Bagnall in the alumni office bye-mail at lindsayb@umr.edu, by phone at (5731341-6327, or by fax at (6301604-3107. MARK YOUR CALENDAR NOW FOR SEPT 28-29, 2001. WEll SEE YOU THEN I


Richard Kolb , ME: " We are now in our seventh year o f full-time R. V. li ving and lovin g it. There's so much to see in thi s country and Canada. We 've seen all 48 states. We will make Alaska next yea r. It 's a great

way to retire! "


Laszlo F. Zala. EE, left fo r Hungary last A ugu st and will not reru rn until Jul y of 200 1.


Dale J. Schillinger, C hE, has been inducted into th e U MR Acade my of C he m ical Engineers. He is curre ntly a consultant with Mallin ckrodt Inc.


J oseph F. Louva l', ChE, has been indu cted into the UM R Academy o f Chemi ca l Engin eers. Louvar is a di rector of research services for BASF Corp.' Wa ll ace R. Saund ers, EE, sold hi s bu siness, reti red last October, and moved to O ' Fallo n, Mo."


W illiam Schluem er, ME: · 'Hi . I fina ll y got a local In ternet prov ide r. We are onl y 25 miles from Roll a. Retire me nt is great:'



Bruce L. Bral11fitt. MetE: "] am still work ing in the researc h de partme nt o f Bethl eham Stee l. even though J can get social security thi s yea r. I have e nj oyed workin g w ith pro fessor Le ighl y on the analys is o f the incl usion and slog we found in the stee l hull plate from the Tit an ic. Ou r wo rk was publi shed by the Lron and Stee l Society of the Ameri can In stitute of M inin g, Metallurgi cal and Petro leum Engineers in the September

issue of [ roll alld Steelworker magazine. Our mi crographs will be shown in a B BC

television special, "The Bi gger Shi ps," now in

production." • Thomas Papin, CerE, retired early fro m Owens-Brockway.


Charles W. Brauer, Jr., Chem, retired fro m hi s position as a professor of chemi stry at Westminister College and is li ving in Jefferson City, Mo . • Robert L. Gray, Chem: After taking early retirement after spendin g 30 years with Shell Oil , Gray is now as a consultant for a leading water treatment co mpany and is living in Memphis, Tenn . "What I would reall y like from my runnin ' buddies," he says, "is to read a line about th em in the Alulllll us



David Everswick, EE, retired in Jul y of 1997

from hi s position as a government engineering

manager. His hobbies include rad io controlled model airplanes, 10K wa lks and golf. • George Schillinger, CE, received the Phillip F. Morgan Medal fro m the Water Environment Federati on during the 73rd Water Environment Federation confe rence and ex positi on on water quality and wastewater treatment in October. The medal recog ni zed Schillinger's contributions to the inplant study and solution of an operational problem . • Sam L. Smith, ME: "After more than 30 years at NSA a di vision of Southwire Company, a pri mary aluminum smelter in Hawesville, Ky., I am

retiring and movi ng to Lex ington, Ky. We

have purchased a new Airstream and wi ll be on the road a lot during the near future. We pl an on winteri ng in Florida. Since we will be on the road, we will not have a phone. But can be reached bye-mail at ssmith0940@yahoo.com."


Gary R. Holland, ME, has grad uated from Bethel Seminary in St. Paul, Minn. Bethel is a non-denomin ational semin ary affiliated with Bethel College. He was awarded the degree of master of di vi ni ty, magna cum laude . • John F. Limberg, ME, recently retired and got his pil ot's license. "Anyone need ing consultant?"


Garry Bennett, Chem: "After all these years, I get to do some chemi stry again. And I get to keep all myoid duties. Ain 't li fe great'" • James P. Canner, Phys: " I remember the yo uthful enthusias m that Dr. John Park brought to the physics department in 1965 and wish him the best in hi s retirement." • John D. Corrigan, EE: "I retired from Boeing as a technical fellow in February of 1998 and now

teach electrical engi neeri ng at Washington

Uni versi ty in St. Loui s as a adjunct assistant professor. Carolyn and I moved thi s spri ng as a result of the Lambert Airport ex pansion. Ou r new address is 1578 Parad ise Valley Drive,


Alumni Notes

The four Head ington brothers got together this summer to reminisce about the ir days at MSM-UMR. Al l four are also members of Lambda Ch i Alpha fraternity Left to right are Frank (MetE'72), Lee (MetE'63 ), Tom (EMg02) and Dennis (CerE'62, MS EngMgOO).

MSM·UMR ALUMNUS I Winter 2000 37

LAlumni Notes

For John Brison, fantasy is reality

For most people, the action of a fantasy sports game takes place on a computer screen. For John Brison, CSci'S6, the excitement is in the game's software.

Brison is now a partner of Primary Network, one of the fastest-growing companies in the United States. But it was chance that made this opportunity available to him. While working as a system support specialist engineer for McDonnell Douglas, Brison created algorithms for a fantasy sports game. The manufacturers of this game were chosen for a major contract in the fantasy sports arena, and Brison joined on as a programmer and partner with this new company. In the time Brison has been with Primary Network, a spinoff of parent company COM Sports Fantasy, the company has become a major player in the Internet, cellular, and local/long-distance markets.

For better farming, image is everything

Eyesight. satellite imagery, and the future of farming all have one thing in common, accord ing to Doug Rickman, GGph 73 and PhD GGph '81: image. Or more specifically, imaging.

Rickman should know - he is one of the leading researchers of remote sensing at NASA's Marshal l Center.

In remote sensing, cameras view objects from great distances. In Rickman's case, optical equipment used for satellite photography may prod new developments in other fields.

Rickman is trying to create a more effective farming system through "precision farm ing." By collecting information from specialized sensors, the data can be evaluated for growth characteristics and the farmi ng can then be fine-tuned to control the amount ef seed, fertil izer, and pesticides needed.

Rickman has used his knowledge in this field to provide sight to those lega lly blind. By using a low-vision enhancement system developed by NASA and Johns Hopkins University in the early 1990s, he and fellow researchers were able to offer a "visionary" solution. With the use of a computerized headset. vision is corrected according to a person's disabil ity.

Dow Automotive promotes UMR grad

Steve Smid, ChE'78, has been named business operations director for Dow Automotive as part of the company's newly formed executive management team. In his new pos ition he is responsible for manufacturing at Dow Automotive fac ilities worldwide and will report directly to Dow Automotive president Lawrence A. Denton. Smid has been wi th The Dow Chem ical Co. si nce 1979. He has held several positions in manufacturing and production, most recently serving as global technology leader for Dow's compounding technology center in Freeport, Texas.

38 High Ridge, MO, 63049." • Donald E. Spirk, EE: "1 retired in December of 1999 from Salt River Project, a publi c electric util ity in Phoeni x, Ari z., after 3 I years of service. My wife , Diane, and I plan spend ou r summers at our place on Table Rock Lake in Missouri and enjoy our chil dren and their famil ies here in the Phoenix area."

1967 Bill Webb, CE, has been inducted into the UMR Academy of Civil Engineers. He is the executive vice presiden t of URS Dames & Moore.

1969 Brad Hornburg, CE, has been inducted into the UMR Academy of Civil Engineers. He is currentl y the chief exec uti ve officer of Landmark Contract Management Inc. of St. Lou is, a co nstructio n program management and construction disputes resolution finn. · Cha rles G. Mar vin, Emgt. (II recentl y received an awa rd of merit fro m the ASTM co mmittee on refractories. Marvin is retired from his post as executive vice president of The Refractories Insti tu te (TRI) in Pi ttsburgh, Pa.

19 70s

1970 T homas O. Hoppe, ME: "I retired from Commonwea lth Edison in December of 1999, after 29 years. I have not yet decided what career to pursue nex t, alt hough I am interested in working agai n."

1971 Edwa rd "Mick" Ha lter, CE, has bee n inducted into the UMR Academy of Civil Engineers. He is a meo'o engi neer for the Ka nsas Department of Transpo rtation in Kansas City, Kan.

1972 Ga ry R. Kramer, CE: "Carl een, my wife of 27 great years, and 1 are looki ng forward to the May 200 I graduation of our daughter, Jen ni fer, fro m UMR wi th a bachelo r's degree in civil engi neering. Our son, Bryan, wi ll graduate fro m DeS met Jesuit Hi gh School the day after Jennifer's grad uation. I


Send us your alumni notes via:

ELECTRONIC MAIL: alumnl@umr.edu

. MAIL: MSM-UMR Alumni ASSOCiation, University of MIssouri-Rolla,

Castleman Hall, 1870 Miner Circle, Rolla MO 65409-0650


Craig, EMgt ' 90, and Cindy, EMgt' 90, Bailey, are the proud parents of twins. Abigail Grace and Nathan Patri ck were born Oct. 19, 2000. Both babies and

mom are doing great.

Larry T. Birkner, ME' 84, and hi s wife, Tammy, had a gi rl , Eli zabeth LeeAnn, on May I I , 2000. She was welcomed by her brothers, Spencer, Ross and Drake.

Christopher J. Bruhn, AE'85, and his wife, Karen, had a boy, Cole Xavier, on April 27, 2000.

Jeffrey Burner, EMgt' 95 , and hi s wife, Melissa, had a boy, Braedon Alexander, on Jul y 1, 2000. He joins his brother Tay lor, who is 19 months old.

Dirk Frishee, EngI'93, and hi s wife, Rebecca (Martin) Frishee, Engl' 90, had a boy, Alexander Thomas, on Aug. 3 1, 2000. He jo in s hi s proud sisters, Rachael, 5, and Katherine, 3.

Michelle (Tucker) Frisbee, Psyc' 97, and her husband, Eric, had a girl , Christine Elizabeth, on Aug. 12, 2000. She jo in s her sister, Kaitl yn, 3, and brother, Robert, I.

H. William Flood, ChE '43, and hi s wife have a great grandchild, Sacha, as of Feb. 22, 2000.

Kevin Hill, GeoE' 98, and hi s wife, Jennifer (Bowman) Hill, Psyc ' 98, had a girl , Katelyn Alexis, on Aug. II , 2000.

Tonya (Schulz) Krause, ME'94, and her hu sband , Rick, had a boy, Richard Thomas Krause UI , on Sept. 23, 1999.

Jason McHaney, C hemE' 9 1, and Kathy Fillmer McHaney, are the proud parents of Martha Grace, born Oct. 24, 2000. Martha is also the granddaughter of Howard Fillmer, EE' 39. Patricia M. O ' Brien, EMgt'84, and her husband, Thomas, had twin boys, Tho mas Francis VII and Brendan Eugene, on May 19, 1998. The boys join bi g sister Erin.

Sean K. Patterson, CSci' 88, and hi s wife , Lorelei , had a girl , Amanda Marie. She joins her brother and sister, Tyler and Maegan.

John Schoenecker, EE' 74, and hi s wife, Connie, had a girl, Katherine Aline, on Jul y 17, 1999. She join s older siblings Jill , Angie and William.

William C. Scott, EMgt'94, and his wife, Therese A. (Maus) Scott, Engl' 94, had a boy, Hennen James, on Sept. 23, 1999.

Dr. Loren Dale Sivils, Chem'95, and hi s wife had a girl, Sophia Anne, on March 24, 2000.

Rick Dale Southard, Hi st' 94, and hi s wife, Kathy, had a boy, Nicholas Alexander, on May 19, 2000.

Amy Stewart, GeoE' 96, and her husband , Bradley, ME' 93, had a boy, Alexander Bradley, on May 5, 2000.

Donnell Stidhum , EE' 96, and hi s wife, Tonya, had a boy, Justin Reece, on Aug.28, 2000.

Margaret A. Tabony, Psyc'96, and her hu sba nd welcomed grandso n Ca meron Thomas to the wo rld on December 5, 1999.

Marc Thomas, CE' 92, and his wife, Kelly (Jozwiak) Thomas. CE' 9 1, had a boy, Matthew Gal en Thomas, on Nov. 1 1, 1999.

Mike Thomas, NDD, and hi s wife, Magg ie, had a boy, Matthew, born on April 20, 2000.

Alumni Notes

MSM-UMR ALUMNUS I Winter 2000 39

LAlumni Notes

Class of 1980 Row 1: Jim Lee, James Dyer, Richard Harwin, Brad Brown. Row 2: Gary Ams in ger, Bob Sonntag, Dan Holman, Dennis Clodfelter R?=__

, 80 football

Class of 1980 Football Row 1. Craig Thomas, Mel Parham, Todd Fizer, Jim Lee, Bruce Boyd, John Falke, Ri chard Harwin. Row 2: Scott Stephens, Steve De la Roche, Hal Tharp, James Gi lliam, Randy Hauser, Bud Mercier Row 3 Roddy Rodgers, Kevin Griesemer, Jim Ll oyd, Bob Sonn tag, Dan Holman, Rusby Adams, Bob Pressley, Charles Finley

Class of 1985 Row 1: Austin Skannal, Vonne Skannal, Ch ri sta Degonia Andrew, Paul Andrew Row 2: Gregory Skannal, Melonee Cain, Della Skannal, Bruce Boyd, Jessica Smoot du Maine am approaching 15 years as the city engi neer and director of public works for the city of Ball win, Mo _, follow ing nearly II years with Booker Associates Inc. Last year marked my election as a fell ow of the American Society of Civil Engineers."

1973 Dana Reel, CE, has been inducted into the UM R Academy of Civil Engineers. He is a vice president with Black & Veatch Corp. and regional office manager for the Las Vegas office .• Thomas W. Richter, CE, has been named to the new position of director of special facilities projects for the Archdiocese of St. Loui s. His primary responsibility is the renovati on of th e Archdiocesan Pasto ral Center in Shrewsbury, Mo. Officiall y, hi s duties will be to direct, faci litate and assist the staff of the Archdiocese of St. Louis in the planning, constru ction, occupation and ongoing operation of those buildings directl y under th e control of the archdiocesan ad ministrati on . • J. Kenneth Thompson, PetE: "After ' retirement ' from ARCO fo ll owin g a merger, I have started my own corporation , Pacific Rim Leadership Development, which specializes in execu ti ve team coaching and mentoring services."

1974 Robert J. Crenshaw, CSci: " I recentl y completed 25 years with IBM and I am now working as a techni cal alliance manager with several software companies. My wife, Betty, is a graphic designer at Meredith College in Raleigh, N.C., and we live in Cary, N.C." • John Kinkead, Chem, just fini shed hi s first year at Vienna High SchooL "It 's great to be teaching chem istry and physics again ," he says. "My daughter, Jenni fe r, just graduated from UMR in biological sciences." • Dave Polakowski, ME, has accepted a new position as Program Manager for Flex tronics International's Product Introduction Center in Niwot, Colo., where he will be working with customers to rapid ly bring new products to market.

1975 Roger Lee Keller, MinE: "This year marks 25 years since graduation - the first time ! Can you beli eve it ? I' m planning on being in Rolla in October for my first homecoming since graduation. See you there'" • Stephen G. Suellentrop, PetE, MS PetE'75: "I moved to Hunt Oil Co. after the completion of BP's acquisition of ARCO." • James H. Williams, GGph, has retired after servin g as Missouri State Geologist and director of the Mi ssouri Department of Natural Resources' division of geology and land survey since 1986. Hi s career with the agency actually began 48 years ago when he joined the staff as a fi eld geologist.



1979 1983

William P. C larke. CE, MS CE ' 79. has C hris toph er A . Butta, PetE, has been been e lected president of the Engi neer's appo inted seni or vice president of Mi ller C lub of St. Lo ui s. The club is compri sed of and Lent s Ltd. Before join ing the fi rm as a over 1,000 area profess iona l engi neers, co nsulting petrol eum engineer, he \\lorked architec ts, ed ucato rs, executives a nd fo r ARCO O il and Gas Co .• Dennis W. bu siness admini strators, as well as men and Hi nn a h , GeoE, has been working on the wo me n in the techni ca l, sc ie nti fi c , Nort hstar Proj ect, whi ch includes the first educational , marketi ng. and lega l fields , who arct ic subsea o il pipelin e,· A nn A. Ihms, contribute to and influence the eco nomi c CerE, MS CerE' 83 : "We were very proud of growth and qua li ty of life in St. Loui s. He is the UMR Solar Car Team at Topeka, Ka n. c urre ntl y th e vice pres ident of des ign We enjoyed watchin g the Grand Pri x Race operati ons at Horner & Shi frin Inc. · Kevin there." • Renee Mi ll er. MetE: " I recentl y E isenbeis, CE, has been indu cted into th e accepted a pos iti on as a meta llurg ica l UM R Academy of C ivil E ngi neers. He is a engi neer with John Deere in Waterloo, Iowa. seni or vice presi dent of H arrin gton & It was diffi cult leav ing "Genero us" Motors Corte lyo u In c .. a co nsultin g e ngi neering and my fri ends in Indi anapo li s, but I am finn th at s pec ia li zes in tran spo rt atio n looki ng fo rwa rd to the fast pace of watching projects . • Kirk R. Hastain , CE, MS CE: corn grow in Iowa. I am stil l unmarri ed, "My wife, Linda, daughter Jocelyn and r wh ich is amazi ng considerin g my tale nt and have li ved in Alaska s ince 1989. I retired exceptional beauty (smile) - so if you from AReO, and I am pursuing pri vate know anyone ... Please tell the metallurgy bu siness acti vities." • Keith D. Strassner , department that it has been nearl y 20 years C hem: " 1 recentl y retu rned to Rolla as a and no one so far has asked me to tell them market in g manager fo r Brewer Science. the capacity of a gy ratory cru she r. But if any Emily (5) and Dav id (3) are adjusting to of my fell ow alums should ever appear on small town life." " W ho Wants To Be A Mil lionaire?" and that q uestion co mes up, I ca n be reached at 319292 -4876." • Michael J. Starbuck , GGph: 19 80s " During 2000, I spent a couple of twomonth stints in Jeddah, Saud i A rab ia , teaching G IS methods to the staff of the new ly establi shed Saudi Geo logical Survey. I a m work in g for the U nited States Geologica l Survey offi ce in Ro lla. Ed ith still 1981 works in the Geologica l Survey Program of Oscar Berryman, EE, was recently named the M issou ri De partment of Natu ra l plant manager for Muscatine, Reso urces." Iowa, facility . • John A. Kelmelis , EMgt, completed his master's stud ies at UMR 1984 whil e working as a cartogra ph er at the Larry T. Birkner, ME: "1'm still wo rk ing at U nited States Geo logical Survey's Mid- Acme Steel (www.acmes teeico.co m) as a Contin ent Mapping Center in Roll a. He process coo rdinator. We resi de in went on to earn his PhD . in geography at Homewood, Ill.. a suburb of C hi cago." • Penn sy lvania State Uni vers ity and is now Fouad Hicham Ma tragi, EE, is di rector the associate chi ef of the national mappin g and owner of Neu ro-D iagnosti cs In c., a div is ion of the USGS , headqua rtered in med ica l ma nage ment co mp any w hi c h Reston, Va .· Peggy A. Scholtes , BioS, is employs a staff of 40 .• C lay Melugi n , EE: cu rrently teaching bi ology at Bird High "I fi nally started my ow n co mpany. What Schoo l. a thril l to be ab le to create at the ultimate level. C heck us o ut at 1982 www.con sulta ntl ocator.com . Thanks to al l Vicki Sue Johnson , AE: "I' m settled in as my fri ends for support." • Daniel P. Mo r r is, associate director of the Nationa l Institu te ME: " j recentl y started a new job wi th DCA for Aviat io n Resea rch at Wichi ta S tate Inc. in Cus hing, Okla. I co ntinu e to li ve in Uni vers ity. It's defi nitel y not Florida, but O'Fall on, Mo. , w ith my wife Na tali e, son [ ' m reall y enj oy ing the c hange." • Edward E ri c (8), and two daughters, Katie (6) and Ruebling, ME, has been worki ng for VECO Vi ctoria (3)." · Patricia M. O ' Brien, EMgt: Engineering in Anchorage, Alaska, fo r s ix " I am havi ng a great tim e as a stay-at-home years. " We perform mainte nan ce mom to my three c hildre n: Erin(3) , e ngi neerin g on th e lrans-Alaska pipel in e Tomm y(2) and Bre ndan (2) ." • Ray mond E. fro m Prudh oe Bay to Va ld ez. We 've W illia m s, ME, has joined the law fi rm of snowmob il ed alm os t 1,000 mil es thi s yea r. He nry, He nry, Henry, Enge lbrec ht and Wil d Ri vers beco me superhi ghways in the Wi lli ams Pc. in West Plains, Mo. He will wi nte r. It 's li ke living in a bi g national park ." focu s hi s law practice on re presentin g • Tim Toomey, GeoE: " My com pan y, indiv id uals and their fam ili es throughout th e Subsurface Remed iation Technologi es In c. , Ozarks in matters invo lving personal injury, is now 10 yea rs old. My son is 4 years olel , wro ngfu l death, medical malpract ice, and al l is we ll." produ cts li abi lit y, e mpl oy ment

Alumni Notes

Alumnus presented with MSPE award; two others become officers

William P. Clarke, CE'74, MS CE'79, of St. Louis rece ived the Private Practice Distinguished Service Award last summer from the Missouri Society of Professional Engineers' private practice division. Clarke is vice president of design operations for Horner & Shifrin Inc. of St. Louis and also is president of the Engineers Club of St. Louis. His other professional activities include chairing the Missouri Section of the American Water Works Association and membership in the Missouri Water Environment Association, Water Environment Federation, Missouri Water and Wastewater Conference, the Bi-State Water Supplier Association and the UMR Academy of Civil Engineers.

In other MSPE news: • Kevin C, Skibiski , CE'75, MS CE'76, of Ozark, Mo, was named MSPE's president-elect. He is department head for special projects at Scott Consulting Engineers in Springfield, Mo. • Marie A. Collins, MS CE'89, of Maryland Heights, Mo., was named MSPE's treasurer. She is manager of plan review for Metropolitan Sewer District of St. Louis.

Carson appointed director of home for children

Wayne K. Carson , CE'82, has been named executive director of All Church Home for Children in Fort Worth, Texas. The organization provides residential group care, foster care, in-home services and other services for youth between the ages of 5 and 18.

Prior to this appointment, Carson was vice president of operations for Praes id ium Inc., a consulting firm in Arlington, Texas, that specializes in consultation for organizations serving children and vulnerable ad ul ts. Since 1995 he also has served the University of Texas at Arlington as project manager for a study of community policing in the Dallas Police Department under a grant from the National Institute of Justice.

Carson's appointment was announced Aug. 31, 2000.

Class of 1990 Marylou Legsdin, Pete Legsdin

Cl ass of 1995 Nicole Hines, Emily Hines, Gary Hines

Cl ass of 2000 Joe Schmidberger, Richard Words

Looking for a Job? UMR has online resume referral service lone-year registration for $301 and includes a year's subscription to JOBTRAK. To register call 573-341-4229.

discrim inati on, crimin al defense and es tate planning. He said he is look in g forward to assisti ng local fa milies with their legal needs.

1985 Dave Ahlvers. eE, EMgt, was announced as the new distri ct manager of the iVli ssouri Department of Transportati on's Di stri ct One ofli ce in St. Joseph. The di stri ct covers 12 count ies in north west Missouri go in g east to Harrison, Dav ies and Caldwell co unties and then west to Cli nton and Buchanan . • Ancell Mark Atkins, PetE. reports that he is still in Atlanta work ing for Lockheed Martin as an air vehi cle eng in eerin g manager.· Sherry L . Davis. CSci: "New house, new job, sam e kids!" • William L. Kovacich. MetE: "[ recently accepted a promoti on to senior development engin eer with Caterpill ar's ad vanced compact ing technology group. I' m he lpi ng develop techn iq ues to enhance diversifi cat ion of powder metal components." · Mark Layne. PetE: "We had a busy year. We adopted a beaut iful baby boy, John David, and started our own business (www.all-lIc.com) ... . Kevi n Truman, CE, has been inducted into the UMR Academy of Ci vil Engineers. He is currentl y the chair of the department of civil engineering at Washington Uni versity in St. Louis . • Mark J , 'Varner, GeoE: "We have relocated to Austin, Texas. I am now with Growth Capital Partners, a private merchant banking group foc lI sed on rai sing pri va te equ ity and performi ng merger and acq ui sition adviso ry wo rk for technology dri ven compani es in Texas." • Bary EE: "Penn y, Amber ( 19), Weston (9) and I are doin g fin e here in Tu lsa. Okla. Work at Will iams is going well."

1986 Kevin Knocke. EE: "The kids are growing up way LOa fast. Julie and I are continuing our hobby of playing golf around the worl d. Thi s summ er we are playing in Bermuda." • Lou McKenzie. MS Phys: "1 am now Lou Mack. My wonderful hu sband and I were married in August of 1999 and now li ve in Florid a, where I teac h physics at the high school and local co mmunity co ll ege." • James K. Pazdera, EE: "1 have recentl y assumed the positi on of co ntrol sys tems manager at the Citgo refin ery in Lake Charles, La" · Raymond Rehm, ME: "Ju st a qui ck note to let you know that I have rece ntl y transferred to a Loc kh eed Ma rtin pos it ion supporting NASA at Johnson Space Center in Houston. My wife. Kathy. and two chil dren, Teresa(5) and Dani el(2), are gettin g settl ed in ." · Jacquelin Sell e. Eng l: " I am enjoying the fl ex ibil ity or my self employ ment as a deskto p publisher and tutor. It all ows me more time to spend wit h Nicholas (7) and our twins. Caitlin and Cri stin (4).

1987 Thomas Beebe. PetE: "My emp loyer. Altura Energy. was sold to Occ idental Petroleum in April ." • Jo hn Ha ukap. ME: " I was married to Carol Shay on May 6. 2000, in St. Loui s, Mo .. and had a wonderful honeymoon in St. Lucia. " · John J . Howard , CerE: ''A tornado rece ntl y destroyed three car dealershi ps nearby and littered our neighborhood with debri s. Nobody was hurt. You mi ght say it was a surgical strike ." • Pa ul S. Korinko. MetE: " I moved from Indianapoli s in May of 1998 to th e sunny so uth. The fa mi ly is all settled in. Ya' lI come visit." • Steve Sieckhaus, CE, lefl. has been promoted to vice president of operations and named prin cipal at Clayco I Construction Co. He joined the co mpany in 1995 as a projec t manager, then was promoted to seni or project manager in 1998 to open Clayco's first regional offi ce in Chi cago, n1 . Clayco is the nation's 120th largest general contractin g company.

1988 Kevin L. Marrs. EE: " Vicki and I are enj oying our three children and the ni ce weather in Southern Cal iforni a .... Curtis M. Schroeder, CSci: ''I'm still workin g at Lockheed Marti n. My wife, Joan, and I are still enjoy ing being first-time homeowners in At lanta, Ga.'" Thomas Wham, ME. was rece ntl y promoted to vice presid ent of member services at Mastercard Intenl ati onal in St. Louis.


1990 Michael Becher. ME: ." am enjoying life with my wife, Mary, and our four chil dren, Adam (6). Emil y (5). Elai na (3) and Simon (9 months) in Topeka, Kan ." • T heodore T. Riegel. GeoE: "Currently owner of Bacchus and Rockwell 's Rare Co in s and In vestments. Have 8-year-old twin boys."

1991 Mary F. Becher. MetE: "I am enj oying life with my husband , Mike, and our four children. Adam (6), Emil y (5). Elain a (3) and Simon (9 months) in Topeka, Kan . No one told me in co ll ege th at domestic engineeri ng and famil y management was so chall enging!' · • De-Yi n Jeng, CerE: " I am currentl y a project leader at YTCA . workin g on chemi cal gas sensors. " · Chris Kennedy. Hi st: " Both Susa n and I are still in the Air Force. We're lookin g forward to moving to Elmerdorf Air Fo rce Base in Alaska thi s summ er. Susa n is still in th e civil engineerin g fi eld, and I am fl yin g the C- 130. We recent ly added to our famil y with the birth of our son. John. in October of 1999." Jason McHaney. ChemE'9 1. and Kathy Fi llmer i\'lcHaney. are the proud parents of Martha


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